![]() 決済カード技術:セグメント分析、ベンダー戦略、2022-2026年市場予測PAYMENT CARD TECHNOLOGIES: SEGMENT ANALYSIS, VENDOR STRATEGIES & MARKET FORECASTS 2022-2026 ジュニパーリサーチの新しい調査レポート「決済カード技術」は、決済カード市場の進化について非常に詳細な分析を行っています。この分析では、決済カード分野で新たに出現したセグメントと、これらが今後果た... もっと見る
本レポートでは、Juniper ResearchのCompetitor Leaderboardで決済カード技術ベンダー15社を紹介しており、市場の競合状況を把握したい関係者に貴重なリソースを提供しています。
Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard:ペイメントカード技術ベンダー15社の主要プレイヤーの能力とキャパシティの評価。
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: ベンチマーク業界予測。メタルカード、生体認証カード、ダイナミックCVVカード、非接触型カード、その他のペイメントカードの使用量、出荷量、売上高を予測。また、データは8つの主要地域と以下の26カ国に分かれています。
Key Questions
Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboardに含まれる企業:allpay cards, CompoSecure, CPI Card Group, dzcard, Federal Card Services, Fingerprints, G+D, Goldpac, IDEMIA, Mastercard, Paragon ID, Thales, Valid, Visa, Zwipe。
参照企業。エールフランス、AmaTech Group 、Amazon、American Express、Apple、Asus、Avanti West Coast、中国銀行、ガーナ銀行、モントリオール銀行金融グループ、上海銀行、Banka Creditas、BBVA、ビューティフルカード株式会社、ブラックロック、BNP Paribas、Bundesdruckerei、Burall Infosmart、キャピタルワン、Chase、中国建設銀行、中国ユニコム、シティバンク、Coupa、Delta ID,地域社会自治省、ドイツメッセ、ダイナースクラブカード、ダイナースクラブインターナショナル、ディスカバー、イージーペイ、エディンバラ市議会、EFTソース、EMVco、ユーロペイ、エクステンド、ファイフカウンシル、Fiserv Polska、グアム政府、GSM、HDFC Bank、HID Global、ハイブリッジキャピタルマネジメント、HP、IDNow、インド連邦銀行、JCB、JPMorgan Chase,Keolis, KL HI-TECH, Klarna, LLR Capital, London Borough of Camden, London Borough of Southwark Council, Marqeta, N26, Natwest, NetLynch, Nets A/S, NHS, NXP Semiconductors, Nymi, Oberthur Technologies, Orange, Orbit Housing, Pagaya, Parallel49 Equity, PBOC, Pocztowy, Poste Italiane, Premier Card Solutions, PYMNTS, Quebec City, Rakuten, Revolut Manufacturing.Ltd., NXS、NXP、Oberthur、Parallels、PBOC、Poste Italiane、プレミアカードソリューション、PYMNTS、楽天、Revolut Manufacturing.Ltd,ロイヤルバンク・オブ・スコットランド、RuyPay、Safran Identity & Security、Samsung、Societe Generale、スタンダードバンク、スタンダードチャータード、スターバックス、バーモント州、ストックホルム証券取引所、スウェーデン銀行、Thames Technology、Tink、トランスファースト、ロンドン交通局、TSYS、UniCredit Group、UnionPay、Vocalink、ウェルズ・ファーゴ、WLA (White Label Alliance), Xiaomi, Yokoy.The University of America, Inc.
Juniper ResearchのPayment Card Technologiesの予測スイートには以下のものが含まれています。
Report Description
Juniper Research’s new Payment Card Technologies research report provides a highly detailed analysis of the evolution of the payment card market. This analysis features an examination of new segments emerging in the payment cards space and the role these will play going forward. The report also presents extensive market forecasts; delivering detailed insights and whole market sizing across cards in use, card shipments and accompanying revenue across the below segments:
The report also positions 15 payment card technologies vendors in our Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard; providing an invaluable resource for stakeholders seeking to understand the competitive landscape of the market.
This research suite comprises:
Market Dynamics: Provides a detailed assessment of how payment cards are evolving, and the forces that will influence this highly dynamic area.
Segment Analysis: Future outlook for the development of several different payment card technologies, as well as current adoption trends:
Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment for 15 payment card technology vendors:
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Forecasts for payment cards in use, shipments and revenue, across metal cards, biometric cards, dynamic CVV cards, contactless cards and other payment cards. Data is also split by our 8 key regions and the 26 countries listed below:
Included in the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: allpay cards, CompoSecure, CPI Card Group, dzcard, Federal Card Services, Fingerprints, G+D, Goldpac, IDEMIA, Mastercard, Paragon ID, Thales, Valid, Visa, Zwipe.
Mentioned: Air France, AmaTech Group , Amazon, American Express, Apple, Asus, Avanti West Coast, Bank of China, Bank of Ghana, Bank of Montreal Financial Group, Bank of Shanghai, Banka Creditas, BBVA, Beautiful Card Corporation, BlackRock, BNP Paribas, Bundesdruckerei, Burall Infosmart, Capital One, Chase, China Construction Bank, China Unicom, Citibank, Coupa, Delta ID, Department for Communities and Local Government, Deutsche Messe AG, Diners Club Card, Diners Club International, Discover, Easy Pay, Edinburgh City Council, EFT Source, EMVco, Europay, Extend, Fife Council, Fiserv Polska, Government of Guam, GSMA, HDFC Bank, HID Global, Highbridge Capital Management, HP, IDNow, Indian Federal Bank, JCB, JPMorgan Chase, Keolis, KL HI-TECH, Klarna, LLR Capital, London Borough of Camden, London Borough of Southwark Council, Marqeta, N26, Natwest, NetLynch, Nets A/S, NHS, NXP Semiconductors, Nymi, Oberthur Technologies, Orange, Orbit Housing, Pagaya, Parallel49 Equity, PBOC, Pocztowy, Poste Italiane, Premier Card Solutions, PYMNTS, Quebec City, Rakuten, Revolut Manufacturing, Royal Bank of Scotland, RuyPay, Safran Identity & Security, Samsung, Societe Generale, Standard Bank, Standard Chartered, Starbucks, State of Vermont, Stockholm Stock Exchange, Swedbank, Thames Technology, Tink, Transfast, Transport for London, TSYS, UniCredit Group, UnionPay, Vocalink, Wells Fargo, WLA (White Label Alliance), Xiaomi, Yokoy.
Juniper Research’s Payment Card Technologies forecast suite includes:
Forecast splits for 8 key regions, as well as 26 country-level data splits for:
Payment card forecasts, including cards in issue, shipments and revenue, including the following segments:
Interactive scenario tool allowing users to manipulate Juniper Research’s data for four different metrics.
Access to the full set of forecast data of 35 tables and more than 7,900 datapoints.
Juniper Research’s highly granular IFxls (interactive Excels) enable clients to manipulate our forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions, by using the interactive scenario tool, and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFXLs greatly increase the clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
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2025/03/14 10:26 149.35 円 162.52 円 196.23 円 |