![]() サブスクリプション・エコノミー:業界の破壊、バリューチェーン分析、市場規模 2020-2025年Subscription Economy: Industry Disruption, Value Chain Analysis & Market Size 2020-2025 ジュニパー・リサーチのサブスクリプション・エコノミー調査では、この急成長市場について最先端の分析を行っています。 最新の調査では、サブスクリプション・エコノミーによって最も破壊され... もっと見る
Benchmark Industry Forecasts:次のようなサブスクリプションエコノミーの主要分野の市場予測を行います。
2Checkout、BillingPlatform、Billsby、Braintree、Chargebee、Cratejoy、Gotransverse、Paddle、Patreon、Payhip、PayMotion、Podia、Recurly、Sage Intacct、Stripe、Zuora。
Mentioned:3dcart, Accel-KKR, Amazon, AMC, Andreessen Horowitz, Apple, Avangate, Bango, BigCommerce, Blue Apron, CapitalG, Castbox, Chargify, Deezer, DHL, Disney, Dollar Shave Club, DPD, Fastspring, FedEx, Fitbit, Fortumo, General Catalyst,Geniuslink、Gillette、Google、GOQii、Gousto、Grove Collective、Grover、Gwynnie Bee、Harry's Razors、HelloFresh、Ipsy、Jaguar Land Rover、Kit、Ko-fi、Loot Crate、Love Goodly、Luminary、MLB(Major League Baseball)、Memberful、MemberMouse,MicKinsey, Microsoft, MoviePass, Netflix, NFL (National Football League), Not on the High Street, NOW TV, Odeon, Oracle Netsuite, Pandora, PayPal, Peloton, PureWow, Rent the Runway, Rocksbox, Sage, Samsung, Sellfy, Sequoia Capital,Showtime, Sky, Sling TV, Sonos, Sony Pictures, Spotify, Starz, Thrive Capital, Tiger Global Management, Ultima Online, uOpen, UPS, Venmo, Verifone, Visa, Vivid Money, Walmart, WooCommerce, XPO, Yodel, Zenimax Media, Zipcar.
ジュニパーリサーチ社の最新のSubscription Economyの予測は以下の通りです。
ジュニパー・リサーチの非常に詳細なIFxls(Interactive Excels)では、インタラクティブ・シナリオ・ツールを使って予測データやチャートを操作し、独自の仮定を検証したり、カスタマイズしたチャートやテーブルで選択した市場を横に並べて比較したりすることができます。
1.サブスクリプション・エコノミーKey Takeaways & Strategic
1.1 Key Takeaways .5
2. Subscription Economy Scope & Impact
2.1 Introduction.7
2.2 Definitions & Scope.7
2.2.1 Market Typology .7
2.3 Subscription Economy Market Dynamics .8
2.3.1 Market Drivers.8
2.3.2 Market Constraints .9
2.4 Subscription Economy Impact Analysis .12
Table 2.1:サブスクリプションエコノミーの影響評価.12
表 2.2:サブスクリプションエコノミーの影響評価 ヒートマップキー .13
2.4.1 デジタル商品.13
i. デジタルオーディオ .13
ii.デジタルビデオ・ストリーミング .14
iii.ビデオゲーム .15
図 2.3:ビデオゲームの年間市場規模(百万ドル)、マネタイズタイプ別に分割、2020-2025 .15
2.4.2 物理的商品 .17
i. 食料品・FMCG .17
ii.パーソナルケア・美容 .19
図2.4:課題と機会。レント・ザ・ランウェイのベネフィットの概要 .19
iv.エレクトロニクス .20
v. 趣味 .20
2.4.3 サービス .21
i. 交通手段 .21
ii.フィットネス .22
3.1 サブスクリプションエコノミーのバリューチェーン .25
i. サブスクリプションサービスプロバイダーのビジネスモデル .25
ii.商品とサービスプロバイダー .26
iii.プラットフォーム提供者 .27
3.2 サブスクリプションエコノミー .28
3.2.1 物理的な商品 .28
i. 商品の箱の提供 .28
図 3.2: Juniper Research Phased Evolution Model サブスクリプショングッズ
ボックス .28
ii.アイテムの提供 .29
図3.3: Juniper Research フェーズド・エボリューション・モデル サブスクリプション商品 アイテム.29
3.2.2 デジタル商品 .30
i. デジタルオーディオ.30
図3.4:ジュニパーリサーチ社の段階的進化モデル ?デジタルオーディオ.30
ii.デジタルゲーム .32
図3.5: ジュニパー・リサーチのフェーズド・エボリューション・モデル ビデオゲーム
図 3.6:ジュニパー・リサーチの段階的進化モデル デジタルビデオ
4.1 はじめに 36
4.1.1 プレーヤーの分析基準 36
表 4.1:サブスクリプションエコノミーのプラットフォームプロバイダーの能力評価
要因 .37
4.2 ステークホルダー分析。Capability Assessment & Market Positioning .38
4.2.1 Juniper Research Subscription Economy Platforms Leaderboard .38
図 4.2: Juniper Research Leaderboard for Subscription Economy Platform Providers.38
表 4.3:Subscription Economy Platform Providers Leaderboard Scoring.39
4.2.2 Player Groupings & Conclusion.40
i. Established Leaders .40
ii.代表的なチャレンジャー .42
5.1 はじめに .51
図 5.2: デジタル商品・サービスのサブスクリプション予測手法.52
図 5.3: フィジカルグッズのサブスクリプション予測手法 .53
5.3 Summary Forecasts .54
5.3.1 Subscriptions Forecast.54
Figure & Table 5.4:54
図・表 5.4:年間
アクティブサブスクリプション数(m)、 カテゴリ別に分割、2020-2025 年 .54
5.3.2 Subscription Revenue.55
Figure & Table 5.5: Subscriptions Revenue per annum ($m), Split by Category,
2020-2025 .55
5.4 Subscriptions Forecast.56
5.4.1 Digital Goods .56
Figure & Table 5.6: Number of Active Digital Goods Subscriptions per annum (m),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025 .56
5.4.2 Physical Goods.57
Figure & Table 5.7: Number of Active Physical Goods Subscriptions per annum
(m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.57
5.4.3 サービス.58
図 & 表 5.8:年間アクティブなサービスサブスクリプション数(m)、
主要 8地域別 に分割、2020-2025 年 .58
5.5 Subscription Revenue Forecast.59
5.5.1 Digital Goods .59
Figure & Table 5.9: Digital Goods Subscription Revenue per annum ($m), Split by
Category, 2020-2025 .59
5.5.2 Physical Goods.60
Figure & Table 5.10: Physical Goods Subscription Revenue per annum ($m), Split
by Category, 2020-2025.60
5.5.3 Services.61
Figure & Table 5.11: Physical Goods Subscription Revenue per annum ($m), Split
by Category, 2020-2025 .61
このレポートでは、サブスクリプション・エコノミーの急成長市場について最先端の分析を行っています。 サブスクリプション・エコノミーによって最も破壊されるのはどの業界か、COVID-19をはじめとする多種多様なトレンドが業界に与える影響、業界をリードするプラットフォーム・プロバイダーのビジネスモデルと戦略の評価などを検証しています。
Juniper Research’s Subscription Economy research provides a cutting-edge analysis into this fast-growing market. Juniper Research’s latest analysis provides a thorough assessment of the growth prospects and wider impact of this model.
The latest research examines which industries will be disrupted the most by the subscription economy, the impacts of a wide variety of trends on the industry including COVID-19, and an evaluation of the business models and strategies for the leading platform providers in the industry.
The research covers a wide variety of segments that offer subscriptions, including:
This research suite includes:
Disruption Assessment: Evaluation of which industries will see the biggest disruptive impact from subscription business models, and how quickly they will permeate any given space.
Value Chain Analysis: Analysis of each component of the subscription economy value chain; showing how business models are evolving and incorporating a wider range of monetisation practices.
Subscription Service Platforms Leaderboard: Analyses 16 key subscription service platform providers, including commentary on each player’s strategy. Scored vendors include:
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Market segment forecasts for key subscription economy sectors, including:
Included in Juniper Research Leaderboard: 2Checkout, BillingPlatform, Billsby, Braintree, Chargebee, Cratejoy, Gotransverse, Paddle, Patreon, Payhip, PayMotion, Podia, Recurly, Sage Intacct, Stripe, Zuora.
Mentioned: 3dcart, Accel-KKR, Amazon, AMC, Andreessen Horowitz, Apple, Avangate, Bango, BigCommerce, Blue Apron, CapitalG, Castbox, Chargify, Deezer, DHL, Disney, Dollar Shave Club, DPD, Fastspring, FedEx, Fitbit, Fortumo, General Catalyst, Geniuslink, Gillette, Google, GOQii, Gousto, Grove Collective, Grover, Gwynnie Bee, Harry’s Razors, HelloFresh, Ipsy, Jaguar Land Rover, Kit, Ko-fi, Loot Crate, Love Goodly, Luminary, MLB (Major League Baseball), Memberful, MemberMouse, MicKinsey, Microsoft, MoviePass, Netflix, NFL (National Football League), Not on the High Street, NOW TV, Odeon, Oracle Netsuite, Pandora, PayPal, Peloton, PureWow, Rent the Runway, Rocksbox, Sage, Samsung, Sellfy, Sequoia Capital, Showtime, Sky, Sling TV, Sonos, Sony Pictures, Spotify, Starz, Thrive Capital, Tiger Global Management, Ultima Online, uOpen, UPS, Venmo, Verifone, Visa, Vivid Money, Walmart, WooCommerce, XPO, Yodel, Zenimax Media, Zipcar.
Juniper Research’s latest Subscription Economy’s forecast includes:
Regional splits for 8 key regions, as well as country-level data splits for:
Forecasts for a wide variety of sectors, including:
Each forecast includes
Access to the full set of forecast data of 123 tables and over 29,000 datapoints.
Interactive Excel Scenario tool allowing users the ability to manipulate Juniper Research’s data for 46 different metrics.
Juniper Research’s highly granular IFxls (Interactive Excels) enable clients to manipulate our forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions using the Interactive Scenario Tool, and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables, greatly increasing clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA
Table of Contents
1. Subscription Economy: Key Takeaways & Strategic
1.1 Key Takeaways .5
2. Subscription Economy Scope & Impact
2.1 Introduction.7
2.2 Definitions & Scope.7
2.2.1 Market Typology .7
2.3 Subscription Economy Market Dynamics .8
2.3.1 Market Drivers.8
2.3.2 Market Constraints .9
2.4 Subscription Economy Impact Analysis .12
Table 2.1: Subscription Economy Impact Assessment.12
Table 2.2: Subscription Economy Impact Assessment Heatmap Key .13
2.4.1 Digital Goods.13
i. Digital Audio .13
ii. Digital Video & Streaming .14
iii. Video Games .15
Figure 2.3: Video Games Market Value per annum ($m), Split by Monetisation
Type, 2020-2025 .15
2.4.2 Physical Goods.17
i. Groceries & FMCG .17
ii. Personal Care & Beauty.19
iii. Apparel. 19
Figure 2.4: Challenges & Opportunities: Rent the Runway’s Benefits Outline. 19
iv. Electronics. 20
v. Hobbies. 20
2.4.3 Services.21
i. Transportation. 21
ii. Fitness . 22
3. Future Evolution of the Subscription Economy
3.1 The Subscription Economy Value Chain .24
3.1.1 Value Chain Analysis & Business Models .25
Figure 3.1: Subscription Economy Value Chain . 25
i. Subscription Service Provider Business Models . 25
ii. Goods & Service Providers. 26
iii. Platform Providers . 27
3.2 Subscription Economy: Phased Evolution Model Analysis.28
3.2.1 Physical Goods.28
i. Goods Boxes Provision. 28
Figure 3.2: Juniper Research Phased Evolution Model ? Subscription Goods
Boxes . 28
ii. Items Provision. 29
Figure 3.3: Juniper Research Phased Evolution Model ? Subscription Goods
Items. 29
3.2.2 Digital Goods .30
i. Digital Audio. 30
Figure 3.4: Juniper Research Phased Evolution Model ? Digital Audio. 30
ii. Digital Games .32
Figure 3.5: Juniper Research Phased Evolution Model ? Video Games
iii. Digital Video.33
Figure 3.6: Juniper Research Phased Evolution Model ? Digital Video
4. Subscription Economy Competitive Landscape
4.1 Introduction.36
4.1.1 Player Analysis Criteria.36
Table 4.1: Subscription Economy Platform Provider Capability Assessment
Factors .37
4.2 Stakeholder Analysis: Capability Assessment & Market
Positioning .38
4.2.1 Juniper Research Subscription Economy Platforms
Leaderboard .38
Figure 4.2: Juniper Research Leaderboard for Subscription Economy Platform
Table 4.3: Subscription Economy Platform Providers Leaderboard Scoring.39
4.2.2 Player Groupings & Conclusion.40
i. Established Leaders .40
ii. Leading Challengers .42
iii. Disruptors & Emulators .46
4.2.3 Limitations & Interpretation.47
5. Subscription Economy Market Forecasts
5.1 Introduction & Definitions.50
5.2 Forecast Methodology & Assumptions .50
Table 5.1: Subscription Services Addressable Bases. 51
Figure 5.2: Digital Goods & Services Subscription Forecast Methodology. 52
Figure 5.3: Physical Goods Subscription Forecast Methodology . 53
5.3 Summary Forecasts .54
5.3.1 Subscriptions Forecast.54
Figure & Table 5.4: Number of Active Subscriptions per annum (m), Split by
Category, 2020-2025 . 54
5.3.2 Subscription Revenue.55
Figure & Table 5.5: Subscriptions Revenue per annum ($m), Split by Category,
2020-2025 . 55
5.4 Subscriptions Forecast.56
5.4.1 Digital Goods .56
Figure & Table 5.6: Number of Active Digital Goods Subscriptions per annum (m),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025 . 56
5.4.2 Physical Goods.57
Figure & Table 5.7: Number of Active Physical Goods Subscriptions per annum
(m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025. 57
5.4.3 Services.58
Figure 5.8: Number of Active Service Subscriptions per annum (m), Split by 8 Key
Regions, 2020-2025. 58
5.5 Subscription Revenue Forecast.59
5.5.1 Digital Goods .59
Figure & Table 5.9: Digital Goods Subscription Revenue per annum ($m), Split by
Category, 2020-2025 . 59
5.5.2 Physical Goods.60
Figure & Table 5.10: Physical Goods Subscription Revenue per annum ($m), Split
by Category, 2020-2025. 60
5.5.3 Services.61
Figure & Table 5.11: Physical Goods Subscription Revenue per annum ($m), Split
by Category, 2020-2025 .61
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