

MENA Bus and Coach Market, By Length (6-8m, 8-10m, 10-12m, Above 12m), By Application By Type of Buses (Motor Coach, Mini Coach, Mid Coach, Double Decker Bus, Shuttle Bus, Others), By Application By Type of Usage (Public Transport, Tourist Bus, School Bus, Office Bus, Office), By Seating Capacity (Up to 30, 31-40, 41-50, Above 50), By Fuel Type (Diesel, Electric & Hybrid, Alternative Fuels, Fuel Cell, Petrol/Gasoline), By Body Type (Customizable, Fully Built), and By Country (Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Palestine, Sudan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Algeria, Egypt, Iran), Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026

MENA(中東・北アフリカ地域)のバス・コーチ市場は、中東・北アフリカ諸国における消費者の公共交通機関に対する嗜好の高まりを背景に、今後5年間で金額ベースで4.78%以上のCAGRで成長し、44億7,000万米ドルに達... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
TechSci Research
2021年11月11日 US$4,400
119 英語





さらに、気候条件の悪化に伴い、この地域の政府は、通勤のための公共交通機関の利用を重視しています。2020年11月現在、バス事業の製造・販売を主とする大規模な工業グループであるYutong Group Co., Ltd.は、カタールの公共交通機関であるMowasalatから、FIFAワールドカップ・カタール2022のための通勤サービスを提供するバス1,002台を約2億8,000万米ドル(18億人民元)で受注しています。この1,002台のうち、741台が電気バスとなり、EVバスの受注としては過去最大となります。

トヨタ自動車、ABボルボなど、中東・北アフリカのバス・コーチ市場に参入している大手バス会社は、市場シェアを拡大するために、同地域での製品ポートフォリオの拡大にますます注力しています。2021年6月現在、Arab Newsによると、チタン酸リチウム(LTO)バスのメーカーであるAl-Fahim GroupとYinlong Energyは、同社が製造した電気バスは、他のリチウムイオン電気バスが数時間かかるのに対し、20分以内に充電できると主張しています。技術の絶え間ない向上と継続的なポートフォリオの拡大が、今後5年間の中東・北アフリカ諸国におけるバス・コーチの販売を牽引すると予想されます。

MENA地域のバス・コーチ市場に参入している主要企業は、Daimler AG、Toyota Motor Corporation、MAN Truck and Bus、Tata Motors Ltd.、Yutong Bus Co.Ltd.などがあります。Ashok Leyland, VDL, Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co.Ashok Leyland, VDL, Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Hyundai Motor Corporation, Isuzu Motors, AB Volvoなどの企業も、マーケティング活動を強化し、製品ポートフォリオを充実させることで、顧客へのアプローチを強化しています。
ベースイヤー: 2020
推定期間: 2021年
予測期間: 2022-2026
- 2016年から2020年までのMENAバス・コーチ市場の市場規模の過去の成長を分析すること。
- 2021年から2026年までのMENAバス・コーチ市場の市場規模を金額だけでなく数量で推定・予測し、2026年までの成長率を予測すること。
- MENA(中東・アフリカ)のバス・コーチ市場の需要と供給のシナリオを評価し、生産、需要、供給、純在庫の状況を世界的に明らかにする。
- MENAのバス・コーチ市場を、アプリケーションタイプ、需要カテゴリー、リムサイズ、タイヤ構造、企業、地域別の分布に基づいて分類し、予測する。
- MENAのバス・コーチ市場のドライバーと課題を特定する。
- MENAバス・コーチ市場における事業拡大、新製品の発売、M&Aなどの競合他社の動向を調査すること。
- MENA諸国のバス・コーチ市場の価格分析を行う。
- MENAバス・コーチ市場の製造に関わる主要企業のプロファイルを特定・分析すること。
この調査を行うために、TechSci Researchは一次調査と徹底的な二次調査を行いました。まず、中東・北アフリカ地域のバス・コーチメーカーとディーラーの徹底的なリストを作成しました。その後、TechSci Researchは、特定された企業に対して、電話や電子メールでの回答などの一次調査を行いました。インタビューの際には、回答者に主要な競合他社についても質問しました。この手法により、TechSci Researchは、二次調査の限界により特定できなかったメーカーを含めることができました。TechSci Researchは、地域内のすべての主要なバスおよびコーチのサプライヤーの製品提供、流通チャネル、および地域での存在を分析しました。
TechSci Researchは、ボトムアップ手法を用いて、中東・アフリカ地域のバス・コーチ市場の市場規模を算出しました。TechSci Researchは、これらの値を業界の専門家や企業の代表者から入手し、各メーカーの過去の販売データを分析して外部から検証し、全体の市場規模を算出しました。また、企業のウェブサイト、ニュース記事、プレスリリース、企業の年次報告書、投資家向けプレゼンテーション、財務報告書などの様々な二次資料も調査しました。
- テクノロジー関連の投資家
- 政府および金融機関
- 民間航空機のエンドユーザー
- 研究機関、コンサルティング会社
- 研究機関
- バス・コーチ市場に関連する団体、組織、フォーラム、アライアンスなど
- バス・コーチの製造会社
- 業界団体
- 市場調査会社、コンサルティング会社
- MENAのバス・コーチ市場、長さ別
o 6-8m
o 10-12m
o 12m以上
- MENA バス・コーチ市場、アプリケーション別 バスのタイプ別
o モーターコーチ
o ミニ・コーチ
o ミッドコーチ
o ダブルデッカーバス
o シャトルバス
- MENA バス・コーチ市場、アプリケーション別 利用形態別
o 公共交通機関
o 観光バス
o スクールバス
o オフィスバス
- MENAのバス・コーチ市場:座席数別
o 30歳以下
o 31-40
o 41-50
o 50歳以上
- MENAのバス・コーチ市場、国別構成比
o バーレーン
o イラク
o ヨルダン
o クウェート
o レバノン
o モロッコ
o パレスチナ
o スーダン
o チュニジア
O サウジアラビア
o アラブ首長国連邦
o アルジェリア
o イラン
与えられた市場データをもとに、TechSci Researchは企業の特定のニーズに応じたカスタマイズを提供します。レポートには以下のカスタマイズオプションが用意されています。
- バスとコーチの製造に使用されるさまざまな原材料の詳細なリスト、原材料の既存のサプライヤーのリスト、原材料の価格分析、輸入と国内調達の原材料の違いの分析。
- 追加の市場プレーヤーの詳細な分析とプロファイリング(最大5社まで)。
- 直接販売、間接販売の場合の利益率分析。



1. Product Overview
2. Research Methodology
3. Voice of Customer
3.1. Factors Influencing Purchase Decision
3.2. Aided Brand Recall
3.3. Unaided Brand Recall
3.4. Brand Satisfaction
4. Executive Summary
5. MENA Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
5.1. Market Size & Forecast
5.1.1. By Value & Volume
5.2. Market Share & Forecast
5.2.1. By Length (6-8m, 8-10m, 10-12m & Above 12m)
5.2.2. Application By Type of Buses (Motor Coach, Mini Coach, Mid Coach, Doubled-decker Bus, Shuttle Bus, Others)
5.2.3. Application By Type of Usage (Public Transport, Tourist Bus, School Bus, Office Bus, Others)
5.2.4. By Seating Capacity (Up to 30, 31-40, 41-50 & Above 50)
5.2.5. By Fuel Type (Diesel, Electric & Hybrid, Alternative Fuels, Fuel Cell, Petrol / Gasoline)
5.3.6. By Body Type (Customizable Vs. Fully Built)
5.2.7. By Company (2020)
5.2.8. By Country (Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Palestine, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen, KSA, UAE, Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Rest of the MENA)
5.3. Product Market Map (By Fuel Type, By Country)
6. Bahrain Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value & Volume
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Length
6.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
6.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
6.2.4. By Seating Capacity
6.2.5. By Fuel Type
6.2.6. By Body Type
6.2.7. By Company
7. Iraq Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value & Volume
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Length
7.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
7.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
7.2.4. By Seating Capacity
7.2.5. By Fuel Type
7.2.6. By Body Type
7.2.7. By Company
8. Jordan Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value & Volume
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Length
8.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
8.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
8.2.4. By Seating Capacity
8.2.5. By Fuel Type
8.2.6. By Body Type
8.2.7. By Company
9. Kuwait Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
9.1. Market Size & Forecast
9.1.1. By Value & Volume
9.2. Market Share & Forecast
9.2.1. By Length
9.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
9.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
9.2.4. By Seating Capacity
9.2.5. By Fuel Type
9.2.6. By Body Type
9.2.7. By Company
10. Lebanon Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
10.1. Market Size & Forecast
10.1.1. By Value & Volume
10.2. Market Share & Forecast
10.2.1. By Length
10.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
10.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
10.2.4. By Seating Capacity
10.2.5. By Fuel Type
10.2.6. By Body Type
10.2.7. By Company
11. Morocco Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
11.1. Market Size & Forecast
11.1.1. By Value & Volume
11.2. Market Share & Forecast
11.2.1. By Length
11.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
11.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
11.2.4. By Seating Capacity
11.2.5. By Fuel Type
11.2.6. By Body Type
11.2.7. By Company
12. Oman Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
12.1. Market Size & Forecast
12.1.1. By Value & Volume
12.2. Market Share & Forecast
12.2.1. By Length
12.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
12.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
12.2.4. By Seating Capacity
12.2.5. By Fuel Type
12.2.6. By Body Type
12.2.7. By Company
13. Qatar Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
13.1. Market Size & Forecast
13.1.1. By Value & Volume
13.2. Market Share & Forecast
13.2.1. By Length
13.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
13.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
13.2.4. By Seating Capacity
13.2.5. By Fuel Type
13.2.6. By Body Type
13.2,7, By Company
14. Palestine Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
14.1. Market Size & Forecast
14.1.1. By Value & Volume
14.2. Market Share & Forecast
14.2.1. By Length
14.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
14.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
14.2.4. By Seating Capacity
14.2.5. By Fuel Type
14.2.6. By Body Type
14.2.7. By Company
15. Sudan Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
15.1. Market Size & Forecast
15.1.1. By Value & Volume
15.2. Market Share & Forecast
15.2.1. By Length
15.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
15.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
15.2.4. By Seating Capacity
15.2.5. By Fuel Type
15.2.6. By Body Type
15.2.7. By Company
16. Tunisia Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
16.1. Market Size & Forecast
16.1.1. By Value & Volume
16.2. Market Share & Forecast
16.2.1. By Length
16.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
16.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
16.2.4. By Seating Capacity
16.2.5. By Fuel Type
16.2.6. By Body Type
16.2.7. By Company
17. Saudi Arabia Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
17.1. Market Size & Forecast
17.1.1. By Value & Volume
17.2. Market Share & Forecast
17.2.1. By Length
17.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
17.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
17.2.4. By Seating Capacity
17.2.5. By Fuel Type
17.2.6. By Body Type
17.2.7. By Company
18. UAE Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
18.1 Market Size & Forecast
18.1.1 By Value & Volume
18.2 Market Share & Forecast
18.2.1 By Length
18.2.2 Application By Type of Buses
18.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
18.2.4. By Seating Capacity
18.2.5. By Fuel Type
18.2.6. By Body Type
18.2.7. By Company
19. Algeria Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
19.1. Market Size & Forecast
19.1.1. By Value & Volume
19.2. Market Share & Forecast
19.2.1. By Length
19.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
19.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
19.2.4. By Seating Capacity
19.2.5. By Fuel Type
19.2.6. By Body Type
19.2.7. By Company
20. Egypt Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
20.1. Market Size & Forecast
20.1.1. By Value & Volume
20.2. Market Share & Forecast
20.2.1. By Length
20.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
20.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
20.2.4. By Seating Capacity
20.2.5. By Fuel Type
20.2.6. By Body Type
20.2.7. By Company
21. Iran Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
21.1 Market Size & Forecast
21.1.1 By Value & Volume
21.2 Market Share & Forecast
21.2.1 By Length
21.2.2 Application By Type of Buses
21.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
21.2.4. By Seating Capacity
21.2.5. By Fuel Type
21.2.6. By Body Type
21.2.7. By Company
22. Market Dynamics
22.1. Drivers
22.2. Challenges
23. Impact of COVID-19 on MENA Bus & Coach Market
24. Market Trends & Developments
25. Competitive Landscape
25.1. Toyota Motor Corporation
25.2. Tata Motors Ltd.
25.3. MAN Truck and Bus
25.4. Yutong Bus Co. Ltd.
25.5. Isuzu Motors Ltd.
25.6. Ashok Leyland
25.7. VDL Groep
25.8. Scania AB
25.9. AB Volvo
25.10. Daimler AG
26. Strategic Recommendations
27. About Us & Disclaimer





MENA Bus and Coach Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 4.78%, in value terms to reach USD4.47 billion, over the next five years, on the back of growing consumer preferences for public transportation across the countries of the Middle East and North Africa. An automotive bus or a motor bus is a road vehicle designed to carry a group of people, usually more than 15 passengers. It consists of a long body design & specially arranged seats and is driven by an internal combustion engine or electric motor. Their length usually varies from 6 meters to 12 meters. These automobiles are mostly used as motor coaches for transit purposes and school buses.

Nowadays, apart from simply driven by petrol or diesel, alternative fuel-powered buses are also being manufactured and used in various activities. The majority of the Middle Eastern economies are oil driven and bottoming crude oil prices have put a strain on even the region’s wealthiest nations. Due to the declaration of lockdown to curtail the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, oil exports of these countries have witnessed a sheer decline in 2020, as a result unemployment in the region escalated in 2020. The growing unemployment has resulted in decreasing consumer spending and has shifted user preferences to utilize more of public transportation. With growing usage of public transportation, sale of buses and coaches is anticipated to increase over the forthcoming years, affecting the MENA bus and coach market in a positive manner.

Moreover, with worsening climatic conditions, governments around the region are focusing on the usage of public transportation for commute. As of November 2020, Yutong Group Co., Ltd., a large-scale industrial group mainly specialized in manufacturing and sales of the bus business has received an order from Mowasalat, the Qatar public transport company of around USD0.28 billion (CNY1.8 billion) for 1,002 buses that will provide commuting services for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. Out of these 1,002 buses, 741 buses are going to be electric, making it the largest order of EV buses ever.

Major bus companies such as Toyota Motor Corporation, AB Volvo, etc., operating in the Middle East and North Africa Bus and Coach market are increasingly focusing on expanding their product portfolio in the region to boost their market share. As of June 2021, according to Arab News, the makers of the lithium titanate oxide (LTO) buses, Al-Fahim Group and Yinlong Energy claim that the electric buses manufactured by them can be charged in less than 20 minutes compared to hours for other lithium-ion electric buses. Constant improvisation in technology and continuously expanding portfolio is anticipated to drive the sales of buses and coaches in the countries of Middle East and Northern Africa over the next five years.

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has created both public health and economic crisis across the world. Automotive industry has faced a high degrowth in the production of vehicles due to full and partial lockdown imposed in various countries to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, which forced the major automotive manufacturers to halt their production for a few months. Also, there was a decrease in demand for new vehicles across the region, as economy of various major countries in the region showed a dip during 2020. The bus and coach market in the Middle East is majorly import driven due to the lockdown restrictions logistics and the supply chain was also severely affected. Many of the manufacturing companies could not complete their shipments due to the unavailability of port facilities and lockdown restrictions. Due to import restrictions, people were not able to buy buses and coaches, hampering the bus and coach market growth in the MENA region. As markets started to open in 2021, the sales of buses and coaches is starting to grow again, as a result the recovery of the market is anticipated to happen in around three years.
Some of the major players operating in the MENA bus and coach market are Daimler AG, Toyota Motor Corporation, MAN Truck and Bus, Tata Motors Ltd., Yutong Bus Co. Ltd. Companies like Ashok Leyland, VDL, Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co. Ltd., Hyundai Motor Corporation, Isuzu Motors, AB Volvo, etc. are also increasing their marketing activities and enriching their product portfolio to increase their customer outreach.
Years considered for this report:
Historical Years: 2016-2019
Base Year: 2020
Estimated Year: 2021
Forecast Period: 2022-2026
Objective of the Study:
• To analyse historical growth in the market size of MENA Bus and Coach Market from 2016 to 2020.
• To estimate and forecast the market size of MENA Bus and Coach Market in terms of value as well as volume from 2021 to 2026 and growth rate until 2026.
• To assess the demand-supply scenario of MENA Bus and Coach Market which covers their production, demand, supply, and net inventory status globally.
• To classify and forecast MENA Bus and Coach Market based on application type, demand category, rim size, tire construction, company and regional distribution.
• To identify drivers and challenges for MENA Bus and Coach Market.
• To examine competitive developments such as expansions, new product launches, mergers & acquisitions, etc., in MENA Bus and Coach Market.
• To conduct pricing analysis for MENA Bus and Coach Market.
• To identify and analyze the profile of leading players involved in the manufacturing of MENA Bus and Coach Market.
To perform the study, TechSci Research conducted primary as well as exhaustive secondary research. Initially, TechSci Research prepared an exhaustive list of Bus and Coach manufacturers and dealers operating in the MENA region. Subsequently, TechSci Research conducted primary research surveys, which include primary calls, email responses, etc., with the identified companies. While interviewing, the respondents were also asked about their major competitors. Through this technique, TechSci Research could include manufacturers which could not be identified due to the limitations of secondary research. TechSci Research analyzed product offerings, distribution channels, and regional presence of all major bus and coach suppliers across the region.
TechSci Research calculated the market size for MENA Bus and Coach Market using a bottom-up technique, wherein manufacturers’ volume sales data for different applications, were recorded as well as forecast for the future years. TechSci Research sourced these values from industry experts and company representatives, and externally validated through analyzing historical sales data of respective manufacturers to arrive at the overall market size. Various secondary sources such as company websites, news articles, press releases, company annual reports, investor presentations and financial reports were also studied by TechSci Research.
Key Target Audience:
• Technology investors
• Governments and financial institutions
• End users of commercial aircrafts
• Research organizations and consulting companies
• Research Institutes
• Associations, organizations, forums, and alliances related to Bus and Coach market
• Bus and Coach manufacturing companies
• Industry associations
• Market research and consulting firms
The study is useful in providing answers to several critical questions that are important for industry stakeholders such as bus and coach manufacturers, distributors and dealers, customers, and policy makers. The study would also help them to target the growing segments over the coming years (next two to five years), thereby aiding the stakeholders in taking investment decisions and facilitating their expansion.
Report Scope:
In this report, MENA Bus and Coach Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
• MENA Bus and Coach Market, By Length:
o 6-8m
o 8-10m
o 10-12m
o Above 12m
• MENA Bus and Coach Market, By Application By Type of Buses:
o Motor Coach
o Mini Coach
o Mid Coach
o Double Decker Bus
o Shuttle Bus
• MENA Bus and Coach Market, By Application By Type of Usage:
o Public Transport
o Tourist Bus
o School Bus
o Office Bus
• MENA Bus and Coach Market, By Seating Capacity:
o Up To 30
o 31-40
o 41-50
o Above 50
• MENA Bus and Coach Market, By Country:
o Bahrain
o Iraq
o Jordan
o Kuwait
o Lebanon
o Morocco
o Oman
o Qatar
o Palestine
o Sudan
o Tunisia
o Saudi Arabia
o United Arab Emirates
o Algeria
o Egypt
o Iran
Competitive Landscape
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the MENA Bus and Coach Market.
Available Customizations:
With the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to the company’s specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:
Raw Material Analysis
• Detailed list of different raw materials used in production of Buses and Coaches, list of existing suppliers of raw materials, pricing analysis of raw materials, analysis of difference between imported and domestically procured raw materials.
Company Information
• Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).
Profit Margin Analysis
• Profit margin analysis in case of direct and indirect sales channel.


Table of Contents

1. Product Overview
2. Research Methodology
3. Voice of Customer
3.1. Factors Influencing Purchase Decision
3.2. Aided Brand Recall
3.3. Unaided Brand Recall
3.4. Brand Satisfaction
4. Executive Summary
5. MENA Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
5.1. Market Size & Forecast
5.1.1. By Value & Volume
5.2. Market Share & Forecast
5.2.1. By Length (6-8m, 8-10m, 10-12m & Above 12m)
5.2.2. Application By Type of Buses (Motor Coach, Mini Coach, Mid Coach, Doubled-decker Bus, Shuttle Bus, Others)
5.2.3. Application By Type of Usage (Public Transport, Tourist Bus, School Bus, Office Bus, Others)
5.2.4. By Seating Capacity (Up to 30, 31-40, 41-50 & Above 50)
5.2.5. By Fuel Type (Diesel, Electric & Hybrid, Alternative Fuels, Fuel Cell, Petrol / Gasoline)
5.3.6. By Body Type (Customizable Vs. Fully Built)
5.2.7. By Company (2020)
5.2.8. By Country (Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Palestine, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen, KSA, UAE, Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Rest of the MENA)
5.3. Product Market Map (By Fuel Type, By Country)
6. Bahrain Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value & Volume
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Length
6.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
6.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
6.2.4. By Seating Capacity
6.2.5. By Fuel Type
6.2.6. By Body Type
6.2.7. By Company
7. Iraq Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value & Volume
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Length
7.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
7.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
7.2.4. By Seating Capacity
7.2.5. By Fuel Type
7.2.6. By Body Type
7.2.7. By Company
8. Jordan Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value & Volume
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Length
8.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
8.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
8.2.4. By Seating Capacity
8.2.5. By Fuel Type
8.2.6. By Body Type
8.2.7. By Company
9. Kuwait Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
9.1. Market Size & Forecast
9.1.1. By Value & Volume
9.2. Market Share & Forecast
9.2.1. By Length
9.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
9.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
9.2.4. By Seating Capacity
9.2.5. By Fuel Type
9.2.6. By Body Type
9.2.7. By Company
10. Lebanon Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
10.1. Market Size & Forecast
10.1.1. By Value & Volume
10.2. Market Share & Forecast
10.2.1. By Length
10.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
10.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
10.2.4. By Seating Capacity
10.2.5. By Fuel Type
10.2.6. By Body Type
10.2.7. By Company
11. Morocco Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
11.1. Market Size & Forecast
11.1.1. By Value & Volume
11.2. Market Share & Forecast
11.2.1. By Length
11.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
11.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
11.2.4. By Seating Capacity
11.2.5. By Fuel Type
11.2.6. By Body Type
11.2.7. By Company
12. Oman Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
12.1. Market Size & Forecast
12.1.1. By Value & Volume
12.2. Market Share & Forecast
12.2.1. By Length
12.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
12.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
12.2.4. By Seating Capacity
12.2.5. By Fuel Type
12.2.6. By Body Type
12.2.7. By Company
13. Qatar Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
13.1. Market Size & Forecast
13.1.1. By Value & Volume
13.2. Market Share & Forecast
13.2.1. By Length
13.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
13.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
13.2.4. By Seating Capacity
13.2.5. By Fuel Type
13.2.6. By Body Type
13.2,7, By Company
14. Palestine Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
14.1. Market Size & Forecast
14.1.1. By Value & Volume
14.2. Market Share & Forecast
14.2.1. By Length
14.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
14.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
14.2.4. By Seating Capacity
14.2.5. By Fuel Type
14.2.6. By Body Type
14.2.7. By Company
15. Sudan Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
15.1. Market Size & Forecast
15.1.1. By Value & Volume
15.2. Market Share & Forecast
15.2.1. By Length
15.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
15.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
15.2.4. By Seating Capacity
15.2.5. By Fuel Type
15.2.6. By Body Type
15.2.7. By Company
16. Tunisia Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
16.1. Market Size & Forecast
16.1.1. By Value & Volume
16.2. Market Share & Forecast
16.2.1. By Length
16.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
16.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
16.2.4. By Seating Capacity
16.2.5. By Fuel Type
16.2.6. By Body Type
16.2.7. By Company
17. Saudi Arabia Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
17.1. Market Size & Forecast
17.1.1. By Value & Volume
17.2. Market Share & Forecast
17.2.1. By Length
17.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
17.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
17.2.4. By Seating Capacity
17.2.5. By Fuel Type
17.2.6. By Body Type
17.2.7. By Company
18. UAE Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
18.1 Market Size & Forecast
18.1.1 By Value & Volume
18.2 Market Share & Forecast
18.2.1 By Length
18.2.2 Application By Type of Buses
18.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
18.2.4. By Seating Capacity
18.2.5. By Fuel Type
18.2.6. By Body Type
18.2.7. By Company
19. Algeria Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
19.1. Market Size & Forecast
19.1.1. By Value & Volume
19.2. Market Share & Forecast
19.2.1. By Length
19.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
19.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
19.2.4. By Seating Capacity
19.2.5. By Fuel Type
19.2.6. By Body Type
19.2.7. By Company
20. Egypt Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
20.1. Market Size & Forecast
20.1.1. By Value & Volume
20.2. Market Share & Forecast
20.2.1. By Length
20.2.2. Application By Type of Buses
20.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
20.2.4. By Seating Capacity
20.2.5. By Fuel Type
20.2.6. By Body Type
20.2.7. By Company
21. Iran Bus & Coach Market Outlook, 2016-2026F
21.1 Market Size & Forecast
21.1.1 By Value & Volume
21.2 Market Share & Forecast
21.2.1 By Length
21.2.2 Application By Type of Buses
21.2.3. Application By Type of Usage
21.2.4. By Seating Capacity
21.2.5. By Fuel Type
21.2.6. By Body Type
21.2.7. By Company
22. Market Dynamics
22.1. Drivers
22.2. Challenges
23. Impact of COVID-19 on MENA Bus & Coach Market
24. Market Trends & Developments
25. Competitive Landscape
25.1. Toyota Motor Corporation
25.2. Tata Motors Ltd.
25.3. MAN Truck and Bus
25.4. Yutong Bus Co. Ltd.
25.5. Isuzu Motors Ltd.
25.6. Ashok Leyland
25.7. VDL Groep
25.8. Scania AB
25.9. AB Volvo
25.10. Daimler AG
26. Strategic Recommendations
27. About Us & Disclaimer






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