


PA66 Resin in the Composites Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

複合材料におけるPA66樹脂の動向と予測 世界のコンポジット市場におけるPA66樹脂の将来は、輸送、消費財、電気・電子市場でのビジネスチャンスにより有望視されている。コンポジットの世界市場におけるPA66樹... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年12月2日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintel社は、製品タイプ別では短繊維強化熱可塑性プラスチックが予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げると予測している。
- この市場の中では、輸送が最も高い成長を遂げると予想される。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- 地球温暖化の危機:地球温暖化の危機:「グリーン」で「持続可能」と呼べるPA66樹脂の成長に、より多くの注目が集まっている。この影響を緩和するため、PA66樹脂の製造にリサイクルやバイオベースの原料を使用する企業努力が進められている。これらの開発は、自動車や産業用途に重点を置いた複合材料産業における持続可能な製造への全体的な傾斜の一部である。
- 便利な追加ハイブリッド複合材による性能アップグレード。PA66樹脂とPA66既知の炭素繊維またはガラス繊維を組み合わせたハイブリッド複合材料は、着実に増加しており、そのため、より多くの製造が行われている。これらの複合材料は、高い性能とともに、強度と軽量化というクラス最高の特徴を提供します。ハイブリッド複合材料は現在、高い機械的強度と耐熱性が必要とされる自動車、航空宇宙、産業機器などの重要な市場に浸透しつつある。
- 自動車軽量化用途の成長:この定義的アプローチは、最先端の技術や、自動車に与えられた高度な機能を理由にそのような実践者を支持する消費者や業界により、論争の的となる実践が定着しつつある懸念について述べている。これは洞察に富んでおり、スカイライトに誘発される - クリックイン理想的なパターンや継続的に堆積しているデザインを強化するために人気を集めているサンドイッチシーケンシャル編みの技術を理解し、リスクを低減します。このアプローチにはいくつかの特徴があり、特に搾取のために生産されたいくつかの範囲を無効にし、摘み取るために行動する貴重な独立性である作るときに論理的に話すことをお勧めします。
- 対象分野 航空宇宙産業と工業:グラファイトとナノMWCNTの使用を通じてアップグレードされた機械的特性を含むP 9571 PA66樹脂に関する問題の知識を使用すると、低コストのポリビニルブチラールラミネートは、強度と透明性を兼ね備えていますスポーツ、産業、軍事用途のためのゴーグルが壊れにくくなります。室温で特定のナノコンポジットの増加を示すドーパミンは、チミジンとその誘導体のためのバイマレクチックであるTIAB超分岐フィルムを向上させます。
- 風力エネルギー事業の成長:風力エネルギー事業の成長:PVパネルのような他の太陽エネルギー用途では、効率が引き続き向上し、モジュールの過熱に総体的に対処するため、耐用年数が延びるという大きな可能性がある。この分野は、受動マンガン系合金を中心に設置された装置セット数に基づいて売上高が増加し続けているため、安定的に推移している。その他、高性能化合物の販売向上を目的としたヒューズが2種類ある。




- バイオベースPA66樹脂の開発:バイオベースPA66樹脂に関する研究の大半は、石油の使用量を削減することに向けられてきた。これらの樹脂はバイオ原料を使用しており、企業は二酸化炭素排出量を削減し、環境に配慮した消費者を引き付けることができる。製造業者は、複合材料においてより環境に優しい代替品を常に探しているため、バイオベースPA66樹脂の市場は今後も成長すると予測される。
- ハイブリッドPA66複合材料の開発:PA66樹脂と炭素繊維またはガラス繊維からなるハイブリッド複合材料の生産と使用が著しく増加している。これらの複合材料は、重量、強度、剛性を兼ね備え、自動車や航空宇宙産業の部品に理想的であるため、幅広い用途に使用されている。製造方法の改善も、ハイブリッド複合材製造の価格低下に一役買っているため、より多くの産業にアピールしている。
- 電気自動車部品とコンポーネントにおけるPA66:電気自動車に使用されるPA66樹脂の需要は、特にバッテリーハウジング、コネクター、電子筐体などの部品で増加している。熱安定性や優れた電気絶縁性などの特性は、電気自動車の設計に非常に有利です。電気自動車市場の上昇に伴い、これらの用途でのPA66の使用は驚異的に増加する可能性が高い。
- 難燃PA66樹脂の改良:難燃PA66樹脂の市場は、特に火災の安全性が最も重要視される電気・電子分野で拡大しています。PA66樹脂に難燃剤を添加し、製造技術を向上させることで、PA66樹脂を電気・電子機器に限定せず、幅広い用途に使用できるようになりつつある。
- アジアにおけるPA66樹脂の生産能力の拡大:中国やインドなどの一部の国では、地域市場の拡大に対応するため、PA66樹脂の生産能力を年間6万5,000トン以上増強している。PA66樹脂の地域生産は、アジアの製造業者にとってサプライチェーンの効率を高めつつ、低コストの輸入代替を可能にしている。このようなシフトは、特にこの地域における自動車、産業、エレクトロニクス市場の拡大を考えれば、重要なことである。




- 自動車の軽量化:自動車分野は、PA66樹脂市場の成長を最も力強く牽引する要因のひとつになると予想される。メーカーは、燃費向上と排出ガス削減のため、自動車の軽量化に努めている。PA66樹脂は、より重い従来の材料に代わる効果的な代替材料として機能する。エンジン部品、構造部品、電気筐体など、こうした市場の需要に応えるため、PA66を使用する用途が増えている。
- 航空宇宙用途航空宇宙分野では、タービンブレード、構造補強、客室内パネルなどの用途で、複合材料にPA66樹脂を採用するケースが増えています。PA66樹脂の高い機械的強度と熱的安定性、およびその軽量性は、性能を向上させながら重量を減らすことが重要な航空宇宙分野の高性能用途に理想的です。
- 電気・電子PA66樹脂は、高温耐性と難燃性が不可欠なエレクトロニクス産業にも浸透しています。PA66をコネクター、回路基板、ハウジングのような複雑な電子部品に成形するには、その優れた絶縁特性を利用します。エレクトロニクスの複雑化が進むにつれて、これらの材料に対する需要は拡大すると予想される。
- 工業用途:PA66樹脂は、その強度、耐摩耗性、耐久性から、ギア、ベアリング、コンベアベルトなどの工業用途でますます使用されるようになっている。厳しい条件に耐える機器を供給するメーカー間の競争が激化するにつれて、機械やその他の産業機器へのPA66樹脂の利用は増加すると予想される。
- 持続可能な材料開発:地球温暖化への懸念が表面化する中、PA66樹脂のような環境に優しい材料への需要が高まっている。化石燃料の消費を抑えて二酸化炭素排出量を削減するため、バイオベースやリサイクルの新しいPA66樹脂が開発されている。このような環境への取り組みへの注目は、自動車産業や家電産業など、環境への配慮が重要な分野で新たなビジネスチャンスを生み出している。




- 軽量・高性能材料のニーズ:企業がプロセスを最適化し、環境フットプリントを最小限に抑えようとする中で、プラスチックポリアミド樹脂のような軽量で高性能な材料の使用が著しく増加している。これらのポリアミド66樹脂は、高い強度対重量比と熱安定性を有しており、自動車、航空宇宙、工業用途に適している。
- 樹脂生産に関する進歩:製造技術の変化により、PA66樹脂のコストは低下し、生産範囲は拡大した。その結果、PA66は、高性能の複合材料を求める産業において、理想的でコスト効率の高い材料となっている。
- 自動車・航空宇宙産業におけるトレンドの高まり:自動車の軽量化やより効率的な航空宇宙システムが重視されるにつれ、PA66樹脂はますます受け入れられています。これらの業界では、PA66複合材を使用することで排出ガスやエネルギー消費に関する仕様を満足させることを目標としており、市場全体の成長をさらに促進している。
- エレクトロニクス市場での需要拡大:電子機器の使用が増えたことで、PC/ABSのような難燃性材料や電気絶縁材料のニーズが高まっている。このようなエレクトロニクス市場の成長により、PA66樹脂はコネクター、回路基板、ハウジング部品に優れた用途が期待されている。
- 持続可能性重視:現在、メーカーがより環境にやさしくなろうとする動きの中で、持続可能性が重要な要素になりつつある。この傾向には、バイオベースやリサイクルPA66樹脂の製造が関わっており、産業界が品質に妥協することなく持続可能性の要件を満たすのに役立っています。

- 高い生産コスト:PA66樹脂、特に高性能グレードの製造は、特に中間グレードやバイオベースあるいはリサイクル原料を使用する場合、高価になる可能性がある。このため、経済的に敏感な地域での普及には限界がある。
- サプライチェーンと原材料の制約:PA66樹脂の生産は特定の原材料に依存しており、様々なサプライチェーンにおけるタイミングやコストの問題に影響されることが多い。また、市場にはルーサイトが存在するため、良い原料を確保する上で多くの課題が産業界に残っている。
- 規制上の障壁とコンプライアンス:PA66樹脂の使用が、環境や健康への懸念といった法令遵守のために制限される用途があるかもしれない。このような要件を満たすことは、市場を複雑にする可能性がある。




- 東レ
- ソルベイ
- セラニーズコーポレーション
- デュポン
- ランクセス




- 短繊維強化熱可塑性樹脂
- 長繊維強化熱可塑性樹脂
- 連続繊維強化熱可塑性樹脂


- 輸送
- 消費財
- 電気・電子機器
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国PA66樹脂は、その優れた機械的特性と耐熱性により、米国の自動車、航空宇宙、工業分野で採用されている。メーカーが自動車の軽量化と燃費の向上に関心を寄せる中、PA66樹脂は高性能複合材料、特に「ボンネットの下」の自動車部品に使用されている。さらに、一部の米国企業は環境面を重視し、バイオベースまたはリサイクルPA66樹脂の製造を研究している。
- 中国本セクションでは、ZYの中国における活動と、同社のターゲット市場について述べる。これらのハイライトについては、中国を中心とした新興市場を検討することで、ZYの前進と強化の領域が完全に決まると言ってよい。広い意味で考えれば、中国はPA66樹脂の用途にとって重要な市場であり、現在その周辺には大きな産業基盤がある。しかし、政府の政策や他の利害関係者からのインセンティブがないため、ポリアミド地域プレーヤーの生産能力は低級樹脂に集中している。
- ドイツ好調な経済と自動車・航空宇宙産業で知られるドイツは、複合材料におけるPA66樹脂の開発と応用におけるリーダーのひとつである。自動車産業では、PA66は自動車の燃費を向上させる軽量部品の製造に使用されている。ドイツの生産者はPA66樹脂の開発にも特化しており、特に高温・高機械的負荷条件下での応用に重点を置いている。同時に、ドイツはバイオベースおよびエコロジーPA66樹脂の開発でも最先端を走っており、再生資源からの生産と持続可能な生産技術による環境への影響の最小化に重点を置いている。
- インドインド政府は、輸入代替の一環として国内PA66製造能力の構築を含む国家開発戦略を開始した。インド市場では、急速な工業化と経済発展により、自動車分野を中心にPA66グレードの需要が増加している。軽量で耐久性のある材料が必要とされているため、自動車産業におけるPA66樹脂の使用は、ボディパネルからエンジンや電気ハウジングなどの他の複合部品に移行しつつある。さらに、地元企業は機械や電子機器を含む様々な自動車産業用途にPA66樹脂を活用している。
- 日本ハイテク技術の進歩と自動車産業の発展で知られる日本は、軽量かつ高強度の複合材料の生産にPA66樹脂を取り入れている。日本企業は、PA66 樹脂の熱特性を高め、機械的強度を向上させるシステムの開発に注力し、携帯電話や自動車など、より多くの用途での使用を可能にしている。日本はまた、エレクトロニクスや航空宇宙分野での使用に不可欠な、難燃性や耐薬品性を高めたPA66樹脂の開発にも積極的に取り組んできた。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題


4.2: 複合材料用PA66樹脂の北米市場
4.5: 複合材料市場におけるROWのPA66樹脂

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.1.3: 複合材料におけるPA66樹脂の世界市場の成長機会:地域別
6.3: 戦略的分析

7.2: ソルベイ
7.3: セラニーズコーポレーション
7.4: SABIC
7.5: BASF
7.6: デュポン
7.7: ランクセス





PA66 Resin in the Composites Trends and Forecast

The future of PA66 resin in the global composites market looks promising with opportunities in the transportation, consumer goods, and electrical & electronic markets. PA66 resin in the global composites market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 4.8% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the increasing demand for lightweight and high-strength materials in the automotive and aerospace industries, as well as growing applications in the electrical and electronics sectors.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product type category, short fiber reinforced thermoplastic is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• Within this market, transportation is expected to witness the highest growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the PA66 Resin in the Composites Market

The PA66 resins market in the composites market is changing with the progress of material science and increasing interest in high-performance & eco-friendly materials. There are several important trends, which will influence the further development of PA66 resins in composites:

• Global Warming Crisis: More attention is given to the growth of PA66 resins that can be called ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’. Company efforts are underway to use recycled and bio-based inputs in the production of PA66 resins to mitigate this impact. These developments are part of an overall tilted towards sustainable manufacturing in the composites industry focusing more on automobiles and industrial applications.
• Useful Addition: Performance Upgrade with Hybrid Composites. Hybrid composites combining PA66 resins with PA66 known carbon fiber or glass fiber-supported composites are on a steady rise and hence more of them are being manufactured. These composites provide the best-in-class features of strength and weight reduction along with high performance. Hybrid composites are now penetrating critical markets such as automotive, aerospace, and industrial equipment where high mechanical strength and temperature resistance are needed.
• Growth in Automotive Lightweighting Applications: This definitional approach describes a concern regarding controversial practices gaining ground due to cutting-edge technologies and consumers and industries supporting such practitioners on account of advanced capabilities afforded cars. It is insightful and comprehends sandwiched sequential knitting technologies gaining popularity to enhance skylit-induced - click-in ideal patterns or design which is continuously depositing reducing the risk. It would be advisable to speak logically when making this approach has several features, and they are valuable independence in action to disable and nip some scope especially produced for exploitation.
• Target sectors Aerospace Industry and Industrial: With the knowledge of issues concerning P 9571 PA66 resins containing upgraded mechanical properties through the use of graphite and nano MWCNT, low-cost polyvinyl butyral laminate combines strength and transparency-making goggles break resistant for sporting, industrial, and military uses. Poly triumph within the wood wall can Ozzie precision manufacturing efficiency maintenance characteristics of pristine walls traced unit medical. Dopamine that displays an increase in certain nanocomposites at room temperature will improve TIAB hyperbranched films which are Bima lectic for thymidine and its derivative.
• Wind Energy Business Growth: There is enormous potential in other solar energy applications like PV panels as they continue to enhance efficiency and grossly address overheating of modules hence prolonging their service life. This segment remains stable as net sales continue to increase based on the number of equipment sets installed centered on the passive manganese-based alloy. Two other fuses aimed at improving the sales of performing compounds.

After looking at the demand for PA66 resin further up in this research, one can easily reason that it’s clear that there is an increasing inclination towards composite materials. The trends suggest that as more companies in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics, keep evolving so will the PA66 resins since there will still be a need for innovations that foster lightness, strength, and environmental conscientiousness more so with the stringent performance characteristics required.

Recent Developments in the PA66 Resin in the Composites Market

The recent developments of PA66 resins for the composite market can improve the performance, sustainability, and cost of the resins. These developments are important to address the increasing need for high-performance materials for markets such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics.

• Development of Bio-Based PA66 Resins: Most of the work done on bio-based PA66 resins has been directed towards reducing petroleum counterpart usage. These resins employ bio feedstocks which enable companies to achieve a lower carbon footprint and attract eco-savvy consumers. The markets for bio-based PA66 resins are forecasted to grow in the future as manufacturers will always be looking for more eco-friendly alternatives in their composite materials.
• Developments in Hybrid PA66 Composites: There has been a marked increase in the production and use of hybrid composites that consist of PA66 resins and carbon or glass fibers. These are a broad range of applications as they combine weight, strength, and stiffness ideal for use in vehicles and components in the aerospace industry. The improvement in manufacturing methods has also played a role in decreasing the prices for hybrid composite manufacturing and therefore appealing to more industries.
• PA66 in Electric Vehicles Parts and Components: The demand for PA66 resins for use in electric vehicles is increasing especially for components like battery housings, connectors, and electronic enclosures. Its properties such as thermal stability and good electrical insulation properties are very advantageous for EV designs. As the electric vehicle market rises the use of PA66 in these applications will most likely tremendously increase.
• Improvements in Flame Retardant PA66 Resins: There is an increased market for flame retardant PA66 resins, notably, in the electrical and electronic segments where fire safety is paramount. Flame retardant additives in PA66 resins and improvements in production technologies are addressing these safety concerns allowing the use of PA66 resins in wider applications other than being limited to electrical and electronic devices.
• Greater Capacity for Production of PA66 Resin in Asia: Some countries such as China and India are increasing +65000 tons per annum capacity of production on PA66 resin to cater to the expanding market in the regional markets. The regional production of PA66 resins is enabling low-cost import substitution while enhancing supply chain efficiencies for Manufacturers in Asia. Such a shift is significant, especially given the expanding Automotive, industrial, and electronics markets in the region.

These changes taking place in the PA66 resins business will continue to influence the composites market by encouraging the emergence of new, advanced, effective, and eco-friendly materials. New technologies such as bio-based resins, hybrid composites, and flame-retardant coatings are enabling industries to achieve tough performance requirements while being more environmentally responsible.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for PA66 Resin in the Composites Market

The market for PA66 resins in the composites sector offers key growth opportunities across a variety of applications. As industries seek high-performance, low-cost, and eco-friendly materials, PA66 resins are poised to play a significant role.

• Automobile Lightweighting: The automotive sector is expected to be one of the strongest drivers of growth for the PA66 resins market. Manufacturers are striving to make vehicles as light as possible to enhance fuel economy and reduce emissions. PA66 resins serve as an effective replacement for heavier conventional materials. More and more applications, including engine parts, structural components, and electrical housings, are being made with PA66 to meet these market demands.
• Aerospace Applications: The aerospace sector is increasingly adopting PA66 resins in composites for applications such as turbine blades, structural reinforcement, and interior cabin panels. The high mechanical strength and thermal stability of PA66 resins, along with their low weight, make them ideal for high-performance applications in aerospace, where reducing weight while improving performance is crucial.
• Electrical and Electronics: PA66 resins are also penetrating the electronics industry, where high-temperature resistance and flame-retardant properties are essential. Molding PA66 into complex electronic components like connectors, circuit boards, and housings takes advantage of its superior insulation characteristics. As electronics continue to advance in complexity, the demand for these materials is expected to grow.
• Industrial Applications: PA66 resins are increasingly used in industrial applications such as gears, bearings, and conveyor belts due to their strength, wear resistance, and durability. As competition among manufacturers supplying equipment that can withstand tough conditions intensifies, the utilization of PA66 resins for machinery and other industrial equipment is expected to rise.
• Sustainable Materials Development: With global warming concerns coming to the forefront, there is a growing demand for eco-friendly materials like PA66 resins. New bio-based and recycled PA66 resins are being developed to lower carbon emissions by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. This focus on environmental initiatives creates new business opportunities in sectors where environmental concerns are critical, such as the automotive and consumer electronics industries.

The market for PA66 resins in composites used in automotive, aerospace, electronics, and industrial applications is expected to witness significant growth. With an increasing focus on lightweighting, performance improvement, and sustainability, PA66 resins will become an essential component of advanced composite materials in various industries.

PA66 Resin in the Composites Market Driver and Challenges

The competing forces within the PA66 resin in the composites market, as well as those facing the overall composites market, have several driving forces and challenges that affect its growth rate and acceptance.

The factors responsible for driving PA66 resin in the composites market include:
• Need for Lightweight and High-Performance Materials: As companies look to optimize their processes and minimize their environmental footprint, there has been a remarkable increase in the use of lightweight and high-performance materials, such as plastic polyamide resins. These polyamide 66 resins have a high strength-to-weight ratio and thermal stability, making them suitable for automotive, aerospace, and industrial operations.
• Progress Regarding the Production of Resins: Changes in manufacturing technology have reduced costs and enhanced the production scope of PA66 resins. As a result, PA66 has become an ideal and cost-effective material in industries looking for high-performance composites.
• Growing Trends in the Automotive and Aerospace Industries: As more emphasis is placed on vehicle lightweighting and more efficient aerospace systems, PA66 resins are being increasingly accepted. These industries have targeted specifications for emissions and energy consumption that are satisfied using PA66 composites, further enhancing the growth of the overall market.
• Growing Demand in the Electronics Market: The increased usage of electronic gadgets has raised the need for flame-resistant and electrical insulator materials, such as PC/ABS. This growing electronics market provides excellent application potential for PA66 resins in connectors, circuit boards, and housing components.
• Sustainability Focus: Amid the current drive for manufacturers to become more environmentally friendly, sustainability is becoming a key factor. This trend involves the creation of bio-based and recycled PA66 resins to help industries meet sustainability requirements without compromising quality.

Challenges in the PA66 resin in the composites market are:
• High Production Costs: The production of PA66 resins, particularly high-performance grades, can be expensive, especially for intermediate grades or when using bio-based or recycled content. This limits their uptake in economically sensitive regions.
• Supply Chain and Raw Material Constraints: The production of PA66 resin depends on certain raw materials, which are often affected by timing and cost issues within various supply chains. Additionally, due to the presence of Lucite in the market, many challenges in securing good feedstock persist across industrial firms.
• Regulatory Barriers and Compliance: There may be applications where the use of PA66 resins is restricted due to legal compliance, such as environmental and health concerns. Meeting such requirements can complicate the market.

The development of PA66 resins in the composites market is driven by technological advancements, the growth of the automotive and aerospace industries, and the increasing demand for green materials. However, issues like high manufacturing costs, supply chain constraints, and legislative restrictions need to be addressed to promote further market expansion. Meeting these challenges will enable PA66 resins to become increasingly important in the global composites market.

List of PA66 Resin Companies in the Composites Market

Companies in the Composites Market

• Toray Industries
• Solvay
• Celanese Corporation
• DuPont

PA66 Resin in the Composites by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global PA66 resin in the composites by product type, application, and region.

PA66 Resin in the Composites Market by Product Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic
• Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic
• Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic

PA66 Resin in the Composites Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Transportation
• Consumer Goods
• Electrical & Electronics
• Others

PA66 Resin in the Composites Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the PA66 Resin in the Composites Market

The PA66 resins (polyamide 66), also known as nylon 66, are becoming more popular across the composite materials market. The engineering plastic has gained significance in various application areas, ranging from automotive to aerospace and industrial industries, because of its high strength, thermal stability, and good dimensional stability. Additionally, the gradual dominance of PA66 resins in composite materials has been registered due to the rising demand for lightweight and high-performance materials. The U.S., China, Germany, India, and Japan are leading the way, as progress in production and material science can be observed in these countries, which are equipped with modern technologies for advancing new industries.

• United States: PA66 resins are being adopted in the automotive, aerospace, and industrial sectors in the U.S. due to their excellent mechanical properties and heat resistance. As manufacturers are concerned with reducing the weight of vehicles and increasing fuel efficiency, PA66 resins are used in high-performance composites, particularly for ‘under-the-hood’ automotive components. Furthermore, some U.S. companies focus on the environmental aspects and research manufacturing bio-based or recycled PA66 resins.
• China: In this section, ZY’s activities in China, as well as the company’s target markets, are discussed. Regarding these highlights, it is reasonable to say that an examination of the emerging market focused on China fully determines the areas for ZY's advancement and consolidation. Considered in its broader context, China is a key market for PA66 resin applications, with a large industrial base currently surrounding it. However, without incentives from government policies or other stakeholders, the production capacity of polyamide regional players is focused on low-grade resins.
• Germany: Germany, known for its strong economies and industries such as automotive and aerospace, is one of the leaders in the development and application of PA66 resins in composites. In the automotive industry, PA66 is used to produce lightweight parts that enhance vehicle fuel economy. German producers also specialize in developing PA66 resins, with particular emphasis on their application in high-temperature and high-mechanical load conditions. At the same time, Germany is also at the forefront of developing bio-based and ecological PA66 resins, focusing on production from reclaimed sources and minimizing environmental impact through sustainable production techniques.
• India: The Indian government has initiated a strategy for national development, which includes building domestic PA66 manufacturing capabilities as part of import substitution. Demand for PA66 grades has increased in the Indian market, particularly in the automotive sector, due to rapid industrialization and economic development. Because of the need for lightweight and durable materials, the use of PA66 resins in the automotive industry is shifting from body panels to other composite components, such as engines and electrical housings. Moreover, local businesses are utilizing PA66 resins in various automotive industrial applications, including machinery and electronics.
• Japan: Japan, known for its high-tech advancements and the development of the automotive industry, is incorporating PA66 resins in the production of lightweight and high-strength composite materials. Japanese companies have been focused on developing systems to enhance the thermal properties and increase the mechanical strength of PA66 resins, enabling their use in more applications, including mobile phones and automobiles. Japan has also been active in developing PA66 resins that are more flame-retardant and chemically resistant, which are essential for use in electronics and aerospace.

Features of the PA66 Resin in the Global Composites Market

Market Size Estimates: PA66 resin in the composites market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: PA66 resin in the composites market size by product type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: PA66 resin in the composites market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product types, applications, and regions for PA66 resin in the composites market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the PA66 resin in the composites market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for PA66 resin in the composites market by product type (short fiber reinforced thermoplastic, long fiber reinforced thermoplastic, and continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic), application (transportation, consumer goods, electrical & electronics, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global PA66 Resin in the Composites Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global PA66 Resin in the Composites Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global PA66 Resin in the Composites Market by Product Type
3.3.1: Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic
3.3.2: Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic
3.3.3: Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic
3.4: Global PA66 Resin in the Composites Market by Application
3.4.1: Transportation
3.4.2: Consumer Goods
3.4.3: Electrical & Electronics
3.4.4: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global PA66 Resin in the Composites Market by Region
4.2: North American PA66 Resin in the Composites Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Product Type: Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic, Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic, and Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Transportation, Consumer Goods, Electrical & Electronics, and Others
4.3: European PA66 Resin in the Composites Market
4.3.1: European Market by Product Type: Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic, Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic, and Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Transportation, Consumer Goods, Electrical & Electronics, and Others
4.4: APAC PA66 Resin in the Composites Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Product Type: Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic, Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic, and Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Transportation, Consumer Goods, Electrical & Electronics, and Others
4.5: ROW PA66 Resin in the Composites Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Product Type: Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic, Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic, and Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Transportation, Consumer Goods, Electrical & Electronics, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for Global PA66 Resin in the Composites Market by Product Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for Global PA66 Resin in the Composites Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for Global PA66 Resin in the Composites Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends of Global PA66 Resin in the Composites Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of Global PA66 Resin in the Composites Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures of Global PA66 Resin in the Composites Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Toray Industries
7.2: Solvay
7.3: Celanese Corporation
7.4: SABIC
7.5: BASF
7.6: DuPont







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