
迫撃砲システムと弾薬 - 2032年までの市場と技術予測

Mortar Systems and Ammunition - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032

地域別、迫撃砲システム口径別、迫撃砲システム機動性別、迫撃砲弾薬口径別の市場予測国別分析、市場と技術の概要、影響と機会分析、主要企業プロフィール   レポート概要 迫撃砲兵器シ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 冊子体+電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Market Forecast
2023年11月27日 Eur3,995
143 英語













  • 概要:この調査レポートは、2024-2032年の軍事市場における迫撃砲システムと弾薬技術のスナップショットを掲載し、需要促進要因、動向、課題のハイライトを掲載しています。また、地域やセグメントに関する支出スナップショットを提供し、新技術の出現に光を当てています。
  • 市場ダイナミクス:迫撃砲システムと弾薬市場の技術開発に関する洞察と、世界各国政府の嗜好の変化に関する詳細な分析。また、業界構造の変化傾向や業界参加者が直面する課題についても分析しています。
  • セグメント分析:各種システム市場をセグメント別に洞察し、各セグメントにおける市場影響要因を詳細に分析。
  • 地域レビュー:地域内の上位国の近代化パターンと予算配分に関する洞察。
  • 地域分析:地域別の視点からシステム市場を洞察し、各地域の市場に影響を与える要因を詳細に分析。
  • 影響分析:特定の出来事がミサイル市場にどのような影響を与えるかについての分析。これにより、どの要因が予測にとって重要であるかがわかる。
  • 主要プログラム分析:予測期間中に実施されると予想される各セグメントにおけるトッププログラムの詳細。
  • 競争環境分析:この業界の競争状況の分析。主要提携、戦略的イニシアティブ、SWOT分析などの洞察とともに、主要企業の概要を提供しています。




  • 北米
  • ヨーロッパ
  • アジア太平洋
  • 中東・アフリカ
  • 南米


  • 60mm
  • 81mm / 82mm
  • 98mm / 120mm / 240mm


  • グラウンド
  • 車両/プラットフォーム
  • デュアル


  • 60mm
  • 81mm / 82mm
  • 98mm / 107mm / 120mm / 240mm


  • 迫撃砲システムを構成する要素とその使用方法について洞察し、迫撃砲システムと弾薬の長所を際立たせるこれらの要素を、浮遊弾と比較する。
  • 市場を形成する需要促進要因、業界動向、最新技術開発の観点から市場を理解する。
  • 迫撃砲システムの徘徊弾や榴弾砲に対する優位性を比較することで、メーカーや事業開発者が他の利害関係者と対話する際に必要な論拠を提供する。
  • 国防支出、運用要件、メーカーが直面する課題など、市場に影響を与えるその他の要因について深く理解する。
  • 市場に影響を与える破壊的要因とテクノロジー・イネーブラーについて概説し、変化の激しいこの領域において、それらがどのようにチャンスになり得るかを説明する。
  • 市場で利用可能な機会を特定する。



1 はじめに
1.1 範囲
1.2 定義
1.3 方法論
1.4 この調査から恩恵を受けるのは誰か?

2 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
2.1 傾向と洞察
2.2 主な調査結果
2.3 主要な結論

3 技術と開発
3.1 技術概要
3.2 迫撃砲システムの構成要素、設計、および将来技術
3.2.1 迫撃砲発射管
3.2.2 ベースプレートとバイポッド
3.2.3 光学、火器管制、照準杭
3.2.4 弾薬
3.3 その他の検討課題
3.4 間接火器の比較
3.4.1 迫撃砲対榴弾砲
3.4.2 迫撃砲 vs 旋回砲

4 市場概要
4.1 はじめに
4.2 迫撃砲システム市場の地域別予測期間数量分布
4.3 ウクライナ戦争の影響
4.4 主要地域の迫撃砲システムおよび迫撃砲弾薬防衛産業
4.4.1 米国
4.4.2 欧州
4.4.3 NATO
4.4.4 ロシア
5 市場分析と予測要因
5.1 市場セグメンテーション
5.2 推進要因
5.3 トレンド
5.4 機会
5.5 課題
6 国別分析
6.1 Israel
6.2 Ukraine
6.3 USA

7 2032年までの世界および地域市場予測
7.1 はじめに
7.2 迫撃砲システム市場 地域別概要
7.3 迫撃砲システム市場の地域別口径
7.3.1 北米迫撃砲システム市場:口径別
7.3.2 欧州迫撃砲システム市場:口径別
7.3.3 アジア太平洋地域の迫撃砲システム市場:口径別
7.3.4 ME&A地域の口径別迫撃砲システム市場
7.3.5 2032年までのラタム地域の迫撃砲システム市場(口径別
7.3.6 機会分析
7.4 迫撃砲システムの地域別移動度
7.4.1 北米迫撃砲システム市場:機動性別
7.4.2 欧州迫撃砲システム市場:機動性別
7.4.3 アジア太平洋地域の迫撃砲システム市場:機動性別
7.4.4 中東・アフリカ迫撃砲システム市場:移動性別
7.4.5 中南米の迫撃砲システム市場:機動性別

8 2032年までの迫撃砲システム市場予測:口径別
8.1 はじめに
8.2 迫撃砲システムキャリバー別市場概観
8.3 迫撃砲システムキャリバー別市場(モビリティ別
8.3.1 地上迫撃砲システム口径別市場
8.3.2 車載迫撃砲システム口径別市場
8.3.3 デュアル迫撃砲システム口径別市場
8.4 口径別地域迫撃砲システム市場
8.4.1 小口径迫撃砲システム地域別市場
8.4.2 中口径迫撃砲システム地域別市場
8.4.3 大口径迫撃砲システム地域別市場
8.5 機会分析

9 2032年までのモビリティ別市場予測
9.1 はじめに
9.2 口径別迫撃砲システム市場概観
9.3 移動度別迫撃砲システム市場
9.3.1 地上迫撃砲システム市場の口径
9.3.2 車両搭載型迫撃砲システム市場口径
9.3.3 デュアルモビリティ(地上・車両)迫撃砲システム市場口径
9.4 迫撃砲システムの地域別機動性市場
9.4.1 地域別地上迫撃砲システム市場
9.4.2 車両搭載型迫撃砲システム地域別市場
9.4.3 デュアルマウント迫撃砲システム地域別市場
9.5 機会分析

10 2032年までの迫撃砲弾薬市場予測
10.1 はじめに
10.2 迫撃砲弾薬の市場概観
10.3 迫撃砲弾薬市場の予測
10.3.1 迫撃砲弾薬の地域別市場
10.3.2 口径別迫撃砲弾薬市場

11 影響分析

12 主要企業

12.1 Aselsan
12.1.1 はじめに
12.1.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.1.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.1.4 SWOT Analysis
12.2 BAE Systems
12.2.1 はじめに
12.2.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.2.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.2.4 Recent developments and contracts
12.2.5 SWOT Analysis
12.3 China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO)
12.3.1 はじめに
12.3.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.3.3 SWOT Analysis
12.4 Elbit Systems
12.4.1 はじめに
12.4.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.4.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.4.4 SWOT Analysis
12.5 Hirtenberger Defence Systems (HDS)
12.5.1 はじめに
12.5.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.5.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.5.4 SWOT Analysis
12.6 MKE (Makine ve Kimya Endustrisi)
12.6.1 はじめに
12.6.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.6.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.6.4 SWOT Analysis
12.7 PGZ Group - Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. (HSW S.A.)
12.7.1 はじめに
12.7.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.7.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.7.4 SWOT Analysis
12.8 Rheinmetall Group (Rheinmetall AG) ? EXPAL Systems
12.8.1 はじめに
12.8.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.8.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.8.4 SWOT Analysis
AA 12.9 Thales
12.9.1 はじめに
12.9.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.9.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.9.4 SWOT Analysis

13 結果と結論

14 市場予測について

14.1 概要
14.2 お問い合わせ
14.3 免責事項
14.4 ライセンス




図3:M-224 60mm迫撃砲弾、フィンの真上に推進剤リングがある。
図4:軽歩兵部隊で使用されているL119 105mm榴弾砲。
   下はUVision Heroの発射装置を搭載したOshkosh JLTV。
図10:フランス陸軍MO-120 RT 120mm曳光迫撃砲システム
図15: 迫撃砲システムの世界市場 [%] (%)
図17: 2032年までの北米迫撃砲システム市場:口径別[百万米ドル]
図 20:口径別 2032 年までの欧州迫撃砲システム市場[%] (200 万ドル
図 21:アジア太平洋地域の 2032 年までの迫撃砲システム市場予測(口径別)[億米ドル
図 22:アジア太平洋地域の 2032 年までの迫撃砲システム市場予測(口径別)[%]
図 23:中東およびアフリカの迫撃砲システム市場予測(口径別)
図 24:中東およびアフリカ迫撃砲システム市場の 2032 年までの予測:口径別 [%]
図 23:中東およびアフリカ迫撃砲システム市場の 2032 年までの予測:口径別 [US$ bn
図 26:ラタムの2032年までの迫撃砲システム市場:口径別[%](日本
図 27:2032年までの北米迫撃砲システム市場:移動度[米ドル]
図 28:2032年までの北米迫撃砲システム市場:機動性[%]別
図 29:2032年までのヨーロッパ迫撃砲システム市場:移動度 [USドル]
図 30:2032年までのヨーロッパ迫撃砲システム市場:移動性[%]別
図 32:2032年までの中東・アフリカ迫撃砲システム市場:移動性[百万米ドル]
図 33:2032年までの中東・アフリカ迫撃砲システム市場:機動性[百万米ドル]
図 34:ラタムの 2032 年までの迫撃砲システム市場:機動性[百万米ドル]
図 35:ラタムの2032年までの迫撃砲システム市場:機動性[%]別
図 37:2032年までの迫撃砲システム市場:口径別[%](日本
図 38:2032年までの迫撃砲システム市場:機動性 [百万米ドル]
図 39:2032年までの迫撃砲システム市場:機動性[%]別
図 40:2032年までの地上迫撃砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 41:2032年までの地上迫撃砲システム市場:口径別[%](日本
図 42:2032 年までの車両搭載型迫撃砲システム(口径別)[百万ドル
図 43:2032 年までの二重迫撃砲システム:口径別[百万ドル]
図 44:2032年までのデュアル迫撃砲システム(口径別]
図 45:2032 年までの小口径迫撃砲システム地域別市場[百万米ドル]
図 46:2032年までの小口径迫撃砲システム地域別市場[%](単位:百万ドル
図 47:2032 年までの中口径迫撃砲システム地域別市場[百万米ドル]
図 48:2032年までの中口径迫撃砲システム地域別市場[%](単位:百万ドル
図 49:2032 年までの大口径迫撃砲システム地域別市場[百万米ドル]
図 50: 2032 年までの大口径迫撃砲システム地域別市場[%](単位:百万ドル
図 51:大口径迫撃砲システム市場:口径別CAGR
図 52:2032 年までの迫撃砲システム市場:口径別 [US$ mil.]
図 53:2032年までの迫撃砲システム市場:口径別[%] (%)
図 54:2032 年までの地上迫撃砲システム市場:口径別 [US$ mil.]
図 55:2032年までの地上迫撃砲システム市場:口径別[百万米ドル]
図 56:2032 年までの車両搭載型迫撃砲システム口径別市場[百万米ドル]
図 57:2032 年までの車両搭載型迫撃砲システム市場:口径別[%](単位:百万ドル
図 58:2032 年までの二重機動性迫撃砲システム(口径別)[百万ドル
図 59:2032 年までの二重機動性迫撃砲システム(口径別]
図 61:2032年までの車両搭載型迫撃砲システム:地域別[百万米ドル]
図 62:2032年までの車両搭載型迫撃砲システムの地域別比率[%](単位:百万ドル
図 65:2032 年までの迫撃砲弾薬の世界市場:地域別 [%表示]
図 66:2032 年までの迫撃砲弾薬の世界市場:口径別 [US$ mil.]
図 67:2032 年までの迫撃砲弾薬の世界市場:口径別 [%(%表示]
図 68:2032 年までの北米の迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別 [US$ mil.]
図 69:2032 年までの北米の迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別 [%(%表示]
図 70:欧州の 2032 年までの迫撃砲弾薬市場(口径別)[百万米ドル
図 71:2032 年までの欧州の迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別 [%(%表示]
図 72:2032 年までのアジア太平洋地域の迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別 [US$ mil.]
図 73:2032 年までのアジア太平洋地域の迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別 [%(%表示]
図 74:2032 年までの中東・アフリカ迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 75:2032 年までの中東・アフリカ迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別 [US$ mil.]
図 76:2032 年までの中南米の迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別 [US$ mil.]
図 77:中南米の 2032 年までの迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別 [%](億米ドル
表15:中東・アフリカの2032年までの迫撃砲システム市場:移動度[US$ mil.]
表 19:口径別 2032 年までの地上迫撃砲システム市場[百万米ドル]
表 20:口径別 2032 年までの車両搭載迫撃砲システム市場[百万米ドル]
表 21:口径別 2032 年までの二重迫撃砲システム[百万米ドル]
表 25:2032年までの迫撃砲システム市場:口径別[百万米ドル]
表 26:2032年までの地上迫撃砲システム市場:口径別【百万米ドル
表 27:2032年までの車両搭載型迫撃砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
表 28:2032年までの二重機動性迫撃砲システム市場:口径別[百万米ドル]
表 29:2032年までの地上迫撃砲システム:地域別[百万米ドル]
表 30:2032年までの車両搭載型迫撃砲システム(地域別)[百万米ドル
表 31:2032年までのデュアルマウント迫撃砲システム:地域別[百万米ドル]
表 32:2032年までの地域別迫撃砲弾薬市場[百万米ドル]
表 33:2032年までの迫撃砲弾薬世界地域別市場[百万米ドル]
表 35:2032年までの北米迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別【百万米ドル
表 36:2032年までの欧州迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別[百万米ドル]
表 37:2032年までのアジア太平洋地域の迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別[百万米ドル]
表 38:2032年までの中東・アフリカ迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別[百万米ドル]
表 39:2032年までの中南米迫撃砲弾薬市場:口径別【百万米ドル
表 40:アゼルサン社のSWOT分析
表 41:BAEシステム社SWOT分析
表43:エルビット・システムズ社 SWOT分析
表44:Hirtenberger Defence Systems 社 SWOT 分析
表 45:MKE社 SWOT分析
表 47:ラインメタル社 SWOT分析
表 48: ラインメタル社タレス社 SWOT分析





Market forecasts by Region, Mortar System Calibre, Mortar System Mobility, and Mortar Ammunition Calibre. Country Analysis, Market and Technology Overview, Impact and Opportunity Analysis, and Leading Company Profiles


Report Description

The main features of mortar weapon systems have remained the same for almost a century and probably that makes them less appealing compared to other areas of the defence market. However, they are gaining a renewed interest due to their integration on armoured and light vehicles, to provide networked operations, mobility and protection against threats found in high-intensity warfare environments.

The combined mortar systems and ammunition market are projected to grow to US$25.67 billion by 2032, with a CAGR of close to 3%.
Despite the competition they face from loitering munition, which are extensively used in Ukraine, mortar systems and ammunition will continue to be an important asset in modern warfare.

The ammunition market itself is undergoing a period of fundamental changes due to the amount of ammunition used in Ukraine, which stressed the lack of preparedness on behalf of major industrial players to address the intense requirements of a large-scale conventional warfare.

Countries, organizations, and the EU are investing political and economic capital to quickly shift production and assets towards the war effort. Despite the cooperative effort and strong cooperation in certain cases, states tend to maintain independent production lines of mortar systems and ammunition as national interest is always at the core of their economic and defence policy planning.

Although the industrial consolidation will be a challenge, both NATO and the EU, or countries with common interests, still have an incentive to cooperate through common procurement. Offering the opportunity for economies of scale and long-term investment, joint procurement can increase the viability of industries and shield them from the economic and political risks that lie ahead.


Covered in this report

  • Overview: Snapshot of the mortar systems and ammunition technologies in the military market during 2024-2032, including highlights of the demand drivers, trends, and challenges. It also provides a snapshot of the spending with respect to regions as well as segments and sheds light on the emergence of new technologies.
  • Market Dynamics: Insights into the technological developments in the mortar systems and ammunition markets and a detailed analysis of the changing preferences of governments around the world. It also analyses changing industry structure trends and the challenges faced by the industry participants.
  • Segment Analysis: Insights into the various systems market from a segmental perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each segment.
  • Regional Review: Insights into modernization patterns and budgetary allocation for top countries within a region.
  • Regional Analysis: Insights into the systems market from a regional perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each region.
  • Impact Analysis: Analysis on how certain events will impact the missiles market. This will give you an indication on which factors are important for the forecast.
  • Key Program Analysis: Details of the top programs in each segment expected to be executed during the forecast period.
  • Competitive landscape Analysis: Analysis of competitive landscape of this industry. It provides an overview of key companies, together with insights such as key alliances, strategic initiatives, and a SWOT analysis.


We have segmented the market by Region, Mortar System Calibre, Mortar System Mobility, and Mortar Ammunition Calibre.


  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Middle East & Africa
  • South America

Mortar System Calibre

  • 60mm
  • 81mm / 82mm
  • 98mm / 120mm / 240mm

Mortar System Mobility

  • Ground
  • Vehicle / Platform
  • Dual

Mortar Ammunition Calibre

  • 60mm
  • 81mm / 82mm
  • 98mm / 107mm / 120mm / 240mm

Reasons to buy

  • Insight on the elements comprising a mortar system and the ways it is used, which are then compared to the loitering munition, as these elements highlight the advantages of mortar systems and ammunition.
  • Understanding of the market in terms of demand drivers, industry trends, and the latest technological developments, which shape the market.
  • Comparison of the advantages of mortar systems against loitering munition and howitzers, which will provide the necessary arguments to manufacturers and business developers, when interacting with other stakeholders.
  • In-depth understanding of other factors affecting the market such as defence spending, operational requirements and challenges faced by manufacturers, among several others.
  • Outlining of the disruptions and the technology enablers impacting the market and how these could become an opportunity in this quick changing domain.
  • Identify opportunities available in the market.


Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Who will benefit from this study?

2 Executive Summary
2.1 Trends and Insights
2.2 Main Findings
2.3 Key Conclusions

3 Technologies and Developments
3.1 Technology overview
3.2 Mortar systems components, designs, and future technologies
3.2.1 Mortar tube
3.2.2 Baseplate and bipod
3.2.3 Optic, fire control and aiming stakes
3.2.4 Ammunition
3.3 Additional issues for consideration
3.4 Comparing indirect fire weapons
3.4.1 Mortars vs Howitzers
3.4.2 Mortars vs Loitering Munition

4 Market Overview
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Mortar systems market volumes distribution over forecast period by region
4.3 The impact of the war in Ukraine
4.4 The mortar systems and mortar ammunition defence industries in key geographic areas
4.4.1 USA
4.4.2 Europe
4.4.3 NATO
4.4.4 Russia
5 Market Analysis and Forecast Factors
5.1 Market Segmentation
5.2 Drivers
5.3 Trends
5.4 Opportunities
5.5 Challenges
6 Country Analysis
6.1 Israel
6.2 Ukraine
6.3 USA

7 Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2032
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Mortar systems market by Region overview
7.3 Mortar Systems Market Region by Calibre
7.3.1 North American mortar systems market by calibre
7.3.2 European mortar systems market by calibre
7.3.3 Asian-Pacific mortar systems market by calibre
7.3.4 ME&A mortar systems market by calibre
7.3.5 LATAM mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre
7.3.6 Opportunity Analysis
7.4 Mortar Systems Market Region by Mobility
7.4.1 North American mortar systems market by mobility
7.4.2 European mortar systems market by mobility
7.4.3 Asian-Pacific mortar systems market by mobility
7.4.4 Middle East and African mortar systems market by mobility
7.4.5 Latin American mortar systems market by mobility

8 Mortar Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Calibre
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Mortar Systems Market by Calibre overview
8.3 Mortar Systems Calibres Market by Mobility
8.3.1 Ground mortar systems market by calibres
8.3.2 Vehicle-mounted mortar systems market by calibres
8.3.3 Dual mortar systems market by calibres
8.4 Regional Mortar Systems Market by Calibre
8.4.1 Small calibre mortar systems market by region
8.4.2 Medium calibre mortar systems market by region
8.4.3 Large calibre mortar systems market by region
8.5 Opportunity Analysis

9 Market Forecast to 2032 by Mobility
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Mortar systems market by calibre overview
9.3 Mortar systems market by mobility
9.3.1 Ground mortar systems market calibre
9.3.2 Vehicle-mounted mortar systems market calibre
9.3.3 Dual mobility (ground and vehicle) mortar systems market calibre
9.4 Mortar systems mobility market by region
9.4.1 Ground mortar systems market by region
9.4.2 Vehicle-mounted mortar systems market by region
9.4.3 Dual-mounted mortar systems market by region
9.5 Opportunity Analysis

10 Mortar Ammunition Market Forecast to 2032
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Mortar Ammunition Market Overview
10.3 Mortar Ammunition Market Forecast
10.3.1 Mortar ammunition market by regions
10.3.2 Mortar ammunition market by calibre

11 Impact Analysis

12 Leading Companies

12.1 Aselsan
12.1.1 Introduction
12.1.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.1.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.1.4 SWOT Analysis
12.2 BAE Systems
12.2.1 Introduction
12.2.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.2.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.2.4 Recent developments and contracts
12.2.5 SWOT Analysis
12.3 China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO)
12.3.1 Introduction
12.3.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.3.3 SWOT Analysis
12.4 Elbit Systems
12.4.1 Introduction
12.4.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.4.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.4.4 SWOT Analysis
12.5 Hirtenberger Defence Systems (HDS)
12.5.1 Introduction
12.5.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.5.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.5.4 SWOT Analysis
12.6 MKE (Makine ve Kimya Endustrisi)
12.6.1 Introduction
12.6.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.6.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.6.4 SWOT Analysis
12.7 PGZ Group - Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. (HSW S.A.)
12.7.1 Introduction
12.7.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.7.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.7.4 SWOT Analysis
12.8 Rheinmetall Group (Rheinmetall AG) – EXPAL Systems
12.8.1 Introduction
12.8.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.8.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.8.4 SWOT Analysis
AA 12.9 Thales
12.9.1 Introduction
12.9.2 Mortar Systems and Ammunition, Products and Services
12.9.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.9.4 SWOT Analysis

13 Results and Conclusions

14 About Market Forecast

14.1 General
14.2 Contact us
14.3 Disclaimer
14.4 License

Appendix A: Companies Mentioned
Appendix B: Abbreviations


List of Tables/Graphs

List of figures
Figure 1: Mortar Systems Market Summary by Region
Figure 2: Mortar Ammunition Market Summary by Region
Figure 3: An M-224 60mm mortar round with the propellant rings right above the fins
Figure 4: An L119 105mm howitzer in use with light infantry forces. Note the elevation angle and the significantly larger than a mortar system’s size.
Figure 5: Mortars’ vs Howitzers’ trajectories
Figure 6: The US Marine Corps has decided to withdraw the 120mm mortar systems and replace them with loitering munition. Below is an Oshkosh JLTV with a launcher of UVision Hero loitering munition.
Figure 7: Mortar systems market volumes over the forecast period per region
Figure 8: Mortar ammunition market volumes over the forecast period per region
Figure 9: Market classification
Figure 10: A French Army MO-120 RT 120mm towed mortar system
Figure 11: An Italian Army VBM-Freccia with a 120mm mortar system, featuring an automated loading mechanism
Figure 12: Segmentation and Sub Segmentation Mortar Systems and Mortar Ammunition Market
Figure 13: US Army soldiers firing a 120mm mortar from a Stryker armoured vehicle
Figure 14: Global Mortar Systems & Mortar Ammunition Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 15: Global Mortar Systems Market [%]
Figure 16: N. American mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 17: N. American mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 18: N. American mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 19: European mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 20: European mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 21: Asian-Pacific Mortar Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Calibre [US$ bn]
Figure 22: Asian-Pacific Mortar Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Calibre [%]
Figure 23: Middle East and Africa Mortar Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Calibre [US$ bn]
Figure 24: Middle East and Africa Mortar Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Calibre [%]
Figure 25: LATAM mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 26: LATAM mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 27: North American mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$]
Figure 28: North American mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [%]
Figure 29: European mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$]
Figure 30: European mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [%]
Figure 31: APAC mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$ mil.]
Figure 32: ME&A mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$ mil.]
Figure 33: ME&A mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$ mil.]
Figure 34: LATAM mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$ mil.]
Figure 35: LATAM mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [%]
Figure 36: Mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 37: Mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 38: Mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$ mil.]
Figure 39: Mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [%]
Figure 40: Ground mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 41: Ground mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 42: Vehicle-mounted mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 43: Dual mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 44: Dual mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 45: Small calibre mortar systems market to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Figure 46: Small calibre mortar systems market to 2032 by region [%]
Figure 47: Medium calibre mortar systems market to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Figure 48: Medium calibre mortar systems market to 2032 by region [%]
Figure 49: Large calibre mortar systems market to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Figure 50: Large calibre mortar systems market to 2032 by region [%]
Figure 51: Mortar systems market CAGR by calibre
Figure 52: Mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 53: Mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 54: Ground mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 55: Ground mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 56: Vehicle-mounted mortar systesms to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 57: Vehicle-mounted mortar systesms to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 58: Dual mobility mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 59: Dual mobility mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 60: Ground mortar systems to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Figure 61: Vehicle-mounted mortar systems to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Figure 62: Vehicle-mounted mortar systems to 2032 by region [%]
Figure 63: Dual-mounted mortar systems to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Figure 64: Dual-mounted mortar systems to 2032 by region [%]
Figure 65: Global mortar ammunition market to 2032 by regions [%]
Figure 66: Global mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 67: Global mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 68: North American mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 69: North American mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 70: European mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 71: European mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 72: Asian-Pacific mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 73: Asian-Pacific mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 74: ME&A mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 75: ME&A mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 76: Latin American mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Figure 77: Latin American mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [%]
List of tables
Table 1: Mortar Systems Market Summary by Region [US$ million]
Table 3: Mortar Ammunition Market Summary by Region [US$ million]
Table 4: Comparison of mortars and howitzers as battalions’ firepower capabilities
Table 5: Mortars vs Loitering Munition Comparison Table
Table 6: Market activity
Table 7: Global Mortar Systems & Mortar Ammunition Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 8: European mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Table 9: Asian-Pacific mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Table 10: Middle East and Africa Mortar Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Calibre [US$ bn]
Table 11: LATAM mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Table 12: North American mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$]
Table 13: European mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$]
Table 14: APAC mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$ mil.]
Table 15: ME&A mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$ mil.]
Table 16: LATAM mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$ mil.]
Table 17: Mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 18: Mortar systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$ mil.]
Table 19: Ground mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 20: Vehicle-mounted mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 21: Dual mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 22: Small calibre mortar systems market to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Table 23: Medium calibre mortar systems market to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Table 24: Large calibre mortar systems market to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Table 25: Mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 26: Ground mortar systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 27: Vehicle-mounted mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 28: Dual mobility mortar systems to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 29: Ground mortar systems to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Table 30: Vehicle-mounted mortar systems to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Table 31: Dual-mounted mortar systems to 2032 by region [US$ mil.]
Table 32: Mortar ammunition market to 2032 by regions [US$ mil.]
Table 33: Global mortar ammunition market to 2032 by regions [US$ mil.]
Table 34: Global mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 35: North American mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 36: European mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 37: Asian-Pacific mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 38: ME&A mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 39: Latin American mortar ammunition market to 2032 by calibre [US$ mil.]
Table 40: Aselsan Company SWOT Analysis
Table 41: BAE System plc Company SWOT Analysis
Table 42: NORINCO Company SWOT Analysis
Table 43: Elbit Systems Company SWOT Analysis
Table 44: Hirtenberger Defence Systems Company SWOT Analysis
Table 45: MKE Company SWOT Analysis
Table 46: HSW-PGZ Company SWOT Analysis
Table 47: Rheinmetall Company SWOT Analysis
Table 48: Thales Company SWOT Analysis






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