![]() 潤滑油市場:基油別(鉱物性、合成、バイオベース)、製品タイプ別(エンジンオイル、トランスミッション/油圧作動油、金属加工油、一般産業油、ギアオイル、グリース、プロセスオイル、その他)、最終使用産業別(発電、自動車およびその他輸送、重機、食品・飲料、冶金・金属加工、その他)。世界の機会分析および産業予測、2021-2031年Lubricants Market By Base Oil (Mineral, Synthetic, Bio-Based), By Product Type (Engine Oil, Transmission/Hydraulic Fluid, Metalworking fluid, General Industrial Oil, Gear Oil, Grease, Process Oil, Others), By End Use Industry (Power Generation, Automotive and Other Transportation, Heavy Equipment, Food and Beverage, Metallurgy and Metalworking, Others): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021-2031 潤滑油の世界市場は、2021年に1,238億ドル、2022年から2031年にかけてCAGR3.6%を記録し、2031年には1億6,820万ドルに達すると予測されます。 潤滑剤とは、表面に塗布したり、相対運動する2つの表面間に導入する... もっと見る
サマリー潤滑油の世界市場は、2021年に1,238億ドル、2022年から2031年にかけてCAGR3.6%を記録し、2031年には1億6,820万ドルに達すると予測されます。潤滑剤とは、表面に塗布したり、相対運動する2つの表面間に導入することで摩擦、付着、熱、摩耗、腐食を防止したり、機械的動力を伝達するために使用できる物質である。主な成分は、基材と添加剤である。また、工業部品の腐食防止、酸化防止、熱安定性などの目的で使用される。業界をリードする大手企業間の競争激化が、時間の経過とともに市場の拡大を後押ししています。大手メーカーは、競争に打ち勝つために世界市場で大規模な投資を行っています。 表面の潤滑にはさまざまな物質が使われますが、中でも油とグリースは最も多く使われています。グリースは、油とその粘性を得るための増粘剤で構成されており、実際に潤滑を行うのは油である。油には合成油、植物油、鉱物油のほか、これらの組み合わせがある。どのオイルをベースオイルにするかは、用途によって決定される。過酷な条件下では、合成油が有効である。環境問題が懸念される場合は、植物性のベースオイルを使用することができる。 潤滑油市場の主要な推進要因の1つは、最終用途産業からの需要の増加です。潤滑油は、耐摩耗性や耐腐食性などの特性から、建設機械に使用されています。油圧作動油は、高いエネルギー伝達能力を持つことから、クローラーショベルやミニショベルなどの土木機械に使用されています。また、機器の排油・給油間隔の改善、潤滑効果の向上、耐摩擦摩耗性の向上、機器の長寿命化にも利用されています。鉄鋼業界では、油圧作動油やコンプレッサーオイルとして、さまざまな用途に使用されています。高炉や連続鋳造機などの設備には、ダウンタイムの低減や運転効率の向上のために潤滑油が必要とされています。このような要因が、予測期間中の市場成長を後押しすると考えられます。 潤滑油市場は、製品タイプ、基油、最終用途産業、地域に基づいて区分されます。製品タイプ別では、エンジンオイル、トランスミッション・油圧作動油、金属加工油、一般産業油、ギアオイル、グリース、プロセスオイル、その他に分類されます。ベースオイルの種類により、市場は鉱物油、合成油、バイオベース油に分類されます。最終用途産業別では、自動車・その他輸送機器、重機、食品・飲料、冶金・金属加工、その他に分類されます。 この業界で事業を展開している主な企業は、British Petroleum、Chevron Corp、ExxonMobil Corp、Marathon Petroleum Corporation、Neste OYJ、Philips 66 Company、Saudi Aramco、Shell Co、Sinopec Corp、S-Oil Corporationなどです。これらの企業は、市場シェアを拡大するための主要な戦略として、製品の発売、買収、事業拡張を採用しています。 COVID-19が世界の潤滑油市場に与える影響 コビッド19の大流行により、世界各国の政府がウイルスの蔓延を防ぐために閉鎖を余儀なくされ、世界経済に悪影響が及んでいます。その結果、潤滑油の生産に支障をきたした。 COVID-19は世界213カ国近くまで拡大し、世界保健機関は2020年3月11日に公衆衛生上の緊急事態と宣言しています。 ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、イギリス、ノルウェーなど、主要な国々がCOVID-19の影響を受けています。 また、企業だけでなく、建設に必要な資材を各企業に供給していたサプライヤーも損失を被りました。それらのサプライヤーはみな、莫大な損失に直面した。 COVID-19の大流行により、世界各地で資源が不足し、製造業や産業界に大きな打撃を与えた。業界のトッププレーヤーは市場の先行きを懸念し、この難局に対応するために戦略を練り直しています。 ●交通機関の制限が実施され、工業生産の減少やサプライチェーンの混乱が生じ、世界の経済成長にかなりの割合で影響を与え、COVID-19の大流行により市場成長に深刻な影響を及ぼした。 ●COVID-19の流行は、世界の自動車産業に急速かつ壊滅的な影響を与えた。中国での部品出荷の停止、欧州での大規模な生産中断、米国での組立工場の倒壊などが発生し、世界の自動車産業に大きな打撃を与えました。すでに世界的な需要減退に直面していた自動車業界にとって大きなプレッシャーとなり、さらなるM&Aの動きにつながりました。 さらに、COVID-19では、社会的な距離の取り方により、製造会社は限られた労働力で仕事をすることになり、生産と自動車部門にマイナスの影響を及ぼしました。 COVID-19の流行時には、金属加工、加工、石油・ガス、化学、消費財などの主要製造業で大規模な操業停止が発生し、全地域で生産が一時的に停止した。その結果、産業界では潤滑油の需要が減少しました。しかし、徐々に生産停止が解除され、産業界は部分的に操業を再開することができました。 ステークホルダーにとっての主なメリット 本レポートは、2021年から2031年までの潤滑油市場の市場セグメント、現在の動向、予測、ダイナミクスを定量的に分析し、潤滑油市場の優勢な機会を特定するものである。 ●市場調査は、主要な推進要因、阻害要因、機会に関する情報とともに提供されます。 ポーターのファイブフォース分析により、買い手と供給者の潜在力を明らかにし、ステークホルダーが利益志向のビジネス決定を下し、供給者と買い手のネットワークを強化できるようにします。 潤滑油市場のセグメンテーションの詳細な分析により、市場機会を決定します。 各地域の主要国を世界市場への売上貢献度に応じてマッピングしています。 市場プレイヤーのポジショニングは、ベンチマークを容易にし、市場プレイヤーの現在のポジションを明確に理解することができます。 地域別および世界別の潤滑油市場動向、キープレイヤー、市場セグメント、応用分野、市場成長戦略などの分析が含まれています。 主な市場セグメント ベースオイル別 バイオベース 鉱物油 合成油 製品タイプ別 エンジンオイル トランスミッション/ハイドロリックフルード 金属加工油剤 一般産業油 ● ギヤードオイル ● グリース プロセスオイル プロセスオイル ● その他 最終使用産業別 発電用 自動車・輸送機器 重機 食品・飲料 冶金・金属加工 その他 地域別 北米 米国 カナダ メキシコ 欧州 ドイツ イギリス フランス スペイン イタリア その他の地域 アジア・パシフィック その他のアジア太平洋地域 中国 インド 日本 韓国 オーストラリア LAMEA ブラジル サウジアラビア 南アフリカ その他LAMEA 主な市場関係者 ブリティッシュ ペトロリアム シェブロンコーポレーション エクソン モービル コーポレーション マラソン・ペトロリウム・コーポレーション ネスティジャパン PT PERTAMINA フィリップス66社 S-オイル・コーポレーション SHELL PLC. SAUDI ARAMCO 目次CHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key market segments 1.3.Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4.Research Methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.4.3.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.2.CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Key findings 3.2.1.Top investment pockets 3.3.Porter’s five forces analysis 3.4.Top player positioning 3.5.Market dynamics 3.5.1.Drivers 3.5.2.Restraints 3.5.3.Opportunities 3.6.COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market 3.7.Pricing Analysis 3.8.Regulatory Guidelines 3.9.Value Chain Analysis 3.10.Market Share Analysis 3.11.Patent Landscape CHAPTER 4: LUBRICANTS MARKET, BY BASE OIL 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Market size and forecast 4.2 Mineral 4.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3 Market analysis by country 4.3 Synthetic 4.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3 Market analysis by country 4.4 Bio-Based 4.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.4.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 5: LUBRICANTS MARKET, BY PRODUCT TYPE 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Market size and forecast 5.2 Engine Oil 5.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3 Market analysis by country 5.3 Transmission/Hydraulic Fluid 5.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3 Market analysis by country 5.4 Metalworking fluid 5.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.4.3 Market analysis by country 5.5 General Industrial Oil 5.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.5.3 Market analysis by country 5.6 Gear Oil 5.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.6.3 Market analysis by country 5.7 Grease 5.7.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.7.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.7.3 Market analysis by country 5.8 Process Oil 5.8.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.8.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.8.3 Market analysis by country 5.9 Others 5.9.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.9.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.9.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 6: LUBRICANTS MARKET, BY END USE INDUSTRY 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Market size and forecast 6.2 Power Generation 6.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.2.3 Market analysis by country 6.3 Automotive and Other Transportation 6.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.3.3 Market analysis by country 6.4 Heavy Equipment 6.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.4.3 Market analysis by country 6.5 Food and Beverage 6.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.5.3 Market analysis by country 6.6 Metallurgy and Metalworking 6.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.6.3 Market analysis by country 6.7 Others 6.7.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.7.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.7.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 7: LUBRICANTS MARKET, BY REGION 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Market size and forecast 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.2.2 North America Market size and forecast, by Base Oil 7.2.3 North America Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.2.4 North America Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.2.5 North America Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Canada Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Mexico Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.3.2 Europe Market size and forecast, by Base Oil 7.3.3 Europe Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.3.4 Europe Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.3.5 Europe Market size and forecast, by country Germany Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry U.K. Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry France Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Spain Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Italy Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Rest of Europe Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.4 Asia-Pacific 7.4.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.4.2 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Base Oil 7.4.3 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.4.4 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.4.5 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by country China Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry India Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Japan Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry South Korea Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Australia Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Rest of Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.5 LAMEA 7.5.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.5.2 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Base Oil 7.5.3 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.5.4 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.5.5 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by country Brazil Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Saudi Arabia Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry South Africa Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Rest of LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry CHAPTER 8: COMPANY LANDSCAPE 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Top winning strategies 8.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 8.4. Competitive Dashboard 8.5. Competitive Heatmap 8.6. Key developments CHAPTER 9: COMPANY PROFILES 9.1 BRITISH PETROLEUM 9.1.1 Company overview 9.1.2 Company snapshot 9.1.3 Operating business segments 9.1.4 Product portfolio 9.1.5 Business performance 9.1.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.2 CHEVRON CORPORATION 9.2.1 Company overview 9.2.2 Company snapshot 9.2.3 Operating business segments 9.2.4 Product portfolio 9.2.5 Business performance 9.2.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.3 EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION 9.3.1 Company overview 9.3.2 Company snapshot 9.3.3 Operating business segments 9.3.4 Product portfolio 9.3.5 Business performance 9.3.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.4 MARATHON PETROLEUM CORPORATION 9.4.1 Company overview 9.4.2 Company snapshot 9.4.3 Operating business segments 9.4.4 Product portfolio 9.4.5 Business performance 9.4.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.5 NESTE OYJ 9.5.1 Company overview 9.5.2 Company snapshot 9.5.3 Operating business segments 9.5.4 Product portfolio 9.5.5 Business performance 9.5.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.6 PT PERTAMINA 9.6.1 Company overview 9.6.2 Company snapshot 9.6.3 Operating business segments 9.6.4 Product portfolio 9.6.5 Business performance 9.6.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.7 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY 9.7.1 Company overview 9.7.2 Company snapshot 9.7.3 Operating business segments 9.7.4 Product portfolio 9.7.5 Business performance 9.7.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.8 S-OIL CORPORATION 9.8.1 Company overview 9.8.2 Company snapshot 9.8.3 Operating business segments 9.8.4 Product portfolio 9.8.5 Business performance 9.8.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.9 SHELL PLC. 9.9.1 Company overview 9.9.2 Company snapshot 9.9.3 Operating business segments 9.9.4 Product portfolio 9.9.5 Business performance 9.9.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.10 SAUDI ARAMCO 9.10.1 Company overview 9.10.2 Company snapshot 9.10.3 Operating business segments 9.10.4 Product portfolio 9.10.5 Business performance 9.10.6 Key strategic moves and developments
SummaryThe global lubricant market was valued at $123.8 billion in 2021, and is projected to reach $168.2 million by 2031, registering a CAGR 3.6% from 2022 to 2031. Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key market segments 1.3.Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4.Research Methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.4.3.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.2.CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Key findings 3.2.1.Top investment pockets 3.3.Porter’s five forces analysis 3.4.Top player positioning 3.5.Market dynamics 3.5.1.Drivers 3.5.2.Restraints 3.5.3.Opportunities 3.6.COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market 3.7.Pricing Analysis 3.8.Regulatory Guidelines 3.9.Value Chain Analysis 3.10.Market Share Analysis 3.11.Patent Landscape CHAPTER 4: LUBRICANTS MARKET, BY BASE OIL 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Market size and forecast 4.2 Mineral 4.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3 Market analysis by country 4.3 Synthetic 4.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3 Market analysis by country 4.4 Bio-Based 4.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.4.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 5: LUBRICANTS MARKET, BY PRODUCT TYPE 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Market size and forecast 5.2 Engine Oil 5.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3 Market analysis by country 5.3 Transmission/Hydraulic Fluid 5.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3 Market analysis by country 5.4 Metalworking fluid 5.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.4.3 Market analysis by country 5.5 General Industrial Oil 5.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.5.3 Market analysis by country 5.6 Gear Oil 5.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.6.3 Market analysis by country 5.7 Grease 5.7.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.7.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.7.3 Market analysis by country 5.8 Process Oil 5.8.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.8.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.8.3 Market analysis by country 5.9 Others 5.9.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.9.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.9.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 6: LUBRICANTS MARKET, BY END USE INDUSTRY 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Market size and forecast 6.2 Power Generation 6.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.2.3 Market analysis by country 6.3 Automotive and Other Transportation 6.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.3.3 Market analysis by country 6.4 Heavy Equipment 6.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.4.3 Market analysis by country 6.5 Food and Beverage 6.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.5.3 Market analysis by country 6.6 Metallurgy and Metalworking 6.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.6.3 Market analysis by country 6.7 Others 6.7.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.7.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.7.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 7: LUBRICANTS MARKET, BY REGION 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Market size and forecast 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.2.2 North America Market size and forecast, by Base Oil 7.2.3 North America Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.2.4 North America Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.2.5 North America Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Canada Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Mexico Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.3.2 Europe Market size and forecast, by Base Oil 7.3.3 Europe Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.3.4 Europe Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.3.5 Europe Market size and forecast, by country Germany Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry U.K. Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry France Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Spain Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Italy Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Rest of Europe Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.4 Asia-Pacific 7.4.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.4.2 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Base Oil 7.4.3 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.4.4 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.4.5 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by country China Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry India Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Japan Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry South Korea Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Australia Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Rest of Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.5 LAMEA 7.5.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.5.2 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Base Oil 7.5.3 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.5.4 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry 7.5.5 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by country Brazil Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Saudi Arabia Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry South Africa Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry Rest of LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Base Oil Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by End Use Industry CHAPTER 8: COMPANY LANDSCAPE 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Top winning strategies 8.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 8.4. Competitive Dashboard 8.5. Competitive Heatmap 8.6. Key developments CHAPTER 9: COMPANY PROFILES 9.1 BRITISH PETROLEUM 9.1.1 Company overview 9.1.2 Company snapshot 9.1.3 Operating business segments 9.1.4 Product portfolio 9.1.5 Business performance 9.1.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.2 CHEVRON CORPORATION 9.2.1 Company overview 9.2.2 Company snapshot 9.2.3 Operating business segments 9.2.4 Product portfolio 9.2.5 Business performance 9.2.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.3 EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION 9.3.1 Company overview 9.3.2 Company snapshot 9.3.3 Operating business segments 9.3.4 Product portfolio 9.3.5 Business performance 9.3.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.4 MARATHON PETROLEUM CORPORATION 9.4.1 Company overview 9.4.2 Company snapshot 9.4.3 Operating business segments 9.4.4 Product portfolio 9.4.5 Business performance 9.4.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.5 NESTE OYJ 9.5.1 Company overview 9.5.2 Company snapshot 9.5.3 Operating business segments 9.5.4 Product portfolio 9.5.5 Business performance 9.5.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.6 PT PERTAMINA 9.6.1 Company overview 9.6.2 Company snapshot 9.6.3 Operating business segments 9.6.4 Product portfolio 9.6.5 Business performance 9.6.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.7 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY 9.7.1 Company overview 9.7.2 Company snapshot 9.7.3 Operating business segments 9.7.4 Product portfolio 9.7.5 Business performance 9.7.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.8 S-OIL CORPORATION 9.8.1 Company overview 9.8.2 Company snapshot 9.8.3 Operating business segments 9.8.4 Product portfolio 9.8.5 Business performance 9.8.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.9 SHELL PLC. 9.9.1 Company overview 9.9.2 Company snapshot 9.9.3 Operating business segments 9.9.4 Product portfolio 9.9.5 Business performance 9.9.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.10 SAUDI ARAMCO 9.10.1 Company overview 9.10.2 Company snapshot 9.10.3 Operating business segments 9.10.4 Product portfolio 9.10.5 Business performance 9.10.6 Key strategic moves and developments
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