
ポテト・プロテイン・アイソレートの世界市場 - 2023-2030

ポテト・プロテイン・アイソレートの世界市場 - 2023-2030

Global Potato Protein Isolates Market - 2023-2030

概要 世界のポテト・プロテイン・アイソレート市場は、2022年に2億8,970万米ドルに達し、2023-2030年の予測期間中に年平均成長率6.5%で成長し、2030年には4億7,950万米ドルに達すると予測されている。 人々は... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
DataM Intelligence
2023年10月11日 US$4,350
3-4営業日以内 189 英語



市場に対する需要の高まりは、様々な市場プレーヤーによる新しい植物開発を増加させている。例えば、2021年4月、Branston Ltd.は、英国リンカンシャー州にあるBranston社の敷地内に新しいジャガイモタンパク質抽出施設を建設することを発表した。新たに開発されたプラントは、同社が低価値のジャガイモを分離物や濃縮物の形でクリーンラベルの機能性タンパク質に変換するのに役立つ。
低コストで健康的な抽出方法を開発するために行われている研究開発は、分離ジャガイモタンパク質市場の拡大に役立っている。例えば、2022年に中小企業ソリューションセンターは、プロセスを最適化するために、Pacific Agの等級分けされたジャガイモからジャガイモタンパク質を抽出することを計画している。さらに、分離のための天然吸着剤の使用など、ポテト・プロテイン産業で起こっている新技術は、市場規模を向上させる。
植物性タンパク質分離市場は、健康意識、環境問題、倫理的配慮の高まりとともに広く拡大している。World Animal Foundationによると、2023年の統計時点で、世界中で約8800万人の菜食主義者が存在する。菜食主義者の増加により、ポテト・プロテインのような植物性プロテインの需要が増加している。
ポテト・プロテイン・アイソレートに対する需要の高まりは、メーカーが様々な製品を開発し市場に投入する原動力となっている。例えば、フランスのTereos社は、スポーツ栄養、栄養補助食品、ビーガン食品の配合に特に適したポテト・プロテイン・アイソレートであるPeptigel PPを製造している。ペプチゲルPPは低アレルギー性で、優れた機能性を誇り、これらの用途に理想的な選択である。
新製品の発売と競合他社のタンパク質分離物からのより大きな需要は、市場の成長を妨げる。例えば、2022年11月、International Flavors & Fragances Inc.は大豆ベースのタンパク質成分Supro Texを発表した。この原料はタンパク質含有量80%で構成されており、タンパク質を必要とする場合に適した選択肢となっている。
2022年7月、New Protein International社はProtein Industries Canada社との共同投資により、植物由来の製品やサプリメントなど様々な用途に使用できる大豆たん白分離物を製造するクリーンラベルの大豆たん白加工法を導入すると発表した。
World Animal Foundationによると、2022年にはインド人口の9%が菜食主義者として記録されている。菜食主義者の増加により、植物性タンパク質の需要とニーズが高まっている。消費者が植物性製品を採用するよう動機付けるための政府のイニシアチブは、この地域の市場成長にプラスの影響を与える。例えば、中国政府と社会は、国内の食肉消費量を50%減少させる取り組みを行っている。
市場の主な世界的プレーヤーには、Roquette Freres、ProteroCo、Xi'an Gaoyuan Bio-Chem Co.Ltd.、Innovix Labs Fitness、Lihme Protein Solutions、Toufood、Sapore Puro、Equistro、Spix、Emsland Groupが含まれる。
- オーガニック
- 従来型
- 食品・飲料
- 飼料
- その他
- 北米
o 米国
o カナダ
- ヨーロッパ
o ドイツ
o イギリス
o フランス
o イタリア
o ロシア
o その他のヨーロッパ
- 南アメリカ
o ブラジル
o アルゼンチン
o その他の南米諸国
- アジア太平洋
o 中国
o インド
o 日本
o オーストラリア
o その他のアジア太平洋地域
- 中東およびアフリカ
- 2022年4月、Branston Holdings Ltdの子会社であるBranston Potatoes Limitedは、イノベーション企業であるRoot Extracts Ltdとの提携を宣言し、ビーガン食品への応用を目的としたポテト・プロテイン製品を発表した。
- 2022年2月、オランダの食材会社KMCは、肉の代替品として使用できるテクスチャー化ポテト・プロテインを開発した。同社は2022年に約300トンの繊維化ポテト・プロテインの生産を計画している。
- 2021年7月、デンマークに本社を置き、タンパク質成分の分離技術を開発するLihme Protein Solutions社は、ヨーロッパに本社を置くDuynie Group社と、価値ある工業用副産物を創出することで合意したと発表した。この提携により、ジャガイモ澱粉産業の副産物であるジャガイモ果実水から機能性タンパク質を生産することになった。
- ポテトプロテインアイソレートの世界市場を、性質、用途、地域に基づき細分化し、主要な商業資産とプレーヤーを理解する。
- トレンドと共同開発の分析による商機の特定。
- ポテトプロテインアイソレート市場レベルの数多くのデータを全セグメントでまとめたエクセルデータシート。
- PDFレポートは、徹底的な定性的インタビューと綿密な調査の後の包括的な分析で構成されています。
- すべての主要企業の主要製品で構成されたエクセルで利用可能な製品マッピング。
- メーカー/バイヤー
- 業界投資家/投資銀行家
- 研究専門家
- 新興企業



1. Methodology and Scope
1.1. Research Methodology
1.2. Research Objective and Scope of the Report
2. Definition and Overview
3. Executive Summary
3.1. Snippet by Nature
3.2. Snippet by Application
3.3. Snippet by Region
4. Dynamics
4.1. Impacting Factors
4.1.1. Drivers Growing Demand for Plant-Based Proteins Wide Offering of Potato Protein Isolate from Various Companies
4.1.2. Restraints Huge Competition from Other Plant-Based Proteins
4.1.3. Opportunity
4.1.4. Impact Analysis
5. Industry Analysis
5.1. Porter's Five Force Analysis
5.2. Supply Chain Analysis
5.3. Pricing Analysis
5.4. Regulatory Analysis
6. COVID-19 Analysis
6.1. Analysis of COVID-19
6.1.1. Scenario Before COVID
6.1.2. Scenario During COVID
6.1.3. Scenario Post COVID
6.2. Pricing Dynamics Amid COVID-19
6.3. Demand-Supply Spectrum
6.4. Government Initiatives Related to the Market During Pandemic
6.5. Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives
6.6. Conclusion
7. By Nature
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
7.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Nature
7.2. Organic
7.2.1. Introduction
7.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
7.3. Conventional
8. By Application
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
8.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Application
8.2. Food & Beverages
8.2.1. Introduction
8.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
8.3. Animal Feed
8.4. Others
9. By Region
9.1. Introduction
9.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Region
9.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
9.2. North America
9.2.1. Introduction
9.2.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.2.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
9.2.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.2.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country U.S. Canada Mexico
9.3. Europe
9.3.1. Introduction
9.3.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.3.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
9.3.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.3.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Germany U.K. France Italy Spain Rest of Europe
9.4. South America
9.4.1. Introduction
9.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.4.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
9.4.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.4.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Brazil Argentina Rest of South America
9.5. Asia-Pacific
9.5.1. Introduction
9.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.5.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
9.5.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.5.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country China India Japan Australia Rest of Asia-Pacific
9.6. Middle East and Africa
9.6.1. Introduction
9.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.6.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
9.6.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
10. Competitive Landscape
10.1. Competitive Scenario
10.2. Market Positioning/Share Analysis
10.3. Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis
11. Company Profiles
11.1. Roquette Freres
11.1.1. Company Overview
11.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
11.1.3. Financial Overview
11.1.4. Key Developments
11.2. ProteroCo
11.3. Xi'an Gaoyuan Bio-Chem Co., Ltd.
11.4. Innovix Labs Fitness
11.5. Lihme Protein Solutions
11.6. Toufood
11.7. SaporePuro
11.8. Equistro
11.9. Spix Proteins
11.10. Emsland Group
12. Appendix
12.1. About Us and Services
12.2. Contact Us





Global Potato Protein Isolates Market reached US$ 289.7 million in 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 479.5 million by 2030, growing with a CAGR of 6.5% during the forecast period 2023-2030.
People adopt protein-rich food options to meet their protein requirements that help in building and repairing the body tissues. Health and environmental concerns among the global population drive consumers to leave animal-based proteins and take up plant-based proteins. The unique and versatile properties of potato protein gain people's attention who are looking for sustainable plant-based protein.
Growing demand for the market is increasing the new plant developments by various market players. For instance, in April 2021, Branston Ltd. announced the construction of its new potato protein extraction facility at Branston's site in Lincolnshire, U.K. The newly developing plant helps the company convert low-value potatoes into clean-label functional proteins in the form of isolates and concentrates.
The research and development taking place to develop low-cost and healthy extraction methods, help in expanding the potato protein isolate market. For instance, in 2022, the SME Solutions Centre planned to extract potato protein from Pacific Ag graded-out potatoes, to optimise the process. In addition, the new technologies that are taking place in the potato protein industry, such as the use of natural adsorbents for isolation, improve the market size.
Growing Demand for Plant-Based Proteins
The plant-based protein isolate market is widely expanding with the increasing health consciousness, environmental concerns, and ethical considerations. According to the World Animal Foundation, approximately 88 million vegans are present worldwide, as of 2023 statistics. The increasing veganism is increasing the demand for plant-based proteins, such as potato protein.
The high quality and solubility of potato protein, make it one of the better choices in plant-based proteins. Various forms of potato proteins, mainly in their concentrated forms, such as isolates are highly functional in various applications to improve the health and fitness of the body. With the immense success in the traditional categories of plant-based proteins as meat and dairy substitutes, the potato protein isolate market is largely experimenting in the field of egg replacements and seafood alternatives.
Wide Offering of Potato Protein Isolate from Various Companies
The rising demand for potato protein isolates is driving manufacturers to develop and release various products into the market. For instance, Tereos, a French company, produces Peptigel PP, a potato protein isolate that is particularly well-suited for use in sports nutrition, dietary supplements, and vegan food formulations. Peptigel PP is hypoallergenic and boasts excellent functional properties, making it an ideal choice for these applications.
Roquette, the French company specializing in plant-based ingredients, produces a high-quality potato protein isolate that is perfect for meat and dairy alternatives, sports nutrition, and other food applications, under the Tubermine brand. Roquette's potato protein products are known for their exceptional functional properties and nutritional quality.
The manufacturers are targetting food manufacturers by developing new products that are suitable for their application in the food and beverage industries. For instance, Manitoba Starch Products, a Canadian company, produces potato protein isolate under their ProTerra line, which is designed for use in a variety of food applications, including bakery products, meat and dairy alternatives, and sports nutrition.
Huge Competition from Other Plant-Based Proteins
The high competition from other plant-based proteins like soy and peas is one of the major restraining factors of the potato protein isolate market. Soy and pea protein markets are well established and have a greater history of practice in various industries. Most of the consumers consume soy and pea proteins over potato proteins due to a lack of awareness.
The new product launches and greater demand from the competitor's protein isolates hinder the market growth. For instance, in November 2022, International Flavors & Fragances Inc. introduced a soy-based protein ingredient, Supro Tex. The ingredient consists of 80% of protein content making it a suitable option for protein requirements.
Manufacturers of soy protein isolate are developing new processing, in July 2022, New Protein International announced the co-investment with Protein Industries Canada to introduce a clean-label soy protein processing method to produce soy protein isolate, an ingredient that can be used in various applications, including plant-based products and supplements.
Segment Analysis
The global potato protein isolate market is segmented based on nature, application and region.
Increasing Applications of Potato Protein Isolate in Bakery and Confectionery Industries
The global potato protein isolate market is segmented based on application into food & beverage, animal feed and others. The food and beverage segment has the largest share in the global market. The increasing demand for vegan and gluten-free products drives the use of potato protein isolate as a wheat protein and egg replacement in various applications. The functional properties of the isolate along with suitable color and flavor attributes drive the initiation to their use in products.
Apart from enriching the protein content of the product, the potato protein isolate is used as an essential ingredient in the confectionery and baking industry to improve the consistency and structure of the products. The use of potato protein isolate enhances the texture of the baked goods keeping them moist and fresh. The high digestibility blending properties of potato protein isolate boost its application in food and beverage applications.
The emerging developments in potato protein isolate production help in the easy incorporation of these isolates in the production of various vegan desserts. For instance, in 2021, Avebe introduced Solanic100, a natural potato protein isolate that has greater uses in the production of protein-enriched snacks and baked goods. Solanic100 can be mixed with water to produce mayonnaise and macarons. The product helps in the production of cake with improved texture.
Moreover, potato protein isolate is gaining popularity in sports nutrition and expanding its uses in sports nutrition and weight management drinks. The new collaborations and partnerships among the market players help in expanding the segment growth. For instance, a new process for incorporating potato protein isolate and concentrate in beverage production such as sports drinks is being developed with the collaboration between Nizo, a research company and potato ingredient supplier, Avebe.
Geographical Penetration
Increased Demand for Plant-Based Protein in Asia-Pacific
Asia-Pacific dominated the global potato protein isolate market, with China and India leading the market. According to FAO stats for 2021, the total production of potatoes in China and India is 94 and 54 million tons, making them one of the largest producers in the world. Abundant raw material availability makes the production and extraction of potato protein isolate much easier.
The increasing health consciousness among the consumers of this region is driving the demand for healthy nutrients such as proteins and fibers. The rising trend of consumption of plant-based protein products is growing demand for potato protein isolates for their applications in food and beverage products. The region’s improving industrial base and greater use of these potato protein isolates in preparation of food products, positively drive the market growth.
According to the World Animal Foundation, 9% of the Indian population are recorded as vegan in 2022. The rising vegan population is increasing the demand and need for plant-based proteins. The government initiatives to motivate consumers to adopt the plant-based product positively impact this region’s market growth. For instance, the Chinese government and society are taking initiatives to decrease meat consumption in the country by 50%.
Various developments by the national organizations to enhance the protein content of potatoes, drive the market growth, with the increased protein for extraction and isolation. For instance, in 2021, the National Institute of Plant Genome Research in New Delhi, India developed a genetically modified potato packed with 60% more protein and increased amino acids.
Competitive Landscape
The major global players in the market include Roquette Freres, ProteroCo, Xi'an Gaoyuan Bio-Chem Co., Ltd., Innovix Labs Fitness, Lihme Protein Solutions, Toufood, Sapore Puro, Equistro, Spix and Emsland Group.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic moderately impacted the global potato protein isolate market. The sudden declaration of lockdowns halted the supply chain activities of every product and raw material. The potato protein isolate market faced challenges in sourcing raw materials from various areas. In addition, the processing industries received a major halt at the industrial level due to improper resources and labor facilities.
The strict regulations from the government resulted in the shutdown of many manufacturing industries, causing a shortage of production for their use in different applications. The distribution channel activities made it difficult for the product reach to consumers. The disruption in the supply chain activities and import and export restrictions reduced the economic activity of the global market.
However, the pandemic increased health consciousness among consumers. People started looking for healthy alternatives to animal protein to maintain good health. The increased consumer awareness regarding the potato protein isolate increased its incorporation in daily diet, positively affecting the market growth. In addition, the increased use, accessibility and popularity of the e-commerce sector and the wide availability of these products in online sales increased the market demand.
Russia- Ukraine War Impact
The Russia-Ukraine war had a negative impact on many industrial sectors, including food. Russia and Ukraine are the major producers of potatoes in the world and are placed in the top 5 producers in FAO stats. Ukraine's potato production was recorded to be around 21 million tons, whereas Russian Federation’s potato production reached 18 million tons, as of 2021 FAO statistics.
The larger production capacities of the countries make them important raw material producers and suppliers for the global potato protein isolate market. The war created disruption in the global supply chain activities, negatively affecting the market. The scarcity of raw materials interrupted processes at the industrial level badly impacting product production. The war created import and export trade disruptions, resulting in economic disturbances.
By Nature
• Organic
• Conventional
By Application
• Food & Beverages
• Animal Feed
• Others
By Region
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o Germany
o UK
o France
o Italy
o Russia
o Rest of Europe
• South America
o Brazil
o Argentina
o Rest of South America
• Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o Australia
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
• Middle East and Africa
Key Developments
• In April 2022, Branston Holdings Ltd subsidiary company Branston Potatoes Limited, declared its partnership with an innovations company Root Extracts Ltd and introduced potato protein products for its application in vegan food products.
• In February 2022, KMC, a Dutch ingredient company created texturized potato protein that can be used as a meat alternative. The company planned the production of about 300 tons of texturized potato protein in 2022.
• In July 2021, Lihme Protein Solutions, a Denmark-based company that develops separation technologies for the isolation of protein ingredients, announced its agreement with Europe-based company, Duynie Group to create valuable industrial coproducts. The collaboration resulted in the production of functional protein from potato fruit water, which is a co-product of the potato starch industry.
Why Purchase the Report?
• To visualize the global potato protein isolate market segmentation based on nature, application and region, as well as understand key commercial assets and players.
• Identify commercial opportunities by analyzing trends and co-development.
• Excel data sheet with numerous data points of potato protein isolate market-level with all segments.
• PDF report consists of a comprehensive analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and an in-depth study.
• Product mapping available as excel consisting of key products of all the major players.
The global potato protein isolate market report would provide approximately 77 tables, 83 figures and 189 Pages.
Target Audience 2023
• Manufacturers/ Buyers
• Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
• Research Professionals
• Emerging Companies


Table of Contents

1. Methodology and Scope
1.1. Research Methodology
1.2. Research Objective and Scope of the Report
2. Definition and Overview
3. Executive Summary
3.1. Snippet by Nature
3.2. Snippet by Application
3.3. Snippet by Region
4. Dynamics
4.1. Impacting Factors
4.1.1. Drivers Growing Demand for Plant-Based Proteins Wide Offering of Potato Protein Isolate from Various Companies
4.1.2. Restraints Huge Competition from Other Plant-Based Proteins
4.1.3. Opportunity
4.1.4. Impact Analysis
5. Industry Analysis
5.1. Porter's Five Force Analysis
5.2. Supply Chain Analysis
5.3. Pricing Analysis
5.4. Regulatory Analysis
6. COVID-19 Analysis
6.1. Analysis of COVID-19
6.1.1. Scenario Before COVID
6.1.2. Scenario During COVID
6.1.3. Scenario Post COVID
6.2. Pricing Dynamics Amid COVID-19
6.3. Demand-Supply Spectrum
6.4. Government Initiatives Related to the Market During Pandemic
6.5. Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives
6.6. Conclusion
7. By Nature
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
7.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Nature
7.2. Organic
7.2.1. Introduction
7.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
7.3. Conventional
8. By Application
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
8.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Application
8.2. Food & Beverages
8.2.1. Introduction
8.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
8.3. Animal Feed
8.4. Others
9. By Region
9.1. Introduction
9.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Region
9.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
9.2. North America
9.2.1. Introduction
9.2.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.2.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
9.2.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.2.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country U.S. Canada Mexico
9.3. Europe
9.3.1. Introduction
9.3.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.3.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
9.3.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.3.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Germany U.K. France Italy Spain Rest of Europe
9.4. South America
9.4.1. Introduction
9.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.4.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
9.4.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.4.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Brazil Argentina Rest of South America
9.5. Asia-Pacific
9.5.1. Introduction
9.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.5.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
9.5.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.5.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country China India Japan Australia Rest of Asia-Pacific
9.6. Middle East and Africa
9.6.1. Introduction
9.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.6.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Nature
9.6.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
10. Competitive Landscape
10.1. Competitive Scenario
10.2. Market Positioning/Share Analysis
10.3. Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis
11. Company Profiles
11.1. Roquette Freres
11.1.1. Company Overview
11.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
11.1.3. Financial Overview
11.1.4. Key Developments
11.2. ProteroCo
11.3. Xi'an Gaoyuan Bio-Chem Co., Ltd.
11.4. Innovix Labs Fitness
11.5. Lihme Protein Solutions
11.6. Toufood
11.7. SaporePuro
11.8. Equistro
11.9. Spix Proteins
11.10. Emsland Group
12. Appendix
12.1. About Us and Services
12.2. Contact Us






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