
Distribution Automation Technologies

Distribution Automation Technologies


米国調査会社ナビガントリサーチ(Navigant Research)の調査レポートの調査レポート 「世界の分散型電力網自動化技術の市場分析と予測:防御、制御、自己修復、電圧調整技術、高度計測インフラスト... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
Guidehouse (旧Navigant Research)
2019年5月20日 US$3,950
3営業日程度 51 42 英語



米国調査会社ナビガントリサーチ(Navigant Research)の調査レポートの調査レポート「世界の分散型電力網自動化技術の市場分析と予測:防御、制御、自己修復、電圧調整技術、高度計測インフラストラクチャ(AMI)、グリッドソフトウェア、解析」は、分散型発電電力網の信頼性、透明性、回復力、柔軟性を向上させるために採用されている技術と戦略を特定し、論じている。スイッチ、ブレーカ、変電所・トランスなどの分散発電グリッドのコンポーネントと、ラインセンサや高度計測インフラストラクチャの採用についても分析している。2028年までの世界市場を予測している。主要企業を評価し、それぞれの強みと弱みについても記載している。

The distribution grid is among the most critical, dynamic, and fastest changing pieces of the 2019 electric grid. During the next decade, utilities around the world will make significant investment in distribution grids, specifically in distribution automation (DA). The importance of DA is consistent across all types of utilities. Ratepayer, regulator, and stakeholder demand for improved grid performance is driving much of this investment. The increasingly widespread deployments of distributed energy resources (DER) are also growing the market. 

The global DA market is growing significantly. Growth rates and market sizes correlate closely to the size, complexity, and age of a region’s distribution grids. Developed regions such as North America and Europe are witnessing high growth and significant DA deployments, while the pure size and rate of development of the distribution grid in Asia Pacific bolsters the market and its growth rate there. Developing regions typically include higher levels of automation for new construction, but existing grids in these areas are left unimproved. This situation drives an overall high growth rate for Latin America and the Middle East & Africa despite a lower overall market size.

This Navigant Research report identifies and discusses the technologies and strategies being deployed on the distribution grid to increase grid reliability, visibility, resiliency, and flexibility. This study provides an analysis of distribution grid components such as switches, breakers, and substation transformers as well as line sensors and AMI installations. Global market forecasts extend through 2028. The report also examines key industry players and their respective strengths and weaknesses. 

  • What is distribution automation (DA)?
  • Which DA solutions are utilities and distribution system operators deploying?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of DA deployments?
  • Which distribution grid assets are most significant for automation and most likely to be automated?
  • Which DA technologies have the highest growth potential?
  • Which companies are pushing the market forward?
  • What are the trends that are driving and slowing the market for DA? 
  • What is the forecast growth in the market for DA technologies?
  • Utilities and distribution network operators
  • Distribution grid equipment manufacturers
  • Distribution system operators
  • Software and solutions providers
  • DA solutions vendors
  • Government agencies
  • Distributed energy resources network owners and operators
  • Investor community



Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

1.1   Introduction

1.2   Report Scope

1.3   Key DA Technologies

1.4   Global DA Market Outlook

2. Market Issues

2.1   DA Overview

2.2   DA Models

2.3   DA Market Drivers

2.3.1   Grid Stability, Reliability, and Resiliency

2.3.2   DER Integration

2.3.3   PBR

2.3.4   Aging Distribution Assets

2.3.5   Urbanization and Electrification

2.4   DA Market Barriers

2.4.1   Aging Ratemaking Constructs

2.4.2   Financial Obstacles

2.4.3   Data and Cybersecurity Concerns

3. Technology Issues

3.1   Distribution Network Overview

3.1.1   North American vs. European Distribution System Designs

3.2   DA Components

3.3   DA Technologies

3.3.1   Substation Automation

3.3.2   VVO and Conservation Voltage Reduction   DER and VVO

3.3.3   FLISR and Feeder Automation

3.3.4   Sensing and Measurement on Distribution Transformers and Feeders

3.3.5   AMI

3.3.6   IT and Analytics

4. Key Industry Players

4.1   Introduction

4.1.1   ABB

4.1.2   Aclara

4.1.3   General Electric

4.1.4   Itron Inc.

4.1.5   Landis+Gyr

4.1.6   S&C Electric Company

4.1.7   Schneider Electric

4.1.8   Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories

4.1.9   Siemens AG

4.1.10   Varentec

5. Market Forecasts

5.1   Introduction

5.1.1   Market Forecast Methodology

5.2   Global Market Outlook

5.3   DA Technology Growth

5.4   Regional Forecasts and Analysis

5.4.1   North America

5.4.2   Europe

5.4.3   Asia Pacific

5.4.4   Latin America

5.4.5   Middle East & Africa

5.5   Conclusions and Recommendations

5.5.1   Recommendations for Utilities   Target High ROI Projects   Pursue Innovative Ratemaking Practices   Focus on High Effect Areas of the Grid   Automate for the Future—Not the Present

5.5.2   Recommendations for Vendors   Provide Options and Be Flexible   Become a Partner, Not Just a Vendor   Develop and Present the DA Business Case   Provide Retrofit and New Build Options at Multiple Price Points

6. Acronym and Abbreviation List

7. Table of Contents

8. Table of Charts and Figures

9. Scope of Study, Sources and Methodology, Notes


  • Annual DA Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, North America: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, Europe: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, Asia Pacific: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, Latin America: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, Middle East & Africa: 2019-2028
  • DA Revenue Market Share by Technology, World Markets: 2018
  • DA Revenue Market Share by Technology, World Markets: 2028
  • Distribution Network with Automation Components
  • North American versus European LV Distribution System Designs
  • Distribution Feeder Topologies
  • Annual DA Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Annual Substation Automation Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Annual FLISR and Feeder Automation Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Annual Feeder and Transformer Sensing and Measurement Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Annual VVO and CVR Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA IT and Analytics Systems Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Advanced AMI Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Annual Secondary Substation Automation Revenue, Europe: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, North America: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, Europe: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, Asia Pacific: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, Latin America: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Technology, Middle East & Africa: 2019-2028
  • Cumulative DA Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Cumulative DA Revenue by Technology, North America: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Category, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Category, North America: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Category, Europe: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Category, Asia Pacific: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Category, Latin America: 2019-2028
  • Annual DA Revenue by Category, Middle East & Africa: 2019-2028
  • Percentage of Annual DA Revenue by Category, World Markets: 2019-2028
  • DA Technology Market Segment Definitions







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