

Global Golf Equipment Market: Analysis By Product Type (Club, Balls, Gears), Distribution Channel, By Region, By Country (2021 Edition): Market Insights and Forecast with Impact of COVID-19 (2021-2026)

エグゼクティブ・サマリー 世界のゴルフ用品市場は、2020年には8515.55百万米ドルとなりました。 ゴルフ用品市場の成長を促進する主な要因は、ゴルフツーリズムの増加、プロ・アマを問わず女性ゴルファーの... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Azoth Analytics
2021年8月31日 US$2,200
200 英語










- 本レポートでは、ゴルフ用品市場の2016年~2020年の過去の期間と2021年~2026年の予測期間の分析を行っています。

- レポートでは、ゴルフ用品市場を製品タイプ別(ゴルフクラブ、ゴルフボール、ゴルフギア)に分析しています。

- このレポートでは、ゴルフ用品市場を流通チャネル別(スポーツ用品小売店、オンライン小売店、デパート・ディスカウントストア)に分析しています。

- ゴルフ用品市場を地域別(アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、MEA)および国別(アメリカ、カナダ、イギリス、ドイツ、フランス、スペイン、日本、韓国、タイ、オーストラリア)に分析しています。

- また、地域別、製品タイプ別、流通チャネル別に市場の魅力を紹介しています。

- また、本レポートでは、業界の主要な機会、トレンド、ドライバー、および課題についても分析しています。

- レポートでは、競合他社の開発、戦略、M&A、新製品開発などを追跡しています。このレポートで分析されている企業は、Callaway Golf Company、Fusheng Precision、Bridgestone、Acushnet、住友ゴム工業、Fila Korea、Honma、Mizuno Corporation、TaylorMade、Pingなどです。


- ゴルフ用品メーカー

- コンサルティング会社、アドバイザリー会社

- 政府・政策担当者

- 規制当局




1.1 報告書の範囲

1.2 調査方法

1.3 エグゼクティブサマリー




4.1 市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年

4.2 COVID-19のゴルフ用品市場への影響

4.3 世界のゴルフ用品市場の成長と予測


5.1 世界のゴルフ用品市場:製品タイプ別セグメント分析

5.2 ゴルフ用品市場の競合シナリオ。製品タイプ別(2020年、2026年

5.3 ゴルフクラブ別:市場規模と予測(2016年~2026年

5.4 ゴルフボール別-市場規模と予測(2016-2026年

5.5 ギヤ別 - 市場規模・予測(2016-2026年


6.1 世界のゴルフ用品市場:流通チャネル別セグメント分析

6.2 世界のゴルフ用品市場の競合状況。流通チャネル別(2020年、2026年

6.3 スポーツ用品小売店別:市場規模と予測(2016年~2026年

6.4 オンライン小売業者別-市場規模と予測(2016-2026年

6.5 百貨店・ディスカウントストア別-市場規模・予測(2016-2026年)


7.1 世界のゴルフ用品市場の競争シナリオ。地域別(2020年、2026年


8.1 アメリカのゴルフ用品市場:金額別。規模と予測(2016-2026年

8.2 アメリカのゴルフ用品市場著名企業

8.3 市場区分:製品タイプ別(ゴルフクラブ、ゴルフボール、ゴルフギア

8.4 市場区分:流通チャネル別(スポーツ用品小売店、オンライン小売店、デパート・ディスカウントストア

8.5 アメリカのゴルフ用品市場。国別分析

8.6 アメリカのゴルフ用品市場の市場機会図-国別、金額別(2026年

8.7 アメリカのゴルフ用品市場の競合シナリオ-国別(2020年、2026年

8.8 アメリカのゴルフ用品市場。市場規模と予測(2016年~2026年

8.9 アメリカのゴルフ用品市場区分:製品タイプ別、流通チャネル別(2016-2026年

8.10 カナダのゴルフ用品市場。市場規模と予測(2016-2026年

8.11 カナダのゴルフ用品市場区分:製品タイプ別、流通チャネル別(2016-2026年


9.1 欧州ゴルフ用品市場の金額別規模と予測(2016-2026年

9.2 ヨーロッパのゴルフ用品市場著名企業

9.3 市場区分:製品タイプ別(ゴルフクラブ、ゴルフボール、ゴルフギア

9.4 市場区分:流通チャネル別(スポーツ用品小売店、オンライン小売店、デパート・ディスカウントストア

9.5 ヨーロッパのゴルフ用品市場。国別分析

9.6 欧州ゴルフ用品市場の市場機会図-国別、金額別(2026年

9.7 ヨーロッパのゴルフ用品市場の競合シナリオ - 国別(2020年、2026年

9.8 イギリスのゴルフ用品市場。市場規模と予測(2016-2026年

9.9 イギリスのゴルフ用品市場区分:製品タイプ別、流通チャネル別(2016-2026年

9.10 ドイツのゴルフ用品市場。市場規模と予測(2016-2026年

9.11 ドイツゴルフ用品市場区分:製品タイプ別、流通チャネル別(2016-2026年

9.12 フランスのゴルフ用品市場:規模と予測(2016-2026年規模と予測(2016-2026年

9.13 フランスのゴルフ用品市場区分:製品タイプ別、流通チャネル別(2016-2026年

9.14 スペインのゴルフ用品市場:規模と予測(2016-2026年規模と予測(2016-2026年

9.15 スペインのゴルフ用品市場区分:製品タイプ別、流通チャネル別(2016-2026年


10.1 アジア太平洋地域のゴルフ用品市場の金額別規模と予測(2016-2026年

10.2 アジア太平洋地域のゴルフ用品市場著名企業

10.3 市場区分:製品タイプ別(ゴルフクラブ、ゴルフボール、ゴルフギア

10.4 市場区分:流通チャネル別(スポーツ用品小売店、オンライン小売店、デパート・ディスカウントストア

10.5 アジア太平洋地域のゴルフ用品市場。国別分析

10.6 欧州ゴルフ用品市場の市場機会図-国別、金額別(2026年

10.7 ヨーロッパのゴルフ用品市場の競合シナリオ - 国別(2020年、2026年

10.8 日本のゴルフ用品市場。市場規模と予測(2016年~2026年

10.9 日本のゴルフ用品市場:製品タイプ別、流通チャネル別(2016年~2026年

10.10 韓国のゴルフ用品市場。市場規模と予測(2016-2026年

10.11 韓国のゴルフ用品市場区分:製品タイプ別、流通チャネル別(2016-2026年

10.12 タイのゴルフ用品市場。市場規模と予測(2016-2026年

10.13 タイのゴルフ用品市場区分:製品タイプ別、流通チャネル別(2016-2026年

10.14 オーストラリアのゴルフ用品市場。規模と予測(2016-2026年

10.15 オーストラリアのゴルフ用品市場区分:製品タイプ別、流通チャネル別(2016-2026年


11.1 世界のゴルフ用品市場のドライバー

11.2 世界のゴルフ用品市場の阻害要因

11.3 世界のゴルフ用品市場の動向


12.1 ゴルフ用品の世界市場における製品タイプ別の市場魅力度チャート(2026年

12.2 ゴルフ用品の世界市場の魅力度チャート-流通チャネル別(2026年

12.3 ゴルフ用品の世界市場の魅力度チャート-地域別(2026年


13.1 世界の主要企業のマーケットシェア


14.2 台湾ASP需要分析

14.3 ゴルフASPの需要分析


15.1 キャロウェイゴルフ社

15.2 Fusheng Precision

15.3 ブリヂストン

15.4 アキュシュネット

15.5 住友ゴム工業

15.6 フィラコリア

15.7 本間

15.8 ミズノ株式会社

15.9 テーラーメイド

15.10 ピン

図1:世界のゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million







図8:世界のゴルフ用品市場-ゴルフクラブ別、金額(USD Million)、2016年~2026年


図10:ゴルフ用品の世界市場-ゴルフギア別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年


図12:ゴルフ用品の世界市場-スポーツ用品小売店別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図13:ゴルフ用品の世界市場-オンライン小売業者別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図14:ゴルフ用品の世界市場-百貨店・ディスカウントストア別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年


図16:アメリカ大陸のゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million





図21:アメリカ大陸のゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図22:アメリカ大陸のゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図23: アメリカ大陸のゴルフ用品市場-国別、金額別(2016-2026年)の市場機会図


図25:アメリカのゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016年~2026年(USD Million

図26:米国ゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図27:米国ゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年





図32:カナダのゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million

図33:カナダゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図34:カナダゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図35:カナダ ゴルフ用品とアクセサリーの販売額(百万カナダドル)、2014-18年



図38:ヨーロッパのゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million






図44.ヨーロッパのゴルフ用品市場欧州ゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図45:ヨーロッパのゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別欧州ゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年



図48:イギリスのゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016年~2026年(USD Million

図49:イギリス ゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図50: イギリスのゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年




図54:ドイツのゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million

図55:ドイツ ゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図56:ドイツゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年


図 58:2014年から2018年までにドイツから輸出されたゴルフクラブの金額(単位:1000ユーロ

図59:ドイツドイツ ゴルフコース数、2019年~20年

図60:フランス ゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million

図 61:フランス ゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図62:フランスゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年




図66:スペイン ゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million

図67:スペインゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図68:スペインゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年




図72:APACのゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million





図77:APACゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図78:APACゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年


図80: APACのゴルフ用品市場-国別市場シェア、2020年および2026年

図81:日本のゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million

図82:日本ゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図83:日本のゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年





図88:韓国のゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million

図89:韓国ゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図90:韓国 ゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年


図92: 韓国のゴルファー人口の成長率、2013-17年


図94:タイ ゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million

図95:タイ ゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図96: タイのゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年




図100:オーストラリア ゴルフ用品市場規模、金額別、2016-2026年(USD Million

図101:オーストラリア ゴルフ用品市場-製品タイプ別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図 102:オーストラリア ゴルフ用品市場-流通チャネル別、金額(USD Million)、2016-2026年

図103:オーストラリア 都市人口(単位:億)、2015-2020年


図105:オーストラリア ゴルフコース数、2019年~2020年



Figure 108:ゴルフ用品の世界市場の魅力度チャート-地域別(2026年



図111:キャロウェイのドライバーASP推移(US$ per unit)


図113:キャロウェイゴルフ社キャロウェイゴルフ社の年間売上高、2016-2020年(USD Million

図114:キャロウェイゴルフカンパニーキャロウェイゴルフ社の純利益、2016-2020年(USD Million)


図 116:キャロウェイゴルフ社の売上収益、地域別(%)、FY2020

図 117:Fusheng Precision Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

図 118: Fusheng Precision 純利益、2016-2020 年 (USD Million)

図119:Fusheng Precision 売上高、ビジネスセグメント別(%)、2019年度

図120:Fusheng Precisionの売上高、地域別セグメント(%)、FY9

図121:ブリヂストンの年間売上高、2016-2020年(USD Million

図122:ブリヂストンの純利益、2016~2020年(USD Million)



図125:アキュシュネット年間売上高、2016-2020年(USD Million

図126:アキュシュネットアキュシュネットの純利益、2016-2020年(USD Million)



図129:住友ゴム工業 Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

図130:住友ゴム工業の純利益、2016-2020年(USD Million)



図133:Fila Korea Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

図134:Fila KoreaFila Korea 純利益、2016-2020年(USD Million)

図135:ホンマの年間売上高、2016年~2020年(USD Million

図136:ホンマの純利益、2016-2020年(USD Million)



図139:ミズノ株式会社 年間売上高、2016年~2020年(USD Million

図140:ミズノ株式会社ミズノ株式会社 純利益、2016-2020年(USD Million)

図141:ミズノ株式会社ミズノ株式会社 事業セグメント別売上高(%)、2020年度

図142:ミズノ株式会社 売上高、地域別セグメント





Executive Summary

The Global Golf Equipment Market was valued at USD 8515.55 Million in the year 2020.

The major factors facilitating the growth of golf equipment market are the increase in golf tourism, the rise in the number of professional and amateur female golfers, and the development of new golf courses. Moreover, the global Golf Equipment market is witnessing lucrative growth owing to rising consumer disposable income, spur in golf tourism and growing popularity of the sport.

Americas region occupied the largest share in global Golf Equipment market. The reason America dominates is mainly because countries have been hosting a variety of sporting events and have developed infrastructure to attract more people to participate in sports. The United States golf equipment industry show healthy signs,, driven by new product innovation, favourable market pricing and healthy retail inventory levels combined with strong consumer spending, favourable weather forecast and high interest in the game of golf.

The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the golf equipment market on account of nationwide lockdown and social distancing norms. Golf is mostly being played in the Americas, Europe and Oceania countries which were highly impacted by the pandemic resulting in a decline in the equipment market. However, the situation started to improve after mid-year with improved sales and market growth.

Scope of the Report

• The report presents the analysis of Golf Equipment market for the historical period of 2016-2020 and the forecast period of 2021-2026.

• The report analyses the Golf Equipment Market by Product Type (Golf Club, Golf Balls, Golf Gears).

• The report analyses the Golf Equipment Market by Distribution Channel (Sports Goods Retailers, online Retailers, Department & Discount Store).

• The Golf Equipment Market has been analysed By Region (Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA) and By Country (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Australia).

• Also, the attractiveness of the market has been presented by region, product type, distribution channel.

• Also, the major opportunities, trends, drivers and challenges of the industry has been analysed in the report.

• The report tracks competitive developments, strategies, mergers and acquisitions and new product development. The companies analysed in the report include Callaway Golf Company, Fusheng Precision, Bridgestone, Acushnet, Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Fila Korea, Honma, Mizuno Corporation, TaylorMade, Ping.

Key Target Audience

• Golf Equipment Vendors

• Consulting and Advisory Firms

• Government and Policy Makers

• Regulatory Authorities


Table of Contents

1. Report Scope and Methodology

1.1 Scope of the Report

1.2 Research Methodology

1.3 Executive Summary

2. Strategic Recommendations

3. Golf Equipment Market: Product Overview

4. Global Golf Equipment Market: An Analysis

4.1 Market Size, By Value, Year 2016-2026

4.2 Impact of COVID-19 on Golf Equipment Market

4.3 Global Golf Equipment Market: Growth & Forecast

5. Global Golf Equipment Market: Segmentation By Product Type

5.1 Global Golf Equipment Market: Segment Analysis

5.2 Competitive Scenario of Golf Equipment Market: By Product Type (2020 & 2026)

5.3 By Golf Club - Market Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

5.4 By Golf Balls - Market Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

5.5 By Gears - Market Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

6. Global Golf Equipment Market: Segmentation By Distribution Channel

6.1 Global Golf Equipment Market: Segment Analysis

6.2 Competitive Scenario of Global Golf Equipment Market: By Distribution Channel (2020 & 2026)

6.3 By Sports Goods Retailers - Market Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

6.4 By Online Retailers - Market Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

6.5 By Department & Discount Store - Market Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

7. Global Golf Equipment Market: Regional Analysis

7.1 Competitive Scenario of Global Golf Equipment Market: By Region (2020 & 2026)

8. America Golf Equipment Market: An Analysis (2016-2026)

8.1 America Golf Equipment Market by value: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

8.2 America Golf Equipment Market: Prominent Companies

8.3 Market Segmentation By Product Type (Golf Club, Golf Balls, Golf Gears)

8.4 Market Segmentation By Distribution Channel (Sports Goods Retailers, Online Retailers, Department & Discount Store)

8.5 America Golf Equipment Market: Country Analysis

8.6 Market Opportunity Chart of America Golf Equipment Market - By Country, By Value (Year-2026)

8.7 Competitive Scenario of America Golf Equipment Market - By Country (2020 & 2026)

8.8 United States Golf Equipment Market: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

8.9 United States Golf Equipment Market Segmentation By Product Type, By Distribution Channel (2016-2026)

8.10 Canada Golf Equipment Market: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

8.11 Canada Golf Equipment Market Segmentation By Product Type, By Distribution Channel (2016-2026)

9. Europe Golf Equipment Market: An Analysis (2016-2026)

9.1 Europe Golf Equipment Market by value: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

9.2 Europe Golf Equipment Market: Prominent Companies

9.3 Market Segmentation By Product Type (Golf Club, Golf Balls, Golf Gears)

9.4 Market Segmentation By Distribution Channel (Sports Goods Retailers, Online Retailers, Department & Discount Store)

9.5 Europe Golf Equipment Market: Country Analysis

9.6 Market Opportunity Chart of Europe Golf Equipment Market - By Country, By Value (Year-2026)

9.7 Competitive Scenario of Europe Golf Equipment Market - By Country (2020 & 2026)

9.8 United Kingdom Golf Equipment Market: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

9.9 United Kingdom Golf Equipment Market Segmentation By Product Type, By Distribution Channel (2016-2026)

9.10 Germany Golf Equipment Market: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

9.11 Germany Golf Equipment Market Segmentation By Product Type, By Distribution Channel (2016-2026)

9.12 France Golf Equipment Market: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

9.13 France Golf Equipment Market Segmentation By Product Type, By Distribution Channel (2016-2026)

9.14 Spain Golf Equipment Market: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

9.15 Spain Golf Equipment Market Segmentation By Product Type, By Distribution Channel (2016-2026)

10. Asia Pacific Golf Equipment Market: An Analysis (2016-2026)

10.1 Asia Pacific Golf Equipment Market by value: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

10.2 Asia Pacific Golf Equipment Market: Prominent Companies

10.3 Market Segmentation By Product Type (Golf Club, Golf Balls, Golf Gears)

10.4 Market Segmentation By Distribution Channel (Sports Goods Retailers, Online Retailers, Department & Discount Store)

10.5 Asia Pacific Golf Equipment Market: Country Analysis

10.6 Market Opportunity Chart of Europe Golf Equipment Market - By Country, By Value (Year-2026)

10.7 Competitive Scenario of Europe Golf Equipment Market - By Country (2020 & 2026)

10.8 Japan Golf Equipment Market: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

10.9 Japan Golf Equipment Market Segmentation By Product Type, By Distribution Channel (2016-2026)

10.10 South Korea Golf Equipment Market: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

10.11 South Korea Golf Equipment Market Segmentation By Product Type, By Distribution Channel (2016-2026)

10.12 Thailand Golf Equipment Market: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

10.13 Thailand Golf Equipment Market Segmentation By Product Type, By Distribution Channel (2016-2026)

10.14 Australia Golf Equipment Market: Size and Forecast (2016-2026)

10.15 Australia Golf Equipment Market Segmentation By Product Type, By Distribution Channel (2016-2026)

11. Global Golf Equipment Market Dynamics

11.1 Global Golf Equipment Market Drivers

11.2 Global Golf Equipment Market Restraints

11.3 Global Golf Equipment Market Trends

12. Market Attractiveness and Strategic Analysis

12.1 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Golf Equipment Market - By Product Type (Year 2026)

12.2 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Golf Equipment Market - By Distribution Channel (Year 2026)

12.3 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Golf Equipment Market - By Region (Year 2026)

13. Competitive Landscape

13.1 Market Share of global leading companies

14. Golf ODMs and ASP Trend

14.2 Taiwan ASP Demand Analysis

14.3 Golf ASP Demand Analysis

15. Company Profiles (Business Description, Financial Analysis, Business Strategy)

15.1 Callaway Golf Company

15.2 Fusheng Precision

15.3 Bridgestone

15.4 Acushnet

15.5 Sumitomo Rubber Industries

15.6 Fila Korea

15.7 Honma

15.8 Mizuno Corporation

15.9 TaylorMade

15.10 Ping

Figure 1: Global Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 2: Golf Course management companies by the number of golf courses Worldwide in 2021

Figure 3: Global New Golf Courses under development in 2021

Figure 4: Number of Golf Courses Worldwide in 2021

Figure 5: Global New Golf Courses Opened, 2016-20

Figure 6: Percentage of New Golf Courses Opened Worldwide, 2018

Figure 7: Global Golf Equipment Market- By Product Type Market Share, 2020 & 2026

Figure 8: Global Golf Equipment Market- By Golf Club, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 9: Global Golf Equipment Market- By Golf Balls, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 10: Global Golf Equipment Market- By Golf Gears, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 11: Global Golf Equipment Market- By Distribution Channel Market Share, 2020 & 2026

Figure 12: Global Golf Equipment Market- By Sports Goods Retailers, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 13: Global Golf Equipment Market- By Online Retailers, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 14: Global Golf Equipment Market- By Department & Discount Store, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 15: Global Golf Equipment Market- By Region Market Share, 2020 & 2026

Figure 16: Americas Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 17: Number of Courses in Golfing Countries in North America, 2020

Figure 18: Number of Courses in Golfing Countries in South America, 2020

Figure 19: Number of New Golf Courses Opened in America, 2014-2018

Figure 20: Percentage of Number of New Golf Courses under Development in America, 2019

Figure 21: Americas Golf Equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 22: Americas Golf Equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 23: Market Opportunity Chart of Americas Golf Equipment Market- By Country, By Value (Year-2026)

Figure 24: Americas Golf Equipment Market- By Country Market Share, 2020 & 2026

Figure 25: United States Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 26: United States Golf equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 27: United States Golf equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 28: US Golf participation (players in Mn), 2014-18

Figure 29: US golf club import value by origin country, 2013-18

Figure 30: Value of Golf Club Imports in US (in Million), 2015-20

Figure 31: Value of Golf Club Exports in US (in Million), 2015-20

Figure 32: Canada Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 33: Canada Golf equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 34: Canada Golf equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 35: Canada Sales of Golf Equipment and Accessories (Millions Canadian Dollars), 2014-18

Figure 36: Canada Sales of Golf Equipment and Accessories (Millions Canadian Dollars), 2014-18

Figure 37: Number of Golf Equipment & Supplies in Canada as of December 2020, by region

Figure 38: Europe Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 39: Number of Registered Golfer in Europe (in Million), 2013-18

Figure 40: Number of Official Golf Courses in Europe, 2013-18

Figure 41: Number of Golf Courses in Europe in 2020, by Country

Figure 42: Golf Player distribution in Europe in 2020, by age group

Figure 43: Value of Golf Clubs imported to selected countries in Europe in 2019, by Country (in 1000 Euro)

Figure 44: Europe Golf Equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 45: Europe Golf Equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 46: Market Opportunity Chart of Europe Golf Equipment Market- By Country, By Value (Year-2026)

Figure 47: Europe Golf Equipment Market- By Country Market Share, 2020 & 2026

Figure 48: UK Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 49: United Kingdom Golf equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 50: United Kingdom Golf equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 51: Manufacturer sales of golf clubs and golf equipment in UK (in 1000 GBP), 2014-19

Figure 52: Number of people participating in golf in England (in Million), 2016-2020

Figure 53: Number of Golf Courses in UK in 2020

Figure 54: Germany Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 55: Germany Golf equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 56: Germany Golf equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 57: Number of registered golfers in Germany from 2014 to 2020

Figure 58: Value of golf clubs exported from Germany from 2014 to 2018 (in 1000 euros)

Figure 59: Germany Number of Golf courses, 2019-20

Figure 60: France Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 61: France Golf equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 62: France Golf equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 63: Number of registered golfers in France from 2013 to 2018

Figure 64: France GDP (in Trillion), 2015-20

Figure 65: France Number of Golf Course, 2016-18

Figure 66: Spain Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 67: Spain Golf equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 68: Spain Golf equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 69: Number of official golf courses in Spain from 2013 to 2017

Figure 70: Spain Urban Population (in Billion), 2015-2020

Figure 71: Spain GDP (in Trillion), 2015-2020

Figure 72: APAC Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 73: Number of Passenger Car Produced in Asia Pacific in 2020 (In Thousands)

Figure 74: East Asia Pacific GDP (Trillions), 2015-19

Figure 75: East Asia Pacific Urban Population (billions), 2015-20

Figure 76: Asian developing countries manufacturing growth rate (%)

Figure 77: APAC Golf Equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 78: APAC Golf Equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 79: Market Opportunity Chart of APAC Golf Equipment Market- By Country, By Value (Year-2026)

Figure 80: APAC Golf Equipment Market- By Country Market Share, 2020 & 2026

Figure 81: Japan Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 82: Japan Golf equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 83: Japan Golf equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 84: Golf club head sales in Japan (Yen Billion), 2012-17

Figure 85: Golf club head sales Volume in Japan (Million), 2012-17

Figure 86: Number Of golf Courses in japan, 2019-20

Figure 87: Japan golf club market share breakdown

Figure 88: South Korea Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 89: South Korea Golf equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 90: South Korea Golf equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 91: South Korea golfer population, 2012-2017, (In Millions)

Figure 92: South Korea golfer population growth, 2013-17

Figure 93: South Korea Number of Golf Course, 2019-2020

Figure 94: Thailand Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 95: Thailand Golf equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 96: Thailand Golf equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 97: Thailand Urban Population (In Billions), 2015-2020

Figure 98: Thailand GDP (in Billions), 2015-2020

Figure 99: Thailand Number of Golf Course, 2019-2020

Figure 100: Australia Golf Equipment Market Size, By Value, 2016-2026 (USD Million)

Figure 101: Australia Golf equipment Market- By Product Type, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 102: Australia Golf equipment Market- By Distribution Channel, By Value (USD Million), 2016-2026

Figure 103: Australia Urban Population (In Billions), 2015-2020

Figure 104: Australia GDP (in Trillion), 2015-2020

Figure 105: Australia Number of Golf Course, 2019-2020

Figure 106: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Golf Equipment Market- By Product Type (Year-2026)

Figure 107: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Golf Equipment Market- By Distribution Channel (Year-2026)

Figure 108: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Golf Equipment Market- By Region (Year-2026)

Figure 109: Global leading Golf Equipment company market share (%), 2020

Figure 110: Golf head production from Taiwanese companies (units in Mn)

Figure 111: Callaway's driver ASP trend (US$ per unit)

Figure 112: Titleist's driver ASP trend (US$ per unit)

Figure 113: Callaway Golf Company Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 114: Callaway Golf Company Net Income, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 115: Callaway Golf Company Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2020

Figure 116: Callaway Golf Company Sales Revenue, By Geographical Segment (%), FY2020

Figure 117: Fusheng Precision Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 118: Fusheng Precision Net Income, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 119: Fusheng Precision Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2019

Figure 120: Fusheng Precision Sales Revenue, By Geographical Segment (%), FY2019

Figure 121: Bridgestone Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 122: Bridgestone Net Income, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 123: Bridgestone Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2020

Figure 124: Bridgestone Sales Revenue, By Geographical Segment (%), FY2020

Figure 125: Acushnet Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 126: Acushnet Net Income, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 127: Acushnet Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2020

Figure 128: Acushnet Sales Revenue, By Geographical Segment (%), FY2020

Figure 129: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 130: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Net Income, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 131: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2020

Figure 132: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Sales Revenue, By Geographical Segment (%), FY2020

Figure 133: Fila Korea Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 134: Fila Korea Net Income, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 135: Honma Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 136: Honma Net Income, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 137: Honma Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2020

Figure 138: Honma Sales Revenue, By Geographical Segment (%), FY2020

Figure 139: Mizuno Corporation Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 140: Mizuno Corporation Net Income, 2016-2020 (USD Million)

Figure 141: Mizuno Corporation Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2020

Figure 142: Mizuno Corporation Sales Revenue, By Geographical Segme






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