
ギフトカードとインセンティブカードの世界市場のインテリジェンスと今後の成長ダイナミクス(データブック) - 市場規模および予測、デジタル/eギフトカード別支出分析、小売および法人消費者、トップ小売業者、流通チャネル、オケージョン、小売セクター、機能(オープンループ、クローズドループ)、都市タイプ、人口動態 - 2022年第1四半期更新版

Global Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence and Future Growth Dynamics (Databook) - Market Size and Forecast; Spend Analysis by Digital / e-Gift Card, Retail and Corporate Consumers, Top Retailers, Distribution Channel, Occasions, Retail Sectors, Function (Open Loop, Closed Loop), City Type, and Demographics – Q1 2022 Update

レポート内容 2021年のギフトカード市場は、様々な要因が小売業や法人向けセグメントの成長を支えました。主な要因としては、eコマースの成長、遠隔地で働く従業員へのインセンティブ付与のための導入拡大、デ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2022年1月20日 US$12,900
268 英語













- 2021年10月、オーストラリアを拠点とするギフトカード会社Prezzeeは、現在事業を展開しているオーストラリア、米国、欧州以外での事業拡大計画を発表しました。また、オーストラリアで株式公開を計画し、成長計画の幅を広げることを検討している。同社によると、中国をはじめとするアジア諸国でも同社のサービスを開始する予定だという。オーストラリアでは、2022年度に10億豪ドル以上の法人・個人向けカードの取扱いを見込んでいる。



- 2021年11月、英国に拠点を置くオンラインギフトカード販売会社Giftchillは、消費者が暗号通貨でギフトカードを購入するための新しい支払い方法を追加したと発表しました。注目すべきは、同社が英国でのギフトカード購入の支払い方法として、ビットコイン、イーサリアム、Dogecoin、ビットコインキャッシュ、ライトコイン、USDコインなどを受け入れている点だ。
- Giftchillによると、暗号の支払い方法を利用してギフトカードの購入が完了すると、消費者はギフトカードコードを電子メールアドレスに即座に受け取ることができる。






- 2021年4月、決済会社のインコム・ペイメントは、ギフトカードの総合モール「」の開設を発表しました。この新しいプラットフォームでは、ブラジルの消費者が幅広い革新的なギフトカードの中から選んで買い物をすることができます。さらに、このプラットフォームでは、消費者が電子メールなどのデジタル・チャネルを通じて友人や家族に直接ギフトカードを送ることもできます。
- このプラットフォームでは、レストラン、エンターテインメント、スポーツ、家庭用品、旅行などのカテゴリーにおいて、100以上のブランドのギフトカードが提供されています。さらに、InComm Paymentsのギフトカードは、American Express、Visa、MasterCardを搭載しており、Google Pay、Apple Pay、Samsung Payなどのモバイルウォレットに読み込むことができるため、消費者はいつでもどこでも簡単かつ安全に買い物をすることができます。



消費者の間でギフトカードの人気が高まり続ける中、UAEではここ数四半期にいくつかの新商品が発売されました。2021年10月、同国の大手デジタルギフトカードプロバイダーの1つであるYouGotaGiftは、The Blue SalonとKunoozの新しいギフトカード商品の発売を発表しました。



グローバルレポート - Global America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

地域別レポート1 北米ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(データブック)
地域レポート2 欧州ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
地域レポート4:中東・アフリカ ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
地域レポート5 アジア太平洋地域のギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)

国別レポート1 アルゼンチン ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート2 オーストラリア ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート 3 - ブラジル ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(データブック)
国別レポート4:カナダ ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート5:中国 ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート6:フランス ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート 7 - ドイツ ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート8 インドのギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(データブック)
国別レポート9 インドネシアのギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート10 イタリア ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート 11 - ケニア ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(データブック)
国別レポート 12 - メキシコ ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート 13 - ナイジェリア ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート 14 - フィリピン ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(データブック)
国別レポート 15 - ロシア ギフトカードとインセンティブカードの市場情報(データブック)
国別レポート 16 - 南アフリカ共和国 ギフトカードとインセンティブカード市場の最新情報(Databook)
国別レポート 17 - タイ ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート18 アラブ首長国連邦のギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート 19 - イギリス ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート 20 - 米国 ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)




- 消費者セグメント別(小売、法人)
- 商品カテゴリー別(13セグメント)
- 小売業種別(7セグメント)

- 総ロード額
- 取引額
- 未使用額
- 平均トランザクション単価
- 取引量
- 平均カード購入額
- カード枚数

- 小売業向け
- 法人コンシューマー(小規模、中堅、大企業)

- 小売消費者別
- 小売店での購入シーン別
- 法人消費者別
- 法人向け購入シーン別
- 企業規模別

- 機能属性別
- 用途別
- 購入チャネル別金額

- 消費者の購買行動
- ギフトカード購入者:年齢層別
- ギフトカード購入者:所得水準別
- ギフトカード購入者:性別

- 機能属性別
- シーン別
- 事業規模別

- 食品・飲料
- 健康、ウェルネス、美容
- アパレル、フットウェア、アクセサリー
- 書籍・メディア製品
- 家電製品
- レストラン・バー
- おもちゃ、キッズ、ベビー
- 宝飾品
- スポーツ用品
- ホーム&キッチンアクセサリー&アプライアンス
- 旅行
- エンターテイメント&ゲーム
- その他

- Eコマース・デパートメントストア
- レストラン&バー
- スーパーマーケット、ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア
- エンターテイメント&ゲーム
- 専門店
- ヘルス&ウェルネス
- 旅行

- ギフトカードオンライン販売
- ギフトカードオフライン販売
- 1次代理店販売
- サードパーティ売上高
- 売上高アップ


Cencosud SA
パタゴニア輸出入業者 SA
ロハス・アメリカーナ SA
Auchan Group SA
Edeka Zentral AG & Co KG
dm-Drogerie Markt GmbH & Co KG
グロービス・ホールディングGmbH & Co
H&M ヘネス・アンド・マウリッツ AB
Flipkart Online Services Pvt Ltd(フリップカート・オンライン・サービス・プライベート・リミテッド
Matahari Putra Prima Tbk PT
Kompas Gramedia Group
Ace Hardware Corp.
CONAD - コンサドーレ・ナツィオナーレ・デタグリアンティ Scrl
Selex Gruppo Commerciale SpA(セレックス グルッポ コマーシャル エスピーエー
Crai Secom SpA
ソリアナ社(Organización Soriana SAB de CV
メキシカーナ商業支配権者 SAB de CV
ファルマシアス・シミラーレス SA de CV
フラグア社(Corporativo Fragua Sa de CV
レンタ OOO
ピックンペイ ストアーズ リミテッド
ダマス インターナショナル リミテッド
シャラフDG LLC
Wm Morrison Supermakets Plc


- ギフトカード、インセンティブカードの市場ダイナミクスを深く理解することができる。ギフトカードとインセンティブカードの市場機会、主要トレンド、ドライバーを5年予測(2017-2026)と共に理解する。

- 市場別戦略の策定成長セグメントを特定し、消費者セグメントやシーンに応じて特定の機会を狙い、ギフトカード戦略を策定し、市場固有の主要トレンドとリスクを評価します。

- 消費者の意識と行動に関する洞察を得る。消費者の態度や行動の変化を理解し、ROIを向上させることができます。ギフトカードによる小売消費について、小売・法人双方の消費者を詳細に把握。

- 6つの重要なKPI(発行枚数、ロード値、未使用値、平均購入額、1取引あたりの平均値、取引額)を通じて、完全な展望を得ることができます。

- 流通チャネルに関する考察。オンラインとオフライン、ファーストパーティーとサードパーティーなど、チャネル別のギフトカード販売のダイナミクスを把握します。



This title from PayNXT360 a bundled offering, comprising 1 global, 5 regional and 20 country reports.

Global Report – Global America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Regional Report 1 – North America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 2 - Europe Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 3 – Latin America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 4 – Middle East & Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 5 – Asia Pacific Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Country Report 1 - Argentina Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 2 - Australia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 3 - Brazil Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 4 - Canada Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 5 - China Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 6 - France Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 7 - Germany Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 8 - India Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 9 - Indonesia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 10 - Italy Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 11 - Kenya Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 12 - Mexico Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 13 - Nigeria Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 14 - Philippines Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 15 - Russia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 16 - South Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 17 - Thailand Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 18 - United Arab Emirates Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 19 - United Kingdom Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 20 - United States Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

All global, regional, and country reports mentioned above will have the following tables of contents:
1.Total Gift Spend Analyzer
1.1.Total Spend on Gift by Value - Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
1.2.Total Spend on Gift by Volume - Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
1.3.Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment, 2017-2026
1.4.Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
1.5.Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
1.6.Total Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
1.7.Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
2.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Analyzer
2.1.Retail Consumer Spend on Gift - Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
2.2.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Analysis by Volume, 2017-2026
2.3.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
2.4.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
2.5.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
2.6.Retail Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
3.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Analyzer
3.1.Corporate Consumer Spend on Gift - Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
3.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Analysis by Volume, 2017-2026
3.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
3.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
3.5.Corporate Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
3.6.Corporate Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
4.Gift Card Spend Analyzer
4.1.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
4.2.Gift Card Spend Market Analysis by Transaction Value and Volume, 2017-2026
4.3.Gift Card Spend Market Analysis by Avg. Value and Unused Value, 2017-2026
4.4.Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment
4.5.Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
4.6.Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
5.Digital Gift Card Spend Analyzer
5.1.Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
5.2.Digital Gift Card Penetration by Occasion, 2017-2026
5.3.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
5.4.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
5.5.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
5.6.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
5.7.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size
5.8.Large Enterprise Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
5.9.Mid-Tier Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
5.1.Small Scale Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
6.Gift Card Spend Share by Demographics and Purchase Behaviour
6.1.Gift Card Spend Share by Age, Income, and Gender
6.2.Digital Gift Card Spend Share by Age, Income, and Gender
6.3.Gift Card Consumer Purchase Behaviour
6.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend by Company Type
7.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analyzer
7.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
7.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
7.3.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
7.4.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
8.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Functional Attribute
8.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2017-2026
8.2.Retail Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
8.3.Retail Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
8.4.Retail Consumer Average Value of Gift Card Purchased by Functional Attribute
9.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Occasion
9.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
9.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Festivals & Special Celebration Days, 2017-2026
9.3.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Milestone Celebration, 2017-2026
9.4.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Self-Use, 2017-2026
9.5.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Other, 2017-2026
10.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analyzer
10.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
10.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
10.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
10.4.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
11.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Functional Attribute
11.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2017-2026
11.2.Corporate Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
11.3.Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
11.4.Corporate Consumer Average Value of Gift Card Purchased by Functional Attribute
12.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Occasion
12.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
12.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Employee Incentive, 2017-2026
12.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Sales / Channel Incentive, 2017-2026
12.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Consumer Incentive, 2017-2026
13.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Company Size
13.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size
13.2.Corporate Consumer - Large Enterprise Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
13.3.Corporate Consumer - Mid-Tier Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
13.4.Corporate Consumer - Small Scale Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
14.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Company Size X Functional Attribute
14.1.Large Enterprise Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
14.2.Mid-Tier Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
14.3.Small Scale Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
15.Gift Card Spend Analysis by Distribution Channel
15.1.Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2026
15.2.Retail Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2026
15.3.Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2026
15.4.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Online Distribution Channel - 1st Party Sales vs. 3rd Party Sales, 2020-2026
16.Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
16.1.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2017-2026
16.2.Total Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
16.3.Sales Uplift by Retail Sector
17.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
17.1.Retail Consumer - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2017-2026
17.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
18.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
18.1.Corporate Consumer - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2017-2026
18.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
19.Closed Loop Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Top Retailers





Report Description

Gift card market in 2021 was driven a wide range of factors, which supported growth across retail and corporate segments. The primary factors included growth of ecommerce, increased adoption to incentivize employees working remotely, digital gifting, and initiatives undertaken by government, hospitality, and travel industries to revive growth. Though the gift card market was impacted due to COVID-19, the market is expected to bounce back in the coming quarters, especially in H1 2022.

Gift card industry in Global has done well to withstand the impact of economic slowdown along with negative business and consumer sentiment due to disruption caused by Covid-19 outbreak.

Historically, the gift card market in Global has recorded a steady growth with a CAGR of 9.1% during 2016-2020. According to PayNXT360’s Q4 2021 Global Gift Card Survey, gift card industry in the country is expected to grow by 0.0% on annual basis to reach US$ 487305.6 million in 2022.

Despite near-term challenges in 2022, medium to long term growth story of gift cards in Global remains strong. The gift card industry in Global is expected to grow steadily in H1 2022 and record a strong growth in H2 2022. The growth momentum is expected to continue to grow over the forecast period, recording a CAGR of 9.0% during 2022-2026. The gift card market in the country will increase from US$ 441090.5 million in 2021 to reach US$ 688357.0 million by 2026.

Globally, gift card companies are targeting niche areas to expand their businesses. Moreover, due to prolonged lockdown in many parts of the world, the supply chain disruption has created a shortage of gift items, which ultimately pushed consumers to go for digital gift cards.

Emerging markets outperformed when it comes to the contribution in the global gift cards market value in 2021. Countries such as China, India, Singapore experienced substantial growth in terms of demand and product launches.

Despite many socio-economic challenges, the United States market contributed substantially to the global gift card market’s growth. PayNXT360 expects fintech companies based in the United States to expand their businesses in the emerging markets to grab more market share in a short to medium-term perspective.

Global gift card players are launching their services in China to expand consumer base

As the demand for gift cards continues to grow in China, global gift cards players are also considering to launch their services in the country and gaining market share for themselves in the largest internet economy. For instance,

• In October 2021, Prezzee, an Australia-based gift card firm, announced its expansion plan outside of Australia, the United States, and Europe, where it currently operates. The company is also planning a public issue in Australia and considering broadening its growth plan. According to the company, it intends to launch the company’s services in China and other Asian countries. In Australia, the firm is projected to process more than AUD$1 billion in corporate and retail cards in its 2022 fiscal year.

Gift card retailers allow consumers to purchase gift cards using cryptocurrencies in the United Kingdom

In the midst of the growing adoption of cryptocurrencies among consumers in the country, gift card retailers are also innovating with their services by offering consumers a variety of different payment options, including cryptocurrencies. For instance,

• In November 2021, UK-based online gift card retailer, Giftchill, announced that the firm had added new payment options for consumers to purchase gift cards with cryptocurrencies. Notably, the firm is accepting Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and USD Coin, among others, as a payment method for gift card purchases in the United Kingdom.
• According to Giftchill, once the gift card purchase is completed through the use of a crypto payment method, consumers receive the gift card code instantly to their email address.

With supply chain crisis leading to product shortages, gift cards are expected to lift retail sales in the United States

In the United States, the economy is hamstrung by all types of supply chain issues; gift cards are expected to lift retail sales in the next four to six quarters.
With the Covid-19 induced lockdown and movement restrictions, the digital gift card segment saw a substantial boost throughout 2021 and is expected to continue its upward trajectory in 2022.

Notably, retailers are also playing an integral part in the overall growth of the United States gift card industry. Merchants are increasingly pushing the use of gift cards to attract new customers and to boost shopping past the December holiday season into dull periods of January and February.

Payment technology firms are launching innovative gift card platforms for consumers in Brazil

As more and more consumers are shifting towards digital payment methods such as gift cards, payment technology companies are launching innovative gift card platforms for consumers in Brazil. For instance,

• In April 2021, InComm Payments, a payments firm, announced the launch of its full-service gift card mall, The new platform will allow consumers in Brazil to select and shop from a wide range of innovative gift cards. Moreover, the platform also allows consumers to send gift cards directly to friends and families through digital channels such as emails.
• The platform offers gift cards from more than 100 brands across categories such as restaurant, entertainment, sports, home goods, and travel brands. For further enhancing the user experience, InComm Payments gift cards powered by American Express, Visa, and MasterCard are also loadable into mobile wallets such as Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Samsung Pay, thereby making it much easier and secure for consumers to make purchases anywhere, anytime.

Such innovative gift cards solution and value-added services offered by gift card providers are driving the growth of the industry in Brazil and are expected to continue to drive market growth over the next four to eight quarters.

Increasing product launches expected to further boost gift card adoption among consumers in the UAE

As the popularity of gift cards among consumers continues to rise, several new product launches have happened over the last few quarters in the UAE. In October 2021, YouGotaGift, one of the leading digital gift card providers in the country, announced the launch of new gift card products for The Blue Salon and Kunooz.

With hundreds of thousands of Indians residing in the United Arab Emirates, YouGotaGift also launched Kalyan Jewellers gift cards during the Diwali Celebration week in November 2021. As the popularity of gift cards continues to grow in the country, PayNXT360 expects more product launches over the next four to eight quarters. This will subsequently assist the growth of the gift card market in the UAE from the short to medium-term perspective.

This title from PayNXT360 a bundled offering, comprising 1 global, 5 regional and 20 country reports.

Global Report – Global America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Regional Report 1 – North America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 2 - Europe Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 3 – Latin America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 4 – Middle East & Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 5 – Asia Pacific Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Country Report 1 - Argentina Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 2 - Australia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 3 - Brazil Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 4 - Canada Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 5 - China Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 6 - France Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 7 - Germany Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 8 - India Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 9 - Indonesia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 10 - Italy Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 11 - Kenya Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 12 - Mexico Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 13 - Nigeria Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 14 - Philippines Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 15 - Russia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 16 - South Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 17 - Thailand Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 18 - United Arab Emirates Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 19 - United Kingdom Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 20 - United States Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Databooks included in this bundled offering provide a detailed data centric analysis of gift cards and corporate incentive cards market along with consumer behaviour and retail spend dynamics. With over 200 KPIs these global, regional, and country reports provide comprehensive understanding of gift and incentive card market dynamics.


This bundled offering provides the following detailed gift card market opportunity at country level

Total Spend on Gifts
• By Consumer Segment (Retail and Corporate)
• By Product Categories (13 Segments)
• By Retail Sectors (7 Segments)

Gift Card Market Size by KPIs across Consumer Segments
• Gross Load Value
• Transaction Value
• Unused Value
• Average Value Per Transaction
• Transaction Volume
• Average Value of Card Purchased
• Number of Cards

Gift Card Market Size by Consumer Segment
• Retail Consumer
• Corporate Consumer (Small Scale, Mid-Tier, Large Enterprise)

Digital Gift Card Market Size
• By Retail Consumer
• By Retail Purchase Occasion
• By Corporate Consumer
• By Corporate Purchase Occasion
• By Company Size

Gift Card Market Size by Retail Consumer
• By Functional Attribute
• By Occasion
1. Festivals & Special Celebration Days
2. Milestone Celebration
3. Self-Use
4. Other
• Value by Purchase Channel

Gift Card Spend by Consumer Behavior and Demographics
• Consumer Purchase Behaviour
• Gift Card Buyer by Age Group
• Gift Card Buyer by Income Level
• Gift Card Buyer by Gender

Gift Card Market Size by Corporate Consumer
• By Functional Attribute
• By Occasion
1. Employee Incentive
2. Sales Incentive
3. Consumer Incentive
• By Scale of Business

Gift Spend by Product Categories (Split by Retail and Corporate Consumers)
• Food & Beverage
• Health, Wellness & Beauty
• Apparel, Footwear & Accessories
• Books & Media Products
• Consumer Electronics
• Restaurants & Bars
• Toys, Kids, and Babies
• Jewelry
• Sporting Goods
• Home & Kitchen Accessories & Appliances
• Travel
• Entertainment & Gaming
• Other

Gift Card Spend by Retail Sector (Split by Retail and Corporate Consumers)
• Ecommerce & Department Stores
• Restaurants & Bars
• Supermarket, Hypermarket, Convenience Store
• Entertainment & Gaming
• Specialty Stores
• Health & Wellness
• Travel

Gift Card Spend by Distribution Channel (Split by Retail and Corporate Consumers)
• Gift Card Online Sales
• Gift Card Offline Sales
• 1st Party Sales
• 3rd Party Sales
• Sales Uplift

Closed Loop Gift Card Market Share by Key Retailers. Key Retailers Covered Include:

Cencosud SA
Carrefour SA
MercadoLibre Inc
Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia SA
Wal-Mart Stores Inc
Garbarino SA
Wesfarmers Ltd
Woolworths Ltd (Australia)
Metcash Ltd
Aldi Group
Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd
JB Hi-Fi Ltd
Apple Inc
Casino Guichard-Perrachon SA
Natura Cosméticos SA
Lojas Americanas SA
Adeo Groupe
Magazine Luiza SA
George Weston Ltd
Empire Co Ltd
Costco Wholesale Corp
Metro AG
Canadian Tire Corp Ltd
Home Depot Inc, The
Liquor Control Board of Ontario
Hudson's Bay Co
Home Hardware Stores Ltd
Best Buy Co Inc
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd Inc
Auchan Group SA
Bailian Group Co Ltd
Yonghui Superstores Group
E Leclerc
ITM Enterprises SA
Systéme U Centrale Nationale Sa
Schwarz Beteiligungs GmbH Inc
Edeka Zentral AG & Co KG
Rewe Group
dm-Drogerie Markt GmbH & Co KG
Tengelmann Group, The
Dirk Rossmann KG
Globus Holding GmbH & Co
Inter Ikea Systems BV
H&M Hennes & Mauritz AB
Flipkart Online Services Pvt Ltd
Tata Group
Future Group
Reliance Group
Aditya Birla Group
K Raheja Corp
Salim Group
Trans Retail Indonesia PT
Matahari Putra Prima Tbk PT
Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk PT
Delhaize Group Sa
Kompas Gramedia Group
Ace Hardware Corp
Coop Italia scarl
CONAD - Consorzio Nazionale Dettaglianti Scrl
Esselunga SpA
Selex Gruppo Commerciale SpA
Gruppo Eurospin
Crai Secom SpA
Organización Soriana SAB de CV
Grupo Comercial Chedraui Sa de CV
Controladora Comercial Mexicana SAB de CV
Farmacias Similares SA de CV
Corporativo Fragua Sa de CV
SM Retail Inc
Puregold Price Club Inc
Rustan Group of Cos
Seven & I Holdings Co Ltd
Hutchison Whampoa Ltd
San Miguel Corp
Magnit OAO
X5 Retail Group NV
Dixy Group OAO
Lenta OOO
M Video OAO
DNS Group
Shoprite Holdings Ltd
Pick 'n' Pay Stores Ltd
Internationale Spar Centrale BV
Woolworths Holdings Ltd (South Africa)
Tesco Plc
Central Retail Corp
Home Product Center PCL
Mall Group Co Ltd, The
Charoen Pokphand Group
Consumer Co-operative Union (CCU)
Landmark Group
Emke Group
Damas International Ltd
T Choithram & Sons
Sharaf DG LLC
Associated British Foods Plc
Next Plc
J Sainsbury Plc
TJX Cos Inc, The
Wm Morrison Supermakets Plc
Kroger Co
Target Corp
Albertson's Inc

Reasons to buy

• In-depth understanding of gift card and incentive card market dynamics: Understand market opportunity, key trends and drivers along with five-year forecast (2017-2026) for gift cards and incentive cards.

• Develop market specific strategies: Identify growth segments and target specific opportunities across consumer segments and occasions to formulate your gift cards strategy; assess market specific key trends and risks.

• Get insights into consumer attitude and behaviour: Understand changing consumer attitude and behaviour and boost ROI. Get detailed insights into retail spend through gift cards for both retail and corporate consumers.

• Get complete perspective through six essential KPIs: number of cards in circulation, load value, unused value, average purchase value, average value per transaction, and value of transactions.

• Distribution channel insights: Understand gift cards sales dynamics by channels – online vs offline and by 1st party vs 3rd party sales.


Table of Contents

This title from PayNXT360 a bundled offering, comprising 1 global, 5 regional and 20 country reports.

Global Report – Global America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Regional Report 1 – North America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 2 - Europe Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 3 – Latin America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 4 – Middle East & Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 5 – Asia Pacific Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Country Report 1 - Argentina Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 2 - Australia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 3 - Brazil Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 4 - Canada Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 5 - China Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 6 - France Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 7 - Germany Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 8 - India Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 9 - Indonesia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 10 - Italy Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 11 - Kenya Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 12 - Mexico Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 13 - Nigeria Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 14 - Philippines Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 15 - Russia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 16 - South Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 17 - Thailand Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 18 - United Arab Emirates Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 19 - United Kingdom Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 20 - United States Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

All global, regional, and country reports mentioned above will have the following tables of contents:
1.Total Gift Spend Analyzer
1.1.Total Spend on Gift by Value - Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
1.2.Total Spend on Gift by Volume - Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
1.3.Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment, 2017-2026
1.4.Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
1.5.Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
1.6.Total Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
1.7.Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
2.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Analyzer
2.1.Retail Consumer Spend on Gift - Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
2.2.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Analysis by Volume, 2017-2026
2.3.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
2.4.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
2.5.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
2.6.Retail Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
3.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Analyzer
3.1.Corporate Consumer Spend on Gift - Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
3.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Analysis by Volume, 2017-2026
3.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
3.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
3.5.Corporate Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
3.6.Corporate Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
4.Gift Card Spend Analyzer
4.1.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
4.2.Gift Card Spend Market Analysis by Transaction Value and Volume, 2017-2026
4.3.Gift Card Spend Market Analysis by Avg. Value and Unused Value, 2017-2026
4.4.Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment
4.5.Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
4.6.Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
5.Digital Gift Card Spend Analyzer
5.1.Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
5.2.Digital Gift Card Penetration by Occasion, 2017-2026
5.3.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
5.4.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
5.5.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
5.6.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
5.7.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size
5.8.Large Enterprise Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
5.9.Mid-Tier Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
5.1.Small Scale Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
6.Gift Card Spend Share by Demographics and Purchase Behaviour
6.1.Gift Card Spend Share by Age, Income, and Gender
6.2.Digital Gift Card Spend Share by Age, Income, and Gender
6.3.Gift Card Consumer Purchase Behaviour
6.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend by Company Type
7.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analyzer
7.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
7.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
7.3.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
7.4.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
8.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Functional Attribute
8.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2017-2026
8.2.Retail Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
8.3.Retail Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
8.4.Retail Consumer Average Value of Gift Card Purchased by Functional Attribute
9.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Occasion
9.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
9.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Festivals & Special Celebration Days, 2017-2026
9.3.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Milestone Celebration, 2017-2026
9.4.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Self-Use, 2017-2026
9.5.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Other, 2017-2026
10.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analyzer
10.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
10.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
10.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
10.4.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
11.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Functional Attribute
11.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2017-2026
11.2.Corporate Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
11.3.Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
11.4.Corporate Consumer Average Value of Gift Card Purchased by Functional Attribute
12.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Occasion
12.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2017-2026
12.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Employee Incentive, 2017-2026
12.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Sales / Channel Incentive, 2017-2026
12.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Consumer Incentive, 2017-2026
13.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Company Size
13.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size
13.2.Corporate Consumer - Large Enterprise Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
13.3.Corporate Consumer - Mid-Tier Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
13.4.Corporate Consumer - Small Scale Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2017-2026
14.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Company Size X Functional Attribute
14.1.Large Enterprise Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
14.2.Mid-Tier Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
14.3.Small Scale Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
15.Gift Card Spend Analysis by Distribution Channel
15.1.Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2026
15.2.Retail Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2026
15.3.Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2026
15.4.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Online Distribution Channel - 1st Party Sales vs. 3rd Party Sales, 2020-2026
16.Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
16.1.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2017-2026
16.2.Total Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
16.3.Sales Uplift by Retail Sector
17.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
17.1.Retail Consumer - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2017-2026
17.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
18.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
18.1.Corporate Consumer - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2017-2026
18.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
19.Closed Loop Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Top Retailers








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