![]() CBRS市場:2024-2028年CBRS Market: 2024-2028 当社のCBRSリサーチ・スイートは、米国におけるCBRS(市民ブロードバンド無線サービス)周波数共有がもたらす機会を、事業者、中立的ホスト、プライベートネットワークベンダーがどのように活用しているかにつ... もっと見る
主な要点と戦略的提言: CBRS市場における主要な開発機会と調査結果を詳細に分析し、ステークホルダーへの戦略的提言を提供します。
ベンチマーク業界予測: 金融サービスプロバイダーへの事業概要には、地方と都市、ユースケース、屋内と屋外に分かれたCBSD展開の5年予測が含まれています。また、CBRSの総接続数とCBSDへの総支出の予測データも含まれています。
ジュニパーリサーチの競合リーダーボード: Juniper Research Competitor LeaderboardによるCBRSプライベートネットワークベンダー10社の主要プレーヤーの能力とキャパシティ評価。
Juniper Research Interactive Forecast Excelには以下の機能があります:
Report Description
Our CBRS research suite provides in-depth analysis and evaluation of how operators, neutral hosts, and private network vendors are capitalising on the opportunities created by CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service) spectrum sharing in the US.
The suite includes a data deliverable, sizing the market and providing key forecast data, comprising splits by market vertical for CBSD (Citizens Broadband Radio Service Device) deployments. The market verticals included are Energy, Oil & Gas, Fixed Wireless Access, Government & Public Sector, Healthcare, Logistics, Manufacturing, Mining.
Also included is a complete assessment of the key trends, challenges, and recommendations for stakeholders. The research suite is a comprehensive tool for understanding this rapidly emerging market, allowing stakeholders throughout the CBRS ecosystem to effectively shape their future strategies.
Key Features
Market Dynamics: Insights into key trends and market expansion challenges within the CBRS market; exploring how the market is evolving, and analysing a wide array of CBRS use cases including private networks, network densification, and neutral host services. The CBRS research suite also provides analysis of developments in CBSD deployments, including splits for rural and urban deployments, as well as use cases.
Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations: In-depth analysis of key development opportunities and findings within the CBRS market, accompanied by strategic recommendations for stakeholders.
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: The business overview into financial service providers includes 5-year forecasts for CBSD deployments, split by rural and urban, use case, and indoor and outdoor deployments. Also included is forecast data for the total number of CBRS connections, and total expenditure on CBSDs.
Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment for 10 CBRS private network vendors, via the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard.
Market Data & Forecasts
The market-leading research suite for the CBRS market includes access to the full set of forecast data of 14 tables and over 432 datapoints. Metrics in the research suite include:
CBSD use case splits provided for the following industries:
Juniper Research Interactive Forecast Excel contains the following functionality:
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2025/03/31 10:26 150.52 円 163.58 円 197.82 円 |