
バイオ製造のウイルス検出と定量化市場 - 世界と地域分析:提供タイプ、技術、用途、エンドユーザー、地域にフォーカス - 2023-2032年の分析と予測

バイオ製造のウイルス検出と定量化市場 - 世界と地域分析:提供タイプ、技術、用途、エンドユーザー、地域にフォーカス - 2023-2032年の分析と予測

Biomanufacturing Viral Detection and Quantification Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Offering Type, Technology, Application, End User, and Region - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2032

世界のバイオマニュファクチャリングウイルス検出・定量化市場産業概要 世界のバイオ製造ウイルス検出・定量化市場は、2022年に4億7430万ドルと評価され、2032年には11億4970万ドルに達すると予測され、予測期... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年7月17日 US$5,500
お問合わせください 273 英語








ウイルス検出と定量は、プロセス開発全体を通して生物製造プロセスの評価と改善に使用される。製造業者は、潜在的なウイルス汚染源を検出し、さまざまな段階でウイルス汚染物質を検出・定量することによって、リスクを低減し、プロセスの有効性を高めるために必要な調整を行うことができる。新興の細胞療法や遺伝子療法は、他のバイオ治療薬とともに、ウイルス汚染物質を含む汚染のリスクにさらされている。これらの汚染物質を早期に検出することは、生産プロセスの遅延を防ぐために重要であり、これは治療法の商業化に直接的な影響を与える可能性がある。細胞・遺伝子治療では、治療目的の遺伝子の導入や細胞の操作にウイルスベクターが利用される。さらに、Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.、Merck KGaA、Charles River Laboratories、Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.、QIAGEN N.V.などの既存企業の参入が、市場の成長を後押しすると期待されている。



- 消耗品
- 器具
- サービス



- PCR法
- フローサイトメトリー
- プラークアッセイ
- その他



- 血液および血液製剤製造
- ワクチンおよび治療薬製造
- 細胞・遺伝子治療製品製造
- 幹細胞製品製造
- 組織および組織製品製造



- ライフサイエンス企業
- 検査ラボ



- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- ラテンアメリカ
- 中東・アフリカ



需要 - 推進要因と限界


- バイオ医薬品の利用の増加
- ウイルス検出と定量化における技術の進歩


- 高度なウイルス検出・定量装置の高コスト
- ウイルス検出・定量分野における専門家の不足


- 細胞治療および遺伝子治療の開発におけるウイルス汚染への配慮の必要性の高まり








- ダナハー社
- メルクKGaA
- ニューイングランド・バイオラボズ
- タカラホールディングス
- サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック
- アジレント・テクノロジー
- ザルトリウスAG
- チャールズリバーラボラトリーズ
- バイオ・ラッド・ラボラトリーズ
- パーキンエルマー社
- プロメガ・コーポレーション
- ジェンスクリプト・バイオテック・コーポレーション
- ノルゲン・バイオテック・コーポレーション









- 詳細なセグメンテーションを提供
- 提供タイプ、技術、アプリケーション、エンドユーザータイプ別の市場セグメンテーションに基づく地域および国レベルのデータを提供します。
- 25社の網羅的な製品マッピングを掲載。
- 市場シェア分析(企業別)を提供。
- ウイルス検出と定量化エコシステムのアクティブプレーヤーを提供します。


BISリサーチの主席アナリスト、Akash Mhaskar氏によると、「世界のバイオ製造ウイルス検出・定量化市場は、バイオ医薬品の利用増加により急成長を遂げている。堅牢な品質管理プロセスは、生物製剤の安全性、有効性、一貫性を確保するために不可欠です。市場は、製造工程全体を通して厳格なQC対策の必要性、検査技術の進歩、規制枠組みの拡大によって牽引されている。世界のバイオ医薬品製造におけるウイルス検出・定量化市場は、バイオ医薬品への新規参入や投資が着実に増加しており、その結果、生物製剤の製造やQCに必要な製品やサービスに対する需要が急増している。この傾向は予測期間中も続くと予想される。したがって、前述の要因の影響は、近い将来、世界のバイオ製造ウイルス検出・定量化市場を牽引すると予想される。"



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業は、Danaher Corporation、Merck KGaA、New England Biolabs、TAKARA HOLDINGS INC.、Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.、Agilent Technologies, Inc.、Sartorius AG、Charles River Laboratories、Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.、PerkinElmer, Inc.、Promega Corporation、QIAGEN N.V.、Genscript Biotech Corporation、Norgen Biotek Corp.などです。


- 世界のバイオ製造ウイルス検出・定量化市場の成長に影響を与える主な規制は何か?
- 市場で利用可能な様々な定量化技術の主な違いは何か?
- バイオ製造ウイルス検出・定量化市場の主な促進要因、阻害要因、機会は何か?短期、中期、長期の各期間における市場への影響は?
- 予測期間2023-2032年に最も急成長すると予測されるオファリングタイプは?
- バイオマニュファクチャリングにおけるウイルス検出・定量化市場において、用途別で最大の市場シェアを占めるのはどのセグメンテーションか?予測期間2023-2032年に最も急成長が見込まれるセグメントはどれか?
- バイオ製造ウイルス検出・定量化市場の主要エンドユーザーは?2022年に最大のシェアを占めたエンドユーザーは?
- バイオマニュファクチャリングウイルス検出定量化市場の世界的な主要企業はどこか、また同市場における各社の製品ラインナップは何か?





Global Biomanufacturing Viral Detection and Quantification Market Industry Overview

The global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market was valued at $474.3 million in 2022 and is anticipated to reach $1,149.7 million by 2032, witnessing a CAGR of 9.37% during the forecast period 2023-2032. The global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market is expected to be driven by the rising utilization of biopharmaceutical products and the technological advancements in the viral testing industry.

Market Lifecycle Stage

The global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market is in progressing phase. The biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market is experiencing rapid growth due to the increasing adoption of biopharmaceuticals. Robust quality control processes are essential to ensure the safety, efficacy, and consistency of biopharmaceuticals. These factors are expected to drive the demand for consumables and instruments for quantification of viral contaminants during biomanufacturing of biologics, thereby augmenting the growth of the biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market.


Viral detection and quantification is used to evaluate and improve the biomanufacturing process throughout process development. Manufacturers can detect potential viral contamination sources and make the required adjustments to reduce risks and boost process effectiveness by detecting and quantifying viral contaminants at different stages. Emerging cell and gene therapies, along with other biotherapeutics, are at risk of contamination, including viral contaminants. Detecting these contaminants early on is important to prevent any delays in the production process, which can have a direct impact on the commercialization of therapy. Cell and gene therapies utilize viral vectors to deliver therapeutic genes or manipulate cells for therapeutic purposes. In addition, the entry of several established players, such as Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Merck KGaA, Charles River Laboratories, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., QIAGEN N.V., and others, is expected to aid the market growth.

Due to better cleanliness, people witnessed global advancement in the control of infectious contamination over the past few years. The market for biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification is expanding due to the growing demand for precise viral testing in the biomanufacturing of therapies. In conclusion, as the field of emerging cell and gene therapies continues to advance, it is imperative to address the potential risks of viral contamination.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by Offering Type
• Consumables
• Instruments
• Services

Consumables Segment Accounted for Major Share in the Global Biomanufacturing Viral Detection and Quantification Market (by Offering Type)

Based on offering type, the consumables segment dominated the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market in FY2022. The increasing adoption of kits, assays, and accessories contributed to the prominence of the consumables segment. Consumables are products and materials that are constantly consumed throughout the viral testing process. Several consumables are utilized in viral detection and quantification during biomanufacturing to simplify testing and analysis of viral samples. These consumables are necessary to carry out the several procedures and tests required to determine the quantity or concentration of a particular virus in a biological sample.

Segmentation 2: by Technology
• Flow Cytometry
• Plaque Assay
• Others

PCR Technology Segment Accounted for Major Share in the Global Biomanufacturing Viral Detection and Quantification Market (by Technology)

Based on technology, the PCR segment dominated the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market in FY2022. In the field of molecular biology and viral testing, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a commonly used technique. It is a method for identifying and measuring viral nucleic acids that are sensitive and focused during the production of biopharmaceuticals. In addition, PCR is essential for measuring the viral load, or the quantity of viral genetic material, in a biological sample.

Segmentation 3: by Application
• Blood and Blood Products Manufacturing
• Vaccines and Therapeutics Manufacturing
• Cellular and Gene Therapy Products Manufacturing
• Stem Cell Products Manufacturing
• Tissue and Tissue Products Manufacturing

Blood and Blood Products Manufacturing Segment Accounted for Major Share in the Global Biomanufacturing Viral Detection and Quantification Market (by Application)

Based on application, the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market was dominated by the blood and blood products manufacturing segment in FY2022. In biomanufacturing processes, viral testing is an essential component in verifying the safety and quality of blood and blood products. This test involves identifying and measuring viral particles or viral nucleic acids that are present in blood samples. To identify and measure viral nucleic acids, methods such as nucleic acid amplification testing (NAT) are often employed.

Segmentation 4: by End User
• Life Science Companies
• Testing Laboratories
• CROs and CDMOs

Life Science Companies to Continue its Dominance in the End User Segment

Based on end user, the life science companies segment accounted for the largest share of the global biomanufacturing viral detection and qauntification market in FY2022. In the life science sector, viral detection and quantification refers to the measuring and evaluation of viral particles or viral components at distinct stages of medication development, production, and evaluation. Viral load, or the quantity or concentration of viruses present in each sample or system, must be detected and quantified.

Segmentation 5: by Region
• North America
• Europe
• Asia-Pacific
• Latin America
• Middle East and Africa

North America held the largest share of 38.72% in 2022 in the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market, owing to the presence of most key players and rising funding in the region.

In addition, Asia-Pacific is expected to grow at the highest CAGR of 10.47% in the forecast period 2023-2032, owing to the continuous research and development in the viral detection and quantification industry as well as the supportive regulatory landscape.

Demand - Drivers and Limitations

Market Demand Drivers:

• Increasing Utilization of Biopharmaceuticals
• Technological Advancements in Viral Detection and Quantification

Market Restraints:

• High Cost of Advanced Viral Detection and Quantification Equipment
• Lack of Trained Professionals in the Field of Viral Detection and Quantification

Market Opportunities:

• Increasing Need in Viral Contamination Considerations for the Development of Cell and Gene Therapies

How can this report add value to an organization?

Workflow/Innovation Strategy: The biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market (by offering type) has been segmented into consumables, instruments, and services. Moreover, the study provides the reader with a detailed understanding of the different applications of biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification in raw material preparation, upstream processing, downstream processing, and packaging.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: Biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification is being used for raw material preparation, upstream processing, downstream processing, and packaging. Various companies are providing products and services to aid in the viral testing of various biologic production, which is also the key strategy for market players to excel in the current biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market.

Competitive Strategy: Key players in the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market have been analyzed and profiled in the study, including manufacturers. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

Viral contamination poses a significant risk to both animal- and human-derived biopharmaceuticals. This form of contamination can occur at any stage of the bioproduction process, necessitating viral testing studies and the implementation of viral clearance methods by biomanufacturers. In this study, several types of fundamental technologies have been examined that have facilitated these advances, namely, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), plaque assays, flow cytometry, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), among others. The global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market is strongly driven by the continuous introduction of new technologies as well as increased investments and funding from both the government and private sectors.

Key Companies Profiled:

• Danaher Corporation
• Merck KGaA
• New England Biolabs
• Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
• Agilent Technologies, Inc.
• Sartorius AG
• Charles River Laboratories
• Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
• PerkinElmer, Inc.
• Promega Corporation
• Genscript Biotech Corporation
• Norgen Biotek Corp.


Table of Contents

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Press Release

The global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market is estimated to reach $1,149.7 million in 2032, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 9.37% during the forecast period 2023-2032.

The global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market is expected to be driven by the rising utilization of biopharmaceutical products and the technological advancements in the viral detection and quantification industry. Over the past few years, a significant increase was seen in the technologies utilized for the testing of viral contaminants during biomanufacturing, and the pattern is anticipated to continue in the coming years as well. Other factors, such as the expansion in the applications of viral testing and the rise in funding, are expected to boost the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market.

USP of the Report

• Detailed segmentation is delivered.
• Region and country-level data based on market segmentation by offering type, technology, application, and end user type are provided.
• Exhaustive product mapping for 25 companies is included.
• Market share analysis (by company) is provided.
• Viral detection and quantification ecosystem active player is provided.

Analyst Perspective

According to Akash Mhaskar, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “The global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market is experiencing rapid growth due to the increasing utilization of biopharmaceuticals. Robust quality control processes are essential to ensure the safety, efficacy, and consistency of biologics. The market is driven by the need for stringent QC measures throughout the manufacturing journey, advancements in testing technologies, and expanding regulatory frameworks. The global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market has witnessed a steady growth in the number of new entrants and investments in biopharmaceuticals, thereby driving a surge in demand for the products and services required in the manufacturing and QC of biologics. This trend is also expected to continue over the forecast period. Therefore, the impact of the aforementioned factors is expected to drive the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market in the near future.”

Key Companies Operating in The Market

Key players in the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market have been analyzed and profiled in the study, including manufacturers. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape.

The key players profiled in the report include Danaher Corporation, Merck KGaA, New England Biolabs, TAKARA HOLDINGS INC., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Agilent Technologies, Inc., Sartorius AG, Charles River Laboratories, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., PerkinElmer, Inc., Promega Corporation, QIAGEN N.V., Genscript Biotech Corporation, and Norgen Biotek Corp.

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What are the key regulations that impact the growth of the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market?
• What are the key differences in the various quantification technologies available in the market?
• What are the key drivers, restraints, and opportunities for biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market? What will be their impact on the market in the short, mid, and long-term duration?
• Which offering type is projected to be the fastest-growing segment during the forecast period 2023-2032?
• Which segmentation holds the largest market share of biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market based on application? Which one of those segments is expected to be the fastest growing segment during the forecast period 2023-2032?
• Who are the major end users of biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market? Which end user held the largest share of the market in 2022?
• Who are the key players in the global biomanufacturing viral detection and quantification market, and what are their product offerings in the market?





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