


Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market Report: Trends, forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

産業用途向け熱可塑性コンポジットの動向と予測 産業用熱可塑性コンポジットの世界市場の将来は、ポンプ部品、プレート・チューブストック、エンクロージャー、出荷用パレット、機械シールドの各市場における... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年12月2日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintel社の予測では、繊維タイプ別ではガラス繊維が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みです。
- 用途別では、ポンプ部品が引き続き最大セグメントである。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- 持続可能な開発と循環型経済:持続可能性の課題を推進した結果、世界の熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料の構造産業用途が牽引力を増していることは称賛に値する。生態系への影響を最小限に抑えるため、リサイクル素材やバイオベース素材を製品に取り入れるメーカーが増えている。また、資源の消費と廃棄物の発生を抑えるため、製品のリサイクルや再利用に対応するよう、メーカーの慣行も変化している。
- 軽量化によるエネルギー効率の最適化:産業機器用熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料は、航空宇宙、自動車、建設分野で使用されるようになり、そのような材料を部品に組み込んで軽量化し、エネルギー効率を高めている。時代遅れのエネルギー効率基準に対するメーカーの不安は、軽量材料が燃料熱を減少させ、システム全体のエネルギー効率を向上させるため、環境破壊を軽減する方法を探している業界の市場にシフトを引き起こしている。
- 3Dプリンティングと積層造形:複雑でユニークな熱可塑性プラスチック複合材を工業用に製造することは、3Dプリンティングのような多くの付加製造技術により、それほど難しいことではなくなります。このような技術は、新製品が市場に出るまでの時間を短縮し、廃棄物の発生量を減らし、特に設計と精度が非常に重要な航空宇宙産業や自動車産業において、設計における創造性の余地を広げるのに役立つ。
- 繊維強化における利点:特に高強度と高耐久性が要求される分野では、熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料に高度な繊維強化材を適用することへの関心が高まっている。繊維強化高分子材料(FRP)は、航空宇宙、自動車、再生可能エネルギー用途において、強く、軽く、耐久性のある構造部品を実現します。
- スマート材料の統合:センサーを組み込んだ熱可塑性材料など、スマート材料の工業分野での利用が増加傾向にある。このような材料は、製品の性能の継続的な特性評価を可能にし、また、自動車や航空宇宙産業など、システムの高い信頼性に依存する産業における予知保全を強化する可能性を秘めている。




- 熱可塑性バイオマテリアルの採用:持続可能な材料への注目により、バイオベースの熱可塑性プラスチックの開発と実用的な産業目的での利用が増加している。これは、より環境に優しい材料がオプションではなく、必須要件となっている自動車産業や建設産業で特に当てはまります。
- 3Dプリンティングと積層造形の進化:3Dプリンターは、複雑な形状や部品をオンデマンドで組み込むことを可能にし、熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料の製造に革命をもたらしている。この技術革新は、使用する材料の大幅な節約につながると同時に、特に航空宇宙産業や自動車産業における製造の効率を高める。
- 航空宇宙分野での用途拡大による軽量化の機会:ボーイングやエアバスのような航空宇宙企業では、燃費を向上させながらダクトや機体を軽量化するために、より多くの熱可塑性複合材が構造部品として使用されている。この背景には、省エネルギーと厳しい規制に貢献する、より強く、より軽い材料への需要がある。
- スマートフィルムや複合材料:センサー技術と熱可塑性コンポジットの組み合わせに対する関心はかつてないほど高まっている。これらの複合材料は、システムの完全性が求められる自動車やエネルギーなどの重要な用途において、予知保全やシステムの性能監視に使用されるよう設計されている。
- 持続可能な製造方法:熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料は、そのリサイクル可能性により、循環型経済へのシフトを引き起こし、急速に普及している。この傾向は、建設、自動車、エレクトロニクス分野における製造工程が環境に与える影響を軽減するのに役立っている。




- 自動車産業の軽量化:自動車業界は燃費の向上を追求しているため、軽量化された自動車部品に熱可塑性プラスチック複合材を使用する機会が大きく広がっている。これらの材料は、バンパー、ダッシュボードパネル、ドアなどの自動車部品に組み込まれることが多くなり、燃費を向上させ、排出ガスを最小限に抑える。
- 航空宇宙および航空機製造:熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料は、軽量かつ高強度であるため、航空宇宙産業などで利用可能な材料である。より安価な製造コスト、低燃費、厳しい環境規制の遵守を実現するため、より多くの航空機部品の製造に多角化する機会がある。
- 風力エネルギー分野:熱可塑性複合材料は耐久性が高く、軽量で耐湿性に優れているため、風力タービンブレードの製造への応用が増加している。この傾向は、再生可能エネルギー分野の効率向上とコスト削減を目指している。
- 建設とインフラストラクチャー:熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料は、建築分野、特に屋根材、被覆材、床材に多く使用されている。軽量で環境に優しい材料を求める建築セクターのニーズが、より独創的な熱可塑性樹脂ソリューションの登場を後押ししている。
- 電気・電子産業:電子機器、特にハウジング、コネクター、エンクロージャー、その他の部品に熱可塑性プラスチック複合材を使用することは、潜在的な市場機会をもたらす。さらに、これらの複合材料は、強度、耐久性、耐熱性、耐電気干渉性などの性能を向上させる。


産業用途向け熱可塑性コンポジットの動向と予測 市場促進要因と課題


- 材料科学における技術の進歩:材料科学の技術進歩:繊維強化材料やバイオプラスチックを含む複合材料の研究開発には絶え間ない努力が払われている。
- 持続可能性と規制圧力:製造業者は、ほとんどすべての国で、より持続可能な生産プロセスを採用するよう、政府や一般市民からの圧力に直面している。このため、リサイクル可能で環境に優しい熱可塑性プラスチック複合材への需要が高まっており、企業は環境法を遵守し、排出量を最小限に抑えることができる。
- 輸送分野における軽量化の需要:航空宇宙産業と自動車産業は、軽量化を目指して、複合材料に熱可塑性ポリマーを徐々に採用している。
- 3Dプリンティングによるコスト効率の高い製造:3Dプリンティング技術やアディティブ・マニュファクチャリングなどの高度な製造技術の開発により、熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料の製造に関連するコストが削減され、複雑でカスタマイズされたエンジニアリング部品が必要とされるさまざまな産業での使用が可能になりつつある。
- 性能と耐久性への注目の高まり:産業界は、耐久性も備えた性能重視の材料を求めるようになっている。そのため、強靭で軽量、過酷な環境にも耐えられる熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料が人気を集めている。

- 初期コストの高さ:熱可塑性コンポジットの特性上、特に産業分野でこの新素材を採用する場合、多額の初期投資が必要となる。
- 材料供給の制約:高度な熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料の製造には複雑な製造方法が使用されるため、入手可能な材料が限定されることがあり、このことが材料のスケールアップやコストメリットの妨げとなっている。
- 業界標準の欠如:熱可塑性コンポジットポリマーを成形するための一般的な測定基準がないため、市場内の生産工程におけるこれらの材料の使いやすさが制限される。




- 東レ
- ソルベイ
- セラニーズコーポレーション
- デュポン
- ランクセス




- ガラス繊維
- 炭素繊維
- その他


- PP
- PA
- その他




- ポンプ部品
- プレート・チューブ
- エンクロージャー
- 出荷用パレット
- 機械シールド
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:熱可塑性プラスチックの複合材料としての利用は、米国では比較的新しいが、航空宇宙、自動車、建設業界ではその産業化が急速に進んでいる。例えば、B787型機には先進的な熱可塑性プラスチック複合材が使用され、部品の軽量化が図られている。ゼネラル・エレクトリック社は、さまざまな用途で熱可塑性複合材を採用し続けている。米国はまた、バイオベースの熱可塑性プラスチックやリサイクル材料から製造される熱可塑性プラスチックの開発でも知られており、環境持続可能性を推進している。熱可塑性コンポジット部品の効率は、設計の柔軟性を高め、コストを削減する積層造形技術や3Dプリンティング技術の利用によって、業界全体で伸びている。
- 中国産業用途の面では、中国は国のイノベーションイニシアチブを原動力に、熱可塑性複合材料の採用を加速させている。建設、航空、エネルギーの各分野で、AVICやハイアールのような企業が、熱可塑性プラスチックの利用を模索し、その能力を向上させ、製品に必要なエネルギーを削減している。中国の製造業の強さと政府のグリーン製品推進により、機器、パネル、タービンブレードに熱可塑性プラスチック複合材が広く使われるようになっている。
- ドイツ:ドイツは、自動車、航空宇宙、エネルギー分野を中心に、熱可塑性プラスチック複合材の産業利用でリードし続けている。エアバスやフォルクスワーゲンのような企業が、自動車の構造部品として熱可塑性複合材を採用するケースが増えており、軽量化によって燃費を向上させ、排出ガスを削減している。エンジニアリングの卓越性と持続可能性に重点を置くドイツは、繊維強化ポリマー(FRP)やそのハイブリッドなど、先進的な熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料の開発を新たな用途へと後押ししている。炭素排出削減と循環型経済の推進を目指す経済政策は、リサイクル可能でバイオベースの熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料の産業への利用をさらに後押ししており、ドイツは燃料市場のシフトによる重要な受益国となっている。
- インドインドの産業部門は、自動車、インフラ、再生可能エネルギー部門の用途に熱可塑性プラスチック複合材を徐々に採用している。Tata Motors や Larsen & Toubro などのメーカーが、製造工程を最適化し、自動車や建築物の構造組立品の質量を軽減するために、これらの材料を採用し始めている。インドでは、持続可能なソリューションへのニーズの高まりと政府の好意的な政策に後押しされ、先端材料の使用へのシフトが進んでいる。
- 日本:日本は、特に自動車、エレクトロニクス、エネルギー産業など、ハイエンドの産業用途における熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料の利用で業界をリードしている。トヨタやパナソニックのような企業は、自動車の軽量化や電子部品の機能性向上のために熱可塑性コンポジットの使用を最適化している。集中的な研究開発努力により、複合材料のリサイクルへの取り組みを通じて開発された、剛性と強靭性を併せ持つ高性能熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料など、大きなブレークスルーがもたらされた。さらに日本は、ロボット工学や、3Dプリンティングなどの高度な製造方法を活用して、熱可塑性複合材部品を製造している。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.5: 産業用熱可塑性プラスチック複合材料の世界市場:材料タイプ別
3.6.2: プレート&チューブストック
3.6.3: エンクロージャー
3.6.5: 機械シールド
3.6.6: その他

4.2: 北米の産業用熱可塑性コンポジット市場
4.5: ROWの産業用熱可塑性コンポジット市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: 経営統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.2: ソルベイ
7.3: セラニーズコーポレーション
7.4: SABIC
7.5: BASF
7.6: デュポン
7.7: ランクセス





Thermoplastic Composite for Industrial Application Trends and forecast

The future of global thermoplastic composite for the industrial market looks promising with opportunities in the pump component, plate and tube stock, enclosure, shipping pallet, and machinery shielding markets. The global thermoplastic composite for the industrial market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 4.1% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the increasing demand for lightweight and high-performance materials in industrial sectors, the growing focus on sustainability and recyclability, and advancements in manufacturing technologies that enhance efficiency and reduce production costs.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the fiber type category, glass fiber is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• Within the application category, the pump component will remain the largest segment.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Thermoplastic Composite for Industrial Application Trends and forecast Market

Several key trends are currently being observed in the industrial thermoplastic composite for industrial application market which is wider than that of recent years. The changes are due to the increasing needs of industries for lightweight, strong, and environmentally-amphetamine materials that are as economically efficient as cost-effective in the industries.

• Sustainable Development and Circular Economies: It is commendable that global thermoplastic composites' structural industrial applications are gaining traction as a result of the thrust toward the sustainability agenda. More and more manufacturers are incorporating recycled and bio-based materials into their products to minimize ecological influence. The practices of the manufacturers are also changing to accommodate the recycling and reusing of products which leads to lower consumption of resources and generation of wastes.
• Optimizing Energy Efficiency via Lightweighting: Industrial equipment thermoplastic composites are now gaining use in the aerospace, automotive, and construction sectors, where such materials are incorporated in components to make them lighter, resulting in energy efficiency. Manufacturer's trepidation to outdated energy efficiency norms is causing shifts as lightweight materials decrease fuel heat and improve overall system energy efficiency thus a market in industries looking for ways to mitigate environmental damage.
• 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing: Creating complex and unique thermoplastic composite pieces for industrial use will be much less of a challenge due to numerous additive construction technologies such as 3D printing. Such technologies help to shorten the time by which a new product reaches the market, reduce the amount of waste generated, and enable more room for creativity in design especially in the aerospace and automotive industries where design and accuracy are very critical.
• Advantages in Fiber Reinforcement: There is an increasing interest in applying advanced fiber reinforcement in thermoplastic composites, particularly in sectors characterized by high strength and high durability requirements. Fiber-reinforced polymeric materials (FRP) give way to strong, light, and durable structural components for aerospace, automotive, and renewable energy applications.
• Integration of Smart Materials: There is a growing trend in the use of smart materials, such as thermoplastic materials with embedded sensors, in the industrial field. Such materials make possible the continuous characterization of a product’s performance and they also have the potential to enhance predictive maintenance in industries such as automotive and aerospace that depend on high levels of system reliability.

These emerging trends are revolutionizing the thermoplastic composite for industrial application space by increasing the adoption of lighter, more eco-friendly, and innovative materials. The picture is changing in the manufacturing industries and the adoption of smart technologies along with advanced manufacturing will increase the use of these composites in diverse applications.

Recent Developments in the Thermoplastic Composite for Industrial Application Trends and forecast Market

Several key developments are changing the thermoplastic composite for the industrial market industry which is also fostering the change in the outlook towards thermoplastic composites in the market driven by technological evolution and changing market requirements of lightweight and sustainable materials at competitive prices.

• Thermoplastic Biomaterials Adoption: The focus on sustainable materials has resulted in the increased development and utilization of bio-based thermoplastics for practical industrial purposes. This is especially true for the automotive and construction industries where more environmentally friendly materials are not optional but a requirement.
• Evolution of 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing: 3D printers are revolutionizing the manufacturing of thermoplastic composites by making it possible to incorporate complicated shapes and parts on demand. This innovation leads to considerable savings on materials used, while also enhancing the degree of efficiency at which manufacturing is done, in particular, the Aerospace and automotive industry.
• Greater Applications in Aerospace for Weight Saving Opportunities: More thermoplastic composite materials are being used Structural Components by Aerospace Companies such as Boeing and Airbus for weight saving Duct and fuselage while improving fuel efficiency. This is driven by the demand for materials that are stronger and lighter which contributes to saving energy and strict regulations.
• Smart Films or Composites: The interest in the combination of sensor technologies with thermoplastic composites is at an all-time high. These composite materials that have senses are designed to be used in predictive maintenance and monitoring the performance of systems in critical applications such as automotive and energy where there is a need for integrity of the systems.
• Sustainable Manufacturing Practices: Thermoplastic composites are quickly gaining ground due to their recyclability triggering a shift towards circular economies. This trend is helping to lessen the ecological impact of the manufacturing processes in the construction, automobile, and electronics sectors.

These developments espouse a broadened horizon of enhanced sustainability, venturing into innovation, and growing thermal performance efficiency in the industrial thermoplastic composite market. The market is expanded by the focus on lightweighting in new industries, and by the introduction of smart materials and advanced technologies in production.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Thermoplastic Composite for Industrial Application Trends and forecast Market

The thermoplastic composite market for the industrial sector stands to benefit strategically from the overall growth of the thermoplastic composite market. Opportunities such as further transformation, adaptation towards lightweight materials, sustainability, and easy-to-manufacture processes are predicted to be increasingly sought after in the market.

• Automotive Industry Lightweighting: The automotive industry’s quest for improved fuel economy has opened up significant opportunities for the use of thermoplastic composites in lightweight automotive components. These materials are more often integrated into vehicle components, including bumpers, dashboard panels, and doors, to enhance fuel economy and minimize emissions.
• Aerospace and Aircraft Manufacturing: Thermoplastic composites provide both lightweight and high strength, making them viable materials for industries such as aerospace. There are opportunities to diversify into the manufacturing of more aircraft components with cheaper production costs, lower fuel consumption, and adherence to stringent environmental regulations.
• Wind Energy Sector: There is an increasing application of thermoplastic composites in the manufacture of wind turbine blades, as these materials are more durable, lightweight, and moisture-resistant. This trend aims to increase efficiency and reduce costs for the renewable energy sector.
• Construction and Infrastructure: Thermoplastic composites are being used more in construction, particularly for roofing, cladding, and flooring materials. The building sector’s need for lightweight and eco-friendly materials is driving the advent of more creative thermoplastic solutions.
• Electrical and Electronics Industry: The use of thermoplastic composites in electronics, especially for housings, connectors, enclosures, and other components, presents a potential market opportunity. In addition, these composites enhance performance in terms of strength, durability, and resistance to heat and electrical interference.

These growth opportunities stem from the increasing recognition of thermoplastic composites across various industries. The trends toward sustainability, lightweighting, and performance optimization are expected to drive adoption, market growth, and penetration in industrial applications.

Thermoplastic Composite for Industrial Application Trends and forecast Market Driver and Challenges

The thermoplastic composite market for the industrial sector is governed by a wide array of technological, economic, and regulatory enablers, as well as challenges that must be resolved for greater market uptake.

The factors responsible for driving the thermoplastic composite market for the industrial sector include:
• Technological Advancements in Materials Science: There is a relentless effort to research and develop composite materials, including fiber-reinforced materials and bioplastics, which enhance the versatility of thermoplastics for greater industrial application.
• Sustainability and Regulatory Pressure: Manufacturers are facing pressure from governments and the general public in nearly all countries to adopt more sustainable production processes. This is boosting demand for recyclable and green thermoplastic composites, enabling companies to comply with environmental laws and minimize their emissions.
• Demand for Lightweighting in Transport: Aerospace and automotive industries are gradually embracing thermoplastic polymers in their composite materials in a bid to reduce weight, which automatically enhances the energy efficiency of aircraft, vehicles, their fuel consumption, and the emissions they produce.
• Cost-Effective Manufacturing via 3D Printing: The development of 3D printing technologies and other advanced manufacturing techniques, such as additive manufacturing, is reducing the costs associated with the production of thermoplastic composites, enabling their use in various industries where complex and tailored engineering parts are required.
• Increased Focus on Performance and Durability: Industries are increasingly looking for performance-based materials that are also durable. This has made thermoplastic composites popular, as they are tough, lightweight, and capable of withstanding harsh environments.

Challenges in the thermoplastic composite market for the industrial sector include:
• High Initial Cost: Due to the characteristics of thermoplastic composites, their application requires significant initial investment, especially when adopting this new material in industries.
• Material Supply Constraints: Due to the complex production methods used to fabricate advanced thermoplastic composite materials, their availability can be limited, which hampers scaling up and the cost benefits of these materials.
• Lack of Industry Standards: The absence of general metrics for molding thermoplastic composite polymeric production limits the usability of these materials in production processes within the marketplace.

While there is strong growth potential stemming from ongoing technological advancements and the increased demand for lightweight and environmentally friendly solutions, prohibitive costs, material constraints, and the absence of unified standards remain formidable obstacles preventing the widespread adoption of thermoplastic composites in the industrial sector.

List of Thermoplastic Composite Companies for the Industrial Market

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies thermoplastic composite companies for the industrial market cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the thermoplastic composite companies for the industrial market profiled in this report include-

• Toray Industries
• Solvay
• Celanese Corporation
• DuPont

Thermoplastic Composite for Industrial Application Trends and Forecast Market by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global thermoplastic composite for industrial application by fiber type, resin type, material type, application, and region.

Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Fiber Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Glass Fiber
• Carbon Fiber
• Others

Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Resin Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• PP
• PA
• Others

Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Material Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:


Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Pump Components
• Plate and Tube Stock
• Enclosures
• Shipping Pallets
• Machinery Shielding
• Others

Thermoplastic Composite for Industrial Application Trends and Forecast Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Thermoplastic Composite for Industrial Application Trends and Forecast Market

The thermoplastic composite market for industrial applications is undergoing a remarkable transition, as industries today are seeking materials that are lightweight, strong, and cost-effective to improve product performance, durability, and efficiency. Thermosetting composites offer significant benefits, such as high impact tolerance, flexible design, and a high potential for recycling. These qualities have garnered attention in the aerospace, construction, energy, and automotive industries. Driven by technological development, sustainability efforts, and the need to comply with strict regulations, regions such as the U.S., China, Germany, India, and Japan are increasing the use of thermoplastic composites for industrial applications. This trend is expected to continue growing, with these countries actively contributing to the development and integration of these materials into industrial applications.

• United States: Although the use of thermoplastics in composite form is relatively new in the United States, its industrialization has progressed rapidly in the aerospace, automotive, and construction industries. For example, the B787 is equipped with advanced thermoplastic composites to reduce component weight, which in turn helps reduce fuel consumption. General Electric continues to employ thermoplastic composites in various applications. The U.S. is also known for developing bio-based thermoplastics and those produced from recycled materials, which promote eco-sustainability. Growth in the efficiency of thermoplastic composite parts across industries has been spurred by the use of additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies, which enhance design flexibility and reduce costs.
• China: In terms of industrial application, China has accelerated its adoption of thermoplastic composites, driven by the country's innovation initiatives. In the construction, aviation, and energy sectors, companies such as AVIC and Haier are exploring the use of thermoplastics to improve their capabilities and reduce the energy requirements of their products. Given China's manufacturing strength and the government's promotion of green products, the use of thermoplastic composites in equipment, panels, and turbine blades has become widespread.
• Germany: Germany continues to lead in the industrial use of thermoplastic composites, particularly in the automotive, aerospace, and energy sectors. Companies like Airbus and Volkswagen are increasingly turning to thermoplastic composites as structural components for vehicles to save weight, which improves fuel efficiency and reduces emissions. Germany’s focus on engineering excellence and sustainability has helped propel the development of advanced thermoplastic composites, such as fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) and their hybrids, into new applications. Economic policies aimed at carbon emission reduction and promoting a circular economy are further encouraging the use of recyclable and bio-based thermoplastic composites in industries, making Germany a key beneficiary of shifts in the fuel market.
• India: India’s industrial sector is gradually adopting thermoplastic composites for applications in the automotive, infrastructure, and renewable energy sectors. Manufacturers, including Tata Motors and Larsen & Toubro, have begun incorporating these materials to optimize manufacturing processes and reduce the mass of structural assemblies in vehicles and buildings. There is a growing shift in India toward the use of advanced materials, driven by the increasing need for sustainable solutions and the government’s favorable policies.
• Japan: Japan is leading the way in the use of thermoplastic composites for high-end industrial applications, particularly in the automotive, electronics, and energy industries. Companies like Toyota and Panasonic are optimizing the use of thermoplastic composites to reduce the weight of vehicles and improve the functionality of electronic parts. Focused research and development efforts have led to significant breakthroughs, including high-performance thermoplastic composites that are both rigid and tough, developed through efforts to recycle composites. Additionally, Japan is leveraging robotics and advanced production methods, such as 3D printing, to manufacture thermoplastic composite parts.

Features of Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market

Market Size Estimates: Thermoplastic composite for industrial application market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Thermoplastic composite for industrial application market size by various segments, such as fiber type, resin type, material type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Thermoplastic composite for industrial application market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different fiber types, resin types, material types, applications, and regions for the thermoplastic composite for the industrial market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the thermoplastic composite for the industrial market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the thermoplastic composite for the industrial market by fiber type (glass fiber, carbon fiber, and others), resin type (PP, PA,PBT, others, and), material type (SFT, LFT, GMT, and CFT), application (pump components, plate and tube stock, enclosures, shipping pallets, machinery shielding, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market Trends (2018-2023) and forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Fiber Type
3.3.1: Glass Fiber
3.3.2: Carbon Fiber
3.3.3: Others
3.4: Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Resin Type
3.4.1: PP
3.4.2: PA
3.4.3: PBT
3.4.4: Others
3.5: Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Material Type
3.5.1: SFT
3.5.2: LFT
3.5.3: GMT
3.5.4: CFT
3.6: Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Application
3.6.1: Pump Components
3.6.2: Plate and Tube Stock
3.6.3: Enclosures
3.6.4: Shipping Pallets
3.6.5: Machinery Shielding
3.6.6: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Region
4.2: North American Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Fiber Type: Glass Fiber, Carbon Fiber, and Others
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Pump Components, Plate and Tube Stock, Enclosures, Shipping Pallets, Machinery Shielding, and Others
4.3: European Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market
4.3.1: European Market by Fiber Type: Glass Fiber, Carbon Fiber, and Others
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Pump Components, Plate and Tube Stock, Enclosures, Shipping Pallets, Machinery Shielding, and Others
4.4: APAC Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Fiber Type: Glass Fiber, Carbon Fiber, and Others
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Pump Components, Plate and Tube Stock, Enclosures, Shipping Pallets, Machinery Shielding, and Others
4.5: ROW Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Fiber Type: Glass Fiber, Carbon Fiber, and Others
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Pump Components, Plate and Tube Stock, Enclosures, Shipping Pallets, Machinery Shielding, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities in Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Fiber Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities in Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Resin Type
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities in Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Material Type
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities in Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Application
6.1.5: Growth Opportunities in Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in Global Thermoplastic Composite for the Industrial Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Toray Industries
7.2: Solvay
7.3: Celanese Corporation
7.4: SABIC
7.5: BASF
7.6: DuPont







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