B2Bペイメント:主要ビジネスチャンス、セグメント分析、市場予測(2022-2027年)B2B PAYMENTS: KEY OPPORTUNITIES, SEGMENT ANALYSIS & MARKET FORECASTS 2022-2027 ジュニパーリサーチの最新調査「B2B決済」は、B2B決済環境の急速な変化を詳細に分析・評価し、デジタル化の状況、市場の進化を促す主要ベンダーとその将来性などに関する重要な洞察を提供しています。また、さ... もっと見る
ジュニパーリサーチの最新調査「B2B決済」は、B2B決済環境の急速な変化を詳細に分析・評価し、デジタル化の状況、市場の進化を促す主要ベンダーとその将来性などに関する重要な洞察を提供しています。また、さまざまなB2B決済手法の市場進捗状況や、B2B決済エコシステムの関係者にとっての今後の機会という観点から、その台頭が意味するものを評価しています。本調査には、ジュニパーリサーチのCompetitor Leaderboardが含まれており、B2B決済の主要ベンダー17社を位置づけています。
ベンチマークとなる業界予測: B2B決済の取引量および取引額について、国内と海外、および現金、小切手、カード、バーチャルカード、電信送金、即時決済、その他の決済チャネル別に5年間の予測結果を掲載しています。また、事業規模別(大、中、小)、主要8予測地域別、60カ国別のデータも掲載しています。
アルゼンチン, ブラジル, チリ, コロンビア, エクアドル, メキシコ, ペルー, ウルグアイ
アルジェリア、エジプト、イスラエル、ケニア、クウェート、ナイジェリア、カタール、サウジアラビア、南アフ リカ、アラブ首長国連邦
ジュニパーリサーチの競合他社リーダーボード。Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboardでは、B2B決済ベンダー17社の主要プレイヤーの能力とキャパシティの評価を行います。
インタビューを受けました。ACI Worldwide、Discover、FIS。
ケーススタディ ビリー、ブースト、コアチェーン、クーパ、キリバ、レモンウェイ、メトロマイルエンタープライズ、チューンズ
Juniper ResearchのCompetitor Leaderboardに掲載されました。ACI Worldwide、American Express、Banking Circle、CGI、Discover、ECS Fin、Finastra、FIS、Fiserv、IBM、Mastercard、Montran Corporation、Ripple、SWIFT、TreviPay、Visa、Worldline。
言及されています。Accenture, Accuity, Adidas, Adobe, Adyen, AFS, Aiia, Airbus, Alibaba, Alipay, Amazon, AmBank, Andile, Angeles Investors, Anthem, ANZ, Apfiny, Apollo Bank, AQR Capital, Auchan, Axepta, Azimo, b2buy, Banco Galicia, BANCOMAT S.p. A, Bank Liberty, Bank of China, Bankable, Barclaycard, Barclays, Bayer, BBVA Group, BC Card, Be Consulting, Big Byte International, BigCommerce, Biller, Bloccelerate VC, Bluetab Solutions Group, BMW, BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon, BoE (Bank of England), Borsa Italiana, BpiFrance, Bridgepoint, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Capgemini, Capital One, Cardlink SA, CARDNET, Casio, Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, Certify, Chase, Checkout.com, Chime Financial, 中国建設銀行、Checkout. com、Chime Financial、China Construction Bank Asia、Choice Hotels、ChromeRiver、CipherTrace、Cisco、Citi、Citrus Pay、Cognizant、coins. ph, Commerce Bank, CommerceHub, Commerzbank, Commonwealth Bank, Compaynet, Connecticut Innovations, CoreChain Technologies, Corsair Capital, CPQi, Creandum, Credit Agricole, Credit Suisse, Crestmark, Crossroads Bank, CurrencyCloud, CVS, D+H, Daher Capital, Dawn Capital, Deutsche Bank, Digi-BNC.B, Digi-BNC, DIGITAL RIVER, DIGITAL RIVER, DIGITAL RIVER, Deutsche Bank, DIGITAL RIVER, Digital River, Discover, Dawn Capital, ドイツ銀行 Digital River, Discover, Dock&Bay, Dupaco, Ecobank, eComchain, Ekata, Elasticpath, Esri, Evo Payments, Expensify, Experian, Expertus, FedNow, FINCI, Fiserv, FundTap, GFC, Globit, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hokodo, HP, HSBC, IATA, IBM, Infor, Infosys, ING Bank, Ingwe Capital, InstaReM, Interac, Investly, Invictus Growth Partners, Itiviti, JBC, JPMorgan, JTL, Kabbage, KBC, Klarna, KPMG, Lenovo, LexisNexis, LianLian DigiTech Co Ltd, Maersk, Magento, Mambu, MarketFinance, Mastercard, MBSB Bank, Merrill Lynch, Metro City Bank, Microsoft, Misys, Mitsubishi UFJ Capital, MobileExpense, Mondu, MoneyGram.Com, MBSG Bank, MBC, JTL, JDL, MBSB Bank, MPS, MPS, MPS, MPS, MPS, MPS, MPS, MPS, MPS, JDL, JDL, MPS, MPS, MPS, MPS, MPS, JDL, JPL, JPL Morgan Stanley Group, Inc, Mosaik Partners, Motivate Venture Capital, MUFG Bank, NACHA, National Australia Bank, National Capital Bank, National Grid, Natixis, Navistar, Nets, NetSuite, New Form Capital, Next Coast Ventures, Nium, Nordcloud, North Atlantic Capital, Novatti Group, Nuvei, OpenCart, Oracle, P&G, Pay.K, Pay.K, Pay.K, Pay.K, P&G, Nuvei, Nuvei, OpenCart, Oracle, Nuvei, Nuvei, Nuvei, Nuvei, Nuvei, Nuvei, P&G UK, Paymaster24, Paymentsense, PayNet, PayPal, Payrix, Paysafe, Payset, Paytm, PayU, PBoC (People's Bank of China), Picus, Plastiq, Playter, Pleo, Poste Italiane , PPRO, Previse, PXP Financial Partners, QNB (Qatar National Bank), Quick Books Online, Rabobank, Rakuten, Rapyd, Razer FinTech, RBC, Red Hat, Reserve Bank of India, Roxe.B, PBoC, PBoC, PBoC (China University), PXC, PBoC, QBoCo, PBO, PBC, PBC, PBC, PBC, PBC, PBC, RBS, RBS, RBD, RBD。RSA、Rudolph Brooks Federal Credit Union、RuPay、SaaS Venture Capital、Sage Intacct、Salesforce、Sanofi、Santander、SAP Ariba、Satago、SBI Remit、SCB (Siam Commercial Bank), Scentre Group、Sears、Seattle Bank、SenseCorp、SEPAexpress、Serko、韓国新韓銀行、Shopify、ShopWare、ShopWired、SIA、SIBS、Siemens、Silverlake Axis, Singaporean United Overseas Bank, Societe Generale, Software Group, Sony, Speedinvest, Staley Credit Union, Stampli, Standard Bank, Standard Chartered, State Bank of India, Stripe, Sumeru Equity Partners, SurePay, Swedbank, Tazapay, TCH, Telefonica, Tencent, TerraPay, Tesco, Thales , ThreatMetrix, Tink, Tools Today, Toyota, Tranglo, Transfast.Tro, Troy, TruQua.Trox, Troy, Troy, Troy, Troxy, Troxy, Troy, Troy, Troy, Troxy, Troy, Troy, Troy, TRTY トロイ, TruQua, TSYS, TYDEi Health, UBS, Umanis, Unico, UniCredit, Unilever, Union Bank , UnionPay, United Airlines, United Arab Bank, uShip, Venmo, VeriFone, Verizon, Verve, Viamericas, Visa, Walgreens, Walmart, Wave, WeChat, Weixin Pay, Wells Fargo, Wendy's, Western Union, Westpac, Wipro, Wise, WooCommerce, Worldpay, Yoma Bank, Zelle.Net, Wave, Zell, Zel, Zelle, Westcove, Wendi, Wipro, Wise, WooCommerce, Wave.
地理的な区分 60カ国
テーブル数: 174テーブル
データポイント数 68,000以上のデータポイント
ハーベスト 当社のオンライン・データ・プラットフォームであるharvestは、最新の市場データを含み、年間を通じて更新されています。これは、お客様が主要なデータの傾向をよりよく理解し、チャートや表を操作できるようにするための完全な機能を備えたプラットフォームで、1つのチャートの中で異なる予測を重ね合わせたり、比較ツールを使用したりすることが可能です。マーケット・インテリジェンス・センターでお客様のビジネスを強化し、データが更新されるたびにアラートを受け取ることができます。
Interactive Excels(IFxl)。IFxlツールにより、お客様はエクセル環境で予測データとチャートの両方を操作し、インタラクティブ・シナリオ・ツールを使ってご自身の仮定を検証したり、カスタマイズしたチャートや表で選択した市場を並べて比較したりすることができます。IFxlは、お客様が特定の市場を理解し、ご自身の見解をモデルに統合する能力を大幅に向上させます。
2027年には、世界全体で年間1,400件以上の国内決済が行われると予想され、決済プロセスの効率化が不可欠になります。インスタント・ペイメントやISO 20022規格が提供する送金データの追加により、自動照合機能が実現し、支払の整理と照合をシームレスに行う機会が拡大します。
CBDCのような新しい決済方法は、B2B決済分野における課題を解決する上で大きな可能性を秘めています。純粋にデジタルであるため、CBDC による支払いは完全に自動化され、支払場所を容易に追跡することができます。しかし、B2B決済は一般に消費者向け決済プロセスよりも複雑であるため、CBDCはB2B決済のユースケースを念頭に置いて設計する必要があります。そのため、B2B決済のベンダーは、こうした難しいユースケースを初日から考慮できるよう、トライアルやパイロットに参加する必要があります。
地域:8つの主要地域 - 北米、中南米、西ヨーロッパ、中央・東ヨーロッパ、極東・中国、インド亜大陸、その他のアジア太平洋地域、アフリカ・中東を含む。
国名 アルジェリア、アルゼンチン、オーストラリア、オーストリア、バングラデシュ、ベルギー、ブラジル、カナダ、チリ、中国、コロンビア、クロアチア、チェコ、デンマーク、エクアドル、エジプト、フィンランド、フランス、ドイツ、ギリシャ、香港、ハンガリー、インド、インドネシア、アイルランド、イスラエル、イタリア、日本、ケニヤ、韓国、クウェイト、マレーシア。メキシコ、ネパール、オランダ、ニュージーランド、ナイジェリア、ノルウェー、パキスタン、ペルー、フィリピン、ポーランド、ポルトガル、カタール、ルーマニア、ロシア連邦、サウジアラビア、シンガポール、南アフリカ、スペイン、スウェーデン、スイス、タイ、トルコ、ウクライナ、アラブ首長国連邦、英国、ウルグアイ、米国、ベトナム
Report Description
Juniper Research’s latest B2B Payments research provides in-depth analysis and evaluation of how the B2B payments environment is rapidly changing; delivering critical insights on the state of digitalisation, key vendors driving the evolution of the market and their future prospects. It also provides an evaluation of the market progress of various B2B payment methods, and what their rise means in terms of future opportunities for stakeholders in the B2B payments ecosystem. The study contains the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard; positioning 17 key B2B payments vendors.
The research provides incisive analysis of both the domestic and cross-border B2B payments markets; highlighting the current market status, key pain points in existing processes and the most critical opportunities for vendors to seize. It also features a comprehensive forecast suite, encompassing B2B payments for a range of segments:
This research suite comprises:
Market Trends & Strategies (PDF)
Competitor Leaderboard (PDF)
Data & Forecasts (PDF & Excel)
12 Months' Access to harvest Online Data Platform
Key Market Statistics
Market Size in 2022: $88tn
Market Size in 2027: $111tn
2022 to 2027 Growth: 26%
Domestic B2B Payments Analysis: Analysis of the current state of the domestic market for B2B payments, including the following elements:
Assessment of key payment mechanisms, with a regional analysis of payment schemes in place.
Evaluation of the major pain points in domestic payments and what opportunities key stakeholders have to address these challenges.
Cross-border B2B Payments Analysis: Detailed insight into the cross-border B2B payments market, including the following elements:
Analysis of the stage of cross-border B2B payments, together with the level of disruption from COVID-19 and insights into key business payment corridors.
Evaluation of the key cross-border pain points in the B2B payments market, including what developments can ease them.
Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations: Key opportunities for vendors highlighted across the B2B payments landscape; making for an important reading for key stakeholders.
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: 5-year forecasts are provided for B2B payments transaction volume and value, including splits by domestic versus cross-border, and by payment channel, including by cash, cheque, card, virtual card, wire transfer, instant payments, and other. The data is also split by business size (large, medium and small), as well as by our 8 key forecast regions and 60 countries:
North America:
Canada, US
Latin America:
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay
West Europe:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
Central & East Europe:
Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine
Far East & China:
China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea
Indian Subcontinent:
Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan
Rest of Asia Pacific:
Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Africa & Middle East:
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates
Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment for 17 B2B payments vendors, via the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard:
Interviewed: ACI Worldwide, Discover, FIS.
Case Studied: Billie, Boost, CoreChain, Coupa, Kyriba, Lemonway, Metromile Enterprise, Thunes.
Included in Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: ACI Worldwide, American Express, Banking Circle, CGI, Discover, ECS Fin, Finastra, FIS, Fiserv, IBM, Mastercard, Montran Corporation, Ripple, SWIFT, TreviPay, Visa, Worldline.
Mentioned: Accenture, Accuity, Adidas, Adobe, Adyen, AFS, Aiia, Airbus, Alibaba, Alipay, Amazon, AmBank, Andile, Angeles Investors, Anthem, ANZ, Apfiny, Apollo Bank, AQR Capital, Auchan, Axepta, Azimo, b2buy, Banco Galicia, BANCOMAT S.p.A, Bank Liberty, Bank of China, Bankable, Barclaycard, Barclays, Bayer, BBVA Group, BC Card, Be Consulting, Big Byte International, BigCommerce, Biller, Bloccelerate VC, Bluetab Solutions Group, BMW, BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon, BoE (Bank of England), Borsa Italiana, BpiFrance, Bridgepoint, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Capgemini, Capital One, Cardlink SA, CARDNET, Casio, Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, Certify, Chase, Checkout.com, Chime Financial, China Construction Bank Asia, Choice Hotels, ChromeRiver, CipherTrace, Cisco, Citi, Citrus Pay, Cognizant, coins.ph, Commerce Bank, CommerceHub, Commerzbank, Commonwealth Bank, Compaynet, Connecticut Innovations, CoreChain Technologies, Corsair Capital, CPQi, Creandum, Credit Agricole, Credit Suisse, Crestmark, Crossroads Bank, CurrencyCloud, CVS, D+H, Daher Capital, Dawn Capital, Deutsche Bank, Digi-BNC, Digital River, Discover, Dock&Bay, Dupaco, Ecobank, eComchain, Ekata, Elasticpath, Esri, Evo Payments, Expensify, Experian, Expertus, FedNow, FINCI, Fiserv, FundTap, GFC, Globit, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hokodo, HP, HSBC, IATA, IBM, Infor, Infosys, ING Bank, Ingwe Capital, InstaReM, Interac, Investly, Invictus Growth Partners, Itiviti, JBC, JPMorgan, JTL, Kabbage, KBC, Klarna, KPMG, Lenovo, LexisNexis, LianLian DigiTech Co Ltd, Maersk, Magento, Mambu, MarketFinance, Mastercard, MBSB Bank, Merrill Lynch, Metro City Bank, Microsoft, Misys, Mitsubishi UFJ Capital, MobileExpense, Mondu, MoneyGram, Morgan Stanley Group, Inc, Mosaik Partners, Motivate Venture Capital, MUFG Bank, NACHA, National Australia Bank, National Capital Bank, National Grid, Natixis, Navistar, Nets, NetSuite, New Form Capital, Next Coast Ventures, Nium, Nordcloud, North Atlantic Capital, Novatti Group, Nuvei, OpenCart, Oracle, P&G, Pay.UK, Paymaster24, Paymentsense, PayNet, PayPal, Payrix, Paysafe, Payset, Paytm, PayU, PBoC (People’s Bank of China), Picus, Plastiq, Playter, Pleo, Poste Italiane , PPRO, Previse, PXP Financial Partners, QNB (Qatar National Bank), Quick Books Online, Rabobank, Rakuten, Rapyd, Razer FinTech, RBC, Red Hat, Reserve Bank of India, Roxe, RSA, Rudolph Brooks Federal Credit Union, RuPay, SaaS Venture Capital, Sage Intacct, Salesforce, Sanofi, Santander, SAP Ariba, Satago, SBI Remit, SCB (Siam Commercial Bank), Scentre Group, Sears, Seattle Bank, SenseCorp, SEPAexpress, Serko, Shinhan Bank of South Korea, Shopify, ShopWare, ShopWired, SIA, SIBS, Siemens, Silverlake Axis, Singaporean United Overseas Bank, Societe Generale, Software Group, Sony, Speedinvest, Staley Credit Union, Stampli, Standard Bank, Standard Chartered, State Bank of India, Stripe, Sumeru Equity Partners, SurePay, Swedbank, Tazapay, TCH, Telefonica, Tencent, TerraPay, Tesco, Thales , ThreatMetrix, Tink, Tools Today, Toyota, Tranglo, Transfast, Troy, TruQua, TSYS, TYDEi Health, UBS, Umanis, Unico, UniCredit, Unilever, Union Bank , UnionPay, United Airlines, United Arab Bank, uShip, Venmo, VeriFone, Verizon, Verve, Viamericas, Visa, Walgreens, Walmart, Wave, WeChat, Weixin Pay, Wells Fargo, Wendy’s, Western Union, Westpac, Wipro, Wise, WooCommerce, Worldpay, Yoma Bank, Zelle.
Key Market Forecast Splits
??Businesses making B2B payments
B2B payment transaction values
B2B payment transaction volumes
Data is split by cross-border and domestic payment types, with these categories being further split by the business size making the payments (small, medium or large) and the type of payment method being used:
Card Payments (including Virtual Cards)
Cash Payments
Cheque Payments
Wire Transfers (including Instant Payments)
Geographical splits: 60 countries
Number of tables: 174 tables
Number of datapoints: Over 68,000 datapoints
harvest: Our online data platform, harvest, contains the very latest market data and is updated throughout the year. This is a fully featured platform enabling clients to better understand key data trends and manipulate charts and tables; overlaying different forecasts within the one chart ? using the comparison tool. Empower your business with our market intelligence centre, and receive alerts whenever your data is updated.
Interactive Excels (IFxl): Our IFxl tool enables clients to manipulate both forecast data and charts, within an Excel environment, to test their own assumptions using the interactive scenario tool and compare selected markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase a client’s ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
The global transaction value of the B2B payments market will exceed $111 trillion in 2027, from just over $88 trillion in 2022. This growth of 26% will be driven by rising prices caused by rampant inflation, as well as by strong economic growth in developing markets. Increased automation of accounts payable and receivable is
critical to the growing efficiency of payments processing; creating a significant opportunity for B2B payment vendors.
With the average business making over 1,400 domestic payments per year globally in 2027, improving efficiency in payments processes will be critical. Instant payments, and the additional remittance data that the ISO 20022 standard provides, will unlock greater opportunities to seamlessly organise and reconcile payments, by enabling automated reconciliation.
By leveraging new technologies within the accounts payable and receivable processes, businesses can unlock significant cost savings, which is critical during a time of economic uncertainty.
New payment methods, such as CBDCs, hold significant promise in solving challenges within the B2B payments sector. By being purely digital, CBDC payments will be able to be fully automated, being easily traced wherever the payment is. However, CBDCs must be designed with B2B payment use cases in mind, given that B2B payments are generally more complex than consumer payment processes. As such, B2B payments vendors should participate in trials and pilots to ensure these difficult use cases are considered from day one.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, UK, Uruguay, USA, Vietnam
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