
脳インプラントの世界市場 - 2023-2030

脳インプラントの世界市場 - 2023-2030

Global Brain Implants Market - 2023-2030

概要 脳インプラントの世界市場は2022年に53億米ドルに達し、2030年には108億米ドルに達するなど、有利な成長が予測されている。脳インプラントの世界市場は、予測期間中(2023-2030年)にCAGR 9.5%を示すと予測... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
DataM Intelligence
2023年9月6日 US$4,350
3-4営業日以内 195 英語



脳インプラントの世界市場は2022年に53億米ドルに達し、2030年には108億米ドルに達するなど、有利な成長が予測されている。脳インプラントの世界市場は、予測期間中(2023-2030年)にCAGR 9.5%を示すと予測されている。
例えば、Parkinson's Foundationによると、パーキンソン病(PD)は米国で約100万人が罹患している。2030年には、この数は120万人に達すると予想されている。アルツハイマー病に次いで、パーキンソン病は最も一般的な神経変性疾患である。米国では、毎年9万人近くがパーキンソン病と診断されている。世界では1,000万人以上がPDに苦しんでいる。このように、神経疾患の増加は市場の拡大に寄与している。
脳インプラント市場における世界の主要企業は、Medtronic PLC、Boston Scientific Corporation、Renishaw PLC、Synchron Inc、Abbott Laboratories、LivaNova PLC、NeuroPace Inc、Sapiens Neuro、Neuralink、Nexstimなどである。

- 脳深部刺激装置
- 脊髄刺激装置
- 迷走神経刺激装置
- シリコン
- タングステン
- 白金-イリジウム
- ナノチューブ
- その他
- アルツハイマー病
- パーキンソン病
- てんかん
- 慢性疼痛
- その他
- 病院
- 神経クリニック
- その他
- 北米
o 米国
o カナダ
- ヨーロッパ
o ドイツ
o フランス
o スペイン
o イタリア
o その他のヨーロッパ
- 南アメリカ
o ブラジル
o アルゼンチン
o その他の南米諸国
- アジア太平洋
o 中国
o インド
o 日本
o オーストラリア
o その他のアジア太平洋地域
- 中東およびアフリカ
- 2022年5月、イーロン・マスクの競合会社であるニューラルリンク社のシンクロンは、重度の麻痺患者6人がハンズフリーで自分の思考だけでデジタルガジェットを操作できるようにするため、人体実験を開始した。米国に本拠を置くシンクロンは、イーロン・マスクのニューラリンクと競合しており、同じく脳の活動だけで麻痺した人々にコンピューターや電話を使わせようとしている。両社とも血管内ブレイン・コンピューター・インターフェイス(BCI)を開発している。
- 2021年3月には、てんかんやパーキンソン病などの脳疾患を治療するために、バルセロナの2つの機関とマンチェスター大学のナノメディシン・ラボが共同で、欧州の医療ナノテクノロジー分野でこれまでで最大規模の投資を行った。
- 2022年12月、アボット社の脊髄刺激(SCS)システム「エテルナ」は、慢性疼痛治療用として現在市販されている中で最も小型の埋め込み式充電式脊髄刺激装置であり、FDAの承認を取得した。エテルナSCSでは、臨床的に最も証明されたレベル(1Aエビデンス)の唯一のSCS波形技術である低用量BurstDR刺激が使用されており、従来の波形技術による方法よりも23%痛みを和らげることが示されている。
- 脳インプラントの世界市場をタイプ、材料、用途、エンドユーザー、地域に基づき細分化し、主要な商業資産とプレーヤーを理解する。
- トレンドと共同開発の分析による商機の特定。
- 脳インプラント市場レベルの数多くのデータを全セグメントでまとめたエクセルデータシート。
- PDFレポートは、徹底的な定性的インタビューと詳細な調査後の包括的な分析で構成されています。
- すべての主要企業の主要製品で構成されるエクセルで利用可能な製品マッピング。
- メーカー/バイヤー
- 業界投資家/投資銀行家
- 研究専門家
- 新興企業



1. Methodology and Scope
1.1. Research Methodology
1.2. Research Objective and Scope of the Report
2. Definition and Overview
3. Executive Summary
3.1. Snippet by Type
3.2. Snippet by Material
3.3. Snippet by Application
3.4. Snippet by End User
3.5. Snippet by Region
4. Dynamics
4.1. Impacting Factors
4.1.1. Drivers The rising prevalence of neurological diseases Key Development Strategies Followed by the Companies
4.1.2. Restraints High cost associated with the treatment
4.1.3. Opportunity New avenues for treating mental health conditions
4.1.4. Impact Analysis
5. Industry Analysis
5.1. Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis
5.2. Supply Chain Analysis
5.3. Pricing Analysis
5.4. Regulatory Analysis
6. COVID-19 Analysis
6.1. Analysis of COVID-19
6.1.1. Scenario Before COVID-19
6.1.2. Scenario During COVID-19
6.1.3. Scenario Post COVID-19
6.2. Pricing Dynamics Amid COVID-19
6.3. Demand-Supply Spectrum
6.4. Government Initiatives Related to the Market During Pandemic
6.5. Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives
6.6. Conclusion
7. ByType
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
7.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Type
7.2. Deep Brain Stimulator*
7.2.1. Introduction
7.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
7.3. Spinal Cord Stimulator
7.4. Vagus Nerve Stimulator
8. ByMaterial
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
8.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Material
8.2. Silicon*
8.2.1. Introduction
8.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
8.3. Tungsten
8.4. Platinum-iridium
8.5. Nanotubes
8.6. Others
9. ByApplication
9.1. Introduction
9.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Application
9.2. Alzheimer's Disease l*
9.2.1. Introduction
9.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
9.3. Parkinson's Disease
9.4. Epilepsy
9.5. Chronic Pain
9.6. Others
10. ByEnd User
10.1. Introduction
10.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
10.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By End User
10.2. Hospitals *
10.2.1. Introduction
10.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
10.3. Neurology clinics
10.4. Others
11. By Region
11.1. Introduction
11.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Region
11.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
11.2. North America
11.2.1. Introduction
11.2.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.2.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
11.2.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.2.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
11.2.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.2.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country U.S. Canada Mexico
11.3. Europe
11.3.1. Introduction
11.3.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.3.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
11.3.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.3.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
11.3.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.3.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Germany U.K. France Spain Italy Rest of Europe
11.4. South America
11.4.1. Introduction
11.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.4.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
11.4.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.4.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
11.4.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.4.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Brazil Argentina Rest of South America
11.5. Asia-Pacific
11.5.1. Introduction
11.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.5.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
11.5.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.5.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
11.5.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.5.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country China India Japan Australia Rest of Asia-Pacific
11.6. Middle East and Africa
11.6.1. Introduction
11.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.6.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
11.6.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.6.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
11.6.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
12. Competitive Landscape
12.1. Competitive Scenario
12.2. Market Positioning/Share Analysis
12.3. Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis
13. Company Profiles
13.1. Medtronic PLC*
13.1.1. Company Overview
13.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
13.1.3. Financial Overview
13.1.4. Key Developments
13.2. Boston Scientific Corporation
13.3. Renishaw PLC
13.4. Synchron Inc
13.5. Abbott Laboratories
13.6. LivaNova PLC
13.7. NeuroPace Inc
13.8. Sapiens Neuro
13.9. Neuralink
13.10. Nexstim
14. Appendix
14.1. About Us and Services
14.2. Contact Us





The Global Brain Implants Market reached US$ 5.3 billion in 2022 and is projected to witness lucrative growth by reaching up to US$ 10.8 billion by 2030. The global brain implants market is expected to exhibita CAGR of 9.5% during the forecast period (2023-2030).
Brain implants hold significant importance across various fields due to their potential to interface directly with the brain and enable communication between neural activity and external devices. Advances in wireless technology were enabling brain implants to communicate with external devices without the need for physical connectors. The trend aimed to improve the comfort and comfort of using brain implants while also reducing the risk of infection or other complications associated with wired connections.
In addition, there is an increasing number of neurodegenerative and mental illnesses, as well as an unmet demand for affordable, effective, and permanent therapies. The market size for brain implants is growing as a result of increasing effort being made by neurosurgeons and neurology clinics to increase awareness of brain implants.
The Rising Prevalence of Neurological Diseases
The increase in neurological disorders contributes to the market's expansion. For instance, one can stimulate or record signals from various parts of the brain by implanting electrodes in the brain tissue. Parkinson's disease is frequently treated using brain implants, specifically Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative condition marked by a progressive loss of brain cells that produce dopamine.
Motor symptoms like tremors, stiffness, bradykinesia (slow movement), and postural instability are brought on by this dopamine depletion. The Parkinson's symptoms are caused by aberrant brain activity, which the electrical stimulation helps control. Thus, the rise in Parkinson's disease contributes to the market's expansion.
For instance, according to Parkinson's Foundation, stated that, Parkinson's disease (PD) affects around one million persons in the US. By 2030, it is anticipated that this number would reach 1.2 million. After Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease is the most common neurodegenerative condition. In the United States, PD is yearly diagnosed in close to 90,000 individuals. Over 10 million people worldwide suffer with PD. Thus, the increase in neurological illnesses contributes to the market's expansion.
Key Development Strategies Followed by the Companies
The increase in the product approvals, product launches, collaborations and acquisitions related to brain implants owing to its increasing demand to novel technologies to the market. For instance, in October 2022, in order to more effectively treat neurological illnesses, the brain-machine interface (BMI) developed by the neurotechnology company Axoft was designated an FDA Breakthrough Device. The business raised $8 million in funding to support pre-clinical FDA research and scale up prototypes of its "soft as the brain" neural implants.
Additionally, on May 26, 2023, Elon Musk and his co-founders at the neurotech business Neuralink announced that the Food and Drug Administration had given the company permission to carry out its first in-human clinical investigation. The Link, a brain implant being developed by Neuralink, intends to enable individuals with severe paralysis to operate external technology only utilizing neural signals. This suggests that people with terminal degenerative illnesses like ALS may someday regain the ability to type and move cursors with their minds. Due of the above factors the market will expand in forecast period.
High Cost Associated with the Treatment
Brain implants can be costly to develop and implant. Surgical treatments, post-operative care, and prospective gadget replacements are all included in the price. For instance, different manufacturers charge different prices for brain implants. The price of surgery (including the implanted device, hospital expenses, and anesthesia) can range from $35,000 to $100,000 in the United States.
Access to the technology may be hampered by the price, especially for those who cannot afford it. Additionally, placing brain implants requires highly sophisticated surgical techniques that call for experienced neurosurgeons and an operating theater outfitted with cutting-edge equipment. Surgery, anesthesia, and post-operative care can come at a significant financial expense. Thus above factors will restrain the market growth.
Segment Analysis
The global brain implants market is segmented based ontype, material, application, end user and region.
The Alzheimer's Disease Accounted for Approximately 31.07% of the Brain Implants Market Share
Dementia, a condition marked by memory loss and cognitive decline, is one of the main causes of dementia. ReTypes are needed for diagnosis, treatment, care, and support services for affected people, placing a significant load on healthcare systems. Age is the major risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. A larger portion of the population is at an elevated risk of contracting the disease as the world's population continues to age. An individual's risk increases as they age.
The intricate combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors affects the risk of Alzheimer's disease. These elements may combine as people get older, raising the risk that they may have the illness. Thus, the increase in the elderly population drives segment growth.
For instance, according to Eurostat, the EU population in January 2022, was estimated to be 446.7 million, out of which 21.1% were Older individuals aged 65 or over indicating an increase of 0.3 percentage points (pp) to the previous year and an increase of 3.1 pp compared with a decade earlier.
In addition, according to a new report by the United Nations (UN), the number of individuals aged 65 years or above globally is anticipated to increase two folds in the next 30 years. The geriatric population is expected to attain 1.6 billion in 2050, making up over 16% of the world population. By thus increasing the geriatric population will drive the segment growth.
Geographical Penetration
North America Accounted for Approximately 42.6% of the Market Share in 2022
The brain implant market is dominated by North America. Due to the regulations that make healthcare inexpensive for the vast majority of the population in the region, the nation's healthcare facilities are of the greatest quality and are accessible to the wide population. The prevalence and incidence of numerous neurological illnesses are rising, which will accelerate the growth of the region.
For instance, according to Alzheimer's Association, more than 6 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer's. In 2023, there will be 6.7 million Americans 65 and older who have Alzheimer's. 73% of people are 75 years of age or older. The proportion of Americans who have Alzheimer's disease or another kind of dementia will increase along with the size of the population in the United States who are 65 years of age and older. Barring technological advances that prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease, the estimated number of persons aged 65 and older with the condition may increase to 12.7 million by 2050.
Thus, the demand for neurological treatments including brain implants is fueled by the need to identify and treat these diseases, which is anticipated to lead to a growth in the number of product manufacturing companies in the nation. The market in the North American region has grown as a result of the rise in neurological diseases.
Competitive Landscape
The major global players in the brain implants market Medtronic PLC, Boston Scientific Corporation, Renishaw PLC, Synchron Inc, Abbott Laboratories, LivaNova PLC, NeuroPace Inc, Sapiens Neuro, Neuralink, Nexstim and others.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis

The covid has affected negatively due to several factors. The danger of infection is present throughout any surgical operation, including brain implant surgeries. Since COVID-19 is extremely contagious, catching it while having a brain implant could result in serious illness or difficulties.Access to medical care has been hampered throughout numerous locations due to the pandemic.
Due of COVID-19's impact on the healthcare system, people with brain implants may have trouble getting timely treatment or device changes. In many hospitals, brain implant surgery, such as DBS, is an elective surgical procedure, hence the scheduled surgeries have been postponed. When the restrictions were eased, procedures were carried out and patients were advised to maintain their most recent optimal dosing schedule.
By Type
• Deep Brain Stimulator
• Spinal Cord Stimulator
• Vagus Nerve Stimulator
By Material
• Silicon
• Tungsten
• Platinum-iridium
• Nanotubes
• Others
By Application
• Alzheimer's Disease
• Parkinson's Disease
• Epilepsy
• Chronic Pain
• Others
By End User
• Hospitals
• Neurology clinics
• Others
By Region
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o Germany
o U.K.
o France
o Spain
o Italy
o Rest of Europe
• South America
o Brazil
o Argentina
o Rest of South America
• Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o Australia
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
• Middle East and Africa
Key Developments
• In May 2022, in order to allow six severely paralyzed people to operate digital gadgets hands-free and with only their thoughts, Elon Musk's competitor firm Neuralink, Synchron, has started conducting human trials on the subject. The US-based Synchron competes with Elon Musk's Neuralink, which also seeks to let paralyzed people to use computers and phones through its brain activities alone. Both companies create endovascular brain-computer interfaces (BCIs).
• In March 2021, one of the largest investments in the European medical nanotechnology sector to date has been made in a collaboration between two Barcelona institutions and the Nanomedicine Lab at The University of Manchester to treat brain disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson's Disease.
• In December 2022, the Eterna spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system from Abbott, the smallest implantable, rechargeable spinal cord stimulator currently available on the market for the treatment of chronic pain, received FDA approval. The only SCS waveform technology with the greatest level of clinical proof (1A evidence), low-dose BurstDR stimulation, is used in Eterna SCS and has been shown to relieve pain 23% more than conventional waveform technology methods.
Why Purchase the Report?
• To visualize the global brain implants market segmentation based on type, material, application, end user and region as well as understand key commercial assets and players.
• Identify commercial opportunities by analyzing trends and co-development.
• Excel data sheet with numerous data points of brain implants market-level with all segments.
• PDF report consists of a comprehensive analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and an in-depth study.
• Product mapping available as excel consisting of key products of all the major players.
The global brain implants market report would provide approximately 53 tables, 54 figures and 195 Pages.
Target Audience 2023
• Manufacturers/ Buyers
• Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
• Research Professionals
• Emerging Companies


Table of Contents

1. Methodology and Scope
1.1. Research Methodology
1.2. Research Objective and Scope of the Report
2. Definition and Overview
3. Executive Summary
3.1. Snippet by Type
3.2. Snippet by Material
3.3. Snippet by Application
3.4. Snippet by End User
3.5. Snippet by Region
4. Dynamics
4.1. Impacting Factors
4.1.1. Drivers The rising prevalence of neurological diseases Key Development Strategies Followed by the Companies
4.1.2. Restraints High cost associated with the treatment
4.1.3. Opportunity New avenues for treating mental health conditions
4.1.4. Impact Analysis
5. Industry Analysis
5.1. Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis
5.2. Supply Chain Analysis
5.3. Pricing Analysis
5.4. Regulatory Analysis
6. COVID-19 Analysis
6.1. Analysis of COVID-19
6.1.1. Scenario Before COVID-19
6.1.2. Scenario During COVID-19
6.1.3. Scenario Post COVID-19
6.2. Pricing Dynamics Amid COVID-19
6.3. Demand-Supply Spectrum
6.4. Government Initiatives Related to the Market During Pandemic
6.5. Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives
6.6. Conclusion
7. ByType
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
7.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Type
7.2. Deep Brain Stimulator*
7.2.1. Introduction
7.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
7.3. Spinal Cord Stimulator
7.4. Vagus Nerve Stimulator
8. ByMaterial
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
8.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Material
8.2. Silicon*
8.2.1. Introduction
8.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
8.3. Tungsten
8.4. Platinum-iridium
8.5. Nanotubes
8.6. Others
9. ByApplication
9.1. Introduction
9.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Application
9.2. Alzheimer's Disease l*
9.2.1. Introduction
9.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
9.3. Parkinson's Disease
9.4. Epilepsy
9.5. Chronic Pain
9.6. Others
10. ByEnd User
10.1. Introduction
10.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
10.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By End User
10.2. Hospitals *
10.2.1. Introduction
10.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
10.3. Neurology clinics
10.4. Others
11. By Region
11.1. Introduction
11.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Region
11.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
11.2. North America
11.2.1. Introduction
11.2.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.2.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
11.2.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.2.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
11.2.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.2.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country U.S. Canada Mexico
11.3. Europe
11.3.1. Introduction
11.3.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.3.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
11.3.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.3.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
11.3.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.3.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Germany U.K. France Spain Italy Rest of Europe
11.4. South America
11.4.1. Introduction
11.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.4.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
11.4.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.4.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
11.4.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.4.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Brazil Argentina Rest of South America
11.5. Asia-Pacific
11.5.1. Introduction
11.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.5.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
11.5.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.5.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
11.5.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.5.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country China India Japan Australia Rest of Asia-Pacific
11.6. Middle East and Africa
11.6.1. Introduction
11.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.6.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Type
11.6.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.6.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
11.6.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
12. Competitive Landscape
12.1. Competitive Scenario
12.2. Market Positioning/Share Analysis
12.3. Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis
13. Company Profiles
13.1. Medtronic PLC*
13.1.1. Company Overview
13.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
13.1.3. Financial Overview
13.1.4. Key Developments
13.2. Boston Scientific Corporation
13.3. Renishaw PLC
13.4. Synchron Inc
13.5. Abbott Laboratories
13.6. LivaNova PLC
13.7. NeuroPace Inc
13.8. Sapiens Neuro
13.9. Neuralink
13.10. Nexstim
14. Appendix
14.1. About Us and Services
14.2. Contact Us





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