
マイクロ・ナノセルロースの世界市場 2025-2035年

The Global Market for Micro- and Nanocellulose 2025-2035

ミクロフィブリル化セルロース、ナノフィブリル化セルロース、セルロースナノクリスタル、バクテリアナノセルロース   マイクロセルロースとナノセルロースは、地球上で最も豊富な有機ポリマーであるセ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 図表数 言語
Future Markets, inc.
2024年9月30日 GBP1,100
578 393 英語






  • 持続可能性:再生可能な生分解性材料として、石油ベースの製品に代わる環境に優しい選択肢を提供します。
  • 軽量強度:強度対重量比が高いため、自動車や航空宇宙などの用途において、性能を維持または向上させながら材料の使用量を削減するのに理想的である。
  • バリア特性:包装資材のバリア性を高め、食品の保存期間を延ばし、プラスチックの使用量を減らす可能性がある。
  • 生物医学的応用:その生体適合性は、創傷治癒、薬物送達、組織工学の可能性を開く。
  • 先端材料:フレキシブル・エレクトロニクス、スマート・テキスタイル、高性能複合材料の製造に使用できる。
  • エネルギー効率:製紙において、紙の品質を向上させながらエネルギー消費を削減することができる。




  • セルロースの概要、その供給源、様々な種類のセルロース繊維。
    • 原料:木材、植物、フナクイムシ、藻類、バクテリア
    • 植物からのセルロース繊維の商業生産
  • ミクロフィブリル化セルロース(MFC)の市場分析:
    • 生産能力
    • 2018年から2035年までの世界市場需要(市場別・収益別)
    • 市場サプライチェーン
    • 価格とコスト分析
    • SWOT分析
    • 製品と今後の展望
    • リスクと機会
    • MFCの主な最終用途市場:
      • 板紙と包装
      • テキスタイル
      • パーソナルケア
      • 塗料とコーティング
  • セルロースナノファイバー(CNF)の市場分析:
    • セルロースナノファイバーの利点
    • 前処理と合成法
    • 生産者による生産方法
    • アプリケーション
    • SWOT分析
    • 生産能力
    • 価格
    • 市販のCNF製品
    • CNFの最終用途市場:
      • 複合材料
      • 自動車
      • 建物と建設
      • 紙・板紙包装
      • テキスタイルアパレル
      • 生物医学とヘルスケア
      • 衛生用品
      • 塗料とコーティング
      • エアロゲル
      • 石油・ガス
      • ろ過
      • レオロジー改質剤
      • 印刷された伸縮自在のフレキシブル・エレクトロニクス
      • 3Dプリンティング
      • 航空宇宙
      • バッテリー
  • セルロースナノクリスタル(CNC)市場は以下のように分析される:
    • 合成方法
    • プロパティ
    • テクニカル・プロダクション
    • 価格
    • SWOT分析
    • 市場と用途
    • 生産能力
    • 世界市場別需要予測
  • バクテリアナノセルロース(BNC)の市場分析:
    • 製造方法
    • 価格
    • SWOT分析
    • 市場と用途を含む:
      • バイオメディカル
      • エレクトロニクス
      • 食品産業
      • 医薬品
      • 化粧品とパーソナルケア
      • 紙と複合材料
      • ろ過膜
      • 音響
      • テキスタイル
  • マイクロセルロースとナノセルロース市場に関わる230社以上の企業プロファイル。掲載企業は、525 Solutions、Adsorbi、AgriSea NZ Seaweed、Aichemist Metal、Alberta Innovates、Anomera、ANPOLY、旭化成、Axcelon Biopolymers、Azolla、Betulium、BIO-LUTIONS International、Bioweg、Birla Cellulose、BlockTexx、Blue BioFuels、Blue Goose Biorefineries、Borregaard ChemCell、Bowil Biotech、Bucha Bio、Cass Materials、Ceapro、Cellucomp、Celluforce、Cellugy、CH Bioforce, CIRC, Circular Systems, CreaFill Fibers, Daicel, Daio Paper, 大東化成工業, DePuy Synthes, Eastman Chemical, Evrnu, Fiberlean Technologies, Freyzein, FZMB, GenCrest Bio Products、HeiQ Materials, Honext Material, Ioncell, Kelheim Fibres, Klabin, Kruger Biomaterials, Kusano Sakko, Lenzing, LIST Technology, Lixea, Lohmann & Rauscher, MakeGrowLab, Melodea, Metsä;グループ、モダンシンセシス、ナノロース、日本製紙、ヌーサファイバー、ノルディック・バイオプロダクツ・グループ、ノルスケ・スコッグ、王子ホールディングス、オレンジファイバー、オーガニック・ディスポーザブルズ、パナソニック、パフォーマンス・バイオフィラメンツ、ポリビオン、リフレッシュ・グローバル、リリーフ・ペーパー、Re:newcell、Rise Innventia、Sappi、SaXcell、ScobyTec、Seven Industria De Produtos Biotecnologicos、Simplifyber、Smartfiber、Soma Bioworks、Spinnova、Stora Enso、Suzano、TreeToTextile、UPM Biocomposites、Valmet、VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland、Weidmann Fiber Technology、Woodly、Worn Again Technologies、Zelfo Technology。これらのプロフィールには、企業背景、生産プロセス、製品、ターゲット市場、最近の開発に関する情報が含まれています。



1 はじめに 39

  • 1.1 定義 40
  • 1.2 セルロース 40
  • 1.3 原料 42
    • 1.3.1 木材 42
    • 1.3.2 工場 43
    • 1.3.3 チュニケート 44
    • 1.3.4 藻類 44
    • 1.3.5 バクテリア 44
  • 1.4 セルロース繊維 45
    • 1.4.1 ミクロフィブリル化セルロース(MFC) 45
    • 1.4.2  Commercial production of cellulose 繊維from plants  46
      • シード繊維 46
        • コットン 46
        • 生産量 2018-2035 48
        • 第48章
        • 生産量 2018-2035 49
        • ヘチマ 50
      • バスト繊維 51
        • ジュート51
          • 生産量 2018-2035 52
        • 麻 53
          • 生産量 2018-2035 54
        • 亜麻 55
          • 生産量 2018-2035 56
        • 腕 56
          • 生産量 2018-2035 57
        • ケナフ 58
          • 生産量 2018-2035 59
      • 葉繊維 60
        • サイザル麻60
          • 生産量 2018-2035 61
        • アバカ 61
        • 生産量 2018-2035 63
      • Fruit 繊維63
        • コアー 63
          • 生産量 2018-2035 64
        • バナナ 65
          • 生産量 2018-2035 66
        • パイナップル 67
      • Stalk 繊維from agricultural residues  68
        • 米繊維 68
        • トウモロコシ 69
      • サトウキビ、イネ科植物、ヨシ 70
        • スイッチグラス 70
        • サトウキビ(農業残渣) 70
        • 竹 71
          • 生産量 2018-2035 72
        • 生牧草(グリーン・バイオリファイナリー) 72
    • 1.4.3  Regenerated cellulose 繊維73
    • 1.4.4 イオン液体 74
  • 1.5  “Nano”セルロース(CNF, CNC, BNC)74
  • 1.6 セルロースフィラメント 75


2 微細繊維化セルロース 77

  • 2.1 生産能力 77
  • 2.2 世界市場の需要 2018-2035 78
    • 2.2.1 市場別、トン 78
    • 2.2.2 市場別売上高 80
  • 2.3 市場サプライチェーン 82
  • 2.4 価格とコスト分析 83
  • 2.5 SWOT分析 85
  • 2.6 製品 86
  • 2.7 今後の展望 87
  • 2.8 リスクと機会 88
  • 2.9 最終用途市場 89
    • 2.9.1 板紙と包装 89
      • 市場概要 89
      • 世界市場 2018-2024 90
        • トン 90
        • 収益 91
        • 地域別 93
    • 2.9.2 テキスタイル 95
      • 市場概要 95
      • 世界市場 2018-2035 95
        • トン 95
        • 収益 97
        • 地域別 98
    • 2.9.3 ケアラーズ100
      • 市場概要 100
      • 世界市場 2018-2035 101
        • トーン 101
        • 収益 102
        • 地域別 104
    • 2.9.4 塗料とコーティング 105
      • 市場概要 105
      • 世界市場 2018-2035 106
        • トン 106
        • 収益 108
        • 地域別 109
    • 2.9.5 その他の市場 111
  • 2.10 会社プロファイル 112 (59社プロファイル)


3 セルロースナノファイバー 166

  • 3.1  Advantages of cellulose nano繊維166
  • 3.2 前処理と合成法 167
    • 3.2.1 酸加水分解 171
    • 3.2.2 TEMPO酸化 171
    • 3.2.3 過硫酸アンモニウム(APS)の酸化 172
    • 3.2.4 酵素加水分解 172
    • 3.2.5 ボールミル 172
    • 3.2.6 クライオクラッシング 173
    • 3.2.7 高剪断研削 173
    • 3.2.8 超音波治療 173
    • 3.2.9 高圧ホモジナイゼーション173
    • 3.2.10 最近の方法 174
      • マイクロ波照射 174
      • 酵素処理 174
      • 深部共晶溶媒(DES) 175
      • パルス電界 176
      • 電子ビーム照射 176
  • 3.3 生産方法(生産者別 177
  • 3.4  Applications of cellulose nano繊維179
  • 3.5 SWOT分析 180
  • 3.6 セルロースnano繊維(CNF) production capacities 2024 181
  • 3.7 価格 182
  • 3.8 市販のCNF製品 184
  • 3.9 最終用途市場セルロースナノファイバー用 193
    • 3.9.1 複合材料 193
      • 市場概要 193
      • 市場と用途 197
        • 自動車用複合材料 198
        • バイオコンポジット・フィルム&パッケージング 198
        • バリア包装198
        • 断熱複合材料 199
        • 建設用複合材料 199
      • 世界市場 2018-2035 200
        • トン 200
        • 収益 201
        • 地域別 203
      • 製品開発者 205
    • 3.9.2 自動車 207
      • 市場概要 207
      • 市場と用途 209
        •複合材料  210
        • エアインテーク・コンポーネント 215
        • タイヤ 216
      • Global market2018-2035 216
        • トン 216
        • 収益 217
        • 地域別219
      • 製品開発者 221
    • 3.9.3 建物および建設 224
      • 市場概要 224
      • 市場と用途 227
        • サンドイッチ複合材料 227
        • セメント添加剤 227
        • ポンププライマー 228
        • 断熱と制振 228
      • Global market2018-2035 229
        • トン 229
        • 収益 230
        • 地域別 232
      • 製品開発者 234
    • 3.9.4 紙・板紙包装 235
      • 市場概要 235
      • 市場と用途 240
        • 補強とバリア 241
        • 生分解性食品包装用ホイルおよびフィルム 241
        • 板紙用コーティング剤241
      • Global market2018-2035 242
        • トン 242
        • 収益 243
        • 地域別 245
      • 製品開発者 248
    • 3.9.5 繊維・アパレル 249
      • 市場概要 249
      • 市場と用途 252
        • 大人用・子供用紙おむつにおけるCNF消臭・防臭剤(抗菌剤) 252
        • フットウェア 253
      • Global market2018-2035 253
        • トン 253
        • 収益 255
        • 地域別 256
      • 製品開発者のプロフィール 258
    • 3.9.6 生物医学とヘルスケア 259
      • 市場概要 259
      • 市場と用途 264
        • 創傷被覆材 264
        • ドラッグデリバリー安定剤 265
        • 組織工学用足場 265
      • Global market2018-2035 265
        • トン 265
        • 収益 266
        • 地域別 268
      • 製品開発者 271
    • 3.9.7 衛生用品 274
      • 市場概要 274
      • 市場と用途 274
      • Global market2018-2035 275
        • トン 275
        • 収益 276
        • 地域別 278
      • 製品開発者 280
    • 3.9.8 塗料・コーティング 281
      • 市場概要 281
      • 市場と用途 284
      • Global market2018-2035284
        • トン284
        • 収益 286
        • 地域別 287
      • 製品開発者 290
    • 3.9.9 エアロゲル 291
      • 市場概要 291
      • 市場と用途 293
      • Global market2018-2035 294
        • トン 294
        • 収益 295
        • 地域別 297
      • 製品開発者 299
    • 3.9.10 石油・ガス 300
      • 市場概要 300
      • 市場と用途 302
        • 石油回収用途(フラクチャリング液) 302
        • 分離用CNF膜 302
        • 石油・ガス流体添加剤 303
      •  Global market2018-2035303
        • トン303
        • 収入 304
        • 地域別 306
      • 製品開発者 308
    • 3.9.11 ろ過 309
      • 市場概要 309
      • 市場と用途 313
        • 選択吸収膜 313
      •  Global market2018-2035313
        • トン313
        • 収入 315
        • 地域別 316
      • 製品開発者 319
    • 3.9.12 レオロジー改良剤 320
      • 市場概要 320
      • 市場と用途 321
        • 食品添加物 322
        • ピッカリングスタビライザー 322
        • ハイドロゲル322
        • 化粧品とスキンケア 323
      •  Global market2018-2035 324
        • トン324
        • 収入 325
        • 地域別 327
      • 製品開発者 329
    • 3.9.13 その他の市場 331
      • 印刷、伸縮、フレキシブル・エレクトロニクス 331
        • 市場評価 331
        • 製品開発者 334
      • 3Dプリンティング 336
        • 市場評価 336
        • 製品開発者 337
      • 航空宇宙 337
        • 市場評価337
        • 製品開発者 338
      • バッテリー 339
        • 市場評価339
  • 3.10セルロースnanofiber company profiles  340 (122社のプロファイル)


4 セルロース・ナノクリスタル 493

  • 4.1 はじめに 493
  • 4.2 合成 493
  • 4. プロパティ 496
  • 4.4 プロダクション 497
  • 4.5 価格 498
  • 4.6 SWOT分析 499
  • 4.7 市場と用途 500
  • 4.8 セルロースナノクリスタル(CNC)生産能力 2023年 501
  • 4.9  Global demand for cellulose nanocrystals by market502
  • 4.10セルロースnanocrystal company profiles504 (22 company profiles)


5 バクテリアナノセルロース(BNC) 536

  • 5.1 概要536
  • 5.2 製造536
  • 5.3 価格 539
  • 5.4 SWOT分析 540
  • 5.5 市場と用途 541
    • 5.5.1 バイオメディカル 541
    • 5.5.2 エレクトロニクス 542
    • 5.5.3 食品産業542
    • 5.5.4 医薬品 543
    • 5.5.5 化粧品とパーソナルケア 543
    • 5.5.6 紙と複合材料 544
    • 5.5.7 膜ろ過544
    • 5.5.8 音響 545
    • 5.5.9 テキスタイル 545
  • 5.6 バクテリアナノセルロース(BNC)企業プロフィール 546 (20社プロファイル)


6 調査範囲と方法論 562

  • 6.1 報告書の範囲 562
  • 6.2 研究方法論 562




7 参考文献 564



  • 表1.ナノセルロースの種類とMFCの長さと直径。 40
  • 表3.様々な藻類の細胞外被膜に見られる主なポリマー。 44
  • 表4.綿繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。47
  • 表5.カポック繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。 49
  • 表6.ルファ繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。 50
  • 表7.ジュート繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。51
  • 表8.麻繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。53
  • 表9.亜麻繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。55
  • 表10.ラミー繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。 57
  • 表11.ケナフ繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。58
  • 表12.サイザル麻繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。60
  • 表13.アバカ繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。61
  • 表14.コアー繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。63
  • 表15.バナナ繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。 65
  • 表16.パイナップル繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。 67
  • 表17.米繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。68
  • 表18.トウモロコシ繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。69
  • 表19.スイッチグラス繊維の概要-説明、特性、用途。70
  • 表20.サトウキビ繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途、市場規模。70
  • 表21.竹繊維の概要-説明、特性、欠点、用途。 71
  • 表22.再生セルロース繊維企業。 73
  • 表23.ミクロフィブリル化セルロース(MFC)の生産能力(メートル・トン)および生産プロセス(生産者別、メートル・トン)。 77
  • 表24.ミクロフィブリル化セルロース(MFC)の世界市場需要。 78
  • 表25.生産コスト。 83
  • 表26.市販のミクロフィブリル化セルロース製品。 86
  • 表27.産業別の展望。 87
  • 表28.板紙・包装用セルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の市場概要-市場年齢、主な利点、用途、生産者。 89
  • 表29.紙と包装におけるセルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の世界需要、2018~2035年(トン)。90
  • 表30.紙と包装におけるセルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の世界売上高、2018~2035年(百万米ドル)。91
  • 表31.紙と包装におけるセルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の地域別売上高、2018~2035年(百万米ドル)。 93
  • 表32.繊維製品におけるセルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の市場概要-市場年齢、主な利点、用途、生産者。 95
  • 表33.繊維製品におけるセルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の世界需要、2018~2035年(トン)。95
  • 表34.繊維製品におけるセルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の世界売上高、2018~2035年(百万米ドル)97
  • 表35.繊維製品におけるセルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の地域別売上高、2018~2035年(百万米ドル)。98
  • 表36.パーソナルケアにおけるセルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の市場概要-市場年齢、主な利点、用途、生産者。100
  • 表37.パーソナルケアにおけるミクロフィブリル化セルロースの世界需要、2018~2035年(トン)。101
  • 表38.パーソナルケアにおけるミクロフィブリル化セルロースの世界売上高(2018~2035年)(百万米ドル)。 102
  • 表39.パーソナルケアにおけるミクロフィブリル化セルロースの地域別売上高、2018~2035年(百万米ドル)。 104
  • Table40. Market overview for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paints and coatings-market age, key benefits, applications and producers.  106
  • 表41.塗料とコーティングにおけるセルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の世界需要、2018~2035年(トン)。106
  • 表42.塗料とコーティングにおけるセルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の世界売上高、2018~2035年(百万米ドル) 108
  • 表43.塗料・コーティングにおけるセルロース微細繊維(ミクロフィブリル化セルロース)の地域別売上高、2018~2035年(百万米ドル)109
  • Table44. Other markets for Microfibrillated Cellulose.  111
  • 表45.金属および高分子材料に対するセルロースナノフィブリルの特性。 166
  • 表46.様々な従来技術を用いた、様々なリグノセルロース原料からのナノセルロース(NC)の抽出。 170
  • 表47.生産者別のCNFとCNCの製造方法。177
  • 表48.セルロースナノファイバー(CNF)の用途。 179
  • Table49. CNF production capacities (by type, wet or dry) and production process, by producer, metric tons.  181
  • Table50: Product/price/application matrix of cellulose nanofiber producers. 182
  • 表51.セルロースナノファイバーベースの市販製品*。 184
  • 表52.ポリマー複合材料補強材の比較特性。 193
  • 表53.複合材料におけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術の欠点、競合材料、材料負荷、世界の主な複合材料OEM。194
  • 表54.セルロースナノファイバーの複合材料への応用。197
  • 表55.複合材料におけるセルロースナノファイバーの世界市場需要、2018~2035年(メートルトン)。 200
  • 表56.複合材料におけるセルロースナノファイバーの売上高、2018~2035年(百万米ドル)。 201
  • Table57. Revenues for cellulose nanofibers in composites, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 203
  • 表58.複合材料におけるセルロースナノファイバーの開発企業。205
  • 表59.自動車用セルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術的欠点、競合材料、材料負荷、世界の主要自動車OEM。 207
  • 表60.セルロースナノファイバーの自動車への応用。 209
  • 表61.NCVのコンポーネント211
  • Table 62. Global market demand for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector,2018-2035 (metric tons). 216
  • Table63. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector,2018-2035 (millions USD). 217
  • Table 64. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 219
  • Table65. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in the automotive industry. 221
  • 表 66.建築・建設分野におけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術の欠点、競合材料、材料負荷、世界の主な建築OEM 224
  • Table67. Applications of cellulose nanofibers in building and construction. 227
  • Table 68: Market demand for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction,2018-2035 (tons). 229
  • Table 69. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction,2018-2035 (millions USD).230
  • Table 70. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 232
  • Table71. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers in building and construction. 234
  • 表72.ナノセルロースフィルムの酸素透過性を、市販の石油系材料や他のポリマーで作られたものと比較したもの。 235
  • Table73. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in paper and board packaging-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global paper and board packaging OEMs.235
  • 表74.紙・板紙包装におけるセルロースナノファイバーの用途。240
  • Table 75. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in paper & board packaging market,2018-2035 (tons).  242
  • Table 76. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paper & board/packaging market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 243
  • Table77. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paper & board/packaging market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 245
  • Table78. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in paper and board. 248
  • 表79.繊維製品およびアパレルにおけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術的欠点、競合素材、素材負荷、世界の主な繊維製品およびアパレルOEM。249
  • Table 80. Demand for cellulose nanofibers in textiles,2018-2035 (tons).253
  • Table81. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the textiles & apparel market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 255
  • Table 82. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the textiles & apparel market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 256
  • Table83. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in textiles and apparel. 258
  • 表84.医療とヘルスケアにおけるナノセルロースの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術的欠点、競合材料、材料負荷、世界の主な医療とヘルスケアOEM。259
  • 表85.生物医学とヘルスケアにおけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場と用途。264
  • Table86. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in biomedical and healthcare,2018-2035 (tons). 265
  • Table87. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the biomedicine & healthcare market,2018-2035 (millions USD).266
  • Table 88. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the biomedicine & healthcare market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 268
  • Table89. Nanocellulose product developers in medicine and healthcare.  271
  • 表90.衛生・生理用品におけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場と用途。 274
  • Table 91. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in hygiene and sanitary products,2018-2035 (tons).  275
  • Table 92. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the hygiene & sanitary market,2018-2035 (millions USD).276
  • Table93. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the hygiene & sanitary market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 278
  • 表94.衛生・生理用品におけるセルロースナノファイバー製品開発企業。280
  • Table95. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in paints and coatings-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global paints and coatings OEMs. 281
  • 表96.塗料とコーティングにおけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場と用途。284
  • Table 97. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in paint and coatings,2018-2035 (tons). 284
  • Table98. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paints & coatings market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 286
  • Table 99. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paints & coatings market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 287
  • 表100.塗料・コーティング分野でナノセルロース製品を開発する企業、対象とする用途、商業化の段階。 290
  • 表101.エアロゲルにおけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術の欠点、競合材料、材料負荷、世界の主なエアロゲルOEM。 291
  • Table102. Markets and applications for cellulose nanofibers in aerogels. 293
  • Table103. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in aerogels,2018-2035 (tons). 294
  • Table104. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the aerogels market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 295
  • Table105. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the aerogels market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 297
  • Table106. Nanocellulose in product developers in aerogels. 299
  • 表 107.石油・ガス分野におけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術的欠点、競合材料、材料負荷、世界の主な石油・ガスOEM。300
  • Table108. Markets and applications of cellulose nanofibers in oil and gas. 302
  • Table109. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the oil and gas market,2018-2035 (tons).  303
  • Table 110. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the oil & gas market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 304
  • Table111. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the oil & gas market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD).306
  • 表112.石油・ガス探査におけるセルロースナノファイバー製品開発者。308
  • 表113.CNF膜。310
  • 表 114.濾過におけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術の欠点、競合材料、材料負荷、世界の主な濾過OEM。310
  • 表115.ろ過におけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場と用途。313
  • Table 116. Global demand for Cellulose nanofibers in the filtration market,2018-2035 (tons). 313
  • Table 117. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the filtration market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 315
  • Table 118. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the filtration market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD).316
  • 表119.ろ過分野でセルロースナノファイバー製品を開発している企業。 319
  • 表120.レオロジー改質剤におけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術的欠点、競合材料、材料負荷、世界の主なレオロジー改質剤OEM。320
  • 表121.レオロジー改質剤におけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場と用途。321
  • Table 122. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market,2018-2035 (tons).  324
  • Table123. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market,2018-2035 (millions USD).325
  • Table 124. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 327
  • 表125.レオロジー改質剤におけるセルロースナノファイバーの商業活動。329
  • 表126.フレキシブルエレクトロニクス-セルロースナノファイバーフィルム(ナノペーパー)の特性。331
  • 表127.プリンテッド、ストレッチャブル、フレキシブルエレクトロニクスにおけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術的欠点、競合材料、材料負荷、世界の主なプリンテッド、フレキシブル、ストレッチャブルエレクトロニクスOEM。 332
  • 表128.プリンテッド・エレクトロニクス、ストレッチャブル・エレクトロニクス、フレキシブル・エレクトロニクスの分野でセルロース・ナノファイバー製品を開発している企業。334
  • 表 129.3Dプリンティングにおけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術の欠点、競合材料、材料負荷、世界の主な3DプリンティングOEM。336
  • 表 130.セルロースナノファイバー3Dプリンティング製品を開発する企業。 337
  • 表 131.航空宇宙分野におけるセルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術の欠点、競合材料、材料負荷。337
  • 表 132:航空機・航空宇宙分野でセルロースナノファイバー製品を開発する企業。338
  • 表 133.電池用セルロースナノファイバーの市場評価-用途、主な利点と使用動機、メガトレンド、市場促進要因、技術的欠点。339
  • 表134:グランバイオ・ナノセルロース・プロセス. 386
  • 表135.日本製紙の商業用CNF製品429
  • Table 136. Oji Holdings CNF products.441
  • 表137.セルロースナノ結晶(CNC)の合成法。 494
  • 表138.CNCソース、サイズ、収量。 495
  • 表 139.CNCのプロパティ。 496
  • Table 140. Mechanical properties of CNC and other reinforcement materials.496
  • 表141.セルロースナノ結晶の製造法。 497
  • Table 142. Product/price/application matrix of cellulose nanocrystal producers.498
  • Table 143. Markets and applications of cellulose nanocrystals.500
  • 表144:セルロースナノクリスタルの生産能力(タイプ別、ウェットまたはドライ)および生産プロセス(生産者別、メートル トン)。 501
  • Table 145. Global demand for cellulose nanocrystals by market,2018-2035 (metric tons).502
  • 表146.CNCメーカーの概要。 504
  • 表147.細菌性ナノセルロースの製造法。 537
  • 表148:細菌性ナノセルロース生産者の製品/価格/用途マトリックス。 539
  • 表149.細菌性ナノセルロースの市場と用途。541
  • 表150.フィブナノの特性。555



  • 図1.セルロース鎖の部分的な分子構造の模式図。炭素原子とセロビオース繰り返し単位のn=数を番号で示す。41
  • 図2.セルロース素材のスケール。 42
  • 図3.異なる生物におけるセルロース合成末端複合体(TC)の組織と形態。 42
  • 図4.(a)木材セルロース、(b)ツニナセルロース、(c)BCの生合成。 43
  • 図5.セルロースのミクロフィブリルとナノフィブリル。45
  • 図6.ミクロフィブリル化セルロースのSEM像。46
  • Figure 7. Cotton production volume2018-2035(Million MT). 48
  • Figure 8. Kapok production volume2018-2035(MT).  49
  • 図9. ルファ・シリンドリカの繊維。 50
  • Figure 10. Jute production volume2018-2035(Million MT).  52
  • Figure 11. Hemp fiber production volume2018-2035(MT).  54
  • Figure 12. Flax fiber production volume2018-2035(MT). 56
  • Figure 13. Ramie fiber production volume2018-2035(MT).  58
  • Figure 14. Kenaf fiber production volume2018-2035(MT). 59
  • Figure 15. Sisal fiber production volume2018-2035(MT). 61
  • Figure 16. Abaca fiber production volume2018-2035(MT).  63
  • Figure 17. Coir fiber production volume2018-2035(million MT).65
  • Figure 18. Banana fiber production volume2018-2035(MT). 66
  • 図19.パイナップルの繊維。67
  • Figure 20. A bag made with pineapple biomaterial from the H&M Conscious Collection2019. 68
  • Figure 21. Bamboo fiber production volume2018-2035(MILLION MT). 72
  • Figure 22. Global market demand for Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC).2018-2035 (tons). 79
  • Figure 23. Global market revenues for Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC).2018-2035(millions USD). 81
  • 図24.ミクロフィブリル化セルロース市場のサプライチェーン。82
  • 図25.SWOT分析:ミクロフィブリル化セルロース市場。86
  • Figure 26. Global demand for Microfibrillated Cellulose in paper and packaging,2018-2035 (tons). 91
  • Figure 27. Global demand for Microfibrillated Cellulose in paper and packaging,2018-2035(millions USD). 93
  • Figure 28. Revenues for cellulose microfibers (Microfibrillated Cellulose) in paper and packaging, by region,2018-2035(millions USD). 94
  • Figure 29. Global demand for Microfibrillated Cellulose in textiles,2018-2035 (tons). 96
  • Figure 30. Global revenues for Microfibrillated Cellulose in textiles,2018-2035(millions USD).  98
  • Figure 31. Revenues for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in textiles, by region,2018-2035(millions USD). 99
  • Figure 32. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in personal care,2018-2035 (tons).  102
  • Figure 33. Global revenues for cellulose nanofibers in personal care,2018-2035(millions USD).  103
  • Figure 34. Revenues for Microfibrillated Cellulose in personal care, by region,2018-2035(millions USD).  105
  • Figure 35. Global demand for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paints and coatings,2018-2035 (tons). 107
  • Figure 36. Global revenues for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paints and coatings,2018-2035(millions USD).  109
  • Figure 37. Revenues for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paints and coatings, by region,2018-2035(millions USD). 110
  • 図38.加圧熱水抽出。 119
  • 図39.セリッシュ 123
  • Figure40. BELLOCEA™ 124
  • 図41.高粘度とフィブリル構造を示すミネラル/MFC複合材料の写真(a)と顕微鏡写真(b)。 128
  • Figure42. Water-repellent cellulose. 129
  • Figure43. HeiQ AeoniQ .  131
  • Figure44. BioFlex process. 140
  • 図45.セルロース繊維で作られた掃除機の部品(左)と組み立てられた掃除機。 147
  • 図46:Innventia ABの可動式ナノセルロース・デモ・プラント。 150
  • 図47.3Dプリントされたセルロース製シューズ。 153
  • 図48.リヨセルプロセス。154
  • Figure49. Thales packaging incorporating Fibrease. 157
  • Figure50. HefCel-coated wood (left) and untreated wood (right) after 30 seconds flame test.  161
  • 図51.ウォーンアゲイン製品。164
  • Figure52. Nanocellulose preparation methods and resulting materials. 168
  • 図53.酵素処理(エンドグルカナーゼとキシラナーゼ)に続く機械的処理を用いた、リグノセルロース系バイオマスからのナノセルロース製造。175
  • Figure54. EBI pretreatment combined with HPH for CNC production. 177
  • 図55.SWOT分析:セルロースナノファイバー市場。 180
  • 図56.アルバ23 184
  • Figure57. Dorayaki.185
  • Figure58. ENASAVE NEXT.  185
  • 図59.フラット4-KAEDE。 185
  • 図60 GEL-KAYANO™. 186
  • 図61.KAMIDE+CNF紙容器。 186
  • 図62.Hada care acty®. 187
  • Figure63. Hiteeth All in One Mouth Gel.  187
  • 図64.HYPERNANO Xシリーズ。 187
  • Figure65. Kirekira! toilet wipes. 188
  • 図66.ONKYO® Scepter SC-3(B) 2ウェイ・スピーカー・システム。188
  • Figure67. Pioneer® SE-MONITOR5 Headphones. 188
  • 図68.「ポイズ」シリーズ 超強力消臭シート。189
  • 図69.生コンクリート圧送用ルブリ前駆体ルブリス。 189
  • 図70.SC-3(B)スピーカー。 190
  • Figure71. SE-MONITOR5 headphones.190
  • Figure72. "Skin Care Acty" series Adult diapers.190
  • Figure73. Spingle Company sneakers.191
  • 図74:「SURISURI」化粧水。191
  • 図 75.X9400シリーズ。 191
  • 図76.X プレミアム・サウンド・スピーカー アルプス・アルパイン 192
  • Figure77. Global market demand for cellulose nanofibers in composites,2018-2035 (metric tons).201
  • Figure78. Revenues for cellulose nanofibers in composites,2018-2035 (millions USD).  202
  • Figure 79. Revenues for cellulose nanofibers in composites, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 204
  • 図80.CNF混合PLA(ポリ乳酸)。205
  • Figure81. CNF resin products. 206
  • 図82.NCVコンセプトカーのインテリア。207
  • Figure83. Interior of the NCV prototype. 210
  • Figure 84. Global market demand for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector,2018-2035 (metric tons). 217
  • Figure 85. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector,2018-2035 (millions USD). 218
  • Figure86. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 220
  • Figure87: Daio Paper's cellulose nanofiber material in doors and hood of race car.  221
  • 図88:CNF複合材。222
  • Figure89: Engine cover utilizing Kao CNF composite resins. 222
  • 図90.環境省のナノセルロース自動車(NCV)プロジェクトで開発されたCNF自動車エンジンカバー。223
  • 図91.コンクリート中のナノフィラーと補助セメント質材料および骨材との比較。 224
  • Figure 92. Demand for cellulose nanofibers in construction,2018-2035 (tons).  230
  • Figure93. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction,2018-2035 (millions USD). 231
  • Figure 94. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 233
  • Figure95. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the paper & board/packaging market,2018-2035 (tons). 243
  • Figure 96. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paper & board/packaging market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 245
  • Figure 97. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paper & board/packaging market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 247
  • Figure98. Markets and applications of cellulose nanofibers in textiles and apparel.  252
  • 図99.アシックスGEL-KAYANO™25ランニングシューズ。 253
  • Figure 100. Demand for cellulose nanofibers in the textiles sector,2018-2035 (tons). 254
  • Figure 101. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the textiles & apparel market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 256
  • Figure102. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the textiles & apparel market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 257
  • Figure103. CNF deodorant products. 258
  • Figure104. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in biomedical and healthcare,2018-2035 (tons).  266
  • Figure105. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the biomedicine & healthcare market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 268
  • Figure106. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the biomedicine & healthcare market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 270
  • 図107.フィブナノ272
  • Figure108. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in hygiene and sanitary products,2018-2035 (tons).  276
  • Figure109. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the hygiene & sanitary market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 278
  • Figure 110. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the hygiene and sanitary products market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 279
  • Figure111. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in paint and coatings,2018-2035 (tons). 285
  • Figure 112. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paints & coatings market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 287
  • Figure 113. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paints & coatings market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 289
  • 図114.30秒火炎試験後のヘフセル処理木材(左)と無処理木材(右)。291
  • Figure 115: Global demand for nanocellulose in in aerogels,2018-2035 (tons).  295
  • Figure 116. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the aerogels market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 296
  • Figure 117. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the aerogelsmarket, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 298
  • Figure 118. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the oil and gas market,2018-2035 (tons).  304
  • Figure119. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in oil & gas market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 306
  • Figure 120. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the oil & gas market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 307
  • 図121.石油回収への応用が期待されるEMPAが開発したナノセルローススポンジ。 308
  • Figure 122. Global demand for Cellulose nanofibers in the filtration market,2018-2035 (tons). 314
  • Figure123. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the filtration market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 316
  • Figure 124. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the filtration packaging market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 318
  • 図125.CNF-nwの多層断面。319
  • Figure 126. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market,2018-2035 (tons).  325
  • Figure 127. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market,2018-2035 (millions USD). 326
  • Figure128. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market, by region,2018-2035 (millions USD). 328
  • 図129.「SURISURI」製品。 330
  • 図130.折り畳み可能なナノペーパーアンテナ。332
  • Figure131: Flexible electronic substrate made from CNF.  334
  • 図132.王子CNF透明シート。 334
  • 図133.絶縁材料としてNFC を使用した電子部品。335
  • 図134:アンポリセルロースナノファイバーハイドロゲル。 341
  • 図135.MEDICELLU™. 342
  • 図136:旭化成のCNF製造プロセス。344
  • 図137:旭化成CNFファブリックシート。 344
  • 図138 旭化成セルロースナノファイバー不織布の特性。345
  • 図139.CNF不織布。346
  • 図140 ナノフォレスト製品。357
  • 図141.中越パルプ工業のCNF製造工程。358
  • 図142 ナノフォレスト-S 359
  • 図143. ナノフォレスト-PDP。359
  • 図144. ナノフォレストMB。 360
  • 図145:CNFを組み込んだトランクリッド。 362
  • 図146.大王製紙のCNF製造工程。 364
  • Figure147. ELLEX products.366
  • 図148.CNF強化PPコンパウンド。 366
  • 図149.キレキラ!トイレ用ウェットティッシュ。 366
  • Figure150. Color CNF. 368
  • 図151.DICプロダクツのCNF製造プロセス。 370
  • 図152.株式会社DKSLtd.CNF製造プロセス。 372
  • Figure153: Rheocrysta spray. 373
  • 図154.DKS CNF製品。374
  • 図155:柑橘類の皮をベースにしたCNF。375
  • 図156.シトラスセルロースナノファイバー。376
  • 図157.フィラーバンクCNC製品。 378
  • 図158.GREEN CHIP CMFペレットと射出成形品。380
  • 図159:セルロースナノファイバー(CNF)とポリエチレン(PE)の複合材。 381
  • 図160:古河電工のCNF製品。 383
  • Figure161. Granbio CNF production process. 387
  • 図162:ナノセルロースと生分解性プラスチックの複合材料で作られたカトラリーのサンプル(スプーン、ナイフ、フォーク)。390
  • 図163.非水系CNF分散液「Senaf」(写真は可塑剤5%を示す)。393
  • 図164:CNFゲル。 394
  • 図165:ブロックナノセルロース素材。395
  • Figure166: CNF products developed by Hokuetsu. 396
  • 図167.加美商事CNF製品 399
  • 図168 デュアルグラフトシステム。 401
  • 図169:花王CNF複合樹脂を使用したエンジンカバー。 402
  • Figure170. Acrylic resin blended with modified CNF (fluid) and its molded product (transparent film), and image obtained with AFM (CNF 10wt% blended).  402
  • 図171:硫酸化エステル化CNFの0.3%水分散液と乾燥した透明フィルム(表側)。 404
  • Figure 172. CNF deodorant.407
  • 図173.キチンナノファイバー製品。 408
  • 図174.丸住製紙のセルロースナノファイバー製品。410
  • 図175.FibriMaセルロースナノファイバー粉末。 411
  • 図176.セルロミックスの製造工程。 413
  • 図177.ナノベースと従来製品の比較。 413
  • 図178.ユニボール・シグノUMN-307。414
  • Figure179: CNF slurries.  416
  • Figure180. Range of CNF products.416
  • Figure181: Nanocell serum product.  421
  • 図182.製品 422
  • Figure 183: Hydrophobization facilities for raw pulp.424
  • Figure184: Mixing facilities for CNF-reinforced plastic.  424
  • Figure185. Nippon Paper CNF production process.  427
  • Figure186: Nippon Paper Industries’ adult diapers.  429
  • Figure187. All-resin forceps incorporating CNF.  431
  • 図188.CNF塗料製品。 434
  • Figure189. CNF wet powder.435
  • Figure190. CNF transparent film.  436
  • Figure191. Transparent CNF sheets.436
  • Figure192. Oji Paper CNF production process.  438
  • Figure193. CNF clear sheets.440
  • Figure 194. Oji Holdings CNF polycarbonate product.443
  • 図195.フルオレンセルロース粉末。 444
  • Figure 196. Performance Biofilaments CNF production process.445
  • Figure 197. XCNF.448
  • 図198.CNF断熱材の平板。 449
  • 図199.セイコーPMCのCNF製造工程。 453
  • Figure200. Manufacturing process for STARCEL. 454
  • Figure201. Rubber soles incorporating CNF.  456
  • Figure202. CNF dispersion and powder from Starlite. 458
  • 図203.スギノマシンCNF製造工程。 459
  • 図204.高圧ウォータージェット・プロセス。459
  • 図205 2重量%CNF懸濁液。  460
  • 図206.BiNFi-sドライパウダー。 460
  • Figure207. BiNFi-s Dry Powder and Propylene (PP) Complex Pellet.  461
  • 図208.シルクナノファイバー(右)と原料の繭。461
  • Figure209. SVILOSA AD CNC products.  463
  • 図210.銀/CNF複合分散体。468
  • 図211.CNF/ナノ銀粉。469
  • 図212:CNFによる軽量化効果の比較。 471
  • 図213:CNF樹脂製品。 474
  • 図214.メイン大学CNF製造プロセス。475
  • 図215.UPM-KymmeneのCNF製造プロセス。477
  • Figure216. FibDex® wound dressing.  478
  • Figure217. US Forest Service Products Laboratory CNF production process. 480
  • 図218:CNFから作られたフレキシブル電子基板。 481
  • 図219.30秒火炎試験後のHefCelコーティング木材(左)と無処理木材(右)。 485
  • 図220.粉末状のS-CNF。487
  • Figure221. TEM image of cellulose nanocrystals.493
  • Figure 222. CNC preparation.494
  • Figure 223. Extracting CNC from trees.495
  • Figure224. SWOT analysis: Cellulose nanocrystals market.  499
  • Figure 225. CNC slurry.500
  • Figure 226. Global demand for cellulose nanocrystals by market,2018-2035 (metric tons).503
  • 図227.R3TMプロセス技術。 508
  • 図228.ブルーグースのCNC製造工程。 509
  • Figure229: Celluforce production process.  514
  • Figure230: NCCTM Process.515
  • 図231:濁った懸濁液(1 wt.%)、ゲル状(10 wt.%)、フレーク状結晶、超微粉末。製品の利点は以下の通り: 515
  • 図232.フィラーバンクCNC製品。 516
  • 図233.メロデアCNCバリアコーティング包装。 522
  • Figure 234. Plantrose process.525
  • Figure235. CNC solution.529
  • 図236.メイン大学CNF製造プロセス。531
  • 図237.米国林野庁製品研究所CNF製造工程。533
  • 図238.バクテリアのナノセルロース形状 538
  • Figure 239. SWOT analysis: Bacterial Nanocellulose market.540
  • Figure 240. Jelly-like seaweed-based nanocellulose hydrogel.546
  • 図241.セルジー材料。 553
  • Figure242: Bacterial cellulose face mask sheet. 554
  • 図243.トランスレザー557






Microfibrillated Cellulose, Nanofibrillated Cellulose, Cellulose Nanocrystals and Bacterial Nanocellulose


Micro and nanocellulose are advanced materials derived from cellulose, the most abundant organic polymer on Earth. These materials are characterized by their nanoscale dimensions, high strength-to-weight ratio, and unique properties that set them apart from traditional cellulose fibers. The importance of micro and nanocellulose lies in their potential to address key challenges across various industries:

  • Sustainability: As renewable, biodegradable materials, they offer eco-friendly alternatives to petroleum-based products.
  • Lightweight Strength: Their high strength-to-weight ratio makes them ideal for reducing material use while maintaining or improving performance in applications like automotive and aerospace.
  • Barrier Properties: They can enhance the barrier properties of packaging materials, potentially extending food shelf life and reducing plastic use.
  • Biomedical Applications: Their biocompatibility opens up possibilities in wound healing, drug delivery, and tissue engineering.
  • Advanced Materials: They can be used to create flexible electronics, smart textiles, and high-performance composites.
  • Energy Efficiency: In papermaking, they can reduce energy consumption while improving paper quality.


As industries worldwide seek sustainable, high-performance materials, micro and nanocellulose are poised to play a crucial role in driving innovation and supporting the transition to a more sustainable, bio-based economy.

This comprehensive market report provides an analysis of the global micro and nanocellulose market from 2025 to 2035. The report covers various aspects of cellulose-based materials, including microfibrillated cellulose (MFC), cellulose nanofibers (CNF), cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), and bacterial nanocellulose (BNC). Report contents include: 

  • Overview of cellulose, its sources, and various types of cellulose fibers.
    • Feedstocks: wood, plant, tunicate, algae, and bacteria
    • Commercial production of cellulose fibers from plants
  • Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC) market analysis including:
    • Production capacities
    • Global market demand from 2018 to 2035 (by market and revenues)
    • Market supply chain
    • Price and cost analysis
    • SWOT analysis
    • Products and future outlook
    • Risks and opportunities
    • Key end-use markets for MFC:
      • Paperboard and packaging
      • Textiles
      • Personal care
      • Paints and coatings
  • Cellulose Nanofibers (CNF) market analysis including:
    • Advantages of cellulose nanofibers
    • Pre-treatment and synthesis methods
    • Production methods by producer
    • Applications
    • SWOT analysis
    • Production capacities
    • Pricing
    • Commercial CNF products
    • End-use markets for CNF, including:
      • Composites
      • Automotive
      • Buildings and construction
      • Paper and board packaging
      • Textiles and apparel
      • Biomedicine and healthcare
      • Hygiene and sanitary products
      • Paints and coatings
      • Aerogels
      • Oil and gas
      • Filtration
      • Rheology modifiers
      • Printed, stretchable and flexible electronics
      • 3D printing
      • Aerospace
      • Batteries
  • Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNC) market analysis including:
    • Synthesis methods
    • Properties
    • Production techniques
    • Pricing
    • SWOT analysis
    • Markets and applications
    • Production capacities
    • Global demand forecasts by market
  • Bacterial Nanocellulose (BNC) market analysis including:
    • Production methods
    • Pricing
    • SWOT analysis
    • Markets and applications, including:
      • Biomedical
      • Electronics
      • Food industry
      • Pharmaceuticals
      • Cosmetics and personal care
      • Paper and composites
      • Filtration membranes
      • Acoustics
      • Textiles
  • Company Profiles of over 230 companies involved in the micro and nanocellulose market. Companies profiled include 525 Solutions, Adsorbi, AgriSea NZ Seaweed, Aichemist Metal, Alberta Innovates, Anomera, ANPOLY, Asahi Kasei, Axcelon Biopolymers, Azolla, Betulium, BIO-LUTIONS International, Bioweg, Birla Cellulose, BlockTexx, Blue BioFuels, Blue Goose Biorefineries, Borregaard ChemCell, Bowil Biotech, Bucha Bio, Cass Materials, Ceapro, Cellucomp, Celluforce, Cellugy, CH Bioforce, CIRC, Circular Systems, CreaFill Fibers, Daicel, Daio Paper, Daito Kasei Kogyo, DePuy Synthes, Eastman Chemical, Evrnu, Fiberlean Technologies, Freyzein, FZMB, GenCrest Bio Products, HeiQ Materials, Honext Material, Ioncell, Kelheim Fibres, Klabin, Kruger Biomaterials, Kusano Sakko, Lenzing, LIST Technology, Lixea, Lohmann & Rauscher, MakeGrowLab, Melodea, Metsä Group, Modern Synthesis, Nanollose, Nippon Paper, Noosa Fiber, Nordic Bioproducts Group, Norske Skog, Oji Holdings, Orange Fiber, Organic Disposables, Panasonic, Performance BioFilaments, Polybion, Re-Fresh Global, Releaf Paper, Re:newcell, Rise Innventia, Sappi, SaXcell, ScobyTec, Seven Industria De Produtos Biotecnologicos, Simplifyber, Smartfiber, Soma Bioworks, Spinnova, Stora Enso, Suzano, TreeToTextile, UPM Biocomposites, Valmet, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Weidmann Fiber Technology, Woodly, Worn Again Technologies, Zelfo Technology. These profiles contain information on Company background, Production processes, Products, Target markets and Recent developments.


Table of Contents


  • 1.1   Definitions 40
  • 1.2   Cellulose   40
  • 1.3   Feedstocks   42
    • 1.3.1   Wood  42
    • 1.3.2   Plant   43
    • 1.3.3   Tunicate 44
    • 1.3.4   Algae 44
    • 1.3.5   Bacteria 44
  • 1.4   Cellulose fibers   45
    • 1.4.1   Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC)   45
    • 1.4.2   Commercial production of cellulose fibers from plants   46
      • Seed fibers   46
        • Cotton 46
        •   Production volumes 2018-2035 48
        • Kapok 48
        •   Production volumes 2018-2035 49
        • Luffa   50
      • Bast fibers   51
        • Jute 51
          •   Production volumes 2018-2035 52
        • Hemp  53
          •   Production volumes 2018-2035 54
        • Flax 55
          •   Production volumes 2018-2035 56
        • Ramie 56
          •   Production volumes 2018-2035 57
        • Kenaf 58
          •   Production volumes 2018-2035 59
      • Leaf fibers   60
        • Sisal 60
          •   Production volumes 2018-2035 61
        • Abaca 61
        •   Production volumes 2018-2035 63
      • Fruit fibers 63
        • Coir   63
          •   Production volumes 2018-2035 64
        • Banana   65
          •   Production volumes 2018-2035 66
        • Pineapple 67
      • Stalk fibers from agricultural residues   68
        • Rice fiber   68
        • Corn 69
      • Cane, grasses and reed 70
        • Switch grass 70
        • Sugarcane (agricultural residues)   70
        • Bamboo   71
          •   Production volumes 2018-2035 72
        • Fresh grass (green biorefinery) 72
    • 1.4.3   Regenerated cellulose fibers 73
    • 1.4.4   Ionic liquids   74
  • 1.5   “Nano” Cellulose (CNF, CNC, BNC) 74
  • 1.6   Cellulose filaments 75



  • 2.1   Production capacities   77
  • 2.2   Global market demand 2018-2035 78
    • 2.2.1   By market, tons   78
    • 2.2.2   By market, revenues  80
  • 2.3   Market supply chain  82
  • 2.4   Price and Costs Analysis 83
  • 2.5   SWOT analysis   85
  • 2.6   Products 86
  • 2.7   Future Outlook 87
  • 2.8   Risks and Opportunities 88
  • 2.9   End use markets   89
    • 2.9.1   Paperboard and packaging  89
      • Market overview 89
      • Global market 2018-2024 90
        • Tons 90
        • Revenues   91
        • By Region 93
    • 2.9.2   Textiles 95
      • Market overview 95
      • Global market 2018-2035 95
        • Tons 95
        • Revenues   97
        • By Region 98
    • 2.9.3   Personal care 100
      • Market overview 100
      • Global market 2018-2035 101
        • Tons 101
        • Revenues   102
        • By Region 104
    • 2.9.4   Paints and coatings 105
      • Market overview 105
      • Global market 2018-2035 106
        • Tons 106
        • Revenues   108
        • By Region 109
    • 2.9.5   Other markets 111
  • 2.10 Company profiles 112 (59 company profiles)



  • 3.1   Advantages of cellulose nanofibers 166
  • 3.2   Pre-treatment and Synthesis methods 167
    • 3.2.1   Acid hydrolysis 171
    • 3.2.2   TEMPO oxidation 171
    • 3.2.3   Ammonium persulfate (APS) oxidation 172
    • 3.2.4   Enzymatic Hydrolysis 172
    • 3.2.5   Ball milling   172
    • 3.2.6   Cryocrushing 173
    • 3.2.7   High-shear grinding 173
    • 3.2.8   Ultrasonication   173
    • 3.2.9   High-pressure homogenization 173
    • 3.2.10 Recent methods   174
      •   Microwave irradiation 174
      •   Enzymatic processing   174
      •   Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) 175
      •   Pulsed electric field 176
      •   Electron beam irradiation   176
  • 3.3   Production method, by producer   177
  • 3.4   Applications of cellulose nanofibers 179
  • 3.5   SWOT analysis   180
  • 3.6   Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) production capacities 2024  181
  • 3.7   Pricing 182
  • 3.8   Commercial CNF products  184
  • 3.9   End use markets for cellulose nanofibers  193
    • 3.9.1   Composites   193
      • Market overview 193
      • Markets and applications   197
        • Automotive composites 198
        • Biocomposite films & packaging   198
        • Barrier packaging 198
        • Thermal insulation composites 199
        • Construction composites 199
      • Global market 2018-2035 200
        • Tons 200
        • Revenues   201
        • By Region 203
      • Product developers   205
    • 3.9.2   Automotive   207
      • Market overview 207
      • Markets and applications   209
        • Composites   210
        • Air intake components   215
        • Tires 216
      • Global market 2018-2035 216
        • Tons 216
        • Revenues   217
        • By Region 219
      • Product developers   221
    • 3.9.3   Buildings and construction 224
      • Market overview 224
      • Markets and applications   227
        • Sandwich composites 227
        • Cement additives 227
        • Pump primers   228
        • Thermal insulation and damping   228
      • Global market 2018-2035 229
        • Tons 229
        • Revenues   230
        • By region 232
      • Product developers   234
    • 3.9.4   Paper and board packaging 235
      • Market overview 235
      • Markets and applications   240
        • Reinforcement and barrier   241
        • Biodegradable food packaging foil and films   241
        • Paperboard coatings 241
      • Global market 2018-2035 242
        • Tons 242
        • Revenues   243
        • By region 245
      • Product developers   248
    • 3.9.5   Textiles and apparel  249
      • Market overview 249
      • Markets and applications   252
        • CNF deodorizer and odour reducer (antimicrobial) in adult and child diapers 252
        • Footwear 253
      • Global market 2018-2035 253
        • Tons 253
        • Revenues   255
        • By region 256
      • Product developer profiles 258
    • 3.9.6   Biomedicine and healthcare   259
      • Market overview 259
      • Markets and applications   264
        • Wound dressings   264
        • Drug delivery stabilizers 265
        • Tissue engineering scaffolds 265
      • Global market 2018-2035 265
        • Tons 265
        • Revenues   266
        • By region 268
      • Product developers   271
    • 3.9.7   Hygiene and sanitary products   274
      • Market overview 274
      • Markets and applications   274
      • Global market 2018-2035 275
        • Tons 275
        • Revenues   276
        • By region 278
      • Product developers   280
    • 3.9.8   Paints and coatings 281
      • Market overview 281
      • Markets and applications   284
      • Global market 2018-2035 284
        • Tons 284
        • Revenues   286
        • By region 287
      • Product developers   290
    • 3.9.9   Aerogels   291
      • Market overview 291
      • Markets and applications   293
      • Global market 2018-2035 294
        • Tons 294
        • Revenues   295
        • By region 297
      • Product developers   299
    • 3.9.10 Oil and gas   300
      •   Market overview 300
      •   Markets and applications   302
        •   Oil recovery applications (fracturing fluid) 302
        •   CNF Membranes for separation   302
        •   Oil and gas fluids additives  303
      •   Global market 2018-2035 303
        •   Tons 303
        •   Revenues   304
        •   By region 306
      •   Product developers   308
    • 3.9.11 Filtration   309
      •   Market overview 309
      •   Markets and applications   313
        •   Membranes for selective absorption 313
      •   Global market 2018-2035 313
        •   Tons 313
        •   Revenues   315
        •   By region 316
      •   Product developers   319
    • 3.9.12 Rheology modifiers   320
      •   Market overview 320
      •   Markets and applications   321
        •   Food additives   322
        •   Pickering stabilizers  322
        •   Hydrogels 322
        •   Cosmetics and skincare   323
      •   Global market 2018-2035 324
        •   Tons 324
        •   Revenues   325
        •   By region 327
      •   Product developers   329
    • 3.9.13 Other markets 331
      •   Printed, stretchable and flexible electronics 331
        •   Market assessment 331
        •   Product developers   334
      •   3D printing 336
        •   Market assessment 336
        •   Product developers   337
      •   Aerospace   337
        •   Market assessment 337
        •   Product developers   338
      •   Batteries   339
        •   Market assessment 339
  • 3.10 Cellulose nanofiber company profiles   340 (122 company profiles)



  • 4.1   Introduction   493
  • 4.2   Synthesis   493
  • 4.3   Properties 496
  • 4.4   Production 497
  • 4.5   Pricing 498
  • 4.6   SWOT analysis   499
  • 4.7   Markets and applications   500
  • 4.8   Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) production capacities 2023   501
  • 4.9   Global demand for cellulose nanocrystals by market 502
  • 4.10 Cellulose nanocrystal company profiles 504 (22 company profiles)



  • 5.1   Overview 536
  • 5.2   Production 536
  • 5.3   Pricing 539
  • 5.4   SWOT analysis   540
  • 5.5   Markets and applications   541
    • 5.5.1   Biomedical   541
    • 5.5.2   Electronics   542
    • 5.5.3   Food industry 542
    • 5.5.4   Pharmaceuticals 543
    • 5.5.5   Cosmetics and personal care 543
    • 5.5.6   Paper and composites   544
    • 5.5.7   Filtration membranes 544
    • 5.5.8   Acoustics 545
    • 5.5.9   Textiles 545
  • 5.6   Bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) company profiles  546 (20 company profiles)



  • 6.1   Report scope 562
  • 6.2   Research methodology 562



List of Tables/Graphs



List of Tables

  • Table 1. Length and diameter of nanocellulose types and MFC.  40
  • Table 3. Major polymers found in the extracellular covering of different algae.  44
  • Table 4. Overview of cotton fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications. 47
  • Table 5. Overview of kapok fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications.   49
  • Table 6. Overview of luffa fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications.   50
  • Table 7. Overview of jute fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications. 51
  • Table 8. Overview of hemp fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications. 53
  • Table 9. Overview of flax fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications. 55
  • Table 10. Overview of ramie fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications.   57
  • Table 11. Overview of kenaf fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications. 58
  • Table 12. Overview of sisal fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications. 60
  • Table 13. Overview of abaca fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications. 61
  • Table 14. Overview of coir fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications. 63
  • Table 15. Overview of banana fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications.   65
  • Table 16. Overview of pineapple fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications.   67
  • Table 17. Overview of rice fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications. 68
  • Table 18. Overview of corn fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications. 69
  • Table 19. Overview of switch grass fibers-description, properties and applications. 70
  • Table 20. Overview of sugarcane fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and application and market size. 70
  • Table 21. Overview of bamboo fibers-description, properties, drawbacks and applications.  71
  • Table 22. Recycled cellulose fibers companies.   73
  • Table 23. Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC) production capacities in metric tons and production process, by producer, metric tons.   77
  • Table 24. Global market demand for Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC). 2018-2035 (tons).   78
  • Table 25. Production costs.  83
  • Table 26. Commercially available Microfibrillated Cellulose products.  86
  • Table 27. Industry-wise Outlook.   87
  • Table 28. Market overview for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paperboard and packaging-market age, key benefits, applications and producers.   89
  • Table 29. Global demand for cellulose microfibers (Microfibrillated Cellulose) in paper and packaging, 2018-2035 (tons). 90
  • Table 30. Global revenues for cellulose microfibers (Microfibrillated Cellulose) in paper and packaging, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 91
  • Table 31. Revenues for cellulose microfibers (Microfibrillated Cellulose) in paper and packaging, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD).  93
  • Table 32. Market overview for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in textiles-market age, key benefits, applications and producers.  95
  • Table 33. Global demand for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in textiles, 2018-2035 (tons). 95
  • Table 34. Global revenues for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in textiles, 2018-2035(millions USD). 97
  • Table 35. Revenues for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in textiles, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 98
  • Table 36. Market overview for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in personal care-market age, key benefits, applications and producers. 100
  • Table 37. Global demand for Microfibrillated Cellulose in personal care, 2018-2035 (tons). 101
  • Table 38. Global revenues for Microfibrillated Cellulose in personal care, 2018-2035 (millions USD).   102
  • Table 39. Revenues for Microfibrillated Cellulose in personal care, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD).   104
  • Table 40. Market overview for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paints and coatings-market age, key benefits, applications and producers.   106
  • Table 41. Global demand for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paints and coatings, 2018-2035 (tons). 106
  • Table 42. Global revenues for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paints and coatings, 2018-2035(millions USD).   108
  • Table 43. Revenues for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paints and coatings, by region, 2018-2035(millions USD). 109
  • Table 44. Other markets for Microfibrillated Cellulose.   111
  • Table 45. Properties of cellulose nanofibrils relative to metallic and polymeric materials.   166
  • Table 46. Extraction of nanocellulose (NC) from various lignocellulosic sources using different conventional technologies.  170
  • Table 47. CNF and CNC production method by producer. 177
  • Table 48. Applications of cellulose nanofibers (CNF).   179
  • Table 49. CNF production capacities (by type, wet or dry) and production process, by producer, metric tons.   181
  • Table 50: Product/price/application matrix of cellulose nanofiber producers. 182
  • Table 51. Cellulose nanofiber-based commercial products.*   184
  • Table 52. Comparative properties of polymer composites reinforcing materials.   193
  • Table 53. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in composites-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global composites OEMs. 194
  • Table 54. Applications of cellulose nanofibers in composites. 197
  • Table 55. Global market demand for cellulose nanofibers in composites, 2018-2035 (metric tons).  200
  • Table 56. Revenues for cellulose nanofibers in composites, 2018-2035 (millions USD).   201
  • Table 57. Revenues for cellulose nanofibers in composites, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 203
  • Table 58. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers in composites. 205
  • Table 59. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in automotive-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global automotive OEMs.   207
  • Table 60. Applications of cellulose nanofibers in automotive.   209
  • Table 61. Components featured in the NCV. 211
  • Table 62. Global market demand for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector, 2018-2035 (metric tons).  216
  • Table 63. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector, 2018-2035 (millions USD).  217
  • Table 64. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 219
  • Table 65. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in the automotive industry.  221
  • Table 66. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global construction OEMs   224
  • Table 67. Applications of cellulose nanofibers in building and construction. 227
  • Table 68: Market demand for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction, 2018-2035 (tons).  229
  • Table 69. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 230
  • Table 70. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 232
  • Table 71. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers in building and construction. 234
  • Table 72. Oxygen permeability of nanocellulose films compared to those made form commercially available petroleum-based materials and other polymers.   235
  • Table 73. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in paper and board packaging-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global paper and board packaging OEMs. 235
  • Table 74. Applications of cellulose nanofibers in paper and board packaging. 240
  • Table 75. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in paper & board packaging market, 2018-2035 (tons).   242
  • Table 76. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paper & board/packaging market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 243
  • Table 77. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paper & board/packaging market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 245
  • Table 78. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in paper and board.  248
  • Table 79. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in textiles and apparel-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global textiles and apparel OEMs. 249
  • Table 80. Demand for cellulose nanofibers in textiles, 2018-2035 (tons). 253
  • Table 81. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the textiles & apparel market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 255
  • Table 82. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the textiles & apparel market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 256
  • Table 83. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in textiles and apparel. 258
  • Table 84. Market assessment for nanocellulose in medicine and healthcare-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global medicine and healthcare OEMs. 259
  • Table 85. Markets and applications of cellulose nanofibers in biomedicine and healthcare. 264
  • Table 86. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in biomedical and healthcare, 2018-2035 (tons). 265
  • Table 87. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the biomedicine & healthcare market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 266
  • Table 88. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the biomedicine & healthcare market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 268
  • Table 89. Nanocellulose product developers in medicine and healthcare.   271
  • Table 90. Markets and applications of cellulose nanofibers in hygiene and sanitary products.   274
  • Table 91. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in hygiene and sanitary products, 2018-2035 (tons).   275
  • Table 92. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the hygiene & sanitary market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 276
  • Table 93. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the hygiene & sanitary market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 278
  • Table 94. Cellulose nanofibers product developers in hygiene and sanitary products. 280
  • Table 95. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in paints and coatings-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global paints and coatings OEMs. 281
  • Table 96. Market and applications of cellulose nanofibers in paints and coatings. 284
  • Table 97. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in paint and coatings, 2018-2035 (tons). 284
  • Table 98. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paints & coatings market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 286
  • Table 99. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paints & coatings market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 287
  • Table 100. Companies developing nanocellulose products in paints and coatings, applications targeted and stage of commercialization.   290
  • Table 101. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in aerogels-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global aerogels OEMs.   291
  • Table 102. Markets and applications for cellulose nanofibers in aerogels. 293
  • Table 103. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in aerogels, 2018-2035 (tons). 294
  • Table 104. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the aerogels market, 2018-2035 (millions USD).  295
  • Table 105. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the aerogels market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 297
  • Table 106. Nanocellulose in product developers in aerogels. 299
  • Table 107. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in oil and gas-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global oil and gas OEMs. 300
  • Table 108. Markets and applications of cellulose nanofibers in oil and gas. 302
  • Table 109. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the oil and gas market, 2018-2035 (tons).   303
  • Table 110. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the oil & gas market, 2018-2035 (millions USD).  304
  • Table 111. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the oil & gas market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 306
  • Table 112. Cellulose nanofibers product developers in oil and gas exploration. 308
  • Table 113. CNF membranes. 310
  • Table 114. Market assessment for Cellulose nanofibers in filtration-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global filtration OEMs. 310
  • Table 115. Market and applications of Cellulose nanofibers in filtration. 313
  • Table 116. Global demand for Cellulose nanofibers in the filtration market, 2018-2035 (tons). 313
  • Table 117. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the filtration market, 2018-2035 (millions USD).  315
  • Table 118. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the filtration market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 316
  • Table 119. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in filtration.  319
  • Table 120. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in rheology modifiers-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global rheology modifier OEMs. 320
  • Table 121. Markets and applications of cellulose nanofibers in rheology modifiers. 321
  • Table 122. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market, 2018-2035 (tons).   324
  • Table 123. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 325
  • Table 124. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 327
  • Table 125. Commercial activity in cellulose nanofibers in rheology modifiers. 329
  • Table 126. Properties of flexible electronics‐cellulose nanofiber film (nanopaper). 331
  • Table 127. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in printed, stretchable and flexible electronics-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global printed, flexible and stretchable electronics OEMs.   332
  • Table 128. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in printed, stretchable and flexible electronics. 334
  • Table 129. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in 3D priniting-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading, main global 3D printing OEMs. 336
  • Table 130. Companies developing cellulose nanofibers 3D printing products.  337
  • Table 131. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in aerospace-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks, competing materials, material loading. 337
  • Table 132: Companies developing cellulose nanofibers products in aircraft and aerospace. 338
  • Table 133. Market assessment for cellulose nanofibers in Batteries-application, key benefits and motivation for use, megatrends, market drivers, technology drawbacks. 339
  • Table 134: Granbio Nanocellulose Processes.   386
  • Table 135. Nippon Paper commercial CNF products. 429
  • Table 136. Oji Holdings CNF products. 441
  • Table 137. Synthesis methods for cellulose nanocrystals (CNC).   494
  • Table 138. CNC sources, size and yield.   495
  • Table 139. CNC properties.  496
  • Table 140. Mechanical properties of CNC and other reinforcement materials. 496
  • Table 141. Production methods for cellulose nanocrystals.   497
  • Table 142. Product/price/application matrix of cellulose nanocrystal producers. 498
  • Table 143. Markets and applications of cellulose nanocrystals. 500
  • Table 144: Cellulose nanocrystal capacities (by type, wet or dry) and production process, by producer, metric tons.   501
  • Table 145. Global demand for cellulose nanocrystals by market, 2018-2035 (metric tons). 502
  • Table 146. Overview of CNC producers.   504
  • Table 147. Production methods for bacterial nanocellulose.   537
  • Table 148: Product/price/application matrix of bacterial nanocellulose producers.   539
  • Table 149. Markets and applications of bacterial nanocellulose. 541
  • Table 150. Fibnano properties. 555


List of Figures

  • Figure 1. Schematic diagram of partial molecular structure of cellulose chain with numbering for carbon atoms and n= number of cellobiose repeating unit. 41
  • Figure 2. Scale of cellulose materials.   42
  • Figure 3. Organization and morphology of cellulose synthesizing terminal complexes (TCs) in different organisms.   42
  • Figure 4. Biosynthesis of (a) wood cellulose (b) tunicate cellulose and (c) BC.  43
  • Figure 5. Cellulose microfibrils and nanofibrils. 45
  • Figure 6. SEM image of microfibrillated cellulose. 46
  • Figure 7. Cotton production volume 2018-2035(Million MT). 48
  • Figure 8. Kapok production volume 2018-2035(MT).   49
  • Figure 9.  Luffa cylindrica fiber.   50
  • Figure 10. Jute production volume 2018-2035(Million MT).   52
  • Figure 11. Hemp fiber production volume 2018-2035(MT).   54
  • Figure 12. Flax fiber production volume 2018-2035(MT). 56
  • Figure 13. Ramie fiber production volume 2018-2035(MT).   58
  • Figure 14. Kenaf fiber production volume 2018-2035(MT). 59
  • Figure 15. Sisal fiber production volume 2018-2035(MT). 61
  • Figure 16. Abaca fiber production volume 2018-2035(MT).   63
  • Figure 17. Coir fiber production volume 2018-2035(million MT). 65
  • Figure 18. Banana fiber production volume 2018-2035(MT). 66
  • Figure 19. Pineapple fiber. 67
  • Figure 20. A bag made with pineapple biomaterial from the H&M Conscious Collection 2019. 68
  • Figure 21. Bamboo fiber production volume 2018-2035(MILLION MT).  72
  • Figure 22. Global market demand for Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC). 2018-2035 (tons). 79
  • Figure 23. Global market revenues for Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC). 2018-2035(millions USD).  81
  • Figure 24. Supply chain for the Microfibrillated Cellulose market. 82
  • Figure 25. SWOT analysis: Microfibrillated Cellulose market. 86
  • Figure 26. Global demand for Microfibrillated Cellulose in paper and packaging, 2018-2035 (tons). 91
  • Figure 27. Global demand for Microfibrillated Cellulose in paper and packaging, 2018-2035(millions USD).  93
  • Figure 28. Revenues for cellulose microfibers (Microfibrillated Cellulose) in paper and packaging, by region, 2018-2035(millions USD). 94
  • Figure 29. Global demand for Microfibrillated Cellulose in textiles, 2018-2035 (tons). 96
  • Figure 30. Global revenues for Microfibrillated Cellulose in textiles, 2018-2035(millions USD).   98
  • Figure 31. Revenues for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in textiles, by region, 2018-2035(millions USD). 99
  • Figure 32. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in personal care, 2018-2035 (tons).   102
  • Figure 33. Global revenues for cellulose nanofibers in personal care, 2018-2035(millions USD).   103
  • Figure 34. Revenues for Microfibrillated Cellulose in personal care, by region, 2018-2035(millions USD).   105
  • Figure 35. Global demand for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paints and coatings, 2018-2035 (tons). 107
  • Figure 36. Global revenues for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paints and coatings, 2018-2035(millions USD).   109
  • Figure 37. Revenues for cellulose microfibers (microfibrillated cellulose) in paints and coatings, by region, 2018-2035(millions USD). 110
  • Figure 38. Pressurized Hot Water Extraction.   119
  • Figure 39. Celish.   123
  • Figure 40. BELLOCEA™ 124
  • Figure 41. Photograph (a) and micrograph (b) of mineral/ MFC composite showing the high viscosity and fibrillar structure.   128
  • Figure 42. Water-repellent cellulose. 129
  • Figure 43. HeiQ AeoniQ .   131
  • Figure 44. BioFlex process. 140
  • Figure 45. A vacuum cleaner part made of cellulose fiber (left) and the assembled vacuum cleaner.   147
  • Figure 46: Innventia AB movable nanocellulose demo plant.   150
  • Figure 47. 3D printed cellulose shoe.   153
  • Figure 48. Lyocell process. 154
  • Figure 49. Thales packaging incorporating Fibrease. 157
  • Figure 50. HefCel-coated wood (left) and untreated wood (right) after 30 seconds flame test.   161
  • Figure 51. Worn Again products. 164
  • Figure 52. Nanocellulose preparation methods and resulting materials. 168
  • Figure 53. Production of nanocellulose from lignocellulosic biomass using enzymatic treatment (endoglucanases and xylanases) followed by mechanical treatment. 175
  • Figure 54. EBI pretreatment combined with HPH for CNC production. 177
  • Figure 55. SWOT analysis: Cellulose nanofibers market.  180
  • Figure 56. Aruba 23.  184
  • Figure 57. Dorayaki. 185
  • Figure 58. ENASAVE NEXT.   185
  • Figure 59. Flat4-KAEDE.   185
  • Figure 60. GEL-KAYANO™.   186
  • Figure 61. KAMIDE+CNF paper container.   186
  • Figure 62. Hada care acty®.  187
  • Figure 63. Hiteeth All in One Mouth Gel.   187
  • Figure 64. HYPERNANO X series.   187
  • Figure 65. Kirekira! toilet wipes. 188
  • Figure 66. ONKYO® Scepter SC-3(B) 2-way Speaker System. 188
  • Figure 67. Pioneer® SE-MONITOR5 Headphones. 188
  • Figure 68. "Poise" series Super strong deodorant sheet. 189
  • Figure 69. RUBURI Precursor Lubris for raw concrete pumping.  189
  • Figure 70. SC-3 (B) speakers.   190
  • Figure 71. SE-MONITOR5 headphones. 190
  • Figure 72. "Skin Care Acty" series Adult diapers. 190
  • Figure 73. Spingle Company sneakers. 191
  • Figure 74. "SURISURI" Lotion. 191
  • Figure 75. X9400 series.   191
  • Figure 76. X Premium Sound Speaker Alps Alpine.   192
  • Figure 77. Global market demand for cellulose nanofibers in composites, 2018-2035 (metric tons). 201
  • Figure 78. Revenues for cellulose nanofibers in composites, 2018-2035 (millions USD).   202
  • Figure 79. Revenues for cellulose nanofibers in composites, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 204
  • Figure 80. CNF mixed PLA (Poly Lactic Acid). 205
  • Figure 81. CNF resin products. 206
  • Figure 82. Interior of NCV concept car. 207
  • Figure 83. Interior of the NCV prototype. 210
  • Figure 84. Global market demand for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector, 2018-2035 (metric tons).  217
  • Figure 85. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 218
  • Figure 86. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the automotive sector, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 220
  • Figure 87: Daio Paper's cellulose nanofiber material in doors and hood of race car.   221
  • Figure 88: CNF composite. 222
  • Figure 89: Engine cover utilizing Kao CNF composite resins. 222
  • Figure 90. CNF car engine cover developed in Japan Ministry of the Environment’s (MOE) Nano Cellulose Vehicle (NCV) Project. 223
  • Figure 91. Comparison of nanofillers with supplementary cementitious materials and aggregates in concrete.   224
  • Figure 92. Demand for cellulose nanofibers in construction, 2018-2035 (tons).   230
  • Figure 93. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 231
  • Figure 94. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in building and construction, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 233
  • Figure 95. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the paper & board/packaging market, 2018-2035 (tons). 243
  • Figure 96. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paper & board/packaging market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 245
  • Figure 97. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paper & board/packaging market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 247
  • Figure 98. Markets and applications of cellulose nanofibers in textiles and apparel.   252
  • Figure 99. Asics GEL-KAYANO™ 25 running shoe.  253
  • Figure 100. Demand for cellulose nanofibers in the textiles sector, 2018-2035 (tons). 254
  • Figure 101. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the textiles & apparel market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 256
  • Figure 102. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the textiles & apparel market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 257
  • Figure 103. CNF deodorant products. 258
  • Figure 104. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in biomedical and healthcare, 2018-2035 (tons).   266
  • Figure 105. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the biomedicine & healthcare market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 268
  • Figure 106. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the biomedicine & healthcare market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 270
  • Figure 107. Fibnano. 272
  • Figure 108. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in hygiene and sanitary products, 2018-2035 (tons).   276
  • Figure 109. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the hygiene & sanitary market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 278
  • Figure 110. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the hygiene and sanitary products market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD).  279
  • Figure 111. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in paint and coatings, 2018-2035 (tons). 285
  • Figure 112. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paints & coatings market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 287
  • Figure 113. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the paints & coatings market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 289
  • Figure 114. Hefcel-coated wood (left) and untreated wood (right) after 30 seconds flame test. 291
  • Figure 115: Global demand for nanocellulose in in aerogels, 2018-2035 (tons).   295
  • Figure 116. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the aerogels market, 2018-2035 (millions USD).  296
  • Figure 117. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the aerogelsmarket, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 298
  • Figure 118. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the oil and gas market, 2018-2035 (tons).   304
  • Figure 119. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in oil & gas market, 2018-2035 (millions USD).  306
  • Figure 120. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the oil & gas market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 307
  • Figure 121. Nanocellulose sponge developed by EMPA for potential applications in oil recovery.   308
  • Figure 122. Global demand for Cellulose nanofibers in the filtration market, 2018-2035 (tons). 314
  • Figure 123. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the filtration market, 2018-2035 (millions USD).  316
  • Figure 124. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the filtration packaging market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 318
  • Figure 125. Multi-layered cross section of CNF-nw. 319
  • Figure 126. Global demand for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market, 2018-2035 (tons).   325
  • Figure 127. Global market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 326
  • Figure 128. Market revenues for cellulose nanofibers in the rheology modifiers market, by region, 2018-2035 (millions USD). 328
  • Figure 129. "SURISURI" products.   330
  • Figure 130. Foldable nanopaper antenna. 332
  • Figure 131: Flexible electronic substrate made from CNF.   334
  • Figure 132. Oji CNF transparent sheets.   334
  • Figure 133. Electronic components using NFC as insulating materials. 335
  • Figure 134: Anpoly cellulose nanofiber hydrogel.  341
  • Figure 135. MEDICELLU™.   342
  • Figure 136: Ashai Kasei CNF production process. 344
  • Figure 137: Asahi Kasei CNF fabric sheet.  344
  • Figure 138: Properties of Asahi Kasei cellulose nanofiber nonwoven fabric. 345
  • Figure 139. CNF nonwoven fabric. 346
  • Figure 140. nanoforest products. 357
  • Figure 141. Chuetsu Pulp & Paper CNF production process. 358
  • Figure 142. nanoforest-S.   359
  • Figure 143. nanoforest-PDP. 359
  • Figure 144. nanoforest-MB.  360
  • Figure 145: Trunk lid incorporating CNF.   362
  • Figure 146. Daio Paper CNF production process.  364
  • Figure 147. ELLEX products. 366
  • Figure 148. CNF-reinforced PP compounds.   366
  • Figure 149. Kirekira! toilet wipes.   366
  • Figure 150. Color CNF. 368
  • Figure 151. DIC Products CNF production process.   370
  • Figure 152. DKS Co. Ltd. CNF production process.   372
  • Figure 153: Rheocrysta spray. 373
  • Figure 154. DKS CNF products. 374
  • Figure 155: CNF based on citrus peel. 375
  • Figure 156. Citrus cellulose nanofiber. 376
  • Figure 157. Filler Bank CNC products.   378
  • Figure 158. GREEN CHIP CMF pellets and injection moulded products. 380
  • Figure 159: Cellulose Nanofiber (CNF) composite with polyethylene (PE).   381
  • Figure 160: CNF products from Furukawa Electric.   383
  • Figure 161. Granbio CNF production process. 387
  • Figure 162: Cutlery samples (spoon, knife, fork) made of nano cellulose and biodegradable plastic composite materials. 390
  • Figure 163. Non-aqueous CNF dispersion "Senaf" (Photo shows 5% of plasticizer). 393
  • Figure 164: CNF gel.  394
  • Figure 165: Block nanocellulose material. 395
  • Figure 166: CNF products developed by Hokuetsu. 396
  • Figure 167. Kami Shoji CNF products. 399
  • Figure 168. Dual Graft System.   401
  • Figure 169: Engine cover utilizing Kao CNF composite resins.   402
  • Figure 170. Acrylic resin blended with modified CNF (fluid) and its molded product (transparent film), and image obtained with AFM (CNF 10wt% blended).   402
  • Figure 171: 0.3% aqueous dispersion of sulfated esterified CNF and dried transparent film (front side).   404
  • Figure 172. CNF deodorant. 407
  • Figure 173. Chitin nanofiber product.   408
  • Figure 174. Marusumi Paper cellulose nanofiber products. 410
  • Figure 175. FibriMa cellulose nanofiber powder.   411
  • Figure 176. Cellulomix production process.   413
  • Figure 177. Nanobase versus conventional products.   413
  • Figure 178. Uni-ball Signo UMN-307. 414
  • Figure 179: CNF slurries.   416
  • Figure 180. Range of CNF products. 416
  • Figure 181: Nanocell serum product.   421
  • Figure 182. Vatensel® product   422
  • Figure 183: Hydrophobization facilities for raw pulp. 424
  • Figure 184: Mixing facilities for CNF-reinforced plastic.   424
  • Figure 185. Nippon Paper CNF production process.   427
  • Figure 186: Nippon Paper Industries’ adult diapers.   429
  • Figure 187. All-resin forceps incorporating CNF.   431
  • Figure 188. CNF paint product.   434
  • Figure 189. CNF wet powder. 435
  • Figure 190. CNF transparent film.   436
  • Figure 191. Transparent CNF sheets. 436
  • Figure 192. Oji Paper CNF production process.   438
  • Figure 193. CNF clear sheets. 440
  • Figure 194. Oji Holdings CNF polycarbonate product. 443
  • Figure 195. Fluorene cellulose ® powder.   444
  • Figure 196. Performance Biofilaments CNF production process. 445
  • Figure 197. XCNF. 448
  • Figure 198. CNF insulation flat plates.   449
  • Figure 199. Seiko PMC CNF production process.  453
  • Figure 200. Manufacturing process for STARCEL.  454
  • Figure 201. Rubber soles incorporating CNF.   456
  • Figure 202. CNF dispersion and powder from Starlite. 458
  • Figure 203. Sugino Machine CNF production process.   459
  • Figure 204. High Pressure Water Jet Process. 459
  • Figure 205. 2 wt.% CNF suspension.   460
  • Figure 206. BiNFi-s Dry Powder. 460
  • Figure 207. BiNFi-s Dry Powder and Propylene (PP) Complex Pellet.   461
  • Figure 208. Silk nanofiber (right) and cocoon of raw material. 461
  • Figure 209. SVILOSA AD CNC products.   463
  • Figure 210. Silver / CNF composite dispersions. 468
  • Figure 211. CNF/nanosilver powder. 469
  • Figure 212: Comparison of weight reduction effect using CNF.   471
  • Figure 213: CNF resin products.   474
  • Figure 214. University of Maine CNF production process. 475
  • Figure 215. UPM-Kymmene CNF production process. 477
  • Figure 216. FibDex® wound dressing.   478
  • Figure 217. US Forest Service Products Laboratory CNF production process. 480
  • Figure 218: Flexible electronic substrate made from CNF.   481
  • Figure 219. HefCel-coated wood (left) and untreated wood (right) after 30 seconds flame test.   485
  • Figure 220. S-CNF in powder form. 487
  • Figure 221. TEM image of cellulose nanocrystals. 493
  • Figure 222. CNC preparation. 494
  • Figure 223. Extracting CNC from trees. 495
  • Figure 224. SWOT analysis: Cellulose nanocrystals market.   499
  • Figure 225. CNC slurry. 500
  • Figure 226. Global demand for cellulose nanocrystals by market, 2018-2035 (metric tons). 503
  • Figure 227. R3TM process technology.   508
  • Figure 228. Blue Goose CNC Production Process.   509
  • Figure 229: Celluforce production process.   514
  • Figure 230: NCCTM Process. 515
  • Figure 231: CNC produced at Tech Futures’ pilot plant; cloudy suspension (1 wt.%), gel-like (10 wt.%), flake-like crystals, and very fine powder. Product advantages include:  515
  • Figure 232. Filler Bank CNC products.   516
  • Figure 233. Melodea CNC barrier coating packaging.   522
  • Figure 234. Plantrose process. 525
  • Figure 235. CNC solution. 529
  • Figure 236. University of Maine CNF production process. 531
  • Figure 237. US Forest Service Products Laboratory CNF production process. 533
  • Figure 238. Bacterial nanocellulose shapes 538
  • Figure 239. SWOT analysis: Bacterial Nanocellulose market. 540
  • Figure 240. Jelly-like seaweed-based nanocellulose hydrogel. 546
  • Figure 241. Cellugy materials.   553
  • Figure 242: Bacterial cellulose face mask sheet. 554
  • Figure 243. TransLeather. 557







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