
アジア太平洋地域におけるBuy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会 - エンドユースセクター別のBuy Now Pay Laterトレンド、オペレーションKPI、マーケットシェア、リテール製品のダイナミクス、消費者の人口統計など75以上のKPIを掲載 - 2022年第1四半期更新版

Asia Pacific Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities – 75+ KPIs on Buy Now Pay Later Trends by End-Use Sectors, Operational KPIs, Market Share, Retail Product Dynamics, and Consumer Demographics - Q1 2022 Update

レポート内容 アジア太平洋地域のBNPL決済業界は、電子商取引の普及率の上昇に加え、Covid-19感染症の発生による経済の減速の影響を受け、過去4四半期にわたって力強い成長を遂げてきました。 PayNXT360の2... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2022年1月20日 US$9,900
500 英語







アジア太平洋地域のBNPL(Buy Now, Pay Later)市場は、過去4〜6四半期で大幅な成長を記録しました。アジアには、世界でも有数のBNPL企業が集まっています。オーストラリア、インド、中国、シンガポール、インドネシア、マレーシアなどの国々では、BNPLの支払い方法に対する強い需要がありました。若い人口が多いことが主に需要と市場の成長を牽引しています。PayNXT360では、BNPLの需要が高まっていることから、短・中期的な観点から、この地域にはより多くの投資が集まるだろうと予想しています。





- 2021年9月、Zipは、5,000万米ドルを投資して、インドを拠点とするBNPLプラットフォーム「ZestMoney」の少数株主持分を取得することを発表しました。このZestMoneyへの戦略的投資は、新たな成長市場を開拓する計画の一環です。インドは若い消費者層が多く、キャッシュレス決済への関心が高まっています。その結果、電子商取引やBNPLの分野で大きな成長の可能性があります。
- 2021年12月、Latitude社は、急速に成長している東南アジアのBNPL市場での立ち上げの先陣を切るために、大手小売業者の1つであるシンガポールのHarvey Norman社との戦略的パートナーシップの締結を検討していることを発表しました。オーストラリアを拠点とするBNPLプラットフォームは、2022年に大口のBNPL向けのサービスを拡大することで、アジアでの差別化を図ります。



- 2021年11月、Afterpay Australiaは、新しいお金とライフスタイルのアプリ「Money by Afterpay」の提供開始を発表しました。これにより、360万人以上のAfterpayユーザーが、まったく新しいお金の体験にアクセスできるようになると期待されています。
- このアプリは、360万人以上のAfterpayユーザーに、まったく新しいお金の使い方を提供します。さらに、この新しいアプリでは、消費者が貯蓄と支出を1つのアプリで確認できるような様々な機能が提供されます。




- PayU社が所有するBNPL製品であるLazyPayは、インドの昨年の祝祭シーズンにクレジット需要が300%増加しました。同社は主に、食品・飲料、旅行、エンターテイメントなどのセグメントで需要が発生しました。2021年11月までの2ヶ月間で、ユーザー獲得数は70%増加しました。LazyPayは、2021年に自社プラットフォームで毎月500万件の取引を行っており、2022年末までに200万人の新規消費者を獲得することを目標としている。



- 2021年12月、アントグループ傘下の消費者金融部門は、BNPL分野での成長を後押しするために35億米ドルを調達することを発表しました。この増資により、今後数四半期の間に、国内の消費者により多くの信用供与を行うことができると発表しました。これにより、同地域における同社の市場シェアはさらに拡大することになります。


1.アジア太平洋地域Buy Now Pay Laterインサイト・ブリーフィング
2.アジア太平洋地域のBuy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
3.オーストラリア 今すぐできる有料老人ホームのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
5.インド Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)Databook
6.インドネシア Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
7.日本 Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
8.マレーシア Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
9.フィリピン Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)Databook
10.シンガポール Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
11.韓国 Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019年~2028年)データブック
12.タイ Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019年~2028年)データブック


このセットに含まれる国別レポートは、Buy Now Pay Later産業の詳細な分析を提供しています。以下は、主要な市場セグメントの概要です。

- 商品総額のトレンド分析
- 1トランザクションあたりの平均金額の傾向分析
- 取引量の推移

Buy Now Pay LaterのオペレーションKPI
- Buy Now Pay Laterの収益、2019年~2028年
- Buy Now Pay Laterの収益セグメント別シェア
- Buy Now Pay Laterのマーチャント手数料、2019年~2028年
- Buy Now Pay Later 払い損ね手数料収入、2019年~2028年
- Buy Now Pay Later 今すぐ支払う&その他の収入、2019年~2028年
- Buy Now Pay Laterのアカウント、2019年~2028年

Buy Now Pay Laterのチャネル別支出分析。市場規模と予測
- オンラインチャネル
- POSチャネル

小売店でのBuy Now Pay Later市場規模と展望
- 商品総額のトレンド分析
- 1トランザクションあたりの平均金額のトレンド分析
- 取引量のトレンド分析

ホームインプルーブメントにおけるBuy Now Pay Later。市場規模と予測
- 商品総額のトレンド分析
- 1トランザクションあたりの平均金額のトレンド分析
- 取引量のトレンド分析

レジャー・エンタテインメントにおけるBuy Now Pay Later。市場規模と予測
- 商品総額のトレンド分析
- 1トランザクションあたりの平均値のトレンド分析
- 取引量のトレンド分析

ヘルスケアとウェルネスにおけるBuy Now Pay Later。市場規模と予測
- 商品総額のトレンド分析
- 1トランザクションあたりの平均金額のトレンド分析
- 取引量のトレンド分析

Buy Now Pay Later in Other:市場規模と予測
- 商品取扱高のトレンド分析
- 1トランザクションあたりの平均金額のトレンド分析
- 取引量のトレンド分析


- Buy Now Pay Laterの市場ダイナミクスを深く理解する。市場機会と主要トレンドを予測(2019年~2028年)とともに理解します。商品総額、数量、トランザクションあたりの平均値など、必須のKPIを通じて市場ダイナミクスを理解します。

- エンドユーズセクター別の機会の洞察:エンドユーズセクター別の市場ダイナミクスを把握し、様々なエンドユーズセクターにおける新たな機会を評価します。

- 市場固有の戦略の策定。成長セグメントを特定し、BNPL戦略を策定するための特定の機会をターゲットとし、BNPL業界における市場固有のキートレンド、ドライバー、リスクを評価します。

- 消費者の意識と行動を把握する。本レポートでは、独自の調査結果をもとに、年齢、性別、所得レベル別の消費額など、主要なBuy Now Pay LaterのKPIを特定・解釈しています。



1.アジア太平洋地域Buy Now Pay Laterインサイト・ブリーフィング
2.アジア太平洋地域のBuy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
3.オーストラリア 今すぐできる有料老人ホームのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
5.インド Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)Databook
6.インドネシア Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
7.日本 Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
8.マレーシア Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
9.フィリピン Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)Databook
10.シンガポール Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
11.韓国 Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019年~2028年)データブック
12.タイ Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019年~2028年)データブック


1.1 報告書の概要
1.2 範囲
1.3 方法論

2.Buy Now Pay Later 業界の魅力
2.1 Buy Now Pay Later - 商品総価値トレンド分析、2019-2028年
2.2 Buy Now Pay Later - トランザクションあたりの平均値のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
2.3 Buy Now Pay Later - 取引量のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
2.4 Buy Now Pay Laterの主要プレイヤーによる市場シェア分析

3.Buy Now Pay LaterのオペレーションKPI
3.1 Buy Now Pay Laterの収益、2019年~2028年
3.2 Buy Now Pay Laterの収益セグメント別シェア
3.3 Buy Now Pay Laterのマーチャント手数料、2019年~2028年
3.4 Buy Now Pay Later 払い損ね手数料収入、2019年~2028年
3.5 Buy Now Pay Later 今すぐ支払う&その他の収入、2019年~2028年
3.6 Buy Now Pay Laterのアカウント、2019年~2028年

4.Buy Now Pay Laterのチャネル別支出分析
4.1 Buy Now Pay Laterのチャネル別市場シェア、2019年~2028年
4.2 Buy Now Pay Laterオンラインチャネルの市場規模と予測、2019年 - 2028年
4.3 Buy Now Pay LaterのPOSチャネルの市場規模と予測、2019年~2028年

5.Buy Now Pay Laterのエンドユーズセクター別スナップショット
5.1 Buy Now Pay Laterのエンドユーザーセクター別市場シェア - 新興市場と今後の成長展望
5.2 エンドユーズセクター別のBuy Now Pay Later売上高アップリフト
5.3 小売製品カテゴリー別の今すぐ買える有料サービスのシェア

6.小売店でのBuy Now Pay Later。市場規模と予測、2019年~2028年
6.1 Buy Now Pay Laterの小売ショッピング-商品総価値のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
6.2 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - トランザクションあたりの平均値のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
6.3 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - 取引量のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年

7.ホームインプルーブメントにおけるBuy Now Pay Later。市場規模と予測、2019年~2028年
7.1 Buy Now Pay Laterのホームインプルーブメント-商品総価値のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
7.2 Buy Now Pay Laterホームインプルーブメント - 取引単価のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
7.3 Buy Now Pay Later ホームインプルーブメント - 取引量のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年

8.レジャー・エンターテイメントにおけるBuy Now Pay Later。市場規模と予測、2019年~2028年
8.1 Buy Now Pay Laterのレジャー・エンターテイメント - 商品総価値のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
8.2 Buy Now Pay Later Leisure & Entertainment - トランザクションあたりの平均値のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
8.3 Buy Now Pay Later Leisure & Entertainment - 取引量のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年

9.ヘルスケアとウェルネスにおけるBuy Now Pay Later。市場規模と予測、2019年~2028年
9.1 Buy Now Pay Laterのヘルスケアとウェルネス-商品総価値のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
9.2 Buy Now Pay Laterのヘルスケアとウェルネス - 1トランザクションあたりの平均値のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
9.3 Buy Now Pay Laterのヘルスケアとウェルネス-取引量のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年

10.その他のセグメントのBuy Now Pay Later。市場規模と予測、2019年~2028年
10.1 Buy Now Pay Laterのその他のセグメント-商品総価値のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
10.2 Buy Now Pay Later その他のセグメント - トランザクションあたりの平均値のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年
10.3 Buy Now Pay Later その他のセグメント - 取引量のトレンド分析、2019年~2028年

11.1 PayNXT360について
11.2 関連リサーチ
11.3 PayNXT360 ナレッジセンター





Report Description

BNPL payment industry in Asia Pacific has recorded strong growth over the last four quarters, supported by increased ecommerce penetration along with impact of economic slowdown due to disruption caused by Covid-19 outbreak.

According to PayNXT360’s Q4 2021 BNPL Survey, BNPL payment industry in the region is expected to grow by 61.5% on annual basis to reach US$ 133696.8 million in 2022.

Medium to long term growth story of BNPL industry in Asia Pacific remains strong. The BNPL payment adoption is expected to grow steadily over the forecast period, recording a CAGR of 33.3% during 2022-2028. The BNPL Gross Merchandise Value in the country will increase from US$ 82806.9 million in 2021 to reach US$ 749226.9 million by 2028.

The buy now, pay later (BNPL) market in the Asia-Pacific region recorded significant growth in the last four to six quarters. Asia is home to the leading BNPL companies in the world. Countries such as Australia, India, China, Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia recorded strong demand for BNPL payment options in this period. A large young population is primarily driving the demand and market growth. PayNXT360 expects that with the rising demand for BNPL, the region will likely attract more investment in the short to medium-term perspective.

Australia is one of the leading BNPL market in this region. As more and more consumers are inclining towards BNPL services primarily due to interest-free deferred payment solutions, the market recorded significant growth in the country. With a favorable regulatory framework and the presence of the world’s leading BNPL companies, the sector is expected to attract more investment opportunities in the short to medium term.

PayNXT360 expects more B2B integrations and niche-focused BNPL offerings in the next four to six quarters. For instance, BNPL installment payment solutions for the healthcare industry to rise significantly. While there is still plenty of room for both established and emerging BNPL providers in the region, any change in the regulation is expected to impact the exponential growth that the segment experienced over the last few years.

Australian BNPL companies continue global expansion through strategic investments and partnerships

The global BNPL market is expected to grow significantly over the next four to eight quarters. To capitalize on this growing global market opportunity, Australia-based BNPL players are expanding their footprint internationally. For instance,

• In September 2021, Zip announced that the firm is investing US$50 million to acquire a minority stake in the India-based BNPL platform, ZestMoney. This strategic investment in ZestMoney is part of its plans to tap into new growth markets. India has a large young consumer base who are gravitating increasingly towards cashless payment solutions. Consequently, there is significant growth potential in the e-commerce and BNPL space.
• In December 2021, Latitude announced that the firm is looking to enter into a strategic partnership with Harvey Norman in Singapore, one of the leading retailers, to spearhead its launch in the rapidly growing Southeast Asian BNPL market. The Australia-based BNPL platform is looking to differentiate itself in Asia by expanding its services for bigger ticket BNPL in 2022.

BNPL platforms are launching innovative features to offer value-added services in Australia

As the competition in the BNPL space continues to intensify and grow in the country, firms are launching innovative features for their users to expand their value proposition. For instance,

• In November 2021, Afterpay Australia announced the launch of its new money and lifestyle app, Money by Afterpay, which is expected to provide over 3.6 million Afterpay users access to a brand-new money experience.
• The new approach to money brought innovated by Afterpay is expected to better resonate with Gen Z and millennials. Moreover, the new app will provide consumers with a host of different features that will allow them to look at their savings and spending all in one app.

PayNXT360 expects other BNPL platforms to also innovate with their feature offering over the next four to eight quarters, which will subsequently boost the popularity of BNPL products among consumers in Australia.

BNPL disbursals grow more than 100% during the festival season in India

Over the last four to eight quarters, BNPL platforms have experienced accelerated growth on the basis of widespread adoption. However, the market got a further boost during the festival season in the country, wherein several BNPL platforms reported over 100% growth in disbursals during Diwali 2021, compared to the year before. For instance,

• LazyPay, the BNPL product owned by PayU, experienced a credit demand increase of 300% over the last festive season in India. The firm mainly experienced demand in segments such as food and beverages, travel, and entertainment. Leading to November 2021, the firm also had an uptick of 70% in user acquisition over the last two months. With the firm facilitating five million transactions every month through its platform in 2021, LazyPay targets to acquire two million new consumers by the end of 2022.

Fundraising activities are rising in the Chinese BNPL market

With the expected growth in the Chinese BNPL sector over the next four to eight quarters, BNPL firms are raising funds to capitalize on the high growth potential and expanding market share. For instance,

• In December 2021, Ant Group-owned consumer finance arm announced that the firm is raising US$3.5 billion to boost its growth in the BNPL sector. Notably, the firm announced that the capital increase would allow it to advance more credit to consumers in the country over the next few quarters. This will subsequently assist the firm in further increasing its market share in the region.

PayNXT360 expects more BNPL firms to raise funding rounds in China over the next four to eight quarters, which will further intensify innovation and competition in the Chinese deferred payment industry from the short to medium-term perspective.

This title from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining the following 12 reports:
1. Asia Pacific Buy Now Pay Later Insight Brief
2. Asia Pacific Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
3. Australia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
4. China Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
5. India Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
6. Indonesia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
7. Japan Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
8. Malaysia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
9. Philippines Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
10. Singapore Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
11. South Korea Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
12. Thailand Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook


Country reports in this bundled offering provide in-depth analysis of Buy Now Pay Later industry. Below is a summary of key market segments:

BNPL Market Size and Spending Pattern
• Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis
• Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis
• Transaction Volume Trend Analysis

Buy Now Pay Later Operational KPIs
• Buy Now Pay Later Revenues, 2019 – 2028
• Buy Now Pay Later Share by Revenue Segments
• Buy Now Pay Later Merchant Commission, 2019 – 2028
• Buy Now Pay Later Missed Payment Fee Revenue, 2019 – 2028
• Buy Now Pay Later Pay Now & Other Income, 2019 – 2028
• Buy Now Pay Later Accounts, 2019 – 2028

Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Channel: Market Size and Forecast
• Online Channel
• POS Channel

Buy Now Pay Later in Retail Shopping: Market Size and Forecast
• Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis
• Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis
• Transaction Volume Trend Analysis

Buy Now Pay Later in Home Improvement: Market Size and Forecast
• Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis
• Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis
• Transaction Volume Trend Analysis

Buy Now Pay Later in Leisure & Entertainment: Market Size and Forecast
• Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis
• Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis
• Transaction Volume Trend Analysis

Buy Now Pay Later in Healthcare and Wellness: Market Size and Forecast
• Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis
• Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis
• Transaction Volume Trend Analysis

Buy Now Pay Later in Other: Market Size and Forecast
• Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis
• Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis
• Transaction Volume Trend Analysis

Reasons to buy

• In-depth Understanding of Buy Now Pay Later Market Dynamics: Understand market opportunities and key trends along with forecast (2019-2028). Understand market dynamics through essential KPIs such as Gross Merchandise Value, Volume, and Average Value Per Transaction.

• Insights into Opportunity by end-use sectors – Get market dynamics by end-use sectors to assess emerging opportunity across various end-use sectors.

• Develop Market Specific Strategies: Identify growth segments and target specific opportunities to formulate BNPL strategy; assess market specific key trends, drivers, and risks in the BNPL industry.

• Get Insights into Consumer Attitude and Behaviour: Drawing from proprietary survey results, this report identifies and interprets key Buy Now Pay Later KPIs, including spend by age, gender, and income level.


Table of Contents

This title from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining the following 12 reports:
1. Asia Pacific Buy Now Pay Later Insight Brief
2. Asia Pacific Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
3. Australia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
4. China Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
5. India Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
6. Indonesia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
7. Japan Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
8. Malaysia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
9. Philippines Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
10. Singapore Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
11. South Korea Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
12. Thailand Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook

All regional, and country reports mentioned above will have analyst comments covering the following tables of contents:

1. About this Report
1.1 Summary
1.2 Scope
1.3 Methodology

2. Buy Now Pay Later Industry Attractiveness
2.1 Buy Now Pay Later – Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.2 Buy Now Pay Later – Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.3 Buy Now Pay Later – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.4 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share Analysis by Key Players

3. Buy Now Pay Later Operational KPIs
3.1 Buy Now Pay Later Revenues, 2019 – 2028
3.2 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Revenue Segments
3.3 Buy Now Pay Later Merchant Commission, 2019 – 2028
3.4 Buy Now Pay Later Missed Payment Fee Revenue, 2019 – 2028
3.5 Buy Now Pay Later Pay Now & Other Income, 2019 – 2028
3.6 Buy Now Pay Later Accounts, 2019 – 2028

4. Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Channel
4.1 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share by Channel, 2019 – 2028
4.2 Buy Now Pay Later Online Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 – 2028
4.3 Buy Now Pay Later POS Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 – 2028

5. Buy Now Pay Later Snapshot by End-Use Sector
5.1 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share by End-Use Sector – Emerging Avenues and Future Growth Prospects
5.2 Buy Now Pay Later Sales Uplift by End-Use Sector
5.3 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Retail Product Category

6. Buy Now Pay Later in Retail Shopping: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 – 2028
6.1 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping – Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
6.2 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping – Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
6.3 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

7. Buy Now Pay Later in Home Improvement: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 – 2028
7.1 Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement – Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
7.2 Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement – Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
7.3 Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

8. Buy Now Pay Later in Leisure & Entertainment: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 – 2028
8.1 Buy Now Pay Later Leisure & Entertainment – Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
8.2 Buy Now Pay Later Leisure & Entertainment – Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
8.3 Buy Now Pay Later Leisure & Entertainment – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

9. Buy Now Pay Later in Healthcare and Wellness: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 – 2028
9.1 Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness – Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.2 Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness – Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.3 Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

10. Buy Now Pay Later in Other Segment: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 – 2028
10.1 Buy Now Pay Later Other Segment – Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
10.2 Buy Now Pay Later Other Segment – Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
10.3 Buy Now Pay Later Other Segment – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

11. Further Reading
11.1 About PayNXT360
11.2 Related Research
11.3 PayNXT360 Knowledge Center






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2024/10/08 10:26

148.90 円

163.91 円

197.75 円
