![]() メタバース:世界の市場規模、動向、予測(2022-2027年)Metaverse: Global Market Size, Trends and Forecast (2022-2027) レポートのスコープ 本レポートは、メタバースの世界市場の概要と分析を行っています。2021年を基準年として、2022年から2027年までの予測期間の推定市場データを掲載しています。また、一次調査および二次調... もっと見る
サマリーレポートのスコープ本レポートは、メタバースの世界市場の概要と分析を行っています。2021年を基準年として、2022年から2027年までの予測期間の推定市場データを掲載しています。また、一次調査および二次調査により収集した市場の促進要因、阻害要因、機会に関する知見を提供しています。また、COVID-19の影響、ポーターの5つの力、ユースケース分析、規制の状況など、さまざまな市場要因についても取り上げています。 本レポートは、いくつかの表と図表を用い、シンプルで分かりやすい形式で作成されています。本レポートの調査範囲は、コンポーネント、プラットフォーム、オファリング、アプリケーション、エンドユースの世界市場および地域市場の詳細な調査を含んでいます。すべてのセグメントの質的・量的データが報告書に記載されています。各セグメントを調査し、現在の市場規模を決定し、将来の市場規模を年平均成長率(CAGR)により予測しています。 また、主要なメタバースプレーヤーの詳細なプロフィールと、市場での存在感を高めるための戦略も掲載しています。また、2021年におけるメタバースソリューションのトッププロバイダーの市場エコシステムを論じた競合環境の章も含まれています。 レポートには以下の内容が含まれています: - 71のデータ表と37の追加表 - メタバース技術の世界市場の簡単な概況と最新分析 - 2021年の過去の市場収益データ、2022年と2023年の推定値、2027年までの年間複合成長率(CAGR)の予測による世界市場動向の分析 - メタバース環境を取り巻く技術やプラットフォーム、ビジネスチャンスと成長促進要因、注力分野についての考察により、このイノベーション主導の市場をさまざまなセグメントとサブセグメントに分けて予測します。 - メタバースの世界市場における実際の市場規模および収益予測(百万ドル単位)、ならびにコンポーネント、プラットフォーム、オファリング、アプリケーション、エンドユース、地域別の対応する市場シェア分析の推計 - メタバース市場の技術的、経済的、ビジネス的考察を網羅し、2027年までの分析、動向、成長予測を掲載 - 主要な市場ダイナミクス、課題と抑制、技術の進歩、業界のバリューチェーン、主要な市場プレイヤーの競争環境に関する詳細な情報(事実と数字)。 - 独自の技術、製品の発売、M&A、その他の市場戦略上の優位性により、需要に対応するために最適なポジションにある企業の特定 - 各主要カテゴリーにおけるメタバース技術に関する特許データを網羅した特許分析。 - Epic Games Inc.、Meta Platforms Inc.(Facebook)、Microsoft Corp.、Inworld AI、NetEase Inc.、Nvidia Corp.、Roblox Corp.などのトップメタバース企業のプロファイル説明。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Study Goals and Objectives 1.3 Scope of Report 1.4 Reasons for Doing the Study 1.5 Intended Audiences 1.6 Information Sources 1.7 Methodology 1.8 Geographic Breakdown 1.9 Analyst's Credentials 1.10 BCC Custom Research 1.11 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market Overview 3.1 Introduction 3.2 History and Evolution of the Metaverse 3.3 Future Expectations 3.3.1 Phase 1: Emerging 3.3.2 Phase 2: Advanced 3.3.3 Phase 3: Mature 3.4 Value Chain Analysis 3.4.1 Layer 1: Experience (Games, Social, Theatre, E-Sports, Shopping) 3.4.2 Layer 2: Discovery (Social Curation, Ad Networks, Ratings, Stores, Agents) 3.4.3 Layer 3: Creator Economy (Asset Markets, Workflow, Commerce, Design Tools) 3.4.4 Layer 4: Spatial Computing (VR/AR/XR, Multitasking UI, 3D Engines, Geospatial Mapping) 3.4.5 Layer 5: Decentralization (AI Agents, Edge Computing, Microservices, Blockchain) 3.4.6 Layer 6: Human Interface (Smartglasses, Wearables, Mobile, Haptic, Gestures, Neural, Voice) 3.4.7 Layer 7: Infrastructure (WiFi6, 5G, Cloud, MEMS GPUs Materials) 3.5 Macroanalysis 3.5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market 3.5.2 Metaverse in the Post-Pandemic World 3.5.3 Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on the Market 3.6 Porter's Five Forces Analysis of the Market for Metaverse 3.6.1 Threat from New Entrants 3.6.2 Competitive Rivalry 3.6.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers 3.6.4 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 3.6.5 Threat of Substitutes 3.7 Regulatory Analysis 3.7.1 Copyright Laws 3.7.2 Intellectual Property Laws 3.7.3 Contract Law 3.7.4 Tort Law 3.7.5 Defamation Law 3.7.6 Regulation of NFTs and Tax 3.8 Upcoming Regulatory Plans 3.8.1 European Union 3.8.2 U.S. 3.8.3 China 3.8.4 Japan 3.8.5 South Korea 3.9 Recent and Upcoming Key Metaverse-Related Conferences Chapter 4 Technology Analysis 4.1 Network and Computing Technology 4.1.1 5G/6G Technology 4.1.2 Internet of Things 4.1.3 Cloud Computing 4.1.4 Edge Computing 4.2 Design, Development and Content Production Level 4.2.1 Blockchain 4.2.2 Real-Time Rendering and 3D Modeling/Reconstruction 4.2.3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 4.2.4 Computer Vision 4.2.5 Smart Voice 4.2.6 Digital Twin 4.2.7 Gaming Engines 4.3 Human/Simulation Interactive Level 4.3.1 Virtual Reality 4.3.2 Augmented Reality 4.3.3 Mixed Reality (MR) Chapter 5 Market Dynamics 5.1 Market Drivers, Restraints/Challenges, and Opportunities 5.1.1 Market Drivers 5.1.1 Market Restraints/Challenges 5.1.1 Market Opportunities 5.2 Analysis of the Impact of the Market Dynamics Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Component 6.1 Overview 6.2 Hardware 6.2.1 VR Devices 6.2.2 AR Devices 6.2.3 MR Devices 6.3 Software 6.3.1 3D Mapping, Modeling and Reconstruction 6.3.2 Gaming Engines 6.3.3 Others 6.4 Services Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by Platform 7.1 Overview 7.2 Desktop 7.3 Mobile 7.4 Headsets Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Offering 8.1 Overview 8.2 Virtual Platforms 8.2.1 Decentraland 8.2.2 Sandbox 8.2.3 Illuvium 8.2.4 Roblox 8.2.5 Roblox 8.2.6 Axie Infinity 8.3 Asset Marketplaces 8.4 Avatars 8.4.1 2D Avatar 8.4.2 3D Avatar 8.4.3 Leg-Less Avatar 8.4.4 VR Avatar 8.4.5 Full-Body Avatar 8.5 Financial Services Chapter 9 Market Breakdown by Application 9.1 Overview 9.2 Gaming 9.3 Social Media 9.4 Content Creation 9.5 Online Shopping 9.6 Events and Conferences 9.7 Other Applications Chapter 10 Market Breakdown by End-Use Industry 10.1 Overview 10.2 Retail 10.2.1 Various Uses of the Metaverse in Retail 10.3 Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) 10.3.1 Various Benefits of the Metaverse in Banking 10.3.1 Uses of the Metaverse in Banking 10.4 Media and Entertainment 10.4.1 Uses of the Metaverse in the Entertainment Industry 10.5 Education 10.5.1 Various Benefits of the Metaverse in Education 10.5.2 Metaverse Application and Use Cases in Education 10.6 Aerospace and Defense 10.6.1 Recruitment 10.6.2 Education 10.6.3 Command and Control 10.6.4 Procurement and Supply Chain 10.7 Automotive 10.7.1 Benefits of the Metaverse in the Automotive Industry 10.7.2 Uses of the Metaverse in the Automotive Industry 10.8 Others Chapter 11 Market Breakdown by Region 11.1 Overview 11.2 North America 11.2.1 United States 11.2.2 Canada 11.2.3 Mexico 11.3 Europe 11.3.1 United Kingdom 11.3.2 Germany 11.3.3 Rest of Europe 11.4 Asia-Pacific 11.4.1 China 11.4.2 Japan 11.4.3 South Korea 11.4.4 Rest of Asia-Pacific 11.5 Rest of the World (RoW) Chapter 12 Competitive Landscape 12.1 Metaverse Companies: Regional Number 12.2 Metaverse Venture Capital Scenario 12.3 Metaverse Investors 12.4 Top Companies/Metaverse Ecosystem 12.5 Notable Key Developments in the Market Chapter 13 Patent Analysis 13.1 Patent Analysis 13.1.1 Key Market Patents Chapter 14 Company Profiles 14.1 Key Players ACTIVISION BLIZZARD ANTIER SOLUTIONS PVT., LTD. ELECTRONIC ARTS EPIC GAMES INC. META PLATFORMS INC. MICROSOFT CORP. NETEASE NEXON CO., LTD. NEXTECH AR SOLUTIONS NVIDIA ROBLOX TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE INC. UNITY VALVE CORP. 14.2 Start-ups/Emerging Players ACKNOLEDGER ALLSEATED ATIRATH GAMING TECHNOLOGY AXIE INFINITY BETTERVERSE COLORVERSE CRUCIBLE NETWORK DEHIDDEN DOSS GAMES ENJIN GUILDFI HYPERLINK INFOSYSTEM IKONZ IMPROBABLE INVACT INWORLD AI KUDO MONEY LOKA (SOCIAL/PLPATFORM SOFTWARE) METAMUNDO NEXTMEET ONERARE PLAYERSONLY POLKAWAR REVIRT.SPACE SIMULANIS SOMNIUM SPACE SUPERSOCIAL THE SANDBOX TRACE NETWORK LABS UNION WALL APP ZASH ZEPETO Chapter 15 Appendix: Acronyms
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Study Goals and Objectives 1.3 Scope of Report 1.4 Reasons for Doing the Study 1.5 Intended Audiences 1.6 Information Sources 1.7 Methodology 1.8 Geographic Breakdown 1.9 Analyst's Credentials 1.10 BCC Custom Research 1.11 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market Overview 3.1 Introduction 3.2 History and Evolution of the Metaverse 3.3 Future Expectations 3.3.1 Phase 1: Emerging 3.3.2 Phase 2: Advanced 3.3.3 Phase 3: Mature 3.4 Value Chain Analysis 3.4.1 Layer 1: Experience (Games, Social, Theatre, E-Sports, Shopping) 3.4.2 Layer 2: Discovery (Social Curation, Ad Networks, Ratings, Stores, Agents) 3.4.3 Layer 3: Creator Economy (Asset Markets, Workflow, Commerce, Design Tools) 3.4.4 Layer 4: Spatial Computing (VR/AR/XR, Multitasking UI, 3D Engines, Geospatial Mapping) 3.4.5 Layer 5: Decentralization (AI Agents, Edge Computing, Microservices, Blockchain) 3.4.6 Layer 6: Human Interface (Smartglasses, Wearables, Mobile, Haptic, Gestures, Neural, Voice) 3.4.7 Layer 7: Infrastructure (WiFi6, 5G, Cloud, MEMS GPUs Materials) 3.5 Macroanalysis 3.5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market 3.5.2 Metaverse in the Post-Pandemic World 3.5.3 Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on the Market 3.6 Porter's Five Forces Analysis of the Market for Metaverse 3.6.1 Threat from New Entrants 3.6.2 Competitive Rivalry 3.6.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers 3.6.4 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 3.6.5 Threat of Substitutes 3.7 Regulatory Analysis 3.7.1 Copyright Laws 3.7.2 Intellectual Property Laws 3.7.3 Contract Law 3.7.4 Tort Law 3.7.5 Defamation Law 3.7.6 Regulation of NFTs and Tax 3.8 Upcoming Regulatory Plans 3.8.1 European Union 3.8.2 U.S. 3.8.3 China 3.8.4 Japan 3.8.5 South Korea 3.9 Recent and Upcoming Key Metaverse-Related Conferences Chapter 4 Technology Analysis 4.1 Network and Computing Technology 4.1.1 5G/6G Technology 4.1.2 Internet of Things 4.1.3 Cloud Computing 4.1.4 Edge Computing 4.2 Design, Development and Content Production Level 4.2.1 Blockchain 4.2.2 Real-Time Rendering and 3D Modeling/Reconstruction 4.2.3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 4.2.4 Computer Vision 4.2.5 Smart Voice 4.2.6 Digital Twin 4.2.7 Gaming Engines 4.3 Human/Simulation Interactive Level 4.3.1 Virtual Reality 4.3.2 Augmented Reality 4.3.3 Mixed Reality (MR) Chapter 5 Market Dynamics 5.1 Market Drivers, Restraints/Challenges, and Opportunities 5.1.1 Market Drivers 5.1.1 Market Restraints/Challenges 5.1.1 Market Opportunities 5.2 Analysis of the Impact of the Market Dynamics Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Component 6.1 Overview 6.2 Hardware 6.2.1 VR Devices 6.2.2 AR Devices 6.2.3 MR Devices 6.3 Software 6.3.1 3D Mapping, Modeling and Reconstruction 6.3.2 Gaming Engines 6.3.3 Others 6.4 Services Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by Platform 7.1 Overview 7.2 Desktop 7.3 Mobile 7.4 Headsets Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Offering 8.1 Overview 8.2 Virtual Platforms 8.2.1 Decentraland 8.2.2 Sandbox 8.2.3 Illuvium 8.2.4 Roblox 8.2.5 Roblox 8.2.6 Axie Infinity 8.3 Asset Marketplaces 8.4 Avatars 8.4.1 2D Avatar 8.4.2 3D Avatar 8.4.3 Leg-Less Avatar 8.4.4 VR Avatar 8.4.5 Full-Body Avatar 8.5 Financial Services Chapter 9 Market Breakdown by Application 9.1 Overview 9.2 Gaming 9.3 Social Media 9.4 Content Creation 9.5 Online Shopping 9.6 Events and Conferences 9.7 Other Applications Chapter 10 Market Breakdown by End-Use Industry 10.1 Overview 10.2 Retail 10.2.1 Various Uses of the Metaverse in Retail 10.3 Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) 10.3.1 Various Benefits of the Metaverse in Banking 10.3.1 Uses of the Metaverse in Banking 10.4 Media and Entertainment 10.4.1 Uses of the Metaverse in the Entertainment Industry 10.5 Education 10.5.1 Various Benefits of the Metaverse in Education 10.5.2 Metaverse Application and Use Cases in Education 10.6 Aerospace and Defense 10.6.1 Recruitment 10.6.2 Education 10.6.3 Command and Control 10.6.4 Procurement and Supply Chain 10.7 Automotive 10.7.1 Benefits of the Metaverse in the Automotive Industry 10.7.2 Uses of the Metaverse in the Automotive Industry 10.8 Others Chapter 11 Market Breakdown by Region 11.1 Overview 11.2 North America 11.2.1 United States 11.2.2 Canada 11.2.3 Mexico 11.3 Europe 11.3.1 United Kingdom 11.3.2 Germany 11.3.3 Rest of Europe 11.4 Asia-Pacific 11.4.1 China 11.4.2 Japan 11.4.3 South Korea 11.4.4 Rest of Asia-Pacific 11.5 Rest of the World (RoW) Chapter 12 Competitive Landscape 12.1 Metaverse Companies: Regional Number 12.2 Metaverse Venture Capital Scenario 12.3 Metaverse Investors 12.4 Top Companies/Metaverse Ecosystem 12.5 Notable Key Developments in the Market Chapter 13 Patent Analysis 13.1 Patent Analysis 13.1.1 Key Market Patents Chapter 14 Company Profiles 14.1 Key Players ACTIVISION BLIZZARD ANTIER SOLUTIONS PVT., LTD. ELECTRONIC ARTS EPIC GAMES INC. META PLATFORMS INC. MICROSOFT CORP. NETEASE NEXON CO., LTD. NEXTECH AR SOLUTIONS NVIDIA ROBLOX TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE INC. UNITY VALVE CORP. 14.2 Start-ups/Emerging Players ACKNOLEDGER ALLSEATED ATIRATH GAMING TECHNOLOGY AXIE INFINITY BETTERVERSE COLORVERSE CRUCIBLE NETWORK DEHIDDEN DOSS GAMES ENJIN GUILDFI HYPERLINK INFOSYSTEM IKONZ IMPROBABLE INVACT INWORLD AI KUDO MONEY LOKA (SOCIAL/PLPATFORM SOFTWARE) METAMUNDO NEXTMEET ONERARE PLAYERSONLY POLKAWAR REVIRT.SPACE SIMULANIS SOMNIUM SPACE SUPERSOCIAL THE SANDBOX TRACE NETWORK LABS UNION WALL APP ZASH ZEPETO Chapter 15 Appendix: Acronyms
BCC Research社のIT分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD()の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問BCC Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?BCCリサーチ(BCC Research)は1971年に設立され、様々な業界経験を持つアナリストと編集者によりトップクラスの市場情報源を長年提供している調査会社です。 設立初期は先端材料とプラ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。