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Global and Japan Avalanche Laser Diode Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and Japan Avalanche Laser Diode Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
Avalanche laser diodes provide internal amplification that is much longer than PIN photodiodes, but with greater quantum noise. In order to obtain a good signal-to-noise ratio, a low-noise preamplifier and main amplifier must be connected to the photodete…
Global and Japan PIN Laser Diode Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and Japan PIN Laser Diode Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
A PIN laser diode is a multi-layer photodiode that introduces quantum noise when it receives photocurrent to generate photocurrent. Market Analysis and Insights: Global and Japan PIN Laser Diode Market This report focuses on global and Japan PIN Laser Di…
Global and China Double-Clad Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and China Double-Clad Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
The double-clad fiber laser colleague has an inner cladding and an outer cladding fiber structure, and the low refractive index outer cladding layer forms a multimode optical waveguide layer between the two cladding layers. The refractive index of the inn…
Global and United States Single-Clad Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and United States Single-Clad Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
Single-clad fiber lasers have a common structure. The gain fiber is a gain medium that generates photons. The optical cavity is composed of two mirrors, and pumping light is used as a pump source. When the gain in the cavity is higher than the loss, a las…
Global and China Photonic Crystal Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and China Photonic Crystal Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
Due to the unique structural characteristics of photonic crystal fiber, it is used as a gain medium and has the following remarkable features compared with ordinary fiber. First, photonic crystal fibers have a flexible design of the mode field characteris…
Global and United States Plastic Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and United States Plastic Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
A plastic fiber laser is a fiber laser by incorporating a laser dye into a core or cladding of a plastic optical fiber. Market Analysis and Insights: Global and United States Plastic Fiber Laser Market This report focuses on global and United States Plas…
Global and Japan Rare Earth Doped Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and Japan Rare Earth Doped Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
The matrix material of the rare earth doped fiber laser is glass, which is activated by doping rare earth element ions into the fiber to form a fiber laser. Market Analysis and Insights: Global and Japan Rare Earth Doped Fiber Laser Market This report fo…
Global and Japan Nonlinear Optical Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and Japan Nonlinear Optical Fiber Laser Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
The nonlinear optical fiber laser is a high-end laser mainly composed of a stimulated Raman scattering fiber laser and a stimulated Brillouin scattering fiber laser. Market Analysis and Insights: Global and Japan Nonlinear Optical Fiber Laser Market This…
Global and China 3D Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and China 3D Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
3D fiber laser cutting is a technology that uses laser cutting materials. It is commonly used in industrial manufacturing applications. It has one dimension more than traditional planar cutting, enabling stereo custom cutting. Globally, the Fiber Laser Cu…
Global and China 2D Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and China 2D Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
2D Fiber Laser Cutting is a technology that uses a laser to cut materials, and is typically used for industrial manufacturing applications, but is also starting to be used by schools, small businesses, and hobbyists. Laser cutting works by directing the o…
Global and United States Next-Generation Communication Devices Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and United States Next-Generation Communication Devices Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
The Next-generation Communication Devices include 5G devices, visible light communication, wireless sensor networks, etc. The technology provides a converged infrastructure for multiple services (such as video, data and voice) at a higher speed than tradi…
Global and United States Semi-automatic laser cleaning machine Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and United States Semi-automatic laser cleaning machine Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
The semi-automatic laser cleaner is an effective cleaning device for removing solid surface contaminants. Some operations need to be done manually. The principle is that the laser interacts with the substance. Market Analysis and Insights: Global and Uni…
Global and Japan Automatic Laser Cleaning Machine Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Global and Japan Automatic Laser Cleaning Machine Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 3,900  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
Automatic laser cleaning machine is an effective cleaning device for removing contaminants from solid surfaces. Laser cleaning processes, is one of the promising solutions to remove surface contaminants such as oil, grease and other organic and inorganic.…
世界の電子部品市場の現状、動向、COVID-19 Impact Report 2021
世界の電子部品市場の現状、動向、COVID-19 Impact Report 2021
Global Electronic Components Market Status, Trends and COVID-19 Impact Report 2021
価格 US$ 2,350  |  BisReport Consulting Co., Ltd. | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
Global Electronic Components Market Status, Trends and COVID-19 Impact Report 2021 Single User License Report: 2350 USD Corporate User License Report: 4700 USD Section Price: As below In the past few years, the Electronic Components market experienced a …
China Silicon Photonics Optical Transceiver Market Report & Forecast 2021-2027
価格 US$ 3,400  |  QYResearch | 2021年10月 | 英文レポート
This report contains market size and forecasts of Silicon Photonics Optical Transceiver in China, including the following market information:China Silicon Photonics Optical Transceiver Market Revenue, 2016-2021, 2022-2027, ($ millions)China Silicon Photon…
世界の生検機器市場規模調査、製品別(針式生検ガン、生検ガイダンスシステム、生検鉗子、生検針)、地域別予測 2021-2027年
世界の生検機器市場規模調査、製品別(針式生検ガン、生検ガイダンスシステム、生検鉗子、生検針)、地域別予測 2021-2027年
Global Biopsy Devices Market Size study, by Product (Needle-based biopsy guns, Biopsy guidance systems, Biopsy forceps, Biopsy needles) and Regional Forecasts 2021-2027
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2021年8月 | 英文レポート
Global Biopsy Devices Market is valued approximately USD 2.12 billion in 2020 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 6.8% over the forecast period 2021-2027.Biopsy is a surgical process of removing tissue from an organ to deter…
世界の受動電子部品市場 - 成長、トレンド、COVID-19インパクト、および予測(2021年~2026年
世界の受動電子部品市場 - 成長、トレンド、COVID-19インパクト、および予測(2021年~2026年
Global Passive Electronic Components Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2021 - 2026)
価格 US$ 4,250  |  Mordor Intelligence | 2021年8月 | 英文レポート
The Global Passive Electronic Components Market was valued at USD 31.54 billion in 2020 and expected to reach USD 40.81 billion by 2026 and grow at a CAGR of 4.5% over the forecast period (2021 - 2026). The increasing adoption of digitalization coupled wi…
3Dエレクトロニクス 2020-2030年:技術、予測、企業:PCB三次元成形回路部品、3D表面上のプリンテッドエレクトロニック、フィルムインサート成形、インモールドエレクトロニクス、3Dプリンテッドエレクトロニクス、ストラクチュラルエレクトロニクス
3Dエレクトロニクス 2020-2030年:技術、予測、企業:PCB三次元成形回路部品、3D表面上のプリンテッドエレクトロニック、フィルムインサート成形、インモールドエレクトロニクス、3Dプリンテッドエレクトロニクス、ストラクチュラルエレクトロニクス
3D Electronics 2020-2030: Technologies, Forecasts, Players
価格はお問い合わせください |  IDTechEx | 2020年9月 | 英文レポート
このレポートは3Dエレクトロニクス技術の市場を調査し、3Dエレクトロニクスの主要企業へのインタビューに基づいた全アプローチの概要を掲載しています。 主な掲載内容 ※目次より抜粋 エグゼクティブサマリ イントロダクション 従来の2DPC…
世界の受動電子部品の市場展望 2019-2024年
世界の受動電子部品の市場展望 2019-2024年
Passive Electronic Components: World Market Outlook: 2019-2024
価格 US$ 3,750  |  Paumanok Publications, Inc. | 2019年3月 | 英文レポート
米国の電子部品専門の調査会社ポーマノックパブリケーションズ社(Paumanok Publications, Inc.)の調査レポート「世界の受動電子部品の市場展望 2019-2024年」は、受動電子部品 (パッシブコンポーネント)の市場を継続的に調査するシリーズの第32版です。世界と地域毎の14…
