

BIS Healthcare

米国のDTCウェルネス検査産業の概要 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場は、2022年の878.9百万ドルから2032年には4,946.3百万ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2022-2032年のCAGRは18.86%である。米国のDTCウェルネ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年2月3日 US$5,500
159 英語






DTCウェルネス検査は、コマーシャル、テレビ、インターネットを通じて消費者に直接宣伝されるため、DTC製品に関する認知度が高まる。消費者は、医師の診察を受けたり保険会社を通したりすることなく、企業のオンライン・ポータルを通じて注文した検査に関する情報を得ることができる。LabCorp社、Quest Diagnostics社、Everlywell社などの大手企業は、信頼性の高い消費者向けウェルネス検査サービスの開発に力を注いでいる。


米国におけるDTCウェルネス検査プロバイダーの存在は、市場に大きな影響を与えている。Everlywell, Inc.のような企業は、梅毒、ヒトパピローマウイルス、C型肝炎、HIV、トリコモナスなどの感染症用採取キットを含む家庭用健康・ウェルネス製品などの製品提供により、DTC健康市場ですでに牽引力を得ていた。家庭でのサンプル採取に基づく多病原性感染症(STI)検査室検査は、多くの業者から提供されるようになってきている。





- 微量栄養素
- ホルモン
- COVID-19 DTC検査
- 食品過敏症
- 食品不耐症
- 感染症検査
- その他の検査


- 検査パネル
- 検査ストリップ
- デジタルモニタリング機器
- その他の製品



- オンライン
- 店頭販売(OTC)


- 血液
- 尿
- 唾液
- その他


- 米国南部
- 米国中西部
- 米国中部大西洋岸
- 米国西部
- 米国南西部
- ニューイングランド

米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場の地域の中で、2021年には米国南部が優位を占める。米国南部は、フロリダ州、ノースカロライナ州、ジョージア州、バージニア州、テネシー州、ケンタッキー州、サウスカロライナ州、アラバマ州、ルイジアナ州、アーカンソー州、ミシシッピ州、ウェストバージニア州、コロンビア特別区で構成されている。これは主に、クエスト・ダイアグノスティックス、ラボラトリー・コーポレーション・オブ・アメリカ・ホールディングス、キュー、ミリアド・ジェネティクス、23andMe, Inc.など、市場をリードするサービス・プロバイダーが同州に高機能施設を持ち、顧客の利便性に合わせてDTCサービスを提供しているためである。


- 2021年3月、23andMe, Inc.とVG Acquisition Corp.は最終的な合併契約を締結した。この経営統合により、同社の評価額は約35億ドルとなった。
- 2021年10月、Everlywell, Inc.は消費者に受胎と妊娠の必需品を提供するNatalist社を買収した。エブリウェル社は妊娠検査薬、排卵検査薬、妊婦用サプリメントなどのDTCウェルネス製品を提供している。
- 2021年3月、エブリウェル社はPWNヘルス社とホームアクセスヘルス社を買収し、親会社エブリヘルス社を設立した。これら全ての会社を買収し、米国全50州、カナダ、プエルトリコで年間2,000万人以上をサポート。
- 2022年2月、カインドボディは不妊治療クリニックのネットワークであるヴィオス不妊治療研究所を買収した。この買収により、同社は米国での事業規模を2倍の26クリニックに拡大した。
- 2022年3月、Modern Fertility (Ro)は精子検査、保存、分析を専門とするDadi社を買収。同社は1億5,000万ドルの資金を追加し、女性の不妊治療製品市場に参入した。
- 2021年5月、Modern Fertility社はデジタルヘルス企業のRo社に買収され、約2億2500万ドルの評価額で、同社の成長プラットフォームに生殖医療が加わった。



- DTCウェルネス検査の認知度の上昇と魅力的な利点
- 検査結果の透明性に対する需要の高まり
- COVID-19期間中のDTCコンセプトに対応する新興市場プレーヤー


- 米国における管理されたDTCウェルネス検査と規制
- データ・プライバシーに関する懸念









- 23andMe Inc.
- キュー
- エバリーウェル社
- カインドボディ
- ラボラトリー・コーポレーション・オブ・アメリカ・ホールディングス
- LetGetChecked (PrivaPath Diagnostics Ltd.)
- マイラボボックス
- ミリアド・ジェネティクス社
- クエスト・ダイアグノスティックス
- Ro(モダン・ファーティリティ)
- トゥモローズヘルス
- ヴィオーム・ライフサイエンス社



1 市場
1.1 製品の定義
1.1.1 包含と除外
1.1.2 業務範囲
1.2 市場の概要
1.2.1 DTCウェルネス検査のワークフロー
1.2.2 現在の市場シナリオ
1.2.3 技術動向
1.2.4 市場フットプリントと成長の可能性
1.3 COVID-19による米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場への影響
1.3.1 COVID-19の影響:現在の市場シナリオ 市場成長への影響と課題 市場プレイヤーへの影響
1.3.2 COVID-19期間中のDTCウェルネス検査の将来展望
1.3.3 COVID-19前およびCOVID-19後の影響評価
1.4 価格分析(検査別)
2 業界洞察
2.1 特許分析
2.1.1 特許出願動向 特許分析(年度別)
2.2 法的要件
2.2.1 米国におけるDTCウェルネス検査の規制 米国FDAの規制 米国臨床化学協会(AACC)の役割
3 市場ダイナミクス
3.1 概要
3.1.1 市場促進要因 DTCウェルネス検査の認知度向上と魅力的な利点 検査結果の透明性に対する需要の高まり COVID-19におけるDTCコンセプトに対応する新興市場プレイヤー
3.1.2 市場の阻害要因 米国における管理されたDTCウェルネス検査と規制 データ・プライバシーに関する懸念
3.1.3 市場機会 DTC検査分野における企業の地理的リーチの拡大 急成長する消費者向け直接検査サービス市場
4 競争環境
4.1 競争環境
4.1.1 買収
4.1.2 シナジー活動
4.1.3 製品の上市と承認
4.1.4 事業拡大
4.1.5 資金調達
4.1.6 その他
4.2 市場シェア分析(2021年)
4.3 成長シェア分析(2021年)
4.3.1 成長シェア分析(オファリング別)
4.3.2 成長シェア分析(流通チャネル別)
4.4 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場ステークホルダー分析(N=20)
4.4.1 米国のDTCウェルネス検査の最新動向
4.4.2 米国におけるDTCウェルネス検査における企業の役割
4.4.3 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場における流通チャネル
4.4.4 州別のDTCウェルネス検査
5 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場:検査タイプ別(百万ドル)、2021~2032年
5.1 概要
5.1.1 ホルモン 妊活ホルモン検査 インスリン感受性 インスリン抵抗性 その他のホルモン検査タイプ
5.1.2 微量栄養素
5.1.3 食物不耐症
5.1.4 食物過敏症
5.1.5 COVID-19 DTC検査
5.1.6 感染症検査
5.1.7 その他の検査タイプ
6 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場:オファリング別:金額(百万ドル)、2021-2032年
6.1 概要
6.1.1 検査パネル
6.1.2 検査ストリップ
6.1.3 デジタルモニタリング機器
6.1.4 その他の提供タイプ
7 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場:流通チャネル別:金額(百万ドル)、2021-2032年
7.1 概要
7.1.1 オンライン
7.1.2 店頭販売
8 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場:サンプルタイプ別、金額(百万ドル)、2021-2032年
8.1 概要
8.1.1 血液
8.1.2 尿
8.1.3 唾液
8.1.4 その他の検体タイプ
9 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場:地域別(百万ドル)、2021-2032年
9.1 概要
9.1.1 米国南部
9.1.2 米国中西部
9.1.3 米国中部大西洋岸
9.1.4 米国西部
9.1.5 米国南西部
9.1.6 ニューイングランド
10 市場:競合ベンチマーキングと企業プロファイル
10.1 概要
10.2 23andMe Inc.
10.2.1 会社概要
10.2.2 米国のウェルネス検査市場における23andMe Inc.の役割
10.2.3 23andMe社の主な競合企業
10.2.4 主要顧客
10.2.5 企業戦略
10.2.6 財務
10.2.7 アナリストの視点
10.3 キュー
10.3.1 会社概要
10.3.2 米国DTCウェルネス検査市場におけるCue.の役割
10.3.3 主要競合企業
10.3.4 主要顧客
10.3.5 企業戦略
10.3.6 事業戦略
10.3.7 財務
10.3.8 アナリストの視点
10.4 エバリーウェル社
10.4.1 会社概要
10.4.2 米国の消費者直接ウェルネス検査市場におけるエブリウェル社の役割
10.4.3 主な競合企業
10.4.4 主要顧客
10.4.5 企業戦略
10.4.6 事業戦略
10.4.7 アナリストの視点
10.5 カインドボディ
10.5.1 会社概要
10.5.2 米国の消費者向けウェルネス検査市場におけるカインドボディの役割
10.5.3 カインドボディの主要競合企業
10.5.4 カインドボディの主要顧客
10.5.5 企業戦略
10.5.6 事業戦略
10.5.7 アナリストの視点
10.6 ラボラトリー・コーポレーション・オブ・アメリカ・ホールディングス
10.6.1 会社概要
10.6.2 米国DTCウェルネス検査市場におけるLaboratory Corporation of America Holdingsの役割
10.6.3 同社の主要競合企業
10.6.4 主要顧客
10.6.5 企業戦略
10.6.6 財務
10.6.7 アナリストの視点
10.7 LetGetChecked (PrivaPath Diagnostics Ltd.)
10.7.1 会社概要
10.7.2 米国ウェルネス検査市場におけるLetsGetChecked社の役割
10.7.3 レッツゲットチェックの主な競合企業
10.7.4 主要顧客
10.7.5 企業戦略
10.7.6 事業戦略
10.7.7 アナリストの視点
10.8 マイラボボックス
10.8.1 会社概要
10.8.2 myLAB Box.の役割米国のウェルネス検査市場における役割
10.8.3 同社の主要競合企業
10.8.4 主要顧客
10.8.5 アナリストの視点
10.9 Myriad Genetics, Inc.
10.9.1 会社概要
10.9.2 米国ウェルネス検査市場におけるMyriad Genetics, Inc.の役割
10.9.3 主な競合企業
10.9.4 主要顧客
10.9.5 企業戦略
10.9.6 財務
10.9.7 会社の財務状況に関する主要な洞察
10.9.8 アナリストの視点
10.1 クエスト・ダイアグノスティックス
10.10.1 会社概要
10.10.2 米国DTCウェルネス検査市場におけるクエスト・ダイアグノスティックスの役割
10.10.3 クエスト・ダイアグノスティックスの主要競合企業
10.10.4 主要顧客
10.10.5 企業戦略
10.10.6 事業戦略
10.10.7 財務
10.10.8 アナリストの視点
10.11 Ro社(モダン・ファティリティ)
10.11.1 会社概要
10.11.2 米国のウェルネス検査市場におけるRo社の役割
10.11.3 主要競合企業
10.11.4 主要顧客
10.11.5 企業戦略
10.11.6 事業戦略
10.11.7 アナリストの視点
10.12 トゥモローズヘルス
10.12.1 会社概要
10.12.2 トゥモローズ・ヘルスの役割米国のウェルネス検査市場におけるトゥモローズ・ヘルスの役割
10.12.3 主な競合企業
10.12.4 主要顧客
10.12.5 アナリストの視点
10.13 ヴィオーム・ライフサイエンス社
10.13.1 会社概要
10.13.2 米国ウェルネス検査市場におけるバイオーム・ライフサイエンシズ社の役割
10.13.3 同社の主要競合企業
10.13.4 主要顧客
10.13.5 企業戦略
10.13.6 事業戦略
10.13.7 アナリストの視点
10.14 新興企業
10.14.1 スポットヘルス社
10.14.2 CRIジェネティクス
10.14.3 カラーゲノミクス
図表 20: 製品の上市と承認(会社別)、2019 年 1 月~2022 年 4 月
図42:米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場(COVID-19 DTC検査)、(百万ドル)、2021-2032年
図70: プロファイル対象企業総数
図71:23andMe, Inc:全体的な製品ポートフォリオ
図72:23andMe, Inc:全体財務, ($Million), 2020-2022
図73:23andMe, Inc:収益(セグメント別), ($Million), 2020-2022
図74:23andMe, Inc:研究開発費, ($Million), 2020-2022
図76:キュー:全体財務, (百万ドル), 2019-2021
図77:Cue:収益(セグメント別), ($Million), 2019-2021
図78:キュー:研究開発費, (百万ドル), 2019-2021
図82:ラボラトリー・コーポレーション・オブ・アメリカ・ホールディングス:全体財務, (百万ドル), 2019-2021
図83:ラボラトリー・コーポレーション・オブ・アメリカ・ホールディングス収益(セグメント別), ($Million), 2019-2021
図86: myLAB Box.:全体的な製品ポートフォリオ
図87: Myriad Genetics, Inc:製品ポートフォリオ
図88: Myriad Genetics, Inc:全体財務, (百万ドル), 2019-2021
図89:Myriad Genetics, Inc:収益(セグメント別)、百万ドル、2019-2021年
図90:Myriad Genetics, Inc:Myriad Genetics, Inc:研究開発費, (百万ドル), 2019-2021
図92:クエスト・ダイアグノスティックス全体財務, (百万ドル), 2019-2021
図96:Viome Life Sciences, Inc:全体的な製品ポートフォリオ
表9:COVID-19 DTC企業の例
表16:OTC DTCウェルネス検査を提供する企業の例






- 上場企業上位13社と新興企業3社の広範な競合ベンチマーキング
- 製品ポートフォリオ、最近の開発、地域的広がりに基づく市場ランキング分析
- 製品採用シナリオ、資金調達、特許分析を含む投資状況


BIS Researchのプリンシパルアナリスト、ニティシュ・クマールによると、「消費者直接検査(DTC)ウェルネス検査は、顧客が検査要件に基づいてカスタマイズされたソリューションを提供するのに役立つ。DTC検査は医療従事者を介さず、一般的に消費者に血液、唾液、尿などの検体を採取してもらい、検査と分析のために企業に送る。近年では、いくつかの企業がオンライン・チャネルを通じてウェルネス検査を販売し始めている。全体として、これらの検査は、ライフスタイルの選択について、より多くの情報に基づいた決定へとユーザーを導くものとされている。"



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業は、23andMe Inc.、Cue.、Everlywell, Inc.、Kindbody、Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings、LetGetChecked(PrivaPath Diagnostics Ltd.)、myLAB Box.、Myriad Genetics, Inc.、Quest Diagnostics、Ro(Modern Fertility)、Tomorrow's Health、Viome Life Sciences, Inc.などである。


- 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場における主な市場促進要因、課題、機会は何か?
- 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場における新たなトレンドの根底にある構造は何か?
- 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場の各セグメントはどのように変化しているか?予測期間中に成長が見込まれるDTCウェルネス検査市場、2032年末までに各セグメントが生み出すと予想される収益は?
- 競争市場で持続するために主要企業が実施する主な開発戦略とは?
- 米国のDTCウェルネス検査に関する先進地域と発展途上地域の主な規制上の意味合いは何か?
- 米国に重要な製品を提供している主要企業はどこか?DTCウェルネス検査市場、そしてこれらの主要プレイヤーそれぞれの現在の市場支配力は?
- 2022-2032年の予測期間中、市場の主要企業が目撃する複合成長率はどの程度か?
- 最も成長が期待されるDTCウェルネス検査のタイプはどれか?
- 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場における主要メーカーはどこか、またその貢献度は?また、各主要DTCウェルネス検査メーカーの成長の可能性は?
- 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場の範囲は?どのDTCウェルネス検査のアプリケーションとサンプルタイプが米国市場を支配すると予測されるか?
- 米国のDTCウェルネス検査市場における新たなトレンドは何か?これらのトレンドは診断手順にどのような革命をもたらすのか?
- 今後、高い破壊力を発揮すると予想される企業とその理由は?
- 新たなDTCウェルネス検査の承認プロセスを統一するために必要な規制手続きとは?





U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Industry Overview

The U.S. DTC wellness testing market is projected to reach $4,946.3 million by 2032 from $878.9 million in 2022, at a CAGR of 18.86% during the forecast period 2022-2032. The growth in the U.S. DTC wellness testing is expected to be driven by the shift of the healthcare industry in the U.S. from being physician-focused to being consumer-focused. In addition, the rise in awareness related to DTC wellness testing among consumers and growing consumer convenience are driving the demand for the U.S. DTC wellness testing market during the forecast period.

Market Lifecycle Stage

DTC wellness tests are promoted directly to consumers via commercials, televisions, and internet, thereby resulting in increased awareness related to DTC products. Consumers can get the information about the test that they have ordered through the company’s online portal without visiting any physician or through the insurance companies. Major companies such as LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, and Everlywell, Inc. have dedicated their efforts to developing reliable consumer-facing wellness testing services.


The presence of DTC wellness testing providers in the U.S. has a major impact on the market. Companies such as Everlywell, Inc. were already gaining traction in the DTC health market with their product offerings such as at-home health and wellness products, including collection kits for infectious diseases such as syphilis, human papillomavirus, hepatitis C, HIV, and trichomoniasis. Multi-pathogen sexually transmitted infection (STI) laboratory tests based on at-home sample collection are becoming available from a number of vendors.

Impact of COVID-19

The majority of wellness testing took place in healthcare settings in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the DTC testing market emerged quickly with companies marketing at-home tests with the approval of U.S. FDA. These testing are regulated at both the federal and state levels. Major giants such as LabCorp and Everlywell, Inc. began marketing at-home collection kits directly to consumers during the pandemic. The healthcare professionals reviewed the tests after the consumer had initiated or completed the purchase of any wellness testing based on the requirements from the company’s website.

Companies also started marketing diagnostic and serological COVID-19 tests directly to consumers in the middle of the pandemic. The sample was collected from the patient at home or sent to the laboratory, with negligible involvement of the healthcare provider. The majority of the companies received emergency use authorization (EUA) for such testing. Furthermore, at-home tests faced several challenges as these tests raised concerns during the process of collection and analysis, as well as the shipment condition. Also, there was a risk of false-positive or false-negative results, depending on several factors, such as the use of inadequately validated assays and testing outside the diagnostic window.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by Test Type
• Micronutrients
• Hormones
• COVID-19 DTC Test
• Food Sensitivity
• Food Intolerance
• Infectious Disease Tests
• Other Test Type

Among the test type of the U.S. DTC wellness testing market, the micronutrients segment dominated in the year 2021. This is due to an increasing number of consumers undertaking vitamin tests and rising awareness among consumers related to DTC wellness testing.

Segmentation 2: by Offering Type
• Test Panel
• Test Strips
• Digital Monitoring Instruments
• Other Offering

Among the offering type of the U.S. DTC wellness testing market, the test panel segment dominated in the year 2021, owing to an increasing number of test panels by the companies in the DTC wellness testing space focused on various tests.

The technologies powering molecular diagnosis of DTC wellness testing in the U.S. are in a state of rapid evolution to aid in overcoming challenges associated with the utilization of these tests, including the improvement of clinical utility. These rapidly advancing DTC testing techniques are primed to revolutionize medical diagnostics and treatment for the better. Not only are these tests becoming more useful in a broader range of clinical paradigms among consumers at home, but they are also assisting in a more exploratory view to cater to a holistic approach toward the treatment of various chronic and acute diseases. In addition, consumers have access to various testing panels for men’s and women’s health, general wellness, food or allergen sensitivities, and women’s health test panel.

Segmentation 3: by Distribution Channel
• Online
• Over-the-Counter (OTC)

Among the distribution channel of the U.S. DTC wellness testing market, the online segment dominated in the year 2021. Online channels held the major share, owing to the rising internet penetration, awareness about DTC testing, and increasing number of companies involved in manufacturing kits for wellness in the U.S. The products are available to the consumer on the company’s website, from where they can purchase the required test. Online sales have been a major proponent of the industry, providing easy access and multiple options. The companies are forming strategic partnerships with e-commerce giants. For instance, in September 2021, Nordstrom collaborated with Viome Life Sciences, Inc. to embrace its wellness category under a new-brand retail partnership. The company aims to sell Viome's health intelligence test online and expand distribution in the selected stores by 2022.

Segmentation 4: by Sample Type
• Blood
• Urine
• Saliva
• Others

Among the sample type of the U.S. DTC wellness testing market, the blood segment dominated in the year 2021. The market growth of this segment can be attributed to an increase in the number of DTC wellness testing companies offering blood-based test kits, companies involved in at-home testing kits, and rising acute and chronic ailments among the U.S. population. As a result, the market for DTC wellness testing has increased and is anticipating incredible growth in the near future.

Segmentation 5: by Region
• Southern U.S.
• Midwest U.S.
• Mid-Atlantic U.S.
• West U.S.
• Southwest U.S.
• New England

Among the region of U.S. DTC wellness testing market, the Southern U.S. dominated in the year 2021. The Southern U.S. consists of the states of Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, West Virginia, and District of Columbia. This is primarily due to the presence of market-leading service providers, such as Quest Diagnostics, Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings, Cue. and Myriad Genetics, and 23andMe, Inc., having highly functioning facilities in the state and providing DTC services at the ease of customers convenience.

Recent Developments in the U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market

• In March 2021, 23andMe, Inc. and VG Acquisition Corp. entered into a definitive merger agreement with 23andMe, Inc. This business combination resulted in the company being valued at approximately $3,500 million.
• In October 2021, Everlywell, Inc. acquired Natalist, a company that offers consumers conception and pregnancy essentials. Everlywell, Inc. offers DTC wellness products such as pregnancy tests, ovulation tests, and prenatal supplements.
• In March 2021, Everlywell, Inc. acquired PWNHealth and Home Access Health Corporation and formed the parent company Everly Health. All these companies were acquired to support more than 20 million people annually in all 50 U.S. states, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
• In February 2022, Kindbody acquired Vios Fertility Institute, a network of fertility clinics. The acquisition helped the company to double its footprint in the U.S. to 26 clinics.
• In March 2022, Modern Fertility (Ro) acquired Dadi company specialized in sperm testing, storage, and analysis. The company added $150 million funding and entered the female fertility product market.
• In May 2021, Modern Fertility was acquired by Ro, a digital health company, and added reproductive health to its growing platform at an approximate valuation of $225 million.

Demand – Drivers and Limitations

Following are the demand drivers for U.S. DTC wellness testing:

• Rising Awareness and Alluring Advantages of DTC Wellness Testing
• Increasing Demand for Transparency in Testing Performanc
• Emerging Market Players Catering to DTC Concept during COVID-19

The market is expected to face some limitations, too, due to the following challenges:

• Controlled DTC Wellness Testing and Regulations in the U.S.
• Data Privacy Concerns

How can this report add value to an organization?

Innovation Strategy: Companies in the U.S. DTC wellness testing are involved in continuous innovation and strategy related to wellness testing. For instance, in September 2022, IHD launched two direct-to-consumer (DTC), at-home diagnostic tests, COVID-19 neutralizing antibody (CNAB) test, and an anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) test. Similarly, in January 2022, Kindbody company launched at-home new fertility test, a new line of consumer products priced at $169.0, and raised $62 million in Series C growth capital. The company has also expanded to new regions in the U.S. throughout the second half of last year.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: Companies in the DTC wellness testing market are involved in promoting wellness products as part of their marketing strategy. For instance, in October 2022, Quest Diagnostics ran the first campaign with the R/GA agency, as it pursues to be direct-to-consumer testing agency, and with this, the company is promoting its own direct-to-consumer offerings.

Competitive Strategy: Key players in the U.S. DTC wellness testing analyzed and profiled in the study provides wellness products and services such as hormones, micronutrients, food sensitivity, and food intolerance. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the U.S. DTC wellness testing has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration. The leading top segment players include DTC wellness testing service providers that offer major test types in the DTC wellness ecosystem in the U.S. Also, other segments such as sample type, distribution channel, and offerings in the market have been considered as part of the scope of the study.

Among the test type in the U.S. DTC wellness testing market, the micronutrients segment dominated in the year 2021 with a market share of 28.40%.

Key Companies Profiled

• 23andMe Inc.
• Cue.
• Everlywell, Inc.
• Kindbody
• Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings
• LetGetChecked (PrivaPath Diagnostics Ltd.)
• myLAB Box.
• Myriad Genetics, Inc.
• Quest Diagnostics
• Ro (Modern Fertility)
• Tomorrow’s Health
• Viome Life Sciences, Inc.


Table of Contents

1 Markets
1.1 Product Definition
1.1.1 Inclusion and Exclusion
1.1.2 Scope of Work
1.2 Market Overview
1.2.1 DTC Wellness Testing Workflow
1.2.2 Current Market Scenario
1.2.3 Technology Trends
1.2.4 Market Footprint and Growth Potential
1.3 COVID-19 Impact on U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market
1.3.1 COVID-19 Impact: Current Scenario of the Market Impact on Market Growth and Challenges Impact on Market Players
1.3.2 Future Prospects of DTC Wellness Testing during COVID-19
1.3.3 Pre-COVID-19 and Post COVID-19 Impact Assessment
1.4 Pricing Analysis (by Test)
2 Industry Insight
2.1 Patent Analysis
2.1.1 Patent Filing Trend Patent Analysis (by Year)
2.2 Legal Requirements
2.2.1 Regulation of DTC Wellness Tests in the U.S. U.S. FDA Regulations Role of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC)
3 Market Dynamics
3.1 Overview
3.1.1 Market Drivers Rising Awareness and Alluring Advantages of DTC Wellness Testing Increasing Demand for Transparency in Testing Performance Emerging Market Players Catering to DTC Concept during COVID-19
3.1.2 Market Restraints Controlled DTC Wellness Testing and Regulations in the U.S. Data Privacy Concerns
3.1.3 Market Opportunities Expanding Geographic Reach of Companies in the Direct-to-Consumer Test Space Burgeoning Direct-to-Consumer Testing Services Market
4 Competitive Landscape
4.1 Competitive Landscape
4.1.1 Acquisitions
4.1.2 Synergistic Activities
4.1.3 Product Launches and Approvals
4.1.4 Business Expansion
4.1.5 Funding
4.1.6 Others
4.2 Market Share Analysis (2021)
4.3 Growth-Share Analysis (2021)
4.3.1 Growth-Share Analysis (by Offering)
4.3.2 Growth-Share Analysis (by Distribution Channel)
4.4 U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market: Stakeholder Analysis (N=20)
4.4.1 Current Trend of U.S. DTC Wellness Testing
4.4.2 Role of Companies in the DTC Wellness Testing in the U.S.
4.4.3 Distribution Channel in the U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market
4.4.4 State-wise DTC Wellness Testing
5 U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market, by Test Type, ($Million), 2021 - 2032
5.1 Overview
5.1.1 Hormone Fertility Hormone Testing Insulin Sensitivity Insulin Resistance Other Hormone Test Type
5.1.2 Micronutrients
5.1.3 Food Intolerance
5.1.4 Food Sensitivity
5.1.5 COVID-19 DTC Test
5.1.6 Infectious Disease Tests
5.1.7 Other Test Type
6 U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market, by Offering, By Value ($Million), 2021-2032
6.1 Overview
6.1.1 Test Panel
6.1.2 Test Strips
6.1.3 Digital Monitoring Instruments
6.1.4 Other Offering Type
7 U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market, by Distribution Channel, By Value ($Million), 2021-2032
7.1 Overview
7.1.1 Online
7.1.2 Over-the-Counter
8 U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market, by Sample Type, By Value ($Million), 2021-2032
8.1 Overview
8.1.1 Blood
8.1.2 Urine
8.1.3 Saliva
8.1.4 Other Sample Type
9 U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market, by Region, ($Million), 2021-2032
9.1 Overview
9.1.1 Southern U.S.
9.1.2 Midwest U.S.
9.1.3 Mid-Atlantic U.S.
9.1.4 West U.S.
9.1.5 Southwest U.S.
9.1.6 New England
10 Market – Competitive Benchmarking & Company Profiles
10.1 Overview
10.2 23andMe Inc.
10.2.1 Company Overview
10.2.2 Role of 23andMe Inc. in the U.S. Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Testing Market
10.2.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.2.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.2.5 Corporate Strategies
10.2.6 Financials
10.2.7 Analyst Perspectives
10.3 Cue.
10.3.1 Company Overview
10.3.2 Role of Cue. in the U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market
10.3.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.3.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.3.5 Corporate Strategies
10.3.6 Business Strategies
10.3.7 Financials
10.3.8 Analyst Perspectives
10.4 Everlywell, Inc.
10.4.1 Company Overview
10.4.2 Role of Everlywell, Inc. in the U.S. Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Testing Market
10.4.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.4.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.4.5 Corporate Strategies
10.4.6 Business Strategies
10.4.7 Analyst Perspectives
10.5 Kindbody
10.5.1 Company Overview
10.5.2 Role of Kindbody in the U.S. Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Testing Market
10.5.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.5.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.5.5 Corporate Strategies
10.5.6 Business Strategies
10.5.7 Analyst Perspectives
10.6 Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings
10.6.1 Company Overview
10.6.2 Role of Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings in the U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market
10.6.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.6.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.6.5 Corporate Strategies
10.6.6 Financials
10.6.7 Analyst Perspectives
10.7 LetGetChecked (PrivaPath Diagnostics Ltd.)
10.7.1 Company Overview
10.7.2 Role of LetsGetChecked in the U.S. Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Testing Market
10.7.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.7.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.7.5 Corporate Strategies
10.7.6 Business Strategies
10.7.7 Analyst Perspectives
10.8 myLAB Box.
10.8.1 Company Overview
10.8.2 Role of myLAB Box. In the U.S. Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Testing Market
10.8.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.8.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.8.5 Analyst Perspectives
10.9 Myriad Genetics, Inc.
10.9.1 Company Overview
10.9.2 Role of Myriad Genetics, Inc. in the U.S. Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Testing Market
10.9.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.9.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.9.5 Corporate Strategies
10.9.6 Financials
10.9.7 Key Insights about the Financial Health of the Company
10.9.8 Analyst Perspective
10.1 Quest Diagnostics
10.10.1 Company Overview
10.10.2 Role of Quest Diagnostics in the U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market
10.10.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.10.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.10.5 Corporate Strategies
10.10.6 Business Strategies
10.10.7 Financials
10.10.8 Analyst Perspectives
10.11 Ro (Modern Fertility)
10.11.1 Company Overview
10.11.2 Role of Ro in the U.S. Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Testing Market
10.11.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.11.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.11.5 Corporate Strategies
10.11.6 Business Strategies
10.11.7 Analyst Perspectives
10.12 Tomorrow’s Health
10.12.1 Company Overview
10.12.2 Role of Tomorrow’s Health. In the U.S. Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Testing Market
10.12.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.12.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.12.5 Analyst Perspectives
10.13 Viome Life Sciences, Inc.
10.13.1 Company Overview
10.13.2 Role of Viome Life Sciences, Inc. in the U.S. Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Testing Market
10.13.3 Key Competitors of the Company
10.13.4 Key Customers of the Company
10.13.5 Corporate Strategies
10.13.6 Business Strategies
10.13.7 Analyst Perspectives
10.14 Emerging Companies
10.14.1 Spot Health, Inc.
10.14.2 CRI Genetics
10.14.3 Color Genomics
List of Figures
Figure 1: Impact Analysis of Market Drivers and Market Challenges on the U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market
Figure 2: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Test Type), $Million, 2021 and 2032
Figure 3: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Offering), $Million, 2021 and 2032
Figure 4: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Distribution Channel), $Million, 2021 and 2032
Figure 5: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Sample Type), $Million, 2021 and 2032
Figure 6: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Region), $Million, 2021 and 2032
Figure 7: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market Research Methodology
Figure 8: Bottom-Up Approach (Segment-Wise Analysis)
Figure 9: Top-Down Approach (Segment-Wise Analysis)
Figure 10: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market: Segmentation
Figure 11: DTC At-Home Collection Kit Workflow
Figure 12: Impact of COVID-19 on the U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market
Figure 13: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market: COVID-19 Impact
Figure 14: Pricing of U.S. DTC Wellness Test Type
Figure 15: Year-Wise Analysis of Patents Related to DTC Wellness Testing, January 2019-December 2022
Figure 16: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market - Market Dynamics
Figure 17: Share of Key Developments and Strategies, January 2019-December 2022
Figure 18: Share of Acquisitions (by Company), January 2019-December 2022
Figure 19: Synergistic Activities Share (by Company), January 2019-December 2022
Figure 20: Product Launches and Approvals (by Company), January 2019-April 2022
Figure 21: Share of Business Expansion Activities (by Company), January 2019-December 2022
Figure 22: Share of Funding Activities (by Company), January 2019-December 2022
Figure 23: Market Share Analysis for U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market, ($Million), 2021
Figure 24: Growth-Share Analysis of the U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Offering), 2021
Figure 25: Growth-Share Matrix for U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Distribution Channel), 2021
Figure 26: Role of Major Giants in DTC Wellness Testing in the U.S.
Figure 27: Share of Online and Over-the-Counter Distribution Channel
Figure 28: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Test Type)
Figure 29: Share of U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Test Type), ($Million), 2021 and 2032
Figure 30: Workflow of DTC Testing for Customers
Figure 31: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Hormone), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 32: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Fertility Hormone Testing), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 33: Burden of Diabetes in the U.S.
Figure 34: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Insulin Sensitivity), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 35: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Insulin Resistance), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 36: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Other Hormone Test Type), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 37: Micronutrient Test Components
Figure 38: Facts on Vitamin Deficiency in Americans
Figure 39: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Micronutrients), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 40: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Food Intolerance), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 41: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Food Sensitivity), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 42: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (COVID-19 DTC Test), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 43: Policy Recommendations for DTC Infectious Disease Testing
Figure 44: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Infectious Disease Test), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 45: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Other Test Type), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 46: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Offering)
Figure 47: Share of U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Offering Type), ($Million), 2021 and 2032
Figure 48: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Test Panel), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 49: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Test Strips), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 50: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Digital Monitoring Instruments), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 51: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Other Offering Type), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 52: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Distribution Channel)
Figure 53: Share of U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Distribution Channel), ($Million), 2021 and 2032
Figure 54: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Online), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 55: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Over- the-Counter), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 56: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Sample Type)
Figure 57: Share of U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Sample Type), ($Million), 2021 and 2032
Figure 58: Advantages of DTC Blood Testing
Figure 59: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Blood), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 60: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Urine), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 61: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Saliva), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 62: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (Other Sample Type), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 63: U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market (by Region), ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 64: Southern U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market, ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 65: Midwest U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market, ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 66: Mid-Atlantic U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market, ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 67: West U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market, $Million, 2021-2032
Figure 68: Southwest U.S. DTC Wellness Testing Market, ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 69: New England DTC Wellness Testing Market, ($Million), 2021-2032
Figure 70: Total Number of Companies Profiled
Figure 71: 23andMe, Inc.: Overall Product Portfolio
Figure 72: 23andMe, Inc.: Overall Financials, ($Million), 2020-2022
Figure 73: 23andMe, Inc.: Revenue (by Segment), ($Million), 2020-2022
Figure 74: 23andMe, Inc.: R&D Expenditure, ($Million), 2020-2022
Figure 75: Cue.: Overall Product Portfolio
Figure 76: Cue.: Overall Financials, ($Million), 2019-2021
Figure 77: Cue.: Revenue (by Segment), ($Million), 2019-2021
Figure 78: Cue.: R&D Expenditure, ($Million), 2019-2021
Figure 79: Everlywell, Inc.: Overall Product Portfolio
Figure 80: Kindbody: Overall Product Portfolio
Figure 81: Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings: Overall Product Portfolio
Figure 82: Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings: Overall Financials, ($Million), 2019-2021
Figure 83: Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings: Revenue (by Segment), ($Million), 2019-2021
Figure 84: Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings: Revenue (by Region), ($Million), 2019-2021
Figure 85: LetsGetChecked: Overall Product Portfolio
Figure 86: myLAB Box.: Overall Product Portfolio
Figure 87: Myriad Genetics, Inc.: Product Portfolio
Figure 88: Myriad Genetics, Inc.: Overall Financials, ($Million), 2019-2021
Figure 89: Myriad Genetics, Inc.: Revenue (by Segment), $Million, 2019-2021
Figure 90: Myriad Genetics, Inc.: R&D Expenditure, ($Million), 2019-2021
Figure 91: Quest Diagnostics: Overall Product Portfolio
Figure 92: Quest Diagnostics: Overall Financials, ($Million), 2019-2021
Figure 93: Quest Diagnostics: Revenue (by Segment), ($Million), 2019-2021
Figure 94: Ro: Overall Product Portfolio
Figure 95: Tomorrow’s Health: Overall Product Portfolio
Figure 96: Viome Life Sciences, Inc.: Overall Product Portfolio
List of Tables
Table 1: Role of AACC in Regulating DTC Testing
Table 2: U.S. States and Access of Individuals to Direct Access Testing
Table 3: Examples of Expansion by the DTC Wellness Testing Market Players
Table 4: Examples of Hormone Testing DTC Companies
Table 5: Examples of Fertility Hormone Testing DTC Companies
Table 6: Examples of Insulin Sensitivity Testing DTC Companies
Table 7: Examples of Micronutrients Testing Companies
Table 8: Examples of Food Sensitivity DTC Companies
Table 9: Examples of COVID-19 DTC Companies
Table 10: Exampless of Infectious Diseases Test DTC Companies
Table 11: Examples of Other Test Types by DTC Companies
Table 12: Examples of Companies Offering Test Panel
Table 13: Examples of Companies Offering Test Strips
Table 14: Examples of Companies Offering Test Strips
Table 15: Examples of Companies Offering Online DTC Wellness Test
Table 16: Examples of Companies Offering OTC DTC Wellness Test
Table 17: Examples of Companies Offering Products Using Blood Sample Type
Table 18: Examples of Companies Offering Urine Sample Type
Table 19: Examples of Companies Offering Other Sample Types
Table 20: Estimated Cancer Deaths in California, 2022


Press Release

The U.S. DTC wellness testing market is estimated to reach $4,946.3 million in 2032, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 18.86% during the forecast period 2022-2032.

The market for U.S. direct-to-consumer wellness testing has grown considerably. The awareness among consumers about DTC wellness testing is increasing, and this has led to the bio boom of wellness services. Another factor that has accelerated the market growth, is the rising focus of consumers towards health and fitness, rising number of illnesses, personalized wellness experience for consumers, and authentic health and wellness influencers. In addition, DTC brands are also offering services to their consumers through in-built health and wellness applications which is propelling the overall market growth.

USP of the Report

• Extensive competitive benchmarking of the top 13 public players and three emerging companies
• Market ranking analysis based on product portfolio, recent developments, and regional spread
• Investment landscape, including product adoption scenario, funding, and patent analysis

Analyst Perspective

According to Nitish Kumar, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “Direct-to-consumer tests (DTC) wellness testing helps customers to deliver a customized solution based on their test requirements. It does not involve the health care provider, and these tests generally request the consumer to collect a specimen, such as blood, saliva, or urine, and send it to the company for testing and analysis. In recent years, several companies have started selling wellness tests via online channels. Overall, these tests are supposed to guide the user towards more informed decisions about lifestyle choices.”

Key Companies Operating in The Market

Key players in the U.S. DTC wellness testing analyzed and profiled in the study provides wellness products and services such as hormones, micronutrients, food sensitivity, and food intolerance. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the U.S. DTC wellness testing has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

The key players profiled in the report include 23andMe Inc., Cue., Everlywell, Inc., Kindbody, Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings, LetGetChecked (PrivaPath Diagnostics Ltd.), myLAB Box., Myriad Genetics, Inc., Quest Diagnostics, Ro (Modern Fertility), Tomorrow’s Health, and Viome Life Sciences, Inc.

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What are the major market drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the U.S. DTC wellness testing market?
• What are the underlying structures resulting in the emerging trends within the U.S. DTC wellness testing market?
• How is each segment of the U.S. DTC wellness testing market expected to grow during the forecast period, and what will be the expected revenue generated by each of the segments by the end of 2032?
• What are the key developmental strategies implemented by the major players to sustain in the competitive market?
• What are the key regulatory implications in developed and developing regions for DTC wellness testing in the U.S.?
• Who are the leading players with significant offerings to the U.S. DTC wellness testing market, and what is the current market dominance for each of these leading players?
• What would be the compound growth rate witnessed by the leading players in the market during the forecast period 2022-2032?
• Which DTC wellness testing type is anticipated to have the most promising growth?
• Who are the key manufacturers in the U.S. DTC wellness testing market, and what are their contributions? Also, what is the growth potential of each major DTC wellness testing manufacturer?
• What is the scope of the U.S. DTC wellness testing market? Which DTC wellness testing application and sample type is expected to dominate the U.S. market?
• What are the emerging trends in the U.S. DTC wellness testing market? How are these trends revolutionizing diagnostic procedures?
• Which companies are anticipated to be highly disruptive in the future, and why?
• What are the regulatory procedures that are required to unify the approval process for emerging DTC wellness testing?






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多数のアナリストチームと大規模な業界専門家のネットワークを擁するBISリサーチは、市場に影響を与える革新的な技術に関して、高度なマーケットインテリジェンスを提供しています。特に、新興テクノロジーに関す... もっと見る


在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。


5) 調査会社からお客様へ納品されます。最近は、pdfにてのメール納品が大半です。










2024/07/04 10:27

162.47 円

175.74 円

209.86 円
