
欧州プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会データブック - 市場規模・予測、消費者態度・行動、小売支出 - 2023年第1四半期アップデート

Europe Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook – Market Size and Forecast, Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend - Q1 2023 Update

プリペイドカードのエコシステムは、欧州全域で過去3~4年にわたり一貫した成長を記録しています。オンラインショッピングへの移行が進み、インターネットの普及率が高まったことで、プリペイドカードは多くの消... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2023年3月15日 US$9,900
1,915 英語





- PYMNTSのレポートによると、ドイツでは店頭での取引のうち20%がデジタルウォレットを使って完了しています。一方、国内のオンライン取引全体の44%がデジタルウォレットで完結しています。様々なデジタルウォレットがある中で、ドイツ人が好むのはPayPalで、国内のオンライン取引全体の37%を占めています。


- 2022年9月、大手モバイル決済プロバイダーの1つであるSatispayは、10億ユーロ以上の評価額で3億2000万ユーロを調達したことを発表しました。現在、同社は3,000,000人のユーザーと200,000の加盟店にサービスを提供しています。新たな資本により、同社は製品ポートフォリオを拡大し、同時に地理的なフットプリントも拡大する予定です。
- 2022年10月、ティーンに特化したプリペイドカードプロバイダーであるGoHenryも、同社がさらなる成長と地理的拡大を推進するため、資金調達ラウンドで5500万米ドルを調達したことを発表した。2022年、GoHenryは同様のフィンテック企業であるPixpayも買収し、Pixpayがこのセグメントのリーディングプレーヤーであるフランスやスペインなどの欧州市場でプレゼンスを確立しました。


- 2022年11月、トラベルテクノロジーのアマデウスは、同地域で決済に特化した新ビジネスを立ち上げる予定であることを発表した。その製品提供の第一弾は、仮想プリペイドカードになる見込みです。
- 新事業体であるOutpayceの目標は、顧客にシームレスな旅行決済体験を提供することである。同社はすでに電子マネーのライセンスを申請しており、スペイン銀行からの認可を待っているところです。

PayNXT360によると、欧州のプリペイドカード市場(金額ベース)は、2018年から2022年にかけてCAGR7.6%で増加しました。2023年から2027年の予測期間では、CAGR 9.1%を記録し、2022年の2515億3000万米ドルから増加し、2027年には3959億3000万米ドルに達すると予測されます。


- 市場ダイナミクス欧州のプリペイドカードおよびデジタルウォレット業界の規模や構造、業界力学、市場動向、消費者の態度や行動、競争環境について包括的に解説しています。

- デジタルウォレットのセグメント:デジタルウォレットにおける5つの主要な消費カテゴリーについて、金額、数量、トランザクションあたりの平均金額を提供します。小売、旅行、エンターテインメントとゲーム、レストラン、リチャージと請求書支払いなどが含まれます。

- オープンループとクローズドループプリペイドカード:市場推定と予測で機会を評価 13のオープンループとクローズドループプリペイド市場セグメント。4つの重要なKPI(カード発行枚数、取引数、ロードバリュー、取引額)を詳述。

- 消費者の意識と行動独自の調査結果をもとに、年齢、性別、所得水準別の消費額など、プリペイドの主要なKPIを特定し解釈しています。

- 小売店での支出小売支出:小売支出を11のカテゴリーに分類し、消費者行動とプリペイドカード支出の力学の変化に関する詳細な洞察を提供します。

2.オーストリア プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会データブック
3.ベルギー プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会 Databook
4.デンマーク プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会 Databook
5.フィンランド プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会データブック
6.フランス プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会データブック
7.ドイツ プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会データブック
9.イタリア プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会データブック
10.オランダ プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会データブック
11.ノルウェー プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会データブック
12.ポーランド プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会データブック
13.スペイン プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会データブック
14.スウェーデン プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会 Databook



This title from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining one regional and 15 country reports:

1. Europe Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
2. Austria Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
3. Belgium Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
4. Denmark Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
5. Finland Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
6. France Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
7. Germany Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
8. Greece Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
9. Italy Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
10. Netherlands Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
11. Norway Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
12. Poland Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
13. Spain Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
14. Sweden Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
15. Switzerland Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
16. United Kingdom Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook

All regional and country reports mentioned above will have the following tables of contents:

1.About this Report
2.Prepaid Payment Instrument Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
2.1.Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
2.2.Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
2.3.Prepaid Payment Instrument – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
2.4.Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card vs. Digital Wallet, 2018-2027
3.Digital Wallet Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
3.1.Digital Wallet – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
3.2.Digital Wallet – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
3.3.Digital Wallet – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
3.4.Digital Wallet Market Share Analysis by Key Segments
4.Digital Wallet Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Segments
4.1.Retail Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.1.1.Retail Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.1.2.Retail Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.1.3.Retail Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.2.Travel Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.2.1.Travel Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.2.2.Travel Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.2.3.Travel Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.3.Restaurants & Bars payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.3.1.Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.3.2.Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.3.3.Restaurants & Bars payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.4.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.4.1.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.4.2.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.4.3.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.5.Recharge and Bill Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.5.1.Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.5.2.Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.5.3.Recharge and Bill Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
5.Prepaid Card Industry Market Attractiveness
5.1.Prepaid Card Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
5.1.1.Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
5.1.2.Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
5.1.3.Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
5.1.4.Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
5.2.Market Share Analysis by Functional Attributes – Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
5.3.Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card Categories
6.Open Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2018-2027
6.1.Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators
6.1.1.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
6.1.2.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
6.1.3.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
6.1.4.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
7.Closed Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2018-2027
7.1.Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators
7.1.1.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
7.1.2.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
7.1.3.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
7.1.4.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
8.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
8.1.General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
8.2.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
8.2.1.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Unbanked / Underbanked Segment, 2018-2027
8.2.2.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Banked Segment, 2018-2027
9.Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
9.1.Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
9.2.Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute
9.2.1.Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
9.2.2.Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
9.3.Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments
9.3.1.Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Retail Consumer Segment
9.3.2.Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Corporate Consumer Segment
9.4.Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
9.4.1.Retail Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
9.4.2.Corporate Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
10.Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.1.Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
11.2.Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute
11.2.1.Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
11.2.2.Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
12.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
12.1.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
12.2.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
12.2.1.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
12.2.2.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
12.2.3.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
12.2.4.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
13.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
13.1.Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
13.2.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
13.2.1.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
13.2.2.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
13.2.3.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
13.2.4.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
14.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
14.1.Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
14.2.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
14.2.1.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.2.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.3.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.4.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
15.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
15.1.Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
15.2.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
15.2.1.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Retail, 2018-2027
15.2.2.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.3.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.4.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.5.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
16.Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
17.Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
18.Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
19.Fuel Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
20.Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
21.Further Reading
21.1.About PayNXT360
21.2.Related Research



All country reports mentioned above will have the following tables:

Table 1: Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 2: Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 3: Prepaid Payment Instrument – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 4: Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card vs. Digital Wallet, 2018-2027
Table 5: Digital Wallet – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 6: Digital Wallet – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 7: Digital Wallet – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 8: Retail Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 9: Retail Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 10: Retail Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 11: Travel Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 12: Travel Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 13: Travel Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 14: Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 15: Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 16: Restaurants & Bars payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 17: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 18: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 19: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 20: Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 21: Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 22: Recharge and Bill Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 23: Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 24: Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 25: Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 26: Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 27: Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
Table 28: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 29: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 30: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 31: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 32: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 33: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 34: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 35: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 36: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 37: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Unbanked / Underbanked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 38: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Banked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 39: Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 40: Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 41: Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 42: Prepaid Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 43: Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Corporate Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 44: Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 45: Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 46: Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 47: Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 48: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 49: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 50: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 51: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 52: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 53: Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 54: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 55: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 56: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 57: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 58: Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 59: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 60: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 61: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 62: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 63: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 64: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 65: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 66: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 67: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 68: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 69: Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 70: Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 71: Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 72: Fuel Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 73: Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2017-204





The prepaid card ecosystem has recorded consistent growth over the last three to four years across Europe. Driven by increasing shifts to online shopping channels and internet penetration rates, prepaid payment instruments have become the preferred payment choice for most consumers.
Providers are also raising capital to expand their operations in more European markets, to capitalize on the growing trend of digital payments in the region. Overall, PayNXT360 maintains a robust growth outlook for the prepaid card industry in Europe over the next three to four years.

Germany has the highest share of digital payment transactions for in-store shopping across Europe

Along with the growing market share in the online shopping space, the share of digital wallet transactions is also growing in the offline category, with more and more shoppers using the payment method for offline purchases. Across Europe, the trend is increasing. However, it is Germany that is leading the other European countries.
• According to a report from PYMNTS, 20% of all in-store transactions are completed using digital wallets in Germany. On the other hand, 44% of the overall domestic online transactions are completed using digital wallets. Of the various digital wallets that are available, Germans prefer PayPal, which accounts for 37% of all online transactions in the country.
This shows that Germany represents a huge growth potential market for PayPal to further pursue its super app strategy. Along with Germany, the preference for digital wallets is also growing among Italians. France is also experiencing growth in digital wallet adoption among consumers. With these trends expected to further continue, PayNXT360 expects the prepaid card industry to record strong growth over the next three to four years.

Payments firms are funding round to further accelerate their expansion in the European region

With the European prepaid card market becoming increasingly competitive, firms are seeking to raise capital from venture capital and private equity firms, thereby assisting them to expand their product portfolio and geographic expansion.
• In September 2022, Satispay, one of the leading mobile payments providers, announced that the firm had raised €320 million, at a more than €1 billion valuation. Currently, the firm is serving 3,000,000 users and 200,000 merchants. With the fresh capital, it plans to expand its product portfolio, while also expanding its geographical footprint.
• In October 2022, GoHenry, a teen-focused prepaid card provider, also announced that the firm had raised US$55 million in a funding round to further drive its growth and geographical expansion. In 2022, GoHenry also acquired Pixpay, a similar fintech firm, to build its presence in European markets such as France and Spain, where Pixpay is the leading player in the segment.
As the competition continues to grow in the European prepaid card industry, PayNXT360 expects more firms to raise funding rounds. This will further drive innovation in the region, thereby assisting the industry's growth.

New players are seeking to enter the European prepaid card market with new product launches in 2023

The European prepaid card market offers a high and lucrative growth potential. With the industry projected to record strong growth over the next five years, more and more players are seeking to enter the market with new product launches. For instance,
• In November 2022, Amadeus, the travel technology firm, announced that it is planning to launch a new payments-focused business in the region. The first of its product offering is expected to be a virtual prepaid card.
• The goal of the new business entity, Outpayce, is to provide clients with a seamless travel payments experience. The firm has already applied for an eMoney license and is awaiting approval from the Bank of Spain.
With the approval expected to be granted early in 2023, the entry of Amadeus in the European prepaid card industry will further drive competition in the industry from the short to medium-term perspective.

According to PayNXT360, the prepaid card market (value terms) in Europe increased at a CAGR of 7.6% during 2018-2022. Over the forecast period of 2023 to 2027, the market is expected to record a CAGR of 9.1%, increasing from US$251.53 billion in 2022 to reach US$395.93 billion by 2027.

This report provides a detailed data centric analysis of prepaid payment instruments, covering spend through prepaid cards and digital wallets across retail and corporate consumer segments. In addition, it provides a snapshot of consumer behaviour and retail spend dynamics in Europe. With over 100 KPIs at country level, this report provides comprehensive understanding of prepaid card and digital wallet card market dynamics.

• Market dynamics: Provides a comprehensive view on size and structure, industry dynamics, market trends, consumer attitude and behaviour, and competitive landscape in prepaid card and digital wallet industry in Europe.

• Digital wallet segments: Provides value, volume and average value per transaction across 5 key spend categories in digital wallet. This includes retail, travel, entertainment and gaming, restaurant, and recharge and bill payment.

• Open loop and closed loop prepaid cards: market estimates and forecasts to assess opportunities 13 open loop and closed loop prepaid market segments. Details four essential KPIs – number of cards in circulation, number of transactions, load value, and value of transactions.

• Consumer attitude and behaviour: Drawing from proprietary survey results, this report identifies and interprets key prepaid KPIs, including spend by age, gender, and income level.

• Retail spend: Breaks down retail spend across 11 categories to provide detailed insights on consumer behaviour and changing dynamics of prepaid card spend.
This title from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining one regional and 15 country reports:

1. Europe Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
2. Austria Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
3. Belgium Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
4. Denmark Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
5. Finland Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
6. France Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
7. Germany Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
8. Greece Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
9. Italy Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
10. Netherlands Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
11. Norway Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
12. Poland Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
13. Spain Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
14. Sweden Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
15. Switzerland Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
16. United Kingdom Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook


Table of Contents

This title from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining one regional and 15 country reports:

1. Europe Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
2. Austria Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
3. Belgium Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
4. Denmark Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
5. Finland Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
6. France Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
7. Germany Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
8. Greece Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
9. Italy Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
10. Netherlands Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
11. Norway Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
12. Poland Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
13. Spain Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
14. Sweden Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
15. Switzerland Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook
16. United Kingdom Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook

All regional and country reports mentioned above will have the following tables of contents:

1.About this Report
2.Prepaid Payment Instrument Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
2.1.Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
2.2.Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
2.3.Prepaid Payment Instrument – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
2.4.Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card vs. Digital Wallet, 2018-2027
3.Digital Wallet Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
3.1.Digital Wallet – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
3.2.Digital Wallet – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
3.3.Digital Wallet – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
3.4.Digital Wallet Market Share Analysis by Key Segments
4.Digital Wallet Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Segments
4.1.Retail Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.1.1.Retail Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.1.2.Retail Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.1.3.Retail Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.2.Travel Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.2.1.Travel Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.2.2.Travel Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.2.3.Travel Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.3.Restaurants & Bars payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.3.1.Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.3.2.Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.3.3.Restaurants & Bars payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.4.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.4.1.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.4.2.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.4.3.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.5.Recharge and Bill Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.5.1.Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.5.2.Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.5.3.Recharge and Bill Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
5.Prepaid Card Industry Market Attractiveness
5.1.Prepaid Card Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
5.1.1.Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
5.1.2.Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
5.1.3.Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
5.1.4.Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
5.2.Market Share Analysis by Functional Attributes – Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
5.3.Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card Categories
6.Open Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2018-2027
6.1.Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators
6.1.1.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
6.1.2.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
6.1.3.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
6.1.4.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
7.Closed Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2018-2027
7.1.Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators
7.1.1.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
7.1.2.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
7.1.3.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
7.1.4.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
8.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
8.1.General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
8.2.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
8.2.1.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Unbanked / Underbanked Segment, 2018-2027
8.2.2.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Banked Segment, 2018-2027
9.Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
9.1.Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
9.2.Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute
9.2.1.Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
9.2.2.Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
9.3.Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments
9.3.1.Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Retail Consumer Segment
9.3.2.Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Corporate Consumer Segment
9.4.Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
9.4.1.Retail Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
9.4.2.Corporate Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
10.Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.1.Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
11.2.Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute
11.2.1.Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
11.2.2.Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
12.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
12.1.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
12.2.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
12.2.1.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
12.2.2.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
12.2.3.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
12.2.4.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
13.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
13.1.Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
13.2.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
13.2.1.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
13.2.2.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
13.2.3.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
13.2.4.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
14.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
14.1.Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
14.2.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
14.2.1.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.2.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.3.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.4.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
15.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
15.1.Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
15.2.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
15.2.1.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Retail, 2018-2027
15.2.2.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.3.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.4.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.5.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
16.Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
17.Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
18.Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
19.Fuel Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
20.Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
21.Further Reading
21.1.About PayNXT360
21.2.Related Research


List of Tables/Graphs

All country reports mentioned above will have the following tables:

Table 1: Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 2: Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 3: Prepaid Payment Instrument – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 4: Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card vs. Digital Wallet, 2018-2027
Table 5: Digital Wallet – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 6: Digital Wallet – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 7: Digital Wallet – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 8: Retail Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 9: Retail Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 10: Retail Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 11: Travel Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 12: Travel Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 13: Travel Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 14: Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 15: Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 16: Restaurants & Bars payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 17: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 18: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 19: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 20: Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 21: Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 22: Recharge and Bill Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 23: Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 24: Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 25: Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 26: Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 27: Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
Table 28: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 29: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 30: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 31: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 32: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 33: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 34: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 35: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 36: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 37: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Unbanked / Underbanked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 38: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Banked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 39: Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 40: Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 41: Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 42: Prepaid Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 43: Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Corporate Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 44: Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 45: Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 46: Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 47: Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 48: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 49: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 50: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 51: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 52: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 53: Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 54: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 55: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 56: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 57: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 58: Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 59: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 60: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 61: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 62: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 63: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 64: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 65: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 66: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 67: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 68: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 69: Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 70: Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 71: Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 72: Fuel Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 73: Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2017-204






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