DTPワクチンの世界市場機会と2031年までの戦略以下1) 製品タイプ別製品タイプ別:DTaP; TD; Tdap2) 疾患別:ジフテリア; 百日咳; 破傷風3) エンドユーザー別:病院疾患別:ジフテリア、百日咳、破傷風3)エンドユーザー別:病院、クリニック、予防接種センターグラクソ・スミスクライン;サノフィ;Merck & Co.Inc.、明治ホールディングス株式会社、Shenzhen Kangtai Biological ProductsDTP Vaccines Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2031Including: 1) By Product type: DTaP; TD; Tdap2) By Disease: Diphtheria; Pertussis; Tetanus3) By End-User: Hospitals; Clinics; Vaccination CentersCovering: GlaxoSmithKline; Sanofi; Merck & Co. Inc.; Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd; Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products この調査レポートはDTPワクチンの世界市場 2031年までのビジネスチャンスと戦略 を掲載し、COVID 19の閉鎖から立ち上がるDTPワクチンの世界市場を評価するために必要な重要情報を提供します。 購入の理由 - 1... もっと見る
サマリーこの調査レポートはDTPワクチンの世界市場 2031年までのビジネスチャンスと戦略 を掲載し、COVID 19の閉鎖から立ち上がるDTPワクチンの世界市場を評価するために必要な重要情報を提供します。購入の理由 - 12地域をカバーするこの市場に関する最も包括的なレポートにより、真にグローバルな視点を得ることができます。 - 市場がコロナウイルスからどのような影響を受けているのか、またウイルスの影響が和らぐにつれて市場がどのように立ち上がり、成長していくのかを理解することができます。 - 現地のデータと分析に基づき、地域別および国別の戦略を策定します。 - 投資の対象となる成長セグメントを特定する。 - 予測データと市場を形成するドライバーとトレンドを活用し、競合他社を凌駕する。 - 最新の市場調査結果に基づいて顧客を理解する。 - 主要な競合他社とのパフォーマンスの比較 - 主要データセット間の関係を活用し、優れた戦略を立てる。 - 信頼性の高い高品質なデータと分析により、社内外のプレゼンテーションをサポートします。 説明 DTPワクチンの最大かつ急成長市場はどこか?経済全体、人口動態、他の類似市場との関連は?今後の市場を形成する力は何か?ビジネス調査会社のDTPワクチン市場調査レポートが、これらすべての疑問やその他多くの疑問にお答えします。 当レポートでは、市場の特徴、規模と成長、セグメンテーション、地域別および国別内訳、競合情勢、市場シェア、市場の動向と戦略などを取り上げています。地域別に市場の過去および予測成長を追跡しています。DTPワクチン市場全体との関連や他市場との比較も掲載しています。 本レポートは以下の章をカバーしています。 - 序論と市場の特徴 DTPワクチン市場をカバーするセグメント、定義、解説を簡単に紹介します。 - 主要動向 世界のDTPワクチン市場を形成する主要トレンドをハイライトしています。また、今後の市場動向についても取り上げます。 - 世界の市場規模および成長 世界の過去(2016年~2021年)、予測(2021年~2026年)、(2026年~2031年)市場価値、過去および予測期間における市場成長を支え、制御する促進因子と阻害因子を紹介します。 - 地域・国別分析 過去(2016-2021年)と予測(2021-2026年)、(2026-2031年)の市場価値、地域別・国別の成長と市場シェアの比較。 - 市場セグメンテーション 市場における製品タイプ別、疾患別、エンドユーザー別のセグメント別の市場価値(2016-2031年)と分析を収録。 - 地域別市場規模と成長 地域別の市場規模(2021年)、過去(2016年~2021年)および予測(2021年~2026年)、(2026年~2031年)の市場価値、地域内の国々の成長および市場シェア比較。本レポートには、アジア太平洋、西欧、東欧、北米、南米、中東、アフリカの全地域と各地域内の主要国に関する情報が含まれています。 - 競争環境 市場の競争状況、推定市場占有率、主要企業の会社プロファイルの詳細を掲載しています。 - 主要なM&A 本レポートでカバーしている市場における最近のM&Aに関する情報を掲載しています。本セクションでは、近年の市場を形成したM&Aに関する主要な財務情報を掲載しています。 - 市場機会と戦略 調査結果に基づく市場機会と戦略について、国やセグメントごとの成長機会や、それらの市場で取るべき戦略に関する情報を交えて記述しています。 - 結論と提言 製品・サービスの提供地域拡大、マーケティング戦略、ターゲットグループなど、DTPワクチンプロバイダーへの推奨事項を記載しています。 - 付録 このセクションには、本レポートで使用されているNAICSコード、略語、通貨コードの詳細が含まれています。 対象範囲 対象市場 1) 製品タイプ別DTaP; TD; Tdap 2) 疾患別ジフテリア;百日咳;破傷風 3) エンドユーザー別:病院;クリニック;ワクチン接種センター 言及された企業グラクソ・スミスクライン;サノフィ;Merck & Co.Inc.、明治ホールディングス株式会社、Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products、Serum Institute of India Pvt. 国中国、オーストラリア、インド、インドネシア、日本、韓国、アメリカ、ブラジル、フランス、ドイツ、イギリス、ロシア 地域アジア太平洋; 西ヨーロッパ; 東ヨーロッパ; 北アメリカ; 南アメリカ; 中東; アフリカ 時系列:過去5年間および過去10年間の予測。 データ関連市場に対する市場規模および成長率; GDP比率; 一人当たり支出; DTPワクチン指標比較。 データ区分: 国別および地域別の過去データと予測データ; 競合企業の市場シェア; 市場セグメント。 ソーシングと参照:本レポート中のデータおよび分析は、エンドノートを使用しています。 本レポートでは、DTPワクチン市場について記載・解説し、2016年から2021年までを過去期間、2021年から2026年までを予測期間とし、2026年から2031年までのさらなる予測を加えています。本レポートでは、各地域および各地域内の主要経済圏の市場を評価しています。 世界のDTPワクチン市場は、2016年以降年平均成長率(CAGR)4.1%で増加し、2021年には約40億430万ドルに達しました。2021年の40億4,430万ドルから2026年には57億8,730万ドルへと7.6%の成長が見込まれる。その後、2026年からは年平均成長率(CAGR)7.2%で成長し、2031年には81億9,570万ドルに達すると予想される。 歴史的期間の成長は、医療アクセスの増加、感染症に対する継続的な防御、予防接種に対する意識の高まりに起因する。歴史的期間の成長にマイナスの影響を与えた要因は、ワクチン開発・製造のタイムラインが長かったこと、低所得国のワクチン市場へのアクセスが低かったことである。 今後は、強力な後期パイプラインと新薬承認、医療費の増加、風土病撲滅のための予防接種政策が市場を牽引していくだろう。今後のDTPワクチン市場の成長を阻害する要因としては、熟練労働者の不足やワクチン承認に関する厳しい規制などが挙げられる。 DTPワクチン市場は、製品タイプ別にDTaP、TD、Tdapに区分される。DTaPはDTPワクチン市場の製品タイプ別最大セグメントで、2021年には市場全体の61.8%にあたる24億7,390万ドルを占める。DTaP市場は年平均成長率7.9%で今後最も急成長するセグメントと予想される。 DTPワクチン市場は疾患別にジフテリア、百日咳、破傷風に区分される。百日咳はDTPワクチン市場の技術別最大セグメントで、2021年には市場全体の49.8%にあたる19億9,600万ドルを占める。百日咳市場は年平均成長率7.9%で今後最も急成長するセグメントと予想される。 DTPワクチン市場はエンドユーザー別に病院、診療所、予防接種センターに区分される。病院市場はDTPワクチン市場のエンドユーザー別最大セグメントで、2021年には市場全体の61.3%にあたる24億5,280万ドルを占める。予防接種センター市場はCAGR 8.1%で今後最も急成長するセグメントと予想される。 DTPワクチン市場では北米が最大の地域であり、2021年の世界市場の38.6%を占めた。次いでアジア太平洋地域、西ヨーロッパ地域、その他の地域と続く。今後、DTPワクチン市場で最も成長する地域はアジア太平洋地域と北米で、2021〜2026年のCAGRはそれぞれ8.1%と8.0%となる見込みです。 DTPワクチン市場はやや集中しており、少数の大手企業が市場を支配している。2021年の市場全体の37.12%は上位10社で占められている。近い将来、新たな地域への参入・拡大のために各社が買収・合併戦略を採用し、市場は変化すると予想される。グラクソ・スミスクラインが市場の17.37%を占めて最大の競合企業であり、サノフィが7.96%、メルク・アンド・カンパニーが4.04%、明治ホールディングスが2.12%、深圳が2.12%となっている、Ltdが2.12%、Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Productsが2.06%、Serum Institute of India Pvt Ltdが1.85%、AJ Vaccinesが0.76%、Panacea Biotec Ltdが0.73%、Bharat Biotechが0.22%、PT Bio Farmaが0.01%であった。 DTPワクチン市場の製品タイプ別成長ポテンシャルのトップはDTaPで、2026年までに世界年間売上4億3,980万ドルを獲得する見込み。DTPワクチン市場のエンドユーザー別成長ポテンシャルのトップは病院で、2026年までに世界の年間売上高は10億7,390万ドルに達するでしょう。DTPワクチン市場の疾患別成長ポテンシャルのトップは百日咳で、2026年までに世界の年間売上高が9億2,150万ドルに達する見込みです。DTPワクチン市場規模は米国で最も大きく、6億7,610万ドルに達するでしょう。 DTPワクチン市場の市場トレンドに基づく戦略には、混合ワクチンの開発に注力すること、研究開発活動に大規模な投資を行うこと、ワクチン開発に人工知能(AI)を活用すること、戦略的買収に注力することなどが含まれる。 DTPワクチン業界におけるプレーヤー採用戦略には、承認取得によるワクチン開発でのプレゼンス拡大、新ワクチン製品の上市、戦略的提携によるワクチン製品ポートフォリオの拡大、パートナーシップによるワクチン製品ポートフォリオの拡大、提携契約によるワクチン製品ポートフォリオの拡大などがある。 ビジネスリサーチカンパニーは、DTPワクチン企業に対し、人工知能の採用、混合ワクチンの開発への注力、先進国市場での拡大、戦略的買収への注力、低所得国での競争力のある価格での提供、一括支払い、認知度の向上への注力、プレシジョン・メディシンのセミナーや会議への参加、エンドユーザーとのパートナーシップへの注力、小児人口のターゲットの継続などを推奨している。 目次1. Executive Summary2. Table of Contents 3. List of Figures 4. List of Tables 5. Report Structure 6. Introduction and Market Characteristics 6.1. General Market Definition 6.2. Summary 6.3. DTP Vaccines Market Definition and Segmentations 6.4. Market Segmentation By Product Type 6.4.1. DTaP 6.4.2. TD 6.4.3. Tdap 6.5. Market Segmentation By Disease 6.5.1. Diphtheria 6.5.2. Pertussis 6.5.3. Tetanus 6.6. Market Segmentation By End User 6.6.1. Hospitals 6.6.2. Clinics 6.6.3. Vaccination Centers 7. Major Market Trends 7.1. Development Of Combination Vaccines 7.2. Strategic Acquisitions 7.3. Robust Research And Development 7.4. Artificial Intelligence In Vaccine Development 8. Global Market Size And Growth 8.1. Market Size 8.2. Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 8.2.1. Market Drivers 2016 – 2021 8.2.2. Market Restraints 2016 – 2021 8.3. Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 8.3.1. Market Drivers 2021 – 2026 8.3.2. Market Restraints 2021 – 2026 9. Global Market Segmentation 9.1. Global DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 9.2. Global DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 9.3. Global DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 10. Global Market, Regional And Country Analysis 10.1. Global DTP Vaccines Market, By Region, Historic and Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 10.2. Global DTP Vaccines Market, By Country, Historic and Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11. Asia-Pacific Market 11.1. Summary 11.2. Market Overview 11.2.1. Region Information 11.2.2. Market Information 11.2.3. Background Information 11.2.4. Government Initiatives 11.2.5. Regulations 11.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 11.2.7. Major Associations 11.2.8. Taxes Levied 11.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 11.2.10. Investments 11.2.11. Major Companies 11.3. Asia-Pacific DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.4. Asia-Pacific DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.5. Asia-Pacific DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.6. Asia-Pacific DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.7. Asia-Pacific DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.8. Asia Pacific DTP Vaccines Market: Country Analysis 11.9. China Market 11.10. Summary 11.11. Market Overview 11.11.1. Country Information 11.11.2. Market Information 11.11.3. Background Information 11.11.4. Government Initiatives 11.11.5. Regulations 11.11.6. Regulatory Bodies 11.11.7. Major Associations 11.11.8. Taxes Levied 11.11.9. Corporate Tax Structure 11.11.10. Investments 11.11.11. Major Companies 11.12. China DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.13. China DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.14. China DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.15. China DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.16. China DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.17. India Market 11.18. India DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.19. India DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.20. India DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.21. India DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.22. India DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.23. Japan Market 11.24. Japan DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.25. Japan DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.26. Japan DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.27. Japan DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.28. Japan DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.29. Australia Market 11.30. Australia DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.31. Australia DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.32. Australia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.33. Australia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.34. Australia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.35. Indonesia Market 11.36. Indonesia DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.37. Indonesia DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.38. Indonesia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.39. Indonesia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.40. Indonesia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.41. South Korea Market 11.42. South Korea DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.43. South Korea DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.44. South Korea DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.45. South Korea DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.46. South Korea DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12. Western Europe Market 12.1. Summary 12.2. Market Overview 12.2.1. Region Information 12.2.2. Market Information 12.2.3. Background Information 12.2.4. Government Initiatives 12.2.5. Regulations 12.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 12.2.7. Major Associations 12.2.8. Taxes Levied 12.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 12.2.10. Investments 12.2.11. Major Companies 12.3. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 12.4. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 12.5. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.6. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.7. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.8. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market: Country Analysis 12.9. UK Market 12.10. UK DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 12.11. UK DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 12.12. UK DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.13. UK DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.14. UK DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.15. Germany Market 12.16. Germany DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 12.17. Germany DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 12.18. Germany DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.19. Germany DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.20. Germany DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.21. France Market 12.22. France DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 12.23. France DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 12.24. France DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.25. France DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.26. France DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13. Eastern Europe Market 13.1. Summary 13.2. Market Overview 13.2.1. Region Information 13.2.2. Market Information 13.2.3. Background Information 13.2.4. Government Initiatives 13.2.5. Regulations 13.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 13.2.7. Major Associations 13.2.8. Taxes Levied 13.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 13.2.10. Investments 13.2.11. Major Companies 13.3. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 13.4. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 13.5. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.6. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.7. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.8. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market: Country Analysis 13.9. Russia Market 13.10. Russia DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 13.11. Russia DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 13.12. Russia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.13. Russia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.14. Russia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14. North America Market 14.1. Summary 14.2. Market Overview 14.2.1. Region Information 14.2.2. Market Information 14.2.3. Background Information 14.2.4. Government Initiatives 14.2.5. Regulations 14.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 14.2.7. Major Associations 14.2.8. Taxes Levied 14.2.9. Corporate tax structure 14.2.10. Investments 14.2.11. Major Companies 14.3. North America DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 14.4. North America DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 14.5. North America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.6. North America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.7. North America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.8. North America DTP Vaccines Market: Country Analysis 14.9. USA Market 14.10. Summary 14.11. Market Overview 14.11.1. Country Information 14.11.2. Market Information 14.11.3. Background Information 14.11.4. Government Initiatives 14.11.5. Regulations 14.11.6. Regulatory Bodies 14.11.7. Major Associations 14.11.8. Taxes Levied 14.11.9. Corporate Tax Structure 14.11.10. Investments 14.11.11. Major Companies 14.12. USA DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 14.13. USA DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 14.14. USA DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.15. USA DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.16. USA DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15. South America Market 15.1. Summary 15.2. Market Overview 15.2.1. Region Information 15.2.2. Market Information 15.2.3. Background Information 15.2.4. Government Initiatives 15.2.5. Regulations 15.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 15.2.7. Major Associations 15.2.8. Taxes Levied 15.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 15.2.10. Investments 15.2.11. Major Companies 15.3. South America DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 15.4. South America DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 15.5. South America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.6. South America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.7. South America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.8. South America DTP Vaccines Market: Country Analysis 15.9. Brazil Market 15.10. Brazil DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 15.11. Brazil DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 15.12. Brazil DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.13. Brazil DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.14. Brazil DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 16. Middle East Market 16.1. Summary 16.2. Market Overview 16.2.1. Region Information 16.2.2. Market Information 16.2.3. Background Information 16.2.4. Government Initiatives 16.2.5. Regulations 16.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 16.2.7. Major Associations 16.2.8. Taxes Levied 16.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 16.2.10. Investments 16.2.11. Major Companies 16.3. Middle East DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 16.4. Middle East DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 16.5. Middle East DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 16.6. Middle East DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 16.7. Middle East DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 17. Africa Market 17.1. Summary 17.2. Market Overview 17.2.1. Region Information 17.2.2. Market Information 17.2.3. Background Information 17.2.4. Government Initiatives 17.2.5. Regulations 17.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 17.2.7. Major Associations 17.2.8. Taxes Levied 17.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 17.2.10. Investments 17.2.11. Major Companies 17.3. Africa DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 17.4. Africa DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 17.5. Africa DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 17.6. Africa DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 17.7. Africa DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 18. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles 18.1. Company Profiles 18.2. GlaxoSmithKline plc 18.2.1. Company Overview 18.2.2. Products And Services 18.2.3. Business Strategy 18.2.4. Financial Overview 18.3. Sanofi SA 18.3.1. Company Overview 18.3.2. Products And Services 18.3.3. Business Strategy 18.3.4. Financial Overview 18.4. Merck & Co. Inc. 18.4.1. Company Overview 18.4.2. Products And Services 18.4.3. Business Strategy 18.4.4. Financial Overview 18.5. Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd 18.5.1. Company Overview 18.5.2. Products And Services 18.5.3. Business Strategy 18.5.4. Financial Overview 18.6. Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products 18.6.1. Company Overview 18.6.2. Products And Services 18.6.3. Business Strategy 18.6.4. Financial Overview 19. DTP Vaccines Pipeline Analysis 20. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 20.1. Sanofi S.A. Acquired Kymab Ltd 20.2. Merck & Co Acquired Pandion Therapeutics 20.3. Novartis AG Acquired The Medicines Company 20.4. BioNTech SE Acquired GMP Certified Manufacturing Site Of Novartis AG 20.5. Sanofi SA Acquired Synthrox 20.6. Bharat Biotech International Limited Acquired Chiron Behring Vaccines From GlaxoSmithKline 20.7. Bavarian Nordic A/S Acquired Global Rights For Two Vaccines from GSK 21. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 21.1. Global DTP Vaccines Market In 2026 – Countries Offering Most New Opportunities 21.2. Global DTP Vaccines Market In 2026 – Segments Offering Most New Opportunities 21.3. Global DTP Vaccines Market In 2026 – Growth Strategies 21.3.1. Market Trend Based Strategies 21.3.2. Competitor Strategies 22. Appendix 22.1. Market Data Sources 22.2. Research Methodology 22.3. Currencies 22.4. The Business Research Company 23. Copyright and Disclaimer
SummaryDTP Vaccines Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2031 from The Business Research Company provides the strategists; marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the global DTP Vaccines market as it emerges from the COVID 19 shut down. Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Table of Contents 3. List of Figures 4. List of Tables 5. Report Structure 6. Introduction and Market Characteristics 6.1. General Market Definition 6.2. Summary 6.3. DTP Vaccines Market Definition and Segmentations 6.4. Market Segmentation By Product Type 6.4.1. DTaP 6.4.2. TD 6.4.3. Tdap 6.5. Market Segmentation By Disease 6.5.1. Diphtheria 6.5.2. Pertussis 6.5.3. Tetanus 6.6. Market Segmentation By End User 6.6.1. Hospitals 6.6.2. Clinics 6.6.3. Vaccination Centers 7. Major Market Trends 7.1. Development Of Combination Vaccines 7.2. Strategic Acquisitions 7.3. Robust Research And Development 7.4. Artificial Intelligence In Vaccine Development 8. Global Market Size And Growth 8.1. Market Size 8.2. Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 8.2.1. Market Drivers 2016 – 2021 8.2.2. Market Restraints 2016 – 2021 8.3. Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 8.3.1. Market Drivers 2021 – 2026 8.3.2. Market Restraints 2021 – 2026 9. Global Market Segmentation 9.1. Global DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 9.2. Global DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 9.3. Global DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 10. Global Market, Regional And Country Analysis 10.1. Global DTP Vaccines Market, By Region, Historic and Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 10.2. Global DTP Vaccines Market, By Country, Historic and Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11. Asia-Pacific Market 11.1. Summary 11.2. Market Overview 11.2.1. Region Information 11.2.2. Market Information 11.2.3. Background Information 11.2.4. Government Initiatives 11.2.5. Regulations 11.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 11.2.7. Major Associations 11.2.8. Taxes Levied 11.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 11.2.10. Investments 11.2.11. Major Companies 11.3. Asia-Pacific DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.4. Asia-Pacific DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.5. Asia-Pacific DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.6. Asia-Pacific DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.7. Asia-Pacific DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.8. Asia Pacific DTP Vaccines Market: Country Analysis 11.9. China Market 11.10. Summary 11.11. Market Overview 11.11.1. Country Information 11.11.2. Market Information 11.11.3. Background Information 11.11.4. Government Initiatives 11.11.5. Regulations 11.11.6. Regulatory Bodies 11.11.7. Major Associations 11.11.8. Taxes Levied 11.11.9. Corporate Tax Structure 11.11.10. Investments 11.11.11. Major Companies 11.12. China DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.13. China DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.14. China DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.15. China DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.16. China DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.17. India Market 11.18. India DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.19. India DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.20. India DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.21. India DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.22. India DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.23. Japan Market 11.24. Japan DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.25. Japan DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.26. Japan DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.27. Japan DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.28. Japan DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.29. Australia Market 11.30. Australia DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.31. Australia DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.32. Australia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.33. Australia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.34. Australia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.35. Indonesia Market 11.36. Indonesia DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.37. Indonesia DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.38. Indonesia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.39. Indonesia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.40. Indonesia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.41. South Korea Market 11.42. South Korea DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 11.43. South Korea DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 11.44. South Korea DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.45. South Korea DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 11.46. South Korea DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12. Western Europe Market 12.1. Summary 12.2. Market Overview 12.2.1. Region Information 12.2.2. Market Information 12.2.3. Background Information 12.2.4. Government Initiatives 12.2.5. Regulations 12.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 12.2.7. Major Associations 12.2.8. Taxes Levied 12.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 12.2.10. Investments 12.2.11. Major Companies 12.3. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 12.4. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 12.5. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.6. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.7. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.8. Western Europe DTP Vaccines Market: Country Analysis 12.9. UK Market 12.10. UK DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 12.11. UK DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 12.12. UK DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.13. UK DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.14. UK DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.15. Germany Market 12.16. Germany DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 12.17. Germany DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 12.18. Germany DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.19. Germany DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.20. Germany DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.21. France Market 12.22. France DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 12.23. France DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 12.24. France DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.25. France DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 12.26. France DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13. Eastern Europe Market 13.1. Summary 13.2. Market Overview 13.2.1. Region Information 13.2.2. Market Information 13.2.3. Background Information 13.2.4. Government Initiatives 13.2.5. Regulations 13.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 13.2.7. Major Associations 13.2.8. Taxes Levied 13.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 13.2.10. Investments 13.2.11. Major Companies 13.3. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 13.4. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 13.5. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.6. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.7. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.8. Eastern Europe DTP Vaccines Market: Country Analysis 13.9. Russia Market 13.10. Russia DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 13.11. Russia DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 13.12. Russia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.13. Russia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 13.14. Russia DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14. North America Market 14.1. Summary 14.2. Market Overview 14.2.1. Region Information 14.2.2. Market Information 14.2.3. Background Information 14.2.4. Government Initiatives 14.2.5. Regulations 14.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 14.2.7. Major Associations 14.2.8. Taxes Levied 14.2.9. Corporate tax structure 14.2.10. Investments 14.2.11. Major Companies 14.3. North America DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 14.4. North America DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 14.5. North America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.6. North America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.7. North America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.8. North America DTP Vaccines Market: Country Analysis 14.9. USA Market 14.10. Summary 14.11. Market Overview 14.11.1. Country Information 14.11.2. Market Information 14.11.3. Background Information 14.11.4. Government Initiatives 14.11.5. Regulations 14.11.6. Regulatory Bodies 14.11.7. Major Associations 14.11.8. Taxes Levied 14.11.9. Corporate Tax Structure 14.11.10. Investments 14.11.11. Major Companies 14.12. USA DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 14.13. USA DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 14.14. USA DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.15. USA DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 14.16. USA DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15. South America Market 15.1. Summary 15.2. Market Overview 15.2.1. Region Information 15.2.2. Market Information 15.2.3. Background Information 15.2.4. Government Initiatives 15.2.5. Regulations 15.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 15.2.7. Major Associations 15.2.8. Taxes Levied 15.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 15.2.10. Investments 15.2.11. Major Companies 15.3. South America DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 15.4. South America DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 15.5. South America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.6. South America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.7. South America DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.8. South America DTP Vaccines Market: Country Analysis 15.9. Brazil Market 15.10. Brazil DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 15.11. Brazil DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 15.12. Brazil DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.13. Brazil DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 15.14. Brazil DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 16. Middle East Market 16.1. Summary 16.2. Market Overview 16.2.1. Region Information 16.2.2. Market Information 16.2.3. Background Information 16.2.4. Government Initiatives 16.2.5. Regulations 16.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 16.2.7. Major Associations 16.2.8. Taxes Levied 16.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 16.2.10. Investments 16.2.11. Major Companies 16.3. Middle East DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 16.4. Middle East DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 16.5. Middle East DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 16.6. Middle East DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 16.7. Middle East DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 17. Africa Market 17.1. Summary 17.2. Market Overview 17.2.1. Region Information 17.2.2. Market Information 17.2.3. Background Information 17.2.4. Government Initiatives 17.2.5. Regulations 17.2.6. Regulatory Bodies 17.2.7. Major Associations 17.2.8. Taxes Levied 17.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure 17.2.10. Investments 17.2.11. Major Companies 17.3. Africa DTP Vaccines Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million) 17.4. Africa DTP Vaccines Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million) 17.5. Africa DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 17.6. Africa DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation By Disease, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 17.7. Africa DTP Vaccines Market, Segmentation End User, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million) 18. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles 18.1. Company Profiles 18.2. GlaxoSmithKline plc 18.2.1. Company Overview 18.2.2. Products And Services 18.2.3. Business Strategy 18.2.4. Financial Overview 18.3. Sanofi SA 18.3.1. Company Overview 18.3.2. Products And Services 18.3.3. Business Strategy 18.3.4. Financial Overview 18.4. Merck & Co. Inc. 18.4.1. Company Overview 18.4.2. Products And Services 18.4.3. Business Strategy 18.4.4. Financial Overview 18.5. Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd 18.5.1. Company Overview 18.5.2. Products And Services 18.5.3. Business Strategy 18.5.4. Financial Overview 18.6. Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products 18.6.1. Company Overview 18.6.2. Products And Services 18.6.3. Business Strategy 18.6.4. Financial Overview 19. DTP Vaccines Pipeline Analysis 20. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 20.1. Sanofi S.A. Acquired Kymab Ltd 20.2. Merck & Co Acquired Pandion Therapeutics 20.3. Novartis AG Acquired The Medicines Company 20.4. BioNTech SE Acquired GMP Certified Manufacturing Site Of Novartis AG 20.5. Sanofi SA Acquired Synthrox 20.6. Bharat Biotech International Limited Acquired Chiron Behring Vaccines From GlaxoSmithKline 20.7. Bavarian Nordic A/S Acquired Global Rights For Two Vaccines from GSK 21. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 21.1. Global DTP Vaccines Market In 2026 – Countries Offering Most New Opportunities 21.2. Global DTP Vaccines Market In 2026 – Segments Offering Most New Opportunities 21.3. Global DTP Vaccines Market In 2026 – Growth Strategies 21.3.1. Market Trend Based Strategies 21.3.2. Competitor Strategies 22. Appendix 22.1. Market Data Sources 22.2. Research Methodology 22.3. Currencies 22.4. The Business Research Company 23. Copyright and Disclaimer
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