
欧州エンベデッドレンディングのビジネスと投資機会 - 2022年第1四半期最新版

欧州エンベデッドレンディングのビジネスと投資機会 - 2022年第1四半期最新版

Europe Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities – Q1 2022 Update

レポート内容 PayNXT360の2021年第4四半期組み込み金融調査によると、同地域の組み込みレンディング産業は年率38.9%の成長を遂げ、2022年には81億450万米ドルに達すると予測されています。 組込み型融資業... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
2022年2月15日 US$7,900
2営業日程度 425 英語






- 欧州では、Buy Now Pay Laterという融資モデルの人気が高まっているため、消費者の間で組み込み型融資の人気が高まっています。消費者は、オンライン購入の際に便利で革新的な支払い方法を求めるようになってきています。
- BNPLモードの融資は、その手頃な価格と利便性により、消費者の間で最も人気があります。BNPLサービスを提供している主要企業には、Klarna、PayPal Credit、Splititなどがあります。
- 組み込み型融資は、欧州地域の他の国々と比較して、英国で最も人気があります。英国は、買い物のための組み込み型融資オプションをいち早く採用した国のひとつです。英国の買い物客は、高価な買い物の費用を分割するための便利な方法として、リテールファイナンスを利用しています。
- さらに、パンデミックは、ヨーロッパ諸国の重要な産業分野での組み込み型融資の需要を促進しています。伝統的な銀行に対する信頼度は高い。しかし、利便性と迅速性は、組み込み型融資が伝統的な銀行と競争する上で重要な要素となっています。
- 電子商取引とデジタル決済の両業界がこのトレンドの恩恵を受けている一方で、これらの業界以外でもいくつかの新しいビジネスチャンスが生まれました。
- この分野で事業を展開する欧州の企業は、パンデミック時に消費者ベースの大幅な伸びを記録しました。この地域は、パンデミックに裏打ちされた社会経済的な課題をめぐる不確実性にまだ対処しているところです。その結果、この傾向は2021年第4四半期以降も変わらないと予想される。



- 2020年12月、英国を拠点とするエンベデッドレベニュー型ファイナンスプラットフォームを提供するLiberisは7000万ポンドを調達し、同社の評価額は2億ポンドとなりました。この資金は、同社の旧投資家であるBritish Business Investments、Paragon Bank、BCI Europe、そして新たな投資家であるSilicon Valley Bankによって調達されたものである。
- 今回調達した資金は、新製品の発売や成長性の高い新市場への参入に活用される予定です。







- 消費者セグメント別組込型融資、2020年~2029年
-- ビジネスローン
-- 個人向け融資

- B2Bセクター別エンベデッドレンディング、2020年~2029年
-- 小売・消費財分野でのエンベデッドレンディング
-- IT・ソフトウエアサービスにおけるエンベデッドレンディング
-- メディア、エンターテインメント、レジャーのエンベデッドレンディング
-- 製造業・流通業向け貸出
-- 不動産業におけるエンベデッドレンディング
-- その他におけるエンベデッドレンディング

- B2Cセクター別エンベデッドレンディング、2020年~2029年
-- 小売業における貸出
-- ホームインプルーブメントにおける貸出
-- レジャー・エンターテイメント分野
-- ヘルスケア&ウェルネス分野での組込融資
-- その他の組み込み型融資


図8:IT・ソフトウェアサービス - 組込み型貸出産業の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年
図 9: 運輸・物流 - 組込み型貸出産業の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029 年
図17:ヘルスケア&ウェルネス - 組込み型貸出産業の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年

表1:エンベデッドレンディング - 収入(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年
表5:IT・ソフトウェアサービス - 組込み型貸出産業の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年
表13:ヘルスケア&ウェルネス - 組込み型貸出産業の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年


- エンベデッドファイナンスの市場ダイナミクスを深く理解する。予測(2019-2028年)と共に市場機会や主要トレンドを理解する。

- 最終用途分野別の機会に関する洞察 - 最終用途分野別の市場ダイナミクスを把握し、様々な最終用途分野にわたる新たな機会を評価します。

- 市場別戦略の策定。成長セグメントを特定し、組み込み金融戦略を策定するために特定の機会をターゲットとし、業界における市場固有の主要トレンド、ドライバー、リスクを評価します。

- セクターの洞察を得る。本レポートでは、独自の調査結果をもとに、組み込み型融資、組み込み型保険、組み込み型金融、組み込み型富裕層の各セクターにおけるビジネスチャンスを明らかにしています。



This report provides detailed 17 sections, covering regional insights along with data centric analysis at regional and country level (300+ charts and 200+ tables in all):

1. Europe Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
2. Austria Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
3. Belgium Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
4. Denmark Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
5. Finland Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
6. France Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
7. Germany Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
8. Greece Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
9. Ireland Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
10. Israel Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
11. Italy Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
12. Netherlands Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
13. Poland Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
14. Russia Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
15. Spain Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
16. Switzerland Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
17. United Kingdom Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities

All the regional and country sections above follow the following table of contents covering 18 charts and 14 tables for each country / region:

1 About this Report
1.1 Summary
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Embedded Lending Definitions
1.4 Disclaimer

2 Embedded Lending Industry Market Size and Forecast, 2020-2029

3 Embedded Lending Industry Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segment
3.1 Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment
3.2 B2B Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
3.3 B2C Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

4 Embedded Lending Industry Market Size and Forecast by Business to Business (B2B) Sectors
4.1 Market Share Analysis by B2B Sectors
4.2 Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.3 IT & Software Services – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.4 Transport & Logistics – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.5 Manufacturing & Distribution – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.6 Real Estate – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.7 Other – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

5 Embedded Lending Industry Market Size and Forecast by Business to Consumer (B2C) Sectors
5.1 Market Share Analysis by B2C Sectors
5.2 Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
5.3 Home Improvement – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
5.4 Leisure & Entertainment – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
5.5 Healthcare & Wellness – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
5.6 Other – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

6 Further Reading
6.1 About PayNXT360
6.2 Related Research





Report Description

According to PayNXT360’s Q4 2021 Embedded Finance Survey, Embedded Lending industry in the region is expected to grow by 38.9% on annual basis to reach US$8,104.5 million in 2022.

The embedded lending industry is expected to grow steadily over the forecast period, recording a CAGR of 25.4% during 2022-2029. The embedded lending revenues in the region will increase from US$8,104.5 million in 2022 to reach US$28,409.0 million by 2029.

• In Europe, embedded lending is becoming increasingly popular among consumers due to the rising popularity of the buy now pay later lending model. Consumers are increasingly looking for convenient and innovative payments option for online purchases.
• BNPL mode of lending is the most popular among consumers due to its affordability and convenience. Some of the key players offering BNPL service include Klarna, PayPal Credit, and Splitit in the region.
• Embedded lending is most popular in the United Kingdom compared to other countries in the European region. The United Kingdom is one of the early adopters of embedded lending options for making purchases. Shoppers in the United Kingdom observe retail finance as a convenient way to split the cost of expensive purchases.
• Furthermore, the pandemic has also propelled the demand for embedded lending in crucial industry segments across European countries. The trust factor is higher for traditional banks. However, convenience and promptness are the key factors that have helped the embedded lenders compete with traditional banks.
• While both e-commerce and digital payments firms have benefited from this trend, several new opportunities have emerged outside these industries.
• European companies operating in this segment recorded significant growth in their consumer base during the pandemic. The region is still dealing with the uncertainties around socio-economic challenges backed by the pandemic. Consequently, it is expected that the trend is likely to be the same over Q4, 2021.

Market players are raising funds to expand their offerings for business lending segment

The business lending segment is offering a significant growth opportunity for embedded lending companies post-pandemic. Market participants are raising funds to improve their offering and expand their foothold in the business lending segment. This will help the lending companies and players in the ecosystem to capitalize on the overall prospects in this market. For instance,

• In December 2020, the United Kingdom-based embedding revenue-based finance platform provider Liberis raised £70 million, totaling the company’s valuation at £200 million. The fund was raised by the company’s old investors, including British Business Investments, Paragon Bank, BCI Europe, and a new investor Silicon Valley Bank.
• The newly raised funds will be utilized to launch new products and enter new markets with high growth opportunities.

With the companies developing new products is expected to result in innovations and improved features in the embedded lending platform.

This report provides regional insights into key trends and drivers along with a detailed data centric analysis of market opportunities in embedded lending industry at regional and country level. Region and countries included in this report are:

1. Europe
2. Austria
3. Belgium
4. Denmark
5. Finland
6. France
7. Germany
8. Greece
9. Ireland
10. Israel
11. Italy
12. Netherlands
13. Poland
14. Russia
15. Spain
16. Switzerland
17. United Kingdom


This report provides regional insights, along with an in-depth data centric analysis of the Embedded Lending industry in Europe, covering 50+ KPIs for each region and country (300+ charts and 200+ tables in all). Below is a summary of key market segments:

Embedded Lending Market Size and Forecast

• Embedded Lending by Consumer Segments, 2020 – 2029
-- Business Lending
-- Retail Lending

• Embedded Lending by B2B Sectors, 2020 – 2029
-- Embedded Lending in Retail & Consumer Goods
-- Embedded Lending in IT & Software Services
-- Embedded Lending in Media, Entertainment & Leisure
-- Embedded Lending in Manufacturing & Distribution
-- Embedded Lending in Real Estate
-- Embedded Lending in Other

• Embedded Lending by B2C Sectors, 2020 – 2029
-- Embedded Lending in Retail Shopping
-- Embedded Lending in Home Improvement
-- Embedded Lending in Leisure & Entertainment
-- Embedded Lending in Healthcare and Wellness
-- Embedded Lending in Other

All the regional and country reports cover the following charts and tables:

Figure 1: PayNXT360’s Methodology Framework
Figure 2: Embedded Lending – Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 3: Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment (%), 2020-2029
Figure 4: B2B Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 5: B2C Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 6: Market Share Analysis by B2B Sectors (%), 2021 Vs. 2029
Figure 7: Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 8: IT & Software Services – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 9: Transport & Logistics – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 10: Manufacturing & Distribution – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 11: Real Estate – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 12: Other – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 13: Market Share Analysis by B2C Sectors (%), 2021 Vs. 2029
Figure 14: Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 15: Home Improvement – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 16: Leisure & Entertainment – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 17: Healthcare & Wellness – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 18: Other – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029

Table 1: Embedded Lending – Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 2: B2B Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 3: B2C Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 4: Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 5: IT & Software Services – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 6: Transport & Logistics – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 7: Manufacturing & Distribution – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 8: Real Estate – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 9: Other – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 10: Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 11: Home Improvement – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 12: Leisure & Entertainment – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 13: Healthcare & Wellness – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 14: Other – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029

Reasons to buy

• In-depth Understanding of Embedded Finance Market Dynamics: Understand market opportunities and key trends along with forecast (2019-2028).

• Insights into Opportunity by end-use sectors – Get market dynamics by end-use sectors to assess emerging opportunity across various end-use sectors.

• Develop Market Specific Strategies: Identify growth segments and target specific opportunities to formulate embedded finance strategy; assess market specific key trends, drivers, and risks in the industry.

• Get Sector Insights: Drawing from proprietary survey results, this report identifies opportunities across embedded lending, embedded insurance, embedded finance, and embedded wealth sectors.


Table of Contents

This report provides detailed 17 sections, covering regional insights along with data centric analysis at regional and country level (300+ charts and 200+ tables in all):

1. Europe Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
2. Austria Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
3. Belgium Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
4. Denmark Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
5. Finland Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
6. France Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
7. Germany Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
8. Greece Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
9. Ireland Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
10. Israel Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
11. Italy Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
12. Netherlands Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
13. Poland Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
14. Russia Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
15. Spain Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
16. Switzerland Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities
17. United Kingdom Embedded Lending Business and Investment Opportunities

All the regional and country sections above follow the following table of contents covering 18 charts and 14 tables for each country / region:

1 About this Report
1.1 Summary
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Embedded Lending Definitions
1.4 Disclaimer

2 Embedded Lending Industry Market Size and Forecast, 2020-2029

3 Embedded Lending Industry Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segment
3.1 Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment
3.2 B2B Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
3.3 B2C Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

4 Embedded Lending Industry Market Size and Forecast by Business to Business (B2B) Sectors
4.1 Market Share Analysis by B2B Sectors
4.2 Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.3 IT & Software Services – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.4 Transport & Logistics – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.5 Manufacturing & Distribution – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.6 Real Estate – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.7 Other – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

5 Embedded Lending Industry Market Size and Forecast by Business to Consumer (B2C) Sectors
5.1 Market Share Analysis by B2C Sectors
5.2 Retail & Consumer Goods Lending – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
5.3 Home Improvement – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
5.4 Leisure & Entertainment – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
5.5 Healthcare & Wellness – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
5.6 Other – Embedded Lending Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

6 Further Reading
6.1 About PayNXT360
6.2 Related Research








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192.66 円
