
民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO) - 2032年までの市場と技術予測

民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO) - 2032年までの市場と技術予測

Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032

民間航空機MRO市場は、リージョナル機、ナローボディ機、ワイドボディ機、ビジネスジェット機などの民間航空機プラットフォームの整備、修理、オーバーホールサービスで構成されている。民間航空機のMROプロセス... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
Market Forecast
2023年12月20日 Eur3,995
3営業日程度 255 158 英語











1 はじめに
1.1 範囲
1.1.1 はじめに
1.1.2 セグメンテーション
1.1.3 包含と前提
1.1.4 除外項目
1.2 定義
1.2.1 リージョナル航空機
1.2.2 ナローボディ航空機
1.2.3 ワイドボディ航空機
1.2.4 ビジネスジェット機
1.2.5 OEM
1.3 方法論
1.4 この調査から恩恵を受けるのは誰か?

2 エグゼクティブサマリー
2.1 傾向と洞察
2.2 主な調査結果
2.3 主要な結論

3 技術と開発
3.1 技術の概要
3.1.1 インダストリー4.0
3.2 データ分析、人工知能(AI)、機械学習(ML)に基づく予知保全と処方保全
3.3 拡張現実(AR)と仮想現実(VR)
3.4 MROのためのロボットとドローン
3.5 モノのインターネット(IoT)とクラウド
3.6 ブロックチェーン
3.7 アディティブ・マニュファクチャリング(AM)

4 市場概要
4.1 はじめに
4.2 市場構造
4.3 MRO市場の地域別予測期間数量分布
4.4 市場ダイナミクスと競争環境

5 市場分析と予測要因
5.1 はじめに
5.2 市場セグメンテーション
5.2.1 地域
5.2.2 MROタイプ
5.2.3 プラットフォーム
5.2.4 組織
5.3 ドライバー
5.4 トレンド
5.5 機会
5.6 課題

6 国別分析
6.1 ブラジル
6.2 中国
6.3 ヨーロッパ諸国
6.4 インド
6.5 ロシア
6.6 シンガポール
6.7 アラブ首長国連邦
6.8 米国

7 2032年までの世界・地域市場予測
7.1 はじめに
7.2 民間航空機MRO市場地域別概況
7.3 民間航空機MRO市場 MROタイプ別地域
7.3.1 北米民間航空機MRO市場:MROタイプ別
7.3.2 欧州民間航空機MRO市場:MROタイプ別
7.3.3 アジア太平洋地域MROタイプ別民間航空機MRO市場
7.3.4 中東・アフリカMROタイプ別民間航空機MRO市場
7.3.5 中南米MROタイプ別民間航空機MRO市場
7.4 プラットフォーム別民間航空機MRO市場地域
7.4.1 北米民間航空機MRO市場:プラットフォーム別
7.4.2 欧州民間航空機MRO市場:プラットフォーム別
7.4.3 アジア太平洋地域民間航空機MRO市場:プラットフォーム別
7.4.4 中東・アフリカ商業航空機MRO市場:プラットフォーム別
7.4.5 中南米民間航空機MRO市場:プラットフォーム別
7.5 民間航空機MRO市場組織別地域
7.5.1 北米民間航空機MRO市場:組織別
7.5.2 欧州民間航空機MRO市場:組織別
7.5.3 アジア太平洋地域組織別民間航空機MRO市場
7.5.4 中東・アフリカ商業航空機MRO市場:組織別
7.5.5 中南米民間航空機MRO市場:組織別
7.6 機会分析

8 2032年までのMROタイプ別市場予測
8.1 はじめに
8.2 MROタイプ別民間航空機MRO市場概観
8.3 地域別民間航空機MROタイプ市場
8.3.1 地域別民間航空機エンジンMRO市場
8.3.2 地域別民間航空機機体MRO市場
8.3.3 地域別民間航空機コンポーネントMRO市場
8.3.4 地域別民間航空機ラインMRO市場
8.3.5 地域別民間航空機改造MRO市場
8.4 機会分析

9 プラットフォーム別2032年までの市場予測
9.1 はじめに
9.2 プラットフォーム別民間航空機MRO市場概観
9.3 地域別民間航空機プラットフォーム市場
9.3.1 地域別民間航空機MRO市場
9.3.2 地域別ナローボディ航空機MRO市場
9.3.3 地域別ワイドボディ機MRO市場
9.3.4 地域別ビジネスジェット機MRO市場
9.4 機会分析

10 2032年までの組織別市場予測
10.1 はじめに
10.2 民間航空機MRO市場:組織別概要
10.3 地域別民間航空機MRO市場
10.3.1 地域別独立系航空機MRO組織市場
10.3.2 地域別航空会社航空機MRO組織市場
10.3.3 OEM航空機MRO組織地域別市場
10.4 機会分析

11 影響分析
11.1 はじめに
11.2 予測要因と市場への影響
11.2.1 シナリオ1
11.2.2 シナリオ2
11.2.3 シナリオ1 VS シナリオ2

12 主要企業
12.1 はじめに
12.2 エールフランスKLMエンジニアリング&メンテナンス(AFI KLM E&M)
12.2.1 はじめに
12.2.2 民間MRO - 製品とサービス
12.2.3 最近の動向と契約
12.2.4 SWOT分析
12.3 エアバス SE
12.3.1 概要
12.3.2 民間MRO - 製品とサービス
12.3.3 最近の動向と契約
12.3.4 SWOT分析
12.4 ボーイング
12.4.1 はじめに
12.4.2 民間MRO - 製品とサービス
12.4.3 最近の動向と契約
12.4.4 SWOT分析
12.5 GEエアロスペース
12.5.1 はじめに
12.5.2 民間MRO - 製品とサービス
12.5.3 最近の開発と契約
12.5.4 SWOT分析
12.6 ルフトハンザ テクニーク
12.6.1 概要
12.6.2 民間MRO - 製品とサービス
12.6.3 最近の動向と契約
12.6.4 SWOT分析
12.7 MTU エアロ エンジン AG
12.7.1 概要
12.7.2 民間MRO - 製品とサービス
12.7.3 最近の動向と契約
12.7.4 SWOT分析
12.8 レイセオン・テクノロジーズ
12.8.1 はじめに
12.8.2 民間MRO - 製品とサービス
12.8.3 最近の動向と契約
12.8.4 SWOT 分析
12.9 ロールス・ロイス・ホールディングス・ピーエルシー
12.9.1 概要
12.9.2 民間MRO - 製品とサービス
12.9.3 最近の動向と契約
12.9.4 SWOT 分析
12.10 SAFRAN S.A.
12.10.1 概要
12.10.2 民間MRO - 製品とサービス
12.10.3 最近の動向と契約
12.10.4 SWOT分析
12.11 シンガポール・テクノロジー・エンジニアリング社(STエンジニアリング)
12.11.1 概要
12.11.2 民間MRO - 製品とサービス
12.11.3 最近の動向と契約
12.11.4 SWOT 分析
12.12 AAR CORP.
12.12.1 概要
12.12.2 民間航空機MRO - 製品とサービス
12.12.3 最近の動向と契約
12.13 ゼネラル・ダイナミクス・コーポレーション(GD)
12.13.1 概要
12.13.2 民間航空機MRO - 製品とサービス
12.13.3 最近の動向と契約
12.14 香港飛機工程有限公司(HAECO)
12.14.1 概要
12.14.2 民間MRO - 製品・サービス
12.14.3 最近の動向と契約
12.15 SIAエンジニアリング社(SIAEC)
12.15.1 概要
12.15.2 民間MRO - 製品とサービス
12.15.3 最近の動向と契約
12.16 ターキッシュ・テクニック社
12.16.1 概要
12.16.2 民間MRO - 製品・サービス
12.16.3 最近の動きと契約
12.17 その他の主要企業
12.17.1 アメテック
12.17.2 ボンバルディア
12.17.3 デルタテックオプス(DTO)
12.17.4 エンブラエル S.A.
12.17.5 スタンダードエアロ
12.17.6 TAE エアロスペース

13 結果と結論

14 市場予測について
14.1 概要
14.2 お問い合わせ
14.3 免責事項
14.4 ライセンス

付録A: 言及される企業



図13: Trent 900エンジンのネジ締めのためのタブレットによるARアプリケーション
図17:MTU Aero Engines社で使用されているGelSight
図18:Invert Robotics社の検査ロボット
図23: 蛇型ロボットFLARE
図24: SWARMロボットプロジェクト
図 40:MROタイプ別2032年までの北米市場予測[%] (億米ドル)
図 41:MROタイプ別2032年までの欧州市場予測[億米ドル]
図 42:MROタイプ別2032年までの欧州市場予測[%] (億米ドル)
図43:アジア太平洋地域のMROタイプ別2032年までの市場予測[US$ bn]
図 44:MROタイプ別2032年までのアジア太平洋市場予測[%] (億米ドル)
図 45:MROタイプ別2032年までの中東・アフリカ市場予測[US$ bn]
図 46:MROタイプ別2032年までの中東・アフリカ市場予測[%] (単位:億ドル)
図 47:ラテンアメリカの2032年までのMROタイプ別市場予測[US$ bn]
図 48:中南米の2032年までのMROタイプ別市場予測[%] (億ドル)
図 49:北米市場の2032年までの予測:プラットフォーム別 [億米ドル]
図50:プラットフォーム別2032年までの北米市場予測[%] (%)
図51:プラットフォーム別2032年までの欧州市場予測[US$ bn]
図52:2032年までの欧州市場の展望:プラットフォーム別 [%推移]
図53:アジア太平洋地域の2032年までの市場予測:プラットフォーム別[US$ bn]
図 54:アジア太平洋地域の2032年までの市場予測:プラットフォーム別 [%推移]
図55:中東・アフリカ市場の2032年までの予測:プラットフォーム別[US$ bn]
図56:中東・アフリカ市場の2032年までの予測:プラットフォーム別 [%推移]
図57:ラテンアメリカの2032年までの市場予測:プラットフォーム別[US$ bn]
図58:中南米の2032年までの市場予測:プラットフォーム別 [%推移]
図59:北米市場の2032年までの予測:組織別[US$ bn]
図60:北米市場の2032年までの予測:組織別[%] (%)
図61:2032年までの欧州市場の予測:組織別[US$ bn]
図62:2032年までの欧州市場の組織別予測[%] (億米ドル)
図63:アジア太平洋地域の2032年までの組織別市場予測[US$ bn]
図64:アジア太平洋地域の2032年までの組織別市場予測 [%] (億米ドル)
図65:中東・アフリカ市場の2032年までの予測:組織別[US$ bn]
図 66:2032年までの中東・アフリカ市場の組織別予測[%] (億米ドル)
図67:ラテンアメリカの2032年までの組織別市場予測[US$ bn]
図 68:ラテンアメリカの2032年までの組織別市場予測[%] (%)
図 70:民間航空機MRO市場のCAGR、2024年~2032年:地域別
図 71:エンジンMRO市場の地域別2032年までの予測[億米ドル]
図 72:エンジンMRO市場の2032年までの地域別予測[%] (億米ドル)
図 73:2032年までの機体MRO市場の地域別予測[US$ bn]
図 74:機体 MRO の 2032 年までの地域別市場予測[%] (%)
図 75:2032年までの地域別コンポーネントMRO市場予測[億米ドル]
図 76:地域別 2032 年までのコンポーネント MRO 市場予測[%] (%)
図 77:2032年までのラインMRO市場の地域別予測[US$ bn]
図 78:2032 年までのライン MRO 市場の地域別予測[%] (%)
図 79:2032年までの修正MRO市場の地域別予測[US$ bn]
図80: 2032年までの改造MRO市場の地域別予測[%] (単位:億米ドル)
図 81:民間航空機MRO市場規模、MROタイプ別2024年~2032年(10億米ドル)
図82:民間航空機 MRO 市場 CAGR、MRO タイプ別 2024-2032 年
図 84:2032年までの地域別航空機MRO市場予測[%] (地域別)
図 85:ナローボディ航空機MROの地域別2032年までの市場予測[US$ bn]
図 86: 2032 年までのナローボディ航空機 MRO 地域別市場予測[%] (%)
図 87:ワイドボディ航空機の 2032 年までの地域別 MRO 市場予測[US$ bn]
図 88: 2032 年までのワイドボディ航空機 MRO 地域別市場予測[%] (%)
図89:ビジネスジェット機の2032年までの地域別MRO市場予測[US$ bn]
図 90:ビジネスジェット機の 2032 年までの地域別 MRO 市場予測[%] (%)
図 94:独立系航空機MRO機関の2032年までの地域別市場予測[%] (%)
図 95:航空会社の航空機MRO機関の2032年までの地域別市場予測[US$ bn]
図 96:航空会社航空機MRO機関の2032年までの地域別市場予測[%] (単位:億米ドル)
図 97:OEM航空機MRO組織の2032年までの地域別市場予測[US$ bn]
図 98:OEM 航空機 MRO 機器の 2032 年までの地域別市場予測 [%] (%)
図 99:民間航空機MRO組織別市場規模、2024年~2032年(10億米ドル)
図100: 民間航空機MRO市場CAGR、組織別2024年~2032年
図101: シナリオ1の地域別2032年までの市場予測[億米ドル]
図102: シナリオ1の2032年までの市場予測:MROタイプ別[%] (%)
図103: シナリオ2の2032年までの地域別市場予測[US$ bn]
図 104: シナリオ 2 の 2032 年までの地域別市場予測 [%] (%)
図105: シナリオ1対シナリオ2の2032年までの世界市場予測[US$ bn]
図106: シナリオ1 VS シナリオ2、2032年までの北米市場予測[US$ bn]
図107: シナリオ1とシナリオ2の比較、2032年までの欧州市場予測[億米ドル]
図108:シナリオ1 VS シナリオ2、アジア太平洋地域の2032年までの市場予測[億米ドル]
図109:シナリオ1 VS シナリオ2、中東・アフリカ市場の2032年までの予測[億米ドル]

表 25:2032年までの地域別コンポーネントMRO市場予測【10億米ドル
表 26:2032年までのラインMRO市場の地域別予測【10億米ドル
表 27:2032年までの改造MRO市場の地域別予測【10億米ドル
表 28:2032年までの民間航空機MRO市場予測:プラットフォーム別 [10億米ドル]
表 29:2032年までの地域別航空機MRO市場予測【10億米ドル
表 30:ナローボディ航空機の2032年までの地域別MRO市場予測【10億米ドル
表 31:ワイドボディ航空機の2032年までの地域別MRO市場予測【10億米ドル
表 32:ビジネスジェット機の2032年までの地域別MRO市場予測【10億米ドル
表 33:民間航空機MROの2032年までの組織別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 34:独立系航空機MROの2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 35:航空会社の航空機MRO組織の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 36:OEM航空機MRO組織の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 37:シナリオ1の地域別2032年までの市場予測[10億米ドル]
表 38:シナリオ2の地域別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 39:AFI KLM E&M社のSWOT分析
表 40:エアバスSE社SWOT分析
表 41: エアバスボーイング社SWOT分析
表42:GEエアロスペース社 SWOT分析
表43:ルフトハンザ テクニークAG社SWOT分析
表 44:MTU Aero Engines AG社SWOT分析
表 45:レイセオン・テクノロジーズ社 SWOT分析
表 46:ロールス・ロイス・ホールディングスのSWOT分析
表 47:SAFRAN S.A. 企業SWOT分析
表 48:ST Engineering Company SWOT 分析





The Commercial aircraft MRO market consists of maintenance, repair and overhaul services for commercial aircraft platforms such as regional, narrowbody, widebody and business jet aircraft. The MRO process in commercial aviation is carried out at different stages of an aircraft’s lifespan. Based on the maintenance scope and tasks, MRO type in this study is classified as engine, airframe, components, line, and modifications.

The market players include aircraft OEMs that provide aftermarket services for their platforms, independent MRO service providers and airline MRO businesses.

Commercial aircraft MRO market is a highly specialised market requiring a high level of accuracy and skilled technical expertise. Aircraft maintenance is a mandatory requirement for platforms around the world in order to efficiently operate the aircraft and avoid catastrophic failures due to lack of maintenance leading to loss of life. Following the standard scheduled MRO checks and catering to the unscheduled repairs, occurring due to accidents, enable aircraft end users to get the best use out of the platforms during their life span and even prolong the life span of the aircraft. Thus, the market is highly driven by ageing airline fleets that need midlife upgrades, as well as, the scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of large airline fleets in various regions.

Additionally, the increasing travel demand post the COVID-19 pandemic has led to many airlines into placing new aircraft orders. These aircraft once delivered, will add to the growth of the MRO demand that the commercial aircraft industry will generate.

The study “Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032” examines, analyses, and predicts the evolution of commercial MRO technologies, markets, and outlays (expenditures) over the next 8 years – 2025-2032 in the aerospace industry. It also examines markets geographically, focusing on the top 95% of global markets, in the North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America.

Throughout the study we show how commercial aircraft MRO is conducted today to add real value, as well as how will they be done in the near and distant future. To provide the most thorough and realistic forecast, this report provides a twin-scenario analysis.


Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 Introduction
1.1.2 Segmentation
1.1.3 Inclusions and Assumptions
1.1.4 Exclusions
1.2 Definitions
1.2.1 Regional Aircraft
1.2.2 Narrowbody Aircraft
1.2.3 Widebody Aircraft
1.2.4 Business Jets
1.2.5 OEMs
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Who will benefit from this study?

2 Executive Summary
2.1 Trends and Insights
2.2 Main Findings
2.3 Key Conclusions

3 Technologies and Developments
3.1 Technology overview
3.1.1 Industry 4.0
3.2 Predictive and Prescriptive Maintenance based on Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML)
3.3 Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
3.4 Robots and Drones for MRO
3.5 Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud
3.6 Blockchain
3.7 Additive Manufacturing (AM)

4 Market Overview
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Market Structure
4.3 MRO market volumes distribution over forecast period by Region
4.4 Market Dynamics and Competitive Landscape

5 Market Analysis and Forecast Factors
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Market Segmentation
5.2.1 Region
5.2.2 MRO Type
5.2.3 Platform
5.2.4 Organisation
5.3 Drivers
5.4 Trends
5.5 Opportunities
5.6 Challenges

6 Country Analysis
6.1 Brazil
6.2 China
6.3 European Countries
6.4 India
6.5 Russia
6.6 Singapore
6.7 UAE
6.8 US

7 Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2032
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Region overview
7.3 Commercial Aircraft MRO market Regions by MRO Type
7.3.1 North America Commercial Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type
7.3.2 Europe Commercial Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type
7.3.3 Asia Pacific Commercial Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type
7.3.4 Middle East & Africa Commercial Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type
7.3.5 Latin America Commercial Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type
7.4 Commercial Aircraft MRO market Regions by Platform
7.4.1 North America Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Platform
7.4.2 Europe Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Platform
7.4.3 Asia Pacific Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Platform
7.4.4 Middle East & Africa Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Platform
7.4.5 Latin America Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Platform
7.5 Commercial Aircraft MRO market Regions by Organisation
7.5.1 North America Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Organisation
7.5.2 Europe Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Organisation
7.5.3 Asia Pacific Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Organisation
7.5.4 Middle East & Africa Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Organisation
7.5.5 Latin America Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Organisation
7.6 Opportunity Analysis

8 Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Commercial Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type overview
8.3 Commercial Aircraft MRO Type market by Region
8.3.1 Commercial Aircraft Engine MRO market by Region
8.3.2 Commercial Aircraft Airframe MRO market by Region
8.3.3 Commercial Aircraft Components MRO market by Region
8.3.4 Commercial Aircraft Line MRO market by Region
8.3.5 Commercial Aircraft Modifications MRO market by Region
8.4 Opportunity Analysis

9 Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Platform overview
9.3 Commercial Aircraft Platform market by Region
9.3.1 Regional Aircraft MRO market by Region
9.3.2 Narrowbody Aircraft MRO market by Region
9.3.3 Widebody Aircraft MRO market by Region
9.3.4 Business Jets MRO market by Region
9.4 Opportunity Analysis

10 Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Commercial Aircraft MRO market by Organisation overview
10.3 Commercial Aircraft Organisation market by Region
10.3.1 Independent Aircraft MRO Organisation market by Region
10.3.2 Airline Aircraft MRO Organisation market by Region
10.3.3 OEM Aircraft MRO Organisation market by Region
10.4 Opportunity Analysis

11 Impact Analysis
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Forecast factors and Market Impact
11.2.1 Scenario 1
11.2.2 Scenario 2
11.2.3 Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2

12 Leading Companies
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance (AFI KLM E&M)
12.2.1 Introduction
12.2.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.2.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.2.4 SWOT Analysis
12.3 Airbus SE
12.3.1 Introduction
12.3.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.3.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.3.4 SWOT Analysis
12.4 The Boeing Company
12.4.1 Introduction
12.4.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.4.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.4.4 SWOT Analysis
12.5 GE Aerospace
12.5.1 Introduction
12.5.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.5.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.5.4 SWOT Analysis
12.6 Lufthansa Technik AG
12.6.1 Introduction
12.6.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.6.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.6.4 SWOT Analysis
12.7 MTU Aero Engines AG
12.7.1 Introduction
12.7.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.7.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.7.4 SWOT Analysis
12.8 Raytheon Technologies
12.8.1 Introduction
12.8.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.8.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.8.4 SWOT Analysis
12.9 Rolls-Royce Holdings plc
12.9.1 Introduction
12.9.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.9.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.9.4 SWOT Analysis
12.10 SAFRAN S.A.
12.10.1 Introduction
12.10.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.10.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.10.4 SWOT Analysis
12.11 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (ST Engineering)
12.11.1 Introduction
12.11.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.11.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.11.4 SWOT Analysis
12.12 AAR CORP.
12.12.1 Introduction
12.12.2 Commercial Aircraft MRO - Products and Services
12.12.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.13 General Dynamics Corporation (GD)
12.13.1 Introduction
12.13.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.13.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.14 Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (HAECO)
12.14.1 Introduction
12.14.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.14.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.15 SIA Engineering Company Limited (SIAEC)
12.15.1 Introduction
12.15.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.15.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.16 Turkish Technic Inc.
12.16.1 Introduction
12.16.2 Commercial MRO - Products and Services
12.16.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
12.17 Other Leading Companies
12.17.1 AMETEK Inc.
12.17.2 Bombardier Inc.
12.17.3 Delta TechOps (DTO)
12.17.4 Embraer S.A.
12.17.5 StandardAero
12.17.6 TAE Aerospace

13 Results and Conclusions

14 About Market Forecast
14.1 General
14.2 Contact us
14.3 Disclaimer
14.4 License

Appendix A: Companies Mentioned
Appendix B: Abbreviations


List of Tables/Graphs

List of figures
Figure 1: Market share volumes per region (2024)
Figure 2: Commercial Aircraft MRO market size, 2024-2032 (US$ billion) by region
Figure 3: The four industrial revolutions
Figure 4: Industry 4.0
Figure 5: Predictive Maintenance Workflow
Figure 6: Evolution of MRO
Figure 7: Prescriptive Maintenance Workflow
Figure 8: 3D model of aircraft engine component in AR
Figure 9: Trainees studying aircraft components in AR
Figure 10: MRO checklist and steps in AR
Figure 11: Trainees studying a virtual model of a commercial aircraft
Figure 12: VR model of CFM56-5B drive shaft
Figure 13: AR application via a tablet for screw tightening on Trent 900 engines
Figure 14: Technician at HAECO using AR goggle for aircraft inspection
Figure 15: Engineer providing technical instruction to the technician remotely
Figure 16: Donecle’s drone inspecting the exterior of an Air France aircraft for damages
Figure 17: GelSight being used at MTU Aero Engines
Figure 18: Invert Robotics' inspection robot
Figure 19: Tightening robot at MTU
Figure 20: Sensiworm robot moving between turbine blades of an aircraft engine
Figure 21: Boreblender robot
Figure 22: INSPECT robotics project
Figure 23: FLARE snake-shaped robots
Figure 24: SWARM robotics project
Figure 25: Prototypes of SWARM beetle-shaped robots
Figure 26: Cloud computing modules
Figure 27: Blocks in a Blockchain
Figure 28: Market Structure
Figure 29: Supply Chain
Figure 30: Market volumes over the forecast period per region
Figure 31: Market Segmentation and Sub Segmentation Commercial Aircraft MRO Market
Figure 32: Ryanair seat back
Figure 33: Monthly passengers carried by US Airlines (domestic + international)
Figure 34: HAECO and Diehl premium economy cabin offering
Figure 35: SpaceChiller™
Figure 36: Fly Your Wheels Seating Suite
Figure 37: Delta Flight Products wheelchair aircraft seating
Figure 38: Lotus Business Jet Cabin
Figure 39: North American Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [US$ bn]
Figure 40: North American Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [%]
Figure 41: European Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [US$ bn]
Figure 42: European Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [%]
Figure 43: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [US$ bn]
Figure 44: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [%]
Figure 45: Middle East & Africa Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [US$ bn]
Figure 46: Middle East & Africa Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [%]
Figure 47: Latin America Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [US$ bn]
Figure 48: Latin America Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [%]
Figure 49: North American Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [US$ bn]
Figure 50: North American Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [%]
Figure 51: European Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [US$ bn]
Figure 52: European Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [%]
Figure 53: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [US$ bn]
Figure 54: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [%]
Figure 55: Middle East & Africa Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [US$ bn]
Figure 56: Middle East & Africa Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [%]
Figure 57: Latin America Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [US$ bn]
Figure 58: Latin America Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [%]
Figure 59: North American Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [US$ bn]
Figure 60: North American Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [%]
Figure 61: European Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [US$ bn]
Figure 62: European Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [%]
Figure 63: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [US$ bn]
Figure 64: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [%]
Figure 65: Middle East & Africa Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [US$ bn]
Figure 66: Middle East & Africa Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [%]
Figure 67: Latin America Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [US$ bn]
Figure 68: Latin America Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [%]
Figure 69: Commercial Aircraft MRO market size, 2024-2032 (US$ billion) by region
Figure 70: Commercial Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2024-2032 by region
Figure 71: Engine MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 72: Engine MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 73: Airframe MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 74: Airframe MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 75: Components MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 76: Components MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 77: Line MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 78: Line MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 79: Modifications MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 80: Modifications MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 81: Commercial Aircraft MRO market size, 2024-2032 (US$ billion) by MRO type
Figure 82: Commercial Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2024-2032 by MRO type
Figure 83: Regional Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 84: Regional Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 85: Narrowbody Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 86: Narrowbody Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 87: Widebody Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 88: Widebody Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 89: Business Jets MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 90: Business Jets MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 91: Commercial Aircraft MRO market size, 2024-2032 (US$ billion) by platform
Figure 92: Commercial Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2024-2032 by platform
Figure 93: Independent Aircraft MRO Organisation Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 94: Independent Aircraft MRO Organisation Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 95: Airline Aircraft MRO Organisation Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 96: Airline Aircraft MRO Organisation Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 97: OEM Aircraft MRO Organisation Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 98: OEM Aircraft MRO Organisation Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 99: Commercial Aircraft MRO market size, 2024-2032 (US$ billion) by organisation
Figure 100: Commercial Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2024-2032 by organisation
Figure 101: Scenario 1 Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 102: Scenario 1 Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [%]
Figure 103: Scenario 2 Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ bn]
Figure 104: Scenario 2 Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 105: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Global Market Forecast to 2032 [US$ bn]
Figure 106: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, North American Market Forecast to 2032 [US$ bn]
Figure 107: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, European Market Forecast to 2032 [US$ bn]
Figure 108: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2032 [US$ bn]
Figure 109: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2032 [US$ bn]
Figure 110: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Latin American Market Forecast to 2032 [US$ bn]

List of tables
Table 1: Airline MROs
Table 2: Commercial Aircraft MRO market summary by Region [US$ billion]
Table 3: Commercial Aircraft MRO checks
Table 4: Market activity
Table 5: Airline MROs
Table 6: Global Commercial Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 7: North American Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [US$ billion]
Table 8: European Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [US$ billion]
Table 9: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [US$ billion]
Table 10: Middle East & Africa Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [US$ billion]
Table 11: Latin America Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [US$ billion]
Table 12: North American Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [US$ billion]
Table 13: European Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [US$ billion]
Table 14: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [US$ billion]
Table 15: Middle East & Africa Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [US$ billion]
Table 16: Latin America Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [US$ billion]
Table 17: North American Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [US$ billion]
Table 18: European Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [US$ billion]
Table 19: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [US$ billion]
Table 20: Middle East & Africa Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [US$ billion]
Table 21: Latin America Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [US$ billion]
Table 22: Commercial Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by MRO Type [US$ billion]
Table 23: Engine MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 24: Airframe MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 25: Components MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 26: Line MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 27: Modifications MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 28: Commercial Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Platform [US$ billion]
Table 29: Regional Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 30: Narrowbody Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 31: Widebody Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 32: Business Jets MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 33: Commercial Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2032 by Organisation [US$ billion]
Table 34: Independent Aircraft MRO Organisation Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 35: Airline Aircraft MRO Organisation Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 36: OEM Aircraft MRO Organisation Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 37: Scenario 1 Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 38: Scenario 2 Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billion]
Table 39: AFI KLM E&M Company SWOT Analysis
Table 40: Airbus SE Company SWOT Analysis
Table 41: Boeing Company SWOT Analysis
Table 42: GE Aerospace Company SWOT Analysis
Table 43: Lufthansa Technik AG Company SWOT Analysis
Table 44: MTU Aero Engines AG Company SWOT Analysis
Table 45: Raytheon Technologies Company SWOT Analysis
Table 46: Rolls-Royce Holdings plc Company SWOT Analysis
Table 47: SAFRAN S.A. Company SWOT Analysis
Table 48: ST Engineering Company SWOT Analysis





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