![]() eコマース決済:新興市場、ベンダー戦略、市場予測 2022-2026年ECOMMERCE PAYMENTS: EMERGING OPPORTUNITIES, VENDOR STRATEGIES & MARKET FORECASTS 2022-2026 ジュニパーリサーチの最新レポート「eコマース決済」は、eコマース決済の進化について、代替決済手段の台頭、将来展望、成長への障壁など、洞察に満ちた分析を提供しています。小売業者と決済プラットフォーム... もっと見る
ジュニパーリサーチの最新レポート「eコマース決済」は、eコマース決済の進化について、代替決済手段の台頭、将来展望、成長への障壁など、洞察に満ちた分析を提供しています。小売業者と決済プラットフォームの双方にとって非常に重要なこの市場の新たな展開と主要トレンドを包括的に調査しています。本レポートでは、ジュニパーリサーチの「Competitor Leaderboard」において、eコマース決済のベンダー17社をランキングしており、市場の競争状況を把握したい関係者にとって貴重な情報源となります。また、包括的な市場予測も行っており、電子商取引決済に関する幅広い知見と市場全体の規模を把握することができます。
eRetailペイメント ? 主要な課題 電子小売業向け決済市場に関する詳細な洞察。
主な論点と戦略的提言 主要なステークホルダーに重要な洞察を提供します。
ジュニパーリサーチのCompetitor Leaderboard。eコマース決済プロバイダー17社の主要プレイヤーの能力とキャパシティの評価を掲載しています。
ケーススタディしたもの Klarna.
インタビュー ACI Worldwide、Checkout.com、Cybersource、FIS、Paysafe。
Juniper Research Innovation Indexに掲載されました。
ACI Worldwide、Adyen、Amazon、Block、Checkout.com、Cybersource、Dwolla、FIS、Fiserv、Payline Data、PayPal、Paysafe、Shopify、Stripe、Trustly、Verifone、WePay.
ACH (Automated Clearing House), Acumatica, Affirm, Afterpay, Airbnb, Alibaba, Alipay, Alltel Information Services , American Banker, Americart, Anybill, Apple, AppsFlyer, AT&T, Aurum Technology, BAI (Bank Administration Institute), Bakkt, BankWare, Barclays, Big Commerce, Bill & Pay, BitPay, Bitrise, BlackRock, Blik, Boleto, Brightpearl, Builtwith, CardinalCommerce , CashEdge, CheckFree Corporation, China UnionPay, Citi, Classy, Clover, Coinbase, Constant Contact, Credit Karma Tax.BlackRock (CK),Citi,City,BlackRock,BlackRock,Bloleto,BlackRock。クレディ・スイス、CrossView、Dell、Dessa、Dubarry、eBay、eBlox、Eloquent Labs、Eventzilla、Facebook、Farfetch、foxycart、FreshBooks、Fubo、FutureFuel、Global Payments、GoFundMe、Gojek、Google、GoPay、GuestPoint、Gymshark、H&M、HCL、ハインツ、Honey, Hootsuite, Huel, Humble Bundle, Hyperwallet, IATA (International Air Transport Association), iDEAL, IKEA, Infor, Infusionsoft, Instagram, InterCept, Iowa Department of Revenue, Iowa Department of Transportation, iZettle, JCB International Co, Ltd., Iowa University, Iowa University, Inc, JPMorgan, Kentico, Konbini, Kordoba GmbH & Co, Lindt, Lyft, Magento, Mastercard, M-Com, Merger with Certegy Inc, Metavante Corporation, Microsoft, Moka, Molson Coors, Monzo, MovoCash, mpany, MySQL, Nestle, Neteller, NetSuite, Network Intelligence Technology.Inc, ニューヨーク証券取引所、NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India)、Openbucks、Oracle、Paxos、Paydiant、PayMongo、PayPal、Payworks、PCLender、Pinterest、Pizza Hut、Plaid Inc、Qiwi、QuadPay、Quickbooks、Revolut、RocketFuel Blockchain.Inc, NPCI、Oracle、Paxos、Paid、PCLender、Palmong、Payworks、Revolut、RocketFuel Blockchain.Inc, Inc、Salesforce、Sanchez Computer Associates、SAP、SapientNitro、Selecta Group、SEPA、Sequoia Capital、Shiji、Shopware、Simba、Simility、Skrill、Snapchat、Square、Staples、Step、Tencent Holdings、TIDAL、Tide、TikTok、Unicef、US Census Bureauの各社。米国財務省財政局、Venmo、Verifi、Verifone、Viacash、Viafintech、Visa、Volusion、Walmart、WeChat、Wedbush Securities、West Ham United、Wish、WordPress、Workarea、Worldpay、Xero、Xoom、Yonoton、Zesty、Zip、Zuora.など。
1. キーテイクアウェイと戦略的提言
1.1 キーテイクアウェイ . 4
1.2 戦略的な推奨事項 . 5
2. eコマース 市場の現状
2.1 eコマース市場の紹介と概要 . 8
2.1.1 現在の状況 . 8
図2.1: 図2.1:総取引量、デジタル商品と物理商品の主要8社別構成比
地域別、2021-2026年 . 9
2.1.2 主要な推進要因 . 10
i. オンライン商取引の発展と多様化 . 10
図 2.2: eCommerce Activity Overview - Hootsuite . 10
ii. mコマースの台頭 . 10
iii. 決済のデジタル化へ向けたシフト . 11
2.1.3 物理的な商品 11
表2.3: 特定のeコマース・プレイヤーの売上と成長率. 12
i. COVID-19の影響 . 12
2.1.4 デジタル商品 . 13
i. COVID-19の影響 . 13
図 2.4: 全世界の Netflix 加入者数シェア . 14
2.1.5 地域分析 . 14
8 主要地域、2021年 . 15
i. 中国 . 15
図2.6: 中国におけるeコマース商人の上位セグメント. 15
図 2.7: デジタルと物理的財の総取引額(10 億ドル)、中国。
2021-2026 . 16
図2.8:電子商取引の支払方法の金額による分割 . 17
ii. 米国 . 17
表2.9: アマゾンの収益(10億ドル)、...17
iii. 新興国市場 . 18
iv. インド . 19
3.1 主要な課題 . 22
3.1.1 規制上の要件 . 22
i. PSD2、SCA、3DS2 . 22
図3.1: 地域別のカードブランド採用期限 . 23
3.1.2 不正行為とセキュリティ . 24
i. SRC(セキュア・リモート・コマース) . 25
3.1.3 eコマース決済に関連するコスト . 26
3.1.4 越境電子商取引. 26
図 3.2: クロスボーダー決済の状況 . 27
i. リアルタイムFX(外国為替)を利用するためのAPI . 27
ii. 透明性を維持するための技術革新 . 27
iii. 諸外国におけるダイレクト・デポジット口座 . 27
iv. ブロックチェーン・ソリューション・プロバイダーとの提携 . 27
4. 代替決済と電子商取引決済の未来
4.1 代替決済方法 . 30
4.1.1 モバイルウォレットとOEMペイ . 30
図4.1: 世界の年間デジタル決済件数 2017-2022 . 31
4.1.2 サブスクリプション/リカーリング・ペイメント・モデル. 32
図4.3: 2022年のカテゴリー別年間総契約数 . 33
4.1.3 オープン・バンキング . 33
4.1.4 Request To Pay . 34
4.1.5 インスタントペイメント. 34
4.1.6 支払いリクエストAPI . 35
4.1.7 通信事業者への直接請求 . 36
4.1.8 暗号通貨 . 37
4.1.9 BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) . 38
4.1.10 音声による支払い. 40
4.1.11 IoT . 40
4.2 eコマース決済の将来像. 40
4.2.1 まとめと提言 . 40
i. 国境を越えた決済の実現 . 41
ii. 消費者の支払いに関する好み . 41
iii. オムニチャネルの成長 . 41
iv. テクノロジーは決済分野におけるイノベーションの主要な推進力 . 42
v. 電子商取引決済の将来 . 42
Report Desciption
Juniper Research’s new eCommerce Payments report delivers insightful analysis of the evolution of eCommerce payments, including the rise of alternative payment methods, their future prospects, and barriers to growth. It provides a comprehensive study of the new developments and key trends driving this highly important market for both retailers and payments platforms. The report positions 17 eCommerce Payments vendors in our Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard; providing an invaluable resource for stakeholders seeking to understand the competitive landscape in the market. The report also presents comprehensive market forecasts; delivering extensive insights and overall market sizing across eCommerce Payments.
This research suite includes:
eCommerce Market Status: Analysis of the current status of the eCommerce market and current trends, including the following elements:
Analysis of the key drivers in the growth of eCommerce payments, including rising mCommerce and omnichannel models.
Evaluation of the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on the eCommerce landscape.
eRetail Payments ? Key Challenges: Detailed insight into eRetail payments market, including the following elements:
Assessment of challenges involved in the deployment of eCommerce payments with a deep dive into the applicable global regulatory framework.
Detailed overview of the cross-border eCommerce landscape.
Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations: Key opportunities for vendors highlighted across the eCommerce payments landscape; providing critical insight for key stakeholders.
Alternative Payments & the Future of eCommerce: Insightful analysis of key new technologies and approaches within alternative payments, including the use of blockchain, Open Banking and cryptocurrency.
Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment of 17 eCommerce payments providers, including:
Benchmark Forecasts: 5-year forecasts are provided for eCommerce payments transaction volume and value, including splits by remote payments for physical and digital goods, as well as mobile versus online and OEM pay. Data is also split by our 8 key regions and 25 countries, including:
Companies Referenced
Case Studied: Klarna.
Interviewed: ACI Worldwide, Checkout.com, Cybersource, FIS, Paysafe.
Included in Juniper Research Innovation Index: ACI Worldwide, Adyen, Amazon, Block, Checkout.com, Cybersource, Dwolla, FIS, Fiserv, Payline Data, PayPal, Paysafe, Shopify, Stripe, Trustly, Verifone, WePay.
Mentioned: ACH (Automated Clearing House), Acumatica, Affirm, Afterpay, Airbnb, Alibaba, Alipay, Alltel Information Services , American Banker, Americart, Anybill, Apple, AppsFlyer, AT&T, Aurum Technology, BAI (Bank Administration Institute), Bakkt, BankWare, Barclays, Big Commerce, Bill & Pay, BitPay, Bitrise, BlackRock, Blik, Boleto, Brightpearl, Builtwith, CardinalCommerce , CashEdge, CheckFree Corporation, China UnionPay, Citi, Classy, Clover, Coinbase, Constant Contact, Credit Karma Tax, Credit Suisse, CrossView, Dell, Dessa, Dubarry, eBay, eBlox, Eloquent Labs, Eventzilla, Facebook, Farfetch, foxycart, FreshBooks, Fubo, FutureFuel, Global Payments, GoFundMe, Gojek, Google, GoPay, GuestPoint, Gymshark, H&M, HCL, Heinz, Honey, Hootsuite, Huel, Humble Bundle, Hyperwallet, IATA (International Air Transport Association), iDEAL, IKEA, Infor, Infusionsoft, Instagram, InterCept, Iowa Department of Revenue, Iowa Department of Transportation, iZettle, JCB International Co, Ltd, JPMorgan, Kentico, Konbini, Kordoba GmbH & Co, Lindt, Lyft, Magento, Mastercard, M-Com, Merger with Certegy Inc, Metavante Corporation, Microsoft, Moka, Molson Coors, Monzo, MovoCash, mpany, MySQL, Nestle, Neteller, NetSuite, Network Intelligence Technology, New York Stock Exchange, NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India), Openbucks, Oracle, Paxos, Paydiant, PayMongo, PayPal, Payworks, PCLender, Pinterest, Pizza Hut, Plaid Inc, Qiwi, QuadPay, Quickbooks, Revolut, RocketFuel Blockchain, Inc, Salesforce, Sanchez Computer Associates, SAP, SapientNitro, Selecta Group, SEPA, Sequoia Capital, Shiji, Shopware, Simba, Simility, Skrill, Snapchat, Square, Staples, Step, Tencent Holdings, TIDAL, Tide, TikTok, Unicef, US Census Bureau, US Treasury Department's Bureau of Fiscal Service, Venmo, Verifi, Verifone, Viacash, Viafintech, Visa, Volusion, Walmart, WeChat, Wedbush Securities, West Ham United, Wish, WordPress, Workarea, Worldpay, Xero, Xoom, Yonoton, Zesty, Zip, Zuora.
Juniper Research’s eCommerce Payments forecast suite includes:
Market data splits for 8 key global regions and 25 countries including:
Split by the following payment types:
Remote Payments for Physical Goods (Smartphones, Online, Featurephones, Mobile, OEM Pay, Tablet)
Remote Payments for Digital Goods (Mobile versus Online and OEM Pay)
Access to the full set of forecast data of over 90 tables and more than 22,000 datapoints.
Interactive Excel Scenario tool allowing users the ability to manipulate Juniper Research’s data for 8 different metrics.
Juniper Research’s highly granular interactive Excels enable clients to manipulate Juniper Research’s forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions using the Interactive Scenario Tool; and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA
Table of Contents
1. Key Takeaways and Strategic Recommendations
1.1 Key Takeaways . 4
1.2 Strategic Recommendations . 5
2. eCommerce ? Market Status
2.1 Introduction and Overview of The eCommerce Market . 8
2.1.1 Current Status . 8
Figure 2.1: Total Transaction Volume, Digital and Physical Goods, Split by 8 Key
Regions, 2021-2026 . 9
2.1.2 Key Drivers . 10
i. The Development and Diversification of Online Commerce . 10
Figure 2.2: eCommerce Activity Overview - Hootsuite . 10
ii. The Rise of mCommerce . 10
iii. The Shift Towards Payments Digitisation . 11
2.1.3 Physical Goods. 11
Table 2.3: Revenue & Growth of Selected eCommerce Players . 12
i. Impact of COVID-19 . 12
2.1.4 Digital Goods . 13
i. Impact of COVID-19 . 13
Figure 2.4: Share of Netflix Subscribers Worldwide . 14
2.1.5 Regional Analysis . 14
Figure 2.5: Transaction Volumes for eCommerce (Physical and Digital Goods), by
8 Key Region, 2021 . 15
i. China . 15
Figure 2.6: Top eCommerce merchant segments in China . 15
Figure 2.7: Total Transaction Values, Digital & Physical Goods ($bn), China,
2021-2026 . 16
Figure 2.8: eCommerce Payments Methods split by value . 17
ii. US . 17
Table 2.9: Amazon Revenue ($bn), . 17
iii. Emerging Markets . 18
iv. India . 19
3. eRetail Payments: Key Challenges
3.1 Key Challenges . 22
3.1.1 Regulatory Requirements . 22
i. PSD2, SCA and 3DS2 . 22
Figure 3.1: Card Brand Adoption Deadlines by Geographic Region . 23
3.1.2 Fraud and Security . 24
i. SRC (Secure Remote Commerce) . 25
3.1.3 Costs Associated with eCommerce Payments . 26
3.1.4 Cross-border eCommerce . 26
Figure 3.2: Cross-border Payments Landscape . 27
i. APIs to Use Real-time FX (Foreign Exchange) . 27
ii. Technological Innovation Helping Maintain Transparency . 27
iii. Direct Deposit Accounts in Other Countries . 27
iv. Partnerships with Blockchain Solutions Providers . 27
4. Alternative Payments & The Future of eCommerce Payments
4.1 Alternative Payments Methods . 30
4.1.1 Mobile Wallets and OEM Pay . 30
Figure 4.1: Number of Annual Global Digital Payments 2017-2022 . 31
4.1.2 Subscription/Recurring Payments Model . 32
Figure 4.3: Total Number of Subscriptions per annum, by Category in 2022 . 33
4.1.3 Open Banking . 33
4.1.4 Request To Pay . 34
4.1.5 Instant Payments . 34
4.1.6 Payment Request APIs . 35
4.1.7 Direct Carrier Billing . 36
4.1.8 Cryptocurrency . 37
4.1.9 BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) . 38
4.1.10 Voice Enabled payments . 40
4.1.11 IoT . 40
4.2 The Future of eCommerce Payments . 40
4.2.1 Summary And Recommendations . 40
i. Enabling Cross-border Payments . 41
ii. Consumer Payment Preferences . 41
iii. The Growth of Omnichannel . 41
iv. Technology Is the Key Driver for Innovation in Payments Space . 42
v. The Future of eCommerce Payments . 42
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