
デジタル発券 : 業界動向、機会、市場予測 2020-2025

デジタル発券 : 業界動向、機会、市場予測 2020-2025


ジュニパー・リサーチの最新調査「デジタル・チケッティング」は、交通機関やイベントの発券に関わるデジタル・チケッティング市場の現状を独自に評価しています。COVID-19パンデミックの影響や、急速に進化し... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Juniper Research
2020年8月23日 GBP2,990
通常3-4営業日以内 92 英語






  • 航空券
  • メトロ&バスチケット
  • 鉄道チケット
  • スポーツチケット
  • エンターテイメント イベントチケット
  • モバイルNFCチケット
  • チャットボットチケット
  • Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations (PDF)
  • Market Trends & Opportunities (PDF)
  • 5-Year Market Sizing & Forecast Spreadsheet (PDF & Excel)
Market Dynamics:COVID-19パンデミックがチケッティングエコシステムに与える影響を詳細に評価するとともに、デジタルチケッティングの状況を詳細に評価し、世界の主要地域における市場の現状を分析します。
  • エアチケッティング
  • レールチケッティング
  • メトロ&バスチケッティング
  • スポーツチケッティング
  • エンターテイメントイベントチケッティング
  • モバイル コンタクトレスチケッティング
  • チャットボット バーチャルチケッティング
  • モバイルチケッティング
  • 非接触チケッティング
  • ウェアラブルチケッティング
  • HCEを用いたセキュアチケッティング
  • アカウントベースチケッティング
  • MaaS(Mobility as a Service)
  • チケッティングにおけるRCS
  • チャットボット&チケッティング
  • 音声アシスタントチケッティング
  • IoTとチケッティング
  • 交通機関やイベントでのモバイルチケットのユーザー数、取引量、金額など。
  • オンラインチケットの利用者数、取扱高、金額(交通機関やイベントのセグメントを含む
  • 交通機関やイベントの分野における非接触型チケッティングの利用者数、取引量、金額
Juniper Research Leaderboard:  デジタルチケッティングテクノロジーベンダー15社のキープレイヤーとしての能力とキャパシティを評価。
  • Cubic Transportation Systems
  • INIT
  • G&D
  • Garmin
  • Thales
  • Margento
  • Masabi
  • NXP
  • OTI Global
  • Ridango
  • Unwire
  • Visa
  • Vix Technology
  • Wizway Solutions
  1. デジタルチケッティング市場はCOVID-19パンデミックの影響をどう受けたか?また、どのように回復するのか?
  2. 非接触型、モバイル型、オンライン型、ウェアラブル型のチケッティングの主要なトレンドは何か?
  3. 各セグメントにおけるデジタルチケッティングの今後の見通しは?
  4. 2025年までに、モバイル、オンライン、ウェアラブルチケッティングの市場はどうなっているか?
  5. アカウントベースのチケッティングは、今後のトラベルチケッティング市場をどのように形成していくのか?


Cubic Transportation Systems, G&D, Garmin, IDEMIA, INIT, Margento, Masabi, NXP, OTI Global, Ridango, Thales, Unwire, Visa, VIX Technology, Wizway Solutions
Mentioned:[24] Inc, Aberdeen FC, ABM Amro, Accenture, ADCET, Advent International, AF Payments, AFSCM (French Association of Contactless Mobile), Air France/KLM, ALDS (American League Division Series), Alibaba, Alipay, Amazon, American Express, Anchorage People Mover, Android, Apple, Arriva Bus, ATAC, Atom Tickets, AVV (Aachen transport association), Bank of America, Bank of England, Beijing Metro, Beijing Public Transit, Bizzabo,, BookMyShow, Bosch, BPI France,, BusNet, Bustang, Bytemark, Calgary Transit, Calypso, Calypso Networks Association,  Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Capital One, car2go, Chalo, Changsha Metro, Chase, Chronos, Cinemark, Cinemex, Cinepolis, CIPURSE, Cityzi, Clippers, CLX Communications/Sinch,、CMA(Competition and Markets Authority)、Coin、ComforDelGro、Compass、Continental、Corethree、CRTM、C-TRAN、Ctrip、Cubic Corporation、Cubic Global Defence Services、Cubic Transportation Systems、、DART(Dallas Area Rapid Transit)、DB(Deutsche Bahn)、Dejamobile、Delhi Metro Rail、Delphi、Delta Airlines、Denver RTD、Department of Industry and Digital Services(フランス)、Diners、Discover、DOT(Din offentlige transport)、DTC(Delhi Transport Corporation)、EasyJet、Ecebs、Endeavor China、EventBox Tickets、Eventbrite、Eventick、Expedia、Explara、EZfare、Facebook,Fandango、FastBar、Fibank、FIDO Alliance、FIFA、First Bus 、First Group、FIS、FitPay、FlixBus、Flybe、Fontinalis Partners、  FountainVest、フランス経済省、Gemalto、Germanwings、Gertek、GetMeIn、GlobalPlatform、Go Card、Google、Greater Dayton RTA、GSMA、Highways England、Honda、Hop Fastpass、Huawei、HVV (Hamburger Verkehrsverbund)。IATA(国際航空運送協会)、IC/EC、ICE、iGo、IMAX、インド鉄道、Ingresso、IoT Wearables、IRCTC(Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation)、ITHL(ITSO Transit Hub Ltd)、ITMS、ITSO、Japan Transit Planner-Norikae Annai、Java Card Forum、Jorudan、JR東日本、Justride、KAUST(King Abdulla University of Science and Technology)、KBC、Keolis,Kolner Verkehrs-Betriebe AG (KVB), KVV (Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund Kyyti, LA Metrolink, Las Vegas Monorail, Las Vegas RTC, Lepe Partners, Littlepay, Live Nation, London Oyster, Los Angeles Metro, Lothian Buses, LTA (Land Transportation Authority), Lyft, m8 Capital, makemytrip, Manly Ferries, Maoyan Weiying, Masabi, Mastercard, Mazowieckie Railways Company,MBTA、Mchip、Metrocard、Metrolinx、Metropolitan Transportation Authority、MetroRio、Microsoft、Ministry of Transport(フランス)、MMC Ventures、Mobileye、Montargis、Moovel、Moovit、Moscow Department of Transport(ロシア)、Mosgotrans、MTS、Mumbai Metro、mytaxi、Nacion Servicios、National Amusements、National Express、National Theatre、Navigo、NCT(Nottingham City Transport)。NEOride、NETS、New York MTA、New York Yankees、NextBus、NFC Forum、NFL、NHL (National Hockey League)、NJ Transit、 、Nouvelle Aquitaine Mobilites、NXP、NXWM (National Express West Midlands)、Oberthur Technologies、O-City、OCTA (Orange County Transportation Authority)、Octopus、OhioTransit、Ola、OneTwoTrip、Opal、Orange、OSPT Alliance、 OTI Global。Paris Great Region and Ile-de-France Mobilites、PayPal、Paysafe、Paytm、PBOC(中国人民銀行)、Pebble、Pegasus、Ponominalu、Port Authority of New York & New Jersey、PouchNATION、Presto、Programa Nacional de Estrategias para Cidades Inteligentes Sustentaveis、Public Transport Victoria (PTV)、Pulse、Qualcomm、Queensland Public Transport Department,Radisson Blu, Rail Europe, Rambus, RATP (Regie Autonome des Transports Parisiens), Region Gotland, Regional Working Group, Rekab, RDG (Rail Delivery Group), RFID, Ridango, RIPTA (Rhode Island Public Transit Authority), Riyadh BRT, Riyadh Light Metro, Road and Transport Authority, Ruter AS, Samsung, San Francisco Muni, SAPTCO (the Saudi Public Transport Company), S?Bahn、Schneider Electric、Seatwave、Secure Technology Alliance、Shanghai Metro、Shenzhen Metro、Showcase Cinemas、SITA、SMART、Smartcard Alliance、Smartrip、SMS-Cフォーラム、SNCF(Societe Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais)、SNCF TER NFC、Sosh、SP Trans、SSB(Stuttgarter Strassenbahnen AG)、St Louis Metro、Stagecoach、STB(Societatea de Transport Bucure?ti), Strasbourg Transport Authority, Strategic Mapping, Streetcar, StubHub, Suica, Sympla, Tampa Bay Rays, TAO, Taopiaopiao, TAP, teamLab, Telecoming, Tencent, TfL, TGfM (Transport for Greater Manchester), The Hague HTM, Ticketbox,Ticketek, TicketGenie, Ticketland, Ticketmaster, TicketNew, Tickets Cloud, TIER Mobility, Timepad, Tisseo, Toronto Transit Commission, Trainline, Transavia, Transit, TransLink, Transport Association VBB (Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg),Transport for New South Wales, Transport Scotland, Trenitalia, TriMet, T-Union, Turku, U-Bahn, Uber, UC Browser, UC Web, UCI, UK Rail and Safety Standards Board, UK Treasury, Ulysse, Unicredit, UnionPay, Unwire, Urban Insights, Utsonmobile, Valley Metro,Ventra, VIA Rail, Viagogo, Virgin Australia, Virgin Trains, Vodafone, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, WeChat, WeGow, WhatsApp, Whim, White Label Alliance, WILLER, Wizway Solutions, WR (Western Railway), Wuhan City, Xiami, Youku.
  • ブラジル
  • カナダ
  • 中国
  • デンマーク
  • フランス
  • ドイツ
  • 日本
  • メキシコ
  • ノルウェー
  • ポルトガル
  • 韓国
  • スペイン
  • スウェーデン
  • イギリス
  • アメリカ
  • モバイル・オンライン・ウェアラブル
  • Air
  • Rail
  • Metro & Bus
  • Sports Events
  • Entertainment Events




1.Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations
1.1 Key Takeaways .6
1.2 Strategic Recommendations .7
はじめに .9
2.1.1 モバイル・チケッティング .9
2.1.2 オンライン・チケッティング .9
2.1.3 ウェアラブル・チケッティング .10
2.2 現在の市場状況 .10
2.2.1 モバイル・チケッティングとオンライン・チケッティング.10
2.2.2 COVID-19の影響11
i. コロナウイルスは空の旅の不幸をもたらす .11
図2.2:商業航空便の追跡数、2020年09月01日~2020年09月08日、 Global.12
ii.交通機関の利用が大幅に減少 .12
iii.Widespread Cancellation of Entertainment & Sports Events.13
2.3 Market Segmentation.13
2.3.1 Transport Ticketing .13
i. Bus/Metro, Rail and Air Ticketing.13
Figure 2.3: Mobile & Online Transport Ticketing Users (m), Transaction Volume 
(m) 2016-2019 .14
ii.ジュニパー・リサーチの見解。交通機関の発券の見通し .14
2.3.2 イベントチケッティング.15
i. 音楽、エンターテインメント、スポーツのチケッティング.15
ii.ジュニパー・リサーチの見解。イベントチケッティングの見通し .16
2.3.3 Contactless Ticketing .16
Figure 2.5: Journeys made using Contactless Payment Cards (bn), 2014-2019.17
i. 非接触型モバイルデバイス&カードの導入 .17
図 2.6:世界の非接触型(NFC & FeliCa)対応携帯電話端末数(億)、2016-2019 年 .17
図2.7:非接触対応携帯端末数(FeliCa を含む)、
世界データ 2016-2019年 .18
図 2.8:NFC 鉄道チケット利用者数(m) & NFC 地下鉄・バスチケット利用者数(m) 
2016-2019 .19
ⅱ.ジュニパー・リサーチの見解。モバイル非接触チケット . 20
2.4 地域別分析.20
2.4.1 北米.20
i. 米国.20
ii.カナダ .21
2.4.2 ラテンアメリカ.22
i. ブラジル.22
2.4.3 西ヨーロッパ.23
i. 英国.23
iii.ドイツ .25
2.4.4 中央・東ヨーロッパ .25
i. ロシア .25
2.4.5 極東・中国 .26
i. 中国 .26
2.4.6 インド亜大陸 .27
i. インド .27
2.4.7 その他のアジア太平洋地域 .28
i. シンガポール .28
2.4.8 アフリカ・中東 .29
i. サウジアラビア .29
3.1 将来のチケッティングの展望 .32
3.1.1 将来の展望:モバイル・チケッティング .32
3.1.2 将来の展望:非接触型チケッティング .32
3.1.3 将来の展望:ウェアラブル・チケッティング .33
図 3.1: 購入/認証の発券が可能なスマートウェアラブル端末数(m)と発券可能なスマートウェアラブル数 
チケットの購入/認証に使用される数(m) 2016-2019.33
i. ジュニパーリサーチ社の見解 .34
3.1.4 HCEを用いたセキュアな発券 .34
i. ジュニパーリサーチ社の見解 .34
3.1.5 アカウントベースの発券 .35
i. ジュニパーリサーチ社の見解 .35
3.1.6 MaaS.35
i. MaaSのメリット .36
iii.チケッティングへの影響 .37
iv.ジュニパー・リサーチの見解 .38
3.1.7 RCS.38
i. チケッティングでの利用の課題 .39
ii.ジュニパーリサーチ社の見解 .39
3.1.8 チャットボット&チケッティング.40
i. チケッティングでのチャットボット利用の課題.41
ii.ジュニパーリサーチ社の見解 .41
3.1.9 音声アシスタント・チケッティング .41
i. チケッティングでの利用の課題 .42
3.1.10 IoT & チケッティング .42
i. チケッティングにおける利用の課題 .43
ii.今後の展望 .43
iii.ジュニパー・リサーチの見解 .43
4.競合状況 & リーダーボード
4.1 ベンダー分析 & リーダーボード .45
4.1.1 ベンダーの評価基準 .45
以下の基準で各ベンダーの能力を評価しました .45
図 4.1:デジタル・チケッティング・ベンダーの評価基準.46
4.1.2 能力評価&市場ポジショニングスコアリング 
ヒートマップ .47
図 4.2:デジタル・チケッティング・ベンダー分析スコアリング・マトリックス。Capability & 
Capacity vs Product & Position .47
4.1.3 リーダーボードのベンダーのグループ .49
i. 確立されたリーダー .49
ii.主要なチャレンジャー .49
4.1.4 限界と解釈.49
4.2 ベンダーのプロファイル ?デジタル・チケッティング・ベンダー .51
i. Cubic Transportation Systems .51
ii.G&D .53
表4.5:G+D Financial Snapshot, (?m) 2016-2019 .53
(FYE 31nd December) .53
iii.Masabi .54
表4.6:Masabi Funding Rounds 2010-2020 .54
iv.NXP .56
表 4.7: NXP Financial Snapshot, ($bn) 2017-2019 .57
v. Thales.58
vi.Visa .59
i. Garmin.62
表 4.8: Garmin Revenue ($10bn) 2016-2019.62
iv.Margento .66
図 4.10: Margento のモバイルチケットソリューション.67
v. OTI Global .67
表 4.11: OTI Global の売上と収益($m)、2017-2019.67
viii.ビックス・テクノロジー .70
ix.ジュニパー・リサーチの見解。主な強み & 戦略的発展 .71
x. Wizway Solutions .71
5. デジタル・チケッティング市場予測
5.1 方法論と前提条件 74
5.1.1 基本予測 74
5.1.2 前提条件 74
5.1.3 その他の方法論 74
5.1.4 モバイル・チケッティング .75
5.1.5 オンライン・チケッティング .75
5.1.6 カテゴリーの定義 .75
図 5.1:モバイル、オンライン、ウェアラブル・チケッティングの予測方法 .77
5.2.1 モバイル・チケッティング・ユーザー .77
図・表 5.2:モバイル・チケッティング・ユニーク・ユーザー総数(m)、
別、2020-2025 年 .77
5.2.2 オンライン・チケッティング・ユーザー .78
図 & 表 5.3:
2020-2025年 .78
5.2.3 デジタル・チケッティングの総取引量  モバイル、オンライン 、
ウェアラブル・チケッティング .79
図 & 表 5.4:世界のデジタルチケッティング取引量(m) 2020-2025 .79
5.2.4 デジタルチケッティング取引量合計 ?モバイルとオンラインチケッティング .80
図& 表 5.5:世界のデジタル・チケッティング取引額(単位:百万ドル) 2020-2025.80
5.2.5 モバイル、オンライン、ウェアラブル・チケッティング。Transaction Volume & Value .81
表 5.2: Mobile, Online & Wearable Ticketing:Transaction Volume & Value (m, $m), 2020-2025.81
5.3 Airline Ticketing Forecasts.82
5.3.1 Total Airline Mobile & Online Ticketing Transactions:Volume and Value.82
モバイルとオンラインでの分割、2020-2025年 .82
5.4 鉄道発券の予測.84
図・表5.4:Total Rail Ticketing Transaction Volume & Value (m, $m)
Split by Mobile and Online, 2020-2025 .84
5.5 Metro/Bus Mobile Ticketing Forecasts .86
5.5.1 Total Metro/Bus Mobile & Online Ticketing Transactions:  Volume and Value.86
2020-2025年 .86
5.6 スポーツイベントのチケット販売予測.88
5.6.1 Total Sports Events Mobile & Online Ticketing Transactions: 
Volume and Value.88
Figure & Table 5.6: Total Sports Events Ticketing Transaction Volume & Value 
(m, $m) Split by Mobile and Online, 2020-2025 .88
5.7 Entertainment Events Ticketing Forecasts .90
5.7.1 Total Entertainment Events Mobile & Online Ticketing Transactions:
5.8 NFCチケッティングの予測 .92
5.8.1 NFCチケッティングの総取引量・金額 .92
図 ・表 5.8:NFCチケッティングの総取引量・金額(m、$m) 
2020-2025年にセグメント別に分割 .92





Report Description
Juniper Research’s latest Digital Ticketing research provides an independent assessment of the current status of the digital ticketing market across transport and events ticketing. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as new developments and key trends in this rapidly evolving market. The report also offers strategic insights and recommendations for stakeholders providing services across mobile (including contactless), online and wearables ticketing channels.
The research covers:
  • Air Ticketing
  • Metro & Bus Ticketing
  • Rail Ticketing
  • Sports Ticketing
  • Entertainment Events Ticketing
  • Mobile NFC Ticketing
  • Chatbot Ticketing
The report also presents comprehensive market forecasts; providing extensive insights across each ticketing sector.
The research suite includes:
  • Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations (PDF)
  • Market Trends & Opportunities (PDF)
  • 5-Year Market Sizing & Forecast Spreadsheet (PDF & Excel)
Market Dynamics: Provides a detailed assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the ticketing ecosystem, as well as an in-depth evaluation of the digital ticketing landscape; analysing the current market status across key global regions and covering the following segments:
  • Air Ticketing
  • Rail Ticketing
  • Metro & Bus Ticketing
  • Sports Ticketing
  • Entertainment Events Ticketing
  • Mobile Contactless Ticketing
  • Chatbot Virtual Ticketing
Future Outlook Analysis: Future outlook and comprehensive analysis of the key trends and market disruptions including:
  • Mobile Ticketing
  • Contactless Ticketing
  • Wearables Ticketing
  • Secure Ticketing Using HCE
  • Account-Based Ticketing
  • MaaS (Mobility as as Service)
  • RCS in Ticketing
  • Chatbots & Ticketing
  • Voice Assistant Ticketing
  • IoT and Ticketing
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: 5-year forecasts provided for the ticketing market:
  • User base, transaction volume and values for mobile ticketing across transport and events segments.
  • User base, transaction volume and values for online ticketing across transport and events segments.
  • User base, transaction volume and values for contactless ticketing across transport and events segments.
Juniper Research Leaderboard:  Key player capability and capacity assessment for 15 digital ticketing technology vendors:
  • Cubic Transportation Systems
  • INIT
  • G&D
  • Garmin
  • Thales
  • Margento
  • Masabi
  • NXP
  • OTI Global
  • Ridango
  • Unwire
  • Visa
  • Vix Technology
  • Wizway Solutions
  1. How has the digital ticketing market been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? How will it recover?
  2. What are the key trends in contactless, mobile, online and wearable ticketing?
  3. What is the future outlook for digital ticketing in each segment?
  4. How will the mobile, online and wearable ticketing markets look by 2025?
  5. How will account-based ticketing shape the future travel ticketing landscape?
Included in Juniper Research Leaderboard: Cubic Transportation Systems, G&D, Garmin, IDEMIA, INIT, Margento, Masabi, NXP, OTI Global, Ridango, Thales, Unwire, Visa, VIX Technology, Wizway Solutions
Mentioned: [24] Inc, Aberdeen FC, ABM Amro, Accenture, ADCET, Advent International, AF Payments, AFSCM (French Association of Contactless Mobile), Air France/KLM, ALDS (American League Division Series), Alibaba, Alipay, Amazon, American Express, Anchorage People Mover, Android, Apple, Arriva Bus, ATAC, Atom Tickets, AVV (Aachen transport association), Bank of America, Bank of England, Beijing Metro, Beijing Public Transit, Bizzabo,, BookMyShow, Bosch, BPI France,, BusNet, Bustang, Bytemark, Calgary Transit, Calypso, Calypso Networks Association,  Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Capital One, car2go, Chalo, Changsha Metro, Chase, Chronos, Cinemark, Cinemex, Cinepolis, CIPURSE, Cityzi, Clippers, CLX Communications/Sinch,, CMA (Competition and Markets Authority), Coin, ComforDelGro, Compass, Continental, Corethree, CRTM, C-TRAN, Ctrip, Cubic Corporation, Cubic Global Defence Services, Cubic Transportation Systems,, DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit), DB (Deutsche Bahn), Dejamobile, Delhi Metro Rail, Delphi, Delta Airlines, Denver RTD, Department of Industry and Digital Services (France), Diners, Discover, DOT (Din offentlige transport), DTC (Delhi Transport Corporation), EasyJet, Ecebs, Endeavor China, EventBox Tickets, Eventbrite, Eventick, Expedia, Explara, EZfare, Facebook, Fandango, FastBar, Fibank, FIDO Alliance, FIFA, First Bus , First Group, FIS, FitPay, FlixBus, Flybe, Fontinalis Partners,  FountainVest, French Ministry of Economy, Gemalto, Germanwings, Gertek, GetMeIn, GlobalPlatform, Go Card, Google, Greater Dayton RTA, GSMA, Highways England, Honda, Hop Fastpass, Huawei, HVV (Hamburger Verkehrsverbund), IATA (International Air Transport Association), IC/EC, ICE, iGo, IMAX, Indian Railways,Ingresso, IoT Wearables, IRCTC (Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation), ITHL (ITSO Transit Hub Ltd), ITMS, ITSO, Japan Transit Planner-Norikae Annai, Java Card Forum, Jorudan, JR East, Justride, KAUST (King Abdulla University of Science and Technology), KBC, Keolis, Kolner Verkehrs-Betriebe AG (KVB), KVV (Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund Kyyti, LA Metrolink, Las Vegas Monorail, Las Vegas RTC, Lepe Partners, Littlepay, Live Nation, London Oyster, Los Angeles Metro, Lothian Buses, LTA (Land Transportation Authority), Lyft, m8 Capital, makemytrip, Manly Ferries, Maoyan Weiying, Masabi, Mastercard, Mazowieckie Railways Company, MBTA, Mchip, Metrocard, Metrolinx, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, MetroRio, Microsoft, Ministry of Transport (France), MMC Ventures, Mobileye, Montargis, Moovel, Moovit, Moscow Department of Transport, Russia, Mosgotrans, MTS, Mumbai Metro, mytaxi, Nacion Servicios, National Amusements, National Express, National Theatre, Navigo, NCT (Nottingham City Transport), NEOride, NETS, New York MTA, New York Yankees, NextBus, NFC Forum, NFL, NHL (National Hockey League), NJ Transit, , Nouvelle Aquitaine Mobilites, NXP, NXWM (National Express West Midlands), Oberthur Technologies, O-City, OCTA (Orange County Transportation Authority), Octopus, OhioTransit, Ola, OneTwoTrip, Opal, Orange, OSPT Alliance, OTI Global, Paris Great Region and Ile-de-France Mobilites, PayPal, Paysafe, Paytm, PBOC (Popular Bank of China), Pebble, Pegasus, Ponominalu, Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, PouchNATION, Presto, Programa Nacional de Estrategias para Cidades Inteligentes Sustentaveis, Public Transport Victoria (PTV), Pulse, Qualcomm, Queensland Public Transport Department, Radisson Blu, Rail Europe, Rambus, RATP (Regie Autonome des Transports Parisiens), Region Gotland, Regional Working Group, Rekab, RDG (Rail Delivery Group), RFID, Ridango, RIPTA (Rhode Island Public Transit Authority), Riyadh BRT, Riyadh Light Metro, Road and Transport Authority, Ruter AS, Samsung, San Francisco Muni, SAPTCO (the Saudi Public Transport Company), S?Bahn, Schneider Electric, Seatwave, Secure Technology Alliance, Shanghai Metro, Shenzhen Metro, Showcase Cinemas, SITA, SMART, Smartcard Alliance, Smartrip, SMS-C forum, SNCF (Societe Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais), SNCF TER NFC, Sosh, SP Trans, SSB (Stuttgarter Strassenbahnen AG), St Louis Metro, Stagecoach, STB (Societatea de Transport Bucure?ti), Strasbourg Transport Authority, Strategic Mapping, Streetcar, StubHub, Suica, Sympla, Tampa Bay Rays, TAO, Taopiaopiao, TAP, teamLab, Telecoming, Tencent, TfL, TGfM (Transport for Greater Manchester), The Hague HTM, Ticketbox, Ticketek, TicketGenie, Ticketland, Ticketmaster, TicketNew, Tickets Cloud, TIER Mobility, Timepad, Tisseo, Toronto Transit Commission, Trainline, Transavia, Transit, TransLink, Transport Association VBB (Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg), Transport for New South Wales, Transport Scotland, Trenitalia, TriMet, T-Union, Turku, U-Bahn, Uber, UC Browser, UC Web, UCI, UK Rail and Safety Standards Board, UK Treasury, Ulysse, Unicredit, UnionPay, Unwire, Urban Insights, Utsonmobile, Valley Metro, Ventra, VIA Rail, Viagogo, Virgin Australia, Virgin Trains, Vodafone, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, WeChat, WeGow, WhatsApp, Whim, White Label Alliance, WILLER, Wizway Solutions, WR (Western Railway), Wuhan City, Xiami, Youku.
Juniper Research’s latest Digital Ticketing forecast suite includes:
5-year benchmark forecasts for key metrics by 8 key regions and 15 country level splits including:
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • Norway
  • Portugal
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • UK
  • US
Ticketing users, transaction volumes and values, by ticketing verticals:
  • Mobile
  • Online
  • Wearables
Ticketing users, transaction volumes and values, by ticketing verticals:
  • Air
  • Rail
  • Metro & Bus
  • Sports Events
  • Entertainment Events
Access to the full set of forecast data of more than 200 tables and over 32,000 datapoints.
Interactive Excel Scenario tool enabling users the ability to manipulate Juniper Research’s data across 20 different metrics.
Juniper Research’s highly granular interactive Excels enable clients to manipulate Juniper Research’s forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions by using the Interactive Scenario Tool, and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA



Table of Contents

1. Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations
1.1 Key Takeaways .6
1.2 Strategic Recommendations .7
2. Digital Ticketing: Introduction and Market 
2.1 Introduction.9
2.1.1 Mobile Ticketing.9
2.1.2 Online Ticketing.9
2.1.3 Wearable Ticketing .10
2.2 Current Market Status .10
2.2.1 Mobile & Online Ticketing: User Adoption.10
Figure 2.1: Number of Mobile & Online Ticketing Users (m), Split by Vertical, 2019
2.2.2 The Impact of COVID-19.11
i. Coronavirus is a Reckoning for Air Travel .11
Figure 2.2: Number of Commercial Flights Tracked, 09/01/2020-09/08/2020, 
ii. Significantly Reduced Transport Usage .12
iii. Widespread Cancellation of Entertainment & Sports Events.13
2.3 Market Segmentation.13
2.3.1 Transport Ticketing .13
i. Bus/Metro, Rail and Air Ticketing.13
Figure 2.3: Mobile & Online Transport Ticketing Users (m), Transaction Volume 
(m) 2016-2019 . 14
ii. Juniper Research’s View: Transport Ticketing Outlook . 14
2.3.2 Events Ticketing.15
i. Music, Entertainment and Sports Ticketing. 15
Figure 2.4: Mobile & Online Events Ticketing Users (m), 2016-2020. 15
ii. Juniper Research’s View: Events Ticketing Outlook . 16
2.3.3 Contactless Ticketing .16
Figure 2.5: Journeys made using Contactless Payment Cards (bn), 2014-2019. 17
i. Contactless Mobile Device & Card Adoption . 17
Figure 2.6: Global Number of Contactless (NFC & FeliCa) Capable Mobile 
Handsets (bn), 2016-2019 . 17
Figure 2.7: Number of Contactless-enabled Mobile Handsets (including FeliCa), 
Addressable Base for Contactless Ticketing Wearables (m) & Number of 
Contactless Payment Cards in Issue (m) Global Data 2016-2019 . 18
Figure 2.8: NFC Rail Ticketing Users (m) & NFC Metro & Bus Ticketing Users (m) 
2016-2019 . 19
ii. Juniper Research’s View: Mobile Contactless Ticketing . 20
2.4 Regional Analysis.20
2.4.1 North America.20
i. US. 20
ii. Canada . 21
2.4.2 Latin America.22
i. Brazil. 22
2.4.3 West Europe.23
i. UK. 23
ii. France. 24
iii. Germany .25
2.4.4 Central & East Europe.25
i. Russia .25
2.4.5 Far East & China .26
i. China.26
2.4.6 Indian Subcontinent .27
i. India .27
2.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific.28
i. Singapore .28
2.4.8 Africa & Middle East .29
i. Saudi Arabia.29
3. Digital Ticketing: Future Outlook
3.1 Future Ticketing Outlook .32
3.1.1 Future Outlook: Mobile Ticketing.32
3.1.2 Future Outlook: Contactless Ticketing.32
3.1.3 Future Outlook: Wearables Ticketing .33
Figure 3.1: Number of Smart Wearable Devices Capable of Ticketing 
Purchase/Validation (m) and Number of Ticketing-Capable Smart Wearables 
Used for Ticket Purchase/Validation (m) 2016-2019.33
i. Juniper Research’s View .34
3.1.4 Secure Ticketing Using HCE.34
i. Juniper Research’s View .34
3.1.5 Account-based Ticketing .35
i. Juniper Research’s View .35
3.1.6 MaaS.35
i. Benefits of MaaS .36
ii. Current MaaS Deployment Level. 36
iii. Implications for Ticketing . 37
iv. Juniper Research’s View . 38
3.1.7 RCS.38
i. Challenges to Use in Ticketing . 39
ii. Juniper Research’s View . 39
3.1.8 Chatbots & Ticketing.40
i. Challenges to Chatbot Use in Ticketing. 41
ii. Juniper Research’s View . 41
3.1.9 Voice Assistant Ticketing .41
i. Challenges to Use in Ticketing . 42
3.1.10 IoT & Ticketing.42
i. Challenges to Use in Ticketing . 43
ii. Future Outlook . 43
iii. Juniper Research’s View . 43
4. Competitive Landscape & Leaderboard
4.1 Vendor Analysis & Leaderboard .45
4.1.1 Vendor Assessment Criteria .45
We have assessed each vendor’s capabilities against the following criteria: . 45
Figure 4.1: Digital Ticketing Vendor Assessment Criteria. 46
4.1.2 Capability Assessment & Market Positioning Scoring 
Heatmap .47
Figure 4.2: Digital Ticketing Vendor Analysis Scoring Matrix: Capability & 
Capacity vs Product & Position . 47
Figure 4.3: Digital Ticketing Leaderboard. 48
4.1.3 Leaderboard Vendor Groupings .49
i. Established Leaders .49
ii. Leading Challengers .49
iii. Disruptors & Emulators .49
4.1.4 Limitations & Interpretation.49
4.2 Vendor Profiles ? Digital Ticketing Vendors .51
i. Cubic Transportation Systems .51
Table 4.4: Cubic Transportation Systems, $m, 2017-2019.51
ii. G&D.53
Table 4.5: G+D Financial Snapshot, (?m) 2016-2019 .53
(FYE 31st December).53
iii. Masabi .54
Table 4.6: Masabi Funding Rounds 2010-2020 .54
iv. NXP.56
Table 4.7: NXP Financial Snapshot, ($bn) 2017-2019 .57
v. Thales.58
vi. Visa .59
i. Garmin.62
Table 4.8: Garmin Revenue ($bn) 2016-2019.62
ii. Idemia.63
iii. INIT.65
Table 4.9: INIT Revenue and Profit (?m), 2016-2019.65
iv. Margento .66
Figure 4.10: Margento’s Mobile Ticketing Solution.67
v. OTI Global .67
Table 4.11: OTI Global Sales and Revenue ($m), 2017-2019.67
vi. Ridango. 68
vii. Unwire. 69
viii. Vix Technology . 70
ix. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development . 71
x. Wizway Solutions . 71
5. Digital Ticketing Market Forecasts
5.1 Methodology & Assumptions.74
5.1.1 Base Forecast.74
5.1.2 Assumptions.74
5.1.3 Further Methodology.74
5.1.4 Mobile Ticketing .75
5.1.5 Online Ticketing.75
5.1.6 Category Definitions .75
Figure 5.1: Mobile, Online & Wearable Ticketing Forecast Methodology . 76
5.2 Forecast Summary: Mobile, Online & Wearable Ticketing .77
5.2.1 Mobile Ticketing Users .77
Figure & Table 5.2: Total Unique Mobile Ticketing Users (m), Split by 8 Key 
Regions, 2020-2025. 77
5.2.2 Online Ticketing Users.78
Figure & Table 5.3: Total Number of Unique Online Ticketing Users (m), Split by 8 
Key Regions, 2020-2025. 78
5.2.3 Total Digital Ticketing Transaction Volume ? Mobile, Online 
and Wearable Ticketing .79
Figure & Table 5.4: Global Digital Ticketing Transaction Volume (m) 2020-2025 79
5.2.4 Total Digital Ticketing Transaction Value ? Mobile and Online 
Figure & Table 5.5: Global Digital Ticketing Transaction Value ($m) 2020-2025.80
5.2.5 Mobile, Online & Wearable Ticketing: Transaction Volume & 
Value .81
Table 5.2: Mobile, Online & Wearable Ticketing: Transaction Volume & Value (m, 
$m), 2020-2025.81
5.3 Airline Ticketing Forecasts.82
5.3.1 Total Airline Mobile & Online Ticketing Transactions: Volume 
and Value.82
Figure & Table 5.3: Total Airline Ticketing Transaction Volume & Value (m, $m) 
Split by Mobile and Online, 2020-2025 .82
5.4 Rail Ticketing Forecasts.84
Figure & Table 5.4: Total Rail Ticketing Transaction Volume & Value (m, $m) Split 
by Mobile and Online, 2020-2025 .84
5.5 Metro/Bus Mobile Ticketing Forecasts .86
5.5.1 Total Metro/Bus Mobile & Online Ticketing Transactions: 
Volume and Value.86
Figure & Table 5.5: Total Metro/Bus Ticketing Transaction Volume & Value (m, 
$m) Split by Mobile and Online, 2020-2025 .86
5.6 Sports Events Ticketing Forecasts.88
5.6.1 Total Sports Events Mobile & Online Ticketing Transactions: 
Volume and Value.88
Figure & Table 5.6: Total Sports Events Ticketing Transaction Volume & Value 
(m, $m) Split by Mobile and Online, 2020-2025 .88
5.7 Entertainment Events Ticketing Forecasts .90
5.7.1 Total Entertainment Events Mobile & Online Ticketing 
Transactions: Volume and Value .90
Figure & Table 5.7: Total Entertainment Events Ticketing Transaction Volume & 
Value (m, $m) Split by Mobile and Online, 2020-2025 .90
5.8 NFC Ticketing Forecasts.92
5.8.1 Total NFC Ticketing Transaction Volume and Value .92
Figure & Table 5.8: Total NFC Ticketing Transaction Volume & Value (m, $m) 
Split by Segment 2020-2025. 92






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2025/03/14 10:26

149.35 円

162.52 円

196.23 円
