![]() 政府支出市場の概要、競合分析、2027年までの予測Government Spending Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast to 2027 政府支出市場の概要、競合分析、2027年までの予測 概要 世界の政府支出産業プロファイルは、セクター規模(2017-22年の価値、2027年の予測)を含むトップラインの定性的および定量的サマリー情報を提供しま... もっと見る
サマリー政府支出市場の概要、競合分析、2027年までの予測概要 世界の政府支出産業プロファイルは、セクター規模(2017-22年の価値、2027年の予測)を含むトップラインの定性的および定量的サマリー情報を提供します。また、主要企業の主要財務指標や同分野における競争圧力の分析も掲載しています。 主要ハイライト - 政府支出部門は、中央政府、地方政府など、あらゆるレベルの公共部門支出の総額である。国防、教育、社会保護、医療、その他のセグメントに分けられる。 - 国防分野には、すべての軍事費と民間防衛費、対外軍事援助、研究開発費、その他の国防関連支出が含まれる。 - 教育セグメントには、就学前教育、初等教育、中等教育、高等教育、レベル別に定義できない教育、補助サービス、研究開発、その他の教育関連支出をすべて含む。 - 社会保護セグメントには、疾病・障害、老齢、遺族、家族・子ども、失業、住宅、社会的排除、研究開発、その他の社会保護支出に対するすべての支出が含まれる。 - 健康セグメントには、医療製品、器具、機器、外来、病院、公衆衛生サービス、研究開発、その他の健康支出に対するすべての支出が含まれる。 - その他のセグメントには、一般公共サービス、公の秩序と安全、経済問題、環境保護、住宅・地域アメニティ、レクリエーション・文化・宗教への支出、その他の政府支出が含まれる。 - すべての市場データおよび予測は名目ベース(すなわちインフレ調整なし)で表され、本レポートの作成に使用されたすべての通貨換算は、恒常為替レート(2022年年間平均)を用いて計算されている。 - 世界の政府支出部門の2022年の支出総額は27兆7,247億ドルで、2017年から2022年の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は6.8%であった。 - 社会保護分野は2022年にこの分野で最大の割合を占め、支出総額は6兆9,940億ドルで、この分野全体の25.2%に相当する。 - 米国は、様々な政府省庁や資金の流れが関与する、世界最大のグローバル・ヘルス・プログラムの資金提供者であり実施者である。米国は、二国間プログラムや多国間関与を通じて、約70カ国でグローバル・ヘルスの課題に取り組む活動を支援している。 活動範囲 - 世界の政府支出セクターの規模、成長、主要セグメント、主要プレイヤーを特定することで、入門レベルの調査にかかる時間を節約できます。 - ファイブフォース分析を活用し、世界の政府支出セクターの競争力、ひいては魅力を判断 - 主要企業のプロフィールから、政府支出部門の主要プレイヤーのグローバル事業と財務実績の詳細を明らかにします。 - 世界の政府支出セクターの将来成長見通しを5年予測で理解することで、プレゼンテーションやピッチに重みを加える 購入の理由 - 2022年の政府支出部門の世界市場規模は? - 2027年の世界の政府支出セクターの規模は? - 世界の政府支出部門の競争力に影響を与える要因は何か? - このセクターの過去5年間の業績は? - 世界の政府支出部門を構成する主なセグメントは? 目次Table of Contents1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Market value 1.2. Market value forecast 1.3. Category segmentation 1.4. Geography segmentation 1.5. Competitive landscape 2 Introduction 2.1. What is this report about? 2.2. Who is the target reader? 2.3. How to use this report 2.4. Definitions 3 Global Government Spending 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Data 3.3. Market Segmentation 3.4. Market outlook 3.5. Five forces analysis 4 Macroeconomic Indicators 4.1. Country data 5 Government Spending in Asia-Pacific 5.1. Market Overview 5.2. Market Data 5.3. Market Segmentation 5.4. Market outlook 5.5. Five forces analysis 6 Government Spending in Europe 6.1. Market Overview 6.2. Market Data 6.3. Market Segmentation 6.4. Market outlook 6.5. Five forces analysis 7 Macroeconomic Indicators 7.1. Country data 8 Government Spending in France 8.1. Market Overview 8.2. Market Data 8.3. Market Segmentation 8.4. Market outlook 8.5. Five forces analysis 9 Macroeconomic Indicators 9.1. Country data 10 Government Spending in Germany 10.1. Market Overview 10.2. Market Data 10.3. Market Segmentation 10.4. Market outlook 10.5. Five forces analysis 11 Macroeconomic Indicators 11.1. Country data 12 Government Spending in Italy 12.1. Market Overview 12.2. Market Data 12.3. Market Segmentation 12.4. Market outlook 12.5. Five forces analysis 13 Macroeconomic Indicators 13.1. Country data 14 Government Spending in Japan 14.1. Market Overview 14.2. Market Data 14.3. Market Segmentation 14.4. Market outlook 14.5. Five forces analysis 15 Macroeconomic Indicators 15.1. Country data 16 Government Spending in Australia 16.1. Market Overview 16.2. Market Data 16.3. Market Segmentation 16.4. Market outlook 16.5. Five forces analysis 17 Macroeconomic Indicators 17.1. Country data 18 Government Spending in Canada 18.1. Market Overview 18.2. Market Data 18.3. Market Segmentation 18.4. Market outlook 18.5. Five forces analysis 19 Macroeconomic Indicators 19.1. Country data 20 Government Spending in China 20.1. Market Overview 20.2. Market Data 20.3. Market Segmentation 20.4. Market outlook 20.5. Five forces analysis 21 Macroeconomic Indicators 21.1. Country data 22 Government Spending in The Netherlands 22.1. Market Overview 22.2. Market Data 22.3. Market Segmentation 22.4. Market outlook 22.5. Five forces analysis 23 Macroeconomic Indicators 23.1. Country data 24 Government Spending in Spain 24.1. Market Overview 24.2. Market Data 24.3. Market Segmentation 24.4. Market outlook 24.5. Five forces analysis 25 Macroeconomic Indicators 25.1. Country data 26 Government Spending in The United Kingdom 26.1. Market Overview 26.2. Market Data 26.3. Market Segmentation 26.4. Market outlook 26.5. Five forces analysis 27 Macroeconomic Indicators 27.1. Country data 28 Government Spending in The United States 28.1. Market Overview 28.2. Market Data 28.3. Market Segmentation 28.4. Market outlook 28.5. Five forces analysis 29 Macroeconomic Indicators 29.1. Country data 30 Company Profiles 30.1. Lockheed Martin Corp 30.2. General Dynamics Corporation 30.3. China State Construction Engineering Corp Ltd 30.4. Larsen & Toubro Limited 30.5. GS Engineering & Construction Corp 30.6. Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd 30.7. Skanska AB 30.8. SNCF Group 30.9. Thales SA 30.10. Vinci SA 30.11. Veolia Environnement S.A. 30.12. Deutsche Bahn AG 30.13. Deutsche Telekom AG 30.14. Rheinmetall AG 30.15. HOCHTIEF AG 30.16. Webuild SpA 30.17. Astaris SpA 30.18. Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE SpA 30.19. Leonardo S.p.A. 30.20. Kajima Corporation 30.21. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 30.22. Obayashi Corp 30.23. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation 30.24. ASC Pty Ltd 30.25. BAE Systems Australia Ltd 30.26. Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd 30.27. Decmil Group Ltd 30.28. JD Irving Ltd 30.29. Extendicare Inc. 30.30. Honeywell International Inc. 30.31. Aviation Industry Corp of China Ltd 30.32. China National Petroleum Corporation 30.33. China South Industries Group Corp 30.34. Royal BAM Group nv 30.35. Royal Volker Wessels Stevin NV 30.36. NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen 30.37. Airbus SE. 30.38. Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 30.39. Ferrovial Construction 30.40. General Dynamics European Land Systems Group 30.41. Indra Sistemas, S.A. 30.42. Balfour Beatty plc 30.43. BAE Systems Inc 30.44. Capita plc 30.45. Network Rail Limited 30.46. McKesson Corporation 30.47. RTX Corporation 31 Appendix 31.1. Methodology 31.2. About MarketLine 図表リストList of TablesTable 1: Global government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 2: Global government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 3: Global government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 4: Global government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 5: Global government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 6: Global size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 7: Global gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 8: Global gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 9: Global inflation, 2018-22 Table 10: Global consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 11: Global exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 12: Asia-Pacific government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 13: Asia-Pacific government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 14: Asia-Pacific government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 15: Asia-Pacific government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 16: Asia-Pacific government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 17: Europe government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 18: Europe government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 19: Europe government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 20: Europe government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 21: Europe government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 22: Europe size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 23: Europe gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 24: Europe gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 25: Europe inflation, 2018-22 Table 26: Europe consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 27: Europe exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 28: France government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 29: France government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 30: France government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 31: France government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 32: France government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 33: France size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 34: France gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 35: France gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 36: France inflation, 2018-22 Table 37: France consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 38: France exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 39: Germany government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 40: Germany government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 41: Germany government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 42: Germany government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 43: Germany government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 44: Germany size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 45: Germany gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 46: Germany gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 47: Germany inflation, 2018-22 Table 48: Germany consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 49: Germany exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 50: Italy government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 51: Italy government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 52: Italy government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 53: Italy government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 54: Italy government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 55: Italy size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 56: Italy gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 57: Italy gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 58: Italy inflation, 2018-22 Table 59: Italy consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 60: Italy exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 61: Japan government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 62: Japan government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 63: Japan government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 64: Japan government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 65: Japan government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 66: Japan size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 67: Japan gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 68: Japan gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 69: Japan inflation, 2018-22 Table 70: Japan consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 71: Japan exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 72: Australia government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 73: Australia government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 74: Australia government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 75: Australia government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 76: Australia government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 77: Australia size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 78: Australia gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 79: Australia gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 80: Australia inflation, 2018-22 Table 81: Australia consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 82: Australia exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 83: Canada government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 84: Canada government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 85: Canada government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 86: Canada government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 87: Canada government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 88: Canada size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 89: Canada gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 90: Canada gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 91: Canada inflation, 2018-22 Table 92: Canada consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 93: Canada exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 94: China government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 95: China government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 96: China government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 97: China government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 98: China government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 99: China size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 100: China gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 101: China gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 102: China inflation, 2018-22 Table 103: China consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 104: China exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 105: Netherlands government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22
SummaryGovernment Spending Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast to 2027 Table of ContentsTable of Contents1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Market value 1.2. Market value forecast 1.3. Category segmentation 1.4. Geography segmentation 1.5. Competitive landscape 2 Introduction 2.1. What is this report about? 2.2. Who is the target reader? 2.3. How to use this report 2.4. Definitions 3 Global Government Spending 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Data 3.3. Market Segmentation 3.4. Market outlook 3.5. Five forces analysis 4 Macroeconomic Indicators 4.1. Country data 5 Government Spending in Asia-Pacific 5.1. Market Overview 5.2. Market Data 5.3. Market Segmentation 5.4. Market outlook 5.5. Five forces analysis 6 Government Spending in Europe 6.1. Market Overview 6.2. Market Data 6.3. Market Segmentation 6.4. Market outlook 6.5. Five forces analysis 7 Macroeconomic Indicators 7.1. Country data 8 Government Spending in France 8.1. Market Overview 8.2. Market Data 8.3. Market Segmentation 8.4. Market outlook 8.5. Five forces analysis 9 Macroeconomic Indicators 9.1. Country data 10 Government Spending in Germany 10.1. Market Overview 10.2. Market Data 10.3. Market Segmentation 10.4. Market outlook 10.5. Five forces analysis 11 Macroeconomic Indicators 11.1. Country data 12 Government Spending in Italy 12.1. Market Overview 12.2. Market Data 12.3. Market Segmentation 12.4. Market outlook 12.5. Five forces analysis 13 Macroeconomic Indicators 13.1. Country data 14 Government Spending in Japan 14.1. Market Overview 14.2. Market Data 14.3. Market Segmentation 14.4. Market outlook 14.5. Five forces analysis 15 Macroeconomic Indicators 15.1. Country data 16 Government Spending in Australia 16.1. Market Overview 16.2. Market Data 16.3. Market Segmentation 16.4. Market outlook 16.5. Five forces analysis 17 Macroeconomic Indicators 17.1. Country data 18 Government Spending in Canada 18.1. Market Overview 18.2. Market Data 18.3. Market Segmentation 18.4. Market outlook 18.5. Five forces analysis 19 Macroeconomic Indicators 19.1. Country data 20 Government Spending in China 20.1. Market Overview 20.2. Market Data 20.3. Market Segmentation 20.4. Market outlook 20.5. Five forces analysis 21 Macroeconomic Indicators 21.1. Country data 22 Government Spending in The Netherlands 22.1. Market Overview 22.2. Market Data 22.3. Market Segmentation 22.4. Market outlook 22.5. Five forces analysis 23 Macroeconomic Indicators 23.1. Country data 24 Government Spending in Spain 24.1. Market Overview 24.2. Market Data 24.3. Market Segmentation 24.4. Market outlook 24.5. Five forces analysis 25 Macroeconomic Indicators 25.1. Country data 26 Government Spending in The United Kingdom 26.1. Market Overview 26.2. Market Data 26.3. Market Segmentation 26.4. Market outlook 26.5. Five forces analysis 27 Macroeconomic Indicators 27.1. Country data 28 Government Spending in The United States 28.1. Market Overview 28.2. Market Data 28.3. Market Segmentation 28.4. Market outlook 28.5. Five forces analysis 29 Macroeconomic Indicators 29.1. Country data 30 Company Profiles 30.1. Lockheed Martin Corp 30.2. General Dynamics Corporation 30.3. China State Construction Engineering Corp Ltd 30.4. Larsen & Toubro Limited 30.5. GS Engineering & Construction Corp 30.6. Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd 30.7. Skanska AB 30.8. SNCF Group 30.9. Thales SA 30.10. Vinci SA 30.11. Veolia Environnement S.A. 30.12. Deutsche Bahn AG 30.13. Deutsche Telekom AG 30.14. Rheinmetall AG 30.15. HOCHTIEF AG 30.16. Webuild SpA 30.17. Astaris SpA 30.18. Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE SpA 30.19. Leonardo S.p.A. 30.20. Kajima Corporation 30.21. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 30.22. Obayashi Corp 30.23. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation 30.24. ASC Pty Ltd 30.25. BAE Systems Australia Ltd 30.26. Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd 30.27. Decmil Group Ltd 30.28. JD Irving Ltd 30.29. Extendicare Inc. 30.30. Honeywell International Inc. 30.31. Aviation Industry Corp of China Ltd 30.32. China National Petroleum Corporation 30.33. China South Industries Group Corp 30.34. Royal BAM Group nv 30.35. Royal Volker Wessels Stevin NV 30.36. NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen 30.37. Airbus SE. 30.38. Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 30.39. Ferrovial Construction 30.40. General Dynamics European Land Systems Group 30.41. Indra Sistemas, S.A. 30.42. Balfour Beatty plc 30.43. BAE Systems Inc 30.44. Capita plc 30.45. Network Rail Limited 30.46. McKesson Corporation 30.47. RTX Corporation 31 Appendix 31.1. Methodology 31.2. About MarketLine List of Tables/GraphsList of TablesTable 1: Global government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 2: Global government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 3: Global government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 4: Global government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 5: Global government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 6: Global size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 7: Global gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 8: Global gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 9: Global inflation, 2018-22 Table 10: Global consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 11: Global exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 12: Asia-Pacific government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 13: Asia-Pacific government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 14: Asia-Pacific government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 15: Asia-Pacific government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 16: Asia-Pacific government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 17: Europe government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 18: Europe government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 19: Europe government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 20: Europe government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 21: Europe government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 22: Europe size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 23: Europe gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 24: Europe gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 25: Europe inflation, 2018-22 Table 26: Europe consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 27: Europe exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 28: France government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 29: France government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 30: France government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 31: France government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 32: France government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 33: France size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 34: France gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 35: France gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 36: France inflation, 2018-22 Table 37: France consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 38: France exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 39: Germany government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 40: Germany government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 41: Germany government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 42: Germany government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 43: Germany government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 44: Germany size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 45: Germany gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 46: Germany gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 47: Germany inflation, 2018-22 Table 48: Germany consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 49: Germany exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 50: Italy government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 51: Italy government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 52: Italy government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 53: Italy government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 54: Italy government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 55: Italy size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 56: Italy gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 57: Italy gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 58: Italy inflation, 2018-22 Table 59: Italy consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 60: Italy exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 61: Japan government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 62: Japan government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 63: Japan government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 64: Japan government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 65: Japan government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 66: Japan size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 67: Japan gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 68: Japan gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 69: Japan inflation, 2018-22 Table 70: Japan consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 71: Japan exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 72: Australia government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 73: Australia government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 74: Australia government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 75: Australia government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 76: Australia government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 77: Australia size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 78: Australia gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 79: Australia gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 80: Australia inflation, 2018-22 Table 81: Australia consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 82: Australia exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 83: Canada government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 84: Canada government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 85: Canada government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 86: Canada government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 87: Canada government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 88: Canada size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 89: Canada gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 90: Canada gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 91: Canada inflation, 2018-22 Table 92: Canada consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 93: Canada exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 94: China government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 95: China government spending sector category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022 Table 96: China government spending sector category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 97: China government spending sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 98: China government spending sector value forecast: $ billion, 2022-27 Table 99: China size of population (million), 2018-22 Table 100: China gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 101: China gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22 Table 102: China inflation, 2018-22 Table 103: China consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22 Table 104: China exchange rate, 2018-22 Table 105: Netherlands government spending sector value: $ billion, 2017-22
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