
米国化粧品市場レポート:製品タイプ別(スキンケア・サンケア製品、ヘアケア製品、デオドラント・フレグランス、メイクアップ・カラー化粧品、その他)、性別(男性、女性、ユニセックス)、流通チャネル別(スーパーマーケット・ハイパーマーケット、専門店、薬局、オンライン販売、その他)、企業分析 2024-2032

United States Cosmetics Market Report by Product Types (Skin and Sun Care Products, Hair Care Products, Deodorants and Fragrances, Makeup and Color Cosmetics, and Others), Gender (Men, Women, and Unisex), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets/hypermarkets, Specialty Store, Pharmacies, Online Sales, and Others), and Company Analysis 2024-2032

米国の化粧品市場規模は、2032年までに約1,427億9,000万米ドルになると予測されている。2024年から2032年までのCAGRは4.80%である。Renub Research社によると、2023年の市場規模は936億米ドルであった。 化粧... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2024年5月1日 US$2,790
100 英語



米国の化粧品市場規模は、2032年までに約1,427億9,000万米ドルになると予測されている。2024年から2032年までのCAGRは4.80%である。Renub Research社によると、2023年の市場規模は936億米ドルであった。



- オーガニック・ヴィーガン製品へのニーズの高まり


- 消費者による外見への投資の増加

過去30年間で、男女ともに外見へのこだわりが強くなっている。ほとんどの人が、外見、魅力、美しさをボディ・イメージと結びつけている。Advanced Dermatologyの調査によると、調査参加者の67%が自分の外見を気にし、58%が消費パターンに関係なく自分に自信が持てずに悩んでいる。彼らの外見への投資の高まりが、米国の化粧品市場を牽引している。Advanced Dermatology誌に掲載された調査でも、成人は外見に年間平均722ドルを費やしていることがわかった。外見については、男性(592ドル)よりも女性の方が多く(877ドル)費やしている。平均的なアメリカ人は、美容整形に630ドルを支払っている。アメリカ人のほぼ6人に1人がフィットネスと外見にお金をかけすぎている。

- ミレニアル世代とZ世代の消費者グループが業界の成長を牽引

米国国勢調査局は、1997年から2012年の間に生まれたZ世代が、2023年には米国人口の約20%を占めると推定している。Z世代は、イノベーションと充実した生活を重視するため、米国の化粧品業界を根底から覆す勢いだ。例えば、「製品のハイブリッド化」は、有名企業にスキンケアを取り入れたメイクアップラインの導入を促している。若い世代は、多様性、誠実さ、個性の自由を不可欠な美の要素として捉えている。Viacomの世論調査では、Z世代の若者とミレニアル世代の10人中8人が、"自分らしくあること "が "自分たちの考える美に最も適した言葉 "だと答えている。Z世代は、ブランドを自分自身の延長として捉えている。Z世代は、以前の世代よりも早く化粧品や健康アイテムの買い物を始めている。チュートリアルやデータ、証拠にいつでもアクセスできるため、若い世代は最もテクノロジーに精通し、自己教育を受けている。この教養ある「スキンインテリ」世代は、ソーシャルメディアやその他のインターネット・チャンネルを通じて情報を発信し、求めている。こうした要因が、米国の化粧品市場を後押ししている。

- さまざまな流通チャネルの利用可能性と成長




2024年3月-ガルニエは、現在のFructis Hair Fillerラインを発表し、接着修復のトレンドに参入する。この新製品は、目に見えて傷んだ髪を効果的に補修する高度な接着修復システムを特徴としている。TikTokとTVで活躍するCharli D'Amelioによる強力な広告・マーケティング活動が製品発売をサポート。
2023年2月-主力ブランドHydrafacialTMで有名なThe Beauty Health Companyが、FDA認可のマイクロニードル機器SkinStylus®を買収することで合意。
2023年10月-有名なデニムブランドWranglerとフレグランスの専門家Tru Westernが、アメリカのカウボーイの無骨な自信、大胆な精神、ライフスタイルからインスピレーションを得たフレッシュなコロンズラインを発表。

製品タイプ - 米国化粧品市場は5つの視点に分かれています:




タイプ別 - 米国化粧品市場を5つの視点で分類:



- 概要
- 最近の開発
- 収益分析









4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題


6.市場シェア - アメリカ化粧品分析

6.1 製品タイプ別
6.2 性別
6.3 流通チャネル別

7.製品タイプ別 - アメリカ化粧品市場

7.1 スキンケアおよびサンケア製品
7.2 ヘアケア製品
7.3 デオドラントとフレグランス
7.4 メイクアップとカラー化粧品
7.5 その他


8.1 男性
8.2 女性
8.3 男女兼用


9.1 スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット
9.2 専門店
9.3 薬局
9.4 オンライン販売
9.5 その他

10.ポーターの5つの力 - 米国化粧品市場

10.1 買い手の交渉力
10.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
10.3 新規参入の脅威
10.4 既存競争企業間のライバル関係
10.5 代替製品の脅威


11.1 強み
11.2 弱点
11.3 機会
11.4 脅威


12.1 コティ社

12.1.1 概要
12.1.2 最近の動向
12.1.3 収益

12.2 プロクター・アンド・ギャンブル

12.2.1 概要
12.2.2 最近の動向
12.2.3 収益

12.3 エスティローダー・カンパニーズ

12.3.1 概要
12.3.2 最近の動向
12.3.3 収益

12.4 コルゲート・パルモリーブ・カンパニー

12.4.1 概要
12.4.2 最近の動向
12.4.3 収益

12.5 ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソンサービス

12.5.1 概要
12.5.2 最近の動向
12.5.3 収益

12.6 レブロン

12.6.1 概要
12.6.2 最近の動向
12.6.3 収益

12.7 メアリーケイ

12.7.1 概要
12.7.2 最近の動向
12.7.3 収益








United States Cosmetics Market size is expected to be approximately US$ 142.79 Billion by 2032. The CAGR for the market from 2024 to 2032 is 4.80%. Renub Research said that it amounted to US$ 93.60 Billion in 2023.

Pharmaceutical products called cosmetics are used to improve the appearance of skin and body odor. They come in various forms, including lotions, creams, powders, and more. Cosmetics protect, hydrate, and cleanse the skin. Consumers typically favor cosmetics with less detrimental impacts on their skin. Cosmetics have existed for at least 7,000 years and are used in nearly every society. A wide range of ethnicities and cultural backgrounds use makeup daily. The main elements influencing cosmetics' popularity are creative self-expression and self-identity. The primary purpose of cosmetics is to provide the wearer with a fresh, presentable appearance.

United States Cosmetics Industry Growth Trends

• Rise in need for Organic and Vegan Products

Beauty firms are beginning to notice that sustainability is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the customer experience in the powerful world of cosmetics and beauty. A Clean Hub poll stated that 63% of customers rate clean beauty as "very or very important" when choosing cosmetics, demonstrating a strong preference for firms that practice environmental responsibility. 70% look at the eco-credentials of a business. The United States cosmetics business has seen a sharp increase in customer interest in organic beauty products. Natural and organic beauty products are in high demand as people's awareness of their health and the environment has grown. A study in Research Gate stated that 233 (56.4%) customers agreed/strongly agreed that cosmetics made with organic materials were healthier for the environment, and 81.8% of consumers agreed. This strong demand for organic and vegan products drives the United States cosmetics market.

• Increased Investment in appearance by Consumers

Both men and women have become increasingly obsessed with their appearance over the last thirty years. Most people associate physical appearance, attractiveness, and beauty with body image. According to the Advanced Dermatology study, 67% of survey participants worried about their appearance, and 58% struggled with self-confidence, regardless of their spending patterns. Their increased investment in appearances drives the United States cosmetics market. Research published in Advanced Dermatology also found that adults spend an average of $722 yearly on appearance. For appearances, women spend more ($877) than men ($592). The average American has paid $630 for cosmetic procedures. Almost one in six Americans overspend on fitness and appearance.

• Consumer Groups of Millennials and Gen Z Drive Growth in the Industry

The US Census Bureau estimates that Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2012, make up roughly 20% of the country's population in 2023. The Gen Z group is poised to upend the United States cosmetics industry because they value innovation and fulfilling lives. For instance, the "hybridization of products" has encouraged well-known companies to introduce skincare-infused makeup lines. The younger generation views diversity, sincerity, and freedom of individuality as essential beauty components. Eight out of ten Gen Z youth and millennials stated in a Viacom poll that "being yourself" is the word "that best suits their idea of beauty." Generation Z sees brands as an extension of themselves. Gen Z started shopping for cosmetics and health items earlier than previous generations. Because they always have access to tutorials, data, and proof, the younger generation is the most tech-savvy and self-educated. This educated generation of "skintellectuals" distributes and seeks information through social media and other internet channels. These factors propel the United States cosmetics market.

• Availability and Growth of various Distribution Channels

The expansion of different distribution channels is driving the United States cosmetics market. The majority of customers (66%), according to Quantilope, have bought makeup online. Nonetheless, the majority (67%) still favor in-store cosmetics purchases. Makeup stores continue to be the best places to purchase goods in person. More than 35% of customers who would instead purchase makeup in-store do so primarily from Sephora or Ulta. 11% of respondents say they typically buy their cosmetics at a pharmacy, while 26% say they usually buy their makeup from supercenters like Walmart or Target. Remarkably, purchasing makeup straight from a brand's physical store ranks among the least common methods used by customers (5%). Customers are becoming aware of new cosmetics. While 41% of consumers utilize social media, 43% claim to have found new makeup through in-store displays. Instagram is the preferred platform for 88% of Gen Z consumers who use social media to find new items. In contrast, just 40% of people use Facebook, while 60% of people use YouTube. A variety of options are available to consumers in the US cosmetics market.

United States Cosmetics Company News

The United States cosmetics market businesses are Coty Inc., Procter & Gamble, The Estee Lauder Companies Inc., Colgate-Palmolive Company, Johnson & Johnson Services Inc., Revlon Inc., and Mary Kay Inc.

In March 2024 - Garnier delves into the trend of bond restoration by introducing its present-day Fructis Hair Filler line. This new product features advanced bond restoration systems to fill and repair visibly damaged hair effectively. A sturdy advertising and marketing initiative supports the product launch by TikTok and TV sensation Charli D'Amelio.
In March 2024 - Granado, a Brazilian beauty brand that originated in Rio de Janeiro in 1870, initiated a strategic endeavor to enhance its international sales presence. With connected locations in Paris, London, Lisbon, and Brussels, Granado recently inaugurated its inaugural store on Madison Avenue in New York City.
In February 2024 - Shiseido Company Limited's subsidiary, Shiseido Americas Corporation, finalized its DDG Skincare Holdings LLC acquisition, including the Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare brand. This acquisition aligns with Shiseido's skin beauty method, boosting its geographic growth and boom in the Americas.
In March 2023 - A'pieu debuted in the US, concentrating on Gen Z consumers with products like the Juicy Pang Water Blusher.
In February 2023 - The Beauty Health Company, renowned for its flagship brand HydrafacialTM, revealed a firm commitment to acquiring SkinStylus®, an FDA-cleared microneedling device, through a definitive agreement.
In September 2023 - The Brand Incubator by Innovative Beauty Group (IBG) unveiled a blue light-blocking cosmetics line at Walmart. This new range was developed to shield the skin from the adverse effects of digital devices.
In October 2023 - The renowned denim label Wrangler and fragrance experts Tru Western introduced a fresh line of colognes, drawing inspiration from the American cowboy's rugged confidence, bold spirit, and lifestyle.

Product Types – United States Cosmetics Market breakup in 5 viewpoints:

1. Skin and Sun Care Products
2. Hair Care Products
3. Deodorants and Fragrances
4. Makeup and Color Cosmetics
5. Others

Gender – United States Cosmetics Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:

1. Men
2. Women
3. Unisex

Type – United States Cosmetics Market breakup in 5 viewpoints:

1. Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
2. Specialty Store
3. Pharmacies
4. Online Sales
5. Others

All the Key players have been covered from 3 Viewpoints:

• Overview
• Recent Development
• Revenue Analysis

Company Analysis:

1. Coty Inc.
2. Procter & Gamble
3. The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
4. Colgate-Palmolive Company
5. Johnson & Johnson Services Inc.
6. Revlon Inc.
7. Mary Kay Inc.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. United States Cosmetics Market

6. Market Share – United States Cosmetics Analysis

6.1 By Products Types
6.2 By Gender
6.3 By Distribution Channels

7. Products Types – United States Cosmetics Market

7.1 Skin and Sun Care Products
7.2 Hair Care Products
7.3 Deodorants and Fragrances
7.4 Makeup and Color Cosmetics
7.5 Others

8. Gender – United States Cosmetics Market

8.1 Men
8.2 Women
8.3 Unisex

9. Distribution Channels – United States Cosmetics Market

9.1 Supermarkets/hypermarkets
9.2 Specialty Store
9.3 Pharmacies
9.4 Online Sales
9.5 Others

10. Porter’s Five Forces – United States Cosmetics Market

10.1 Bargaining Power of Buyer
10.2 Bargaining Power of Supplier
10.3 Threat of New Entrants
10.4 Rivalry among Existing Competitors
10.5 Threat of Substitute Products

11. SWOT Analysis – United States Cosmetics Market

11.1 Strengths
11.2 Weaknesses
11.3 Opportunities
11.4 Threats

12. Key Players Analysis

12.1 Coty Inc.

12.1.1 Overviews
12.1.2 Recent Developments
12.1.3 Revenues

12.2 Procter & Gamble

12.2.1 Overviews
12.2.2 Recent Developments
12.2.3 Revenues

12.3 The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.

12.3.1 Overviews
12.3.2 Recent Developments
12.3.3 Revenues

12.4 Colgate-Palmolive Company

12.4.1 Overviews
12.4.2 Recent Developments
12.4.3 Revenues

12.5 Johnson & Johnson Services Inc.

12.5.1 Overviews
12.5.2 Recent Developments
12.5.3 Revenues

12.6 Revlon, Inc.

12.6.1 Overviews
12.6.2 Recent Developments
12.6.3 Revenues

12.7 Mary Kay Inc

12.7.1 Overviews
12.7.2 Recent Developments
12.7.3 Revenues


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: United States – Cosmetics Market Share by Product Type (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-02: United States – Forecast for Cosmetics Market Share by Product Type (Percent), 2024 – 2032
Table-03: United States – Cosmetics Market Share by Gender (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-04: United States – Forecast for Cosmetics Market Share by Gender (Percent), 2024 – 2032
Table-05: United States – Cosmetics Market Share by Distribution Channel (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-06: United States – Forecast for Cosmetics Market Share by Distribution Channel (Percent), 2024 – 2032





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2024/07/04 10:27

162.47 円

175.74 円

209.86 円
