
衛星IoT通信市場 - 第4版

The Satellite IoT Communications Market - 4th Edition

概要 本調査は衛星IoT接続市場を調査したものである。本調査では、既存事業者とすべての新しいLEO小型衛星コンステレーションを含む合計40の衛星IoT事業者を対象としている。世界の衛星IoT通信市場は... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Berg Insight
2024年10月13日 Eur1,500
65 英語








衛星IoT通信市場は、新興衛星IoT接続市場の最新動向と展開を分析しています。Berg Insight社のこの戦略的調査レポートは、5年間の業界予測や専門家による解説など、ビジネス上の意思決定に役立つ独自のビジネスインテリジェンスを65ページにわたって提供しています。


  • 衛星IoT通信エコシステムの360度概観
  • 衛星IoT事業者40社の戦略レビュー
  • 新しいLEO超小型衛星コンステレーションの影響に関する展望
  • 最新の業界動向と開発状況のまとめ
  • 事業者の市場シェアと競争力に関するレビュー
  • 2028年までの広範な世界および地域市場予測




既存の衛星通信事業者に加えて、最近では多くの新しい取り組みが市場に登場している。注目されるプロジェクトの例としては、Astrocast、AST SpaceMobile、CASC/CASIC、E-Space、Hubble Network、Kepler Communications、Kineis、Ligado Networks、Lynk、Myriota、Omnispace、Skylo、Swarm Technologies(SpaceX)、Totumなどがある。これらの多くは、地球低軌道の超小型衛星のコンセプトに基づいている。IoTデバイスをサポートするために独自の衛星接続技術に依存しているものもあるが、地上ワイヤレスIoT接続技術を活用し始めているものもある。例えば、OQ Technology、AST SpaceMobile、Omnispace、Sateliot、Galaxy Space、Ligado Networks、Lynk、Skylo、Starlink(3GPP 4G/5G)、EchoStar Mobile、Fossa Systems、Lacuna Space、Innova Space、Eutelsat(LoRaWAN)、Hubble Network(Bluetooth)などである。


  • 衛星接続に最も適したIoTアプリケーションは?   
  • 衛星IoT通信市場の最新動向は?
  • 新たなLEO超小型衛星コンステレーションは市場にどのような影響を与えるか?
  • 主要衛星IoT事業者の市場シェアは?
  • 北米、欧州、中国、ROWの地域別動向は?
  • 最新の衛星・地上ハイブリッド接続構想は?
  • 世界の衛星IoT市場は今後5年間でどのように進化するか?







1 モノのインターネットのための衛星ネットワーク

1.1 衛星IoT技術の紹介
1.1.1 従来のGEOコンステレーション
1.1.2 新時代の大型LEOコンステレーション
1.2 衛星IoTコンステレーション
1.2.1 衛星軌道の種類
1.2.2 宇宙ゴミの課題
1.2.3 周波数帯域
1.2.4 遅延時間
1.2.5 カバレッジと容量
1.2.6 プロトコルの選択と標準
1.3 衛星IoT業界における投資とM&A
1.4 衛星IoTのユースケース
1.5 ビジネスモデルとプロジェクト戦略
1.6 打ち上げサービス
1.7 衛星設計と製造
1.8 衛星IoTモジュールと端末
1.9 衛星IoT接続の価格設定例

2 市場予測と動向

2.1 市場分析
2.1.1 既存の衛星IoT事業者
2.1.2 数多くのLEOコンステレーションが後押しする新たな宇宙開発競争
2.1.3 衛星と地上のハイブリッド接続構想の増加
2.1.4 いくつかのコンステレーション・プロジェクトは中止された
2.1.5 衛星IoTの加入者予測
2.1.6 衛星事業者の市場シェア
2.2 地域別動向
2.2.1 欧州
2.2.2 北米
2.2.3 中国
2.2.4 その他の地域
2.3 今後の業界動向

3 企業プロファイルと戦略

3.1 欧州の衛星事業者
3.1.1  Apogeo Space
3.1.2  Astrocast
3.1.3  EchoStar Mobile
3.1.4  Eutelsat Group
3.1.5  Fossa Systems
3.1.6  Kineis
3.1.7  Lacuna Space
3.1.8  OQ Technology
3.1.9  Sateliot
3.2 北米の衛星事業者
3.2.1  Amazon
3.2.2  AST SpaceMobile
3.2.3  eSAT Global
3.2.4  E-Space
3.2.5  Globalstar
3.2.6  Hubble Network
3.2.7  Ingenu
3.2.8  Iridium
3.2.9   Kepler Communications
3.2.10  Ligado Networks
3.2.11  Lynk
3.2.12  Omnispace
3.2.13  Orbcomm
3.2.14  Skylo
3.2.15  Starlink (SpaceX)
3.2.16  Swarm Technologies
3.2.17  Telesat
3.2.18  Totum
3.2.19  Viasat (Inmarsat)
3.3 中国の衛星事業者
3.3.1  CASC and CASIC
3.3.2  Commsat
3.3.3  Galaxy Space
3.3.4  Geespace (Geely)
3.3.5  Guodian Tech
3.3.6  Head Aerospace
3.4 その他の国の衛星事業者
3.4.1  hiSky
3.4.2  Innova Space
3.4.3  Myriota
3.4.4  Roscosmos
3.4.5  Sky and Space Company
3.4.6  Thuraya




2024-10-13 プレスリリース


「イリジウム、オーブコム、バイアサット(インマルサット)、グローバルスターは、現在最大の衛星IoTネットワーク事業者です」と、Berg Insight社の主席アナリスト、Johan Fagerberg氏は言う。イリジウムは昨年、加入者数を17%増やし、180万人にサービスを提供するナンバーワンの座を獲得した。Orbcommは元々衛星通信専業事業者であったが、現在ではエンド・ツー・エンドのソリューション・プロバイダーへと変貌を遂げ、独自の衛星ネットワークでサービスを提供するとともに、Viasat(Inmarsat)等の再販パートナーでもある。2023年第4四半期末時点で、同社は自社とViasatのネットワークで71万5,000万の衛星IoT加入者を獲得した。グローバルスターは0.48百万加入者に達した。その他、オーストラリアのMyriota、フランスのKineis、アラブ首長国連邦のThurayaなど、数万人規模の衛星通信事業者がある。

既存の衛星通信事業者に加えて、最近では多くの新しい取り組みが市場に登場している。注目されるプロジェクトの例としては、Astrocast、AST SpaceMobile、CASC/CASIC、E-Space、Hubble Network、Kepler Communications、Kineis、Ligado Networks、Lynk、Myriota、Omnispace、Skylo、Swarm Technologies(SpaceX)、Totumなどがある。これらの多くは、地球低軌道の超小型衛星のコンセプトに基づいている。IoTデバイスをサポートするために独自の衛星接続技術に依存しているものもあるが、地上ワイヤレスIoT接続技術を活用し始めているものもある。例えば、OQ Technology、AST SpaceMobile、Omnispace、Sateliot、Galaxy Space、Ligado Networks、Lynk、Skylo、Starlink(3GPP 4G/5G)、EchoStar Mobile、Fossa Systems、Lacuna Space、Innova Space、Eutelsat(LoRaWAN)、Hubble Network(Bluetooth)などである。衛星と地上のハイブリッド接続の新たな可能性を探る衛星通信事業者と携帯通信事業者のコラボレーションは、今後数年で一般的になるだろう。「スカイロは、ドイツテレコム、BICS、emnify、floLIVE、Monogoto、O2テレフォニカ(ドイツ)、Particle、Soracom、Transatel、1GLOBAL(Truphone)と提携し、セルラーと衛星のハイブリッド接続で最近最も積極的なNTNプロバイダーである。携帯電話会社やMVNOと提携している衛星IoT事業者には、Sateliot、Starlink、OQ Technology、Omnispace、Lynk、Intelsat、Viasat、AST SpaceMobileなどがある」とFagerberg氏は結論付けている。






 This study investigates the satellite IoT connectivity market. The research covers a total of 40 satellite IoT operators including both the incumbent operators and all the new LEO smallsat constellations. The global satellite IoT communications market is growing at a good steady pace. The global satellite IoT subscriber base grew to surpass 5.1 million in 2022. The number of satellite IoT subscribers will increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 39.2 percent to reach 26.7 million units in 2028. Get up to date with the latest information and trends about the satellite IoT business opportunity.



The Satellite IoT Communications Market analyses the latest trends and developments on the emerging satellite IoT connectivity market. This strategic research report from Berg Insight provides you with 65 pages of unique business intelligence including 5-year industry forecasts and expert commentary on which to base your business decisions.

Highlights from this report:

  • 360-degree overview of the satellite IoT communications ecosystem.
  • Reviews of the strategies of 40 satellite IoT operators.
  • Perspectives on the impact of the new LEO nano satellite constellations.
  • Summary of the latest industry trends and developments.
  • Reviews of operator market shares and competitive dynamics.
  • Extensive global and regional market forecasts lasting until 2028.

The number of satellite IoT subscribers to reach 26.7 million in 2028

Only about 10 percent of the Earth’s surface has access to terrestrial connectivity services which leaves a massive opportunity for satellite IoT communications. Satellite connectivity provides a complement to terrestrial cellular and non-cellular networks in remote locations, especially useful for applications in agriculture, asset tracking, maritime and intermodal transportation, oil and gas industry exploration, utilities, construction and governments. Both incumbent satellite operators and more than two dozen new initiatives are now betting on the IoT connectivity market. This study covers a total of 40 satellite IoT operators. Only 17 of these offer commercial satellite IoT connectivity services today.

The global satellite IoT communications market is growing at a good steady pace. The global satellite IoT subscriber base grew to surpass 5.1 million in 2023. The number of satellite IoT subscribers will increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 39.2 percent to reach 26.7 million units in 2028. Satellite IoT connectivity revenues are at the same time forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 34.8 percent from € 302.9 million in 2023 to approximately € 1.35 billion in 2028. Meanwhile the monthly ARPU is expected to drop to € 4.20 by 2028. Iridium, Orbcomm, Inmarsat and Globalstar are the largest satellite IoT network operators. Iridium grew its subscriber base by 17 percent in the last year and reached the number one spot serving 1.8 million subscribers. Originally a dedicated satellite operator, Orbcomm has transitioned into an end-to-end solution provider, delivering services on its own satellite network as well as being a reseller partner of Inmarsat and others. At the end of Q4-2023, the company had more than 0.7 million satellite IoT subscribers on its own and Inmarsat’s networks. Inmarsat does not currently report IoT subscribers. Globalstar reached 0.48 million subscribers. Other players with connections in the tens of thousands include for instance Myriota in Australia, Kineis in France and Thuraya in the UAE.

In addition to the incumbent satellite operators a number of new initiatives have appeared on the market recently. Examples of some high-profile projects are Astrocast, AST SpaceMobile, CASC/CASIC, E-Space, Hubble Network, Kepler Communications, Kineis, Ligado Networks, Lynk, Myriota, Omnispace, Skylo, Swarm Technologies (SpaceX) and Totum. Many of these are based on low-earth orbit nano satellite concepts. While some rely on proprietary satellite connectivity technologies to support IoT devices, several are starting to leverage terrestrial wireless IoT connectivity technologies. Examples include OQ Technology, AST SpaceMobile, Omnispace, Sateliot, Galaxy Space, Ligado Networks, Lynk, Skylo and Starlink (3GPP 4G/5G); EchoStar Mobile, Fossa Systems, Lacuna Space, Innova Space and Eutelsat (LoRaWAN); and Hubble Network (Bluetooth).

This report answers the following questions:

  • Which IoT applications are most relevant for satellite connectivity?
  • What are the latest developments in the satellite IoT communications market?
  • How will the emerging LEO nanosatellite constellations affect the market?
  • What are the market shares for the leading satellite IoT operators?
  • What are the regional developments in North America, Europe, China and ROW?
  • Which are the latest hybrid satellite-terrestrial connectivity initiatives?
  • How will the global satellite IoT market evolve over the next five years?



Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
List of Figures

Executive summary

1    Satellite Networks for the Internet of Things

1.1    Introduction to satellite IoT technologies
1.1.1    Traditional GEO constellations
1.1.2    The new age of large LEO constellations
1.2    Satellite IoT constellations
1.2.1    Satellite orbit types
1.2.2    Space junk challenges
1.2.3    Frequency bands
1.2.4    Latency
1.2.5    Coverage and capacity
1.2.6    Protocol choices and standards
1.3    Investments and M&As in the satellite IoT industry
1.4    Use cases for satellite IoT
1.5    Business models and project strategies
1.6    Launch services
1.7    Satellite design and manufacturing
1.8    Satellite IoT modules and terminals
1.9    Satellite IoT connectivity pricing examples

2    Market Forecasts and Trends

2.1    Market analysis
2.1.1    The incumbent satellite IoT operators
2.1.2    The new space race boosted by numerous new LEO constellations
2.1.3    Hybrid satellite-terrestrial connectivity initiatives on the rise
2.1.4    Some constellation projects have been discontinued
2.1.5    Satellite IoT subscriber forecasts
2.1.6    Satellite operator market shares
2.2    Regional trends
2.2.1    Europe
2.2.2    North America
2.2.3    China
2.2.4    Rest of World
2.3    Future industry trends

3    Company Profiles and Strategies

3.1    European satellite operators
3.1.1    Apogeo Space
3.1.2    Astrocast
3.1.3    EchoStar Mobile
3.1.4    Eutelsat Group
3.1.5    Fossa Systems
3.1.6    Kineis
3.1.7    Lacuna Space
3.1.8    OQ Technology
3.1.9    Sateliot
3.2    North American satellite operators
3.2.1    Amazon
3.2.2    AST SpaceMobile
3.2.3    eSAT Global
3.2.4    E-Space
3.2.5    Globalstar
3.2.6    Hubble Network
3.2.7    Ingenu
3.2.8    Iridium
3.2.9    Kepler Communications
3.2.10    Ligado Networks
3.2.11    Lynk
3.2.12    Omnispace
3.2.13    Orbcomm
3.2.14    Skylo
3.2.15    Starlink (SpaceX)
3.2.16    Swarm Technologies
3.2.17    Telesat
3.2.18    Totum
3.2.19    Viasat (Inmarsat)
3.3    Chinese satellite operators
3.3.1    CASC and CASIC
3.3.2    Commsat
3.3.3    Galaxy Space
3.3.4    Geespace (Geely)
3.3.5    Guodian Tech
3.3.6    Head Aerospace
3.4    Rest of World satellite operators
3.4.1    hiSky
3.4.2    Innova Space
3.4.3    Myriota
3.4.4    Roscosmos
3.4.5    Sky and Space Company
3.4.6    Thuraya



Press Release

2024-10-13 Press releases
The global satellite IoT subscriber base to reach 26.7 million by 2028

The global satellite IoT communications market is growing at a good steady pace according to a new research report from specialist IoT analyst firm Berg Insight. The global satellite IoT subscriber base grew to surpass 5.1 million in 2023. The number of satellite IoT subscribers will increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 39.2 percent to reach 26.7 million units in 2028. Only about 10 percent of the Earth’s surface has access to terrestrial connectivity services which leaves a massive opportunity for satellite IoT communications. Satellite connectivity provides a complement to terrestrial cellular and non-cellular networks in remote locations, especially useful for applications in agriculture, asset tracking, maritime and intermodal transportation, oil and gas industry exploration, utilities, construction and governments. Both incumbent satellite operators and more than two dozen new initiatives are now betting on the IoT connectivity market. This new study covers a total of 40 satellite IoT operators.


“Iridium, Orbcomm, Viasat (Inmarsat) and Globalstar are the largest satellite IoT network operators today”, says Johan Fagerberg, Principal Analyst at Berg Insight. Iridium grew its subscriber base by 17 percent in the last year and reached the number one spot serving 1.8 million subscribers. Originally a dedicated satellite operator, Orbcomm has transitioned into an end-to-end solution provider, delivering services on its own satellite network as well as being a reseller partner of Viasat (Inmarsat) and others. At the end of Q4-2023, the company had 715,000 million satellite IoT subscribers on its own and Viasat’s networks. Globalstar reached 0.48 million subscribers. Other players with connections in the tens of thousands include for instance Myriota in Australia, Kineis in France and Thuraya in the UAE.


In addition to the incumbent satellite operators a number of new initiatives have appeared on the market recently. Examples of some high-profile projects are Astrocast, AST SpaceMobile, CASC/CASIC, E-Space, Hubble Network, Kepler Communications, Kineis, Ligado Networks, Lynk, Myriota, Omnispace, Skylo, Swarm Technologies (SpaceX) and Totum. Many of these are based on low-earth orbit nano satellite concepts. While some rely on proprietary satellite connectivity technologies to support IoT devices, several are starting to leverage terrestrial wireless IoT connectivity technologies. Examples include OQ Technology, AST SpaceMobile, Omnispace, Sateliot, Galaxy Space, Ligado Networks, Lynk, Skylo and Starlink (3GPP 4G/5G); EchoStar Mobile, Fossa Systems, Lacuna Space, Innova Space and Eutelsat (LoRaWAN); and Hubble Network (Bluetooth). Collaborations between satellite operators and mobile operators that explore new hybrid satellite-terrestrial connectivity opportunities will become common in the next years. “Skylo has been the most active NTN provider lately for hybrid cellular/satellite offerings working with Deutsche Telekom, BICS, emnify, floLIVE, Monogoto, O2 Telefónica (Germany), Particle, Soracom, Transatel and 1GLOBAL (Truphone). Additional satellite IoT operators partnering with mobile operators and MVNOs include Sateliot, Starlink, OQ Technology, Omnispace, Lynk, Intelsat, Viasat and AST SpaceMobile”, concludes Mr Fagerberg.








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2024/10/18 10:26

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