eVTOL航空機の世界市場機会と2031年までの戦略Including:1) リフト技術別推進力タイプ別:完全電動; ハイブリッド電動; 水素電動3) 運用モード別:自律型;セメント産業型;半自動型;操縦型4) 用途別:商業; 軍事; 緊急医療サービスカバーする:エアバスSE; テキストロン社; エンブラエルSA; ウィスクエアロ; ボロコプターGmbHeVTOL Aircraft Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2031Including: 1) By Lift Technology: Vectored Thrust; Multirotor; Lift Plus Cruise 2) By Propulsion Type: Fully Electric; Hybrid Electric; Hydrogen Electric 3) By Mode Of Operation: Autonomous; Cement Industry; Semi-Automated; Piloted4) By Application: Commercial; Military; Emergency Medical ServicesCovering: Airbus SE; Textron Inc.; Embraer SA; Wisk Aero; Volocopter GmbH この調査レポートは2031年までのeVTOL航空機の世界市場のビジネスチャンスと戦略を掲載し、COVID 19の閉鎖から立ち上がる世界のeVTOL航空機市場を評価するために必要な重要情報を提供します。 購入の理由 - 1... もっと見る
サマリーこの調査レポートは2031年までのeVTOL航空機の世界市場のビジネスチャンスと戦略を掲載し、COVID 19の閉鎖から立ち上がる世界のeVTOL航空機市場を評価するために必要な重要情報を提供します。購入の理由 - 12地域をカバーするこの市場に関する最も包括的なレポートにより、真にグローバルな視点を得ることができます。 - 市場がコロナウイルスからどのような影響を受けているのか、またウイルスの影響が和らぐにつれて市場がどのように浮上し、成長していくのかを理解することができます。 - 現地のデータと分析に基づき、地域別および国別の戦略を策定する。 - 投資の対象となる成長セグメントを特定する。 - 予測データと市場を形成するドライバーとトレンドを活用し、競合他社を凌駕する。 - 最新の市場調査結果に基づいて顧客を理解する。 - 主要な競合他社とのパフォーマンスの比較 - 主要データセット間の関係を活用し、優れた戦略を立てる。 - 信頼性の高い高品質なデータと分析により、社内外のプレゼンテーションをサポートします。 説明 エフトール航空機の最大かつ急成長している市場はどこか?経済全体、人口動態、その他の類似市場との関連は?今後の市場を形成する勢力は何か?ビジネスリサーチ社のエフトール航空機世界市場レポートでは、これらすべての質問とその他多くの質問にお答えします。 当レポートでは、市場の特徴、規模および成長、セグメンテーション、地域別および国別内訳、競合情勢、市場シェア、市場の動向および戦略について記載しています。地域別に市場の過去および予測成長を追跡しています。また、エフトール航空機市場全体の中で同市場を位置づけ、他市場との比較も行っています。 本レポートは以下の章をカバーしています。 - 序論と市場の特徴 eVTOL航空機市場の定義と説明、市場の対象となるセグメンテーションの簡単な紹介。 - 主要動向 世界のeVTOL機市場を形成している主なトレンドをハイライトしています。また、今後の市場動向についても解説します。 - 世界の市場規模と成長 世界予測(2025-2031年)の市場価値、予測期間における市場の成長を支え、コントロールする促進要因と阻害要因について解説します。 - 地域・国別分析 地域別・国別の予測(2025-2031年)市場価値と成長率、市場シェア比較。 - 市場セグメンテーション 市場のリフト技術別、推進タイプ別、運転モード別、用途別のセグメント別の市場価値(2025-2031年)と分析を収録。 - 地域別市場規模と成長 地域別の市場規模予測(2025-2031年)市場価値、地域内の国々の成長と市場シェア比較。アジア太平洋地域、西欧地域、東欧地域、北米地域、南米地域、中東・アフリカ地域の全地域と各地域内の主要国に関する情報を掲載しています。 - 競争環境 市場の競争環境に関する詳細と主要企業のプロファイルを掲載しています。 - 主要なM&A 本レポートでカバーしている市場における最近のM&Aに関する情報を掲載しています。本セクションでは、近年の市場を形成したM&Aに関する主要な財務情報を掲載しています。 - 市場機会と戦略 調査結果に基づく市場機会と戦略について、国やセグメントごとの成長機会や、それらの市場で取るべき戦略に関する情報を交えて記述しています。 - 結論と提言 本セクションでは、エフトール航空機プロバイダーに対して、製品/サービスの提供地域拡大、マーケティング戦略、ターゲットグループに関する推奨事項を記載しています。 - 付録 このセクションには、本レポートで使用されているNAICSコード、略語、通貨コードの詳細が含まれています。 対象範囲 対象市場 1) リフト技術別:ベクトル推力;マルチローター;リフトプラスクルーズ 2) 推進力タイプ別:完全電気式;ハイブリッド電気式;水素電気式 3) 操縦モード別:自律型;セメント産業用自律型、セメント産業用、半自動型、操縦型 4) 用途別商業用;軍事用;緊急医療サービス;その他の用途 言及された企業エアバスSE; テキストロン社; エンブラエルSA; ウィスクエアロ; ボロコプターGmbH 国中国、オーストラリア、インド、インドネシア、日本、韓国、米国、ブラジル、フランス、ドイツ、英国、ロシア 地域アジア太平洋; 西ヨーロッパ; 東ヨーロッパ; 北アメリカ; 南アメリカ; 中東; アフリカ 時系列:過去5年間および過去10年間の予測。 データ市場規模と成長率の関連市場に対する比率、GDP比率、一人当たり支出、廃熱発電指標の比較。 データ区分:国別・地域別の過去データと予測データ、競合他社の市場シェア、市場セグメント。 ソーシングと参照:本レポート中のデータおよび分析は、エンドノートを使用しています。 当レポートでは、eVTOL航空機市場について解説し、2025年から2031年までの予測期間をカバーしています。各地域および各地域内の主要経済圏の市場を評価しています。 世界のeVTOL航空機市場は、2025年の143億6,290万ドルから2031年には511億8,260万ドルに、年平均成長率(CAGR)23.6%で成長すると予測されます。 今後は、グリーンエネルギーや騒音のない航空機へのニーズの高まり、貨物用途でのeVTOL航空機の需要の増加、都市化の進展が成長の原動力となるだろう。今後のeVTOL機市場の成長を阻害する要因としては、高電圧や熱問題によるバッテリーの不具合の可能性、ソフトウェアの不具合によるeVTOL機の墜落、ロシア・ウクライナ戦争などが挙げられる。 eVTOL機市場は、揚力技術によってベクトル推力、マルチローター、揚力プラス巡航に区分される。今後、ベクタードスラストセグメントは、2025~2031年のCAGR24.2%で、揚力技術別に区分されたeVTOL航空機市場で最も急成長するセグメントとなる見込みである。 eVTOL航空機市場は、推進タイプ別に完全電動、ハイブリッド電動、水素電動に区分される。今後、推進力タイプ別に区分したeVTOL航空機市場では、完全電気式セグメントが2025~2031年のCAGR23.9%で最も急成長する見込みである。 eVTOL航空機市場は、運航形態別に自律型、半自動型、操縦型に区分される。今後、半自律型セグメントは、2025~2031年のCAGR30.4%で、eVTOL航空機市場の運用モード別セグメントで最も急成長するセグメントとなる見込みである。 eVTOL航空機市場は、用途別に商業用、軍事用、救急医療サービス用、その他の用途に区分される。今後、用途別に区分されたeVTOL航空機市場では、商用分野が2025~2031年のCAGR24.1%で最も急成長すると予測される。 eVTOL機市場の市場動向に基づく戦略には、電気推進と水素燃料電池技術の利用、人工知能の利用、eVTOL機シャトル、自律型eVTOL機、戦略的パートナーシップ、研究開発などが含まれる。 eVTOL航空機市場で採用されているプレーヤー戦略には、事業拡大や戦略的買収を通じた電動航空機事業の強化、戦略的提携を通じた防衛・安全保障分野へのeVTOL航空機の提供への注力、新製品の発売を通じた事業運営の強化、戦略的提携や協力関係を通じた次世代航空機の開発への注力などがある。 ビジネス・リサーチ・カンパニーは、eVTOL航空機企業がチャンスを活かすために、人工知能(AI)技術の統合に注力すること、eVTOL航空機シャトルに注力すること、電気推進と水素燃料電池技術に注力すること、自律型eVTOL航空機を開発すること、先進国市場に注力すること、新興国市場で拡大すること、戦略的提携やパートナーシップに注力すること、価値ベースの価格を提供すること、展示会やイベントに参加すること、都市人口に注力すること、急成長するアプリケーションをターゲットにすることを推奨している。 目次1. Executive Summary2. Table of Contents 3. List of Figures 4. List of Tables 5. Report Structure 6. Introduction and Market Characteristics 6.1. General Market Definition 6.2. Summary 6.3. eVTOL Aircraft Market Definition and Segmentations 6.4. Market Segmentation By Lift Technology 6.4.1. Vectored Thrust 6.4.2. Multirotor 6.4.3. Lift Plus Cruise 6.5. Market Segmentation By Propulsion Type 6.5.1. Fully Electric 6.5.2. Hybrid Electric 6.5.3. Hydrogen Electric 6.6. Market Segmentation By Mode Of Operation 6.6.1. Autonomous 6.6.2. Semi-Autonomous 6.6.3. Piloted 6.7. Market Segmentation By Application 6.7.1. Commercial 6.7.2. Military 6.7.3. Emergency Medical Services 6.7.4. Other Applications 7. Major Trends And Strategies 7.1. Electric Propulsion And Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology 7.2. Use Of Artificial Intelligence 7.3. eVTOL Aircraft Shuttle 7.4. Autonomous eVTOL Aircraft 7.5. Strategic Partnership 7.6. Research And Development 8. Global Market Size And Growth 8.1. Market Size 8.2. Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 8.2.1. Market Drivers 2025 – 2031 8.2.2. Market Restraints 2025 – 2031 9. Global Market Segmentation 9.1. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 9.2. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 9.3. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Operation, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 9.4. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 10. Global Market, Regional And Country Analysis 10.1. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, By Region, Forecast, 2025 – 2031F, Value ($ Million) 10.2. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, By Country, Forecast, 2025 – 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11. Asia-Pacific Market 11.1. Market Overview 11.1.1. Region Information 11.1.2. Market Information 11.1.3. Background Information 11.1.4. Government Initiatives 11.1.5. Regulations 11.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 11.1.7. Major Associations 11.1.8. Taxes Levied 11.1.9. Corporate Tax Structure 11.1.10. Investments 11.1.11. Major Companies 11.2. Asia-Pacific Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.3. Asia-Pacific eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.4. Asia-Pacific eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.5. Asia-Pacific eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.6. Asia Pacific eVTOL Aircraft Market: Country Analysis 11.7. China Market 11.8. Market Overview 11.8.1. Country Information 11.8.2. Market Information 11.8.3. Background Information 11.8.4. Government Initiatives 11.8.5. Regulations 11.8.6. Regulatory Bodies 11.8.7. Major Associations 11.8.8. Taxes Levied 11.8.9. Corporate Tax Structure 11.8.10. Investments 11.8.11. Major Companies 11.9. China Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.10. China eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.11. China eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.12. China eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.13. India Market 11.14. India Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.15. India eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.16. India eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.17. India eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.18. Japan Market 11.19. Japan Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.20. Japan eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.21. Japan eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.22. Japan eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.23. Australia Market 11.24. Australia Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.25. Australia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.26. Australia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.27. Australia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.28. Indonesia Market 11.29. Indonesia Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.30. Indonesia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.31. Indonesia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.32. Indonesia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.33. South Korea Market 11.34. South Korea Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.35. South Korea eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.36. South Korea eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.37. South Korea eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12. Western Europe Market 12.1. Market Overview 12.1.1. Region Information 12.1.2. Market Information 12.1.3. Background information 12.1.4. Government Initiatives 12.1.5. Regulations 12.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 12.1.7. Major Associations 12.1.8. Taxes Levied 12.1.9. Investments 12.1.10. Major Companies 12.2. Western Europe Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 12.3. Western Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.4. Western Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.5. Western Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.6. Western Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market: Country Analysis 12.7. UK Market 12.8. UK Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 12.9. UK eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.10. UK eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.11. UK eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.12. Germany Market 12.13. Germany eVTOL Aircraft Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2025 – 2031F Value ($ Million) 12.14. Germany eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 – 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.15. Germany eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.16. Germany eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 – 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.17. France Market 12.18. France Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 12.19. France eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.20. France eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.21. France eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13. Eastern Europe Market 13.1. Market Overview 13.1.1. Region Information 13.1.2. Market Information 13.1.3. Background Information 13.1.4. Government Initiatives 13.1.5. Regulations 13.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 13.1.7. Major Associations 13.1.8. Taxes Levied 13.1.9. Corporate Tax Structure 13.1.10. Investments 13.1.11. Major Companies 13.2. Eastern Europe Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 13.3. Eastern Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.4. Eastern Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.5. Eastern Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.6. Eastern Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market: Country Analysis 13.7. Russia Market 13.8. Russia Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 13.9. Russia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.10. Russia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.11. Russia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14. North America Market 14.1. Market Overview 14.1.1. Region Information 14.1.2. Market Information 14.1.3. Background Information 14.1.4. Government Initiatives 14.1.5. Regulations 14.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 14.1.7. Major Associations 14.1.8. Taxes Levied 14.1.9. Corporate Tax Structure 14.1.10. Investments 14.1.11. Major Companies 14.2. North America Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 14.3. North America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.4. North America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.5. North America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.6. North America eVTOL Aircraft Market: Country Analysis 14.7. USA Market 14.8. Market Overview 14.8.1. Region Information 14.8.2. Market Information 14.8.3. Background Information 14.8.4. Government Initiatives 14.8.5. Regulations 14.8.6. Regulatory Bodies 14.8.7. Major Associations 14.8.8. Taxes Levied 14.8.9. Corporate Tax Structure 14.8.10. Investments 14.8.11. Major Companies 14.9. USA Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 14.10. USA eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.11. USA eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.12. USA eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15. South America Market 15.1. Market Overview 15.1.1. Region Information 15.1.2. Market Information 15.1.3. Background Information 15.1.4. Government Initiatives 15.1.5. Regulations 15.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 15.1.7. Major Associations 15.1.8. Taxes Levied 15.1.9. Corporate Tax Structure 15.1.10. Investments 15.1.11. Major Companies 15.2. South America Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 15.3. South America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.4. South America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.5. South America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.6. South America eVTOL Aircraft Market: Country Analysis 15.7. Brazil Market 15.8. Brazil Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 15.9. Brazil eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.10. Brazil eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.11. Brazil eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 16. Middle East Market 16.1. Market Overview 16.1.1. Region Information 16.1.2. Market Information 16.1.3. Background Information 16.1.4. Government Initiatives 16.1.5. Regulation 16.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 16.1.7. Association 16.1.8. Corporate Tax Structure 16.1.9. Investments 16.1.10. Major Companies 16.2. Middle East Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 16.3. Middle East eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 16.4. Middle East eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 16.5. Middle East eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 17. Africa Market 17.1. Market Overview 17.1.1. Region Information 17.1.2. Market Information 17.1.3. Background information 17.1.4. Government Initiatives 17.1.5. Regulations 17.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 17.1.7. Association 17.1.8. Taxes Levied 17.1.9. Corporate Tax Structure 17.1.10. Investments 17.1.11. Major Companies 17.2. Africa Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 17.3. Africa eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 17.4. Africa eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 17.5. Africa eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 18. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles 18.1. Company Profiles 18.2. Airbus SE 18.2.1. Company Overview 18.2.2. Products And Services 18.2.3. Business Strategy 18.2.4. Financial Overview 18.3. Textron Inc 18.3.1. Company Overview 18.3.2. Products And Services 18.3.3. Business Strategy 18.3.4. Financial Overview 18.4. Embraer SA 18.4.1. Company Overview 18.4.2. Products And Services 18.4.3. Business Strategy 18.4.4. Financial Overview 18.5. Wisk Aero 18.5.1. Company Overview 18.5.2. Products And Services 18.5.3. Business Strategy 18.5.4. Financial Overview 18.6. Volocopter GmbH 18.6.1. Company Overview 18.6.2. Products And Services 18.6.3. Business Strategy 18.6.4. Financial Overview 19. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 19.1. Aviation Acquired Avionyx 19.2. Air Greenland Acquired eVTOL Air Taxis from Avolon 19.3. Textron Inc Acquired Pipistrel Aircraft 19.4. Astro Acquired eVTOL Maker Horizon Aircraft 19.5. Joby Aviation Acquired Uber Elevate 20. Opportunities And Strategies 20.1. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market In 2026 – Growth Strategies 20.1.1. Market Trend Based Strategies 20.1.2. Competitor Strategies 21. eVTOL Aircraft Market, Conclusions And Recommendations 21.1. Conclusions 21.2. Recommendations 21.2.1. Product 21.2.2. Place 21.2.3. Price 21.2.4. Promotion 21.2.5. People 22. Appendix 22.1. Market Data Sources 22.2. Research Methodology 22.3. Currencies 22.4. The Business Research Company 22.5. Copyright and Disclaimer 22.6.
SummaryeVTOL Aircraft Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2031 from The Business Research Company provides the strategists; marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the global evtol aircraft market as it emerges from the COVID 19 shut down. Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Table of Contents 3. List of Figures 4. List of Tables 5. Report Structure 6. Introduction and Market Characteristics 6.1. General Market Definition 6.2. Summary 6.3. eVTOL Aircraft Market Definition and Segmentations 6.4. Market Segmentation By Lift Technology 6.4.1. Vectored Thrust 6.4.2. Multirotor 6.4.3. Lift Plus Cruise 6.5. Market Segmentation By Propulsion Type 6.5.1. Fully Electric 6.5.2. Hybrid Electric 6.5.3. Hydrogen Electric 6.6. Market Segmentation By Mode Of Operation 6.6.1. Autonomous 6.6.2. Semi-Autonomous 6.6.3. Piloted 6.7. Market Segmentation By Application 6.7.1. Commercial 6.7.2. Military 6.7.3. Emergency Medical Services 6.7.4. Other Applications 7. Major Trends And Strategies 7.1. Electric Propulsion And Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology 7.2. Use Of Artificial Intelligence 7.3. eVTOL Aircraft Shuttle 7.4. Autonomous eVTOL Aircraft 7.5. Strategic Partnership 7.6. Research And Development 8. Global Market Size And Growth 8.1. Market Size 8.2. Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 8.2.1. Market Drivers 2025 – 2031 8.2.2. Market Restraints 2025 – 2031 9. Global Market Segmentation 9.1. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 9.2. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 9.3. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Operation, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 9.4. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 10. Global Market, Regional And Country Analysis 10.1. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, By Region, Forecast, 2025 – 2031F, Value ($ Million) 10.2. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market, By Country, Forecast, 2025 – 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11. Asia-Pacific Market 11.1. Market Overview 11.1.1. Region Information 11.1.2. Market Information 11.1.3. Background Information 11.1.4. Government Initiatives 11.1.5. Regulations 11.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 11.1.7. Major Associations 11.1.8. Taxes Levied 11.1.9. Corporate Tax Structure 11.1.10. Investments 11.1.11. Major Companies 11.2. Asia-Pacific Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.3. Asia-Pacific eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.4. Asia-Pacific eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.5. Asia-Pacific eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.6. Asia Pacific eVTOL Aircraft Market: Country Analysis 11.7. China Market 11.8. Market Overview 11.8.1. Country Information 11.8.2. Market Information 11.8.3. Background Information 11.8.4. Government Initiatives 11.8.5. Regulations 11.8.6. Regulatory Bodies 11.8.7. Major Associations 11.8.8. Taxes Levied 11.8.9. Corporate Tax Structure 11.8.10. Investments 11.8.11. Major Companies 11.9. China Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.10. China eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.11. China eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.12. China eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.13. India Market 11.14. India Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.15. India eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.16. India eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.17. India eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.18. Japan Market 11.19. Japan Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.20. Japan eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.21. Japan eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.22. Japan eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.23. Australia Market 11.24. Australia Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.25. Australia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.26. Australia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.27. Australia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.28. Indonesia Market 11.29. Indonesia Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.30. Indonesia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.31. Indonesia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.32. Indonesia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.33. South Korea Market 11.34. South Korea Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 11.35. South Korea eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.36. South Korea eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.37. South Korea eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12. Western Europe Market 12.1. Market Overview 12.1.1. Region Information 12.1.2. Market Information 12.1.3. Background information 12.1.4. Government Initiatives 12.1.5. Regulations 12.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 12.1.7. Major Associations 12.1.8. Taxes Levied 12.1.9. Investments 12.1.10. Major Companies 12.2. Western Europe Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 12.3. Western Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.4. Western Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.5. Western Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.6. Western Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market: Country Analysis 12.7. UK Market 12.8. UK Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 12.9. UK eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.10. UK eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.11. UK eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.12. Germany Market 12.13. Germany eVTOL Aircraft Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2025 – 2031F Value ($ Million) 12.14. Germany eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 – 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.15. Germany eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.16. Germany eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 – 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.17. France Market 12.18. France Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 12.19. France eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.20. France eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.21. France eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13. Eastern Europe Market 13.1. Market Overview 13.1.1. Region Information 13.1.2. Market Information 13.1.3. Background Information 13.1.4. Government Initiatives 13.1.5. Regulations 13.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 13.1.7. Major Associations 13.1.8. Taxes Levied 13.1.9. Corporate Tax Structure 13.1.10. Investments 13.1.11. Major Companies 13.2. Eastern Europe Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 13.3. Eastern Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.4. Eastern Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.5. Eastern Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.6. Eastern Europe eVTOL Aircraft Market: Country Analysis 13.7. Russia Market 13.8. Russia Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 13.9. Russia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.10. Russia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.11. Russia eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14. North America Market 14.1. Market Overview 14.1.1. Region Information 14.1.2. Market Information 14.1.3. Background Information 14.1.4. Government Initiatives 14.1.5. Regulations 14.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 14.1.7. Major Associations 14.1.8. Taxes Levied 14.1.9. Corporate Tax Structure 14.1.10. Investments 14.1.11. Major Companies 14.2. North America Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 14.3. North America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.4. North America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.5. North America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.6. North America eVTOL Aircraft Market: Country Analysis 14.7. USA Market 14.8. Market Overview 14.8.1. Region Information 14.8.2. Market Information 14.8.3. Background Information 14.8.4. Government Initiatives 14.8.5. Regulations 14.8.6. Regulatory Bodies 14.8.7. Major Associations 14.8.8. Taxes Levied 14.8.9. Corporate Tax Structure 14.8.10. Investments 14.8.11. Major Companies 14.9. USA Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 14.10. USA eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.11. USA eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.12. USA eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15. South America Market 15.1. Market Overview 15.1.1. Region Information 15.1.2. Market Information 15.1.3. Background Information 15.1.4. Government Initiatives 15.1.5. Regulations 15.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 15.1.7. Major Associations 15.1.8. Taxes Levied 15.1.9. Corporate Tax Structure 15.1.10. Investments 15.1.11. Major Companies 15.2. South America Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 15.3. South America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.4. South America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.5. South America eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.6. South America eVTOL Aircraft Market: Country Analysis 15.7. Brazil Market 15.8. Brazil Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 15.9. Brazil eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.10. Brazil eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.11. Brazil eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 16. Middle East Market 16.1. Market Overview 16.1.1. Region Information 16.1.2. Market Information 16.1.3. Background Information 16.1.4. Government Initiatives 16.1.5. Regulation 16.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 16.1.7. Association 16.1.8. Corporate Tax Structure 16.1.9. Investments 16.1.10. Major Companies 16.2. Middle East Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 16.3. Middle East eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 16.4. Middle East eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 16.5. Middle East eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 17. Africa Market 17.1. Market Overview 17.1.1. Region Information 17.1.2. Market Information 17.1.3. Background information 17.1.4. Government Initiatives 17.1.5. Regulations 17.1.6. Regulatory Bodies 17.1.7. Association 17.1.8. Taxes Levied 17.1.9. Corporate Tax Structure 17.1.10. Investments 17.1.11. Major Companies 17.2. Africa Forecast Market Growth, 2025 –2031F Value ($ Million) 17.3. Africa eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Lift Technology, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 17.4. Africa eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Propulsion Type, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 17.5. Africa eVTOL Aircraft Market, Segmentation By Application, Forecast, 2025 –2031F, Value ($ Million) 18. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles 18.1. Company Profiles 18.2. Airbus SE 18.2.1. Company Overview 18.2.2. Products And Services 18.2.3. Business Strategy 18.2.4. Financial Overview 18.3. Textron Inc 18.3.1. Company Overview 18.3.2. Products And Services 18.3.3. Business Strategy 18.3.4. Financial Overview 18.4. Embraer SA 18.4.1. Company Overview 18.4.2. Products And Services 18.4.3. Business Strategy 18.4.4. Financial Overview 18.5. Wisk Aero 18.5.1. Company Overview 18.5.2. Products And Services 18.5.3. Business Strategy 18.5.4. Financial Overview 18.6. Volocopter GmbH 18.6.1. Company Overview 18.6.2. Products And Services 18.6.3. Business Strategy 18.6.4. Financial Overview 19. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 19.1. Aviation Acquired Avionyx 19.2. Air Greenland Acquired eVTOL Air Taxis from Avolon 19.3. Textron Inc Acquired Pipistrel Aircraft 19.4. Astro Acquired eVTOL Maker Horizon Aircraft 19.5. Joby Aviation Acquired Uber Elevate 20. Opportunities And Strategies 20.1. Global eVTOL Aircraft Market In 2026 – Growth Strategies 20.1.1. Market Trend Based Strategies 20.1.2. Competitor Strategies 21. eVTOL Aircraft Market, Conclusions And Recommendations 21.1. Conclusions 21.2. Recommendations 21.2.1. Product 21.2.2. Place 21.2.3. Price 21.2.4. Promotion 21.2.5. People 22. Appendix 22.1. Market Data Sources 22.2. Research Methodology 22.3. Currencies 22.4. The Business Research Company 22.5. Copyright and Disclaimer 22.6.
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