石畳市場:タイプ別(機械小石、天然石畳、川石、その他)、建設タイプ別(新築、改築)、用途別(道路、建築、その他)。世界の機会分析および産業予測、2021-2031年Cobblestone Market By Type (Mechanical Pebble, Natural Cobblestone, Riverstone, Others), By Construction Type (New construction, Renovation), By Application (Roading, Architecture, Others): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021-2031 世界の玉石の市場規模は、2021年に76億3520万ドル、2031年には124億3690万ドルに達し、2022年から2031年までのCAGRは5.0%を記録すると予測されています。 石畳は、非常に長い間、建材や装飾品として利用されて... もっと見る
サマリー世界の玉石の市場規模は、2021年に76億3520万ドル、2031年には124億3690万ドルに達し、2022年から2031年までのCAGRは5.0%を記録すると予測されています。石畳は、非常に長い間、建材や装飾品として利用されてきた土の採掘製品です。石灰石、御影石、大理石、トラバーチン、砂岩、珪石などが玉石の一例である。天然石は慎重に選ばれた石の断片であり、頑丈さと美しさの最も信頼できる源と見なされています。同じ石材でも、色や形、質感がさまざまです。住宅や商業施設の壁材や床材に使用されるため、石畳市場は急速に成長すると予測されている。山岳地帯には、珪石、スレート、石灰質、砂岩、大理石、花崗岩、石畳など、天然石として知られるさまざまな鉱物が存在します。 特に大都市圏では、可処分所得の増加や外観デザインに対する理解の向上により、住宅リフォームに対するエンドユーザーの嗜好が変化しています。また、インフラ分野での設計・調達・建設プロジェクトや、不動産、さまざまな都市インフラプロジェクトの増加に伴い、石畳のニーズも高まると予想されます。したがって、自動車道、橋、空港、高速道路、道路プロジェクトの建設など、インフラ開発活動が市場を牽引しています。また、石畳の市場は、工業化の進展と住宅や企業のインフラ需要の高まりから、利益を得られると予想されます。例えば、2019年8月、カナダ連邦政府は、新たなインフラ整備のために約1800億ドルを投資することを計画しました。さらに、インド、ブラジル、アフリカなどの発展途上国の人々の可処分所得の上昇は、リフォーム活動への支出増につながり、世界の玉石市場の成長を後押ししています。 市場は、タイプ、建設タイプ、用途、地域に基づいて区分されています。タイプ別では、市場は機械式小石、天然石畳、川石、その他に分類されます。建設タイプに基づいて、市場は新築と改築に分けられます。用途別では、道路用、建築用、その他に分類されます。地域別では、北米(アメリカ、カナダ、メキシコ)、ヨーロッパ(イギリス、フランス、ドイツ、イタリア、その他のヨーロッパ)、アジア太平洋(中国、日本、インド、韓国、その他のアジア太平洋)、LAMEA(中南米、中東、アフリカ)で世界市場の分析が行われています。 競合分析 石畳業界で活動する主要なプレーヤーは、Aaren Stones & Granites Pvt. Ltd、Agarsen Granite & Stones、Ajmera Marbles Industries、Akrolithos、Cosentino、Dakota Granites、Dal-Tile、Environmental Stone Works、Elegant Natural Stones Pvt. Ltd、Granite Setts UK Ltd、Leeca Ltd、Maharaja Stones、Paving International、Precision Countertops, Inc.、スタイルアース、US Stone Works Inc、Vanguraです。 ステークホルダーにとっての主なメリット 本レポートは、2021年から2031年までの玉石市場分析の市場セグメント、現在の動向、予測、ダイナミクスを定量的に分析し、玉石市場の優勢な機会を特定します。 ●市場調査は、主要な推進要因、阻害要因、機会に関連する情報とともに提供されます。 ポーターのファイブフォース分析により、買い手と供給者の潜在力を明らかにし、ステークホルダーが利益志向のビジネス決定を下し、供給者と買い手のネットワークを強化できるようにします。 石畳市場のセグメンテーションの詳細な分析により、市場機会を決定します。 各地域の主要国を世界市場への収益貢献度に応じてマッピングしています。 市場プレイヤーのポジショニングは、ベンチマークを容易にし、市場プレイヤーの現在のポジションを明確に理解することができます。 地域別および世界別の玉石市場動向、主要企業、市場セグメント、応用分野、市場成長戦略などの分析が含まれています。 主な市場セグメント タイプ別 機械式小石 天然石畳 リバーストーン その他 施工形態別 新築 新築 ● リノベーション 用途別 道路工事 建築 その他 地域別 北米 米国 カナダ メキシコ 欧州 ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア その他の地域 アジア・パシフィック 中国 インド 日本 韓国 その他のアジア太平洋地域 LAMEA 中南米 中近東 アフリカ 主な市場関係者 Aaren Stones & Granites Pvt. アガルセン グラナイト&ストーンズ Ajmera Marbles Industries アクロリソス Cosentino ダコタ・グラニテス ダルタイル エンバイロメンタルストーンワークス エレガント・ナチュラルストーンズ社 グラナイトセッツUK Ltd. リーカ社 マハラジャ ストーンズ ペイビング・インターナショナル プレシジョン・カウンタートップス スタイルアース U.S. ストーンワークス バングラ・サーフェシング・プロダクト 目次CHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key market segments 1.3.Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4.Research Methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.4.3.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.2.CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Key findings 3.2.1.Top investment pockets 3.3.Porter’s five forces analysis 3.4.Top player positioning 3.5.Market dynamics 3.5.1.Drivers 3.5.2.Restraints 3.5.3.Opportunities 3.6.COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market CHAPTER 4: COBBLESTONE MARKET, BY TYPE 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Market size and forecast 4.2 Mechanical Pebble 4.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3 Market analysis by country 4.3 Natural Cobblestone 4.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3 Market analysis by country 4.4 Riverstone 4.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.4.3 Market analysis by country 4.5 Others 4.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.5.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 5: COBBLESTONE MARKET, BY CONSTRUCTION TYPE 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Market size and forecast 5.2 New construction 5.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3 Market analysis by country 5.3 Renovation 5.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 6: COBBLESTONE MARKET, BY APPLICATION 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Market size and forecast 6.2 Roading 6.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.2.3 Market analysis by country 6.3 Architecture 6.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.3.3 Market analysis by country 6.4 Others 6.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.4.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 7: COBBLESTONE MARKET, BY REGION 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Market size and forecast 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.2.2 North America Market size and forecast, by Type 7.2.3 North America Market size and forecast, by Construction Type 7.2.4 North America Market size and forecast, by Application 7.2.5 North America Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Canada Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Mexico Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.3.2 Europe Market size and forecast, by Type 7.3.3 Europe Market size and forecast, by Construction Type 7.3.4 Europe Market size and forecast, by Application 7.3.5 Europe Market size and forecast, by country Germany Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application France Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application U.K. Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Italy Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Rest of Europe Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application 7.4 Asia-Pacific 7.4.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.4.2 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Type 7.4.3 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Construction Type 7.4.4 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Application 7.4.5 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by country China Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application India Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Japan Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application South Korea Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Rest of Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application 7.5 LAMEA 7.5.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.5.2 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Type 7.5.3 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Construction Type 7.5.4 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Application 7.5.5 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by country Latin America Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Middle East Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Africa Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application CHAPTER 8: COMPANY LANDSCAPE 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Top winning strategies 8.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 8.4. Competitive Dashboard 8.5. Competitive Heatmap 8.6. Key developments CHAPTER 9: COMPANY PROFILES 9.1 Aaren Stones & Granites Pvt. Ltd 9.1.1 Company overview 9.1.2 Company snapshot 9.1.3 Operating business segments 9.1.4 Product portfolio 9.1.5 Business performance 9.1.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.2 Agarsen Granite & Stones 9.2.1 Company overview 9.2.2 Company snapshot 9.2.3 Operating business segments 9.2.4 Product portfolio 9.2.5 Business performance 9.2.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.3 Ajmera Marbles Industries 9.3.1 Company overview 9.3.2 Company snapshot 9.3.3 Operating business segments 9.3.4 Product portfolio 9.3.5 Business performance 9.3.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.4 Akrolithos 9.4.1 Company overview 9.4.2 Company snapshot 9.4.3 Operating business segments 9.4.4 Product portfolio 9.4.5 Business performance 9.4.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.5 Cosentino 9.5.1 Company overview 9.5.2 Company snapshot 9.5.3 Operating business segments 9.5.4 Product portfolio 9.5.5 Business performance 9.5.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.6 Dakota Granites 9.6.1 Company overview 9.6.2 Company snapshot 9.6.3 Operating business segments 9.6.4 Product portfolio 9.6.5 Business performance 9.6.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.7 Dal-Tile 9.7.1 Company overview 9.7.2 Company snapshot 9.7.3 Operating business segments 9.7.4 Product portfolio 9.7.5 Business performance 9.7.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.8 Environmental StoneWorks 9.8.1 Company overview 9.8.2 Company snapshot 9.8.3 Operating business segments 9.8.4 Product portfolio 9.8.5 Business performance 9.8.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.9 Elegant Natural Stones Pvt. Ltd 9.9.1 Company overview 9.9.2 Company snapshot 9.9.3 Operating business segments 9.9.4 Product portfolio 9.9.5 Business performance 9.9.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.10 Granite Setts UK Ltd 9.10.1 Company overview 9.10.2 Company snapshot 9.10.3 Operating business segments 9.10.4 Product portfolio 9.10.5 Business performance 9.10.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.11 Leeca Ltd 9.11.1 Company overview 9.11.2 Company snapshot 9.11.3 Operating business segments 9.11.4 Product portfolio 9.11.5 Business performance 9.11.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.12 Maharaja Stones 9.12.1 Company overview 9.12.2 Company snapshot 9.12.3 Operating business segments 9.12.4 Product portfolio 9.12.5 Business performance 9.12.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.13 Paving International 9.13.1 Company overview 9.13.2 Company snapshot 9.13.3 Operating business segments 9.13.4 Product portfolio 9.13.5 Business performance 9.13.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.14 Precision Countertops, Inc 9.14.1 Company overview 9.14.2 Company snapshot 9.14.3 Operating business segments 9.14.4 Product portfolio 9.14.5 Business performance 9.14.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.15 Style Earth 9.15.1 Company overview 9.15.2 Company snapshot 9.15.3 Operating business segments 9.15.4 Product portfolio 9.15.5 Business performance 9.15.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.16 U.S. Stone Works Inc 9.16.1 Company overview 9.16.2 Company snapshot 9.16.3 Operating business segments 9.16.4 Product portfolio 9.16.5 Business performance 9.16.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.17 vangura surfacing products 9.17.1 Company overview 9.17.2 Company snapshot 9.17.3 Operating business segments 9.17.4 Product portfolio 9.17.5 Business performance 9.17.6 Key strategic moves and developments
SummaryThe global cobblestone market size was valued at $7,635.2 million in 2021, and is projected to reach $12,436.9 million by 2031, registering a CAGR of 5.0% from 2022 to 2031. Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key market segments 1.3.Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4.Research Methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.4.3.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.2.CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Key findings 3.2.1.Top investment pockets 3.3.Porter’s five forces analysis 3.4.Top player positioning 3.5.Market dynamics 3.5.1.Drivers 3.5.2.Restraints 3.5.3.Opportunities 3.6.COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market CHAPTER 4: COBBLESTONE MARKET, BY TYPE 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Market size and forecast 4.2 Mechanical Pebble 4.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3 Market analysis by country 4.3 Natural Cobblestone 4.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3 Market analysis by country 4.4 Riverstone 4.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.4.3 Market analysis by country 4.5 Others 4.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.5.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 5: COBBLESTONE MARKET, BY CONSTRUCTION TYPE 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Market size and forecast 5.2 New construction 5.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3 Market analysis by country 5.3 Renovation 5.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 6: COBBLESTONE MARKET, BY APPLICATION 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Market size and forecast 6.2 Roading 6.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.2.3 Market analysis by country 6.3 Architecture 6.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.3.3 Market analysis by country 6.4 Others 6.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.4.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 7: COBBLESTONE MARKET, BY REGION 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Market size and forecast 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.2.2 North America Market size and forecast, by Type 7.2.3 North America Market size and forecast, by Construction Type 7.2.4 North America Market size and forecast, by Application 7.2.5 North America Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Canada Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Mexico Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.3.2 Europe Market size and forecast, by Type 7.3.3 Europe Market size and forecast, by Construction Type 7.3.4 Europe Market size and forecast, by Application 7.3.5 Europe Market size and forecast, by country Germany Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application France Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application U.K. Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Italy Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Rest of Europe Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application 7.4 Asia-Pacific 7.4.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.4.2 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Type 7.4.3 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Construction Type 7.4.4 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Application 7.4.5 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by country China Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application India Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Japan Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application South Korea Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Rest of Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application 7.5 LAMEA 7.5.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.5.2 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Type 7.5.3 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Construction Type 7.5.4 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Application 7.5.5 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by country Latin America Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Middle East Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application Africa Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Construction Type Market size and forecast, by Application CHAPTER 8: COMPANY LANDSCAPE 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Top winning strategies 8.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 8.4. Competitive Dashboard 8.5. Competitive Heatmap 8.6. Key developments CHAPTER 9: COMPANY PROFILES 9.1 Aaren Stones & Granites Pvt. Ltd 9.1.1 Company overview 9.1.2 Company snapshot 9.1.3 Operating business segments 9.1.4 Product portfolio 9.1.5 Business performance 9.1.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.2 Agarsen Granite & Stones 9.2.1 Company overview 9.2.2 Company snapshot 9.2.3 Operating business segments 9.2.4 Product portfolio 9.2.5 Business performance 9.2.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.3 Ajmera Marbles Industries 9.3.1 Company overview 9.3.2 Company snapshot 9.3.3 Operating business segments 9.3.4 Product portfolio 9.3.5 Business performance 9.3.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.4 Akrolithos 9.4.1 Company overview 9.4.2 Company snapshot 9.4.3 Operating business segments 9.4.4 Product portfolio 9.4.5 Business performance 9.4.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.5 Cosentino 9.5.1 Company overview 9.5.2 Company snapshot 9.5.3 Operating business segments 9.5.4 Product portfolio 9.5.5 Business performance 9.5.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.6 Dakota Granites 9.6.1 Company overview 9.6.2 Company snapshot 9.6.3 Operating business segments 9.6.4 Product portfolio 9.6.5 Business performance 9.6.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.7 Dal-Tile 9.7.1 Company overview 9.7.2 Company snapshot 9.7.3 Operating business segments 9.7.4 Product portfolio 9.7.5 Business performance 9.7.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.8 Environmental StoneWorks 9.8.1 Company overview 9.8.2 Company snapshot 9.8.3 Operating business segments 9.8.4 Product portfolio 9.8.5 Business performance 9.8.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.9 Elegant Natural Stones Pvt. Ltd 9.9.1 Company overview 9.9.2 Company snapshot 9.9.3 Operating business segments 9.9.4 Product portfolio 9.9.5 Business performance 9.9.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.10 Granite Setts UK Ltd 9.10.1 Company overview 9.10.2 Company snapshot 9.10.3 Operating business segments 9.10.4 Product portfolio 9.10.5 Business performance 9.10.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.11 Leeca Ltd 9.11.1 Company overview 9.11.2 Company snapshot 9.11.3 Operating business segments 9.11.4 Product portfolio 9.11.5 Business performance 9.11.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.12 Maharaja Stones 9.12.1 Company overview 9.12.2 Company snapshot 9.12.3 Operating business segments 9.12.4 Product portfolio 9.12.5 Business performance 9.12.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.13 Paving International 9.13.1 Company overview 9.13.2 Company snapshot 9.13.3 Operating business segments 9.13.4 Product portfolio 9.13.5 Business performance 9.13.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.14 Precision Countertops, Inc 9.14.1 Company overview 9.14.2 Company snapshot 9.14.3 Operating business segments 9.14.4 Product portfolio 9.14.5 Business performance 9.14.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.15 Style Earth 9.15.1 Company overview 9.15.2 Company snapshot 9.15.3 Operating business segments 9.15.4 Product portfolio 9.15.5 Business performance 9.15.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.16 U.S. Stone Works Inc 9.16.1 Company overview 9.16.2 Company snapshot 9.16.3 Operating business segments 9.16.4 Product portfolio 9.16.5 Business performance 9.16.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.17 vangura surfacing products 9.17.1 Company overview 9.17.2 Company snapshot 9.17.3 Operating business segments 9.17.4 Product portfolio 9.17.5 Business performance 9.17.6 Key strategic moves and developments
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