![]() ウォータージェット切断機市場:タイプ別(研磨ウォータージェット切断機、非研磨ウォータージェット切断機)、寸法切断別(一次元切断、二次元切断、その他)、エンドユーザー産業別(自動車、金属加工、電子、航空宇宙、その他):世界機会分析および産業予測、2020-2030年Waterjet Cutting Machines Market By Type (Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machines, Non Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machines), By Dimension Cutting (One Dimensional Cutting, Two Dimensional Cutting, Others), By End User Industry (Automotive, Metal Fabrication, Electronics, Aerospace, Others), : Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2020-2030 ウォータージェット切断機の市場規模は2020年に10億9890万ドル、2030年には19億8650万ドルに達し、2021年から2030年までのCAGRは6.1%と予測されています。ウォータージェット切断機は、高圧水切断技術や水と研磨... もっと見る
サマリーウォータージェット切断機の市場規模は2020年に10億9890万ドル、2030年には19億8650万ドルに達し、2021年から2030年までのCAGRは6.1%と予測されています。ウォータージェット切断機は、高圧水切断技術や水と研磨剤の混合物によって様々な材料を切断するために使用されます。金属、繊維、紙、石材、花崗岩など、さまざまな素材を切断するために使用されます。金属加工、航空宇宙、防衛、自動車などの産業で使用されています。ウォータージェット切断機は、自動車の天井、ダンプカー、ドアやインストルメントパネル、複合部品、シートなどの内外装の切断に使用されています。ウォータージェット切断機の採用は、切断装置の柔軟性を高め、自動車分野での自動化を容易にし、同産業におけるウォータージェット切断機の市場を促進します。航空宇宙分野では、複合材料、チタン、インコネルなどの精密金属切断に、5~6軸モーションコントロールによるアブレイシブウォータージェット切断が一般的に使用されています。ウォータージェット切断は、熱影響部が発生せず、また二次加工の必要性がないため、航空宇宙分野では優れた選択となる。ウォータージェット切断機は、航空宇宙産業の機体、客室パネル、回転翼、エンジン部品などに使用されています。冷間加工技術であるため、材料の品質に影響を与えることなく、金属や部品を正確に成形できることから、今後もさまざまな分野で使用されると予測されています。したがって、そのような要因は、成長を提供し、ウォータージェット切断機市場の拡大に貢献する。 さらに、様々な主要なプレーヤーは、パートナーシップや買収などの戦略的な動きを実装し、新しい、高度なウォータージェット切断機を起動することによって、彼らのビジネスを拡大することの焦点となっています。例えば、2021年11月、Bystronic Laser AGは、アメリカ地域向けの新しい生産工場とエクスペリエンスセンターを開設しました。この工場では、アメリカ国内でのウォータージェット切断機の製造・組み立てを扱い、ヨーロッパからの輸入の必要性を減らすことが期待される。また、2021年9月にウォータージェット切断機「ByTube Star 130」を導入している。これは、精度の向上、ユーザーフレンドリー、オープンプロファイルと楕円の完全自動セットアップを提供し、生産の柔軟性と品質を向上させるものです。その結果、企業のこうした戦略的な動きが、ウォータージェット切断機市場の成長を後押ししています。 市場は、タイプ、寸法切断、エンドユーザー産業、地域に基づいて区分されます。タイプ別では、アブレイシブウォータージェット切断機とノンアブレイシブウォータージェット切断機に分類されます。寸法切断では、一次元切断、二次元切断、その他に分類されます。エンドユーザー業界別では、自動車、金属加工、エレクトロニクス、航空宇宙、その他に分類されます。地域別では、北米(米国、カナダ、メキシコ)、欧州(英国、フランス、ドイツ、イタリア、その他の欧州)、アジア太平洋(中国、日本、インド、韓国、その他のアジア太平洋)、LAMEA(中南米、中東、アフリカ)で世界市場の分析が行われています。 競合分析 世界のウォータージェット切断機で事業を展開している主要企業は、Colfax Corporation、Conzzeta(Bystronic Laser AG)、Dardi International Corporation、Flow International Corporation(Shape Tech Group)、KMT Waterjet、OMAX Corporation、Resato International B.V、Jet Edge、およびWardjet、Belotti SPAである。 ステークホルダーにとっての主なメリット ●ウォータージェット切断機の現在の市場動向と新興市場のダイナミクスを幅広く分析します。 ●2021年から2030年までの主要市場セグメントの市場推定を構築し、ウォータージェット切断機市場の詳細な分析を実施します。 ウォータージェット切断機市場の広範な分析は、市場の枠組みの中で主要製品のポジショニングと上位競合のモニタリングを行うことによって行います。 また、市場機会を把握するため、全地域の包括的な分析を行っています。 ウォータージェット切断機の2021年から2030年までの世界市場予測分析が含まれています。 ●ウォータージェット切断機市場の主要プレイヤーをプロファイリングし、その戦略を徹底的に分析しており、ウォータージェット切断機業界の競争展望を理解するのに役立ちます。 主な市場セグメント タイプ別 アブレイシブウォータージェット切断機 ノンアブレイシブウォータージェット切断機 切断寸法別 一次元切断 二次元切断 その他 エンドユーザー業界別 自動車 金属加工 エレクトロニクス 航空宇宙 その他 地域別 北米 米国 カナダ メキシコ 欧州 ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア その他の地域 アジア・パシフィック 中国 日本 インド 韓国 その他のアジア太平洋地域 LAMEA ラテンアメリカ 中近東 アフリカ 主な市場関係者 フロー・インターナショナル社 スペースクレイム株式会社 ダルディ・インターナショナル・コーポレーション コルファクスコーポレーション オーマックスコーポレーション ジェットエッジ株式会社 レサト・インターナショナルBV 株式会社コイケアロンソン シェイプテクノロジーズグループ ハイパーサーム株式会社 目次CHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key market segments 1.3.Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4.Research Methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.4.3.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.2.CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Key findings 3.2.1.Top investment pockets 3.3.Porter’s five forces analysis 3.4.Top player positioning 3.5.Market dynamics 3.5.1.Drivers 3.5.2.Restraints 3.5.3.Opportunities 3.6.COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market CHAPTER 4: WATERJET CUTTING MACHINES MARKET, BY TYPE 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Market size and forecast 4.2 Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machines 4.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3 Market analysis by country 4.3 Non Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machines 4.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 5: WATERJET CUTTING MACHINES MARKET, BY DIMENSION CUTTING 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Market size and forecast 5.2 One Dimensional Cutting 5.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3 Market analysis by country 5.3 Two Dimensional Cutting 5.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3 Market analysis by country 5.4 Others 5.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.4.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 6: WATERJET CUTTING MACHINES MARKET, BY END USER INDUSTRY 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Market size and forecast 6.2 Automotive 6.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.2.3 Market analysis by country 6.3 Metal Fabrication 6.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.3.3 Market analysis by country 6.4 Electronics 6.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.4.3 Market analysis by country 6.5 Aerospace 6.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.5.3 Market analysis by country 6.6 Others 6.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.6.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 7: WATERJET CUTTING MACHINES MARKET, BY REGION 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Market size and forecast 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.2.2 North America Market size and forecast, by Type 7.2.3 North America Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting 7.2.4 North America Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.2.5 North America Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Canada Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Mexico Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.3.2 Europe Market size and forecast, by Type 7.3.3 Europe Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting 7.3.4 Europe Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.3.5 Europe Market size and forecast, by country Germany Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry France Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry U.K. Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Italy Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Rest of Europe Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.4 Asia-Pacific 7.4.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.4.2 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Type 7.4.3 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting 7.4.4 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.4.5 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by country China Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Japan Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry India Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry South Korea Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Rest Of Asia Pacific Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.5 LAMEA 7.5.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.5.2 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Type 7.5.3 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting 7.5.4 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.5.5 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by country Latin America Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Middle East Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Africa Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry CHAPTER 8: COMPANY LANDSCAPE 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Top winning strategies 8.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 8.4. Competitive Dashboard 8.5. Competitive Heatmap 8.6. Key developments CHAPTER 9: COMPANY PROFILES 9.1 Flow International Corporation 9.1.1 Company overview 9.1.2 Company snapshot 9.1.3 Operating business segments 9.1.4 Product portfolio 9.1.5 Business performance 9.1.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.2 SpaceClaim Corporation 9.2.1 Company overview 9.2.2 Company snapshot 9.2.3 Operating business segments 9.2.4 Product portfolio 9.2.5 Business performance 9.2.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.3 Dardi International Corporation 9.3.1 Company overview 9.3.2 Company snapshot 9.3.3 Operating business segments 9.3.4 Product portfolio 9.3.5 Business performance 9.3.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.4 Colfax Corporation 9.4.1 Company overview 9.4.2 Company snapshot 9.4.3 Operating business segments 9.4.4 Product portfolio 9.4.5 Business performance 9.4.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.5 OMAX Corporation 9.5.1 Company overview 9.5.2 Company snapshot 9.5.3 Operating business segments 9.5.4 Product portfolio 9.5.5 Business performance 9.5.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.6 Jet Edge, Inc 9.6.1 Company overview 9.6.2 Company snapshot 9.6.3 Operating business segments 9.6.4 Product portfolio 9.6.5 Business performance 9.6.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.7 Resato International BV 9.7.1 Company overview 9.7.2 Company snapshot 9.7.3 Operating business segments 9.7.4 Product portfolio 9.7.5 Business performance 9.7.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.8 Koike Aronson, Inc 9.8.1 Company overview 9.8.2 Company snapshot 9.8.3 Operating business segments 9.8.4 Product portfolio 9.8.5 Business performance 9.8.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.9 Shape Technologies Group 9.9.1 Company overview 9.9.2 Company snapshot 9.9.3 Operating business segments 9.9.4 Product portfolio 9.9.5 Business performance 9.9.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.10 Hypertherm, Inc 9.10.1 Company overview 9.10.2 Company snapshot 9.10.3 Operating business segments 9.10.4 Product portfolio 9.10.5 Business performance 9.10.6 Key strategic moves and developments
SummaryThe waterjet cutting machines market size was valued at $1,098.9 million in 2020, and is projected to reach $1,986.5 million by 2030, registering a CAGR of 6.1% from 2021 to 2030. Waterjet cutting machine is used to cut a variety of materials with high-pressure water cutting technique or mixture of water and abrasive. These are used to cut a variety of materials, including metals, textile, paper, stone, granite, and more. They are used in industries, such as metal fabrication, aerospace, defense, and automotive. Waterjet cutting machines are used for interior and exterior cutting of headliners, dumpers, door and instrument panels, composite parts, and seats of automobiles. The adoption of waterjet cutting machines enhances the flexibility of cutting equipment and makes automation easier for the automobile sector, which promotes the market for waterjet cutting machines in this industry. Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key market segments 1.3.Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4.Research Methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.4.3.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.2.CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Key findings 3.2.1.Top investment pockets 3.3.Porter’s five forces analysis 3.4.Top player positioning 3.5.Market dynamics 3.5.1.Drivers 3.5.2.Restraints 3.5.3.Opportunities 3.6.COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market CHAPTER 4: WATERJET CUTTING MACHINES MARKET, BY TYPE 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Market size and forecast 4.2 Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machines 4.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3 Market analysis by country 4.3 Non Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machines 4.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 5: WATERJET CUTTING MACHINES MARKET, BY DIMENSION CUTTING 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Market size and forecast 5.2 One Dimensional Cutting 5.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3 Market analysis by country 5.3 Two Dimensional Cutting 5.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3 Market analysis by country 5.4 Others 5.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.4.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 6: WATERJET CUTTING MACHINES MARKET, BY END USER INDUSTRY 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Market size and forecast 6.2 Automotive 6.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.2.3 Market analysis by country 6.3 Metal Fabrication 6.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.3.3 Market analysis by country 6.4 Electronics 6.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.4.3 Market analysis by country 6.5 Aerospace 6.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.5.3 Market analysis by country 6.6 Others 6.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.6.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 7: WATERJET CUTTING MACHINES MARKET, BY REGION 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Market size and forecast 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.2.2 North America Market size and forecast, by Type 7.2.3 North America Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting 7.2.4 North America Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.2.5 North America Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Canada Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Mexico Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.3.2 Europe Market size and forecast, by Type 7.3.3 Europe Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting 7.3.4 Europe Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.3.5 Europe Market size and forecast, by country Germany Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry France Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry U.K. Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Italy Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Rest of Europe Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.4 Asia-Pacific 7.4.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.4.2 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Type 7.4.3 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting 7.4.4 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.4.5 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by country China Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Japan Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry India Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry South Korea Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Rest Of Asia Pacific Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.5 LAMEA 7.5.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.5.2 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Type 7.5.3 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting 7.5.4 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by End User Industry 7.5.5 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by country Latin America Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Middle East Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry Africa Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by Dimension Cutting Market size and forecast, by End User Industry CHAPTER 8: COMPANY LANDSCAPE 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Top winning strategies 8.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 8.4. Competitive Dashboard 8.5. Competitive Heatmap 8.6. Key developments CHAPTER 9: COMPANY PROFILES 9.1 Flow International Corporation 9.1.1 Company overview 9.1.2 Company snapshot 9.1.3 Operating business segments 9.1.4 Product portfolio 9.1.5 Business performance 9.1.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.2 SpaceClaim Corporation 9.2.1 Company overview 9.2.2 Company snapshot 9.2.3 Operating business segments 9.2.4 Product portfolio 9.2.5 Business performance 9.2.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.3 Dardi International Corporation 9.3.1 Company overview 9.3.2 Company snapshot 9.3.3 Operating business segments 9.3.4 Product portfolio 9.3.5 Business performance 9.3.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.4 Colfax Corporation 9.4.1 Company overview 9.4.2 Company snapshot 9.4.3 Operating business segments 9.4.4 Product portfolio 9.4.5 Business performance 9.4.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.5 OMAX Corporation 9.5.1 Company overview 9.5.2 Company snapshot 9.5.3 Operating business segments 9.5.4 Product portfolio 9.5.5 Business performance 9.5.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.6 Jet Edge, Inc 9.6.1 Company overview 9.6.2 Company snapshot 9.6.3 Operating business segments 9.6.4 Product portfolio 9.6.5 Business performance 9.6.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.7 Resato International BV 9.7.1 Company overview 9.7.2 Company snapshot 9.7.3 Operating business segments 9.7.4 Product portfolio 9.7.5 Business performance 9.7.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.8 Koike Aronson, Inc 9.8.1 Company overview 9.8.2 Company snapshot 9.8.3 Operating business segments 9.8.4 Product portfolio 9.8.5 Business performance 9.8.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.9 Shape Technologies Group 9.9.1 Company overview 9.9.2 Company snapshot 9.9.3 Operating business segments 9.9.4 Product portfolio 9.9.5 Business performance 9.9.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.10 Hypertherm, Inc 9.10.1 Company overview 9.10.2 Company snapshot 9.10.3 Operating business segments 9.10.4 Product portfolio 9.10.5 Business performance 9.10.6 Key strategic moves and developments
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