
ヒートポンプ式給湯器の市場:タイプ別(空気対空気、空気対水、水源、地熱、ハイブリッド)、貯蔵タンク別(500 Lまで、500-1,000 L、1,000 L以上)、冷媒タイプ別(R410A、R407C、R744)、定格容量別、エンドユーザー地域別 - 2028年までの世界予測

ヒートポンプ式給湯器の市場:タイプ別(空気対空気、空気対水、水源、地熱、ハイブリッド)、貯蔵タンク別(500 Lまで、500-1,000 L、1,000 L以上)、冷媒タイプ別(R410A、R407C、R744)、定格容量別、エンドユーザー地域別 - 2028年までの世界予測

Heat Pump Water Heater Market by Type (Air-to-Air, Air-to-Water, Water Source, Geothermal, Hybrid), Storage Tank (Up to 500 L, 500-1,000 L, Above 1,000 L), Refrigerant Type (R410A, R407C, R744), Rated Capacity, End User Region - Global Forecast to 2028

ヒートポンプ給湯器の世界市場は、2023年の52億米ドルから2028年には102億米ドルに成長すると推定され、予測期間中のCAGRは14.4%を記録すると予想されている。ヒートポンプ給湯器の需要拡大は、持続可能な開発に... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
2024年1月24日 US$4,950
通常2営業日以内 318 489 英語




"500リットルまでのヒートポンプ給湯器:ヒートポンプ給湯器市場の最大セグメント、貯蔵タンク容量別 "
エンドユーザー業種に基づき、ヒートポンプ給湯器市場は住宅用、商業用、工業用の3つに区分される。住宅用セグメントは2023-2028年の予測期間中、CAGR 15.7%で最も急成長するセグメントと予想される。これらのシステムのコンパクトな設計と適応性は、様々な居住空間に理想的であるだけでなく、様々な建築レイアウトや空間的制約にいかにうまく統合できるかを際立たせている。小さなアパート、広々とした一戸建て住宅、または複数階建ての建物にヒートポンプ給湯器をインストールすると、最小限のスペースが必要であることを保証します。これらのシステムの適応性とコンパクトな設計は、住宅分野の様々な居住空間に適しているだけでなく、多様な建築レイアウトや空間的制約にシームレスに統合する汎用性を強調しています。コンパクトなアパート、広々とした一戸建て住宅、または複数階建ての住宅に設置されているかどうかにかかわらず、ヒートポンプ給湯器のコンパクトなフットプリントは、最小限のスペース要件を保証します。都市化地域におけるエネルギー効率の高いHVACシステムの需要の高まり、コスト削減、環境意識は、ヒートポンプ給湯器で住宅のための最も急成長している市場となっています。

企業タイプ別:ティア1 60%、ティア2 25%、ティア3 15


ヒートポンプ給湯器市場は、幅広い地域で存在感を示す少数の大手企業によって支配されている。ヒートポンプ給湯器市場の主要プレーヤーは、パナソニックホールディング株式会社(日本)、LGエレクトロニクス(韓国)、ジョンソンコントロールズ-日立空調(日本)、三菱電機(日本)、およびTrane Technologies(米国)である。各社が採用した主な戦略には、新製品の発売、契約、協定、パートナーシップ、ジョイントベンチャー、買収、投資&拡張などがある。
- 国内および国際レベルでの政府の取り組みは、ヒートポンプ給湯器市場への投資の影響を増幅させます。財政的インセンティブ、補助金、規制支援を伴う強固な政策枠組みは、グリーン水素製造のためのヒートポンプ式給湯器の普及を後押ししている。初期費用が高い、インフラが整っていないなどの要因が市場の成長を抑制している。再生可能エネルギー源へのエネルギー転換の進展と急速な都市化は、ヒートポンプ給湯器市場で事業展開するプレーヤーに有利な機会をもたらすと予想される。
- 製品開発/イノベーション:ヒートポンプ給湯器市場は、環境に優しく、安全で持続可能な製品に対する需要の高まりに後押しされ、大幅な製品開発と技術革新を目の当たりにしている。各企業は、様々な用途に対応する高度なヒートポンプ給湯器技術の開発に投資している。
- 市場開発:パナソニック株式会社は、ヒートポンプを含むHVAC製品に関するより多くの選択肢を顧客に提供するため、冷暖房製品を発売する技術でシステムエア社と提携した。両社は、これらの製品について、それぞれ別の販売チャネルとブランドを持つことになる。
- 市場の多様化:ダイキン工業はこのほど、ポーランド・ウッチ州のクサヴェルフ工業団地にヒートポンプユニットの新工場を設立した。新生産拠点は2024年7月に操業を開始し、欧州で急増するヒートポンプ需要に対応する。
- 競争力の評価ヒートポンプ給湯器市場におけるパナソニックホールディング(日本)、LGエレクトロニクス(韓国)、ジョンソンコントロールズ日立空調(日本)、三菱電機(日本)、トラン・テクノロジーズ(米国)などの主要企業の市場シェア、成長戦略、サービス内容を詳細に評価。





The global heat pump water heater market is estimated to grow from USD 5.2 billion in 2023 to USD 10.2 billion by 2028; it is expected to record a CAGR of 14.4% during the forecast period. The growing demand for heat pump water heaters can be attributed to an increase in awareness for sustainable development. Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious and are seeking energy-efficient and sustainable heating solutions. The majority of governments around the globe are implementing various policies and schemes to promote the adoption of energy-efficient technologies, including heat pump water heaters. These supportive regulations have helped to drive the market's growth and increase consumer interest in sustainable and green heating solutions.
“Upto 500 Litres Heat pump water heaters: The largest segment of the heat pump water heater market, by Storage Tank Capacity “
Based on Storage tank capacity, the heat pump water heater market is categorized into three categories: up to 500 liters, 500–1,000 liters, and above 1,000 liters. According to 2022, Up to 500 liters segment is expected to be the largest segment. The market for heat pump water heaters has a lot of units with 500-liter storage tanks since efficiency, usability, and customer demand have all been carefully balanced. Because it can optimally consume energy while efficiently supplying hot water for daily home demands, this particular capability has become more and more common. Data from the Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program of the International Energy Agency (IEA) show that the average daily demand for hot water in homes in Europe is 24 liters per person. This indicates that heat pump water heaters larger than 500 liters are not always necessary for the residential sector, which makes them perfect for the home sector. The 500-liter tank achieves a balance that guarantees a plentiful supply of hot water without needless surplus, which could waste electricity. Its dimensions are in line with those of residential buildings, and it easily fits into the available places.
“By End user industry, Residential segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment during the forecast period.”
Based on the end user segment, the heat pump water heater market is segmented into three categories: residential, commercial, and industrial. The Residential segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment during the forecast period of 2023-2028 at a CAGR of 15.7%. These systems' compact design and adaptability not only make them ideal for a range of residential living spaces but they also highlight how well they integrate with a variety of architectural layouts and spatial restrictions. Installing heat pump water heaters in small apartments, roomy single-family homes, or multi-story buildings guarantees that the least amount of space is needed. The adaptability and compact design of these systems not only make them well-suited for a variety of living spaces within the residential sector but also underscore their versatility in seamlessly integrating with diverse architectural layouts and spatial constraints. Whether installed in compact apartments, spacious single-family homes, or multi-story residences, the compact footprint of heat pump water heaters ensures minimal space requirements. Growing demand for energy-efficient HVAC systems in urbanized areas, cost savings, environmental awareness have made the fastest growing market for residential in heat pump water heaters.
“North America is expected to be the second largest growing region in the heat pump water heater market.”
North America is expected to be the second largest region in the heat pump water heater market during the forecast period. North America is divided into the US, Canada, and Mexico. The North American heat pump market has expanded as demand for heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems has increased. Factors such as rising demand for ecologically friendly heating solutions, expansion of the residential and commercial building sectors, and technological advancements in heat pump water heaters are also contributing to market growth. It is utilized in a wide range of domestic, commercial, and industrial applications, including general manufacturing, chemical and petroleum, food and drinks, utilities, textile and leather, wood goods, metal, and others. There are numerous government incentives for heat pump water heaters in North America. For instance, the federal tax credits up to 30% of the cost of the equipment, i.e., $2,000 for heat pump water heaters, and there are also state-level or utility-level incentives available in many states.
Breakdown of Primaries:
In-depth interviews have been conducted with various key industry participants, subject-matter experts, C-level executives of key market players, and industry consultants, among other experts, to obtain and verify critical qualitative and quantitative information and assess future market prospects. The distribution of primary interviews is as follows:

By Company Type: Tier 1- 60%, Tier 2- 25%, and Tier 3- 15%
By Designation: C-Level- 35%, Director Level- 25%, and Others- 40%
By Region: North America- 36%, Europe- 19%, Asia Pacific- 33%, Rest of the World – 4%

Note: Others include sales managers, engineers, and regional managers.
Note: The tiers of the companies are defined on the basis of their total revenues as of 2022. Tier 1: > USD 1 billion, Tier 2: From USD 500 million to USD 1 billion, and Tier 3: < USD 500 million

The heat pump water heater market is dominated by a few major players that have a wide regional presence. The leading players in the heat pump water heater market are Panasonic Holding Corporation (Japan), LG Electronics (South Korea), Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning (Japan), Mitsubishi Electric (Japan), and Trane Technologies (US). The major strategy adopted by the players includes new product launches, contracts, agreements, partnerships, joint ventures, acquisitions, and investments & expansions.
Research Coverage:
The report defines, describes, and forecasts the global heat pump water heater market by, source, technology, generation and delivery mode, application, and region. It also offers a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of the market. The report comprehensively reviews the major market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges. It also covers various important aspects of the market. These include an analysis of the competitive landscape, market dynamics, market estimates in terms of value, and future trends in the heat pump water heater market.
Key Benefits of Buying the Report
• Government initiatives at the national and international levels amplify the impact of investment on the heat pump water heater market. Robust policy frameworks, often accompanied by financial incentives, subsidies, and regulatory support, encourage widespread adoption of heat pump water heaters for green hydrogen production. Factors such as high initial cost and lack of infrastructure restrain the growth of the market. The growing energy transition towards renewable energy sources and rapid urbanization are expected to present lucrative opportunities for the players operating in the heat pump water heater market.
• Product Development/ Innovation: The heat pump water heater market is witnessing significant product development and innovation, driven by the growing demand for environmentally friendly, safe and sustainable products. Companies are investing in developing advanced heat pump water heater technologies for various applications.
• Market Development: Panasonic Corporation partnered with Systemair on technology to launch heating and cooling products to offer its customers more options related to HVAC products, including heat pumps. Both companies will have their separate sales channels and branding for these products.
• Market Diversification: Daikin Industries, Ltd. has recently established a new factory for heat pump units at the Ksawerów Industrial Park in Lodz Province, Poland. The new production base will start operations in July 2024 to meet the rapidly increasing demand for heat pumps in Europe.
• Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of market shares, growth strategies, and service offerings of leading players, like include Panasonic Holding Corporation (Japan), LG Electronics (South Korea), Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning (Japan), Mitsubishi Electric (Japan), and Trane Technologies (US) among others in the heat pump water heater market





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