
mHealth(モバイルヘルス)とホームモニタリング (第11版)

mHealth and Home Monitoring – 11th Edition

概要 ワイヤレスヘルスケアモニタリングの膨大なビジネスチャンスに、モバイル業界はどう対処すべきか?世界市場におけるコネクテッドホーム医療モニタリング機器の数は、2021年末時点で5680万台、今... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Berg Insight
2023年1月19日 Eur1,800
260 英語










  • 市場をリードする30社の新しいエグゼクティブインタビューから利益を得られる
  • 主要な家庭用ヘルスモニターデバイスとサービスについて学ぶ
  • mHealthエコシステムにおける139の主要プレイヤーの戦略を 研究する
  • 欧州と北米のヘルスモニタリング市場のダイナミクスを理解する
  • 無線技術が医療機器とどのようにシームレスに統合されるかを理解する
  • 新興のmHealthセグメントにおけるビジネスチャンスを評価する
  • 将来の市場および技術開発を予測する




ベルグインサイトは、遠隔患者モニタリング(RPM)ソリューションの収益が2021年に311億ユーロに達し、医療モニタリング機器、mHealth接続ソリューション、ケア提供プラットフォーム、mHealthケアプログラムからの収益を含むと推定しています。RPMの収益は、2021年から2027年にかけてCAGR 9.5%で成長し、予測期間終了時には535億ユーロに達すると予想されます。2021年のRPMの総収益のうち、コネクテッドメディカルデバイスが60%を占めています。しかし、mHealth接続ソリューション、ケアデリバリープラットフォーム、mHealthケアプログラムの収益はより速いペースで成長しており、2021年の40パーセントから、2027年には総収益の55パーセントを占めると予想されます。

新しいサービスや価値提案を可能にするために、医療機器にさらなる接続性を取り入れる傾向が強くなっています。睡眠療法は圧倒的に接続性の高いセグメントであり、ResMedとPhilipsが独占しています。モニター患者数は増加し続けており、2018年以降2倍以上に増加していますが、これは米国とフランスで導入されたコンプライアンス・モニタリングの要件が主な原因となっています。植込み型心拍管理(CRM)は、20年前にCRMソリューションに接続性を取り入れたメドトロニック、アボット、ボストン・サイエンティフィック、ビオトロニックなどの企業が主導し、伝統的に最大の市場セグメントとなっています。ベルグインサイトは、今後6年間で最も急速に成長する市場分野は、グルコースモニタリング、血圧モニタリング、コネクテッドメディスンソリューションの3つであると予測しています。現在、これらのセグメントでコネクテッド・ヘルスケアをリードする企業には、先進的な既存企業と、A&D Medical、Abbott、Dexcom、Glooko、Hero、Insulet、MedMinder、MedReady、Medtronic、オムロンヘルスケア、Proper Health、WellDocなどの革新的な新規参入企業が含まれています。

ケアデリバリープラットフォームは、mHealthバリューチェーンの中で最も急速に発展している部分の1つです。ケアデリバリープラットフォームは、ヘルスケアサービスの遠隔提供を可能にするソフトウェアソリューションです。市場には、さまざまなタイプのケアデリバリープラットフォームがあります。汎用プラットフォームは、さまざまなユースケースに適応することができ、治療に特化したmHealth製品を開発するための基盤として使用されることがよくあります。この分野に特化した企業としては、AMC Health、Bepatient、Huma、Luscii、S3 Connected Health、Voluntisなどがあります。



  • ワイヤレスヘルスモニターソリューションの可能性が最も高いのはどの病状か?
  • 接続型医療機器の主要なプロバイダーはどこか?
  • 医療機器ベンダーと製薬会社のmHealth戦略とは?
  • 家庭用健康監視機器の一般的な技術トレンドは何か?
  • 通信・IT業界の主要プレイヤーはどのようなイニシアティブをとっているか?
  • コネクティビティは、医療機器のユースケースや患者にとっての価値をどのように再定義することができるのか?
  • 新しい償還政策は、mHealthとコネクテッドケア市場にどのような影響を与えるか?
  • 医療提供者と支払者は、mHealthソリューションからどのような利益を得ることができるのか?






1 慢性疾患への挑戦

1.1 概要
1.1.1 高齢化社会
1.1.2 ライフスタイルに関連する疾患
1.2 一般的な慢性疾患
1.2.1 心不全
1.2.2 虚血性疾患
1.2.3 高血圧症
1.2.4 睡眠時無呼吸症候群
1.2.5 慢性呼吸器疾患
1.2.6 糖尿病
1.2.7 高脂血症
1.3 医療提供者と診療報酬制度
1.3.1 アジア太平洋地域の医療
1.3.2 欧州の医療
1.3.3 北米における医療
1.4 規制環境
1.4.1 欧州の規制環境
1.4.2 米国の規制環境
1.4.3 その他の主要市場における規制環境
1.4.4 国際標準化

2 mHealthプラットフォーム

2.1 mHealth市場の概要
2.1.1 mHealthの市場セグメント
2.1.2 医療機器のコネクティビティオプション
2.1.3 mHealth技術のバリューチェーン
2.2 mHealthコネクティビティソリューション
2.2.1  Alphabet
2.2.2  Apple
2.2.3  Bittium
2.2.4  Ericsson
2.2.5  Deutsche Telekom
2.2.6  eDevice
2.2.7  Enovacom (Orange Healthcare)
2.2.8  KORE
2.2.9  MedM
2.2.10  Microsoft
2.2.11  PTC
2.2.12  Telenor Connexion
2.2.13  Thales
2.2.14  Vodafone
2.3 mHealthケア提供プラットフォーム
2.3.1  AT&T
2.3.2  Bepatient
2.3.3  Clario (ERT)
2.3.4  Domicalis
2.3.5  Enovation (Verklizan)
2.3.6  Get Real Health
2.3.7  Huma
2.3.8  Luscii
2.3.9  Medisanté
2.3.10  Medixine
2.3.11  OpenTeleHealth
2.3.12  S3 Connected Health
2.3.13  Voluntis

3 生理学的モニタリングソリューションプロバイダー

3 生理学的モニタリング・ソリューション・プロバイダー
3.1 医療機器と遠隔モニタリング
3.1.1 市場セグメント別の医療機器売上高
3.1.2 遠隔患者モニタリング市場の概要
3.2 心拍管理
3.2.1 CRMデバイス市場の概要
3.2.2 CRMモニタリングのユースケース
3.2.3 遠隔モニタリングソリューションプロバイダー
3.2.4  Abbott (St. Jude Medical)
3.2.5  Biotronik
3.2.6  Boston Scientific
3.2.7  Medtronic
3.2.8  MicroPort (LivaNova)
3.3    リモートECGモニタリング
3.3.1 リモートECGモニタリングデバイスの市場概要
3.3.2 遠隔心電図モニタリングのユースケース
3.3.3 遠隔モニタリングソリューションプロバイダー
3.3.4  AliveCor
3.3.5  BioTelemetry (BioTel Heart)
3.3.6  Biotricity
3.3.7  CardioComm Solutions
3.3.8  InfoBionic
3.3.9  GE Healthcare
3.3.10  iRhythm Technologies
3.3.11  LevMed
3.3.12  Preventice Solutions
3.3.13  ScottCare
3.3.14  TZ Medical
3.3.15  VitalConnect
3.3.16  Zenicor
3.4 血圧モニタリング
3.4.1 血圧モニタリングデバイス市場の概要
3.4.2 血圧モニタリングのユースケース
3.4.3 遠隔モニタリングソリューションプロバイダー
3.4.4  A&D Medical
3.4.5  iHealth Labs
3.4.6  Microlife
3.4.7  Omron Healthcare
3.4.8  Smart Meter
3.4.9  Rossmax
3.4.10  Welch-Allyn
3.4.11  Withings
3.5 凝固モニタリング
3.5.1 凝固モニタリングデバイス市場の概要
3.5.2 血液凝固モニタリングのユースケース
3.5.3 遠隔モニタリングソリューションプロバイダー
3.5.4  CoaguSense
3.5.5  Helena Laboratories
3.5.6  iLine Microsystems
3.5.7  Roche Diagnostics
3.5.8  Siemens Healthineers
3.5.9  Werfen (Instrumentation Laboratory)
3.6 睡眠療法モニタリング
3.6.1 睡眠療法機器市場の概要
3.6.2 睡眠療法モニタリングのユースケース
3.6.3 遠隔モニタリングソリューションプロバイダー
3.6.4  BMC Medical
3.6.5  Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
3.6.6  Löwenstein Medical Technology
3.6.7  Philips Sleep and Respiratory Care
3.6.8  ResMed
3.6.9  SRETT
3.6.10  Somnics
3.6.11  SomnoMed
3.7 家庭用睡眠診断器
3.7.1 家庭用睡眠診断器市場の概要
3.7.2 在宅睡眠診断のユースケース
3.7.3 遠隔モニタリングソリューションプロバイダー
3.7.4  BioSerenity
3.7.5  Cadwell Laboratories
3.7.6  CleveMed
3.7.7  Compumedics
3.7.8  Itamar Medical
3.7.9  Natus Medical
3.7.10  Nox Medical
3.7.11  Onera Health
3.7.12  SOMNOmedics
3.8    Blood oxygen monitoring
3.8 血中酸素濃度測定装置
3.8.1 血中酸素濃度測定装置市場の概要
3.8.2 血中酸素モニタリングのユースケース
3.8.3 遠隔モニタリングソリューションプロバイダー
3.8.4  ChoiceMMed
3.8.5  Masimo
3.8.6  Nonin Medical
3.9  Airflow monitoring
3.9.1  Overview of the air flow monitoring device market
3.9.2  Use cases for airflow monitoring
3.9.3  Remote monitoring solution providers
3.9.4  AstraZeneca
3.9.5  Adherium
3.9.6  NIOX Group (Circassia Group)
3.9.7  Medical International Research
3.9.8  NDD Medical Technologies
3.9.9  Propeller Health
3.9.10  Respiri
3.9.11  Sibelmed
3.9.12  Vitalograph
3.10 グルコースレベルモニタリング
3.10.1 グルコースモニタリングデバイス市場の概要
3.10.2 グルコースモニタリングのユースケース
3.10.3 リモートモニタリングソリューションプロバイダー
3.10.4  Abbott Diabetes Care
3.10.5  Ascensia Diabetes Care
3.10.6  BioTel Care
3.10.7  Dexcom
3.10.8  Glooko
3.10.9  Insulet
3.10.10  LifeScan
3.10.11  Medtronic Diabetes Operating Unit
3.10.12  Roche Diabetes Care
3.10.13  Senseonics
3.10.14  Tandem Diabetes Care
3.10.15  WellDoc
3.11 その他
3.11.1 インプラント型医療機器
3.11.2 家庭用血液透析器
3.11.3 体温計、体重計
3.11.4 メンタルヘルス
3.11.5 コレステロール・モニタリング







How should the mobile industry address the vast business opportunity in wireless healthcare monitoring? The number of connected home medical monitoring devices on the global market was 56.8 million at the end of 2021 and is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 14.2 percent in the next six years to reach 126.1 million in 2027. Learn more about how wireless technology can become seamlessly integrated with medical devices in this 260-page in-depth report now in its eleventh edition.



mHealth and Home Monitoring is the eleventhth consecutive report from Berg Insight that gives first-hand insights into the adoption of wireless solutions for health monitoring. This strategic research report from Berg Insight provides you with 260 pages of unique business intelligence including 5-year industry forecasts and expert commentary on which to base your business decisions.

Highlights from this report:

  • Profit from 30 new executive interviews with market leading companies.
  • Learn about key home health monitoring devices and services.
  • Study the strategies of 139 key players in the mHealth ecosystem.
  • Understand the dynamics of the health monitoring market in Europe and North America.
  • Comprehend how wireless technology can become seamlessly integrated with medical devices.
  • Evaluate the business opportunities in the emerging mHealth segment.
  • Predict future market and technology developments.

56.8 million patients worldwide are remotely monitored

mHealth refers to the application of telecommunications in medicine and includes everything from connected medical devices to digital care programs. The adoption of mHealth solutions in healthcare is driven by a wide range of incentives, related to everything from demographics and technology development to new advancements in medical treatment. The primary focus of this report is on home monitoring solutions, which are commonly used to manage patients with various chronic conditions such as cardiac arrhythmia, sleep apnoea and diabetes. Other applications include remote diagnostics, compliance monitoring and clinical trials.

The number of remotely monitored patients reached 56.8 million in 2021 as the market acceptance continues to grow. This number includes all patients enrolled in mHealth care programs in which connected medical devices are used as a part of the care regimen. Berg Insight estimates that the number of remotely monitored patients will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.2 percent to reach 126.1 million by 2027. Cellular connectivity remains the de-facto standard communications technology for most types of connected home medical monitoring devices and will account for 61.3 million connections in 2027. However, the use of patients’ own mobile devices as health hubs has become a viable alternative for remote patient monitoring and BYOD connectivity is already the preferred option in some segments. By 2027 a total of 61.1 million patients will rely on BYOD connectivity.

Berg Insight estimates that revenues for remote patient monitoring (RPM) solutions reached €_31.1 billion in 2021, including revenues from medical monitoring devices, mHealth connectivity solutions, care delivery platforms and mHealth care programs. RPM revenues are expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.5 percent between 2021 and 2027 to reach € 53.5 billion at the end of the forecast period. Connected medical devices accounted for 60 percent of total RPM revenues in 2021. However, revenues for mHealth connectivity solutions, care delivery platforms and mHealth care programs are growing at a faster rate and will account for 55 percent of total revenues in 2027, up from 40 percent in 2021.

There is a strong trend towards incorporating more connectivity in medical devices in order to enable new services and value propositions. Sleep therapy is by far the most connected segment and is dominated by ResMed and Philips. The number of monitored patients continues to grow and has more than doubled since 2018, largely due to the compliance monitoring requirements that have been introduced in the US and France. Implantable cardiac rhythm management (CRM) has traditionally been the largest market segment, led by companies such as Medtronic, Abbott, Boston Scientific and Biotronik that included connectivity in CRM solutions two decades ago. Berg Insight predicts that three of the fastest growing market segments in the next six years will be glucose monitoring, blood pressure monitoring and connected medication solutions. Today, the leading connected healthcare players in these segments include forward-thinking incumbents as well as innovative new entrants such as A&D Medical, Abbott, Dexcom, Glooko, Hero, Insulet, MedMinder, MedReady, Medtronic, Omron Healthcare, Propeller Health and WellDoc.

Care delivery platforms are one of the most rapidly developing parts of the mHealth value chain. Care delivery platforms are software solutions that enable the remote delivery of healthcare services. There are various types of care delivery platforms available on the market. General-purpose platforms can be adapted to a wide variety of use cases and are often used as the basis for developing therapy-specific mHealth products. Companies that specialise in this area include AMC Health, Bepatient, Huma, Luscii, S3 Connected Health and Voluntis.

Healthcare systems around the world are currently undergoing a major transformation. The adoption of value-based care is spreading, and healthcare providers are looking for new solutions to provide cost-efficient and improved care. In response to this, the use of data-driven solutions to optimise healthcare is increasing. One example is the use of self-engagement apps that rely on behavioural analytics to coach patients in how to manage their conditions. The demand for remote patient monitoring has been further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we now see an increased acceptance as well as changed regulations in favour of remote patient monitoring. Berg Insight believes that this transformation will spur the adoption of mHealth solutions and expects healthy growth in the mHealth industry in the next six years.

This report answers the following questions:

  • Which medical conditions offer the best potential for wireless health monitoring solutions?
  • Who are the leading providers of connected medical devices?
  • What are the mHealth strategies of medical device vendors and pharmaceutical companies?
  • Which are the general technology trends for home health monitoring equipment?
  • What initiatives have been taken by the leading players in the telecom and IT industries?
  • How can connectivity redefine the use cases of medical devices and the value to patients?
  • How are new reimbursement polices affecting the mHealth and connected care market?
  • How can healthcare providers and payers benefit from mHealth solutions?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
List of Figures

Executive summary

1    The Challenge of Chronic Diseases

1.1    Introduction
1.1.1    The ageing population
1.1.2    Lifestyle-related diseases
1.2    Common chronic diseases
1.2.1    Cardiac arrhythmia
1.2.2    Ischemic diseases
1.2.3    Hypertension
1.2.4    Sleep apnoea
1.2.5    Chronic respiratory diseases
1.2.6    Diabetes
1.2.7    Hyperlipidaemia
1.3    Healthcare providers and reimbursement systems
1.3.1    Healthcare in Asia-Pacific
1.3.2    Healthcare in Europe
1.3.3    Healthcare in North America
1.4    Regulatory environment
1.4.1    Regulatory environment in Europe
1.4.2    Regulatory environment in the US
1.4.3    Regulatory environment in other major markets
1.4.4    International standardisation

2    mHealth Platforms

2.1    Overview of the mHealth market
2.1.1    mHealth market segments
2.1.2    Connectivity options for medical devices
2.1.3    The mHealth technology value chain
2.2    mHealth connectivity solutions
2.2.1    Alphabet
2.2.2    Apple
2.2.3    Bittium
2.2.4    Ericsson
2.2.5    Deutsche Telekom
2.2.6    eDevice
2.2.7    Enovacom (Orange Healthcare)
2.2.8    KORE
2.2.9    MedM
2.2.10    Microsoft
2.2.11    PTC
2.2.12    Telenor Connexion
2.2.13    Thales
2.2.14    Vodafone
2.3    mHealth care delivery platforms
2.3.1    AT&T
2.3.2    Bepatient
2.3.3    Clario (ERT)
2.3.4    Domicalis
2.3.5    Enovation (Verklizan)
2.3.6    Get Real Health
2.3.7    Huma
2.3.8    Luscii
2.3.9    Medisanté
2.3.10    Medixine
2.3.11    OpenTeleHealth
2.3.12    S3 Connected Health
2.3.13    Voluntis

3    Physiological Monitoring Solution Providers

3.1    Medical devices and remote monitoring
3.1.1    Medical device revenues by market segment
3.1.2    Overview of the remote patient monitoring market
3.2    Cardiac rhythm management
3.2.1    Overview of the CRM device market
3.2.2    Use cases for CRM monitoring
3.2.3    Remote monitoring solution providers
3.2.4    Abbott (St. Jude Medical)
3.2.5    Biotronik
3.2.6    Boston Scientific
3.2.7    Medtronic
3.2.8    MicroPort (LivaNova)
3.3    Remote ECG monitoring
3.3.1    Overview of the remote ECG monitoring device market
3.3.2    Use cases for remote ECG monitoring
3.3.3    Remote monitoring solution providers
3.3.4    AliveCor
3.3.5    BioTelemetry (BioTel Heart)
3.3.6    Biotricity
3.3.7    CardioComm Solutions
3.3.8    InfoBionic
3.3.9    GE Healthcare
3.3.10    iRhythm Technologies
3.3.11    LevMed
3.3.12    Preventice Solutions
3.3.13    ScottCare
3.3.14    TZ Medical
3.3.15    VitalConnect
3.3.16    Zenicor
3.4    Blood pressure monitoring
3.4.1    Overview of the blood pressure monitoring device market
3.4.2    Use cases for blood pressure monitoring
3.4.3    Remote monitoring solution providers
3.4.4    A&D Medical
3.4.5    iHealth Labs
3.4.6    Microlife
3.4.7    Omron Healthcare
3.4.8    Smart Meter
3.4.9    Rossmax
3.4.10    Welch-Allyn
3.4.11    Withings
3.5    Coagulation monitoring
3.5.1    Overview of the coagulation monitoring device market
3.5.2    Use cases for blood coagulation monitoring
3.5.3    Remote monitoring solution providers
3.5.4    CoaguSense
3.5.5    Helena Laboratories
3.5.6    iLine Microsystems
3.5.7    Roche Diagnostics
3.5.8    Siemens Healthineers
3.5.9    Werfen (Instrumentation Laboratory)
3.6    Sleep therapy monitoring
3.6.1    Overview of the sleep therapy device market
3.6.2    Use cases for sleep therapy monitoring
3.6.3    Remote monitoring solution providers
3.6.4    BMC Medical
3.6.5    Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
3.6.6    Löwenstein Medical Technology
3.6.7    Philips Sleep and Respiratory Care
3.6.8    ResMed
3.6.9    SRETT
3.6.10    Somnics
3.6.11    SomnoMed
3.7    Home sleep diagnostics
3.7.1    Overview of the home sleep diagnostics market
3.7.2    Use cases for home sleep diagnostics
3.7.3    Remote monitoring solution providers
3.7.4    BioSerenity
3.7.5    Cadwell Laboratories
3.7.6    CleveMed
3.7.7    Compumedics
3.7.8    Itamar Medical
3.7.9    Natus Medical
3.7.10    Nox Medical
3.7.11    Onera Health
3.7.12    SOMNOmedics
3.8    Blood oxygen monitoring
3.8.1    Overview of the blood oxygen monitoring device market
3.8.2    Use cases for blood oxygen monitoring
3.8.3    Remote monitoring solution providers
3.8.4    ChoiceMMed
3.8.5    Masimo
3.8.6    Nonin Medical
3.9    Airflow monitoring
3.9.1    Overview of the air flow monitoring device market
3.9.2    Use cases for airflow monitoring
3.9.3    Remote monitoring solution providers
3.9.4    AstraZeneca
3.9.5    Adherium
3.9.6    NIOX Group (Circassia Group)
3.9.7    Medical International Research
3.9.8    NDD Medical Technologies
3.9.9    Propeller Health
3.9.10    Respiri
3.9.11    Sibelmed
3.9.12    Vitalograph
3.10    Glucose level monitoring
3.10.1    Overview of the glucose monitoring device market
3.10.2    Use cases for glucose monitoring
3.10.3    Remote monitoring solution providers
3.10.4    Abbott Diabetes Care
3.10.5    Ascensia Diabetes Care
3.10.6    BioTel Care
3.10.7    Dexcom
3.10.8    Glooko
3.10.9    Insulet
3.10.10    LifeScan
3.10.11    Medtronic Diabetes Operating Unit
3.10.12    Roche Diabetes Care
3.10.13    Senseonics
3.10.14    Tandem Diabetes Care
3.10.15    WellDoc
3.11    Other
3.11.1    Implantable medical devices
3.11.2    Home haemodialysis
3.11.3    Thermometers and weight scales
3.11.4    Mental health
3.11.5    Cholesterol monitoring

4    Medication, AED and Integrated Monitoring Solution Providers

4.1    Telehealth and multiparameter monitoring solutions
4.1.1    Overview of the telehealth solutions market
4.1.2    Use cases for telehealth solutions
4.1.3    Telehealth solution providers
4.1.4    Accuhealth
4.1.5    AMC Health
4.1.6    Biofourmis
4.1.7    Care Innovations
4.1.8    CareSimple
4.1.9    Current Health
4.1.10    Livongo
4.1.11    Medtronic Care Management Services
4.1.12    Philips Enterprise Telehealth
4.1.13    Raziel (Ideal Life)
4.1.14    SHL Telemedicine
4.1.15    Telefónica
4.1.16    TytoCare
4.1.17    Vivify Health
4.2    Medication compliance monitoring
4.2.1    Overview of the medication compliance monitoring market
4.2.2    Use cases for medication compliance monitoring
4.2.3    Compliance monitoring solution providers
4.2.4    AceAge
4.2.5    AdhereTech
4.2.6    Compliance Meds Technologies
4.2.7    Emma Health Technologies
4.2.8    Evondos
4.2.9    etectRx
4.2.10    Hero
4.2.11    Information Mediary Corporation
4.2.12    MedMinder
4.2.13    MedReady
4.2.14    Merck Group
4.2.15    Spencer Health Solutions
4.2.16    Vaica
4.3    Connected automated external defibrillators
4.3.1    Overview of the connected defibrillator market
4.3.2    Use cases for automated external defibrillators
4.3.3    Connected solutions providers
4.3.4    AEDMAP
4.3.5    Almas Industries
4.3.6    Avive Solutions
4.3.7    Cardia International
4.3.8    CardiLink
4.3.9    Metrax
4.3.10    Nihon Kohden
4.3.11    Philips Emergency Care
4.3.12    Physio-Control (Stryker)
4.3.13    Pyrescom
4.3.14    Schiller
4.3.15    Zoll Medical Corporation

5    Market Analysis and Forecasts

5.1    Market forecasts
5.1.1    Cardiac rhythm management
5.1.2    Sleep therapy
5.1.3    Telehealth and multiparameter monitoring
5.1.4    ECG monitoring
5.1.5    Glucose level monitoring
5.1.6    Medication compliance monitoring
5.1.7    Other medical devices
5.2    Revenue forecasts
5.2.1    Medical monitoring devices
5.2.2    mHealth connectivity solutions
5.2.3    Care delivery platforms
5.2.4    mHealth care programs
5.3    Market drivers and barriers
5.3.1    An ageing population is raising medical costs
5.3.2    Increase of non-communicable disease prevalence
5.3.3    The generational technology barrier is disappearing
5.3.4    Healthcare staff shortages calls for more efficient healthcare
5.3.5    Alignment of financial incentives
5.3.6    Transformation to value-based care
5.3.7    Increased focus on disease prevention
5.3.8    Substitutes to medical monitoring
5.3.9    A slowly changing industry
5.3.10    Cybersecurity risks with more digital solutions
5.3.11    Increased need for interoperability as the number of solutions grows
5.4    Industry trends and analysis
5.4.1    Consumerisation of medical-grade mHealth devices and apps
5.4.2    From frequent readings to AI-driven patient engagement
5.4.3    Major pharmaceutical companies prepare large-scale rollouts
5.4.4    BYOD is becoming a popular and viable option
5.4.5    The global adoption of telehealth is ramping up
5.4.6    Integrations are becoming crucial in the health data ecosystem
5.4.7    Compliance monitoring is a major driver behind home monitoring
5.4.8    COVID-19 became a catalyst that took mHealth into the next growth phase
5.4.9    AI and machine learning assist clinicians in diagnosing and treating patients







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