Human and Machine Trust/Threat Detection and Damage Mitigation Market by Technology, Solution, Deployment Model, Use Case, Application, Sector (Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, Government), Industry Vertical, and Region 2020 - 2025
This research evaluates the outlook for 5G technology, infrastructure, devices, applications, and services. The…
Smart Workplace Solutions and Integrated Workplace Management Systems by Technology, Connectivity, Applications, Device Type, Service Delivery Models, and Industry Verticals 2020 - 2025
Building upon coverage beginning in 2007, the report Next Generation Network…
LTE and 5G Applications and Services Market by Service Provider Type, Connection Type, Deployment Type, Use Cases, 5G Service Category, Computing as a Service, Industry Verticals, Region and Country 2020 - 2025
This 5G applications market report is the most comprehensive research available addressing the LTE and 5G applic…
This report provides an assessment of IoT in healthcare including technology trends, solutions d…
This research evaluates the telemedicine market including technologies, solutions, applications, and service…
Actionable Benefits
Identify and better target the largest growth opportunities for the eSIM/eUICC and iSIM/iUICC form-factors across consumer and M2M/IoT applications.
Understand the eSIM/eUICC and iSIM/iUICC adoption timelines to better gauge…
Fleet Tracking Market by Mode (Air, Roadway, Railway, and Water) Fleet Type (Services, Transport, Taxi, Special Purpose), Vehicle Type (Car, Container, Rail, Plane, Ship, Truck, Van), Industry Verticals and Regions 2020 – 2025
The total number of smartphones is expected to increase due to the launch of 5G and growth in emerging markets. We forecast that the total number of active smartphones in emerging regions will exceed 3.3 billion by 2024. This report examines the regiona…
The stunning emergence, over the past decade, of China’s digital economic miracle is transforming the country – and its domestic and global position. Once a follower, digital China is now a world leader in given industries. Persi…
米国調査会社マインドコマース(Mind Commerce)の下記の調査レポートのセット販売です。たいへんお得な価格設定です。
モノの人工知能(AIoT):技術毎とソリューション毎のAIoT市場 2019-2024年
Artificial Intelligence of Things: AIoT Market by Technology and S…
LTE Applications and Services in North America by LTE Advanced and Pro by Device Type, Service Provider Type (Carrier and OTT), Segment (Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, and Government), and Industry Verticals 2020 – 2025