


Glass Fiber Textile in the Construction Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

建設業界におけるガラス繊維テキスタイルの動向と予測 世界の建設市場におけるガラス繊維テキスタイルの将来は、スイミングプール、建築ドーム、窓枠、冷却塔、構造形状、ラダーレール市場における機会で有望... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月1日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、製品タイプ別では非圧着が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みです。
- 用途別では、建築用ドームが最も高い成長が見込まれる。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- 持続可能性と環境に優しい建材:建設業界では環境の持続可能性を取り入れることにますます重点を置くようになっており、ガラス繊維織物の使用は持続可能な建材の利点を活用している。ガラス繊維は不燃性で環境にやさしく、エネルギー効率の高い建物を作るのに役立ちます。この傾向は、より効率的なリサイクル技術を通じて二酸化炭素排出量と廃棄物を削減したいという業界の要望と一致しており、ガラス繊維織物はLEEDやその他のグリーンビルディング認証プログラムの中核材料となっている。
- 鉄筋コンクリートにおけるガラス繊維の応用:近年、多くのフレームレス構造において、従来の鉄骨補強の代わりにガラス繊維補強コンクリート(GFRC)を使用する方向にシフトしている。GFRCは軽量で耐食性に優れ、耐久性も高いため、過酷な条件下での高性能建築に理想的なソリューションとなっている。この傾向は、特にファサード、建築パネル、橋梁の建設において顕著である。
- ガラス繊維断熱材の採用:ガラス繊維織物は、その優れた熱的・音響的特性により、断熱構造に大きく貢献している。エネルギー節約とコスト削減のため、ガラス繊維は一般的に建物の外壁、壁、屋根に使用されている。ガラス繊維の断熱材は建物内の温度調節に役立ち、冷暖房の必要性を低減するため、エネルギー効率の高い建物に対する需要の高まりがこの傾向を後押ししています。
- スマート・ビル・ソリューションの統合:スマート・ビルディング技術の台頭により、センサー・システムやその他のスマート・インフラストラクチャーの構築におけるガラス繊維織物の利用が進んでいる。ガラス繊維は、建物の表面に埋め込まれた内部の温度、湿度、エネルギー消費を監視するネットワークの設計にも採用されている。この傾向はハイテク都市開発やスマートシティプロジェクトで特に顕著で、建設資材は軽量で強度が高く、テクノロジーが組み込まれていることが期待されている。
- 3Dプリンティングが先進製造構造を強化:3Dプリンティングや自動製造などの高度な製造技術のおかげで、ガラス繊維テキスタイルを建築構造に組み込む方法が大幅に改善された。これらの手法により、プレハブ建築部品から複雑なファサードまで、複雑な部品や構造を効率的に設計・製造できるようになりました。




- ガラス繊維補強コンクリート(GFRC)の導入:ガラス繊維補強コンクリート(GFRC)の導入 最近では、軽量化、耐腐食性、高強度といった特性を持つガラス繊維補強コンクリート(GFRC)を利用したプロジェクトが成功を収めている。GFRCは、建築物の外壁、被覆、パネル、中空コンクリートスラブなどに広く採用されている。GFRCの市場拡大は、耐久性を向上させるだけでなく、デザインの創造性を高めることができるという、建築・建設に望ましい特性によるものである。
- 高性能断熱システムの開発 ガラス繊維織物は、エネルギー利用の最適化と二酸化炭素排出量の削減を目指す高効率断熱サーマルシステムにますます活用されるようになっている。このようなウール断熱システムは、熱や音響を目的とした住宅や商業ビルの建設にも応用されている。エネルギー効率は世界中の建築基準法の主な目標の一つであるため、断熱材にガラス繊維を使用することは、技術革新における持続可能な建築を提供するための障壁に取って代わるものです。
- 乾燥ガラス繊維織物のグリーンな代替品近年、ガラス繊維織物が環境に与える悪影響から、新たな安全技術の導入が始まっている。これらの中には、生産廃棄ガラス材料人工石のリサイクルや、フィラメントにおける技術集約的な操作の除去が含まれる。業界では、持続可能な繊維ガラス繊維は、二酸化炭素削減と廃棄物最小化の目標達成を支援するために長い道のりを行く。
- 3Dガラス繊維印刷:ガラス繊維部品の製造における3Dプリンティング技術の応用は、建築業界を変えつつある。このプロセスは、より複雑でオーダーメイドの部品を現場で製作することを可能にすることで、通常製作に費やされる余分な労力と材料を排除する。ファサードや基本構造用のガラス繊維ベースの部材は、3Dプリントによって使いやすく、迅速に組み立てられるため、積極的に開発が進められている。
- 耐震補強と構造補強におけるガラス繊維の使用の増加:ガラス繊維織物は、特に地震の多い国々で、耐震補強や構造補強の用途にますます使用されるようになっている。日本や米国のような国々では、自然災害に対する耐性を高める目的で、GFRPを建築構造物に適用しています。この材料の高い強度対重量比は、建物が地震やその他の暴風雨や災害に耐えることを確実にするために、既存の構造物を改修する際に有益です。




- コンクリート補強とインフラ整備:コンクリート構造物の補強材としてのガラス繊維織物の使用は急速に拡大しており、鉄鋼に代わる安価で環境に優しい代替品と考えられている。この用途は、特に極端な気象条件に見舞われやすい地域において、建物や橋などの構造システムの強度と耐用年数を向上させる上で非常に重要である。腐食を減らして耐用年数を延ばしたいという要望は大きく、ガラス繊維織物は、現在限られた規模でしか使用されていないことから、多くの公共事業用途の最有力候補となっている。
- エネルギー効率の高い断熱ソリューション:断熱・遮音システムの開発は、ガラス繊維織物の使用なしには不完全です。ライフスタイルや人口動態の変化に伴い、エネルギー効率の高い構造物の建設は増加の一途をたどっており、そのためガラス繊維断熱材を壁、屋根、基礎に組み込むことでエネルギー保持率を向上させることができる。このため、グリーン建材の顧客層が拡大しており、エネルギー効率の高い建設業界でブランドの多角化を目指すメーカーにとっては絶好の機会となっている。
- ガラス繊維織物の使用におけるスマートビルディング統合の役割:ガラス繊維織物をスマート・ビルディング・システムに組み込む可能性がある。温度、湿度、構造的変形などのセンサーを設置するために、ガラス繊維を建築要素に組み込むことができる。この技術は、メガビルやスマートシティでの応用が進んでおり、メーカーにとっては、自社製品をスマートビルの波に向けて位置づけるチャンスとなる。
- 3Dプリントされたガラス繊維で作られたプレキャスト形状:3D建設印刷の出現は、ガラス繊維織物に大きな発展の機会をもたらす。これらの企業にとって、時間を節約し、使用場所で軽量建築要素を作成することは可能である。ガラス繊維を使用して高強度重量比の複雑な部品を製造することで、特にプレハブ建築やモジュール建築において、美観が向上し、コストが削減される。
- 耐震建築物:地震などの災害に耐える建築構造物の開発において、ガラス繊維織物の使用に注目する機関が増えている。したがって、ガラス繊維織物は、自然災害の結果としての構造物の損傷を軽減または回避するのに役立つ積極的な構造物とみなすことができる。日本の建設業界は耐震性に優れた材料を求めており、建築市場におけるギャップはここにある。




- 生産技術における技術開発:市場の主要な決定要因のひとつは、ガラス繊維織物の生産プロセスの強化である。自動製織技術や高度なポリマーコーティング技術も、ガラス繊維素材の品質と性能の向上を低コストで実現するための技術革新である。生産技術の向上により、ガラス繊維織物はより迅速に製造できるようになり、様々な建設用途での受け入れ拡大が期待されている。
- エネルギー効率の高い持続可能な素材への注目の高まり:二酸化炭素排出に対する意識の高まりと規制により、環境に優しい建設資材の使用が促進されている。ガラス繊維強化材は耐用年数が長く、リサイクル可能で、製造時の環境フットプリントが小さいため、「グリーンな建築」材料として受け入れられつつある。LEED認証やゼロ・ネット・エネルギー・ビルディング建設など、グリーンビルディング設計に向けた建設業界の新たなトレンドに伴い、ガラス繊維織物は軽量でエネルギー効率の高い断熱材、構造用複合材、外装ファサードシステムに使用することができます。
- インフラプロジェクトのための強度と耐久性:インフラ整備の必要性から、腐食に強く、極端な気象条件にも耐えうる材料の使用が求められています。そこで、ガラス繊維織物建築の出番となる。特に異常気象に見舞われる地域では、インフラの補修・保守の必要性が高まっているため、公共インフラの補強・保護にガラス繊維織物の利用が増加している。
- 建設における軽量素材の需要増加:建設過程では重い資材を使用することが多く、建物の基礎への負担が増すため、建設業界では基礎への負担を軽減する軽量資材の採用を始めている。ガラス繊維テキスタイルは、強度や性能を犠牲にすることなく、鉄などの従来の補強材よりも軽量であるため、この用途に適している。
- 都市化の進展とスマートシティ:特にインドや中国のような発展途上国では都市化が進んでおり、建設・インフラ分野に成長機会がもたらされている。ガラス繊維織物は、近代的なビルやインフラ、スマートシティのエコシステムの建設に使用され、徐々に市場に浸透しつつある。スマートビルシステム(すなわちIoT)のニーズの高まりとともに、こうした要因が近代都市におけるガラス繊維織物の使用と応用をさらに促進するだろう。

- 高い生産コスト:製造コストの高さ:鉄鋼や他の複合材料のような従来の材料と比較した場合、ガラス繊維テキスタイルのコストが比較的高いことが、その普及を妨げる大きな要因となっている。耐食性や耐久性といったガラス繊維の長期的な利点がコストを正当化するとしても、小規模な建設会社や限られた予算で運営する企業にとっては、高い初期コストは実現不可能かもしれない。
- 代替素材との競争:ガラス繊維織物は、炭素繊維複合材料や鋼鉄補強材などの他の材料と競合している。炭素繊維はガラス繊維よりも高価だが、軽量で強度が高いため、コスト効率よりも性能を優先するハイエンド用途に適している。同様に、建設経済性の観点から、コンクリート構造物の補強材として最も広く使用されているのは、ほとんどの場合スチールである。
- 規制障壁と基準:ビル建設などの建設プロジェクトには、使用できる材料の種類を規定する規制や規範が適用される。ガラス繊維やガラス織物は受け入れられつつあるが、建設業界内の標準化はステンレス鋼やアルミニウムのような材料と同等ではない。




- オーエンス・コーニング
- Jushi Group
- 重慶ポリコンプ・インターナショナル・コーポレーション
- 泰山ガラス繊維
- 台湾ガラスグループ
- 日本電気硝子
- 四川微博
- 3Bザ・ファイバーグラス・カンパニー ( ゴア・グラスファイバー)
- ジョンズ・マンヴィル・コーポレーション
- 日東紡績




- 織物ロービング
- 非圧着
- 織糸


- スイミングプール
- 建築用ドーム
- 窓枠
- 冷却塔
- 構造形状
- はしご
- その他


- 北米
- ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国長年にわたり、ガラス繊維織物の使用は建設業界で人気を博しており、特にコンクリート補強や建設資材の改良に関するものが多い。さらに、ガラス繊維はプレキャストコンクリートパネル、セメント製品、断熱システムの製造にも利用されている。持続可能で弾力性のある建築材料は、エネルギー効率と環境基準のニーズの高まりにより需要が増加している。ガラス繊維複合材料は、構造物の耐用年数と強度を向上させるため、道路や橋のような主要インフラ施設の建設にも使用されている。
- 中国中国の建設業界も、急速な都市化とインフラ整備に後押しされ、ガラス繊維織物の利用を受け入れている。GFRC(ガラス繊維補強コンクリート)は、高層ビルや橋梁、その他の公共施設の建設に採用されつつある。同国は低炭素建築に取り組んでおり、軽量で強度が高くリサイクル可能なガラス繊維織物の採用が加速している。さらに政府は、建築物の質を高め、コストを下げ、環境への影響を最小限に抑えるため、新素材を使った建築物の建設を奨励している。
- ドイツドイツは、持続可能な建築とガラス繊維織物のような建築資材の使用において、常にリーダー的存在である。これらの素材は、エネルギー効率とグリーンビルディングの実践を重視した住宅や商業ビルの建設に国内で使用されている。ガラス繊維織物は、強度と耐腐食性を向上させるため、鉄筋コンクリートに一般的に使用されている。建設プロジェクトに関するドイツの厳しい環境規制により、ガラス繊維織物技術の研究開発には大きな努力が払われている。
- インドインドの建設セクターでは、急速な都市成長とインフラ整備の脅威から、すべての業界関係者がガラス繊維織物の使用を検討している。これらの繊維は、建物、道路、橋などのコンクリート構造物に組み込まれ、圧縮強度と耐久性を高めている。経済的にも創造的にも、建設用ガラス繊維織物の使用は、住宅・商業部門の拡大にさらに重点を置いて増加すると思われる。
- 日本日本は数年前から、主にコンクリートやインフラの特性を向上させるために、ガラス繊維建設用織物をプロジェクトに組み込んでいる。ガラス繊維織物を組み込んでもコンクリート重量が大幅に増加することはないため、これらの材料は地震が発生しやすい地域で耐力部材や基礎として使用されている。高層ビルだけでなく、住宅やオフィスにもガラス繊維が使われている。日本も災害に強いインフラの構築に力を入れており、耐震補強や改修にガラス繊維を使うという革新的な取り組みを行っている。





Q.1.建設市場におけるガラス繊維織物の製品タイプ別(ロービング織物、ノンクリンプ織物、ヤーン織物、 cfm/csm織物)、用途別(スイミングプール、建築用ドーム、窓枠、冷却塔、構造用形材、はしごレール、その他)、地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、その他の地域)に、最も有望で高成長の機会にはどのようなものがありますか?





2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.4.5: 構造形状
3.4.7: その他

4.5: ROW建設市場におけるガラス繊維織物

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: 経営統合

6.1.3: 世界の建設市場におけるガラス繊維織物の成長機会:地域別
6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: 重慶ポリコンプ・インターナショナル・コーポレーション
7.4: 泰山ファイバーグラス
7.5: 台湾ガラスグループ
7.6: 日本電気硝子
7.7: 四川威博
7.8: 3B the Fiber Glass Company ( Goa Glass Fiber)
7.9: ジョンズ・マンビル・コーポレーション
7.10: 日東紡績





Glass Fiber Textile in the Construction Trends and Forecast

The future of glass fiber textile in the global construction market looks promising with opportunities in the swimming pool, architectural dome, window frame, cooling tower, structural shape, and ladder rail markets. Glass fiber textile in the global construction market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 3.0% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the increasing demand for lightweight and durable construction materials, a growing focus on energy efficiency and sustainability in building practices, and advancements in glass fiber technology that enhance performance and versatility.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product type category, non-crimp is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• Within the application category, architectural domes are expected to witness the highest growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in Glass Fiber Textile in the Construction Market

The market for glass fiber textiles in the construction market has various trends that influence the industry's adoption of the fibers. Many of these trends reflect traditional aspirations for performance, efficiency, and environmental care.

• Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Building Materials: The construction industry is increasingly focused on incorporating environmental sustainability, with the use of glass fiber textiles capitalizing on the benefits of sustainable building materials. Glass fibers are non-combustible, environmentally friendly, and assist in creating energy-efficient buildings. This trend aligns with the industry's desire to reduce carbon emissions and waste through more efficient recycling technologies, making glass fiber textiles a core material in LEED and other green building certification programs.
• Glass Fiber Applications in Reinforced Concrete: Recently, there has been a shift toward using glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) instead of conventional steel reinforcement in many frameless structures. GFRC is lighter in weight, highly corrosion-resistant, and more durable, making it an ideal solution for high-performance construction in severe conditions. This trend is particularly evident in the construction of facades, architectural panels, and bridges.
• Incorporation of Glass Fiber Insulation: Glass fiber textiles contribute significantly to insulating structures due to their superior thermal and acoustical properties. For energy savings and cost reduction, glass fiber is commonly used in building envelopes, walls, and roofs. This trend is driven by the increasing demand for energy-efficient buildings, as glass fiber insulation helps regulate the temperature inside the building, reducing the need for heating and cooling.
• Integrating Smart Building Solutions: The rise of smart building technology is advancing the use of glass fiber textiles in the construction of sensor systems and other smart infrastructure. Glass fibers are also employed in the design of networks for monitoring internal temperature, humidity, and energy consumption, embedded in building surfaces. This trend is particularly pronounced in high-tech urban development and smart city projects, where construction materials are expected to be lightweight, strong, and embedded with technology.
• 3D Printing Enhances Advanced Manufacturing Structures: Significant improvements have been made in the way glass fiber textiles are integrated into building construction, thanks to advanced manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing and automated fabrication. These methods enable the design and manufacture of complex components and structures efficiently, from prefabricated building parts to intricate facades.

These emerging trends highlight the potential of glass fiber textiles, not only in reinforcing buildings and infrastructure but also in propelling the construction market toward more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient practices using advanced techniques. As green building strategies, smart infrastructure, and long-lasting material systems become the norm, the advancement of the construction industry appears to be anchored in glass fiber textiles.

Recent Developments in Glass Fiber Textile in the Construction Market

The recent advancements in trends of glass fiber textile in the construction market have offered considerable improvements both in the performance of the materials and the methods of manufacturing and use. There are five most worth mentioning changes:

• Introduction of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (GFRC): Introduction of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) In recent times, more successful projects have made use of glass fiber-reinforced concrete GFRC due to its reduced-weight, anti-corrosive, and high strength properties. It is popularly adopted in building envelopes, cladding, panels, and hollow core concrete slabs. The expansion of the market for GFRC is attributed to its desirable properties for building and construction in that it not only enhances durability but also allows great creativity in design.
• Development of High-Performance Insulation Systems Glass fiber textiles are increasingly being harnessed in high-efficiency insulation thermal systems that seek to optimize energy utilization and lower carbon emissions. These wool insulation systems are also applied in the construction of residential and commercial buildings for thermal and acoustic purposes. Since energy efficiency is one of the main targets of building codes around the world, the use of glass fiber for insulation replaces barriers to providing sustainable construction in innovation.
• Green Alternatives for Dry Glass Fiber Textiles: In recent years, the negative environmental impacts of glass fiber textiles have initiated the introduction of new safe technologies. Among these are the recycling of production waste glass materials artificial stone, as well as the removal of technology-intensive operations in the filament. In the industry, sustainable textile glass fabrics go a long way in helping achieve carbon reduction and waste minimization goals.
• 3D Glass Fiber Printing: The application of 3D printing technology in the fabrication of glass fiber components is changing the building industry. This process eliminates the extra labor and materials usually wasted in fabrication by enabling the accomplishment of such tasks at the site with more complex and tailor-made components. Glass fiber-based elements for facades and basic structure, easy to use and fast assembled by 3D printing, are actively developed.
• Increased Use of Glass Fiber in Seismic and Structural Reinforcement: Glass fiber textiles are used more and more for seismic retrofit and structural reinforcement applications, especially in earthquake-prone countries. In countries such as Japan and those of the U.S., GFRP is being applied to building structures with a view of increasing resistance to natural calamities. The high strength-to-weight ratio of the materials is beneficial in retrofitting the existing structures to ensure that the buildings will endure earthquakes and other storms and disasters.

These developments are making enormous expansion of the range of applications of glass fiber textiles in construction. Material creation and application seem to turn from ordinary building technology that evolves with time to advanced sustainable construction methods such as increasing the durability of concrete or enabling speedy construction.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Construction Market

Glass fiber textile market in the construction market offers various growth prospects owing to technological changes, the quest for sustainable ways, and changes in construction requirements. The following are five major opportunities that are apparent in this market:

• Reinforcement of Concrete and Infrastructural Developments: The use of glass fiber textiles as a strengthening agent for concrete structures is growing rapidly and is considered a cheaper and eco-friendly alternative to steel. This application is very important in enhancing the strength and service life of structural systems such as buildings and bridges, especially in areas that are prone to extreme weather conditions. There is a significant desire to cut down on corrosion and increase longevity making glass fiber textiles a prime candidate for numerous public works applications seeing it is used only on a limited scale currently.
• Energy-Efficient Insulation Solutions: The development of thermal and acoustic insulation systems is incomplete without the use of glass fiber textiles. With changes in lifestyle and population dynamics, the construction of energy-efficient structures continues to increase and therefore glass fiber insulation materials can be incorporated into the walls, roofs, and foundations to improve energy retention. This forms a growing clientele for green construction materials and is a tremendous opportunity for manufacturers looking to diversify their brands in the energy-efficient construction industry.
• Role of Smart Building Integration in the Use of Glass Fiber Textiles: There is the possibility of incorporating glass fiber textiles in smart building systems. Glass fibers may be included within elements of construction so that sensors for temperature, humidity, or structural deformation may be installed. This technology is becoming more applicable in mega buildings-states and smart cities making it a chance for manufacturers to position their products towards the wave of smart building.
• Precast shapes made of 3D printed glass fibers: The emergence of 3d construction printing presents significant development opportunities for glass fiber textiles. It is feasible for these companies to save time and create lightweight building elements at the place of use. Using glass fibers to manufacture high strength-to-weight ratio complicated parts improves aesthetics and reduces cost, particularly in prefab and modular construction.
• Earthquake Resistant Buildings: An increasing number of organizations are focusing on the use of glass fiber textiles in the development of building structures that are capable of withstanding disasters like earthquakes. Glass fiber textiles can therefore be regarded as an active construct that could help reduce or avoid damages on structures as a result of natural calamities. With Japanese construction looking for earthquake-resisting materials, this is where a gap in the construction market sits.

This is due to the increasing emphasis on sustainability, resilience, and efficiency within the construction industry. This necessitates the use of glass fiber textiles in construction projects as this improves the quality, performance, and eco-friendliness of building constructions globally.

Glass Fiber Textile in the Construction Market Driver and Challenges

Glass fiber textile market in construction is impacted by several development, economic, and political factors. These forces shape the growth and adoption of glass fiber textiles as a construction material of choice in modern architecture due to their high strength, durability, and sustainability. Nevertheless, the market still faces certain limitations, including high production costs, emerging materials that compete with glass, standard requirements for material selection, and construction methods.

The factors responsible for driving glass fiber textile market in construction include:
• Technological Development in Production Techniques: One of the key determinants for the market is enhanced processes for the production of glass fiber textiles. Automated weaving and advanced polymer coating technologies are other innovations that have contributed to the better quality and performance of glass fiber materials at lower costs. With the improvement of production techniques, glass fiber textiles can be manufactured faster, which is expected to increase their acceptance in various construction applications.
• Growing Focus on Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Materials: The heightened awareness and regulation of carbon emissions are promoting the use of green construction materials. Glass fiber reinforcement is gaining acceptance as a ‘green building’ material since it has a long service life, is recyclable, and has a low environmental footprint during its manufacture. In line with emerging trends in the construction industry towards green building design, such as LEED certification and zero-net-energy building construction, glass fiber textiles can be used in thermal insulation, structural composites, and external facade systems that are lightweight and energy-efficient.
• Strength and Durability for Infrastructure Projects: The need for infrastructure development requires the use of materials that are corrosion-resistant and capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions. This is where glass fiber textile construction comes to the rescue. The increasing need for the repair and maintenance of infrastructure, especially in areas that experience extreme weather, has contributed to the rising use of glass fiber textiles for the reinforcement and protection of public infrastructure.
• Rising Demand for Lightweight Materials in Construction: Since the construction process often involves heavy materials that increase the burden on the building’s foundations, the construction industry has started adopting lightweight materials that reduce the load on foundations. Glass fiber textiles are suitable for this application as they are lighter than conventional reinforcing materials, such as steel, without sacrificing strength or performance.
• Progression of Urbanization and Smart Cities: Urbanization, particularly in developing countries like India and China, is offering growth opportunities in the construction and infrastructure sectors. Glass fiber textiles are gradually making their way into the market, being used in the construction of modern buildings, infrastructure, and smart city ecosystems. It will be these factors, along with the growing need for smart building systems (i.e., IoT), that will further promote the usage and application of glass fiber textiles in modern cities.

Challenges in glass fiber textile market in construction include:
• High Production Costs: The relatively high cost of glass fiber textiles, when compared to conventional materials such as steel and other composites, has become a major hindrance to their widespread acceptance. Even if the long-term benefits of glass fiber, such as its corrosion resistance and durability, justify the cost, high initial costs may not be feasible for small construction companies or firms operating with limited budgets.
• Competition from Alternative Materials: Glass fiber textiles are competing with other materials, such as carbon fiber composites and steel reinforcement. Carbon fibers are more expensive than glass fibers; however, they are lighter in weight and stronger, making them suitable for high-end applications that prioritize performance over cost-efficiency. Likewise, due to construction economics, steel remains the most widely used reinforcing material for concrete structures in most cases.
• Regulatory Barriers and Standards: Construction projects, such as building construction, are subject to regulations and codes that specify the types of materials that can be used. While glass fibers and glass fabrics are gaining acceptability, standardization within the construction industry is not on par with materials like stainless steel or aluminum.

The glass fiber textile market in construction is experiencing robust growth driven by advancements in technology, increasing demand for sustainable and energy-efficient materials, and the need for stronger, lightweight components in modern infrastructure. However, the market also faces challenges, including high production costs, competition from alternative materials, and regulatory barriers.

List of Glass Fiber Textile Companies in the Construction Industry

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies glass fiber textile companies in the construction industry cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the glass fiber textile companies in the construction industry profiled in this report include-

• Owens Corning
• Jushi Group
• Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation
• Taishan Fiberglass
• Taiwan Glass Group
• Nippon Electric Glass
• Sichuan Weibo
• 3B the Fiber Glass Company ( Goa Glass Fiber)
• Johns Manville Corporation
• Nitto Boseki

Glass Fiber Textile in the Construction Market by Segment

The study includes a forecast for glass fiber textile in the construction market by product type, application, and region.

Glass Fiber Textile in the Construction Market by Product Type [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Woven Roving
• Non-Crimp
• Woven Yarn

Glass Fiber Textile in the Construction Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Swimming Pools
• Architectural Domes
• Window Frames
• Cooling Tower
• Structural Shapes
• Ladder Rails
• Others

Glass Fiber Textile in the Construction Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for Glass Fiber Textile in the Construction Market

The construction market is increasingly adopting glass fiber textiles, which are more durable, practical, and efficient in the reinforcement, insulation, and construction of concrete buildings. The rising demand for high-performance and green building materials is making glass fiber textiles an essential material for addressing challenges related to energy efficiency, structural performance, and environmental protection. Countries like the US, China, Germany, India, and Japan are at the forefront of the development and integration of glass fiber textiles, making them applicable to a wider range of residential, commercial, and infrastructure projects.

• United States: Over the years, the usage of glass fiber textiles has gained popularity in the construction industry, particularly concerning concrete strengthening and improving construction materials. In addition, glass fiber is being utilized in the manufacture of precast concrete panels, cement products, and insulation systems. Sustainable and resilient building materials have seen an increase in demand due to the rising need for energy efficiency and environmental standards. Glass fiber composites are also being used in the construction of major infrastructure facilities like roadways and bridges to improve the service life and strength of the structures.
• China: The construction industry in China is also embracing the use of glass fiber textiles, fueled by rapid urbanization and infrastructure development. GFRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete) is gaining acceptance in the construction of skyscrapers, bridges, and other public service facilities. The country's commitment to low-carbon construction is accelerating the adoption of glass fiber textiles, as they are lightweight, strong, and recyclable. Furthermore, the government is encouraging the construction of buildings using new materials to enhance the quality of buildings, lower costs, and minimize environmental impact.
• Germany: Germany has always been a leader in sustainable building and the use of construction materials like glass fiber textiles. These materials are being used within the country for the construction of residential and commercial buildings that emphasize energy efficiency and green building practices. Glass fiber textiles are commonly used in reinforced concrete to improve strength and corrosion resistance. Due to Germany's stringent environmental regulations regarding construction projects, significant efforts have been made in the research and development of glass fiber textile technologies.
• India: In India's construction sector, the threat of rapid urban growth and infrastructural development is prompting all industry players to contemplate the use of glass fiber textiles. These textiles are being incorporated into concrete structures such as buildings, roads, and bridges, increasing their compressive strength and durability. Economically and creatively, the use of glass fiber textiles for construction is likely to increase, with more emphasis on the expansion of the residential and commercial sectors.
• Japan: Japan has been incorporating glass fiber construction fabrics in its projects for several years, mainly to improve the properties of concrete and infrastructure. Since the incorporation of glass fiber textiles does not significantly increase the weight of concrete, these materials are being used in earthquake-prone areas as load-bearing members or bases. In addition to high-rise buildings, glass fiber textiles are also being applied in houses and offices. Japan is also making efforts to build disaster-resistant infrastructure and has been innovative in the use of glass fibers for seismic reinforcement and retrofitting.

Features of Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market

Market Size Estimates: Glass fiber textile in the construction market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Glass fiber textile in the construction market size by product type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Glass fiber textile in the construction market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product type, application, and regions for the glass fiber textile in the construction market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the glass fiber textile in the construction market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for glass fiber textile in the construction market by product type (woven roving, non-crimp, woven yarn, and cfm/csm), application (swimming pools, architectural domes, window frames, cooling tower, structural shapes, ladder rails, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market by Product Type
3.3.1: Woven Roving
3.3.2: Non-Crimp
3.3.3: Woven Yarn
3.3.4: CFM/CSM
3.4: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market by Application
3.4.1: Swimming Pools
3.4.2: Architectural Domes
3.4.3: Window Frames
3.4.4: Cooling Tower
3.4.5: Structural Shapes
3.4.6: Ladder Rails
3.4.7: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market by Region
4.2: Glass Fiber Textile in the North American Construction Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Swimming Pools, Architectural Domes, Window Frames, Cooling Tower, Structural Shapes, Ladder Rails, and Others
4.3: Glass Fiber Textile in the European Construction Market
4.3.1: European Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Swimming Pools, Architectural Domes, Window Frames, Cooling Tower, Structural Shapes, Ladder Rails, and Others
4.4: Glass Fiber Textile in the APAC Construction Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Swimming Pools, Architectural Domes, Window Frames, Cooling Tower, Structural Shapes, Ladder Rails, and Others
4.5: Glass Fiber Textile in the ROW Construction Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Swimming Pools, Architectural Domes, Window Frames, Cooling Tower, Structural Shapes, Ladder Rails, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market by Product Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Construction Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Owens Corning
7.2: Jushi Group
7.3: Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation
7.4: Taishan Fiberglass
7.5: Taiwan Glass Group
7.6: Nippon Electric Glass
7.7: Sichuan Weiibo
7.8: 3B the Fiber Glass Company ( Goa Glass Fiber)
7.9: Johns Manville Corporation
7.10: Nitto Boseki







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