


Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

電気・電子分野におけるポリアミド樹脂複合材料の動向と予測 電気・電子分野におけるポリアミド樹脂複合材料の世界市場の将来性は、サーキットブレーカー、端子台、ハウジング、スイッチエンクロージャー、ボ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年12月2日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、樹脂タイプ別ではポリアミド6が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みです。
- 用途別では、サーキットブレーカーが最も高い成長が見込まれる。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- バイオベース・ポリアミドの用途拡大:バイオベースポリアミドの採用は、製品の環境への影響を軽減しようとする企業にとって、注目すべきトレンドのひとつである。Kappaの範囲内でバイオベース資源から得られるポリプレットD-ポリアミドは、電子筐体やコネクター、ケーブル絶縁などに広く採用されるようになるだろう。このグリーンケミストリーの革新は、化石資源への依存を減少させるだけでなく、従来の科学者ポリアミドと同等の性能を発揮することができるため、技術者はこの産業におけるグリーンな課題に対する可能な解決策の一つとして検討することができる。
- 軽量化・小型化部品への注目:電子機器の小型化が進むにつれ、重量を増加させない強靭な素材へのニーズが高まっています。ポリアミド樹脂をベースとしたコンポジットの使用が増えているため、消費者は携帯電話、コンピューター、その他のウェアラブル製品に重い金属部品の使用を代替できるようになっている。これらの複合材料は、機械的特性を損なうことなく電子部品の性能を最適化するために、重量に対する強度が高い軽量構造を可能にする。
- 高温や炎に耐える複合材料の進歩:電子機器に限らず、電子機器をベースとした技術は今後ますます複雑化・小型化することが予想され、耐高温・難燃性材料の使用がますます不可欠となっています。材料研究の進歩により耐熱性と難燃性が向上したポリアミド複合材料は、回路基板、コネクター、パワーモジュールなどの重要な電子構造体の製造にも使用されるようになっています。この傾向は、安全性と性能が重視される自動車用電子部品で特に顕著である。
- リサイクルと循環型経済:持続可能性に向けた新しいトレンドは、ポリアミド樹脂ベースの複合材料をリサイクルするための新しいリサイクル方法の開発に着手している。再生ポリアミドを製品に使用することで、循環型経済という概念が各企業に浸透しつつある。これは、生産コストを下げると同時に、廃棄物の量を減らす効果がある。低コストのポリアミドの高度なリサイクル技術は、企業が厳しい環境政策や規制を遵守し、設計された機器の電子部品の性能特性を維持できるように開発されている。
- スマートでフレキシブルなエレクトロニクス:スマートでフレキシブルな電子機器の製造において、ポリアミド複合材料の使用が増加している。ウェアラブル、フレキシブル・ディスプレイ、折りたたみ可能な電子機器の増加に伴い、ポリアミド樹脂ベースの複合材料は、強度と軽量の材料を意図して使用されている。このような複合材料は、はるかに軽量で適合性が高く、しかも強靭な電子製品の開発に役立っている。これには、ウェアラブル技術用の先端材料やデバイスも含まれ、このような中・高性能材料が急務となっている。




- 難燃性ポリアミド複合材料の強化: エレクトロニクス産業のいくつかの用途では、火災の危険性に対する懸念の高まりから、燃焼に耐えるポリマーの需要が高まり、難燃性ポリアミド複合材料が開発された。これらの材料は、パワーモジュール、コネクター、回路基板などの次世代電気機器に使用されている。ポリアミド複合材料に添加される難燃剤は、ポリアミド複合材料の安全性と強度を損なうことはない。これらの改良は、自動車用電子機器や重要な電子システム用途にとって高い関心事である。
- ポリアミドのリサイクルと電子部品への使用:電子部品への再生ポリアミドの採用は、消費者からも製造業者からも持続可能なソリューションに対する要求が高まっているため、受け入れられるようになってきている。この傾向は、廃棄物処理費用と材料費全体を削減する必要性によってもたらされている。プラスチック筐体や電気コネクターなどの製造に再生ポリアミドを使用することで、ほとんどの場合、バージン材料と同等になり、廃棄物や資源の使用が削減されます。
- バイオベース・ポリアミドの受け入れ拡大:メーカーが製品の最終用途を重視しなくなったため、エレクトロニクス業界ではバイオベース・ポリアミドの使用へのシフトが進んでいる。バイオベースポリアミドは、ケーブルの絶縁体、ハウジング、コネクターなどの電子部品の部品として、さらに広い範囲に使用されるようになっている。これらの材料は天然資源から作られ、ポリアミドと同じ役割を果たすため、メーカーは製品特性に影響を与えることなく、持続可能性に関する目標を達成することができる。
- 射出成形の最新動向射出成形技術に関しては、様々な形状でより優れた特性を持つポリアミド複合材料を製造できるように開発が進められている。それは、眉毛は、マザータッチと皮質の棚Hageman最近より頻繁に技術ポリマープレマークワイヤー、一次回路基板、またはハウジングと呼ばれる練る。最新の射出成形技術は、その精度と作業速度の向上により、電子部品に対する性能または価格に見合った価値のアプローチに対する高まるニーズを満たすために企業を支援している。
- フレキシブル・エレクトロニクスへの関心の高まり:より強く耐久性のあるポリアミド複合材料は、フレキシブルでさらに革新的なエレクトロニクスへのポリアミド複合材料の使用増加の結果である。高い強度と変形能力により、これらのポリイミド複合材料は、フレキシブル・ディスプレイ、折りたたみ可能なスマートフォン、スマートウォッチ、その他の電子機器への使用に適している。




- ウェアラブル・エレクトロニクス:消費者が軽量、高強度、フレキシブルな材料を求めているため、ウェアラブル電子ガジェットは増加傾向にある。スマートウォッチ、フィットネストラッカー、健康モニタリング機器には、性能、快適性、携帯性のバランスが取れたポリアミド複合材料が使用されている。複雑で高機能なウェアラブル・ガジェットを求める消費者が増えるにつれて、この業界はさらに成長すると予想され、それによってこの分野におけるポリアミド複合材料の需要が増加する。
- 電気自動車(EV):活況を呈している電気自動車のトレンドにより、ポリアミド複合材料は、バッテリーケーシング、コネクター、制御モジュールハウジングなどの重要な電子構造部品に利用されている。これらの材料は、高い耐熱性と優れた電気絶縁性により優れている。EV市場が拡大するにつれ、ポリアミド複合材料は、これらの自動車の機能性、効率性、安全性を高める上で重要な役割を果たし続けるだろう。
- スマート家電:洗濯機、冷蔵庫、エアコンなどのスマート家電は、一般家庭で高い需要がある。このため、ポリアミド複合材料の需要も高まっている。これらの材料は、スマート家電の部品ケーシング、電気コネクター、耐熱部品に有用である。耐久性、軽量性、耐摩耗性、耐熱性により、この成長市場における高性能部品に最適である。
- 高度なコンシューマー・エレクトロニクス:ノートパソコン、スマートフォン、ゲーム機などの高度なコンシューマー・エレクトロニクス機器の要件を満たすため、ポリアミド複合材料の採用が増加している。これらの複合材料は、コネクター、回路基板、内部ハウジングに使用される強度、耐熱性、柔軟性、耐久性を提供します。コンシューマー・エレクトロニクスの進化に伴い、ポリアミド複合材料は、消費エネルギーの少ない、より薄く軽いデバイスを作るために不可欠なものとなるでしょう。
- 再生可能エネルギーシステム:ポリアミド複合材料は、過酷な環境条件下で電気部品の性能を発揮しなければならない風力発電や太陽光発電などの再生可能エネルギーシステムで、より頻繁に使用されています。ポリアミド複合材料は、強度、耐久性、耐熱性、耐食性などの優れた特性を備えているため、再生可能エネルギー・システムの主要部品に最適です。世界が化石燃料から再生可能エネルギーへとシフトする中、ポリアミド複合材料は、これらのエネルギーシステムの効率と耐久性を向上させる上で不可欠なものとなるでしょう。




- 軽くて強い材料へのニーズの高まり:電子機器の小型化・軽量化の市場トレンドにより、ポリアミド樹脂複合材料への需要が高まっている。これらの材料は引張強度が高く、荷重に耐え、生分解しにくく、耐熱性があるため、コネクターやハウジングなどの部品に適している。
- 製造技術における技術開発:新しい製造技術、特に射出成形と3Dプリンティングは、ポリアミド樹脂ベースの複合材料の生産を向上させている。このような特徴を持つ電子部品の製造は、より簡潔で複雑な形状の設計を可能にするため、製造を容易にする。
- 持続可能性と環境に優しい製品の開発:持続可能な電子機器に対する消費者の関心が高まっているため、電子機器におけるバイオベースまたはリサイクル・ポリアミドの必要性が高まっている。これらの材料は、より高品質な電子機器に必要な性能基準を維持しながら、環境目標を満たすものである。
- コンシューマーエレクトロニクスとウェアラブル市場の台頭:高度なコンシューマーエレクトロニクスやウェアラブルデバイスに対する需要の高まりにより、軽量でありながらかなりの強度を持つ材料が求められている。ポリアミド複合材料はこの用途に最適である。
- 電気自動車とスマート家電の成長:電気自動車市場やスマート家電の台頭により、このようなシステムの電子部品の性能を向上させる、高強度、軽量、耐熱性材料のニーズが高まっている。


- 製造コストの課題:ポリアミド樹脂複合材料は優れた特性を持っているにもかかわらず、製造コストが高く、特にバイオベースや強化されたものは標準的な材料よりもコストがかかる。これは低コストの用途における課題である。
- 材料加工の難易度が高い:ポリアミド複合材料の加工には多くの課題があり、高度な技術、高度な専門知識、特殊な設備が必要となる。製造工程では、品質と性能を維持しながら生産規模を拡大することがメーカーにとって課題となる。
- サプライチェーンの混乱:ポリアミド系熱可塑性樹脂、特に繊維強化樹脂は、定期的な原料供給に依存している。地政学的緊張や自然災害などのサプライチェーン上の課題は、ポリアミド複合材料の製造に必要な必須成分の入手不能やコスト上昇につながる可能性がある。




- デュポン
- ランクセス
- ソルベイ




- ポリアミド6
- ポリアミド66
- ポリアミド46
- その他


- サーキットブレーカー
- 端子台
- ハウジング
- スイッチエンクロージャー
- ボビン
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国米国では、優れた機械的特性と耐熱性を備えた軽量材料の需要により、電気・電子産業でポリアミド添加複合材料の使用が増加している。アメリカの産業界では、機械的耐性が比較的高いことから、コネクター、ハウジング、回路基板をポリアミド複合材料で代用する傾向がある。また、持続可能でバイオベースのポリアミド材料を取り入れる機運も高まっており、環境への懸念に対応している。さらに、射出成形や押出成形などの加工方法を進化させ、最新のエレクトロニクスの要求を満たし、高性能分野でのポリアミド複合材料の応用範囲を拡大する努力がなされている。
- 中国中国は、電気・電子産業におけるポリアミド樹脂ベース複合材料の最大消費国および最大生産国のひとつとなっている。電子機器製造部門の急成長に伴い、同国では電線絶縁、電気コネクター、携帯電話ハウジングなどにポリアミド樹脂系複合材料が採用されている。注目すべきは、中国のメーカーが、環境規制の強化に対応するため、リサイクルやバイオベースのポリアミドを製品にもっと取り入れようとしていることだ。さらに中国は、国際的な電子部品市場における競争力を高めるため、高度なポリアミド複合材料の製造能力を向上させている。
- ドイツドイツは、エレクトロニクスと電気工学におけるポリアミド樹脂ベースの複合材料の開発と使用において主要な役割を果たしてきた。ドイツ企業は非常に革新的で、高性能部品のコネクター、回路基板、電子機器のハウジングにポリアミド複合材料を使用している。ドイツ企業は、バイオベースやリサイクル・ポリアミドを使用するなど、持続可能性に多大な努力を傾けている。また、高信頼性が要求される電子システムに不可欠な熱的・電気的特性を高めるため、ポリアミド複合材料の加工方法の改善にも取り組んでいる。
- インドインドにおけるポリアミド樹脂複合材料の電気・電子用途の成長は、電子機器製造部門の拡大が原動力となっている。ポリアミド樹脂複合材料は、ワイヤー絶縁体、コネクター、その他耐熱性と導電性を備えた電気部品として使用されている。インド市場では、世界的な環境動向を受けてメーカーがバイオベースのポリアミドの採用を検討しており、より持続可能な選択肢へのシフトが見られる。さらに、インド企業は、ポリアミド複合材料の強度、耐久性、効率性を向上させるための研究開発に投資しており、国内外市場の高性能要件を満たしている。
- 日本ポリアミド樹脂をベースとした複合材料は、日本ではすでに電気・電子用途に広く使用されている。日本の機器・部品メーカーは、コネクター、絶縁材料、携帯電話、その他の精密部品にポリアミド複合材料を使用している。日本はまた、環境の持続可能性へのコミットメントから、バイオベースのポリアミドも採用している。さらに日本は、ポリアミド複合材料の有効性を高めるため、射出成形や3Dプリンティングを含む高度な加工方法を採用してきた。こうした技術革新により、日本は先端電子材料とハイエンド技術の生産におけるリーダーとしての地位をさらに高めている。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.4.3: ハウジング
3.4.5: ボビン

4.5: ROWのポリアミド樹脂複合材料の電気・電子市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーション統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: デュポン
7.4: ランクセス
7.5: ソルベイ





Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Trends and Forecast

The future of the global polyamide resin composites in the electrical and electronics market looks promising with opportunities in the circuit breaker, terminal block, housing, switch enclosure, and bobbin markets. The global polyamide resin composites in electrical and electronics market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 3.6% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the expansion of the consumer electronics and automotive electronics sectors, the growing demand for lightweight and high-performance materials in electronics, and the rising adoption of EVs and renewable energy sources.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the resin type category, polyamide6 is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• Within the application category, circuit breakers are expected to witness the highest growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market

The polyamide resins based composites in the electrical and electronics market is a developing market with some trends that most of the time emphasize the improvement in the material properties, sustainability, and broadening of the field of application. These changes are set towards enhancing the functionality of electronic devices hence providing lightweight, efficient, and greener products.

• Growth of Usage Bio-Based Polyamides: Adoption of bio-based polyamides is one of the trends that is a notable shift towards any company that intends to lessen the environmental impact of their products. Polyplet D-polyamide obtained from bio-based resources within the Kappa range is set to gain wider adoption within electronic housings and connectors, cable insulation, etc. This green chemistry innovation not only decreases dependence on fossil resources but also can deliver the performance of traditional scientists polyamide which allows the engineers to consider it as one of the possible solutions for the green challenges in this industry.
• Attention for Lightweight and Miniaturized Components: As these electronic devices continue to become increasingly compact, a strong need for tough materials that do not add on weight is on the rise. Due to the increasing use of polyamide resins-based composites, consumers have been able to substitute the use of heavier metal components in phones, computers, and other wearables. These composites make it possible to have lightweight constructions that have high strength to weight to optimize the performance of electronic components without compromising on their mechanical properties.
• Advancement of Composites able to Resist High Temperature and Flame: Technology based on but not limited to electronic devices is bound to become increasingly complicated and smaller in the future making it ever more essential to use high temperature resistant and flame retardant materials. Polyamide composites with improved thermal and flame resistance with the advancement of materials research are also now used in the manufacturing of critical electronic structures including but not limited to circuit boards, connectors, and power modules. This trend is especially evident in automotive electronics where safety and performance are the key.
• Recycling and Circular Economy: The new trend towards sustainability is initiating the development of new recycling methods to recycle polyamide resins based composites. The concept of circular economy is gaining traction among endeavors with the use of recycled polyamides within the product range. This has the effect of decreasing the amount of waste at the same time as lowering the costs of production. Advanced recycling technologies for low-cost polyamides are being developed so that companies will be able to adhere to strict environmental policies and regulations as well as maintain the performance characteristics of electronic components in the designed devices.
• Smart and Flexible Electronics: There has been an increased use of polyamide composites in the manufacture of smart and flexible electronic devices. As the enhance in wearables, flexible displays, and foldable electronics go up polyamide resins based composites are used with the intention of strength and lightweight materials. Such composites have assisted in developing electronic products that are much lighter and conformable but with high toughness. This includes advanced materials and devices for wearable tech, which has a pressing need for such medium to high-performance materials.

In electrical and electronics application areas, as trends continue to influence the market for polyamide resin-based composites, there is progress concerning sustainable advancements, miniaturization, performance, and flexibility. With the increase in requirements for performance and lightweight eco-friendly materials growing, the utilization of polyamide composites in consumer electronics is bound to be on the increase.

Recent Developments in the Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market

The developments of polyamide resin-based composites for the electrical and electronics market have been targeting materials enhancement, sustainability, and new applications. These developments are aimed at enhancing the performance and cost-effectiveness of various electronic solutions while reducing their environmental impacts.

• Enhanced Flame Retardant Polyamide Composites: In several applications in the electronics industry, the growing concern about fire hazards has created a demand for polymers that can withstand combustion, leading to flame retarding polyamide composites. These materials are being used in next-generation electrical devices like power modules, connectors, and circuit boards. The flame retardants added to polyamide composites do not compromise the safety and strength of polyamide composites. These improvements are of high concern for automotive electronics and critical electronic systems applications.
• Recycling polyamide and its use in electronic components: The adoption of recycled polyamides in electronic parts is becoming an acceptable practice since there is a growing demand for sustainable solutions from consumers and manufacturers alike. This trend is driven by the need to curtail waste disposal costs and the overall cost of materials. The application of recycled polyamides in the production of plastic enclosures and electrical connectors, among other components, is in most cases at par with virgin materials while dumping and resource use are reduced.
• Bio-Based Polyamide Acceptance Growing: There has been an increasing shift towards the use of bio-based polyamides in the electronics industry as manufacturers have their priorities less on the product’s end use. An even wider scope has been reached by the bio-based polyamides as parts of the cable insulations, housings, and connectors among other electronics components. These materials are made from natural resources and perform the same tasks as the polyamides helping manufacturers meet their targets on sustainability without affecting product characteristics.
• Modern Trends in Injection Molding: Concerning injection molding technologies, developments are being made so that polyamide composites with varied shapes and better properties can be manufactured. It brow kneads mother touch and cortex shelves Hageman recently more often called technologies polymer Premark wires, primary circuit boards, or housings. Modern injection molding techniques, because of their improved accuracy and speed of operation, are assisting companies in satisfying the rising need for performance or a value-for-money approach to electronic components.
• Growing Interest in Flexible Electronics: Stronger and more durable polyamide composites have been a result of growth in the use of polyamide composites for flexible and even more innovative electronics. High strength and ability to deform make these polyimide composites suitable for use in flexible displays, foldable smartphones, smartwatches, and other electronic gadgets.

A new trend is emerging in the manufacturing of electrical products based on polyamide resins and incorporating polyamide resin composites. These materials are being welcomed for inclusion due to the improved flame resistance, the green agenda, and the evolution of manufacturing processes.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market

The polyamide resin-based composites in the electrical and electronics market have numerous areas for expansion, driven by advancements in material properties, manufacturing techniques, and areas of application. These opportunities are especially prominent in the development of more sophisticated, effective, and eco-friendly electronic products.

• Wearable Electronics: Wearable electronic gadgets are witnessing a growing trend, as consumers require lightweight, high-strength, flexible materials. Smartwatches, fitness trackers, and health monitoring devices use polyamide composites that balance performance, comfort, and portability. This industry is expected to grow further as more consumers seek complex and highly functional wearable gadgets, thereby increasing the demand for polyamide composites in this sector.
• Electric Vehicles (EVs): Due to the booming electric vehicle trend, polyamide composites are being utilized in critical electronic structural parts, such as battery casings, connectors, and control module housings. These materials excel due to their high thermal resistance and excellent electrical insulation. As the EV market expands, polyamide composites will continue to play a key role in enhancing the functionality, efficiency, and safety of these vehicles.
• Smart Appliances: Smart appliances like washing machines, refrigerators, and air conditioners are in high demand among households. This creates a corresponding demand for polyamide composites. These materials are useful for component casings, electrical connectors, and heat-resistant parts in smart appliances. Their durability, lightweight nature, and resistance to wear and heat make them ideal for high-performance components in this growing market.
• Advanced Consumer Electronics: To meet the requirements of advanced consumer electronic devices, such as laptops, smartphones, and gaming consoles, polyamide composites are increasingly being adopted. These composites provide strength, thermal resistance, flexibility, and durability for use in connectors, circuit boards, and internal housings. As consumer electronics evolve, polyamide composites will be essential for creating thinner, lighter devices that consume less energy.
• Renewable Energy Systems: Polyamide composites are being used more frequently in renewable energy systems, such as wind and solar power, where electrical parts must perform under extreme environmental conditions. Due to their excellent properties, including strength, durability, heat resistance, and corrosion resistance, these composites are ideal for key components in renewable energy systems. As the world shifts from fossil fuels to renewable energy, polyamide composites will become critical in improving the efficiency and durability of these energy systems.

The market for polyamide resin-based composites in the electrical and electronics sector offers numerous strategic growth opportunities. With applications in wearables, EVs, smart appliances, consumer electronics, and renewable energy systems, these materials are expected to experience high demand, driven by the ongoing quest for high performance and sustainability.

Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market Driver and Challenges

The market for polyamide resins-based composites in the electrical and electronics market is driven by several technological, economic, and regulatory factors, which help grow the market while also posing some challenges.

The factors responsible for driving the polyamide resin composites in the electrical and electronics market include:
• Growing Need for Lighter and Stronger Materials: There is a demand for polyamide composites due to the market trend for electronic devices to become smaller and lighter. These materials have high tensile strength, can withstand loads, do not biodegrade easily, and are heat resistant, making them suitable for use in components such as connectors and housings.
• Technological Developments in Manufacturing Techniques: Emerging manufacturing technologies, especially injection molding and 3D printing, are improving the production of polyamide resins-based composites. The production of electronic components with such features makes manufacturing easier since it allows for more concise and intricately shaped designs.
• Sustainability and Development of Eco-Friendly Products: There is an increasing need for bio-based or recycled polyamides in electronics due to growing consumer interest in sustainable electronics. These materials satisfy environmental objectives while maintaining necessary performance standards for higher-quality electronic devices.
• Rise of the Consumer Electronics and Wearables Market: The growing demand for advanced consumer electronics and wearable devices calls for materials that are lightweight yet have considerable strength. Polyamide composites are ideal for this application.
• Growth of Electric Vehicles and Smart Appliances: With the rise of the electric vehicle market and smart appliances, there is an increasing need for strong, lightweight, and heat-resistant materials that would improve the performance of electronic parts in such systems.

Challenges in the polyamide resin composites in the electrical and electronics market are:

• Production Cost Challenge: Even though polyamide composites have excellent properties, they are expensive to manufacture, especially the bio-based or reinforced ones, which cost more than standard materials. This is a challenge in low-cost applications.
• High Difficulty of Processing Materials: There are many challenges in processing polyamide composites, which require advanced technology, a high level of expertise, and special equipment. The production process can pose challenges for manufacturers in scaling up production while maintaining quality and performance.
• Supply Chain Disruptions: Polyamide thermoplastic resins, especially those with fiber-reinforced compositions, are dependent on regular feedstock supply. Supply chain challenges, such as geopolitical tensions or natural calamities, can lead to the unavailability or increased cost of essential components needed to make polyamide composites.

The market for polyamide resins-based composites in electrical and electronics remains favorable, with unlimited growth potential driven by the need for high-performance materials in electronics, wearables, and automotive applications. On the other hand, concerns about production costs, material processing, and supply chain balance need to be addressed to keep up with the challenges.

List of Polyamide Resin Composites Companies in Electrical and Electronics Market

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies polyamide resin composites companies in electrical and electronics market cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the polyamide resin composites companies in electrical and electronics market profiled in this report include-

• DuPont
• Solvay

Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global polyamide resin composites in electrical and electronics by resin type, application, and region.

Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market by Resin Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Polyamide6
• Polyamide66
• Polyamide46
• Others

Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Circuit Breaker
• Terminal Block
• Housing
• Switch Enclosure
• Bobbins
• Others

Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market

Polyamide resin-based composites are increasingly being applied in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering. For instance, they are used in connectors, cables, housings, and other components. However, due to the increasing trend for lightweight and portable consumer electronics, such as laptops and cellular phones, manufacturers in the U.S., China, Germany, India, and Japan are actively developing polyamide composites to enhance product performance while simultaneously minimizing overall weight and increasing sustainability. These developments align with global trends toward increased efficiency, reduced weight, and green manufacturing practices.

• United States: In the U.S., polyamide additive composites are increasingly used in the electrical and electronics industries due to the demand for lightweight materials with good mechanical properties and heat resistance. There is a trend among American industries to substitute polyamide composites for connectors, housings, and circuit boards due to their relatively high level of mechanical resistance. The incorporation of sustainable and bio-based polyamide materials is also gaining momentum, addressing environmental concerns. Additionally, efforts are being made to advance processing methods, including injection molding and extrusion, to meet the requirements of modern electronics and expand the application range of polyamide composites in high-performance sectors.
• China: China has emerged as one of the largest consumers and producers of polyamide resin-based composites in the electrical and electronics industry. With the rapid growth of its electronics manufacturing sector, the country is adopting these composites for wire insulation, electrical connectors, and mobile phone housings. Notably, Chinese manufacturers are also seeking to incorporate more recycled and bio-based polyamides in their products to comply with increasing environmental regulations. Furthermore, China is improving its capabilities to manufacture advanced polyamide composites to enhance its competitiveness in the international electronic components market.
• Germany: Germany has played a major role in the development and use of polyamide resin-based composites in electronics and electrical engineering. German companies are highly innovative, using polyamide composites in high-performance component connectors, circuit boards, and housings for electronic devices. A significant effort is being devoted to sustainability, with the use of bio-based and recycled polyamides by companies in Germany. The country is also working to improve processing methods for polyamide composite materials to enhance their thermal and electrical properties, which are critical in electronic systems with high-reliability requirements.
• India: The growth of electrical and electronics applications for polyamide resin composites in India is driven by the expansion of the electronic manufacturing sector. Polyamide composites are used as wire insulators, connectors, and other electrical components that offer heat resistance and conductivity. The Indian market is seeing a shift toward more sustainable options, as manufacturers are looking to incorporate bio-based polyamides due to global environmental trends. Furthermore, Indian companies are investing in R&D to make polyamide composites stronger, more durable, and more efficient to meet the high-performance requirements of both local and international markets.
• Japan: Polyamide resin-based composites have already found widespread use in electrical and electronics applications in Japan. Japanese manufacturers of both equipment and components use polyamide composites in connectors, insulating materials, mobile phones, and other precision parts. Japan has also embraced bio-based polyamides due to its commitment to environmental sustainability. Additionally, Japan has adopted advanced processing methods, including injection molding and 3D printing, to enhance the efficacy of polyamide composites. These innovations further position Japan as a leader in the production of advanced electronic materials and high-end technology.

Features of the Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market

Market Size Estimates: Polyamide resin composites in electrical and electronics market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Polyamide resin composites in electrical and electronics market size by resin type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Polyamide resin composites in electrical and electronics market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different resin types, applications, and regions for the polyamide resin composites in electrical and electronics market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the polyamide resin composites in electrical and electronics market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the polyamide resin composites in electrical and electronics market by resin type (polyamide6, polyamide66, polyamide46, and others), application (circuit breaker, terminal block, housing, switch enclosure, bobbins, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market by Resin Type
3.3.1: Polyamide6
3.3.2: Polyamide66
3.3.3: Polyamide46
3.3.4: Others
3.4: Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market by Application
3.4.1: Circuit Breaker
3.4.2: Terminal Block
3.4.3: Housing
3.4.4: Switch Enclosure
3.4.5: Bobbins
3.4.6: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market by Region
4.2: North American Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Resin Type: Polyamide6, Polyamide66, Polyamide46, and Others
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Circuit Breaker, Terminal Block, Housing, Switch Enclosure, Bobbins, and Others
4.3: European Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market
4.3.1: European Market by Resin Type: Polyamide6, Polyamide66, Polyamide46, and Others
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Circuit Breaker, Terminal Block, Housing, Switch Enclosure, Bobbins, and Others
4.4: APAC Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Resin Type: Polyamide6, Polyamide66, Polyamide46, and Others
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Circuit Breaker, Terminal Block, Housing, Switch Enclosure, Bobbins, and Others
4.5: ROW Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Resin Type: Polyamide6, Polyamide66, Polyamide46, and Others
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Circuit Breaker, Terminal Block, Housing, Switch Enclosure, Bobbins, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market by Resin Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends of Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures of Global Polyamide Resin Composites in Electrical and Electronics Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: BASF
7.2: DSM
7.3: DuPont
7.5: Solvay







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