


Tanzania Two-Wheeler Market By Vehicle Type (Scooter/Moped, Motorcycle), By Propulsion Type (ICE and Electric), By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2018-2028

タンザニアの二輪車市場は2022年に2億6,000万ドル規模に達し、予測期間の年平均成長率は3.91%と堅調な成長が見込まれる。タンザニアの二輪車市場は、手頃な価格で効率的な移動手段へのニーズの高まりに後押しさ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
TechSci Research
2023年11月7日 US$3,500
PDF:2営業日程度 77 英語




TVS Motor Company Ltd.
- タンザニアの二輪車市場:車種別
o スクーター/原付
o オートバイ
- タンザニアの二輪車市場:推進力タイプ別
- タンザニアの二輪車市場:地域別
o ガイタ
o カタビ
o ニョンベ
o シミユ
o ムベヤ
Tech Sci Research社のTanzania Two-Wheeler Marketレポートでは、市場データをもとに企業ごとのニーズに合わせたカスタマイズをご提案いたします。このレポートでは以下のカスタマイズが可能です:
- 追加市場参入企業(最大5社)の詳細分析とプロファイリング



1.はじめに1.1.製品概要1.2.レポートの主なハイライト1.3.市場カバレッジ1.4.対象市場セグメント1.5.調査期間2.調査方法2.1.調査目的2.2.ベースライン手法2.3.主要産業パートナー2.4.主な協会と二次情報源2.5.予測手法2.6.データの三角測量と検証2.7.前提条件と限界3.エグゼクティブサマリー3.1.市場概要3.2.市場予測3.3.主要地域3.4.主要セグメント4.COVID-19のタンザニア二輪車市場展望への影響5.顧客の声5.1.購入決定要因5.2.ブランド認知度5.3.ブランド満足度6.タンザニア二輪車市場の展望6.1.市場規模・予測6.1.1.金額・台数別6.2.市場シェアと予測6.2.1.車両タイプ別市場シェア分析(スクーター/原付、二輪車)6.2.2.推進力タイプ別市場シェア分析(ICE、電気)6.2.3.地域別市場シェア分析6.2.3.1.芸北市場シェア分析6.2.3.2.カタビ市場シェア分析6.2.3.3.ニョンベ市場シェア分析6.2.3.4.シミユ市場シェア分析6.2.3.5.ムベユ市場シェア分析6.2.4.企業別市場シェア分析(上位5社、その他-金額ベース、2022年)6.3.タンザニアの二輪車市場マッピングと機会評価6.3.1.車両タイプ別市場マッピングと機会評価6.3.2.推進タイプ別マッピングと機会評価6.3.3.地域別市場マッピングと機会評価7.タンザニアのICE二輪車市場の展望7.1.市場規模・予測7.1.1.金額・台数別7.2.市場シェアと予測7.2.1.車種別市場シェア分析(スクーター/原付、二輪車)7.2.2.エンジン容量別シェア分析(125ccまで、126~250cc、250cc以上)8.タンザニアのICEモーターサイクル市場の展望8.1.市場規模・予測8.1.1.金額・数量ベース8.2.市場シェアと予測8.2.1.エンジン容量別市場シェア分析(125ccまで、126~250cc、250cc以上)8.3.製品ベンチマーク9.タンザニアのICEスクーター/原付市場の展望9.1.市場規模と予測9.1.1.金額別・台数別9.2.市場シェアと予測9.2.1.エンジン容量別市場シェア分析(125ccまで、126~250cc、250cc以上)9.3.製品ベンチマーク10.タンザニアの電動二輪車市場展望10.1.市場規模&予測10.1.1.金額・台数別10.2.市場シェアと予測10.2.1.車両タイプ別市場シェア分析(二輪車、スクーター/原付)10.2.2.バッテリー容量別市場シェア分析(25Ah以上、25Ah未満)10.2.3.バッテリータイプ別市場シェア分析(鉛酸、リチウムイオン)10.3.製品ベンチマーク 11.市場ダイナミクス11.1.市場促進要因11.2.市場の課題12.市場動向と発展13.SWOT分析13.1.強み13.2.弱み13.3.機会13.4.脅威14.ポーターのファイブフォースモデル14.1.競争上のライバル14.2.サプライヤーの交渉力14.3.買い手の交渉力14.4.新規参入の脅威14.5.代替品の脅威15.政策と規制の状況16.タンザニアの経済プロフィール17.競争環境17.1.企業プロフィール(主要10社まで)17.1.1.本田技研工業17.1.1.1.会社概要17.1.1.2.主要製品17.1.1.3.最近の開発状況17.1.1.4.主要経営陣17.1.2.ヒーロー・モトコープ社17.1.2.1.会社概要17.1.2.2.主要製品17.1.2.3.最近の開発17.1.2.4.主要経営陣17.1.3.TVSモーター社17.1.3.1.会社概要17.1.3.2.主要製品17.1.3.3.最近の展開17.1.3.4.主要経営陣17.1.4.バジャイ・オート社17.1.4.1.会社概要17.1.4.2.主要製品17.1.4.3.最近の展開17.1.4.4.主要経営陣17.1.5.ヤマハ発動機株式会社17.1.5.1.会社概要17.1.5.2.主要製品17.1.5.3.最近の動向17.1.5.4.主要経営陣17.1.6.スズキ株式会社17.1.6.1.会社概要17.1.6.2.主要製品17.1.6.3.最近の動向17.1.6.4.主要経営陣17.1.7.ピアッジオ&C.スパ17.1.7.1.会社概要17.1.7.2.主要製品17.1.7.3.最近の開発17.1.7.4.主要経営陣18.戦略的提言18.1.重点分野18.1.1.対象地域18.1.2.ターゲット車種18.1.3.ターゲット需要カテゴリー会社概要と免責事項





Tanzania Two-Wheeler Market has valued at USD 260 Million in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 3.91%. The two-wheeler market in Tanzania is experiencing significant growth, fueled by the increasing need for affordable and efficient modes of transportation. As the population continues to expand and urbanize, the demand for motorcycles and scooters, the primary components of this market, is on the rise. These vehicles offer a convenient and cost-effective solution for commuting in congested urban areas, where traffic conditions can often be challenging.
Moreover, the emergence of online food delivery and courier services has further contributed to the surge in demand for two-wheelers. These services rely on the agility and flexibility that motorcycles and scooters provide, allowing for quick and efficient deliveries in the bustling city streets.
Despite the positive trends, the two-wheeler market in Tanzania still faces challenges. Safety regulations for riders are lacking, posing a risk to both riders and other road users. Additionally, the road infrastructure in certain areas is inadequate, making it difficult for two-wheelers to navigate safely.
However, with the continued growth of the market and increasing awareness of the importance of safety, measures can be taken to address these challenges. By implementing proper safety regulations and investing in road infrastructure improvements, Tanzania can further harness the potential of its booming two-wheeler market and ensure a safer and more efficient transportation system for its citizens.
Key Market Drivers
Growing Urbanization
Urbanization in Tanzania is rapidly transforming the landscape and propelling the two-wheeler market forward. As more people migrate to urban areas seeking better opportunities and improved living conditions, the surge in urban population is leading to increased traffic congestion, making commuting a daily challenge for residents. The need for efficient and convenient transportation solutions has become paramount.
In this context, motorbikes and scooters are emerging as the preferred choice of transport due to their ability to navigate easily through heavy traffic, offering convenience and time-efficiency to commuters. The compact size and maneuverability of two-wheelers allow riders to weave through congested streets, reducing travel time and frustration. Additionally, the affordability and lower maintenance costs of these vehicles make them an attractive option for individuals and families.
The growing preference for two-wheelers is not only solving the problem of traffic congestion but also fueling the demand in the two-wheeler industry. Manufacturers and service providers are capitalizing on this trend by introducing innovative models and expanding their product offerings. Moreover, the rise in demand for two-wheeler-related services such as repair shops, spare parts, and accessories has created new opportunities for businesses in the sector.

The affordability of two-wheelers, in contrast to cars, is a significant driving factor for the market in Tanzania. As the country's economy continues to grow, the middle-class population is expanding, creating a demand for affordable and efficient modes of transportation. In this context, two-wheelers emerge as the ideal solution, offering cost-effective mobility options that cater to the needs of the consumers seeking reliable transportation within their budget. With their compact size and fuel efficiency, two-wheelers provide a practical and convenient choice for individuals navigating the bustling urban landscape of Tanzania.
Low Maintenance Cost
When it comes to weighing the expenses of vehicle maintenance, it becomes abundantly clear that owning a two-wheeler is significantly more budget-friendly in comparison to a four-wheeler. This financial advantage, coupled with their exceptional fuel efficiency, renders motorcycles and scooters an exceedingly attractive and pragmatic option for individuals from all walks of life in Tanzania. Whether it be the unparalleled convenience of effortlessly maneuvering through congested traffic or the substantial economic benefits derived from reduced fuel consumption and maintenance costs, two-wheelers emerge as a reliable and cost-effective transportation solution for the discerning individuals residing in Tanzania.
Advent of Electric Two-Wheelers
The rise of electric two-wheelers is spurring the market in a new and exciting direction. With growing concerns over climate change and the increasing need for sustainable modes of transportation, people are looking for alternatives that are both eco-friendly and efficient. Electric two-wheelers offer a promising solution to these environmental challenges by reducing emissions and promoting clean energy. Moreover, they provide the convenience and flexibility of traditional motorcycles and scooters, making them a practical choice for urban commuting and beyond. By embracing electric two-wheelers, we can contribute to a greener future while enjoying the benefits of modern transportation.
Government Policies and Regulations
Government policies and regulations play a crucial role in shaping the two-wheeler market in Tanzania. The Tanzanian government's concerted efforts to promote local assembly of two-wheelers, by providing incentives to local manufacturers and fostering partnerships for technology transfer, have significantly contributed to the industry's growth. Moreover, the government's focus on improving road infrastructure, including the construction of dedicated lanes and the implementation of safety measures, has further boosted the adoption of two-wheelers as a preferred mode of transportation. These initiatives have not only stimulated economic growth but also enhanced accessibility and mobility for the people of Tanzania.
Increasing Female Ridership
Traditionally, the sector of two-wheelers has been predominantly male-dominated. However, there is an emerging trend that is reshaping this landscape, as an increasing number of women are now adopting two-wheelers for their daily commuting needs. The lightweight nature and ease of control that scooters offer are particularly appealing to women riders, providing them with a convenient and efficient mode of transportation. This shift in consumer behavior is opening up a new demographic for the market, presenting exciting opportunities for manufacturers and businesses to cater specifically to the needs and preferences of women riders.
Key Market Challenges
Infrastructure Constraints
The infrastructure in Tanzania, especially in rural areas, is inadequately developed to fully support a thriving two-wheeler market. The condition of many roads is poor, with limited maintenance and inadequate navigation infrastructure, making it challenging for two-wheeler users to commute effectively. As a result, the sales of two-wheelers in these areas are significantly impacted, highlighting the need for improved infrastructure and better accessibility in order to foster growth in the market.
Import Regulations
Strict import regulations can pose a significant challenge for the import of two-wheelers. The imposition of high import duties not only increases the cost for importers but also has a direct impact on consumers. As a result, the increased cost makes two-wheelers less affordable for a large segment of the population, limiting their access to this mode of transportation and potentially hindering mobility options for many individuals.
Furthermore, these import regulations also create barriers for small businesses and entrepreneurs who are looking to enter the two-wheeler market. The high import duties and complex procedures make it difficult for them to compete with established players in the industry. This not only stifles innovation but also hampers economic growth and job creation.
Moreover, the impact of these regulations goes beyond just the financial aspect. Limited access to affordable two-wheelers can have social implications as well. It can restrict individuals from reaching job opportunities, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities, particularly in areas with inadequate public transportation infrastructure.
Therefore, it is crucial for policymakers to consider the broader implications of import regulations on the accessibility and affordability of two-wheelers. By implementing more balanced and inclusive policies, they can promote fair competition, enhance mobility options, and unlock the potential of this mode of transportation for the benefit of all.
Lack of Local Manufacturing
Due to the absence of any significant local manufacturing capacity for two-wheelers in Tanzania, the country heavily relies on imports, which not only incurs additional costs but also makes the market susceptible to fluctuations in international trade policies. This lack of local manufacturing hampers job creation and economic growth, hindering the development of a self-sustainable two-wheeler industry.
Limited Finance Options
Limited access to affordable financing options is one of the significant challenges faced by many potential consumers. The lack of upfront cash to purchase a two-wheeler often hinders their ability to make the purchase. Furthermore, the absence of suitable financing options further restricts the growth of the market, making it difficult for individuals to fulfill their transportation needs. This issue not only affects the consumers but also impacts the overall market dynamics and potential economic growth.
Low-Income Levels
Many Tanzanians, particularly those with low income levels, face significant financial challenges that make it extremely difficult for them to afford essential means of transportation, such as two-wheelers. This lack of affordability directly impacts the sales volume of these vehicles, creating a substantial hurdle for both consumers and the market.
As a result, individuals who are unable to purchase two-wheelers may experience limited access to employment opportunities, education, and basic necessities. This further exacerbates the cycle of poverty and inequality, as the lack of affordable transportation options restricts their mobility and hinders their ability to improve their socioeconomic status.
Furthermore, the limited sales of two-wheelers in the Tanzanian market hinder its growth and potential. It restricts the ability of manufacturers and distributors to expand their operations, innovate, and provide affordable options to meet the needs of the population.
Addressing these financial challenges and finding sustainable solutions to improve affordability can have a transformative impact on the lives of Tanzanians. It can enhance accessibility, empower individuals to pursue opportunities, and contribute to the overall development and prosperity of the country.
Safety Concerns
Finally, safety concerns are a significant challenge when it comes to two-wheelers, especially motorcycles. The perception of a higher risk of accidents associated with motorcycles, combined with a lack of safety training and awareness, can potentially discourage potential buyers from considering them as a mode of transportation. It is essential to address these concerns by promoting safety measures, providing proper training, and raising awareness about the importance of safe riding practices to ensure a safer and more appealing riding experience.
Key Market Trends
Growing Urbanization and Commuting Needs
One of the prominent market trends in Tanzania's two-wheeler sector is the increasing urbanization rate. As more people move to cities in search of better economic opportunities, the demand for affordable and efficient transportation has surged. Two-wheelers, particularly motorcycles and scooters, have become a popular choice for urban commuters due to their maneuverability and cost-effectiveness. This trend is expected to continue as urbanization in Tanzania progresses, driving the need for convenient and accessible transportation solutions.
Rising Disposable Income and Middle-Class Expansion
The country's improving economic conditions have led to an expansion of the middle class and an increase in disposable income. This economic growth has translated into greater purchasing power among Tanzanians, enabling a larger portion of the population to afford two-wheelers. As consumers seek to upgrade from bicycles or public transportation to motorized options, the market has witnessed a surge in sales of motorcycles and scooters. This trend reflects the changing aspirations and lifestyles of Tanzanian consumers.
Shift Toward Electric Two-Wheelers
Globally, there is a growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental concerns, and Tanzania is no exception. In response to this trend, there has been a noticeable shift toward electric two-wheelers in the market. Electric motorcycles and scooters are gaining popularity due to their eco-friendly nature and lower operating costs. With advancements in battery technology and charging infrastructure, consumers are becoming more open to the idea of electric mobility. The government's initiatives to promote electric vehicles and reduce carbon emissions are expected to further boost the adoption of electric two-wheelers.
Increased Investment in Local Manufacturing and Assembly
Another notable trend in the Tanzania two-wheeler market is the increased investment in local manufacturing and assembly. Some international manufacturers have established assembly plants in the country to meet the growing demand for motorcycles and scooters. This strategy not only reduces import costs but also generates employment opportunities and contributes to the local economy. Additionally, it enables manufacturers to cater to specific market preferences and customize products according to local requirements, fostering a sense of localization.
Digitalization and Online Sales Channels
Like many other industries, the two-wheeler market in Tanzania has embraced digitalization. Online sales channels, including e-commerce platforms and mobile applications, have gained prominence. Consumers now have the convenience of browsing and purchasing two-wheelers online, comparing prices, and accessing financing options. This trend has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which highlighted the importance of digital channels for business continuity. It has also allowed dealers and manufacturers to reach a wider customer base, even in remote areas where physical showrooms may be limited.
Government Regulations and Safety Standards
Government regulations and safety standards are increasingly influencing the Tanzania two-wheeler market. Authorities are implementing measures to enhance road safety and reduce accidents, including stricter requirements for riders such as helmet mandates and rider training programs. These regulations not only promote safety but also shape consumer preferences by encouraging the purchase of safer and more reliable two-wheelers. Additionally, import regulations and taxation policies can impact the cost and availability of two-wheelers in the market, making it essential for manufacturers and dealers to stay compliant and adapt to evolving regulatory frameworks.
Segmental Insights
Vehicle Type Insights
The two-wheeler market in Tanzania demonstrates a notable growth, primarily driven by the cost-efficiency and convenience of motorcycles and bicycles. These vehicles provide a practical solution for navigating through the country's often congested traffic and uneven road conditions. They also offer an affordable mode of transport for the majority of Tanzanians, making two-wheelers increasingly popular. A rise in the young, working-age population and their growing preference for personal mobility further bolster this market's expansion.
Propulsion Type Insights
In Tanzania's two-wheeler market, the dominance of internal combustion engines (ICE) is undeniable. However, there is a growing shift towards electric propulsion, driven by environmental concerns and significant advances in technology. As the global focus on sustainability intensifies, the Tanzanian government is actively working to curtail pollution and promote a greener future. Moreover, the country's burgeoning middle class is becoming more environmentally conscious, seeking alternatives that align with their values. Electric two-wheelers offer a compelling solution, with their lower operational costs, reduced maintenance requirements, and zero tailpipe emissions. Despite the higher initial cost, the long-term benefits of electric two-wheelers are becoming increasingly evident.
To fully support this transition, infrastructure development plays a crucial role. The establishment of charging stations throughout the country is essential to provide convenient and accessible charging options for electric two-wheelers. This requires a collaborative effort between the government, private sector, and other stakeholders to ensure a robust charging network that can meet the growing demand.
With the convergence of environmental concerns, technological advancements, and the government's commitment to sustainability, the demand for electric two-wheelers in Tanzania is expected to surge in the coming years. This shift not only presents an opportunity for individuals to embrace a greener mode of transportation but also contributes to the overall reduction of carbon emissions and the preservation of the country's natural beauty.
Regional Insights
In Tanzania, the two-wheeler market has experienced significant growth in recent years. This surge can be attributed to the rising demand for motorcycles and bicycles, which are primarily used for transportation and delivery services. Notably, the government's commitment to infrastructure development projects, such as the construction of new roads and bike lanes, has played a crucial role in driving this upward trend. Moreover, the increasing popularity of electric and fuel-efficient two-wheelers has further fueled the expansion of the market, as more people are becoming conscious of their environmental impact.
Looking ahead, forecast trends indicate a continued uptick in the coming years, solidifying Tanzania's two-wheeler market as a highly promising area for investment. With its favorable market conditions, supportive government initiatives, and the growing preference for eco-friendly transportation options, the potential for long-term success in this sector is truly remarkable. As the demand for reliable and efficient transportation solutions continues to grow, there is a great opportunity for businesses to innovate and cater to the specific needs of the Tanzanian market. By providing affordable and sustainable two-wheelers, companies can tap into this expanding market and contribute to the overall development of the country's transportation sector.
Key Market Players
Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
Hero MotoCorp Ltd.
TVS Motor Company Ltd.
Bajaj Auto Ltd.
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
Suzuki Motor Corporation
Piaggio & C. SpA
Report Scope:
In this report, the Tanzania Two-Wheeler Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
• Tanzania Two-Wheeler Market, By Vehicle Type:
o Scooter/Moped
o Motorcycle
• Tanzania Two-Wheeler Market, By Propulsion Type:
o Electric
• Tanzania Two-Wheeler Market, By Region:
o Geita
o Katavi
o Njombe
o Simiyu
o Mbeya
Competitive Landscape
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Tanzania Two-Wheeler Market.
Available Customizations:
Tanzania Two-Wheeler Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:
Company Information
• Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).


Table of Contents

1. Introduction1.1. Product Overview1.2. Key Highlights of the Report1.3. Market Coverage1.4. Market Segments Covered1.5. Research Tenure Considered2. Research Methodology2.1. Objective of the Study2.2. Baseline Methodology2.3. Key Industry Partners2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources2.5. Forecasting Methodology2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation2.7. Assumptions and Limitations3. Executive Summary 3.1. Market Overview3.2. Market Forecast3.3. Key Regions3.4. Key Segments4. Impact of COVID-19 on Tanzania Two-Wheeler Market Outlook5. Voice of Customer5.1. Factors Influencing Purchase Decision5.2. Brand Awareness5.3. Brand Satisfaction Level6. Tanzania Two-Wheeler Market Outlook6.1. Market Size & Forecast6.1.1. By Value & Volume6.2. Market Share & Forecast 6.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Scooter/Moped, Motorcycle)6.2.2. By Propulsion Type Market Share Analysis (ICE and Electric) 6.2.3. By Regional Market Share Analysis6.2.3.1. Geita Market Share Analysis Katavi Market Share Analysis Njombe Market Share Analysis6.2.3.4. Simiyu Market Share Analysis6.2.3.5. Mbeyu Market Share Analysis6.2.4. By Company Market Share Analysis (Top 5 Companies, Others – By Value, 2022)6.3. Tanzania Two-Wheeler Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment6.3.1. By Vehicle Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment6.3.2. By Propulsion Type Mapping & Opportunity Assessment6.3.3. By Regional Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment7. Tanzania ICE Two-Wheeler Market Outlook7.1. Market Size & Forecast7.1.1. By Value & Volume7.2. Market Share & Forecast7.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Scooter/Moped, Motorcycle)7.2.2. By Engine Capacity Market Share Analysis (Up to 125 cc, 126-250 cc, & Above 250 cc)8. Tanzania ICE Motorcycle Market Outlook8.1. Market Size & Forecast8.1.1. By Value & Volume8.2. Market Share & Forecast8.2.1. By Engine Capacity Market Share Analysis (Up to 125 cc, 126-250 cc, & Above 250 cc)8.3. Product Benchmarking9. Tanzania ICE Scooter/Moped Market Outlook9.1. Market Size & Forecast9.1.1. By Value & Volume9.2. Market Share & Forecast9.2.1. By Engine Capacity Market Share Analysis (Up to 125 cc, 126-250 cc, & Above 250 cc)9.3. Product Benchmarking10. Tanzania Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook10.1. Market Size & Forecast10.1.1. By Value & Volume10.2. Market Share & Forecast10.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Motorcycle, Scooter/Moped)10.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis (>25Ah, <25Ah)10.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis (Lead Acid, Lithium Ion)10.3. Product Benchmarking 11. Market Dynamics 11.1. Market Drivers11.2. Market Challenges12. Market Trends & Developments13. SWOT Analysis13.1. Strength13.2. Weakness13.3. Opportunities13.4. Threats14. Porter’s Five Forces Model14.1. Competitive Rivalry14.2. Bargaining Powers of Suppliers14.3. Bargaining Powers of Buyers14.4. Threat of New Entrants14.5. Threat of Substitutes15. Policy & Regulatory Landscape16. Tanzania Economic Profiles17. Competitive Landscape17.1. Company Profiles (Up to 10 Major Companies)17.1.1. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Company Details17.1.1.2. Key Products Offered17.1.1.3. Recent Development17.1.1.4. Key Management Personnel17.1.2. Hero MotoCorp Ltd. Company Details17.1.2.2. Key Products Offered17.1.2.3. Recent Development17.1.2.4. Key Management Personnel17.1.3. TVS Motor Company Ltd. Company Details17.1.3.2. Key Products Offered17.1.3.3. Recent Development17.1.3.4. Key Management Personnel17.1.4. Bajaj Auto Ltd. Company Details17.1.4.2. Key Products Offered17.1.4.3. Recent Development17.1.4.4. Key Management Personnel17.1.5. Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Company Details17.1.5.2. Key Products Offered17.1.5.3. Recent Development17.1.5.4. Key Management Personnel17.1.6. Suzuki Motor Corporation17.1.6.1. Company Details17.1.6.2. Key Products Offered17.1.6.3. Recent Development17.1.6.4. Key Management Personnel17.1.7. Piaggio & C. SpA. Company Details17.1.7.2. Key Products Offered17.1.7.3. Recent Development17.1.7.4. Key Management Personnel 18. Strategic Recommendations18.1. Key Focus Areas18.1.1. Target Regions18.1.2. Target Vehicle Type18.1.3. Target Demand CategoryAbout Us & Disclaimer






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