
次世代シーケンス(NGS)市場 - 世界および地域別分析:オファリング、企業、スループット、技術タイプ、シーケンス、アプリケーション、エンドユーザー、国別分析に焦点 - 2023年~2033年の分析と予測

次世代シーケンス(NGS)市場 - 世界および地域別分析:オファリング、企業、スループット、技術タイプ、シーケンス、アプリケーション、エンドユーザー、国別分析に焦点 - 2023年~2033年の分析と予測

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Offering, Company, Throughput, Technology Type, Sequencing, Application, End User, and Country Analysis - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2033

世界のNGS市場産業概要 NGSの世界市場規模は2022年に67億6,000万ドル、2033年には284億7,000万ドルに達し、予測期間2023-2033年のCAGRは13.97%で成長すると予測されている。この市場を牽引しているのは、様々... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年6月13日 US$5,500
2-3営業日以内 385 英語











- 消耗品
o ライブラリー調製キット
- 機器
- サービス


- イルミナ社
- サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック社
- Pacific BioSciences of California, Inc.
- オックスフォード・ナノポア・テクノロジーズ
- その他の企業

世界のNGS市場(企業別)は、Illumina, Inc.

- 高スループットおよび超高スループット
- 中スループット
- 低スループット


- 合成によるシーケンス
- イントレント半導体シーケンス
- 1分子リアルタイムシーケンス
- ナノポアシーケンス技術
- その他の技術


- 全ゲノムシーケンス
- 全エクソームシーケンス
- ターゲットシーケンス


- 臨床診断
o 非腫瘍学
- 研究


- 学術・研究機関
- 臨床研究所
- 製薬・バイオテクノロジー企業
- その他のエンドユーザー


- 北米:米国、カナダ
- 欧州 - ドイツ、英国、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、欧州以外の地域
- アジア太平洋地域 - 日本、インド、中国、韓国、オーストラリア、シンガポール、ニュージーランド、アジア太平洋地域以外
- 中東 - U.A.E.、K.S.A.、イスラエル、中東地域
- 世界の残り - ラテンアメリカ、世界の残り



- 2023年4月、NGeneBio社はAgilent Technologies, Inc.の韓国子会社と業務提携し、NGS精密診断を韓国および海外で拡大する。
- 2023年3月、Sophia GeneticsがAgilent Technologies Inc.と提携し、同社のSophia DDMプラットフォームとAgilent Technologies Inc.の研究用途のみのSureSelect Cancer Comprehensive Genomic Profiling (CGP)アッセイキットを統合した。
- 2023年3月、サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック社がファイザー社と提携し、30カ国以上でNGSベースの肺がんおよび乳がん検査へのアクセスを拡大。
- 2023年1月、Qiagen N.V.が法医学および分子検査に次世代バイオメトリクスを導入するため、Verogen, Inc.の買収を完了。
- 2022年10月、Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.が2つの新しいシークエンシングシステム、すなわちRevioとOnsoを発表。
- 2022年9月、イルミナはFDA登録とCEマークを取得した初の体外診断用(IVD)ハイスループットシーケンサーNovaSeq 6000 Dxを発表した。NovaSeq 6000 Dxは、患者ケアに有用な知見をもたらすと同時に、最大レベルのコンプライアンスを提供する汎用性の高いプラットフォームです。

需要 - 推進力と限界


- ゲノムシークエンシングのコスト低下
- 腫瘍研究分野および臨床現場における腫瘍のコンパニオン診断としてのNGSの可能性
- 母集団を対象としたシーケンス研究の増加と、医療におけるNGSの統合に向けた政府の取り組み
- 他の技術に対するNGS技術の優位性


- 患者のゲノムデータのプライバシーをめぐる懸念
- NGS検査に対する完全な保険償還の欠如






- BGIグループ
- イルミナ社
- サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック
- パシフィック・バイオサイエンス・オブ・カリフォルニア社
- オックスフォード・ナノポア・テクノロジーズ
- アジレント・テクノロジー
- Qiagen N.V.
- ピラーバイオサイエンス
- バーニングロック・バイオテック社
- シンギュラー・ゲノミクス・システムズ社
- ダナハー株式会社
- F.ホフマン・ラ・ロシュ社
- ツイストバイオサイエンス株式会社
- レブビティ株式会社
- セントジェン社
- エレメント・バイオサイエンス
- ウルティマ・ジェノミクス
- Genes2me
- ライフストランド・ゲノミクス社Ltd.
- アリシアジェノミクス
- リアルセックバイオサイエンス









- サプライチェーン分析
- COVID-19の影響
- 新たなNGS技術
- 主要な洞察
- 価格分析
- 世界のNGS市場で入手可能な主要NGS装置の数量
- オファリング、企業、スループット、技術、シーケンス、エンドユーザー、アプリケーションによる地域レベルの市場細分化
- 国レベルの市場セグメンテーション:企業別、オファリング別


市場の可能性を強調するために、BISリサーチの主席アナリストであるSwati Sood氏は、「病気の診断やNGSプラットフォームの技術進歩など、医療におけるNGSの用途の拡大が市場の成長を促進している。この市場は予測期間2023-2033年に大きな成長を記録すると予想される。"



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、BGI Group、Illumina, Inc.、Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.、Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.、Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc.、Agilent Technologies, Inc.、Qiagen N.V.、Pillar Biosciences、Burning Rock Biotech Limited、Singular Genomics Systems, Inc.、DANAHER CORPORATION、F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.、Twist Bioscience Corporation、Revvity, Inc.、Centogene N.V.が含まれる。


- 世界のNGS市場における主な市場促進要因、課題、機会は何か?
- COVID-19パンデミックは世界のNGS市場にどのような影響を与えているか?
- NGSの世界市場における法的要件と枠組みは?
- 各社の事業地域における主な用途は何か?
- NGSの新技術は何か?
- NGSの世界市場におけるサプライチェーンはどのようなものか?
- NGSの世界市場において、業界の専門家や関係者から得られた重要な洞察は何か?
- 世界のNGS市場におけるNGSプラットフォームの価格は?





Global NGS Market: Industry Overview

The global NGS market was valued at $6.76 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $28.47 billion by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 13.97% during the forecast period 2023-2033. The market is driven by factors such as the increasing adoption of NGS in various research and diagnostics fields, the growing prevalence of non-communicable disorders, and the advancement in the performance of NGS platforms.

Market Lifecycle Stage

The global NGS market is highly consolidated. This market still holds significant potential for growth as technological developments in NGS platforms and initiatives to integrate genomics in healthcare are ongoing. The opportunity for growth of the global NGS market lies in the development of economical and portable technologies.

Impact of COVID-19

NGS has played a crucial role in the genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19. Sequencing the viral genome has helped in tracking the spread of different variants and understanding their genetic characteristics, which has been essential for public health efforts, vaccine development, and treatment strategies. NGS has been employed in studies investigating the genetic susceptibility to COVID-19 and its severity. By sequencing the genomes of affected individuals, researchers have sought to identify genetic variations associated with the risk of infection, disease progression, and response to treatment.

However, while NGS testing shot up in the research laboratories studying the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, NGS testing in the clinical setting witnessed a significant drop. The global supply chain for NGS instruments, consumables, and reagents experienced severe disruptions due to the pandemic. Manufacturing and shipping delays impacted the availability of NGS products and tests, especially in developing regions such as the Middle East, Africa, or Rest-of-the-World.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by Offering
• Consumables
o Library Preparation Kits
o Sequencing Kits
• Equipment
• Services

The global NGS market (by offering) is expected to be dominated by the consumables segment.

Segmentation 2: by Company
• Illumina, Inc.
• Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
• Pacific BioSciences of California, Inc.
• Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc.
• Other Companies

The global NGS market (by company) is expected to be dominated by Illumina, Inc.

Segmentation 3: by Throughput
• High- and Ultra-High-Throughput
• Medium-Throughput
• Low-Throughput

The global NGS market (by throughput) is expected to be dominated by the high- and ultra-high throughput segment.

Segmentation 4: by Technology Type
• Sequencing by Synthesis
• In Torrent Semiconductor Sequencing
• Single Molecule Real-Time Sequencing
• Nanopore Sequencing Technology
• Other Technologies

The global NGS market (by technology type) is expected to be dominated by the sequencing by synthesis segment.

Segmentation 5: by Sequencing
• Whole Genome Sequencing
• Whole Exome Sequencing
• Targeted Sequencing

The global NGS market (by sequencing) is expected to be dominated by the targeted sequencing segment.

Segmentation 6: by Application
• Clinical Diagnostics
o Oncology
o Non-Oncology
• Research
o Oncology
o Non-Oncology

The global NGS market (by application) is expected to be dominated by the research segment. Within further sub-segmentation, the market is expected to be dominated by the oncology segment.

Segmentation 7: by End User
• Academic and Research Institutes
• Clinical Laboratories
• Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies
• Other End Users

The global NGS market (by end user) is expected to be dominated by the academic and research insitutes segment.

Segmentation 8: by Country
• North America - U.S., Canada
• Europe - Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Spain, and Rest-of-Europe
• Asia-Pacific - Japan, India, China, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific
• Middle East - U.A.E., K.S.A., Israel, Rest-of-Middle East
• Rest-of-the-World - Latin America, Rest-of-Rest-of-the-World

*Note: Each country is further segmented by offering, equipment (units), and company.

Recent Developments in the Global NGS Market

• In April 2023, NGeneBio signed a business agreement with Agilent Technologies, Inc.’s Korea-based subsidiary, to expand the NGS precision diagnosis in South Korea and abroad.
• In March 2023, Sophia Genetics partnered with Agilent Technologies Inc. to integrate its Sophia DDM Platform with Agilent Technologies Inc.’s research-use-only SureSelect Cancer Comprehensive Genomic Profiling (CGP) assay kit.
• In March 2023, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. collaborated with Pfizer to expand access to NGS-based lung and breast cancer testing in more than 30 countries.
• In January 2023, Qiagen N.V. completed the acquisition of Verogen, Inc. in order to deploy next-generation biometrics for forensic and molecular testing.
• In October 2022, Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. introduced two new sequencing systems, namely, Revio and Onso.
• In September 2022, Illumina, Inc. introduced the first FDA-registered and CE-marked in vitro diagnostic (IVD) high-throughput sequencer, the NovaSeq 6000 Dx. The NovaSeq 6000 Dx is a versatile platform that provides the greatest levels of compliance while also delivering useful insights for patient care.

Demand - Drivers and Limitations

The following are the drivers for the global NGS market:

• Decreasing Cost of Genome Sequencing
• Potential of NGS in the Field of Oncology Research and as a Companion Diagnostic for Oncology in Clinical Settings
• Growing Number of Population-Wide Sequencing Studies and Government Initiatives to Integrate NGS in Healthcare
• Advantages of NGS Technology Over Other Technologies

The market is expected to face some limitations as well due to the following challenges:

• Concerns Surrounding Privacy of Patient Genomic Data
• Lack of Complete Reimbursement Coverage for NGS Testing

How can this report add value to an organization?

Type: The global NGS market has been extensively segmented on the basis of various categories, such as offerings, throughput, and platform, among others. This can help readers get a clear overview of which segments account for the largest share and which ones are well-positioned to grow in the coming years.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: Synergistic activities and product launches/approvals accounted for the maximum number of key developments, i.e., nearly 85% of the total developments in the global NGS market.

Competitive Strategy: The global NGS market is highly consolidated, with around six key players accounting for a vast majority of the market share. Key players in the global NGS market analyzed and profiled in the study involve established players that offer various kinds of NGS platforms, consumables, and services.

Key Companies Profiled

• BGI Group
• Illumina, Inc.
• Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
• Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.
• Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc.
• Agilent Technologies, Inc.
• Qiagen N.V.
• Pillar Biosciences
• Burning Rock Biotech Limited
• Singular Genomics Systems, Inc.
• F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
• Twist Bioscience Corporation
• Revvity, Inc.
• Centogene N.V.
• Element Biosciences
• Ultima Genomics
• Genes2me
• LifeStrands Genomics Pte. Ltd.
• Alithea Genomics
• Real Seq Biosciences


Table of Contents

Attached in the mail


Press Release

The global NGS market is estimated to reach $28.47 billion in 2033, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 13.97% during the forecast period 2023-2033.

The global NGS market is anticipated to be influenced by various factors during the forecast period 2023-2033. The key factors driving the market growth include the decreasing cost of genome sequencing, the potential of NGS in the field of oncology, the growing number of population-wide genomic studies and government initiatives to support the advancement and integration of NGS in healthcare, and the advantages of NGS technology over other technologies.

USP of the Report

• Supply chain analysis
• Impact of COVID-19
• Emerging NGS technologies
• Primary insights
• Pricing analysis
• Volume of key NGS equipment available in the global NGS market
• Region-level market segmentation by offering, company, throughput, technology, sequencing, end user, and application
• Country-level market segmentation by company and offerings

Analyst Perspective

To emphasize the potential of the market, Swati Sood, Principal Analyst – BIS Research, states, “With the growing applications of NGS in healthcare, such as the diagnosis of diseases and technological advancements in NGS platforms, are driving the growth of the market. This market is expected to register significant growth during the forecast period 2023-2033.”

Key Companies Operating in The Market

The global NGS market is highly consolidated, with around six key players accounting for a vast majority of the market share. Key players in the global NGS market analyzed and profiled in the study involve established players that offer various kinds of NGS platforms, consumables, and services.

The key players profiled in the report include BGI Group, Illumina, Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc., Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc., Agilent Technologies, Inc., Qiagen N.V., Pillar Biosciences, Burning Rock Biotech Limited, Singular Genomics Systems, Inc., DANAHER CORPORATION, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Twist Bioscience Corporation, Revvity, Inc., and Centogene N.V.

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What are the major market drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the global NGS market?
• How is the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the global NGS market landscape?
• What are the legal requirements and framework in the global NGS market?
• What are the major applications for the companies in the region of their operation?
• What are the emerging technologies in NGS?
• What does the supply chain look like in the global NGS market?
• What are the key insights gained from industry experts and stakeholders in the global NGS market?
• How are different NGS platforms priced in the global NGS market?






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