
リチウムイオン電池市場, 規模, 世界予測 2024-2028, 産業動向, シェア, 成長, 洞察, インフレの影響, 企業分析

リチウムイオン電池市場, 規模, 世界予測 2024-2028, 産業動向, シェア, 成長, 洞察, インフレの影響, 企業分析

Lithium-ion Battery Market, Size, Global Forecast 2024-2028, Industry Trends, Share, Growth, Insight, Impact of Inflation, Company Analysis

Renub Researchによると、リチウムイオン電池市場は2028年までに約1,206億5,000万米ドルを超えると予測されている。現代社会では、リチウムイオン電池(LIB)が主要なエネルギー貯蔵ソリューションとして台頭し、... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2023年10月1日 US$2,490
3営業日程度 220 英語



Renub Researchによると、リチウムイオン電池市場は2028年までに約1,206億5,000万米ドルを超えると予測されている。現代社会では、リチウムイオン電池(LIB)が主要なエネルギー貯蔵ソリューションとして台頭し、その驚異的な効率と有効性により、電子機器と自動車の両方で大規模な用途を見出している。さらに、これらの電池は繰り返し充電することができる。電気自動車(EV)の急速な普及は、リチウムイオン電池の世界市場の成長を当面後押しする極めて重要な力である。




世界的な "ゼロ・カーボン "プロジェクトはEV需要を急増させ、電気自動車のパワーシステムにおけるリチウムイオン電池の必要性を高めている。例えば、インド政府は2030年までに電気自動車(EV)を30%普及させることを目指している。さらに2019年7月には、EVに対する物品・サービス税(GST)が12%から5%に引き下げられ、それに伴いEV購入予定者に対する所得税免除も導入された。この多用途技術の絶え間ない進化と、バッテリーの長寿命化と高速充電に対する顧客の期待の高まりは、同様に世界のリチウムイオン電池市場の需要を押し上げている。














インドはこれらの電池の世界的な製造拠点として台頭しており、巨額の投資を集めている。インドの進化する経済システムとインフラにより、リチウムイオン電池市場は予測可能な将来において、大幅な増加と技術革新が見込まれている。例えば、Hong Kong Toushen International Pvt Ltdは、2023年までにMSME部門で上位4つのMoUを確保した。同社は、子会社のToushen E-Motors Pvt Ltd.を通じて、アグラに電気自動車工場を設立するために4,100ルピーを投資する予定である。インド子会社の関連会社は、アグラにリチウム電池工場を設立する予定であり、最初のMOU投資額は1,640ルピーで、総額10,000ルピーが見込まれるこのプロジェクトに大きなコミットメントを示すものである。


BYD Company Ltd、Samsung SDI Company Limited、GS Yuasa Corporation、Johnsons Controls Inc、Exide Technologiesがリチウムイオン電池市場の主要メーカーである。

Renub Researchの調査レポート「リチウムイオン電池市場、構成部品別(正極、負極、電解液、その他)、製品タイプ別(コバルト酸リチウム(LCO)、リン酸鉄リチウム(LFP)、ニッケルコバルト・アルミニウム酸リチウム(NCA)、マンガン酸リチウム(LMO)、チタン酸リチウム、ニッケルマンガン酸リチウム(LMO))の世界予測」は、リチウムイオン電池の世界市場を予測しています、チタン酸リチウム、ニッケルマンガンコバルトリチウム), 用途(乗用車用EV, 商用EV, 電気二輪車/三輪車, Eバス, 定置用蓄電池, 民生用電子機器), 地域(北米(米国, カナダ), 欧州(ポーランド, ドイツ, スペイン, フランス、イギリス、イタリア、オランダ、トルコ、その他:欧州)、アジア太平洋地域(中国、日本、韓国、インド、オーストラリア、インドネシア、タイ、マレーシア、その他:アジア太平洋地域)、中東・アフリカ地域(サウジアラビア、UAE、南アフリカ、その他:中東・アフリカ地域)、中南米地域(ブラジル、中南米(ブラジル、アルゼンチン、チリ、メキシコ、その他))、企業(BYD Company Ltd、Samsung SDI Company Limited、GS Yuasa Corporation、Johnsons Controls Inc、Exide Technologies)」は、世界のリチウムイオン電池産業に関する包括的な分析を提供しています。



製品タイプ - 市場は6つの視点からカバーされている:


アプリケーション - 市場は6つの視点からカバーされています:


地域 - 市場は5つの視点からカバーされている:


1.1 アメリカ
1.2 カナダ


2.1 ポーランド
2.2 ドイツ
2.3 スペイン
2.4 フランス
2.5 イギリス
2.6 イタリア
2.7 オランダ
2.8 トルコ
2.9 その他欧州


3.1 中国
3.2 日本
3.3 韓国
3.4 インド
3.5 オーストラリア
3.6 インドネシア
3.7 タイ
3.8 マレーシア
3.9 その他アジア太平洋地域


4.1 サウジアラビア
4.2 アラブ首長国連邦
4.3 南アフリカ
4.4 その他(中東・アフリカ


5.1 ブラジル
5.2 アルゼンチン
5.3 チリ
5.4 メキシコ
5.5 その他ラテンアメリカ


- 概要
- 最近の動向
- 財務インサイト


1.BYD Company Ltd.



1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

6. Share Analysis – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

6.1 By Components
6.2 By Product Type
6.3 By Application
6.4 By Countries

7. Components – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

7.1 Cathode
7.2 Anode
7.3 Electrolytic Solution
7.4 Others

8. Product Type – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

8.1 Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO)
8.2 Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)
8.3 Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide (NCA)
8.4 Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO)
8.5 Lithium Titanate
8.6 Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt

9. Application – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

9.1 Passenger EVs
9.2 Commercial EVs
9.3 Electric two/three-wheelers
9.4 E-buses
9.5 Stationary Storage
9.6 Consumer Electronics

10. Countries – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

10.1 North America

10.1.1 United States
10.1.2 Canada

10.2 Europe

10.2.1 Poland
10.2.2 Germany
10.2.3 Spain
10.2.4 France
10.2.5 United Kingdom
10.2.6 Italy
10.2.7 Netherlands
10.2.8 Turkey
10.2.9 Others in Europe

10.3 Asia-Pacific

10.3.1 China
10.3.2 Japan
10.3.3 South Korea
10.3.4 India
10.3.5 Australia
10.3.6 Indonesia
10.3.7 Thailand
10.3.8 Malaysia
10.3.9 Others in Asia-Pacific

10.4 Middle East and Africa

10.4.1 Saudi Arabia
10.4.2 UAE
10.4.3 South Africa
10.4.4 Others in Middle East and Africa

10.5 Latin America

10.5.1 Brazil
10.5.2 Argentina
10.5.3 Chile
10.5.4 Mexico
10.5.5 Others in Latin America

11. Porters Five Forces – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

11.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
11.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
11.3 Degree of Competition
11.4 Threat of New Entrants
11.5 Threat of Substitutes

12. SWOT Analysis – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

12.1 Strengths
12.2 Weaknesses
12.3 Opportunities
12.4 Threats

13. Company Analysis

13.1 BYD Company Ltd.

13.1.1 Overview
13.1.2 Recent Development
13.1.3 Financial Insight

13.2 Samsung SDI Company Limited

13.2.1 Overview
13.2.2 Recent Development
13.2.3 Financial Insight

13.3 GS Yuasa Corporation

13.3.1 Overview
13.3.2 Recent Development
13.3.3 Financial Insight

13.4 Johnsons Controls Inc.

13.4.1 Overview
13.4.2 Recent Development
13.4.3 Financial Insight

13.5 Exide Technologies

13.5.1 Overview
13.5.2 Recent Development
13.5.3 Financial Insight



Table-01: Global – Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Components (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Components (Percent), 2024 – 2028
Table-03: Global – Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Product Type (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Product Type (Percent), 2024 – 2028
Table-05: Global – Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Application (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Application (Percent), 2024 – 2028
Table-07: Global – Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-08: Global – Forecast for Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2024 – 2028





Lithium-ion battery market is predicted to surpass around US$ 120.65 Billion by 2028, according to Renub Research. In present-day society, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have emerged as a primary energy storage solution, finding sizeable applications in both electronics and vehicles due to their dazzling efficiency and effectiveness. Moreover, these batteries may be recharged repeatedly. The burgeoning popularity of electrical vehicles (EVs) is a pivotal force propelling the global lithium-ion battery market growth in the foreseeable future.

The lithium-ion battery boasts superior energy density and prolonged shelf life, making it a super preference for vehicles. The escalating consumer expenditure on electronic devices is a giant catalyst in the global lithium-ion battery market increase. Additionally, the surging costs of fossil fuels and gas have triggered significant adoption of electrical automobiles, propelling market enlargement. Predictions suggest a sizeable global Li-ion battery demand surge, skyrocketing from over 700 GWh in 2022 to approximately 4.7 TWh by 2030. Notably, mobility applications like electric vehicles are set to dominate this demand, accounting for more or less 4,300 GWh in 2030, reflecting the ever-expanding landscape of electric mobility.

Lithium ion battery market is expected to register a CAGR of around 16% during the forecast period 2024-2028

Several countries have unveiled Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicle sales bans. Norway will halt ICE automobile sales by 2025, France via 2040, and the UK by 2050. India targets to phase out ICE engines in 2030, while China is learning a comparable plan. In February 2021, China's Contemporary Amperex Technology (CATL) announced a tremendous investment. They plan to build a lithium-ion battery production base in Guangdong, initially investing US$ 1.9 Billion for 25 GWh, with a target of achieving 150 GWh by 2030.

Global "Zero carbon" projects have turbocharged EV demand, riding the need for lithium-ion batteries in electric-powered vehicle power systems. For example, the Indian government aims to have 30% electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030. Furthermore, in July 2019, the goods and services tax (GST) on EVs was reduced from 12% to 5%, and it has, in turn, also introduced an income tax exemption for prospective EV buyers. This versatile technology's constant evolution and customers' rising expectancies for extended battery existence and faster charging similarly boost the demand for global lithium ion battery market.

The lithium ion battery market share is experiencing a surge in growth opportunities thanks to its advantages, cost-efficiency, and extended shelf lifestyles. The growing adoption of consumer electronics is a sizable motive force for this market growth. Furthermore, the growing demand for lithium-ion batteries in industrial applications bolstered their global market presence. The flourishing renewable energy sector is another contributing factor to the lithium-ion battery market enlargement. Governments are continuously investing in energy and infrastructure projects, which, in turn, contribute to the growth and improvement of the lithium-ion battery market. Many key market players also participate with government agencies to amplify this market. As a result, the lithium-ion battery market was valued at US$ 57.44 Billion in 2023.

Cathode commands the largest market share within the lithium-ion battery industry

By Components, the Global lithium-ion battery market is divided into Cathode, Anode, Electrolytic Solution, and others. The cathode ultimately reigns in the thriving lithium-ion battery industry due to its crucial position in enhancing battery performance and protection. Advanced cathode substances have bolstered energy density and durability, making lithium-ion batteries more and more appealing throughout diverse programs like electric vehicles, consumer electronics, and renewable electricity systems.

Lithium-ion batteries, with their pivotal cathode components, revel in surging demand as the worldwide shift toward sustainable energy gains momentum. Governments are incentivizing electric automobile adoption and propelling the cathode's prominence in this dynamic industry. Consequently, the cathode is about to shape the future of energy storage technology, maintaining its leadership in the lithium-ion battery market.

Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO) is the fastest-growing segment in the lithium-ion battery industry

By Product Type, Lithium-Ion Battery Market is segmented into Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO), Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP), Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO), Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide (NCA), Lithium Titanate and Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt. Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO) has emerged as the fastest-growing lithium-ion battery industry. This remarkable growth can be attributed to LMO batteries offering a compelling combination of excessive electricity density, multiplied safety, and relatively low cost, making them an appealing preference for numerous applications, including consumer electronics and electric-powered motors.

Furthermore, ongoing research and development efforts are constantly improving the overall performance of LMO batteries, making them even more appealing in a competitive market. As the need for effective and green battery storage systems for energy continues to grow, LMO's swift rise to the top of the lithium-ion battery business will continue to grow and determine the new future for this booming sector.

Passenger EVs are set to dominate the lithium-ion battery industry

By Application, the Lithium-Ion Battery Market is classed into Passenger EVs, Commercial EVs, and Electric two/three wheelers, E-buses, Stationary Storage and Consumer Electronics. Passenger electric vehicle motors (EVs) are poised to assert the lion's share of the lithium-ion battery industry. This dominance stems from the global push toward eco-friendly transportation solutions and the rapid development of EV generation. With governments globally imposing stricter emissions policies and imparting incentives for EV adoption, consumer demand for electric-powered vehicles has skyrocketed.

Consequently, lithium-ion batteries have become the coronary heart of the EV revolution, providing the energy storage capability wanted for longer rangers and quicker charging. As automakers keep introducing an increasing lineup of electrical automobiles, the market percentage of lithium-ion batteries in the passenger EV sector is expected to stay large and keep growing.

India will dominate the Lithium-Ion Battery Industry

By Countries, Lithium-Ion Battery Market has broken up North America (United States, Canada), Europe (Poland, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, Others in Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Others in Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa, Others in Middle East and Africa) and Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico & Others in Latin America).

The demand for lithium-ion batteries (LiB) in India has been driven by electric vehicles (EVs). India's lithium-ion battery market is thriving, driven by the government's dedication to electric-powered mobility and renewable energy solutions, including projects like FAME and ambitious electrification goals, and has strengthened demand. The need for dependable energy storage solutions, specifically in renewable sectors like sun and wind power, has boosted lithium-ion battery deployment.

India is rising as a worldwide manufacturing hub for these batteries, attracting massive investments. With India's evolving economic system and infrastructure, the lithium-ion battery market is poised for a sizable increase and innovation within the foreseeable future. For instance, Hong Kong Toushen International Pvt Ltd has secured the top four MoUs in the MSME sector by 2023. It plans to invest Rs 4,100 Crore to set up an electric vehicle plant in Agra through its subsidiary Toushen E-Motors Pvt Ltd. Affiliated to an Indian subsidiary company will establish a Lithium Battery plant in Agra, where the initial MOU investment is 1,640 Crore, marking a huge commitment for the project, with a total expected of Rs 10,000 Crore.

Key Player

BYD Company Ltd, Samsung SDI Company Limited, GS Yuasa Corporation, Johnsons Controls Inc and Exide Technologies are the key manufacturers in the Lithium-Ion Battery market.

Renub Research report titled "Lithium-ion Battery Market, Global Forecast by Components (Cathode, Anode, Electrolytic Solution & Others), Product Type (Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO), Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP), Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide (NCA), Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO), Lithium Titanate and Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt), Application (Passenger EVs, Commercial EVs, Electric two/three-wheelers, E-buses, Stationary Storage and Consumer Electronics), Region (North America (United States, Canada), Europe (Poland, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, Others in Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Others in Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa, Others in Middle East and Africa) and Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Others in Latin America)), Companies (BYD Company Ltd, Samsung SDI Company Limited, GS Yuasa Corporation, Johnsons Controls Inc and Exide Technologies)" provides an all-encompassing analysis on the Global Lithium-Ion Battery Industry.

Components – Market has been covered from 4 viewpoints:

1. Cathode
2. Anode
3. Electrolytic Solution
4. Others

Product Type – Market has been covered from 6 viewpoints:

1. Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO)
2. Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)
3. Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide (NCA)
4. Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO)
5. Lithium Titanate
6. Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt

Application – Market has been covered from 6 viewpoints:

1. Passenger EVs
2. Commercial EVs
3. Electric two/three-wheelers
4. E-buses
5. Stationary Storage
6. Consumer Electronics

Region – Market has been covered from 5 viewpoints:

1. North America

1.1 United States
1.2 Canada

2. Europe

2.1 Poland
2.2 Germany
2.3 Spain
2.4 France
2.5 United Kingdom
2.6 Italy
2.7 Netherlands
2.8 Turkey
2.9 Others in Europe

3. Asia-Pacific

3.1 China
3.2 Japan
3.3 South Korea
3.4 India
3.5 Australia
3.6 Indonesia
3.7 Thailand
3.8 Malaysia
3.9 Others in Asia-Pacific

4. Middle East and Africa

4.1 Saudi Arabia
4.2 UAE
4.3 South Africa
4.4 Others in Middle East and Africa

5. Latin America

5.1 Brazil
5.2 Argentina
5.3 Chile
5.4 Mexico
5.5 Others in Latin America

Company Insights:

• Overview
• Recent Development
• Financial Insight

Company Analysis:

1. BYD Company Ltd.
2. Samsung SDI Company Limited
3. GS Yuasa Corporation
4. Johnsons Controls Inc.
5. Exide Technologies


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

6. Share Analysis – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

6.1 By Components
6.2 By Product Type
6.3 By Application
6.4 By Countries

7. Components – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

7.1 Cathode
7.2 Anode
7.3 Electrolytic Solution
7.4 Others

8. Product Type – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

8.1 Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO)
8.2 Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)
8.3 Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide (NCA)
8.4 Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO)
8.5 Lithium Titanate
8.6 Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt

9. Application – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

9.1 Passenger EVs
9.2 Commercial EVs
9.3 Electric two/three-wheelers
9.4 E-buses
9.5 Stationary Storage
9.6 Consumer Electronics

10. Countries – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

10.1 North America

10.1.1 United States
10.1.2 Canada

10.2 Europe

10.2.1 Poland
10.2.2 Germany
10.2.3 Spain
10.2.4 France
10.2.5 United Kingdom
10.2.6 Italy
10.2.7 Netherlands
10.2.8 Turkey
10.2.9 Others in Europe

10.3 Asia-Pacific

10.3.1 China
10.3.2 Japan
10.3.3 South Korea
10.3.4 India
10.3.5 Australia
10.3.6 Indonesia
10.3.7 Thailand
10.3.8 Malaysia
10.3.9 Others in Asia-Pacific

10.4 Middle East and Africa

10.4.1 Saudi Arabia
10.4.2 UAE
10.4.3 South Africa
10.4.4 Others in Middle East and Africa

10.5 Latin America

10.5.1 Brazil
10.5.2 Argentina
10.5.3 Chile
10.5.4 Mexico
10.5.5 Others in Latin America

11. Porters Five Forces – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

11.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
11.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
11.3 Degree of Competition
11.4 Threat of New Entrants
11.5 Threat of Substitutes

12. SWOT Analysis – Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market

12.1 Strengths
12.2 Weaknesses
12.3 Opportunities
12.4 Threats

13. Company Analysis

13.1 BYD Company Ltd.

13.1.1 Overview
13.1.2 Recent Development
13.1.3 Financial Insight

13.2 Samsung SDI Company Limited

13.2.1 Overview
13.2.2 Recent Development
13.2.3 Financial Insight

13.3 GS Yuasa Corporation

13.3.1 Overview
13.3.2 Recent Development
13.3.3 Financial Insight

13.4 Johnsons Controls Inc.

13.4.1 Overview
13.4.2 Recent Development
13.4.3 Financial Insight

13.5 Exide Technologies

13.5.1 Overview
13.5.2 Recent Development
13.5.3 Financial Insight


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: Global – Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Components (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Components (Percent), 2024 – 2028
Table-03: Global – Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Product Type (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Product Type (Percent), 2024 – 2028
Table-05: Global – Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Application (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Application (Percent), 2024 – 2028
Table-07: Global – Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-08: Global – Forecast for Lithium-Ion Battery Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2024 – 2028






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