


精密農業の世界市場概要 精密農業市場の2023年の市場規模は95億9,180万ドルで、年平均成長率15.71%で成長し、2033年には412億6,500万ドルに達すると予測されている。精密農業市場は、先進国における労働力不足... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2024年3月19日 US$4,950
186 英語










- 作物モニタリング
- 精密植栽
- 精密散布
- 精密施肥
- 精密灌漑
- 農場管理
- その他



- 農場管理
- フリート管理
- 圃場管理



- ガイダンス技術
- センシング技術
- 可変レートアプリケーション
- データ分析とインテリジェンス
- その他



- ハードウェア・システム
- ソフトウェア





- 北米:米国およびカナダ
- ヨーロッパドイツ、フランス、オランダ、イタリア、スペイン、レスト・オブ・ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋地域日本、オーストラリア、インド、アジア太平洋地域以外
- 中東・アフリカ: イスラエル、トルコ、南アフリカ、中東アフリカ残り
- 中国
- 英国



- 2023年4月、Bosch BASF Smart FarmingとAGCO Corporationは、スマート散布技術をFendt Rogator散布機に統合し、追加機能を共同開発すると発表した。
- 2022年8月、戦略的提携の一環として、TrimbleとCLAAS Groupは、CLAASトラクター、コンバイン、飼料収穫機用の次世代精密農業システムを開発した。
- 2022年5月、農業機械用の自律型ソフトウェア、制御装置、電子システムコンポーネントの開発で業界をリードするJCA Industriesは、農業機械と精密農業技術の世界的な製造・販売会社であるAGCO Corporationに買収されました。

需要 - 推進要因、限界、機会
















- 本レポートの調査範囲は精密農業市場に焦点を当てている。
- 様々な精密農業技術の市場シェアは、世界の売上高と採用率に基づいて算出されている。
- 市場分析には、世界の農業生産と各地域の技術採用率に関するデータを使用。
- 市場分析では米ドルを基本通貨とし、他通貨との換算は年平均為替レートに基づく。
- 過去の為替レートはOandaのような評判の高い金融サイトから入手した。
- 本調査では、2020年1月から2023年12月までの精密農業の発展と進歩を考慮に入れている。
- 分析には、技術開発者、農業機器メーカー、農家、研究機関などの利害関係者を含む。
- 一次インタビュー、調査、二次調査が本レポートに掲載された情報の基礎となっている。
- データが入手できない場合は、合理的な仮定と推定を使用している。
- 将来の市場予測は、不測の景気後退を考慮していない。
- 精密農業における現在の技術は、破壊的なブレークスルーではなく、漸進的な進歩を遂げながら優勢を維持すると予想される。



- 国別、作物タイプ別、農法別の農業生産データを市場分析に用いる。
- 作物タイプごとに、さまざまな精密農業技術(ガイダンス技術、センシング技術、VRAなど)の市場シェアを算出。
- 精密農業市場の各企業の製品マッピングを分析し、サブセグメントの市場シェアを推定し、後に業界の専門家によって検証される。
- サプライサイドアプローチでは、主要精密農業技術プロバイダーの収益を追跡し、市場規模を金額ベースで算出する。
- セグメント別の売上高は、メーカーの年次報告書、ウェブサイト、決算報告書などから割り出す。
- CAGRの計算では、技術の採用率、規制環境、政府のインセンティブなどの要因を考慮する。
- 技術タイプの市場シェア計算には、さまざまなタイプの農場で使用されているデバイスとシステムの総数を含む。
- 製品マッピング、市場規模の算出、業界専門家による検証にも同様の手法が適用されている。
- 2023年と2033年の市場規模予測は、技術の種類や農業慣行を含む各国固有のデータに基づいている。




- すべての数値とグラフの検証と三角測量
- レポートのセグメンテーションと主要な定性的調査結果の検証
- 競合状況の把握
- 製品タイプ、推進力タイプ、車両タイプ、自律性レベル、センサータイプに基づく各種市場数の検証
- 地域分析のための個別市場のパーセンテージ分割


この調査研究では、広範な二次調査、ディレクトリ、企業のウェブサイト、年次報告書を使用しています。また、Hoovers、Bloomberg、Businessweek、Factiva、One-Sourceなどのデータベースを活用し、世界市場の広範かつ技術的、市場志向的、商業的な調査に役立つ効果的な情報を収集している。前述のデータソースに加え、この調査は、 や などの他のデータソースやウェブサイトの助けを借りて実施されている。



- セグメンテーション、分割、シェア
- 市場価値のデータ
- 市場トッププレーヤーの主要業界動向
- 市場の様々な側面、主要トレンド、イノベーションの新たな領域に関する定性的洞察
- 数学的・統計的計算のための定量的データ




- ディア・アンド・カンパニー
- CNH Industrial N.V.
- ヘキサゴンアグリ
- 株式会社クボタ
- トロ社
- 株式会社トプコン
- ヤンマーホールディングス株式会社
- アグリヴィ
- クライメイトLLC




1 精密農業市場のインパクト分析
1.1 トレンド現在と将来の影響分析
1.1.1 衛星画像の利用の増加
1.1.2 農業ロボットの採用拡大
1.2 バリューチェーン分析
1.2.1 バリューチェーン
1.2.2 市場マップ
1.3 研究開発
1.3.1 特許充足の動向
1.3.2 スタートアップの状況
1.4 市場ダイナミクス
1.4.1 精密農業市場の促進要因 市場成長を促進する政府の取り組み 農業における投入物最適化の必要性
1.4.2 精密農業市場の阻害要因 高い初期投資 発展途上地域におけるインフラと意識の欠如
1.4.3 精密農業市場の機会 農業における技術の採用 農業における労働力不足
2 精密農業の用途別市場
2.1 アプリケーションの細分化
2.1.1 作物モニタリング
2.1.2 精密植栽
2.1.3 精密散布
2.1.4 精密施肥
2.1.5 精密灌漑
2.1.6 農場管理
2.1.7 その他
2.2 機能セグメント
2.2.1 農場管理
2.2.2 圃場管理
2.2.3 フリート管理
3 製品
3.1 精密農業の技術別市場
3.1.1 ガイダンス技術
3.1.2 センシング技術
3.1.3 VRT
3.1.4 データ分析とインテリジェンス
3.1.5 その他
3.2 製品別精密農業市場
3.2.1 ハードウェア・システム ハードウェアシステム 自動化・制御システム 表示・収量モニター 流量・施用量制御バルブ ハンドヘルドコンピュータ/モバイル機器 センシング・ナビゲーションシステム その他
3.2.2 ソフトウェア 農場運営管理ソフトウェア ハードウェア制御アプリケーション・ソフトウェア データ・予測分析ソフトウェア
4 地域別精密農業市場
4.1 北米
4.1.1 米国
4.1.2 カナダ
4.1.3 メキシコ
4.2 ヨーロッパ
4.2.1 ドイツ
4.2.2 フランス
4.2.3 イタリア
4.2.4 オランダ
4.2.5 スペイン
4.2.6 残りのヨーロッパ
4.3 英国
4.4 アジア太平洋
4.4.1 日本
4.4.2 オーストラリア
4.4.3 インド
4.4.4 アジア太平洋地域以外
4.5 中国
4.6 中東・アフリカ
4.6.1 イスラエル
4.6.2 南アフリカ
4.6.3 中東・アフリカ地域その他
4.7 中南米
4.7.1 ブラジル
4.7.2 アルゼンチン
4.7.3 メキシコ
4.7.4 中南米地域
5 精密農業市場:競争環境と企業プロフィール
5.1 ネクストフロンティア
5.2 グラフィックアセスメント
5.3 競争環境
5.4 企業プロフィール
5.4.1 AGCO Corporation
5.4.2 CLAAS KGaA mbH
5.4.3 CNH Industrial N.V.
5.4.4 ディア・アンド・カンパニー
5.4.5 ヘキサゴンアグリカルチャー
5.4.6 株式会社クボタ
5.4.7 株式会社トプコン
5.4.8 ヤンマーホールディングス株式会社
5.4.9 アグリヴィ
5.4.10 Climate LLC
5.4.11 セレス・イメージング
5.4.12 ジオパード・アグリカルチャー
5.4.13 タラニス
5.4.14 プラネットラボPBC
5.4.15 スモールロボットカンパニー
6 精密農業市場調査手法
6.1 データソース
6.2 データ三角測量
6.3 頭字語リスト






- 精密農業の主要企業が取り入れている現在と将来のトレンドに焦点を当てた専用セクション
- エコシステムの全体像と精密農業市場に関する洞察を提供する包括的な競合状況
- アプリケーションや製品セグメントを細分化し、地域レベルおよび国レベルでの定性・定量分析
- 戦略的特許分析により、精密農業市場の深堀りと理解を深める。


BISリサーチの主席アナリスト、Debraj Chakraborty氏によると、「精密農業市場は、食糧需要の増加と持続可能な農法に牽引され、大幅な成長を遂げようとしている。この市場は、IoT、AI、リモートセンシングなどの先進技術を活用して作物収量と資源管理を最適化することで農業に革命を起こしている。データ主導型農業へのシフトは、技術革新と効率向上のための無数の機会を提供する。しかし、初期コストの高さ、技術の複雑さ、特に発展途上国におけるアクセシビリティの問題などの課題に対処する必要がある。全体として、精密農業市場は、生産性向上と環境スチュワードシップの必要性のバランスを取りながら、持続可能な農業の未来において重要な要素を表している。"



主要企業は、AGCO Corporation、CLAAS KGaA mbH、CNH Industrial N.V.、Deere & Company、Hexagon Agriculture、株式会社クボタ、株式会社トプコン、ヤンマーホールディングス株式会社、AGRIVI、Climate LLC、Ceres Imaging、GeoPard Agriculture、Taranis、Planet Labs PBC、Small Robot Companyなどです。


- 精密農業市場の需要を促進する主な要因は何か?
- 精密農業市場のサプライチェーンはどのように機能しているのか?
- 予測期間(2023-2033年)に市場をリードすると予想されるアプリケーション、製品、機能は?
- 精密農業市場の需要に応えるプレーヤーは?
- 精密農業市場の競争環境は?
- 精密農業市場における著名企業の主な製品は?
- 精密農業市場の需要でリードしている地域と国はどこか、また2023年から2033年にかけて高い需要成長が見込まれる地域と国はどこか?
- 精密農業市場における各国の特許出願動向は?
- 精密農業の成長ポテンシャルに関する将来展望は?





Global Precision Agriculture Market Overview

The precision agriculture market was valued at $9,591.8 million in 2023, and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15.71% and reach $41,265.0 million by 2033. The precision agriculture market anticipates growth fueled by a rising labor shortage in developed nations and a growing demand for input optimization. This trend reflects the industry's response to labor challenges and the heightened focus on efficient resource management.

Introduction of Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture revolutionizes traditional farming practices by integrating advanced technologies such as GPS, drones, IoT devices, and AI. This approach enables data-driven decision-making, allowing for variable rate application of resources, precise field mapping, and real-time monitoring of crops and soil. Precision agriculture benefits include increased efficiency, higher yields, reduced costs, and environmental sustainability. However, challenges such as high initial costs, the need for technical expertise, data security concerns, and accessibility for small-scale farmers persist. Precision agriculture represents a significant advancement in farming, offering a more efficient, productive, and sustainable approach to agriculture in the modern era.

Market Introduction

The precision agriculture market, experiencing robust growth, is propelled by the increasing demand for optimized farming solutions and sustainable practices. Key market drivers include technological advancements in IoT, AI, and remote sensing, coupled with a growing emphasis on resource efficiency and crop yield enhancement. Market penetration is accelerating, particularly in developed regions, with expanding adoption in emerging economies. The primary focus lies in integrating cutting-edge technologies to maximize farm productivity and sustainability. Challenges such as high costs and technological complexity hinder widespread adoption, particularly among smallholders. However, the market's potential is vast, with significant opportunities for innovation and expansion in the global agricultural landscape.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by Application
• Crop Monitoring
• Precision Planting
• Precision Spraying
• Precision Fertilization
• Precision Irrigation
• Farm Management
• Others

Precision Irrigation to Dominate the Global Precision Agriculture Market (by Application)

Precision irrigation is expected to dominate the precision agriculture market, followed by smart crop monitoring, over the forecast period. This trend is driven by the growing need for water conservation and enhanced crop yields. Precision irrigation systems, using sensors and IoT technology, enable efficient water usage and reduce waste and costs. Precision agriculture is vital in regions facing water scarcity and changing climate conditions. Smart crop monitoring, leveraging AI, drones, and remote sensing, provides real-time data on crop health, aiding in early problem detection and efficient resource allocation. These technologies are crucial for meeting the increasing global food demand sustainably. However, precision agriculture adoption rates vary, influenced by factors such as cost, technological literacy, and regional agricultural practices. Overall, the market's growth is fueled by the urgent need for sustainable farming practices and the increasing availability of advanced and cost-effective technologies.

Segmentation 2: by Function
• Farm Management
• Fleet Management
• Field Management

Field Management Function to Dominate the Precision Agriculture Market

In the precision agriculture market, field management is anticipated to dominate, owing to its crucial role in optimizing crop production and resource use. Meanwhile, demand for farm management is projected to grow at the highest CAGR, driven by the growing need for integrated farm operation solutions and data-driven decision-making in agriculture.

Segmentation 3: by Technology
• Guidance Technology
• Sensing Technology
• Variable Rate Application
• Data Analytics and Intelligence
• Others

Guidance Technology to Dominate Global Precision Agriculture Market (by Technology)

Guidance technology is poised to maintain its dominance in precision agriculture. This technology, pivotal for precision farming, includes global positioning system (GPS) and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) systems that enable farmers to navigate fields with exceptional accuracy. It is instrumental in optimizing field-level management by reducing overlaps in the application, saving time, and minimizing resource waste. The widespread adoption of guidance technology is driven by its direct impact on operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. As precision agriculture evolves, this technology's role in enhancing sustainable farming practices and meeting the increasing demands for food production becomes increasingly vital, reinforcing its leading position in the market.

Segmentation 4: by Product Type
• Hardware Systems
• Software

Hardware Systems Segment to Dominate Global Precision Agriculture Market (by Product)

Hardware systems are expected to continue to dominate the precision agriculture market in terms of revenue generation. This includes advanced equipment such as sensors, GPS systems, drones, and IoT devices, which are fundamental in implementing precision farming techniques. The durability, robustness, and immediate impact of these hardware components on farming operations make them a significant investment for farmers, contributing to their dominant market share.

However, the demand for software in precision agriculture is projected to grow at the highest CAGR. This growth is fuelled by the increasing need for data analytics, decision support systems, and cloud-based services for efficient farm management. Software solutions offer scalability, continuous updates, and integration capabilities, enhancing the overall functionality of precision agriculture systems. They enable farmers to analyze large datasets, gain insights into crop health, soil conditions, and weather patterns, and make informed decisions.

While hardware lays the foundation for precision agriculture, the evolving role of software emphasizes a shift toward more integrated, data-driven farming solutions. This trend reflects the agriculture sector's growing reliance on technology for optimizing productivity and sustainability.

Segmentation 5: by Region
• North America: U.S. and Canada
• Europe: Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and Rest-of-Europe
• Asia-Pacific: Japan, Australia, India, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific
• Middle East and Africa: Israel, Turkey, South Africa, and Rest-of-Middle East Africa
• China
• U.K.

North America, with its advanced technological infrastructure and strong adoption of modern agricultural practices, has been the largest revenue-generating region in the precision agriculture market and is expected to maintain this position throughout the forecast period. Factors contributing to this dominance include the widespread use of cutting-edge technologies such as IoT, drones, and AI in farming, coupled with substantial investments in R&D in the agricultural sector. Additionally, the presence of key players in the market and supportive government policies further fuel this growth. The region's focus on increasing productivity and sustainability in agriculture underpins its leading role in the global precision agriculture landscape.

Recent Developments in the Precision Agriculture Market

• In April 2023, Bosch BASF Smart Farming and AGCO Corporation announced that they would integrate Smart Spraying technology into Fendt Rogator sprayers and jointly develop additional features.
• In August 2022, as part of a strategic alliance, Trimble and CLAAS Group developed a next-generation precision farming system for CLAAS tractors, combines, and forage harvesters.
• In May 2022, JCA Industries, a leader in developing autonomous software for agricultural machines, implementing controls, and electronic system components, was acquired by AGCO Corporation, a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of farm machinery and precision agriculture technology.

Demand – Drivers, Limitations, and Opportunities

Market Demand Drivers: Need for Input Optimization in Agriculture

The need for input optimization is a key driver for the growth of the precision agriculture market. As global demand for food increases, farmers are under pressure to maximize yields while minimizing environmental impacts. Precision agriculture technologies enable efficient use of resources such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides. This not only enhances crop yields but also reduces costs and environmental harm. Technologies such as IoT, AI, and remote sensing provide detailed insights into crop health and soil conditions, allowing for precise application of inputs. This targeted approach is essential in an era of climate change and resource scarcity, making precision agriculture vital for sustainable and profitable farming. Adoption of these technologies can lead to significant improvements in resource management, driving the market's growth.

Market Challenges: Lack of Awareness and Infrastructure in Developing Countries

The growth of the precision agriculture market in developing countries is hindered by two primary factors, namely a lack of awareness and inadequate infrastructure. Many farmers in these regions are not fully aware of the benefits and applications of precision agriculture technologies. This gap in knowledge leads to lower adoption rates. Additionally, infrastructural challenges, such as limited access to reliable internet and advanced technology tools, are significant barriers. These issues are compounded by economic constraints, as many farmers operate on small scales and cannot afford the high costs associated with these technologies.

Furthermore, the effective use of precision agriculture technologies necessitates proper training and ongoing support, which are often lacking in developing countries. Without this training, the potential benefits of these technologies cannot be fully realized. The situation is further complicated by the lack of supportive policies and incentives from governments to encourage adoption.

Cultural factors also play a role. In many societies, traditional farming practices are deeply ingrained, and changing these practices requires not only resources but also a shift in mindset. Finally, there is a need for localized research and development to adapt these technologies to the specific conditions and needs of developing regions.

Governments, NGOs, and private entities must join forces to address these challenges by raising awareness, building infrastructure, providing training, and providing financial support. Tailoring technologies to local needs and ensuring they are accessible and affordable is essential for driving the growth of precision agriculture in these countries.

Market Opportunities: Increasing Adoption of Modern Technologies in Agriculture

The increasing adoption of modern technologies in agriculture presents significant opportunities for precision agriculture companies. As more farmers recognize the benefits of advanced technologies, such as improved crop yields, resource efficiency, and cost savings, the demand for precision agriculture solutions grows. This shift toward technology-driven farming practices opens new markets for companies specializing in precision agriculture. They can offer innovative products and services, including IoT devices, AI-powered analytics, and remote sensing tools, catering to the evolving needs of modern agriculture. These companies can also collaborate with farmers and agricultural organizations to develop customized solutions, further enhancing their market presence and driving the growth of precision agriculture.

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: Key players in the precision agriculture market focus on developing advanced, reliable technologies, such as AI, IoT, and remote sensing, to enhance farm productivity. The sector's growth is propelled by the increasing demand for food and sustainable agricultural practices. Market leaders continually innovate and expand their product offerings to meet these demands. However, emerging companies are also entering the market, intensifying competition. Collaborations and partnerships are crucial for companies to enhance their technological capabilities and solidify their market positions.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: The market is growing rapidly, offering opportunities for both established and new entrants. Key strategies include mergers, acquisitions, product launches, and expansions. Partnerships and collaborations are particularly important, helping companies to maintain and strengthen their market positions.

Competitive Strategy: The report profiles key market players, focusing on their development and marketing strategies. It also highlights the importance of strategic partnerships, agreements, and collaborations in understanding untapped market opportunities and in devising competitive strategies to capture significant market share.

Research Methodology

Factors for Data Prediction and Modeling

• The scope of this report has been focused on the precision agriculture market.
• Market shares for various precision agriculture technologies are calculated based on global sales and adoption rates.
• Data on global agricultural production and technology adoption rates in different regions is used for market analysis.
• The US$ is the base currency for market analysis, with conversions from other currencies based on average annual exchange rates.
• Historical exchange rates are sourced from reputable financial websites like Oanda.
• Developments and advancements in precision agriculture from January 2020 to December 2023 are considered in the study.
• The analysis includes stakeholders like technology developers, agricultural equipment manufacturers, farmers, and research institutions.
• Primary interviews, surveys, and secondary research form the basis of the information presented in the report.
• In cases of data unavailability, reasonable assumptions and estimations are used.
• Future market forecasts do not account for unforeseen economic downturns.
• Current technologies in precision agriculture are expected to remain predominant, with incremental advancements rather than disruptive breakthroughs.

Market Estimation and Forecast

The market size for the precision agriculture market has been calculated through a mix of secondary research and primary inputs. A top-bottom approach has been followed to derive the quantitative information. The steps involved in the bottom-up approach are as follows:

• Agricultural production data by country, crop types, and farming practices are considered for market analysis.
• Market shares for different precision agriculture technologies (such as guidance technology, sensing technology, VRA, and others.) are calculated for each crop type.
• Product mapping for each company in the precision agriculture market is analyzed to estimate subsegment market shares, later validated by industry experts.
• A supply-side approach calculates the market size in value, tracking the revenues of leading precision agriculture technology providers.
• Segmental revenues are determined from annual reports, websites, and financial results of manufacturers.
• CAGR calculations consider factors such as technology adoption rates, regulatory environments, and government incentives.
• Market share calculations for technology types include the total number of devices and systems used across different types of farms.
• A similar methodology is applied to product mapping, market size calculations, and validation by industry experts.
• Market size estimations for 2023 and 2033 are based on country-specific data, including the type of technology and farming practices.

Primary Research

The primary sources involve industry experts from the precision agriculture market, such as OEMs, sensor manufacturers, autonomous equipment providers, software providers, and component suppliers. Respondents such as CEOs, vice presidents, marketing directors, and technology and innovation directors have been interviewed to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study.

The key data points taken from primary sources include:

• validation and triangulation of all the numbers and graphs
• validation of report segmentation and key qualitative findings
• understanding the competitive landscape
• validation of numbers of various markets based on product type, propulsion type, vehicle type, level of autonomy, and sensor type.
• percentage split of individual markets for regional analysis

Secondary Research

This research study involves the usage of extensive secondary research, directories, company websites, and annual reports. It also makes use of databases, such as Hoovers, Bloomberg, Businessweek, Factiva, and One-Source, to collect useful and effective information for an extensive, technical, market-oriented, and commercial study of the global market. In addition to the aforementioned data sources, the study has been undertaken with the help of other data sources and websites, such as and

Secondary research was done in order to obtain crucial information about the industry’s value chain, revenue models, the market’s monetary chain, the total pool of key players, and the current and potential use cases and applications.

The key data points taken from secondary research include:

• segmentations, split-ups, and percentage shares
• data for market value
• key industry trends of the top players of the market
• qualitative insights into various aspects of the market, key trends, and emerging areas of innovation
• quantitative data for mathematical and statistical calculations

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.

Some of the prominent players in this market are:

• Deere & Company
• AGCO Corporation
• CNH Industrial N.V.
• Hexagon Agriculture
• Kubota Corporation
• The Toro Company
• Topcon Corporation
• Climate LLC

Companies that are not a part of the pool have been well represented across different sections of the report (wherever applicable).


Table of Contents

1 Precision Agriculture Market Impact Analysis
1.1 Trends: Current and Future Impact Analysis
1.1.1 Increasing Usage of Satellite Imagery
1.1.2 Growing Adoption of Agriculture Robots
1.2 Value Chain Analysis
1.2.1 Value Chain
1.2.2 Market Map
1.3 Research and Development
1.3.1 Patent Filling Trend
1.3.2 Start-up Landscape
1.4 Market Dynamics
1.4.1 Precision Agriculture Market Drivers Government Initiatives to Drive Market Growth Need for Input Optimization in Agriculture
1.4.2 Precision Agriculture Market Restraints High Initial Investment Lack of Infrastructure and Awareness in Developing Region
1.4.3 Precision Agriculture Market Opportunities Adoption of Technologies in Agriculture Labor Shortage in Agriculture
2 Precision Agriculture Market by Application
2.1 Application Segmentation
2.1.1 Crop Monitoring
2.1.2 Precision Planting
2.1.3 Precision Spraying
2.1.4 Precision Fertilization
2.1.5 Precision Irrigation
2.1.6 Farm Management
2.1.7 Others
2.2 Function Segmentation
2.2.1 Farm Management
2.2.2 Field Management
2.2.3 Fleet Management
3 Product
3.1 Precision Agriculture Market by Technology
3.1.1 Guidance Technology
3.1.2 Sensing Technology
3.1.3 VRT
3.1.4 Data Analytics and Intelligence
3.1.5 Others
3.2 Precision Agriculture Market by Product
3.2.1 Hardware Systems Hardware Systems Automaytion and Control System Display and Yield Monitors Flow and Application Rate Control Valves Handheld Computers/Mobile Devices Sensing and Navigation Systems Others
3.2.2 Software Farm Operation Management Software Hardware Control Application Software Data and Predictive Analysis Software
4 Precision Agriculture Market by Region
4.1 North America
4.1.1 U.S.
4.1.2 Canada
4.1.3 Mexico
4.2 Europe
4.2.1 Germany
4.2.2 France
4.2.3 Italy
4.2.4 Netherlands
4.2.5 Spain
4.2.6 Rest-of-Europe
4.3 U.K.
4.4 Asia Pacific
4.4.1 Japan
4.4.2 Australia
4.4.3 India
4.4.4 Rest-of-Asia Pacific
4.5 China
4.6 Middle East and Africa
4.6.1 Israel
4.6.2 South Africa
4.6.3 Rest-of-Middle East and Africa
4.7 Latin America
4.7.1 Brazil
4.7.2 Argentina
4.7.3 Mexico
4.7.4 Rest-of-Latin America
5 Precision Agriculture Market: Competitive Landscape and Company Profiles
5.1 Next Frontiers
5.2 Graphic Assesment
5.3 Competitive Landscape
5.4 Company Profiles
5.4.1 AGCO Corporation
5.4.2 CLAAS KGaA mbH
5.4.3 CNH Industrial N.V.
5.4.4 Deere & Company
5.4.5 Hexagon Agriculture
5.4.6 Kubota Corporation
5.4.7 Topcon Corporation
5.4.9 AGRIVI
5.4.10 Climate LLC
5.4.11 Ceres Imaging
5.4.12 GeoPard Agriculture
5.4.13 Taranis
5.4.14 Planet Labs PBC
5.4.15 Small Robot Company
6 Precision Agriculture Market Research Methodology
6.1 Data Sources
6.2 Data Triangulation
6.3 List of Acronyms


Press Release

The global precision agriculture market is estimated to reach $41.26 billion by 2033, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 15.71% during the forecast period 2023-2033.

The precision agriculture market is rapidly evolving, driven by the integration of advanced technologies such as GPS, IoT, drones, and remote sensing into farming practices. This approach enhances crop yield, optimizes resource use, and promotes sustainability. The increasing demand for food, environmental concerns, and technological advancements fuel the market’s growth.

USP of the Report

• A dedicated section highlighting current and future trends embraced by key players in precision agriculture
• A comprehensive competitive landscape, providing a holistic view of the ecosystem and insights into the precision agriculture market
• Qualitative and quantitative analyses at regional and country levels, with granularity across application and product segments
• Strategic patent analysis, enriching the report's depth and understanding of the precision agriculture market

Analyst Perspective

According to Debraj Chakraborty, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “the precision agriculture market is poised for substantial growth, driven by the increasing demand for food and sustainable farming practices. This market is revolutionizing agriculture by leveraging advanced technologies such as IoT, AI, and remote sensing to optimize crop yields and resource management. The shift toward data-driven farming provides a myriad of opportunities for innovation and efficiency improvements. However, challenges such as high initial costs, technological complexity, and accessibility issues, particularly in developing countries, need addressing. Overall, the precision agriculture market represents a key component in the future of sustainable agriculture, balancing the need for increased productivity with environmental stewardship.”

Key Companies Profiled

The report profiles key market players, focusing on their development and marketing strategies. It also highlights the importance of strategic partnerships, agreements, and collaborations in understanding untapped market opportunities and in devising competitive strategies to capture significant market share.

The key players profiled in the report include AGCO Corporation, CLAAS KGaA mbH, CNH Industrial N.V., Deere & Company, Hexagon Agriculture, Kubota Corporation, Topcon Corporation, YANMAR HOLDINGS Co., Ltd., AGRIVI, Climate LLC, Ceres Imaging, GeoPard Agriculture, Taranis, Planet Labs PBC, and Small Robot Company

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What are the main factors driving the demand for the precision agriculture market?
• How does the supply chain function in the precision agriculture market?
• Which application, product, and function are expected to lead the market over the forecast period (2023-2033)?
• Which are the players that are catering to the demand for a precision agriculture market?
• What is the competitive landscape in the precision agriculture market?
• What are the key offerings of the prominent companies in the precision agriculture market?
• Which regions and countries are leading in terms of demand for the precision agriculture market, and which of them are expected to witness high demand growth during 2023-2033?
• What is the trend of patent filing by the countries in the precision agriculture market?
• What is the futuristic outlook for precision agriculture in terms of growth potential?






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