
ディーゼル発電機の市場規模とシェア分析 - 成長動向と予測レポート 2025-2033

ディーゼル発電機の市場規模とシェア分析 - 成長動向と予測レポート 2025-2033

Diesel Generator Market Size and Share Analysis - Growth Trends and Forecast Report 2025-2033

ディーゼル発電機市場の動向と概要 ディーゼル発電機市場は、2024年の196.9億米ドルから2033年には363.3億米ドルに達すると予測され、2025年から2033年までの年平均成長率は7.04%である。市場拡大の要因として... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2025年2月1日 US$2,990
3営業日程度 130 英語





この調査レポートは、ディーゼル発電機市場と予測について、携帯性(据え置き型、ポータブル)、電力定格(50 kVA以下、50 kVA超~125 kVA、125 kVA超~200 kVA、200 kVA超~330 kVA、330 kVA超~750 kVA、750 kVA超)、用途(スタンバイ、ピークカット、プライム/連続)、エンドユーザー(住宅、商業、産業)、国別、企業別に調査・予測し、2025~2033年の市場規模を予測しています。












さらに、B.P.が発表した「Statistical Review of World Energy 2021」によると、2021年の主なエネルギー消費量は595.15エクサジュールで、そのうち石油が184.21エクサジュール、天然ガスが152.7エクサジュールとなっている。その結果、ディーゼル発電機の市場は、石油とガスの消費量の増加により拡大するだろう。
















カミンズ社は、2023年12月に発電機の新モデル、C1760D5、C1875D5、C2000D5Bを発表した。これらのモデルは、インドの様々な用途向けに出力能力を向上させています。これらのモデルはより効率的で、大容量のバックアップ電力を必要とするさまざまな産業の需要を満たす。同様に、キャタピラーは2023年2月にCat XQ330可搬型ディーゼル発電機セットを発表した。このセットは、主電源とバックアップの両方の用途を想定している。50 Hzで最大341 kVA、60 Hzでスタンバイ時最大288 kW、プライム時最大264 kWの定格を備え、米国環境保護庁(EPA)の第4次排出ガス規制(Tier 4 Final)に適合している。






可搬性 - 2つの視点からの市場区分:

電力定格 - 6つの視点での市場内訳
1. ≤ 50 kVA
2.50 kVA - 125 kVA
3.125 kVA - 200 kVA
4.200 kVA - 330 kVA
5.330 kVA - 750 kVA
6.750 kVA

アプリケーション- 3つの視点での市場構成:

エンドユーザー - 3つの視点からの市場区分:

国別 - レポートでカバーされている25カ国の市場内訳:









- 概要
- キーパーソン
- 最近の展開
- 収益




ディーゼル発電機のトップ企業は、Aggreko、Atlas Copco AB、Ashok Leyland、Caterpillar、Cummins, Inc.、Cooper Corp.、Greaves Cotton Limited、Deere & Company、Kirloskarです。









4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題


6.1 携帯性別
6.2 定格電力別
6.3 用途別
6.4 エンドユーザー別
6.5 国別

7.1 据え置き型
7.2 ポータブル

8.1 ≤ 50 kVA
8.2 > 50 kVA - 125 kVA
8.3 > 125 kVA - 200 kVA
8.4 > 200 kVA - 330 kVA
8.5 > 330 kVA - 750 kVA
8.6 > 750 kVA

9.1 スタンバイ
9.2 ピークカット
9.3 プライム/連続

10.1 住宅用
10.2 商業用
10.3 工業用

11.1 北米

11.1.1 アメリカ合衆国
11.1.2 カナダ

11.2 ヨーロッパ

11.2.1 フランス
11.2.2 ドイツ
11.2.3 イタリア
11.2.4 スペイン
11.2.5 イギリス
11.2.6 ベルギー
11.2.7 オランダ
11.2.8 トルコ

11.3 アジア太平洋

11.3.1 中国
11.3.2 日本
11.3.3 インド
11.3.4 オーストラリア
11.3.5 韓国
11.3.6 タイ
11.3.7 マレーシア
11.3.8 インドネシア
11.3.9 ニュージーランド

11.4 ラテンアメリカ

11.4.1 ブラジル
11.4.2 メキシコ
11.4.3 アルゼンチン

11.5 中東・アフリカ

11.5.1 南アフリカ
11.5.2 サウジアラビア
11.5.3 UAE

12.1 買い手の交渉力
12.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
12.3 競争の程度
12.4 新規参入の脅威
12.5 代替品の脅威

13.1 強み
13.2 弱点
13.3 機会
13.4 脅威

14.1 アグレコ
14.1.1 概要
14.1.2 キーパーソン
14.1.3 最近の開発
14.1.4 収益

14.2 アトラスコプコAB
14.2.1 概要
14.2.2 主要人物
14.2.3 最近の開発
14.2.4 収益

14.3 アショクレイランド
14.3.1 概要
14.3.2 キーパーソン
14.3.3 最近の発展
14.3.4 収益

14.4 キャタピラー
14.4.1 概要
14.4.2 キーパーソン
14.4.3 最近の発展
14.4.4 収益

14.5 カミンズ社
14.5.1 概要
14.5.2 キーパーソン
14.5.3 最近の開発
14.5.4 収益

14.6 クーパー社
14.6.1 概要
14.6.2 キーパーソン
14.6.3 最近の開発
14.6.4 収益

14.7 グリーブス・コットン・リミテッド
14.7.1 概要
14.7.2 キーパーソン
14.7.3 最近の発展
14.7.4 収益

14.8 ディア・アンド・カンパニー
14.8.1 概要
14.8.2 キーパーソン
14.8.3 最近の開発
14.8.4 収益

14.9 キルロスカール
14.9.1 概要
14.9.2 キーパーソン
14.9.3 最近の発展
14.9.4 収益





Diesel Gensets Market Trends & Summary

Diesel Gensets Market is expected to reach US$ 36.33 billion 2033 from US$ 19.69 billion in 2024, with a CAGR of 7.04% from 2025 to 2033. Some of the factors driving the market's expansion include the growing need for a dependable power supply across sectors like healthcare and telecommunications, frequent power outages, improvements in engine efficiency, adaptable product applications in remote areas, government initiatives encouraging electrification, integration with renewable energy sources, and strong demand from emerging economies.

The report Diesel Generator Market & Forecast covers by Portability (Stationary, Portable), Power Rating (≤ 50 kVA, > 50 kVA - 125 kVA, > 125 kVA - 200 kVA, > 200 kVA - 330 kVA, > 330 kVA - 750 kVA, > 750 kVA), Application (Standby, Peak shaving, Prime/continuous), End User (Residential, Commercial, Industrial), Country and Company 2025-2033.

Diesel Gensets Industry Overview

Diesel generators are practical devices that burn diesel fuel to generate power. These devices generate electricity by combining a diesel engine and an electric generator. By burning diesel fuel, these generators transform a portion of its chemical energy into mechanical energy. Sales of diesel generators will be driven by the expanding oil and gas industry. It is anticipated that the market will expand throughout the forecast years as a result of the global infrastructure boom.

The market for diesel generator sets is driven by rising urbanization, infrastructure development, and the need for a steady power supply across industries. Because of their dependability, effectiveness, and affordability, diesel generator sets are crucial in rural locations or in countries with erratic electrical grids. Furthermore, market expansion is fueled by industrial growth, especially in the mining, construction, and telecommunications sectors. The industry is expanding as a result of government programs that assist power generation in off-grid areas and encourage energy access.

Growth Drivers for the Diesel Gensets Market

Adaptability in Use

Due to their numerous applications in both the commercial and industrial sectors, diesel generators provide exceptional versatility. In remote and off-the-grid locations with little access to reliable electricity infrastructure, they are particularly common. The market is expanding because of its all-in-one design and simplicity in offering backup power solutions, which make them essential equipment for events, construction, and emergency response locations. Furthermore, because diesel generators maintain access to vital services, they are the go-to option for vital establishments like data centers and hospitals. Diesel generators' market expansion is sustained by their ability to meet a wide range of operational needs, which makes them even more attractive to many sectors and applications.

Efficiency and Technological Developments

Technological developments in diesel engines have improved the performance and efficiency of diesel generators, which is propelling the market's expansion. The cutting-edge diesel generator has features that improve fuel economy, lower emissions, and lessen noise. These features also follow stringent operating and environmental regulations, which is propelling the market's expansion. Diesel generators are now more ecologically friendly thanks to advancements in emission control technologies, which appeal to eco-conscious businesses and green-minded governments. In addition, the creation of smart and hybrid diesel generator solutions that incorporate renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, further promote sustainability, efficiency, and lower operating costs while opening up a number of growth prospects for the market.

The Oil and Gas Sector's Significant Growth Will Increase Demand for Diesel Generator Sets

Due to the growing applications of oil and gas in a variety of business verticals, their consumption has skyrocketed. Additionally, the need for diesel generator sets is expected to be met by the drilling of offshore wells and the increasing discovery of new substantial hydrocarbon deposits.

Brent oil prices surpassed USD 90/bbl after OPEC+ announced output restrictions of 2.5 million barrels per day (mbd). In early November 2023, however, natural gas prices at the U.S. Henry Hub recovered to USD 3.50/mmBtu (metric million British thermal units). Notwithstanding these setbacks, the world's oil demand was still expected to increase by 2.3 million barrels per day in 2023 and surpass 100 million barrels per day for the first time ever. For instance, Baker Hughes reported in January 2022 that the U.S. had added six rigs every week, bringing the total number of rigs to 610, of which 115 produced gas and 495 produced oil. Of these, there are 590 land rigs, 18 offshore rigs, and 2 inland water rigs. Week by week, Canada increased the number of rigs to 217, with 135 producing oil and 82 producing gas. As of January 21, 2022, there were 18 rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

Furthermore, the Statistical Review of World Energy 2021, published by B.P., states that the main energy consumption in 2021 was 595.15 exajoules, of which 184.21 exajoules came from oil and 152.7 exajoules from natural gas. As a result, the market for diesel generators will expand due to rising oil and gas consumption.

Challenges in the Diesel Gensets Market

Environmental Concerns

One major obstacle facing the diesel gensets market is environmental concerns. Diesel engines contribute to air pollution and climate change by releasing dangerous pollutants such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM). Governments and environmental groups are now under more pressure to implement cleaner, more sustainable energy alternatives as a result of this. Manufacturers of diesel generator sets face challenges due to stricter pollution standards and the need for low-carbon solutions. Diesel gensets' long-term market viability is being impacted by the growing perception of renewable energy sources like solar and wind as being environmentally unsustainable. This makes cleaner, more effective substitutes necessary.

Competition from Renewables

The market for diesel generator sets is facing significant competition from renewable energy sources. Particularly in off-grid and isolated areas, diesel-powered systems are gradually being replaced by solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources as they become more economical and effective. Alternatives that are cleaner, more sustainable, and have less of an impact on the environment are provided by renewable energy sources. The move toward renewables is further reinforced by governments' attention on carbon reduction and green energy regulations. Because of this, the market for diesel generator sets is facing dwindling demand and pressure to innovate in order to compete with these environmentally friendly options.

Diesel Gensets Market Overview by Regions

The market for diesel generator sets is geographically varied, with considerable demand in areas like Asia-Pacific due to the expansion of infrastructure and industry. While Africa and the Middle East mainly rely on diesel gensets for off-grid power, North America and Europe are confronted with more stringent rules. Demand is steadily increasing throughout Latin America.

United States Diesel Gensets Market

The demand for diesel generator sets in the US is stable and is being driven by industries including telecommunications, data centers, healthcare, and construction. The market gains from diesel engines' dependability and efficiency, but it also has to contend with tougher emission standards and growing competition from renewable energy sources. As backup power sources, diesel gensets are frequently utilized, particularly in regions with unstable electrical grids.

Cummins Inc. announced a USD 1 billion investment to improve its engine manufacturing network in April 2023, marking a significant commitment to the U.S. market. Its facilities in North Carolina, New York, and Indiana are the focus of this initiative, which aims to promote the advancement of renewable energy technologies. Fuel-agnostic engine platforms that can run on low-carbon fuels like natural gas, diesel, and eventually hydrogen are something Cummins intends to introduce. This action positions Cummins as a major player in the changing industry by reflecting the march towards cleaner energy solutions while preserving the dependability of diesel gensets. As manufacturers adjust to environmental demands, the U.S. market is anticipated to change.

Germany Diesel Gensets Market

The market for diesel generator sets in the UK is influenced by factors such as industrialization, high energy consumption, and dependence on backup power sources. The UK, one of the most advanced and industrialized countries in Europe, has high power needs in industries including manufacturing, telecommunications, healthcare, and construction. Diesel generators (DG) are crucial for maintaining a steady supply of electricity, particularly during periods of high demand on the National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET). At more than 250 NGET facilities in England and Wales, diesel-powered generators are used as backup for vital components including lighting, pumps, and cooling fans, guaranteeing that the grid will continue to function even in the event of a power outage.

Additionally, businesses like Trime are bringing innovation to the market. Leading lighting tower and generator expert Trime intends to introduce a new line of diesel-powered generators in May 2024. With single and three-phase output options, these machines will serve the hire markets in the UK and Ireland. Diesel generator sets continue to be essential to preserving grid stability and sustaining a range of sectors nationwide as the need for dependable power solutions rises. However, more developments in the industry are probably going to be fueled by environmental laws and the desire for cleaner energy.

India Diesel Gensets Market

The market for diesel generator sets in India is expanding rapidly due to rising energy demands in industries including construction, telecommunications, agriculture, and industry. Particularly in isolated and rural locations with unstable networks, diesel-powered generators are essential for supplying electricity. The need for dependable backup power solutions is growing along with urbanization and industrialization.

Cummins Inc. introduced its new generator models, the C1760D5, C1875D5, and C2000D5B, in December 2023. These models offer improved power capabilities for a variety of applications in India. These models are more efficient and satisfy the demands of different industries that need backup power with a large capacity. Similarly, Caterpillar unveiled the Cat XQ330 transportable diesel generator set in February 2023. This set is intended for both prime power and backup applications. It offers up to 341 kVA at 50 Hz and a rating of up to 288 kW for standby and 264 kW for prime operation at 60 Hz, meeting U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final emission regulations.

Although the market for diesel generator sets is still vital to India's electrical infrastructure, producers in the area face difficulties due to the continuous shift to greener energy sources and changing pollution regulations.

Saudi Arabia Diesel Gensets Market

Growing energy demands in industries like data centers, telecommunications, oil and gas, and construction are driving the Saudi Arabian diesel genset market. For dependable backup power, especially in isolated locations or for important applications, diesel generators are indispensable. For operations in isolated fields and offshore platforms, the oil and gas sector, a significant economic driver, mostly depends on diesel generator sets. The growing infrastructure and communications industries also increase market demand.

Diesel generators will remain a dependable power source in the near to medium term, despite Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030's efforts to diversify energy sources and advance sustainability. The government's emphasis on modernization and industrial growth will keep these generators in demand. Manufacturers are improving the efficiency of their diesel gensets to fulfill environmental criteria, making sure that they meet more stringent emission standards while still providing dependable performance across a range of applications in the nation.

Diesel Generator Market Segments

Portability – Market breakup in 2 viewpoints:
1. Stationary
2. Portable

Power Rating – Market breakup in 6 viewpoints:
1. ≤ 50 kVA
2. 50 kVA - 125 kVA
3. 125 kVA - 200 kVA
4. 200 kVA - 330 kVA
5. 330 kVA - 750 kVA
6. 750 kVA

Application– Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:
1. Standby
2. Peak shaving
3. Prime/continuous

End User – Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:
1. Residential
2. Commercial
3. Industrial

Countries– Market breakup of 25 Countries covered in the Report:
North America

1. United States
2. Canada


1. France
2. Germany
3. Italy
4. Spain
5. United Kingdom
6. Belgium
7. Netherlands
8. Turkey

Asia Pacific

1. China
2. Japan
3. India
4. Australia
5. South Korea
6. Thailand
7. Malaysia
8. Indonesia
9. New Zealand

Latin America

1. Brazil
2. Mexico
3. Argentina

Middle East & Africa

1. South Africa
2. Saudi Arabia
3. UAE

All the Key players have been covered from 4 Viewpoints:
• Overview
• Key Person
• Recent Development
• Revenue

Key Players Analysis
1. Aggreko
2. Atlas Copco AB
3. Ashok Leyland
4. Caterpillar
5. Cummins, Inc.
6. Cooper Corp.
7. Greaves Cotton Limited
8. Deere & Company
9. Kirloskar

Key Questions Answered in Report:
1. How big is the diesel gensets industry?
The global diesel gensets size was valued at US$ 19.69 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach US$ 36.33 billion in 2033.

2. What is the diesel gensets industry growth rate?
The global diesel gensets market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.04% from 2025 to 2033.

3. Who are the key players in diesel gensets industry?
The top diesel gensets companies are Aggreko, Atlas Copco AB, Ashok Leyland, Caterpillar, Cummins, Inc., Cooper Corp., Greaves Cotton Limited, Deere & Company, Kirloskar.

4. What are the factors driving the diesel gensets industry?
The diesel gensets market is driven by rising energy demand, infrastructure development, industrial growth, reliability of diesel engines, and adoption in remote areas, along with government initiatives supporting energy access.

5. Which Region held the largest market share in the diesel gensets industry?
Asia Pacific is expected to hold the largest market share in the industry.

6. What segments are covered in the diesel gensets market report?
Portability, Power Rating, Application, End User and Countries segment are covered in this report.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Diesel Generator Market

6. Market Share Analysis
6.1 By Portability
6.2 By Power Rating
6.3 By Application
6.4 By End User
6.5 By Countries

7. Portability
7.1 Stationary
7.2 Portable

8. Power Rating
8.1 ≤ 50 kVA
8.2 > 50 kVA - 125 kVA
8.3 > 125 kVA - 200 kVA
8.4 > 200 kVA - 330 kVA
8.5 > 330 kVA - 750 kVA
8.6 > 750 kVA

9. Application
9.1 Standby
9.2 Peak shaving
9.3 Prime/continuous

10. End User
10.1 Residential
10.2 Commercial
10.3 Industrial

11. Countries
11.1 North America

11.1.1 United States
11.1.2 Canada

11.2 Europe

11.2.1 France
11.2.2 Germany
11.2.3 Italy
11.2.4 Spain
11.2.5 United Kingdom
11.2.6 Belgium
11.2.7 Netherlands
11.2.8 Turkey

11.3 Asia Pacific

11.3.1 China
11.3.2 Japan
11.3.3 India
11.3.4 Australia
11.3.5 South Korea
11.3.6 Thailand
11.3.7 Malaysia
11.3.8 Indonesia
11.3.9 New Zealand

11.4 Latin America

11.4.1 Brazil
11.4.2 Mexico
11.4.3 Argentina

11.5 Middle East & Africa

11.5.1 South Africa
11.5.2 Saudi Arabia
11.5.3 UAE

12. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
12.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
12.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
12.3 Degree of Competition
12.4 Threat of New Entrants
12.5 Threat of Substitutes

13. SWOT Analysis
13.1 Strength
13.2 Weakness
13.3 Opportunity
13.4 Threats

14. Key Players Analysis
14.1 Aggreko
14.1.1 Overview
14.1.2 Key Person
14.1.3 Recent Development
14.1.4 Revenue

14.2 Atlas Copco AB
14.2.1 Overview
14.2.2 Key Person
14.2.3 Recent Development
14.2.4 Revenue

14.3 Ashok Leyland
14.3.1 Overview
14.3.2 Key Person
14.3.3 Recent Development
14.3.4 Revenue

14.4 Caterpillar
14.4.1 Overview
14.4.2 Key Person
14.4.3 Recent Development
14.4.4 Revenue

14.5 Cummins, Inc.
14.5.1 Overview
14.5.2 Key Person
14.5.3 Recent Development
14.5.4 Revenue

14.6 Cooper Corp.
14.6.1 Overview
14.6.2 Key Person
14.6.3 Recent Development
14.6.4 Revenue

14.7 Greaves Cotton Limited
14.7.1 Overview
14.7.2 Key Person
14.7.3 Recent Development
14.7.4 Revenue

14.8 Deere & Company
14.8.1 Overview
14.8.2 Key Person
14.8.3 Recent Development
14.8.4 Revenue

14.9 Kirloskar
14.9.1 Overview
14.9.2 Key Person
14.9.3 Recent Development
14.9.4 Revenue






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2025/03/28 10:27

152.11 円

164.53 円

199.66 円
