
ヨーロッパ子宮頸がんスクリーニング市場世界予測レポート:ヨーロッパ子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)市場(パップスメア検査市場、HPV DNA検査市場)国別・企業分析、2024-2032年

ヨーロッパ子宮頸がんスクリーニング市場世界予測レポート:ヨーロッパ子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)市場(パップスメア検査市場、HPV DNA検査市場)国別・企業分析、2024-2032年

Europe Cervical Cancer Screening Market Global Forecast Report by Europe Cervical Cancer Test (Screening) Market (Pap Smear Test Market, HPV DNA Test Market) Countries and Company Analysis, 2024-2032

欧州子宮頸がん検診市場分析 欧州の子宮頸がん検診市場は、2023年に94.2億米ドルで、2024年から2032年までの年平均成長率は5.01%で、2032年までに146.3億米ドルの成長が見込まれる。女性高齢者人口の増加、子... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2024年8月1日 US$2,790
3営業日程度 220 英語









検診技術が進歩し続けるにつれて、子宮頸がん検診の市場は大きく成長すると予想される。HPV DNA検査、自動検診装置、液体ベース細胞診などの進歩は、子宮頸がん検診イニシアチブの精度、有効性、利用しやすさを向上させる。子宮頸がんの発生率と致死率は、これらの技術開発によって可能になった前がん病変とHPV感染の早期診断によって低下する。検診手順を強化し、検診の範囲を広げるために、メーカーは一貫して研究開発に資源を割り当てている。これは市場を前進させ、女性の健康に力を与えるのに役立っている。











2022年6月、スイスに本社を置く国際ヘルスケア企業、F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.がCEマークを承認した地域において、「ヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)自己サンプリングソリューション」の正式な発売を発表した。この検査キットの主な用途は、子宮頸がんのリスクがある女性を特定するHPVスクリーニングです。
2021年3月、ジンテクトは高度な子宮頸がん検査となる。がん関連体外診断検査の大手メーカーであるOncgnostics GmbHと、免疫診断検査ソリューションのサプライヤーとして知られるEUROIMMUN社は、この検査を商品化するための戦略的提携を発表した。この提携に基づき、EUROIMMUN社はトルコ、イタリア、ポルトガル、ポーランドを中心とするヨーロッパ全域でGynTectを販売する。

欧州の子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング) - 2つの視点からの市場分析

2.HPV DNA検査市場

国 - 2つの視点でカバー:

- パップスメア市場

o フランス
o ドイツ
o イタリア
o スペイン
o スウェーデン
o スイス
o ノルウェー
o オランダ











4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題


5.1 欧州子宮頸がん市場
5.2 欧州の子宮頸がん人口


6.1 欧州の子宮頸がん検査人口

6.1.1 パップスメア検査人口
6.1.2 HPV DNA検査人口

6.2 欧州の子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)市場

6.2.1 パップスメア検査市場
6.2.2 HPV DNA検査市場


7.1 欧州子宮頸がん検査人口シェア

7.1.1 パップスメア人口
7.1.2 HPV DNA人口

7.2 欧州子宮頸がん市場シェア

7.2.1 パップスメア市場
7.2.2 HPV DNA市場

8.イギリス - 子宮頸がん検査分析

8.1 人口 - 子宮頸癌検査 (スクリーニング)

8.1.1 パップスメア検査集団
8.1.2 HPV DNA検査集団

8.2 市場 - 子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)

8.2.1 パップスメア検査市場
8.2.2 HPV DNA検査市場

9.フランス - 子宮頸がん検査分析

9.1 人口 - 子宮頸癌検査(スクリーニング)

9.1.1 パップスメア検査集団
9.1.2 HPV DNA検査集団

9.2 市場 - 子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)

9.2.1 パップスメア検査市場
9.2.2 HPV DNA検査市場

10.ドイツ - 子宮頸がん検査分析

10.1 人口 - 子宮頸癌検査 (スクリーニング)

10.1.1 パップスメア検査集団
10.1.2 HPV DNA検査集団

10.2 市場 - 子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)

10.2.1 パップスメア検査市場
10.2.2 HPV DNA検査市場

11.イタリア - 子宮頸がん検査分析

11.1 人口 - 子宮頸癌検査 (スクリーニング)

11.1.1 パップスメア検査集団
11.1.2 HPV DNA検査集団

11.2 市場 - 子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)

11.2.1 パップスメア検査市場
11.2.2 HPV DNA検査市場

12.スペイン - 子宮頸がん検査分析

12.1 人口 - 子宮頸癌検査(スクリーニング)

12.1.1 パップスメア検査集団
12.1.2 HPV DNA検査集団

12.2 市場 - 子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)

12.2.1 パップスメア検査市場
12.2.2 HPV DNA検査市場

13.スウェーデン - 子宮頸がん検査分析

13.1 人口 - 子宮頸癌検査 (スクリーニング)

13.1.1 パップスメア検査集団
13.1.2 HPV DNA検査集団

13.2 市場 - 子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)

13.2.1 パップスメア検査市場
13.2.2 HPV DNA検査市場

14.スイス - 子宮頸がん検査分析

14.1 人口 - 子宮頸癌検査(スクリーニング)

14.1.1 パップスメア検査集団
14.1.2 HPV DNA検査集団

14.2 市場 - 子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)

14.2.1 パップスメア検査市場
14.2.2 HPV DNA検査市場

15.ノルウェー - 子宮頸がん検査分析

15.1 人口 - 子宮頸癌検査 (スクリーニング)

15.1.1 パップスメア検査集団
15.1.2 HPV DNA検査集団

15.2 市場 - 子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)

15.2.1 パップスメア検査市場
15.2.2 HPV DNA検査市場

16.オランダ - 子宮頸がん検査分析

16.1 人口 - 子宮頸癌検査 (スクリーニング)

16.1.1 パップスメア検査集団
16.1.2 HPV DNA検査集団

16.2 市場 - 子宮頸がん検査(スクリーニング)

16.2.1 パップスメア検査市場
16.2.2 HPV DNA検査市場


17.1 買い手の交渉力
17.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
17.3 新規参入の脅威
17.4 既存競争企業間の競争
17.5 代替製品の脅威


18.1 長所
18.2 弱点
18.3 機会
18.4 脅威


19.1 アボット・ラボラトリーズ

19.1.1 概要
19.1.2 最近の動向と戦略
19.1.3 最近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品上市
19.1.4 収益

19.2 ホロジック・コーポレーション

19.2.1 概要
19.2.2 最近の動向と戦略
19.2.3 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品上市
19.2.4 収益

19.3 ベクトン

19.3.1 概要
19.3.2 最近の動向と戦略
19.3.3 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品上市
19.3.4 収益

19.4 シーメンスAG

19.4.1 概要
19.4.2 最近の動向と戦略
19.4.3 最近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発売
19.4.4 収益

19.5 ロシュ・ダイアグノスティックス

19.5.1 概要
19.5.2 最近の動向と戦略
19.5.3 最近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
19.5.4 収益

19.6 クエスト・ダイアグノスティックス

19.6.1 概要
19.6.2 最近の動向と戦略
19.6.3 直近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
19.6.4 収益

19.7 カーディナル・ヘルス

19.7.1 概要
19.7.2 最近の動向と戦略
19.7.3 製品ポートフォリオと最近1年間の製品上市
19.7.4 収益





Europe Cervical Cancer Screening Market Analysis

Europe Cervical Cancer Screening Market was US$ 9.42 Billion in 2023 and will grow US$ 14.63 Billion by 2032, with a CAGR of 5.01% from 2024 to 2032. The rise in female elderly population, rising cervical cancer prevalence, and improvements in cervical cancer screening are driving growth in the cervical cancer screening market. In addition, advantageous health reimbursement, proactive government assistance, and growing awareness of women's health are a few of the key elements anticipated to boost the cervical cancer screening market in Europe.

Europe Cervical Cancer Screening Market Overview

One type of cancer brought on by unchecked cell proliferation is cervical cancer. A cervix infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) is linked to an increased risk of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the second greatest cause of cancer-related mortality for women between the ages of 15 and 44 in Europe and the ninth most common type of cancer that affects women overall. In the nations that make up the European Union, cervical cancer affects over 100,000 women annually. This disease is a key measure of how well healthcare systems handle cancer. The effectiveness of treatment and early identification both affect the survival rates for cervical cancer. Fortunately, if precancerous cells are found and treated before they spread, cervical cancer can be generally avoided. Since more than 90% of cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), vaccination against the main HPV types linked to the disease is essential to lowering its incidence.

Growth Factors in the Cervical Cancer Screening Industry

Technological Developments

As screening technologies continue to progress, the market for cervical cancer screening is expected to rise significantly. Advances like HPV DNA testing, automated screening devices, and liquid-based cytology improve the precision, efficacy, and accessibility of cervical cancer screening initiatives. The incidence and fatality rates of cervical cancer are decreased by the early diagnosis of precancerous lesions and HPV infections made possible by these technical developments. In order to enhance screening procedures and broaden the scope of screening, manufacturers consistently allocate resources to research and development. This helps to propel the market forward and empower women's health.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Health Solutions Integration

Cervical cancer screening procedures are revolutionized by the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital health technologies, which present chances to enhance patient care, accuracy, and efficiency. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems examine cervical pictures, Pap smear results, and HPV test data to help medical professionals interpret screening results, minimize diagnostic errors, and improve patient management techniques. Digital health platforms improve the accessibility and continuity of care for women in underserved or distant locations by facilitating centralized data administration, telemedicine consultations, and remote screening. In addition to facilitating the delivery of tailored and precision medicine techniques in cervical cancer screening and management, the adoption of AI and digital health solutions promotes market growth.

Germany Cervical Cancer Screening Market Overview:

Within the healthcare sector, Germany's cervical cancer screening market is a sizable and expanding business. Germany's strong healthcare system, which prioritizes early identification and preventive care, is the market's main driver. Regular screening programs, backed by insurance coverage and public health campaigns, are widely implemented. These programs include Pap smears and HPV (human papillomavirus) testing.

Germany's market benefits from state-of-the-art facilities for healthcare and modern technology. Molecular diagnostics and liquid-based cytology are two examples of screening technology innovations that are improving detection rates and accuracy. Moreover, rising screening rates are a result of growing knowledge about cervical cancer and the efficacy of vaccinations.

The market is growing because of government regulations and recommendations, such as the inclusion of HPV vaccination in national immunization regimens. The need for more accurate and effective screening techniques is also being driven by the nation's emphasis on early intervention and individualized medicine.

Effective management and prevention of cervical cancer are ensured by robust public health initiatives, cutting-edge technology, and a supportive policy environment, which collectively define Germany's cervical cancer screening industry.

Europe Cervical Cancer Screening Market Company Overview

Some of the industry leaders seen in the Europe Cervical Cancer Screening Market Includes Abbott laboratories, Hologic Corporation, Becton, Siemens AG, Roche Diagnostics, Quest Diagnostics, Cardinal Health.

Europe Cervical Cancer Screening Market News

In June 2022, an official "human papillomavirus (HPV) self-sampling solution" launch has been announced in the regions accepting the CE mark by the international healthcare corporation based in Switzerland, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. The primary use of this test kit is for HPV screening, which identifies women who may be at risk of cervical cancer.
In March 2021, GynTect is an advanced cervical cancer test. Oncgnostics GmbH, a leading producer of cancer-related in-vitro diagnostic tests, and EUROIMMUN, a well-known supplier of immunodiagnostic laboratory solutions, announced a strategic partnership to commercialize this test. Under the terms of the partnership, EUROIMMUN would sell GynTect throughout Europe, notably in Turkey, Italy, Portugal, and Poland.

Europe Cervical Cancer Test (Screening) – Market breakup in 2 viewpoints:

1. Pap Smear Test Market
2. HPV DNA Test Market

Counties - covered in 2 Viewpoints:

• Pap Smear Market
• HPV DNA Market

o United Kingdom
o France
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o Sweden
o Switzerland
o Norway
o Netherlands

All the Key players have been covered from 4 Viewpoints:

1. Overviews
2. Recent Developments & Strategies
3. Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
4. Revenue

Company Analysis:

1. Abbott laboratories
2. Hologic Corporation
3. Becton
4. Siemens AG
5. Roche Diagnostics
6. Quest Diagnostics
7. Cardinal Health


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Europe Cervical Cancer Screening Analysis

5.1 Europe Cervical Cancer Market
5.2 Europe Cervical Cancer Population

6. Europe Cervical Cancer Test (Screening) Analysis

6.1 Europe Cervical Cancer Test Population

6.1.1 Pap smear Test Population
6.1.2 HPV DNA Test Population

6.2 Europe Cervical Cancer Test (Screening) Market

6.2.1 Pap Smear Test Market
6.2.2 HPV DNA Test Market

7. By Countries - Europe Cervical Cancer Test Market & Population Share Analysis

7.1 Europe Cervical Cancer Test Population Share

7.1.1 Pap Smear Population
7.1.2 HPV DNA Population

7.2 Europe Cervical Cancer Market Share

7.2.1 Pap Smear Market
7.2.2 HPV DNA Market

8. United Kingdom – Cervical Cancer Test Analysis

8.1 Population – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

8.1.1 Pap smear Test Population
8.1.2 HPV DNA Test Population

8.2 Market – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

8.2.1 Pap smear Test Market
8.2.2 HPV DNA Test Market

9. France – Cervical Cancer Test Analysis

9.1 Population – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

9.1.1 Pap smear Test Population
9.1.2 HPV DNA Test Population

9.2 Market – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

9.2.1 Pap Smear Test Market
9.2.2 HPV DNA Test Market

10. Germany – Cervical Cancer Test Analysis

10.1 Population – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

10.1.1 Pap smear Test Population
10.1.2 HPV DNA Test Population

10.2 Market – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

10.2.1 Pap Smear Test Market
10.2.2 HPV DNA Test Market

11. Italy – Cervical Cancer Test Analysis

11.1 Population – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

11.1.1 Pap smear Test Population
11.1.2 HPV DNA Test Population

11.2 Market – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

11.2.1 Pap Smear Test Market
11.2.2 HPV DNA Test Market

12. Spain – Cervical Cancer Test Analysis

12.1 Population – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

12.1.1 Pap smear Test Population
12.1.2 HPV DNA Test Population

12.2 Market – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

12.2.1 Pap Smear Test Market
12.2.2 HPV DNA Test Market

13. Sweden – Cervical Cancer Test Analysis

13.1 Population – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

13.1.1 Pap smear Test Population
13.1.2 HPV DNA Test Population

13.2 Market – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

13.2.1 Pap Smear Test Market
13.2.2 HPV DNA Test Market

14. Switzerland – Cervical Cancer Test Analysis

14.1 Population – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

14.1.1 Pap smear Test Population
14.1.2 HPV DNA Test Population

14.2 Market – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

14.2.1 Pap Smear Test Market
14.2.2 HPV DNA Test Market

15. Norway – Cervical Cancer Test Analysis

15.1 Population – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

15.1.1 Pap smear Test Population
15.1.2 HPV DNA Test Population

15.2 Market – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

15.2.1 Pap Smear Test Market
15.2.2 HPV DNA Test Market

16. Netherlands – Cervical Cancer Test Analysis

16.1 Population – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

16.1.1 Pap smear Test Population
16.1.2 HPV DNA Test Population

16.2 Market – Cervical Cancer Test (Screening)

16.2.1 Pap Smear Test Market
16.2.2 HPV DNA Test Market

17. Porter’s Five Forces

17.1 Bargaining Power of Buyer
17.2 Bargaining Power of Supplier
17.3 Threat of New Entrants
17.4 Rivalry among Existing Competitors
17.5 Threat of Substitute Products

18. SWOT Analysis

18.1 Strengths
18.2 Weaknesses
18.3 Opportunities
18.4 Threats

19. Company Analysis

19.1 Abbott laboratories

19.1.1 Overviews
19.1.2 Recent Developments & Strategies
19.1.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
19.1.4 Revenue

19.2 Hologic Corporation

19.2.1 Overviews
19.2.2 Recent Developments & Strategies
19.2.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
19.2.4 Revenue

19.3 Becton

19.3.1 Overviews
19.3.2 Recent Developments & Strategies
19.3.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
19.3.4 Revenue

19.4 Siemens AG

19.4.1 Overviews
19.4.2 Recent Developments & Strategies
19.4.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
19.4.4 Revenue

19.5 Roche Diagnostics

19.5.1 Overviews
19.5.2 Recent Developments & Strategies
19.5.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
19.5.4 Revenue

19.6 Quest Diagnostics

19.6.1 Overviews
19.6.2 Recent Developments & Strategies
19.6.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
19.6.4 Revenue

19.7 Cardinal Health

19.7.1 Overviews
19.7.2 Recent Developments & Strategies
19.7.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
19.7.4 Revenue






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2025/02/21 10:27

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