世界のヘルス&ハイジーン市場。カテゴリー別(パーソナルケア、ティッシュ)、地域別サイズと予測、COVID-19のインパクト分析、2027年までの予測Global Health & Hygiene Market: Analysis By Category (Personal Care and Tissue), By Region Size & Forecast with Impact Analysis of COVID-19 and Forecast up to 2027 健康な生活を送るという意味では、健康と清潔という言葉は同義語です。健康とは、肉体的にも精神的にも完全に健康である状態を指します。健康な人は、身体的にも心理的にも健康である。衛生とは、健康や清潔な環... もっと見る
サマリー健康な生活を送るという意味では、健康と清潔という言葉は同義語です。健康とは、肉体的にも精神的にも完全に健康である状態を指します。健康な人は、身体的にも心理的にも健康である。衛生とは、健康や清潔な環境を促進するための習慣や行動を指します。2021年、世界の健康・衛生市場は1575億7000万米ドルと評価され、2027年には2051億9000万米ドルに達すると予想されています。石鹸や除菌剤などの衛生・健康製品の浸透が進んでいることに加え、衛生に関する懸念の高まりや健康に対する意識の高まりが、今後数年間の健康・衛生製品の需要に影響を及ぼすと考えられます。健康・衛生用品市場は、2022年から2027年の予測期間において、年平均成長率4.50%で成長すると予測されます。市場セグメンテーション分析。 カテゴリー別。本レポートでは、世界のヘルス&ハイジーン市場を2つのカテゴリーに分類しています。パーソナルケアとティッシュです。パーソナルケア分野はさらに、ベビーケア、フェミニンケア、メディカルソリューション、失禁製品に区分されています。ティッシュ部門はさらに、消費者用ティッシュと業務用衛生用品に区分されています。ティッシュ部門は、可処分所得の増加や生活水準の向上とともに、健康・衛生に関連する消費者の意識の高まり、観光・接客業の隆盛により、2021年の市場シェアの半分以上を占めています。 地域別では本レポートによると、世界の健康・衛生市場は大きく5つの地域に分類されます。アジア太平洋地域(中国、日本、インド、オーストラリア、その他のアジア太平洋地域)、北米(米国、カナダ、メキシコ)、欧州(ドイツ、英国、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、その他の欧州)、中南米、中東・アフリカです。アジア太平洋地域の健康・衛生市場は、主に石鹸、除菌剤などの衛生・健康製品の普及率の上昇とともに、衛生に対する関心が高まっていること、個人衛生製品の技術的進歩&イノベーションにより、2021年には35%の市場シェアを享受しました。 中国がアジア太平洋地域の健康・衛生市場の主要地域となっていますが、これは清潔さを保つことや個人衛生の利点に関する意識の高まり、可処分所得の急増、疫病やパンデミックの発生の可能性の増加などを要因としています。 健康・衛生の世界市場ダイナミクス 成長の原動力高齢者は免疫レベルが低く、回復に時間がかかるため、病気にかかりやすい。また、年齢が上がるにつれて、医療上の障害が発生する可能性が高く、その結果、衛生・健康ソリューションの需要が高まり、市場の主要事業者に成長機会を提供しています。さらに、ミレニアル世代の消費支出急増、感染症の増加傾向、医療費の急増、可処分所得の増加などにより、市場の拡大が見込まれています。 課題既存の衛生インフラや衛生習慣の状況(インフラが実際に機能しているかどうか、一部の衛生習慣の利点など)に関する信頼できる最新の情報が不足しています。このため、特に遠隔地の農村部ではニーズや需要が不明なことが多く、実施の優先順位を決める作業が困難になっています。また、女性用衛生用品が環境などに与える影響も、保健衛生市場が直面する課題のひとつです。 トレンド健康・衛生市場の大きなトレンドとして、様々なパンデミック病の発生が挙げられます。パンデミックとは、ある感染症が大規模に発生することを指します。パンデミックの可能性は、世界的な旅行や統合、都市化、土地利用の変化、自然環境の搾取の増加により、過去1世紀にわたって高まっています。その結果、さまざまなパンデミック病の発生は、世界の保健衛生市場の成長に有利な機会をもたらしています。予測期間中に健康・衛生市場の成長を増強すると考えられている市場のより多くの傾向は、エスカレートウェルネス観光、様々なパンデミック病の出現、持続可能性の重要性の高まりなどを含んでいます。 COVID-19の影響分析および今後の展望 パンデミックは、健康・衛生市場を含むいくつかのヘルスケア関連市場に好影響を与えた。パンデミックにより、人々の健康への関心が高まり、パーソナルケア、ティッシュ、ベビーケア、フェミニンケアなど、顧客の健康を向上させる製品の開発が加速し、結果として健康・衛生市場が成長したのである。さらに、健康・衛生用品の普及率の向上などの傾向から、今後も市場の拡大が見込まれています。企業や投資家は、急成長する市場に対応するために多額の投資を行っています。COVID-19の混乱は時間とともに薄れるかもしれませんが、ライフスタイルの改善や衛生対策への理解は、今後ますます深まるでしょう。 競合環境と最近の動向。 健康・衛生市場は、少数のプレイヤーが世界を席巻しており、大きく集中している。健康・衛生市場の主なプレイヤーは以下の通りです。 ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン株式会社 プロクター・アンド・ギャンブル・コーポレーション バイエルAG キンバリー・クラーク株式会社 エシティAB ユニ・チャーム株式会社 Hindustan Unilever Ltd. ヘンケルAG & Co.KGaA 花王株式会社 チャーチ・アンド・ドワイト社(Church & Dwight CO, Inc. コルゲートパルモリーブ 主要プレイヤーは、この市場での競争力を維持するために、新製品の発売や新興国市場への製品投入など、常に戦略的な取り組みに投資しています。2020年3月、Hindustan Unilever Limitedは、Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.から女性の親密衛生用品ブランドであるVWashを買収する計画を発表しました。また、2021年9月には、美容とボディケアの著名企業であるCoty Inc.が、Kylie Jennerによる優しく、安全で、意識の高いベビーケアシリーズ「Kylie Baby」の発売を発表しています。 目次1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Health & Hygiene: An Overview 2.1.1 Main Causes of Health & Hygiene Problems 2.1.2 Health & Hygiene Segmentation 3. Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.1.3 Global Health & Hygiene Market by Category (Tissue and Personal Care) 3.1.4 Global Health & Hygiene Market by Region (Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and Middle East and Africa) 3.2 Global Health & Hygiene Market: Category Analysis 3.2.1 Global Health & Hygiene Market by Category: An Overview 3.2.2 Global Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.3 Global Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Product (Baby Care, Feminine Care, Medical Solutions and Incontinence Products) 3.2.4 Global Baby Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.5 Global Feminine Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.6 Global Medical Solutions Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.7 Global Incontinence Products Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.8 Global Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.9 Global Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Type (Consumer Tissue and Professional Hygiene) 3.2.10 Global Consumer Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.11 Global Professional Hygiene Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4. Regional Market Analysis 4.1 Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 4.1.1 Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 4.1.2 Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.3 Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Category (Personal Care and Tissue) 4.1.4 Asia Pacific Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.5 Asia Pacific Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.6 Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Region (China, Japan, India, Australia and Rest of Asia Pacific) 4.1.7 China Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.8 Japan Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.9 India Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.10 Australia Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.11 Rest of Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2 North America Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 4.2.1 North America Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 4.2.2 North America Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2.3 North America Health & Hygiene Market by Category (Tissue and Personal Care) 4.2.4 North America Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2.5 North America Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2.6 North America Health & Hygiene Market by Region (The US, Canada and Mexico) 4.2.7 The US Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2.8 Canada Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2.9 Mexico Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3 Europe Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 4.3.1 Europe Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 4.3.2 Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.3 Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Category (Tissue and Personal Care) 4.3.4 Europe Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.5 Europe Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.6 Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Region (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain and Rest of Europe) 4.3.7 Germany Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.8 UK Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.9 France Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.10 Italy Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.11 Spain Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.12 Rest of Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.4 Latin America Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 4.4.1 Latin America Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 4.4.2 Latin America Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.5 Middle East and Africa Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 4.5.1 Middle East and Africa Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 4.5.2 Middle East and Africa Health & Hygiene Market by Value 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Health & Hygiene Market 5.1.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Health & Hygiene 5.1.2 Upsurge in Health & Wellness E-Commerce Sales 5.1.3 Growth in Government Spending on Healthcare 5.1.4 Rise in Health & Hygiene Product Usage 5.1.5 Post COVID-19 Impact 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Increasing Geriatric Population 6.1.2 Surging Millennial Spending 6.1.3 Accelerating Growth Rates of Infectious Diseases 6.1.4 Upsurge in Healthcare Expenditure 6.1.5 Rising Disposable Income 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Lack of Knowledge about Hygiene in Emerging Countries 6.2.2 Impact of Feminine Hygiene Products on the Environment 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 Escalating Wellness Tourism 6.3.2 Emergence of Various Pandemic Diseases 6.3.3 Growing Importance of Sustainability 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 Global Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share 7.2 North America Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share 7.3 Europe Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share 8. Company Profiles 8.1 Johnson & Johnson Ltd. 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Operating Segments 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 Procter & Gamble Corporation 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Operating Segments 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 Bayer AG 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segment 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Kimberly-Clark Corporation 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.4.2 Operating Segments 8.4.3 Business Strategy 8.5 Essity AB 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.5.2 Operating Segments 8.5.3 Business Strategy 8.6 Unicharm Corporation 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.6.2 Operating Segments 8.6.3 Business Strategy 8.7 Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.7.2 Operating Segments 8.7.3 Business Strategy 8.8 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.8.2 Operating Segments 8.8.3 Business Strategy 8.9 Kao Corporation 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.9.2 Operating Segments 8.9.3 Business Strategy 8.10 Church & Dwight CO., Inc. 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.10.2 Operating Segments 8.10.3 Business Strategy 8.11 Colgate-Palmolive 8.11.1 Business Overview 8.11.2 Operating Regions List of Figures Figure 1: Main Causes of Health & Hygiene Problems Figure 2: Health & Hygiene Segmentation Figure 3: Global Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: Global Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 5: Global Health & Hygiene Market by Category; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Health & Hygiene Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 7: Global Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 8: Global Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 9: Global Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 10: Global Baby Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: Global Baby Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 12: Global Feminine Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 13: Global Feminine Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 14: Global Medical Solutions Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 15: Global Medical Solutions Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 16: Global Incontinence Products Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 17: Global Incontinence Products Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 18: Global Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 19: Global Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 20: Global Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 21: Global Consumer Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 22: Global Consumer Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 23: Global Professional Hygiene Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 24: Global Professional Hygiene Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 25: Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 26: Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 27: Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Category; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 28: Asia Pacific Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 29: Asia Pacific Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 30: Asia Pacific Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 31: Asia Pacific Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 32: Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 33: China Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: China Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: Japan Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 36: Japan Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 37: India Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 38: India Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 39: Australia Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 40: Australia Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 41: Rest of Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 42: Rest of Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 43: North America Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 44: North America Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 45: North America Health & Hygiene Market by Category; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 46: North America Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 47: North America Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 48: North America Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 49: North America Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 50: North America Health & Hygiene Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 51: The US Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 52: The US Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 53: Canada Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 54: Canada Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 55: Mexico Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 56: Mexico Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 57: Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 58: Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 59: Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Category; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 60: Europe Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 61: Europe Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 62: Europe Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 63: Europe Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 64: Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 65: Germany Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 66: Germany Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 67: UK Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 68: UK Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 69: France Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 70: France Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 71: Italy Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 72: Italy Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 73: Spain Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 74: Spain Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 75: Rest of Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 76: Rest of Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 77: Latin America Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 78: Latin America Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 79: Middle East and Africa Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 80: Middle East and Africa Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 81: The US Health & Wellness E-Commerce Sales; 2018-2020 (Percentage, %) Figure 82: Global Government Share on Health Spending; 2019-2024 (Percentage, %) Figure 83: The US Online Sales Growth of Health & Hygiene Products, by Category; 2019-2020 (Percentage, %) Figure 84: Global Population 65 Years and Above; 2017-2021 (Million) Figure 85: Global Annual Aggregate Income of Millennial; 2020-2035 (US$ Trillion) Figure 86: Global Growth Rate of Infectious Diseases; 2017-2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 87: Global Healthcare Expenditure Based on Future of Health Trends; 2019-2040 (US$ Trillion) Figure 88: Global GNI per Capita; 2016-2020 (US$ Million) Figure 89: Global Wellness Tourism Market Forecast; 2020 & 2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 90: Global Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 91: North America Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 92: Europe Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 93: Johnson & Johnson Ltd. Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 94: Procter & Gamble Corporation Sales by Segments; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 95: Bayer AG Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 96: Kimberly-Clark Corporation Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 97: Essity AB Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 98: Unicharm Corporation Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 99: Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Revenue by Segments, 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 100: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 101: Kao Corporation Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 102: Church & Dwight CO., Inc. Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 103: Colgate-Palmolive Revenue by Regions; 2022 (Percentage, %)
SummaryIn the context of living a healthy life, the phrases health and cleanliness are synonymous. Health is a state of complete physical and mental well-being. A healthy individual is physically and psychologically fit. Hygiene refers to practices or behaviors that promote good health and a clean environment. In 2021, the global health & hygiene market was valued at US$157.57 billion, and is probable to reach US$205.19 billion by 2027. Increasing penetration of hygienic and health products such as soaps, sanitizers, etc., along with rising concerns about hygiene and growing consciousness about health, would impact demand for health & hygiene products in the coming years. The health & hygiene market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.50%, during the forecast period of 2022-2027. Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Health & Hygiene: An Overview 2.1.1 Main Causes of Health & Hygiene Problems 2.1.2 Health & Hygiene Segmentation 3. Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.1.3 Global Health & Hygiene Market by Category (Tissue and Personal Care) 3.1.4 Global Health & Hygiene Market by Region (Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and Middle East and Africa) 3.2 Global Health & Hygiene Market: Category Analysis 3.2.1 Global Health & Hygiene Market by Category: An Overview 3.2.2 Global Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.3 Global Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Product (Baby Care, Feminine Care, Medical Solutions and Incontinence Products) 3.2.4 Global Baby Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.5 Global Feminine Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.6 Global Medical Solutions Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.7 Global Incontinence Products Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.8 Global Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.9 Global Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Type (Consumer Tissue and Professional Hygiene) 3.2.10 Global Consumer Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value 3.2.11 Global Professional Hygiene Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4. Regional Market Analysis 4.1 Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 4.1.1 Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 4.1.2 Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.3 Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Category (Personal Care and Tissue) 4.1.4 Asia Pacific Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.5 Asia Pacific Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.6 Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Region (China, Japan, India, Australia and Rest of Asia Pacific) 4.1.7 China Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.8 Japan Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.9 India Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.10 Australia Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.1.11 Rest of Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2 North America Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 4.2.1 North America Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 4.2.2 North America Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2.3 North America Health & Hygiene Market by Category (Tissue and Personal Care) 4.2.4 North America Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2.5 North America Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2.6 North America Health & Hygiene Market by Region (The US, Canada and Mexico) 4.2.7 The US Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2.8 Canada Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.2.9 Mexico Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3 Europe Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 4.3.1 Europe Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 4.3.2 Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.3 Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Category (Tissue and Personal Care) 4.3.4 Europe Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.5 Europe Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.6 Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Region (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain and Rest of Europe) 4.3.7 Germany Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.8 UK Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.9 France Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.10 Italy Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.11 Spain Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.3.12 Rest of Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.4 Latin America Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 4.4.1 Latin America Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 4.4.2 Latin America Health & Hygiene Market by Value 4.5 Middle East and Africa Health & Hygiene Market: An Analysis 4.5.1 Middle East and Africa Health & Hygiene Market: An Overview 4.5.2 Middle East and Africa Health & Hygiene Market by Value 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Health & Hygiene Market 5.1.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Health & Hygiene 5.1.2 Upsurge in Health & Wellness E-Commerce Sales 5.1.3 Growth in Government Spending on Healthcare 5.1.4 Rise in Health & Hygiene Product Usage 5.1.5 Post COVID-19 Impact 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Increasing Geriatric Population 6.1.2 Surging Millennial Spending 6.1.3 Accelerating Growth Rates of Infectious Diseases 6.1.4 Upsurge in Healthcare Expenditure 6.1.5 Rising Disposable Income 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Lack of Knowledge about Hygiene in Emerging Countries 6.2.2 Impact of Feminine Hygiene Products on the Environment 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 Escalating Wellness Tourism 6.3.2 Emergence of Various Pandemic Diseases 6.3.3 Growing Importance of Sustainability 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 Global Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share 7.2 North America Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share 7.3 Europe Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share 8. Company Profiles 8.1 Johnson & Johnson Ltd. 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Operating Segments 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 Procter & Gamble Corporation 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Operating Segments 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 Bayer AG 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segment 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Kimberly-Clark Corporation 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.4.2 Operating Segments 8.4.3 Business Strategy 8.5 Essity AB 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.5.2 Operating Segments 8.5.3 Business Strategy 8.6 Unicharm Corporation 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.6.2 Operating Segments 8.6.3 Business Strategy 8.7 Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.7.2 Operating Segments 8.7.3 Business Strategy 8.8 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.8.2 Operating Segments 8.8.3 Business Strategy 8.9 Kao Corporation 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.9.2 Operating Segments 8.9.3 Business Strategy 8.10 Church & Dwight CO., Inc. 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.10.2 Operating Segments 8.10.3 Business Strategy 8.11 Colgate-Palmolive 8.11.1 Business Overview 8.11.2 Operating Regions List of Figures Figure 1: Main Causes of Health & Hygiene Problems Figure 2: Health & Hygiene Segmentation Figure 3: Global Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: Global Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 5: Global Health & Hygiene Market by Category; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Health & Hygiene Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 7: Global Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 8: Global Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 9: Global Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 10: Global Baby Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: Global Baby Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 12: Global Feminine Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 13: Global Feminine Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 14: Global Medical Solutions Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 15: Global Medical Solutions Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 16: Global Incontinence Products Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 17: Global Incontinence Products Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 18: Global Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 19: Global Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 20: Global Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 21: Global Consumer Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 22: Global Consumer Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 23: Global Professional Hygiene Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 24: Global Professional Hygiene Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 25: Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 26: Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 27: Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Category; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 28: Asia Pacific Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 29: Asia Pacific Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 30: Asia Pacific Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 31: Asia Pacific Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 32: Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 33: China Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: China Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: Japan Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 36: Japan Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 37: India Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 38: India Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 39: Australia Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 40: Australia Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 41: Rest of Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 42: Rest of Asia Pacific Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 43: North America Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 44: North America Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 45: North America Health & Hygiene Market by Category; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 46: North America Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 47: North America Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 48: North America Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 49: North America Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 50: North America Health & Hygiene Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 51: The US Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 52: The US Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 53: Canada Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 54: Canada Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 55: Mexico Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 56: Mexico Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 57: Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 58: Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 59: Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Category; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 60: Europe Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 61: Europe Personal Care Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 62: Europe Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 63: Europe Tissue Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 64: Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 65: Germany Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 66: Germany Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 67: UK Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 68: UK Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 69: France Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 70: France Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 71: Italy Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 72: Italy Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 73: Spain Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 74: Spain Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 75: Rest of Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 76: Rest of Europe Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 77: Latin America Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 78: Latin America Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 79: Middle East and Africa Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 80: Middle East and Africa Health & Hygiene Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 81: The US Health & Wellness E-Commerce Sales; 2018-2020 (Percentage, %) Figure 82: Global Government Share on Health Spending; 2019-2024 (Percentage, %) Figure 83: The US Online Sales Growth of Health & Hygiene Products, by Category; 2019-2020 (Percentage, %) Figure 84: Global Population 65 Years and Above; 2017-2021 (Million) Figure 85: Global Annual Aggregate Income of Millennial; 2020-2035 (US$ Trillion) Figure 86: Global Growth Rate of Infectious Diseases; 2017-2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 87: Global Healthcare Expenditure Based on Future of Health Trends; 2019-2040 (US$ Trillion) Figure 88: Global GNI per Capita; 2016-2020 (US$ Million) Figure 89: Global Wellness Tourism Market Forecast; 2020 & 2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 90: Global Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 91: North America Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 92: Europe Professional Hygiene Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 93: Johnson & Johnson Ltd. Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 94: Procter & Gamble Corporation Sales by Segments; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 95: Bayer AG Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 96: Kimberly-Clark Corporation Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 97: Essity AB Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 98: Unicharm Corporation Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 99: Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Revenue by Segments, 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 100: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 101: Kao Corporation Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 102: Church & Dwight CO., Inc. Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 103: Colgate-Palmolive Revenue by Regions; 2022 (Percentage, %)
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