


Glass Fiber Textile in the Wind Energy Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

風力発電におけるガラス繊維テキスタイルの動向と予測 世界の風力エネルギー市場におけるガラス繊維テキスタイルの将来は、風車ブレードと風力タービンハブ市場にビジネスチャンスがあり、有望視されている。... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月1日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、製品タイプ別では非圧着が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みです。
- 用途別では、風車用ブレードが高い成長が見込まれる。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間で最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- 材料技術の進歩:風力タービンは、ブレードの強度と耐久性を向上させるために高度なガラス繊維複合材を使用することで改良されている。この傾向には、疲労や環境ストレスに対する耐性などの機械的特性を向上させた織物や不織布の製造も含まれる。これらの素材はブレードの性能向上に貢献し、ブレードのメンテナンスの低減と風力タービンの運転寿命の延長につながる。
- 持続可能性とリサイクル:風力発電業界では二酸化炭素排出量を最小限に抑えるための取り組みが盛んに行われており、持続可能性は大きなトレンドとなっています。ガラス繊維テキスタイルはリサイクル性を向上させるように設計されており、グリーンファイバーの使用に対する人気が高まっています。これは、これらの技術が環境に与える影響を最小限に抑え、風力タービンブレードの埋め立てに関する厳しい規制に対処することを目的とした政策や規制と一致している。
- 洋上風力発電プロジェクトの増加:洋上風力発電所の建設は、特にアメリカ、日本、その他のヨーロッパ諸国において増加傾向にある。このようなプロジェクトでは、より幅広で長い風力タービンブレードを使用することが多く、高度なガラス繊維複合材料のニーズが生まれる。洋上風力発電所は極端な天候のために大きな課題に直面しているが、高い抗老化特性を持つ新しい材料技術によって徐々に解決されつつある。
- デジタル化とスマート・マニュファクチャリング:製造工程における人工知能とモノのインターネット(IoT)の統合なしに、ガラス繊維織物の製造を想像することは難しい。製造業者はスマート技術を取り入れることで、コストを下げながら生産ラインと品質を向上させることができる。これはまた、風力タービンメーカーの高度に調整された要件を満たすのに役立ち、より迅速で効率的な生産を保証する。
- 新興市場とグローバル展開:インドやブラジルなどの国々では風力発電の利用が急速に伸びており、ガラス繊維メーカーに潜在的な市場を提供しています。これらの市場がグリーン・エネルギー・インフラを発展させるにつれ、ガラス繊維などの複合材料の需要が高まる。このシフトは競争を促し、生産と材料供給における技術革新を促進する。




- ブレード設計の改善と材料の改良:最近の開発は、タービンブレード形状の最適化に適用されるガラス繊維複合材料の強化に重点を置いている。製造プロセスの革新により、軽量で強度の高い、より長いブレードが利用できるようになり、エネルギー出力が向上した。このような技術革新は、タービンのメンテナンスサイクルを短縮し、風力発電所の効率を高めるのに役立っている。
- 洋上風力プロジェクトの世界的拡大洋上風力発電プロジェクトは、ヨーロッパ、アメリカ、日本のほとんどの地域が主導権を握り、驚くべきスピードで多様化していることが確認されている。このようなプロジェクトでは、過酷な海洋条件に適した高度なガラス繊維織物が利用されている。その結果、過酷な海洋条件に耐えることのできる高度な強靭な素材に対するニーズが高まっており、繊維セクターの企業がこうした新たな可能性をさらに追求する機会を提供している。
- 持続可能性への取り組みと環境に優しい素材:生態系保全の必要性から、リサイクル可能なポリマー系ガラス繊維複合材料の製造方法も開発されている。スマート建築業界も、従来の建築に使用されるガラス繊維に代わる低廃棄ガラス繊維の製造に取り組んでいる。これらの技術は、電力使用と生産に関する使用の厳格な規制と廃棄物の最大限の最小化という業界の取り組みと一致している。
- 生産工程のデジタル化:ガラス繊維テキスタイルの市場は、3Dプリンティングや人工知能支援製造工程などの新技術の導入により変化している。これらの変化は、ガラス繊維織物市場の精度と汎用性を向上させると同時に、風力タービン使用における性能効率と生産コストと時間の削減を保証する。
- 風力エネルギー開発に対する政策・規制面での支援:中国、米国、ドイツなどは再生可能エネルギーの開発を奨励する法律を制定している。このような政策は、風力発電用ガラス繊維織物が現代の複雑で堅牢な構造の構築に不可欠であることから、風力タービン生産におけるガラス繊維織物の需要を補完する。




- 洋上風力エネルギー開発:洋上風力発電所の重要性が増すにつれて、大型で強度の高いタービンブレードの製造におけるガラス繊維織物のニーズが大幅に高まっている。オフショアの条件によっては、P-77Eまたはその誘導体のポリマーを使用する必要があり、これは極端な気象環境条件や塩水、高圧に耐性がある。このため、この傾向が示すように、洋上で配備された場合に優れた性能を発揮する高防御ガラス繊維サッシ製品ができる。
- 風力タービンブレードへのスマート素材の統合:このように、ガラス繊維織物にセンサーを組み込んでスマート素材を使用することは、風力タービンの性能を向上させる道として残っている。これらの繊維は、ブレードの状態をリアルタイムで監視し、発電ユニット全体のメンテナンスと機能を効果的に管理する道を開く可能性を秘めている。この種の素材を提供できるようになれば、この種の技術革新から恩恵を受ける可能性が高いのは、こうしたメーカーである。
- 新興市場の拡大:インド、ブラジル、東南アジアなどの発展途上国は、再生可能エネルギー源に投資を注ぎ込んでいる。これらの市場は、新しい風力タービン構造の開発だけでなく、ガラス繊維織物投資の成長痛を一掃する機会を提供します。これらの地域が再生可能エネルギーに設定されたバーを達成しようとするにつれて、風力タービン部品用の手頃な価格で長持ちする素材へのニーズが高まるでしょう。
- 環境に優しくリサイクル可能な繊維材料:世界的な観点から持続可能な未来を確立しようとする傾向が強まる中、製造会社は環境に優しくリサイクル可能なガラス繊維複合材料をより重視することができる。このような持続可能な材料のトレンドは、特に環境に優しい国々において、より多くの成長機会を生み出すと予想される。
- オメル社のサプライヤー:オッター・テクノロジーズ(Otter Technologies)。しかし、これらのプロジェクトは、このような先端複合材料の製造の産業化と、風力タービン構造およびその部品の新市場の生産のほとんどに資金を提供している。




- 複合材料の技術革新:複合材料の技術革新:ガラス繊維複合材料の性能は、技術の進歩による市場最適化の重要な要因と考えられている。これらの革新的なガラス繊維複合材料は、優れた強度、環境応力に対する靭性、耐久性など、より多くの性能上の利点を提供する。これらの技術革新は、タービンブレードの効率を最大化し、タービンのダウンタイムを減少させ、風力タービンの性能を向上させるのに役立つため、ガラス繊維織物の需要を増加させる。
- 代替エネルギー源の開発に対する政府の支援:現在、世界各国で再生可能エネルギーの導入が進んでいる。政府による財政援助、経済的参入障壁の低減、風力発電プロジェクトに対する支援が、ガラス繊維織物のような素材の需要を生み出している。特に米国、欧州、中国の各国政府は再生可能エネルギーインフラへの投資を増やしており、これがガラス繊維織物市場の成長に拍車をかけている。
- 拡大する洋上風力発電市場:洋上風力発電はより効率的で土地も少なくて済むため、その重要性はますます高まっている。この成長により、過酷な洋上環境で使用される高性能ガラス繊維テキスタイルのような特殊素材の需要も増加している。洋上風力発電プロジェクトは、今後何年にもわたってこの市場の重要な要因であり続けると予想される。
- グリーンでリサイクル可能な素材の絶え間ない開発:環境に対する関心の高まりが、リサイクル可能なガラス繊維複合材料の創出に寄与している。この傾向は、環境に優しい製品に対する政府の政策や消費者の需要を支えており、ガラス繊維織物市場の成長機会を浮き彫りにしている。
- 風力エネルギー施設の世界的展開:各国が再生可能エネルギー資源に投資する中、建設が世界的に急増し、ガラス繊維テキスタイルの新市場が開かれる。インド、ブラジル、東南アジアなどの国々が再生可能エネルギーの能力を向上させており、風力タービン製造業界では高品質で耐久性のある素材への需要が高まる。

- 高い生産コスト:ガラス繊維テキスタイル業界では、生産コストが大きな障害となっている。ガラス繊維の製造工程は労働集約的で、多大なエネルギーを必要とするため高価になる。これは、特に小規模生産者や新興経済国にとって、市場の障壁となっている。
- 素材の限界と耐久性の問題:ガラス繊維織物は断熱性を提供するが、特に乾燥した海洋環境において、紫外線、湿気、水分への暴露には限界がある。現在の素材は要求される性能を発揮しておらず、これはメーカーが新たな製造アプローチによって解決しようとしている課題である。
- サプライチェーン・マネジメントの制約:世界経済が発展する中、ガラス繊維織物の物流は、原材料の不足や輸送の遅れといった問題によって妨げられている。こうした制約はコスト増、生産遅延、生産能力拡大の制限につながり、これらすべてが市場の進展を遅らせる可能性がある。




- オーエンス・コーニング
- Jushi Group
- 重慶ポリコンプ・インターナショナル・コーポレーション
- 泰山ガラス繊維
- 台湾ガラスグループ
- 日本電気硝子
- 四川微博
- 3Bザ・ファイバーグラス・カンパニー(ゴア・グラスファイバー)
- ジョンズ・マンヴィル・コーポレーション
- 日東紡績




- 織物ロービング
- 非圧着
- 織糸


- 風車ブレード
- 風力タービンハブ
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国米国の風力発電用ガラス繊維テキスタイル市場は、政府の奨励策と再生可能エネルギーへの意欲の高まりに支えられている。同国は風力発電プロジェクトの建設を計画しており、東海岸の洋上風力発電所に多額の投資を行っている。このため、タービンブレード用の高度なガラス繊維テキスタイルの需要が高まっており、同国での生産量は多い。さらに、ブレードの効率を高め、材料コストを削減するために、より多くのガラス繊維技術が採用されている。また、風力エネルギーが優先される中、米国は持続可能な繊維材料の選択肢を模索している。
- 中国中国は世界の風力エネルギー市場をリードし続けており、ガラス繊維複合材料の最大の消費国である。陸上および洋上風力発電所のさらなる開発を計画しているため、ガラス繊維複合材料のような高品質の複合材料への需要が高まっています。政府による二酸化炭素排出量削減の推進も、代替エネルギー源の急速な強化に貢献しており、信頼性が高く、軽量で強靭な風力タービン部品の需要を生み出している。中国の製造業者はガラス繊維複合材料の製造コストを下げる方法を見つけ、国内外の市場を後押ししている。
- ドイツドイツの風力エネルギー部門は、原子力や化石燃料からの脱却を目指す「エネル ギーヴェンデ」戦略の下で発展している。ドイツは地理的に欧州最大の風力発電市場のひとつであり、風力タービンブレードの大型化に伴う効率向上が大きく進展している。同国のエンジニアリングと技術力は、より優れた空気力学的効率で長持ちし、メンテナンスが容易なブレードを製造するための材料開発を促進している。
- インドインドは、再生可能エネルギーの目標を達成するため、風力エネルギーの利用で大きく前進している。同国は特に沿岸部に広大な風力ポテンシャルを有しているため、風力発電所が増加し、風力タービンの製造におけるガラス繊維織物の需要が高まっている。インド政府は、海外からの投資を呼び込む政策的インセンティブを提供することで、風力エネルギー開発を奨励している。タービンの性能向上と運転コスト削減のため、ハイエンドのガラス繊維複合材を使用する国内企業も増えている。コスト効率を重視するインドでは、風力発電市場が大きく成長し、ガラス繊維織物の消費量がさらに増加すると予想される。
- 日本日本は、温室効果ガスの排出削減とエネルギー安全保障を実現するためのソリューションとして、洋上風力発電に注目している。また、洋上風力発電所の建設には耐久性の高い素材が要求されるため、日本では堅牢なガラス繊維織物への需要が高まっている。タービンブレード技術は改良されつつあり、日本は荒海条件でも作動するブレードのイノベーションを求めている。技術開発への注力は、日本の野心的な再生可能エネルギー目標と相まって、ガラス繊維テキスタイルの市場を急速に発展させている。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題


4.5: ROWの風力エネルギー市場におけるガラス繊維織物

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: 重慶ポリコンプ・インターナショナル・コーポレーション
7.4: 泰山ファイバーグラス
7.5: 台湾ガラスグループ
7.6: 日本電気硝子
7.7: 四川微博
7.8: 3B the Fiber Glass Company ( ゴア・グラスファイバー)
7.9: ジョンズ・マンビル・コーポレーション
7.10: 日東紡績





Glass Fiber Textile in the Wind Energy Trends and Forecast

The future of glass fiber textile in the global wind energy market looks promising with opportunities in the windmill blade and wind turbine hub markets. Glass fiber textile in the global wind energy market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 6.5% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the increasing demand for renewable energy, advancements in glass fiber technology, and rising government incentives and regulations.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product type category, non-crimp is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• Within the application category, windmill blades are expected to witness higher growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in Glass Fiber Textile in the Wind Energy Market

Glass fiber textile in the wind energy market is evolving due to technological advances and changing industry demands. Emerging trends include the adoption of advanced materials, environmental sustainability, and greater offshore wind projects. These trends reflect efforts to enhance performance, reduce costs, and increase the scalability of wind energy systems.

• Advancements in Material Technology: Wind turbines are being improved through the use of advanced glass fiber composites to enhance blade strength and durability. This trend includes the manufacture of woven and nonwoven textiles with improved mechanical properties, such as resistance to fatigue and environmental stress. These materials contribute to better blade performance, leading to lower blade maintenance and a longer operational life for wind turbines.
• Sustainability and Recycling: Sustainability is a major trend, as many efforts in the wind industry strive to minimize the carbon footprint. Glass fiber textiles have been engineered to improve recyclability, and there is growing popularity in the use of green fibers. This aligns with policies and regulations aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of these technologies and addressing stringent regulations regarding the landfilling of wind turbine blades.
• Increase in Offshore Wind Projects: The construction of offshore wind farms, particularly in the United States, Japan, and other European countries, is on the rise. Such projects often involve the use of wider and longer wind turbine blades, creating a need for advanced glass fiber composites. Offshore wind farms face significant challenges due to extreme weather, but these are gradually being solved through new material technologies with high anti-aging properties.
• Digitalization and Smart Manufacturing: It is hard to imagine the production of glass fiber textiles without the integration of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) in manufacturing processes. Manufacturers can improve production lines and quality while lowering costs by incorporating smart technologies. This also helps meet the high-tailored requirements of wind turbine manufacturers, ensuring quicker and more efficient production.
• Emerging Markets and Global Expansion: Countries such as India and Brazil are experiencing rapid growth in the use of wind power, providing potential markets for glass fiber textile manufacturers. As these markets develop their green energy infrastructure, the demand for composite materials such as glass fibers will rise. This shift is encouraging competition and driving innovation in production and material supply.

These trends are revolutionizing the glass fiber textile in the wind energy market, offering better material performance, reducing environmental impact, and expanding the scope of wind energy projects on a global scale. As the market matures, producers are adapting to maintain their success, and glass fiber textiles will remain at the forefront of wind energy technology.

Recent Developments in Glass Fiber Textile in the Wind Energy Market

Glass fiber textile in the wind energy market has become dynamic as some key developments have taken place. Such as improvement in composite materials, supportive legislation on the development of wind energy, and the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies. Consequently, presented below are the most important changes:

• Better Blade Design and Improvement of Materials: Recent developments are focused on the enhancement of glass fiber composites as applied towards the optimization of turbine blade geometry. Innovations in the manufacturing process have resulted in the availability of longer blades which are light but more strong thereby increasing energy output. Such innovations assist in the reduction of turbine maintenance cycles and enhance the efficiency of wind farms.
• Global Expansion of Offshore Wind Projects: It is observed that offshore wind projects are diversifying at an alarming rate with most regions of Europe, the U.S., and Japan taking the lead. Such projects utilize advanced glass fiber fabrics suitable for harsh ocean-based conditions. Consequently, there’s an increasing need for advanced strong materials capable of withstanding the harsh offshore conditions, thus providing opportunities for companies in the textile sector to explore further these new possibilities.
• Sustainability Initiatives and Eco-Friendly Materials: The need for ecological conservation has also resulted in the development of ways to manufacture polymer-based glass fiber composites that are capable of being recycled. The smart construction industry is also committed to creating low-waste glass fibers to replace those used in conventional construction. These technologies are in keeping with the efforts in the industry which in the strict regulation of the use and maximal waste minimization concerning the use of power and production.
• Digitalization in Production Processes: The market for glass fiber textiles is changing due to the inclusion of new technology such as 3D printing as well as Artificial intelligence-assisted manufacturing processes. These changes improve the accuracy and the versatility of the glass fibers textile market while at the same time ensuring performance efficiency in wind turbine usage and reduction of production cost and time.
• Support for Wind Energy Development in Terms of Policies and Regulation: Countries such as China, The U.S., and Germany are all enacting legislation that encourages the development of Renewable Energy sources. Such policies complement glass fiber textiles demand in wind turbine production as they are essential in the building up of modern-day complex and robust structures for wind energy.

These changes underscore how active the glass fiber textile in the wind energy market remains. Advances in materials and manufacturing and sustainable development paradigms continue to propel the growth of the industry as markets continue widening. To that extent, these developments will ensure the glass fiber textile industry for wind energy applications continues thriving in this era of industry transformations.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Wind Energy Market

The market for glass fiber textiles in the wind energy market has numerous strategic growth opportunities in different applications. These opportunities stem mostly from the technology, some regional policies, and the need for renewable energy on a global scale. Here are the five key opportunities:

• Offshore Wind Energy Development: With the increasing importance of offshore wind farms comes significantly more need for glass fiber textiles in the manufacture of largescale and stronger turbine blades. Some offshore conditions require the use of polymers of P-77E or its derivatives, which are resistant to extreme weather environmental conditions and salt water as well as high pressure. This makes for high-defense glass fiber sash products that perform well when deployed offshore as this trend indicates.
• Integration of Smart Materials in Wind Turbine Blades: Thus, the use of smart materials by incorporation of glass fiber textiles with sensors remains an avenue to improve the performance of wind turbines. These fabrics have the potential to monitor the condition of the blade in real time paving the way for effective management of maintenance and function of the whole generated unit. It is these manufacturers that are likely to benefit from this type of innovation when it is possible to offer such materials of this kind.
• Emerging Markets Expansion: Developing countries like India, Brazil, and Southeast Asia are pouring their investments into renewable energy sources. These markets provide the opportunity for clearing out growing pains for glass fiber textile investments as well as provide the development of new wind turbine structures. As these areas seek to achieve the bars set for renewable energy there will be an increasing need for affordable and long-lasting materials for wind turbine components.
• Eco-Friendly and Recyclable Fiber Materials: With a growing trend to establish a sustainable future in the global perspective, production companies can place more emphasis on green and recyclable glass fiber composites. This trend for sustainable materials is expected to create more growth opportunities, particularly in environmentally friendly countries.
• Omer Materials supplier: Otherwise stated here Companies widening the scope of their activities or reorganizing themselves into flexible entities Otter Technologies. However, these projects fund most of the industrialization of the manufacturing of such advanced composites and the production of new markets for wind turbine structures and their parts.

The growth opportunities demonstrate the importance of glass fiber textiles in the wind energy market. With greater focus on offshore and smart materials, and on environmental and green construction trends, companies are likely to expand in the growing global market. The upcoming growth in the usage of advanced wind energy systems promises a positive outlook for the position of glass fiber textiles in the industry.

Glass Fiber Textile in the Wind Energy Market Driver and Challenges

The glass fiber textile in the wind energy market is shaped by several important drivers and challenges, attributed to factors such as advanced technologies, economic conditions, and regulations, among others. All these dynamics either help or hamper the growth and sustainability of the market.

The factors responsible for driving glass fiber textile market in wind energy include:
• Technological Innovations in Composite Materials: The performance of glass fiber composites is considered a key factor in market optimization due to technological advancements. These innovative glass fiber composites offer more performance benefits, such as superior strength, environmental stress toughness, and durability. These innovations help maximize the efficiency of turbine blades, decrease turbine downtime, and enhance the performance of wind turbines, thereby increasing the demand for glass fiber textiles.
• Government Support for the Development of Alternative Energy Sources: Currently, it can be noted that countries worldwide are increasing their adoption of renewable energy. Government financial aid, reduced economic barriers to entry, and support for wind energy projects create demand for materials like glass fiber textiles. Governments, especially in the US, Europe, and China, are increasing investments in renewable energy infrastructure, which, in turn, spurs the growth of the market for these textiles.
• Escalating Offshore Wind Market: Offshore wind energy is becoming increasingly important because it is more efficient and requires less land. This growth is also increasing the demand for specialized materials, such as high-performance glass fiber textiles, to be used in the harsh offshore environment. Offshore wind projects are expected to remain a key factor in this market for many years to come.
• Constant Development of Green and Recyclable Materials: Growing environmental concerns are contributing to the creation of recyclable glass fiber composites. This trend supports government policies and consumer demand for environmentally friendly products, highlighting the growth opportunities in the glass fiber textile market.
• Global Deployment of Wind Energy Facilities: As countries invest in renewable energy resources, there is a global proliferation of construction, opening new markets for glass fiber textiles. Countries like India, Brazil, and Southeast Asia are improving their renewable energy capabilities, which will translate into increased demand for high-quality and durable materials in the wind turbine manufacturing industry.

Challenges in glass fiber textile market in wind energy include:
• High Production Costs: In the glass fiber textile industry, the cost of production is a major hindrance. The process of manufacturing glass fibers is labor-intensive and requires a significant amount of energy, making them expensive. This presents a market barrier, particularly for small-scale producers and newly developing economies.
• Material Limitations and Durability Issues: While glass fiber textiles provide insulation, there are still limitations, particularly with exposure to UV light, moisture, and humidity, especially in dry offshore environments. The current materials do not perform as required, and this is a challenge that manufacturers are seeking to address through new manufacturing approaches.
• Constraints on Supply Chain Management: With the global economy, the availability of logistics for glass fiber textiles is hampered by issues such as raw material scarcity and delays in transportation. These restrictions lead to increased costs, production delays, and limitations in expanding production capacity, all of which may slow market progress.

Glass fiber textile in the wind energy market is positively influenced by advances in technology, supportive policies, and the growing demand for renewable energy. However, there are risks to the industry's growth due to challenges such as high production costs, material constraints, and supply chain disruptions. Managing these factors effectively is crucial to maintaining long-term prosperity in this market.

List of Glass Fiber Textile Companies in the Wind Energy Industry

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies glass fiber textile companies in the wind energy industry cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the glass fiber textile companies in the wind energy industry profiled in this report include-

• Owens Corning
• Jushi Group
• Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation
• Taishan Fiberglass
• Taiwan Glass Group
• Nippon Electric Glass
• Sichuan Weibo
• 3B the Fiber Glass Company (Goa Glass Fiber)
• Johns Manville Corporation
• Nitto Boseki

Glass Fiber Textile in the Wind Energy Market by Segment

The study includes a forecast for glass fiber textile in the wind energy market by product type, application, and region.

Glass Fiber Textile in the Wind Energy Market by Product Type [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Woven Roving
• Non-Crimp
• Woven Yarn

Glass Fiber Textile in the Wind Energy Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Windmill Blades
• Wind Turbine Hubs
• Others

Glass Fiber Textile in the Wind Energy Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for Glass Fiber Textile in the Wind Energy Market

Glass fiber textile in the wind energy market is currently on a growth trajectory due to increased efforts toward renewable energy sources. Glass fibers are extensively used in wind turbine blades because they have high strength, durability, and lightness, making them optimal for maximizing wind power harnessing. As countries such as the USA, China, Germany, India, and Japan focus on expanding their wind energy capacity, the consumption of glass fiber textiles is increasing. Each country, in turn, has taken different approaches to accelerate the development of wind energy, which, in return, shapes the demand for these materials in different ways.

• United States: In the U.S., the regional glass fiber textile market for wind energy is supported by government incentives and a growing appetite for renewable energy sources. The country is planning to build more wind energy projects and is investing heavily in offshore wind farms on the East Coast. This has increased the demand for advanced glass fiber textiles for turbine blades, which are produced significantly in the country. Additionally, more glass fiber technology is being adopted to enhance the efficiency of the blades and reduce material costs. The U.S. is also exploring sustainable fiber material options as wind energy is being prioritized.
• China: China continues to lead the global wind energy market and is the largest consumer of glass fiber composites. As the country plans further development of onshore and offshore wind farms, the demand for quality composite materials, such as glass fiber composites, is increasing. The government’s push to reduce carbon emissions has also contributed to the rapid enhancement of alternative energy sources, creating demand for reliable, lightweight, and strong wind turbine components. Chinese producers are finding ways to lower production costs for glass fiber composites, boosting both domestic and international markets.
• Germany: The wind energy sector in Germany is evolving under its "Energiewende" strategy, which focuses on moving away from nuclear and fossil fuels. Germany is geographically one of the largest markets for wind energy in Europe, and as such, has made significant progress in improving the efficiency of larger wind turbine blades, which requires advanced glass fiber textiles. The country’s engineering and technology capabilities promote the development of materials used to manufacture long-lasting, maintenance-friendly blades with better aerodynamic efficiency.
• India: India is making significant strides in harnessing wind energy to meet its renewable energy goals. The country has vast wind potential, especially in its coastal areas, which has led to the rise of wind energy farms and increased demand for glass fiber textiles in the manufacture of wind turbines. The Indian government is encouraging wind energy development by offering policy incentives that attract overseas investment. More domestic companies are using high-end glass fiber composites to improve turbine performance and reduce operating costs. With a focus on cost-efficiency, India is expected to see meaningful growth in its wind energy market, further increasing the consumption of glass fiber textiles.
• Japan: Japan has turned to offshore wind energy as a solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving energy security. There is also a growing demand for robust glass fiber textiles in Japan due to the high requirements for durable materials in offshore wind farm construction. Turbine blade technology is being improved, and Japan is seeking innovations for blades that can operate in rough sea conditions. The focus on technology development, combined with the country’s ambitious renewable energy goals, has made Japan a rapidly evolving market for glass fiber textiles.

Features of Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market

Market Size Estimates: Glass fiber textile in the wind energy market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Glass fiber textile in the wind energy market size by product type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Glass fiber textile in the wind energy market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product type, application, and regions for the glass fiber textile in the wind energy market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the glass fiber textile in the wind energy market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for glass fiber textile in the wind energy market by product type (woven roving, non-crimp, woven yarn, and cfm/csm), application (windmill blades, wind turbine hubs, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market by Product Type
3.3.1: Woven Roving
3.3.2: Non-Crimp
3.3.3: Woven Yarn
3.3.4: CFM/CSM
3.4: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market by Application
3.4.1: Windmill Blades
3.4.2: Wind Turbine Hubs
3.4.3: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market by Region
4.2: Glass Fiber Textile in the North American Wind Energy Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Windmill Blades, Wind Turbine Hubs, and Others
4.3: Glass Fiber Textile in the European Wind Energy Market
4.3.1: European Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Windmill Blades, Wind Turbine Hubs, and Others
4.4: Glass Fiber Textile in the APAC Wind Energy Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Windmill Blades, Wind Turbine Hubs, and Others
4.5: Glass Fiber Textile in the ROW Wind Energy Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Windmill Blades, Wind Turbine Hubs, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market by Product Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Wind Energy Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Owens Corning
7.2: Jushi Group
7.3: Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation
7.4: Taishan Fiberglass
7.5: Taiwan Glass Group
7.6: Nippon Electric Glass
7.7: Sichuan Weibo
7.8: 3B the Fiber Glass Company ( Goa Glass Fiber)
7.9: Johns Manville Corporation
7.10: Nitto Boseki







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