![]() 米国イベント市場:タイプ別(音楽コンサート、フェスティバル、スポーツ、展示会・会議、企業イベント・セミナー、その他)、収益源(チケット販売、スポンサーシップ、その他)、主催者(企業、スポーツ、教育、娯楽、その他)、年齢層(20歳未満、21~40歳、41歳以上)、所得水準(上流階級、中流階級以上、下流階級、そして下級生)。機会分析および産業予測、2021-2030年U.S. Events Market by Type (Music Concert, Festivals, Sports, Exhibitions & Conferences, Corporate Events & Seminars, and Others), Revenue Source (Ticket Sale, Sponsorship, and Others), Organizer (Corporate, Sports, Education, Entertainment, and Others), Age Group (Below 20 years, 21–40 years, and Above 41), and Income Level (Upper Class, Upper Middle Class, Lower Middle Class, And Lower Class): Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021–2030 米国のイベント市場規模は2020年に948億ドル、2030年には5386億ドルに達し、2021年から2030年までのCAGRは13.0%を記録すると予測されています。 イベントとは、ある目的のために、決められた時間、決められた場... もっと見る
サマリー米国のイベント市場規模は2020年に948億ドル、2030年には5386億ドルに達し、2021年から2030年までのCAGRは13.0%を記録すると予測されています。イベントとは、ある目的のために、決められた時間、決められた場所に民衆が集まることを指す。イベントの目的は、ビジネスの収益性向上、祝賀、娯楽、コミュニティ活動など多岐にわたります。最も一般的なイベントは、会議・展示会、企業イベント・セミナー、プロモーション・資金調達、音楽・アートパフォーマンス、スポーツ、フェスティバル、トレードショー、製品発表会などである。イベント産業における主要なステークホルダーは、企業組織、公的組織およびNGO、およびその他です。 米国のイベント産業の成長は、主に企業の会議、導入、会議、展示会、音楽コンサート、スポーツイベントなどの頻度が急増したことに起因しています。さらに、イベント全体を処理できる最高クラスの技術の展開が、米国イベント市場の成長を後押ししています。さらに、慣習的に開催される多次元的なイベントは、世界のイベント産業の主要な推進力として機能しています。また、Redbull、Monster Energy、Nike、Cocoa Colaなど、様々なブランドから、3日間の大規模なグローバルフェスティバルや、ソーシャルクラブやアリーナでの小規模なライブやアクトへのスポンサーシップが、市場の成長を後押ししています。しかし、新しいメディアプラットフォームと配信方法の導入は、さらにアーティスト、パフォーマー、スピーカー、ビジネスコーチを含むイベントを交流し、整理するために巨人のための範囲を提供しています。しかし、市場参入コストの高さと業界の断片化は、業界の主な抑制要因の一部となっています。 米国のイベント市場は、タイプ、収益源、主催者、年齢層、所得層で区分されます。タイプ別では、音楽コンサート、フェスティバル、スポーツ、展示会・会議、企業イベント・セミナー、ウェビナー、ハイブリッドイベント、その他に分類されます。収益源別に見ると、チケット販売、スポンサーシップ、その他に分類されます。主催者別では、企業、スポーツ、教育、エンターテインメント、その他に分類される。年齢層別では、20歳未満、21~40歳、40歳以上に細分化されている。所得階層別では、上流階級、上流中流階級、下流中流階級、下流階級に分類されます。 米国イベント市場のレポートでは、Access Destination Services, LLC、Anschutz Entertainment Group、BCD Meeting & Events、BI Worldwide、Creative Group, Inc、Cvent, Inc、ITA Group、Maritz Holdings, Inc、The ATPI Group、360 Destination Groupなどの主要企業が紹介されている。 ステークホルダーにとっての主な市場メリット - 本レポートは、米国イベント市場の現在および新興のトレンドと機会について広範な分析を提供しています。 - 現在のトレンドと将来の予測に関する詳細な定性的および定量的分析を提供し、一般的な市場機会を理解するのに役立ちます。 - 米国イベント市場の成長を促進および制限する要因の包括的な分析は、本調査で強調されています。 - 米国イベント市場の広範な分析は、主要製品のポジショニングを追跡し、市場フレームワーク内の上位競合を監視することによって行われます。 - 本レポートでは、潜在的なニッチセグメントや、良好な成長を示している州に関する広範な定性的洞察を提供しています。 目次CHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key benefits for stakeholders 1.3.Key market segments 1.4.Research methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.5.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.1.2.Top investment pocket 2.2.CXO perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Porter's five forces analysis 3.4.Market dynamics 3.4.1.Drivers in sponsorship for events in interest among youth in entrepreneur & business seminars in disposable income 3.4.2.Restraints operational cost involved in organizing events barriers due to presence of existing giant players 3.4.3.Opportunities advancements 3.5.Covid-19 Impact on U.S. Events Industry CHAPTER 4:U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY TYPE 4.1.Overview 4.1.1.Market size and forecast 4.2.Music Concert 4.2.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.2.2.Market size and forecast 4.3.Festivals 4.3.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.3.2.Market size and forecast 4.4.Sports 4.4.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.4.2.Market size and forecast 4.5.Exhibitions and Conferences 4.5.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.5.2.Market size and forecast 4.6.Corporate events and seminars 4.6.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.6.2.Market size and forecast 4.7.Webinar 4.7.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.7.2.Market size and forecast 4.8.Hybrid Events 4.8.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.8.2.Market size and forecast 4.9.Others 4.9.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.9.2.Market size and forecast CHAPTER 5:U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY REVENUE SOURCE 5.1.Overview 5.1.1.Market size and forecast 5.2.Ticket sale 5.2.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.2.2.Market size and forecast 5.3.Sponsorship 5.3.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.3.2.Market size and forecast 5.4.Others 5.4.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.4.2.Market size and forecast CHAPTER 6:U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY ORGANIZER 6.1.Overview 6.1.1.Market size and forecast 6.2.Corporate 6.2.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.2.2.Market size and forecast 6.3.Sports 6.3.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.3.2.Market size and forecast 6.4.Education 6.4.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.4.2.Market size and forecast 6.5.Entertainment 6.5.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.5.2.Market size and forecast 6.6.Others 6.6.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.6.2.Market size and forecast CHAPTER 7:U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY AGE GROUP 7.1.Overview 7.1.1.Market size and forecast 7.2.Below 20 years 7.2.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 7.2.2.Market size and forecast 7.3.21-40 Years 7.3.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 7.3.2.Market size and forecast 7.4.Above 41 years 7.4.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 7.4.2.Market size and forecast CHAPTER 8:U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY INCOME GROUP 8.1.Overview 8.1.1.Market size and forecast 8.2.Upper class 8.2.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 8.2.2.Market size and forecast 8.3.Upper middle class 8.3.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 8.3.2.Market size and forecast 8.4.Lower middle class 8.4.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 8.4.2.Market size and forecast 8.5.Lower class 8.5.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 8.5.2.Market size and forecast CHAPTER 9:COMPETITION LANDSCAPE 9.1.Top winning strategies 9.2.Product mapping 9.3.Competitive dashboard 9.4.Competitive heat map 9.5.Key developments 9.5.1.Acquisition 9.5.2.Business Expansion 9.5.3.Partnership CHAPTER 10:COMPANY PROFILES 10.1.ACCESS DESTINATION SERVICES 10.1.1.Company overview 10.1.2.Key Executives 10.1.3.Company snapshot 10.1.4.Service portfolio 10.1.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.2.ANSCHUTZ ENTERTAINMENT GROUP 10.2.1.Company overview 10.2.2.Key Executive 10.2.3.Company snapshot 10.2.4.Service portfolio 10.2.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.3.BCD MEETING & EVENTS 10.3.1.Company overview 10.3.2.Key Executives 10.3.3.Company snapshot 10.3.4.Operating business segments 10.3.5.Service portfolio 10.3.6.Key strategic moves and developments 10.4.BI WORLDWIDE 10.4.1.Company overview 10.4.2.Key Executives 10.4.3.Company snapshot 10.4.4.Service portfolio 10.5.CREATIVE GROUP, INC. 10.5.1.Company overview 10.5.2.Key Executives 10.5.3.Company snapshot 10.5.4.Service portfolio 10.5.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.6.CVENT, INC. 10.6.1.Company overview 10.6.2.Key Executives 10.6.3.Company snapshot 10.6.4.Service portfolio 10.6.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.7.ITA GROUP 10.7.1.Company overview 10.7.2.Key Executives 10.7.3.Company snapshot 10.7.4.Service portfolio 10.7.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.8.MARITZ HOLDINGS INC. 10.8.1.Company overview 10.8.2.Key Executives 10.8.3.Company snapshot 10.8.4.Service portfolio 10.9.THE ATPI GROUP 10.9.1.Company overview 10.9.2.Key Executives 10.9.3.Company snapshot 10.9.4.Service portfolio 10.9.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.10.360 DESTINATION GROUP 10.10.1.Company overview 10.10.2.Key Executives 10.10.3.Company snapshot 10.10.4.Service portfolio 10.10.5.Key strategic moves and developments List of Tables LIST OF TABLES TABLE 01.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY TYPE, 2020-2030 ($BILLION) TABLE 02.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY REVENUE SOURCE, 2020-2030 ($BILLION) TABLE 03.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY ORGANIZER, 2020-2030 ($BILLION) TABLE 04.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY AGE GROUP, 2020-2030 ($BILLION) TABLE 05.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY INCOME GROUP, 2020-2030 ($BILLION) TABLE 06.ACCESS DESTINATION SERVICES: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 07.ACCESS DESTINATION SERVICES: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 08.ACCESS DESTINATION SERVICES: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 09.ANSCHUTZ ENTERTAINMENT GROUP: KEY EXECUTIVE TABLE 10.ANSCHUTZ ENTERTAINMENT GROUP: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 11.ANSCHUTZ ENTERTAINMENT GROUP: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 12.BCD MEETING & EVENTS: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 13.BCD MEETING & EVENTS: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 14.BCD MEETING & EVENTS: OPERATING SEGMENTS TABLE 15.BCD MEETING & EVENTS: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 16.BI WORLDWIDE: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 17.BI WORLDWIDE: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 18.BI WORLDWIDE: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 19.CREATIVE GROUP, INC.: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 20.CREATIVE GROUP, INC.: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 21.CREATIVE GROUP, INC.: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 22.CVENT, INC.: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 23.CVENT, INC.: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 24.CVENT, INC.: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 25.ITA GROUP: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 26.ITA GROUP: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 27.ITA GROUP: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 28.MARITZ HOLDINGS, INC.: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 29.MARITZ HOLDINGS, INC.: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 30.MARITZ HOLDINGS, INC.: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 31.THE ATPI GROUP: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 32.THE ATPI GROUP: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 33.THE ATPI GROUP: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 34.360 DESTINATION GROUP: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 35.360 DESTINATION GROUP: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 36.360 DESTINATION GROUP: SERVICE PORTFOLIO List of Figures LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 01.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY SEGMENTATION FIGURE 02.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FIGURE 03.TOP INVESTMENT POCKET FIGURE 04.MODERATE BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS FIGURE 05.LOW BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS FIGURE 06.MODERATE THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS FIGURE 07.MODERATE THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES FIGURE 08.HIGH INTENSITY OF COMPETITIVE RIVALRY FIGURE 09.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY: DRIVERS, RESTRAINTS, AND OPPORTUNITIES FIGURE 10.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY TYPE, 2020 (%) FIGURE 11.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY REVENUE SOURCE, 2020 (%) FIGURE 12.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY ORGANIZER, 2020 (%) FIGURE 13.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY AGE GROUP, 2020 (%) FIGURE 14.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY INCOME GROUP, 2020 (%) FIGURE 15.TOP WINNING STRATEGIES, BY YEAR, 2018–2021* FIGURE 16.TOP WINNING STRATEGIES, BY DEVELOPMENT, 2018–2021* (%) FIGURE 17.PRODUCT MAPPING OF TOP 10 KEY PLAYERS FIGURE 18.COMPETITIVE DASHBOARD OF TOP 10 KEY PLAYERS FIGURE 19.COMPETITIVE HEATMAP OF TOP 10 KEY PLAYERS
SummaryThe U.S. events market size was valued at $94.8 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $538.6 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 13.0% from 2021 to 2030. Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key benefits for stakeholders 1.3.Key market segments 1.4.Research methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.5.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.1.2.Top investment pocket 2.2.CXO perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Porter's five forces analysis 3.4.Market dynamics 3.4.1.Drivers in sponsorship for events in interest among youth in entrepreneur & business seminars in disposable income 3.4.2.Restraints operational cost involved in organizing events barriers due to presence of existing giant players 3.4.3.Opportunities advancements 3.5.Covid-19 Impact on U.S. Events Industry CHAPTER 4:U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY TYPE 4.1.Overview 4.1.1.Market size and forecast 4.2.Music Concert 4.2.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.2.2.Market size and forecast 4.3.Festivals 4.3.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.3.2.Market size and forecast 4.4.Sports 4.4.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.4.2.Market size and forecast 4.5.Exhibitions and Conferences 4.5.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.5.2.Market size and forecast 4.6.Corporate events and seminars 4.6.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.6.2.Market size and forecast 4.7.Webinar 4.7.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.7.2.Market size and forecast 4.8.Hybrid Events 4.8.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.8.2.Market size and forecast 4.9.Others 4.9.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.9.2.Market size and forecast CHAPTER 5:U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY REVENUE SOURCE 5.1.Overview 5.1.1.Market size and forecast 5.2.Ticket sale 5.2.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.2.2.Market size and forecast 5.3.Sponsorship 5.3.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.3.2.Market size and forecast 5.4.Others 5.4.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.4.2.Market size and forecast CHAPTER 6:U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY ORGANIZER 6.1.Overview 6.1.1.Market size and forecast 6.2.Corporate 6.2.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.2.2.Market size and forecast 6.3.Sports 6.3.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.3.2.Market size and forecast 6.4.Education 6.4.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.4.2.Market size and forecast 6.5.Entertainment 6.5.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.5.2.Market size and forecast 6.6.Others 6.6.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.6.2.Market size and forecast CHAPTER 7:U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY AGE GROUP 7.1.Overview 7.1.1.Market size and forecast 7.2.Below 20 years 7.2.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 7.2.2.Market size and forecast 7.3.21-40 Years 7.3.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 7.3.2.Market size and forecast 7.4.Above 41 years 7.4.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 7.4.2.Market size and forecast CHAPTER 8:U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY INCOME GROUP 8.1.Overview 8.1.1.Market size and forecast 8.2.Upper class 8.2.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 8.2.2.Market size and forecast 8.3.Upper middle class 8.3.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 8.3.2.Market size and forecast 8.4.Lower middle class 8.4.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 8.4.2.Market size and forecast 8.5.Lower class 8.5.1.Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 8.5.2.Market size and forecast CHAPTER 9:COMPETITION LANDSCAPE 9.1.Top winning strategies 9.2.Product mapping 9.3.Competitive dashboard 9.4.Competitive heat map 9.5.Key developments 9.5.1.Acquisition 9.5.2.Business Expansion 9.5.3.Partnership CHAPTER 10:COMPANY PROFILES 10.1.ACCESS DESTINATION SERVICES 10.1.1.Company overview 10.1.2.Key Executives 10.1.3.Company snapshot 10.1.4.Service portfolio 10.1.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.2.ANSCHUTZ ENTERTAINMENT GROUP 10.2.1.Company overview 10.2.2.Key Executive 10.2.3.Company snapshot 10.2.4.Service portfolio 10.2.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.3.BCD MEETING & EVENTS 10.3.1.Company overview 10.3.2.Key Executives 10.3.3.Company snapshot 10.3.4.Operating business segments 10.3.5.Service portfolio 10.3.6.Key strategic moves and developments 10.4.BI WORLDWIDE 10.4.1.Company overview 10.4.2.Key Executives 10.4.3.Company snapshot 10.4.4.Service portfolio 10.5.CREATIVE GROUP, INC. 10.5.1.Company overview 10.5.2.Key Executives 10.5.3.Company snapshot 10.5.4.Service portfolio 10.5.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.6.CVENT, INC. 10.6.1.Company overview 10.6.2.Key Executives 10.6.3.Company snapshot 10.6.4.Service portfolio 10.6.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.7.ITA GROUP 10.7.1.Company overview 10.7.2.Key Executives 10.7.3.Company snapshot 10.7.4.Service portfolio 10.7.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.8.MARITZ HOLDINGS INC. 10.8.1.Company overview 10.8.2.Key Executives 10.8.3.Company snapshot 10.8.4.Service portfolio 10.9.THE ATPI GROUP 10.9.1.Company overview 10.9.2.Key Executives 10.9.3.Company snapshot 10.9.4.Service portfolio 10.9.5.Key strategic moves and developments 10.10.360 DESTINATION GROUP 10.10.1.Company overview 10.10.2.Key Executives 10.10.3.Company snapshot 10.10.4.Service portfolio 10.10.5.Key strategic moves and developments List of Tables LIST OF TABLES TABLE 01.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY TYPE, 2020-2030 ($BILLION) TABLE 02.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY REVENUE SOURCE, 2020-2030 ($BILLION) TABLE 03.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY ORGANIZER, 2020-2030 ($BILLION) TABLE 04.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY AGE GROUP, 2020-2030 ($BILLION) TABLE 05.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY INCOME GROUP, 2020-2030 ($BILLION) TABLE 06.ACCESS DESTINATION SERVICES: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 07.ACCESS DESTINATION SERVICES: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 08.ACCESS DESTINATION SERVICES: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 09.ANSCHUTZ ENTERTAINMENT GROUP: KEY EXECUTIVE TABLE 10.ANSCHUTZ ENTERTAINMENT GROUP: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 11.ANSCHUTZ ENTERTAINMENT GROUP: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 12.BCD MEETING & EVENTS: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 13.BCD MEETING & EVENTS: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 14.BCD MEETING & EVENTS: OPERATING SEGMENTS TABLE 15.BCD MEETING & EVENTS: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 16.BI WORLDWIDE: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 17.BI WORLDWIDE: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 18.BI WORLDWIDE: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 19.CREATIVE GROUP, INC.: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 20.CREATIVE GROUP, INC.: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 21.CREATIVE GROUP, INC.: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 22.CVENT, INC.: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 23.CVENT, INC.: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 24.CVENT, INC.: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 25.ITA GROUP: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 26.ITA GROUP: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 27.ITA GROUP: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 28.MARITZ HOLDINGS, INC.: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 29.MARITZ HOLDINGS, INC.: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 30.MARITZ HOLDINGS, INC.: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 31.THE ATPI GROUP: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 32.THE ATPI GROUP: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 33.THE ATPI GROUP: SERVICE PORTFOLIO TABLE 34.360 DESTINATION GROUP: KEY EXECUTIVES TABLE 35.360 DESTINATION GROUP: COMPANY SNAPSHOT TABLE 36.360 DESTINATION GROUP: SERVICE PORTFOLIO List of Figures LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 01.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY SEGMENTATION FIGURE 02.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FIGURE 03.TOP INVESTMENT POCKET FIGURE 04.MODERATE BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS FIGURE 05.LOW BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS FIGURE 06.MODERATE THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS FIGURE 07.MODERATE THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES FIGURE 08.HIGH INTENSITY OF COMPETITIVE RIVALRY FIGURE 09.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY: DRIVERS, RESTRAINTS, AND OPPORTUNITIES FIGURE 10.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY TYPE, 2020 (%) FIGURE 11.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY REVENUE SOURCE, 2020 (%) FIGURE 12.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY ORGANIZER, 2020 (%) FIGURE 13.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY AGE GROUP, 2020 (%) FIGURE 14.U.S. EVENTS INDUSTRY, BY INCOME GROUP, 2020 (%) FIGURE 15.TOP WINNING STRATEGIES, BY YEAR, 2018–2021* FIGURE 16.TOP WINNING STRATEGIES, BY DEVELOPMENT, 2018–2021* (%) FIGURE 17.PRODUCT MAPPING OF TOP 10 KEY PLAYERS FIGURE 18.COMPETITIVE DASHBOARD OF TOP 10 KEY PLAYERS FIGURE 19.COMPETITIVE HEATMAP OF TOP 10 KEY PLAYERS
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2025/03/14 10:26 149.35 円 162.52 円 196.23 円 |