米国調査会社ナビガントリサーチ(Navigant Research)の調査レポート「モビリティの共有と電化は高学歴層で始まる」は、電気自動車のプレゼンスを構築する電気自動車メーカー、販売代理店(ディーラー)、大学のビジネスチャンスを論議している。大学市場の雇用者数、市場規模、既存のプログラム、研究のビジネスチャンス、フリートの電化、提携の可能性などを分析している。電気自動車の採用に関する理解についてスタッフや教職員を調査したアリゾナ州立大学のケーススタディも記載している。
American universities are pivotal to the plug-in EV (PEV) market. With higher levels of education, homeownership, and salaries than the average employee in the US, university employees are an ideal demographic with whom EV manufacturers and dealerships should build partnerships. Most universities in the US are in urban areas—ideal for EV carsharing programs and short-distance trips. Several other factors signify that university campuses are optimal for EV adoption and mobility programs.
Universities are partnering with technology manufacturers to test vehicle grid integration (VGI) technologies, automated vehicles, battery development, and wireless charging on campus. EV infrastructure companies are making charging simple by installing on-campus charging stations that connect to university ID cards to start charging. Partnerships built between universities and EV manufacturers can be multifaceted, involving research, education (including education of the manufacturer’s employees), university employee vehicle discounts, university fleet conversion, and sponsorships (athletics, research centers, etc.).
This Navigant Research report discusses opportunities for EV manufacturers, dealerships, and universities to build their EV presence. The study provides an analysis of the university market including employee demographics, market size, existing programs, research opportunities, fleet electrification, and partnership potential. It also includes a case study of Arizona State University where staff and faculty members were surveyed to understand EV adoption demographics.
Key Questions Addressed
How do university employees fit the ideal demographics for EV ownership?
What opportunities exist for EV manufacturers to partner with universities on research, targeted marketing, awareness building, and carshare deployment?
Which universities are already researching in the EV space?
What are benefits and strategies for expanding the EV market into universities?
How should EV manufacturers and mobility vendors act on the opportunity posed by universities?
Who Needs This Report
Electric vehicle manufacturers
Universities and colleges
Car dealerships
EV charging infrastructure companies
Vehicle grid integration companies
Investor community
Table of Contents
A Shared, Electrified, Clean, Reliable Vehicle Future
The University Community Is Ideal for PEV and MaaS Adoption
Environmental Issues Are Increasingly Important
Generational Differences in Vehicle Ownership Patterns
Creating Solutions for the Global EV Industry
University Research Strength
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System Requirements
Evaluating University Opportunities
Case Study: ASU
Fertile Ground for the EV Industry
Electrify the Fleet
Targeted Marketing
Building EV Awareness
More Research Required Into Campus EV Use Cases
List of Charts and Figures
R1 University and Current VGI and Other Commercialization Projects
List of Tables
AASHE STARS Program Credits for EV Programs
R1 Universities in Urban Locations with AASHE STARS Rankings