
細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場:世界および地域別分析:治療タイプ、提供、プロセス、技術、用途、地域にフォーカス - 2023-2033年の分析と予測

Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market - A Global and Regional Analysis : Focus on Therapy Type, Offering, Process, Technology, Application, and Region - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2033

世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場 産業概要 世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場は、2022年に19.5億ドルと評価され、2033年には106.5億ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2023-2033年のCAGRは16.85%である。世界... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年6月29日 US$5,500
361 英語



世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場 産業概要



世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場は進行段階にある。細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場は、CAR T細胞などの革新的療法の採用増加により急成長を遂げている。細胞・遺伝子治療の安全性、有効性、一貫性を確保するためには、強固な品質管理プロセスが不可欠である。FDAは過去10年間に25以上の細胞・遺伝子ベースの治療法を承認している。これらの要因によって、細胞・遺伝子治療の製造に必要な消耗品、機器、ソフトウェア・ソリューションの需要が高まり、細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場の成長が促進されると期待されている。


細胞療法と遺伝子療法の商業化により、医学の分野は一変する。時代の到来と新技術の導入により、細胞・遺伝子治療分野は隆盛を極めている。新規の細胞・遺伝子治療法を開発するための研究は絶え間なく続けられている。米国遺伝子・細胞治療学会(ASGCT)によると、2023年2月現在、2,000件以上の臨床試験が進行中である。新規細胞・遺伝子事業体の強固な臨床パイプラインは、QCに有利な機会を創出し、細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場の成長を後押しすると期待されている。さらに、Lonza.、Merck KGaA、Charles River Laboratories International Inc.、Eurofins Scientificなど、複数の既存企業の参入が市場の成長を後押しすると予想される。








- 細胞療法
- 遺伝子治療


- 製品
- サービス


- 原料調製
- 上流工程
- 下流工程
- 包装


- 安全性試験
- 力価試験
- 同一性試験
- 安定性・遺伝的忠実性試験
- その他

用途別では、安全性試験分野が2022年度の世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場で最大のシェアを占めた。このセグメントには、無菌試験、エンドトキシン試験など、さまざまな試験が含まれる。さらに、Lonza.、Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.、Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.、Eurofins Scientific、Merck KGaAなどの主要企業は、世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場で安全性試験、力価試験、その他のサービスを提供している。

- ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(PCR)
- フローサイトメトリー
- リムルスアメーバサイトライセート(LAL)
- 酵素結合免疫吸着測定法(ELISA)
- クロマトグラフィー
- 質量分析
- ウェスタンブロッティング
- 次世代シーケンス(NGS)
- 電気泳動
- その他のテクノロジー


- 北米
- ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋
- ラタム



- 2023年3月、サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック社はArsenal Biosciences社と提携し、自己T細胞療法の臨床製造を支援する。
- 2023年1月、ザルトリウスAGはエクソソーム開発分野における下流精製法の強化のため、ルースター・バイオ社と提携した。
- 2023年2月、チャールズ・リバー・ラボラトリーズ・インターナショナル社はピュアスプリング・セラピューティクス社と提携。この提携は、腎臓病に対する遺伝子治療を推進し、チャールズリバーのeXpDNAプラスミドプラットフォームを活用することで、患者に革新的な治療の選択肢を提供する。
- 2023年1月、バイオテクネ社はProteinSimpleブランドの新製品MauriceFlexを発売した。MauriceFlexは、ルーチンのcIEF(キャピラリー等電点集束)やCE-SDS(キャピラリー電気泳動-ドデシル硫酸ナトリウム)アッセイとともに、タンパク質のチャージバリアント分画を容易にする多用途システムである。この革新的なシステムは、タンパク質特性解析のための包括的なソリューションを提供し、タンパク質分析におけるワークフローを合理化した。
- 2023年1月、Bio-Techne Corporationが遺伝子治療開発を促進するためにRNAscope plus assayを発売。
- 2023年4月、Danaher.(Cytiva)は、シングルユースアップストリームバイオプロセシングオペレーションを合理化することを目的としたX-platformバイオリアクターを発売した。これらの多用途バイオリアクターは、モノクローナル抗体、タンパク質ベースの医薬品、細胞・遺伝子治療、ウイルスベクターの製造に使用できる。バイオプロセスにおける柔軟性と効率性を提供し、様々な治療製品の開発と製造を促進する。

需要 - 推進要因と限界


- 細胞治療および遺伝子治療の生産拡大による品質管理(QC)試験の需要増加
- 細胞・遺伝子治療のQC検査需要の急増につながる承認数の増加
- 細胞・遺伝子治療開発への投資増加によるQC製品・サービス需要の増加


- 製造コストとQCコストの高さによる細胞・遺伝子治療の採用制限


- 細胞・遺伝子治療への新規参入が相次ぎ、製造施設とQC試験サービスの拡大機会が生まれる
- 細胞・遺伝子治療のQC検査における技術的に先進的な製品の導入








- バイオテクネ・コーポレーション
- バイオメリューSA
- ダナハー(サイティバ)
- F.ホフマン・ラ・ロシュ社
- ロンザ
- Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co.KG
- ザルトリウスAG
- サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック
- ウーシー・アプテック
- AGCバイオロジクス
- チャールズ・リバー・ラボラトリーズ・インターナショナル
- キャタレント社
- ユーロフィンズサイエンティフィック
- メルクKGaA









- レポートの膨大なセグメンテーション
- 各社が顧客にサービスとして提供している分析方法の比較
- 細胞・遺伝子治療製造のサプライチェーン分析
- 細胞・遺伝子治療製造QCの主要企業ごとの競合ベンチマーキング
- 主要セグメントの成長シェア分析
- また、主要規制、競争環境、主要推進要因と阻害要因、特許分析、ビジネスモデル分析、主要企業が実施した戦略の詳細な分析による企業プロフィールも掲載しています。


BISリサーチの主席アナリスト、Akash Mhaskar氏によると、「世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場は、CAR T細胞などの革新的な治療法の採用増加により急成長を遂げている。強固な品質管理プロセスは、細胞および遺伝子ベースの治療の安全性、有効性、一貫性を確保するために不可欠である。この市場を牽引しているのは、製造過程における厳格なQC対策の必要性、製造技術の進歩、規制枠組みの拡大である。世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場では、細胞・遺伝子治療への新規参入や投資が着実に増加しており、細胞・遺伝子治療の製造やQCに必要な製品やサービスに対する需要が急増している。この傾向は予測期間中も続くと予想される。したがって、前述の要因の影響は、近い将来、世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場を牽引すると予想される。"



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、Bio-Techne Corporation、bioMérieux SA、Danaher.(Cytiva)、F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd、Lonza.、Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co.KG、Sartorius AG、Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.、WuXi AppTec、AGC Biologics、Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.、Catalent, Inc.、Eurofins Scientific、およびMerck KGaA。


- 2023年から2033年にかけて、世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場の成長が展開する可能性のある3つのシナリオとは?
- COVID-19が世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場に与える影響は?
- 世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場の成長に影響を与える主な規制は何か?
- 世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場の主な促進要因、阻害要因、機会は何か?短期、中期、長期の各期間における市場への影響は?
- 2022年に市場で最大のシェアを占めた提供タイプは?
- 2022年に市場で最大のシェアを占めたのはどの治療タイプか?
- 2022年に市場で最大のシェアを占めたのはどの技術タイプか?
- 世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場で主要企業が採用した主要戦略や展開は何か?
- 世界の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場における主要企業はどこか、また同市場における製品展開は何か?





Global Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market Industry Overview

The global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market was valued at $1.95 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to reach $10.65 billion by 2033, witnessing a CAGR of 16.85% during the forecast period 2023-2033. The growth in the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market is expected to be driven by the increased number of approved therapies and growing infrastructure requirements. In addition, expansion in target indications for cell and gene-based therapies creates a demand for large-scale manufacturing and QC.

Market Lifecycle Stage

The global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market is in progressing phase. The cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market is experiencing rapid growth due to the increasing adoption of innovative therapies such as CAR T-cells and others. Robust quality control processes are essential to ensure the safety, efficacy, and consistency of cell and gene-based treatments. The FDA has approved more than 25 cell and gene-based therapies in the last 10 years. These factors are expected to drive the demand for consumables, instruments, and software solutions required for manufacturing cell and gene therapy, thereby augmenting the growth of the cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market.


The field of medicine is transformed with the commercialization of cell and gene therapies. With the advent of time and introduction of new technologies, cell and gene therapy areas are flourishing. There is constant ongoing research for the development of novel cell and gene therapies. According to the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT), as of February 2023, there are more than 2,000 clinical trials in the pipeline. The robust clinical pipeline for novel cell and gene entities is expected to create a lucrative opportunity for QC and boost the growth of the cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market. In addition, the entry of several established players, such as Lonza., Merck KGaA, Charles River Laboratories International Inc., Eurofins Scientific, and others, is expected to aid the market growth.

The field of cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC is witnessing several trends and advancements that are expected to have a significant impact on the market. Some of the trends include the adoption of automation QC processes, advanced analytical technologies, process analytical testing (PAT) and quality risk management (QRM), and others. These trends and advancements in cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC are expected to drive improvements in product quality, manufacturing efficiency, regulatory compliance, and patient safety. They are expected to play a crucial role in supporting the growth and success of the cell and gene therapy industry, making QC an integral part of the development and commercialization of these advanced therapies.

Impact of COVID-19

In December 2019, Wuhan, a city in the Hubei region of China, was the site of the first detection of the COVID-19 outbreak. Following the classification of COVID-19 as novel pneumonia due to a cluster of unexplained pneumonia cases, efforts to pinpoint the culprit causing the outbreak and outline its genomic sequence got underway right once. The virus has already spread to every country on the globe, and researchers, governments, and business leaders are working to find answers to the crisis at a scale and speed that has never been seen. Testing for SARS-CoV-2 in the populace is one of the main steps that has been put into place globally, among many other measures used to stop the spread of the disease. The most crucial benefit of testing is that it offers evidence of illness, enabling those who are tested and those they have come into contact with to take the required precautions, including quarantining, to minimize community exposure.

The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially interrupted social, economic, and political activity around the world due to its unparalleled size and intensity. As a result, the cell and gene therapy (CGT) sector, which has historically struggled with tremendous complexity in the supply of materials, production, and logistical operations, has been disrupted by COVID-19.

The research, production, clinical development, and market introduction of cell and gene-based therapies (CGTs) for diseases unrelated to COVID-19 have all been significantly disrupted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. A lack of manufacturing material supplies, challenges with clinical studies, and a delay in the creation of regulatory dossiers are all significant reasons for the manufacturing of cell and gene therapy. This has emphasized the significance of tackling the difficulties in CGTs' supply chain and production to increase resilience during the crisis.

To prevent CGTs' market access from being significantly disrupted, manufacturing resilience, digitalization, telemedicine, value-based pricing, and creative payment systems may be progressively tapped.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by Therapy Type
• Cell Therapy
• Gene Therapy

Based on therapy type, the cell therapy segment dominated the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market in FY2022. The increasing adoption of cell-based therapies, such as CAR-T cell therapy and stem cell therapy, contributed to the prominence of the cell therapy segment. Cell therapy is a type of medical treatment that involves the transplantation or infusion of live, healthy cells into a patient's body to treat or cure a disease or disorder. The goal of cell therapy is to restore or replace damaged or malfunctioning cells with healthy ones or to use the therapeutic properties of the transplanted cells to stimulate the body's own natural healing processes.

Segmentation 2: by Offering
• Products
• Services

Based on offering, the services segment dominated the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market in FY2022. This segment encompassed a range of vital services, including quality control testing, analytical services, process development, validation, and regulatory compliance. Within the services segment, there is a further division into various categories, including safety testing, potency testing, sterility testing, identity testing, stability and genetic fidelity testing, and others.

Segmentation 3: by Process
• Raw Material Preparation
• Upstream Processing
• Downstream Processing
• Packaging

Based on process, the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market was dominated by the upstream processing segment in FY2022. The dominance of the upstream processing segment can be attributed to several factors, including advancements in bioprocessing technologies, optimized cell culture media, and improved bioreactor systems.

Segmentation 4: by Application
• Safety Testing
• Potency Testing
• Identity Testing
• Stability and Genetic Fidelity Testing
• Others

Based on application, the safety testing segment accounted for the largest share of the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market in FY2022. This segment encompasses a range of tests, including sterility testing, endotoxin testing, and among others. Furthermore, some of the key players, such as Lonza., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Charles River Laboratories International, Inc., Eurofins Scientific, and Merck KGaA, offer safety testing, potency testing, and other services in the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market.

Segmentation 5: by Technology
• Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
• Flow Cytometry
• Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL)
• Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
• Chromatography
• Mass Spectrometry
• Western Blotting
• Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
• Electrophoresis
• Other Technologies

Based on technology, the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market is dominated by the PCR segment in FY2022. It plays a vital role in various QC (quality control) processes, including gene expression analysis, viral vector detection, and genetic stability assessment. PCR is used in a variety of tasks in cell and gene therapy manufacturing, including detecting contaminants, measuring gene expression and viral vector integration, and assessing gene editing success. Different types of PCR systems, such as real-time PCR and digital PCR, are used depending on the specific application and process requirements.

Segmentation 6: by Region
• North America
• Europe
• Asia-Pacific

North America cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market is expected to have the highest market share in 2022 and is currently the leading contributor to the market. However, the Asia-Pacific region, constituting several emerging economies, is expected to register the highest CAGR of 18.01% during the forecast period 2023-2033.

Recent Developments in the Global Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market

• In March 2023, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. collaborated with Arsenal Biosciences to assist in the clinical manufacturing of autologosus T-cell therapies.
This partnership combined Thermo Fisher's cell therapy manufacturing expertise with Arsenal Biosciences' innovative technologies, with the goal of advancing the development and accessibility of personalized T-cell therapies.
• In January 2023, Sartorius AG collaborated with Roosterbio Inc. to enhance their downstream purification methods in the field of exosome development.
• In February 2023, Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. partnered with Purespring Therapeutics. This partnership would advance gene therapies for kidney diseases and provide innovative treatment options for patients by leveraging Charles River's eXpDNA plasmid platform.
• In January 2023, Bio-Techne Corporation launched MauriceFlex, a new product under its ProteinSimple brand. MauriceFlex is a versatile system that facilitates protein charge variant fractionation along with routine cIEF (capillary isoelectric focusing) and CE-SDS (capillary electrophoresis-sodium dodecyl sulfate) assays. This innovative system offered a comprehensive solution for protein characterization, streamlining workflows in protein analysis.
• In January 2023, Bio-Techne Corporation launched RNAscope plus assay to advance its gene therapy development.
• In April 2023, Danaher. (Cytiva) launched X-platform bioreactors, which aim to streamline single-use upstream bioprocessing operations. These versatile bioreactors can be used for producing monoclonal antibodies, protein-based drugs, cell and gene therapies, and viral vectors. They offer flexibility and efficiency in bioprocessing, facilitating the development and manufacturing of various therapeutic products.

Demand - Drivers and Limitations

Market Demand Drivers:

• Growing Cell and Gene Therapy Production Leading to Increased Demand for Quality Control (QC)Testing
• Increasing Number of Approvals Leading to an Upsurge in Demand for Cell and Gene Therapies QC Testing
• Rise in Investment for the Development of Cell and Gene Therapies Increasing the Demand for QC Products and Services

Market Restraints:

• Limited Adoption of Cell and Gene Therapy due to High Manufacturing and QC Costs

Market Opportunities:

• Continuous Entry of New Market Participants in Cell and Gene Therapies to Create an Opportunity for the Expansion of Manufacturing Facilities and QC Testing Services
• Introduction of Technologically Advanced Products in QC Testing for Cell and Gene Therapies

How can this report add value to an organization?

Workflow/Innovation Strategy: The cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market (by offering) has been segmented into products and services. Moreover, the study provides the reader with a detailed understanding of the different applications of cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC in raw material preparation, upstream processing, downstream processing, and packaging.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: Cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC is being used for raw material preparation, upstream processing, downstream processing, and packaging. Various companies are providing products and services to aid in the manufacturing and QC of various cell and gene therapies, which is also the key strategy for market players to excel in the current cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market.

Competitive Strategy: Key players in the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market have been analyzed and profiled in the study, including manufacturers involved in new product launches, acquisitions, expansions, and strategic collaborations. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

Cell and gene-based therapies have sparked efforts to promote treatments such as chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy has gained significant attention in the field of oncology for its potential to treat certain types of cancer. The need to cater to the clinical and commercial production of cell-based therapies has increased the demand for quality control (QC) testing during the manufacturing of cell and gene-based therapies. The increased demand for treatments in the healthcare sector is fuelling the expansion of the cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market and helping the market to spread out across different regions.

Key Companies Profiled:

• Bio-Techne Corporation
• bioMérieux SA
• Danaher. (Cytiva)
• F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
• Lonza.
• Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG
• Sartorius AG
• Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
• WuXi AppTec
• AGC Biologics.
• Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.
• Catalent, Inc
• Eurofins Scientific
• Merck KGaA


Table of Contents

Attached in the mail


Press Release

The global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market is estimated to reach $10.65 billion in 2033, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 16.85% during the forecast period 2023-2033.

The global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market is primarily propelled by the escalating prevalence of target diseases such as cancers, metabolic disorders, autoimmune disorders, and others. Additionally, the increasing approval of cell and gene therapies further contributes to this market expansion. Furthermore, there has been a consistent rise in the number of new entrants and investments in the field of cell and gene therapy, which strengthened the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market, thereby providing a surge in demand for the products and services solutions required in the manufacturing of these therapies. This trend is also expected to continue over the forecast period. Therefore, the impact of the aforementioned factors is expected to drive the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market in the forecast period 2023-2033.

USP of the Report

• The vast segmentation of the report
• Comparison of analytical methods that are offered by the companies as a service to the customers
• Supply chain analysis of cell and gene therapy manufacturing
• Competitive Benchmarking of key players for each of the key players of cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC
• Growth share analysis for key segments
• The report also comprises key regulations, competitive landscape, key drivers and restraints, patent analysis, business model analysis, and company profiles with a detailed analysis of the strategies undertaken by the major company

Analyst Perspective

According to Akash Mhaskar, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “The global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market is experiencing rapid growth due to the increasing adoption of innovative therapies such as CAR T-cells and others. Robust quality control processes are essential to ensure the safety, efficacy, and consistency of cell and gene-based treatments. The market is driven by the need for stringent QC measures throughout the manufacturing journey, advancements in manufacturing technologies, and expanding regulatory frameworks. The global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market has witnessed a steady growth in the number of new entrants and investments in cell and gene therapy, thereby driving a surge in demand for the products and services required in the manufacturing and QC of cell and gene therapies. This trend is also expected to continue over the forecast period. Therefore, the impact of the aforementioned factors is expected to drive the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market in the near future.”

Key Companies Operating in The Market

Key players in the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market have been analyzed and profiled in the study, including manufacturers involved in new product launches, acquisitions, expansions, and strategic collaborations. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

The key players profiled in the report include Bio-Techne Corporation, bioMérieux SA, Danaher. (Cytiva), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Lonza., Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG, Sartorius AG, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., WuXi AppTec, AGC Biologics., Charles River Laboratories International, Inc., Catalent, Inc, Eurofins Scientific, and Merck KGaA

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What are the three potential scenarios in which the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market growth can unfold during 2023-2033?
• What are the impacts of COVID-19 on the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market?
• What are the key regulations that impact the growth of the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market?
• What are the key drivers, restraints, and opportunities for the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market? What will be their impact on the market in short-, mid-, and long-term duration?
• Which offering type held the largest share of the market in 2022?
• Which therapy type held the largest share of the market in 2022?
• Which technology type held the largest share of the market in 2022?
• What are the key strategies and developments adopted by key players in the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market?
• Who are the key players in the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market, and what are their product offerings in the market?






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