
米国プリペイドカードとデジタルウォレットのビジネスと投資機会データブック - 市場規模・予測、消費者態度・行動、小売支出 - 2023年第1四半期アップデート

United States Prepaid Card and Digital Wallet Business and Investment Opportunities Databook – Market Size and Forecast, Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend - Q1 2023 Update

米国では、プリペイド式決済手段が消費者の間で人気を博しており、プリペイドカード業界の成長を後押ししています。このことは、電子商取引市場の拡大と相まって、同国におけるプリペイドカードの取引額と取引量... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2023年3月15日 US$2,400
120 英語





- 2022年11月、Visaはサウジ・ブリティッシュ銀行およびサウジ・ペイメントと提携を結びました。この提携により、両社は企業や法人向けのプリペイド式調達カードを発売しました。
- 2022年9月、Visaは米国を拠点とするフィンテック企業DailyPayおよびThe Bancorp Bankと提携を結んだ。注目すべきは、両社が汎用リローダブルプリペイドカードを発売したことで、従業員は雇用主からゼロコストで給料日前に給与にアクセスできるようになりました。



- 2022年10月、VenmoはAmazonと提携したことを発表し、米国のオンラインショッピング利用者がモバイルウォレットサービスを利用して支払いを行うことを可能にしました。9,000万人の強力なユーザーベースを持つこの提携は、両社にとって収益の増加を促進することができます。Venmoは、Eコマース業界のリーダーと提携することで、個人間決済のカテゴリーでシェアを拡大することができますが、Amazonは、Venmoのユーザーが他のプリペイド決済手段と比較して、より頻繁にオンラインショッピングを行うため、収益の増加を促進することができます。


- 旅行関連の支払いにデジタルウォレットを利用している消費者は、食事の宅配サービスにもこの支払い方法を利用しています。このような相互の結びつきが、米国におけるプリペイドカード市場の成長を促しています。




- 市場ダイナミクス米国におけるプリペイドカードおよびデジタルウォレット業界の規模や構造、業界力学、市場動向、消費者の態度や行動、競争環境について包括的な見解を提供します。

- デジタルウォレットのセグメント:デジタルウォレットにおける5つの主要な消費カテゴリーについて、金額、数量、トランザクションあたりの平均金額を提供します。小売、旅行、エンターテインメントとゲーム、レストラン、リチャージと請求書支払いなどが含まれます。

- オープンループとクローズドループプリペイドカード:市場推定と予測で機会を評価 13のオープンループとクローズドループプリペイド市場セグメント。4つの重要なKPI(カード発行枚数、取引数、ロードバリュー、取引額)を詳述。

- 消費者の意識と行動独自の調査結果をもとに、年齢、性別、所得水準別の消費額など、プリペイドの主要なKPIを特定し解釈しています。

- 小売店での支出小売支出を11のカテゴリーに分類し、消費者行動とプリペイドカード支出の力学の変化に関する詳細な洞察を提供します。



1.About this Report
2.Prepaid Payment Instrument Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
2.1.United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
2.2.United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
2.3.United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
2.4.Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card vs. Digital Wallet, 2018-2027
3.Digital Wallet Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
3.1.United States Digital Wallet – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
3.2.United States Digital Wallet – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
3.3.United States Digital Wallet – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
3.4.United States Digital Wallet Market Share Analysis by Key Segments
4.Digital Wallet Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Segments
4.1.Retail Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.1.1.Retail Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.1.2.Retail Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.1.3.Retail Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.2.Travel Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.2.1.Travel Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.2.2.Travel Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.2.3.Travel Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.3.Restaurants & Bars payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.3.1.Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.3.2.Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.3.3.Restaurants & Bars payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.4.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.4.1.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.4.2.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.4.3.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.5.Recharge and Bill Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.5.1.Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.5.2.Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.5.3.Recharge and Bill Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
5.United States Prepaid Card Industry Market Attractiveness
5.1.Prepaid Card Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
5.1.1.United States Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
5.1.2.United States Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
5.1.3.United States Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
5.1.4.United States Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
5.2.Market Share Analysis by Functional Attributes – Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
5.3.Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card Categories
6.United States Open Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2018-2027
6.1.Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators
6.1.1.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
6.1.2.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
6.1.3.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
6.1.4.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
7.United States Closed Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2018-2027
7.1.Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators
7.1.1.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
7.1.2.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
7.1.3.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
7.1.4.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
8.United States Prepaid Card Consumer Usage Trends
8.1.Prepaid Card Spend Analysis by Age Group
8.2.Prepaid Card Transaction Value Analysis by Income Group
8.3.Prepaid Card Transaction Value Analysis by Gender
9.United States Prepaid Card Retail Spend Dynamics
10.United States General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
10.1.General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
10.2.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
10.2.1.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Unbanked / Underbanked Segment, 2018-2027
10.2.2.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Banked Segment, 2018-2027
11.United States Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.1.Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
11.2.Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute
11.2.1.Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
11.2.2.Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
11.3.Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments
11.3.1.Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Retail Consumer Segment
11.3.2.Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Corporate Consumer Segment
11.4.Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Retail Categories
11.5.Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
11.5.1.Retail Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
11.5.2.Corporate Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
12.United States Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
13.United States Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
13.1.Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
13.2.Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute
13.2.1.Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
13.2.2.Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
14.United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
14.1.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
14.2.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
14.2.1.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.2.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.3.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.4.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
15.United States Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
15.1.Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
15.2.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
15.2.1.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.2.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.3.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.4.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
16.United States Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
16.1.Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
16.2.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
16.2.1.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
16.2.2.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
16.2.3.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
16.2.4.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
17.United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
17.1.Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
17.2.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
17.2.1.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Retail, 2018-2027
17.2.2.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
17.2.3.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
17.2.4.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
17.2.5.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
18.United States Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
19.United States Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
20.United States Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
21.United States Fuel Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
22.United States Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
23.Further Reading
23.1.About PayNXT360
23.2.Related Research



Table 1: United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 2: United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 3: United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 4: United States Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card vs. Digital Wallet, 2018-2027
Table 5: United States Digital Wallet – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 6: United States Digital Wallet – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 7: United States Digital Wallet – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 8: Retail Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 9: Retail Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 10: Retail Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 11: Travel Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 12: Travel Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 13: Travel Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 14: Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 15: Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 16: Restaurants & Bars payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 17: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 18: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 19: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 20: Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 21: Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 22: Recharge and Bill Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 24: United States Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 25: United States Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 26: United States Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 27: United States Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 28: United States Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
Table 29: United States Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 30: United States Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 31: United States Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 32: United States Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 33: United States Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 34: United States Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 35: United States Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 36: United States Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 37: United States General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 38: United States General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Unbanked / Underbanked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 39: United States General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Banked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 40: United States Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 41: United States Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 42: United States Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 43: United States Prepaid Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 44: United States Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Corporate Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 45: United States Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 46: United States Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 47: United States Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 48: United States Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 49: United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 50: United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 51: United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 52: United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 53: United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 54: United States Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 55: United States Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 56: United States Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 57: United States Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 58: United States Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 59: United States Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 60: United States Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 61: United States Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 62: United States Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 63: United States Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 64: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 65: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 66: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 67: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 68: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 69: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 70: United States Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 71: United States Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 72: United States Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 73: United States Fuel Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 74: United States Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027





Prepaid payment instruments are growing in popularity among consumers in the United States, thereby assisting the prepaid card industry's growth. This coupled with the growing e-commerce market is driving prepaid card transaction value and volume in the country. Furthermore, to provide consumers with their preferred payment options, e-commerce marketplaces and prepaid payment instrument providers are forging strategic alliances. All of these factors are expected to keep driving the industry growth over the next three to four years in the United States.

Visa is seeking to expand its share in the global prepaid card market through strategic collaborations

With the prepaid card industry recording strong growth globally, amid increasing demand for payment solution among businesses as well as consumers, Visa is forging strategic alliances to drive its market share.
• In November 2022, Visa forged an alliance with the Saudi British Bank and Saudi Payments. Under the collaboration, the firms launched a prepaid procurement card for businesses and corporates.
• In September 2022, Visa also entered into a partnership with United States-based fintech firm DailyPay and The Bancorp Bank. Notably, the firms have launched a general-purpose reloadable prepaid card, which allows employees to access their salaries before payday at zero cost from their employers.

These alliances are an indication that the firm is seeking to expand its market share in the prepaid card category, where Mastercard is also making big inroads. Like Visa, Mastercard also forged an alliance with AstroPay to launch a prepaid card for consumers in Brazil in November 2022. PayNXT360 expects these trends to further continue as the competition intensifies among Visa and Mastercard in the United States.

Venmo is seeking to expand its share in the person-to-merchant transactions category in the United States

Venmo is one of the leading mobile payment services in the United States. Owned by PayPal, the firm has a bigger share in the peer-to-peer transactions category; however, it is now planning to expand its presence in the person-to-merchant segment. As a result, the firm is forging strategic alliances in the United States.
• In October 2022, Venmo announced that the firm had partnered with Amazon, thereby allowing online shoppers in the United States to make their payments using the mobile wallet service. With a strong user base of 90 million, the collaboration can drive incremental revenue for both firms. While Venmo can drive its share in the person-to-merchant category by partnering with the leader in the e-commerce industry, Amazon can also drive incremental revenue as Venmo users make more frequent online purchases compared to other prepaid payment instruments.
From the short to medium-term perspective, PayNXT360 expects Venmo to enter into more such strategic alliances, as it continues to build on its success in the peer-to-peer category in the United States.

Digital wallets have driven sales for retailers in the United States during the Black Friday event

The surging inflation and interest rates were expected to dampen consumer spending during the 2022 Black Friday sales event. However, consumers spent over US$10 billion on online shopping during the event. Notably, the increasing usage of digital and mobile wallets has driven consumer spending during the 2022 Black Friday event.
Digital wallets have experienced a surge in usage in both the online and offline segments. As prepaid payment instruments are more widely accepted by retailers, consumers using the payment method for one activity are also using the service in adjacent sectors. For instance,
• Consumers who are using the digital wallet for travel-related payments are also using the payment method for their meal delivery services. This interconnectedness is driving the growth of the prepaid card market in the United States.

For retailers and merchants that are seeking to drive their revenue at a time when the nation is facing recessionary fears, incorporating digital payment methods such as mobile wallets is a robust strategy to drive long-term sales.

According to PayNXT360, the prepaid card market (value terms) in United States increased at a CAGR of 7.7% during 2018-2022. Over the forecast period of 2023 to 2027, the market is expected to record a CAGR of 10.5%, increasing from US$542.26 billion in 2022 to reach US$903.93 billion by 2027.

This report provides a detailed data centric analysis of prepaid payment instruments, covering spend through prepaid cards and digital wallets across retail and corporate consumer segments. In addition, it provides a snapshot of consumer behaviour and retail spend dynamics in United States. With over 100 KPIs at country level, this report provides comprehensive understanding of prepaid card and digital wallet card market dynamics.

• Market dynamics: Provides a comprehensive view on size and structure, industry dynamics, market trends, consumer attitude and behaviour, and competitive landscape in prepaid card and digital wallet industry in United States.

• Digital wallet segments: Provides value, volume and average value per transaction across 5 key spend categories in digital wallet. This includes retail, travel, entertainment and gaming, restaurant, and recharge and bill payment.

• Open loop and closed loop prepaid cards: market estimates and forecasts to assess opportunities 13 open loop and closed loop prepaid market segments. Details four essential KPIs – number of cards in circulation, number of transactions, load value, and value of transactions.

• Consumer attitude and behaviour: Drawing from proprietary survey results, this report identifies and interprets key prepaid KPIs, including spend by age, gender, and income level.

• Retail spend: Breaks down retail spend across 11 categories to provide detailed insights on consumer behaviour and changing dynamics of prepaid card spend.


Table of Contents

1.About this Report
2.Prepaid Payment Instrument Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
2.1.United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
2.2.United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
2.3.United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
2.4.Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card vs. Digital Wallet, 2018-2027
3.Digital Wallet Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
3.1.United States Digital Wallet – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
3.2.United States Digital Wallet – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
3.3.United States Digital Wallet – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
3.4.United States Digital Wallet Market Share Analysis by Key Segments
4.Digital Wallet Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Segments
4.1.Retail Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.1.1.Retail Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.1.2.Retail Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.1.3.Retail Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.2.Travel Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.2.1.Travel Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.2.2.Travel Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.2.3.Travel Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.3.Restaurants & Bars payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.3.1.Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.3.2.Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.3.3.Restaurants & Bars payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.4.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.4.1.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.4.2.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.4.3.Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
4.5.Recharge and Bill Payments Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
4.5.1.Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.5.2.Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
4.5.3.Recharge and Bill Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
5.United States Prepaid Card Industry Market Attractiveness
5.1.Prepaid Card Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators
5.1.1.United States Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
5.1.2.United States Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
5.1.3.United States Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
5.1.4.United States Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
5.2.Market Share Analysis by Functional Attributes – Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
5.3.Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card Categories
6.United States Open Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2018-2027
6.1.Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators
6.1.1.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
6.1.2.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
6.1.3.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
6.1.4.Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
7.United States Closed Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2018-2027
7.1.Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators
7.1.1.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
7.1.2.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
7.1.3.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
7.1.4.Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
8.United States Prepaid Card Consumer Usage Trends
8.1.Prepaid Card Spend Analysis by Age Group
8.2.Prepaid Card Transaction Value Analysis by Income Group
8.3.Prepaid Card Transaction Value Analysis by Gender
9.United States Prepaid Card Retail Spend Dynamics
10.United States General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
10.1.General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
10.2.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
10.2.1.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Unbanked / Underbanked Segment, 2018-2027
10.2.2.General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Banked Segment, 2018-2027
11.United States Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.1.Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
11.2.Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute
11.2.1.Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
11.2.2.Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
11.3.Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments
11.3.1.Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Retail Consumer Segment
11.3.2.Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Corporate Consumer Segment
11.4.Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Retail Categories
11.5.Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
11.5.1.Retail Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
11.5.2.Corporate Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion
12.United States Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
13.United States Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
13.1.Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
13.2.Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute
13.2.1.Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
13.2.2.Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
14.United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
14.1.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
14.2.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
14.2.1.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.2.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.3.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
14.2.4.Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
15.United States Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
15.1.Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
15.2.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
15.2.1.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.2.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.3.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
15.2.4.Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
16.United States Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
16.1.Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
16.2.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
16.2.1.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
16.2.2.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
16.2.3.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
16.2.4.Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
17.United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
17.1.Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2018-2027
17.2.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2018-2027
17.2.1.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Retail, 2018-2027
17.2.2.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2018-2027
17.2.3.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2018-2027
17.2.4.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2018-2027
17.2.5.Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2018-2027
18.United States Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
19.United States Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
20.United States Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
21.United States Fuel Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
22.United States Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
23.Further Reading
23.1.About PayNXT360
23.2.Related Research


List of Tables/Graphs

Table 1: United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 2: United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 3: United States Prepaid Payment Instrument – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 4: United States Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card vs. Digital Wallet, 2018-2027
Table 5: United States Digital Wallet – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 6: United States Digital Wallet – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 7: United States Digital Wallet – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 8: Retail Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 9: Retail Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 10: Retail Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 11: Travel Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 12: Travel Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 13: Travel Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 14: Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 15: Restaurants & Bars payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 16: Restaurants & Bars payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 17: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 18: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 19: Entertainment, Gaming, & Event Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 20: Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 21: Recharge and Bill Payments – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 22: Recharge and Bill Payments – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 24: United States Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 25: United States Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 26: United States Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 27: United States Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 28: United States Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
Table 29: United States Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 30: United States Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 31: United States Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 32: United States Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 33: United States Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 34: United States Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2018-2027
Table 35: United States Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2018-2027
Table 36: United States Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2018-2027
Table 37: United States General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 38: United States General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Unbanked / Underbanked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 39: United States General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Banked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 40: United States Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 41: United States Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 42: United States Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 43: United States Prepaid Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 44: United States Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Corporate Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 45: United States Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 46: United States Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 47: United States Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 48: United States Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 49: United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 50: United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 51: United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 52: United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 53: United States Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 54: United States Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 55: United States Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 56: United States Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 57: United States Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 58: United States Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 59: United States Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 60: United States Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 61: United States Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 62: United States Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 63: United States Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 64: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 65: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 66: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 67: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 68: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 69: United States Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 70: United States Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 71: United States Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 72: United States Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 73: United States Fuel Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
Table 74: United States Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027








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