


Glass Fiber Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

航空宇宙・防衛分野におけるガラス繊維テキスタイルの動向と予測 世界の航空宇宙・防衛市場におけるガラス繊維テキスタイルの将来は、航空機の内装、ダクト、ローターブレード市場にビジネスチャンスがあり、... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月1日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、製品タイプ別では非圧着が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みです。
- 用途別では、航空機内装が最も高い成長が見込まれる。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- ハイブリッド複合材料の幅広い用途:ハイブリッド複合材料は、ガラス繊維を炭素繊維などの材料で強化したり、樹脂マトリックス内で強化したりするもので、航空宇宙・防衛産業でますます使用されるようになっている。これらの複合材料は、引張強度や耐衝撃性の向上など、優れた性能を発揮する。ハイブリッド複合材料は、高強度対重量比が重要な航空機構造に特に適している。ハイブリッド複合材の使用は、構造物の性能を高めながら重量を減らすことで、メーカーが資源の利用効率を向上させるのに役立ちます。
- 材料製造における環境負荷の低減:航空宇宙・防衛分野では、より環境に優しい手法も新たに重視されています。ガラス繊維織物はリサイクルが可能で、従来の金属やプラスチックよりも環境に優しいため、好まれている。バイオベースのガラス繊維を導入し、廃棄された複合材を再利用する取り組みも行われており、メーカーは環境規制の強化に対応できるようになっている。この傾向は、廃棄物管理や二酸化炭素排出量の削減が必要不可欠となり、グリーン製造業を推進する世界的な動きを反映している。
- 3Dプリンティングと自動化が進歩を促進:3Dプリンティングと自動化された製造工程は、ガラス繊維織物の製造と航空宇宙・防衛システムへの組み込みに革命をもたらしている。製造の迅速化、設計の可能性の拡大、材料の無駄の削減などは、これらの技術の利点の一部である。航空宇宙分野では、航空機用の軽量シェルの製造に特に有用であり、防衛分野では、装甲やその他の装備品の迅速な試作が進んでいる。これによりコストが下がり、製造全体の生産性が向上している。
- 軽量装甲システムの使用の増加:ガラス繊維織物は、その軽量性と耐久性により、軍用装甲システムの製造に一般的に使用されている。また、個人用装甲、車両装甲、船体などの民間用途での使用も増えている。ガラス繊維複合材料の使用は、鋼鉄やアルミニウムのような重い材料の負担なしに、衝撃、切断、突き上げ、圧縮に対するより良い保護を提供します。この傾向は、防護服や防弾シールドの製造において特に重要である。
- レーダーと通信技術の向上:ガラス繊維で強化されたスチレン-アクリロニトリル複合材料は、航空宇宙および防衛産業におけるレーダーおよび通信システムに組み込まれている。誘電率が高いため、これらの材料はレドームやアンテナの筐体に使用され、基礎となる電子機器を保護し、伝送損失を最小限に抑えている。この傾向は、安全なデータ伝送が効果的な運用に必要な、軍用機、ドローン、宇宙用途の次世代通信システムの構築に不可欠である。




- 航空機構造におけるガラス繊維複合材料の採用:航空機構造におけるガラス繊維複合材料の使用は、航空宇宙産業の大手企業による軽量化と燃費の必要性から成長を続けている。例えば、ボーイングとエアバスは、翼、胴体、内装などの航空機部品をこれらの材料に置き換え始めている。この現象は、精度を高め無駄を減らす自動繊維配置(AFP)のような製造の発展によって後押しされている。ガラス繊維複合材料の採用は、航空機の排出ガスや運航時の衝撃の低減を促進することで、環境規制の遵守にも役立っている。
- ガラス繊維ロハセルサンドイッチ複合材の軍事用途:防弾チョッキをはじめ、人員や装甲車両用の装甲など、ガラス繊維強化材料の軍事用途は増加の一途をたどっている。米国国防総省もNATO軍も、「軽量かつ頑丈な」身体装甲システムおよび装甲車両に最大の関心を寄せています。その結果、危険を増大させることなくギアの重量に規制が課せられている。ガラス繊維をベースにした複合材料は、弾道防護を犠牲にすることなく、兵士がより快適かつ自由に動くことを可能にします。
- レーダーシステム用ガラス繊維の入手ガラス繊維は、軍用機、ドローン、宇宙用など、さまざまなレーダーシステムやランダムの製造にも使用されています。その高い強度と優れた誘電特性は、特定の用途に適している。日本の防衛産業基盤はこの分野で最も活気があり、軽量で耐衝撃性に優れたレーダーハウジング用のガラス繊維強化プラスチックを製造しているようだ。
- ガラス繊維繊維工学の新潮流:3次元織物や自動繊維積層システムなどの製造技術の向上が、ガラス繊維複合材料の生産を後押ししている。このような方法は、飛行機の翼や一部の防衛装備品のような複雑な部品の製造コストを下げるのに役立っている。製造が容易で高品質なガラス繊維複合材料の生産は、防衛産業や航空宇宙産業での利用を急ピッチで進めている。
- ガラス繊維製造における持続可能な発展への取り組み:航空宇宙・防衛メーカーは、材料サプライチェーンの持続可能性に関心を持ち始めている。リサイクル素材やバイオベース素材など、環境に優しいガラス繊維の製造も普及しつつある。この変化の一因は、二酸化炭素や廃棄物の排出量削減を遵守するための規制強化にある。航空宇宙産業は、リサイクル可能なガラス繊維織物を航空機の製造に導入し、使用済みシナリオの製造サイクルに戻す方法の調査を開始した。




- 高級航空機部品:ハイエンド航空機部品:総燃料生産コストを削減するため、航空機産業は現在、強度を犠牲にすることなく航空機構造の軽量化に注力している。この点で、翼、胴体、その他の構造部品などの機体部品の製造にガラス繊維テキスタイルを使用することは理想的である。この問題に関しては、エネルギー効率に優れた先進的な航空機の必要性が高まっており、メーカーは民間機や軍用機を含む新世代の航空機の設計にガラス繊維複合材の使用を全開にしている。
- 軽量軍用装甲ソリューション:ガラス繊維織物のもう一つの応用分野は、軽量軍用装甲の開発である。世界中の軍隊は、防護レベルを高めながら防護システムの重量を軽くするという二重の問題に直面している。ガラス繊維複合材料を使用すれば、戦場での戦闘員の快適さと動きを向上させるのに重要な、従来の軍事結果に必要なかさばる防護装甲材を必要とすることなく、高レベルの弾道防護を獲得することが可能である。
- 無人航空機システム(UAS):現在注目されている産業開発は、ガラス繊維複合材料を利用して無人航空機を構築することである。これらの材料は、高い強度対重量比が飛行時間や利用可能な積載重量にプラスに寄与するUAS機体で特に注目されている。商業分野だけでなく軍事分野でも無人機の需要が高まっており、ガラス繊維織物はこの市場において好機となる。
- 宇宙探査と衛星技術:ガラス繊維織物は軽くて丈夫なため、宇宙探査や人工衛星に関連するさまざまな用途に使用されている。人工衛星の筐体、アンテナシステム、さらには宇宙船も、過酷な環境に耐え、重量を減らすために、ガラス繊維複合材料を使って製造されることが増えている。
- 装甲車の弾道保護弾道ガラス繊維織物は、軍事装備の他の部分、特に実戦での装甲車にも組み込まれています。ガラス繊維複合材料は、保護性能を犠牲にすることなく機動性を高める軽量装甲が望まれる車両の外板や部品にも組み込まれています。車両を重くすることなく保護性能を向上させるという軍事的な目的から、軽量な素材が必要とされており、これらの素材もまた取り残されてはいない。




- 複合材料の技術的進歩:複合材料の技術進歩:高度な製織技術や自動化生産技術など、複合材料技術には常に革新が見られ、ガラス繊維テキスタイルの用途が拡大している。より洗練された技術により、精密で費用対効果の高い高性能航空宇宙・防衛部品の製造効率が向上し、材料の無駄が減り、製造期間が短縮される。
- 軽量材料の必要性:航空宇宙・防衛産業がより高い効率性と機動性を追求するにつれ、ガラス繊維複合材料の重要性はますます高まっている。強度と耐久性を維持しながら軽量化できることから、航空機、車両、軍用システムにこれらの材料が応用されている。
- 持続可能性に関する規制航空宇宙・防衛産業もまた、世界的に制定されたさまざまな環境に優しい規制により、持続可能性へと向かっている。こうした傾向に伴い、ガラス繊維複合材料で作られたテキスタイルはエネルギー消費量が少ないため、二酸化炭素排出量が削減され、産業界が規制要件を満たすのに役立っている。
- 国防費の増加:米国、中国、欧州などの主要市場における国防費の増加は、ガラス繊維織物を含む先端素材の需要を促進している。改良された軍事技術、防護服、装甲車、監視・偵察システムの必要性が、こうした素材の需要を加速している。
- 航空宇宙と宇宙探査の成長:民間航空や宇宙探査活動の進歩に伴い、航空機や宇宙船の構造に使用される軽量で強靭な素材への需要が高まっている。ガラス繊維複合材料は、機体構造、衛星保護、宇宙船保護構造などの戦略的分野に導入され、業界の成長に寄与している。

- 高い製造コスト:高い製造コスト:航空宇宙・防衛プロジェクトに必要な高度な製造プロセスや材料は、特に中小企業にとっては高いコストを伴う。ガラス繊維織物は長期的には経済的であるが、予算が限られている防衛市場では、初期費用がこれらの複合材料の普及を妨げる可能性がある。
- 代替材料との競合:他の素材、特に炭素繊維複合材や先端ポリマーも、航空宇宙・防衛産業における地位を争っている。これらの材料はガラス繊維織物よりも低コストである一方、炭素繊維は高価ではあるが、その優れた強度対重量比により、低コストのガラス繊維強化プラスチックに取って代わる可能性がある。
- リサイクルの課題:ガラス繊維織物のリサイクルは可能であるが、他のリサイクル技術に比べ、その技術はあまり発達していない。ガラス繊維複合材料のリサイクルは、サービス不足のために未発達のままであり、このことが、この材料の利点の実質的な成長と、航空宇宙産業および防衛産業におけるその効果的な使用を制限する可能性がある。




- オーエンス・コーニング
- Jushi Group
- 重慶ポリコンプ・インターナショナル・コーポレーション
- 泰山ガラス繊維
- 台湾ガラスグループ
- 日本電気硝子
- 四川微博
- 3Bザ・ファイバーグラス・カンパニー ( ゴア・グラスファイバー)
- ジョンズ・マンヴィル・コーポレーション
- 日東紡績




- 織物ロービング
- 非圧着
- 織糸


- 航空機内装
- ダクト
- ローターブレード
- その他


- 北米
- ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国ガラス繊維織物への投資は、米国の航空宇宙・防衛産業、特に軍用機と民間機にとって優先事項である。ロッキード・マーチンとボーイングは、軽量化と燃費向上のため、航空機部品にガラス繊維複合材を採用している。さらに、同じくガラス繊維織物を利用した防護服やレーダーシステムなど、軍用に特化した先端素材の研究開発は、米国防総省(DoD)の支援を受けている。米国はまた、3D織物や自動レイアップによる構造製作といった革新的な製造方法を最初に取り入れた国でもあり、これにより製造効率と材料性能が向上している。
- 中国中国は航空宇宙・防衛産業の発展に大きく貢献し、その結果、ガラス繊維テキスタイルのような先端素材への需要が高まっている。国営航空宇宙企業であるCOMACは、ガラス繊維複合材を使用して民間航空機の軽量化を図り、ボーイングやエアバスなどの他のメーカーと競争しようとしている。ガラス繊維織物は、レーダーシステム、ドローン、軍用車両の装甲システムなどに応用されている。
- ドイツドイツは、航空宇宙と防衛における先端材料の応用を含むいくつかの産業で最先端を走っている。エアバス社やラインメタル社のような大手企業は、ガラス繊維織物の比率を高める実験を行っている。ドイツは、航空機やUAVの翼や胴体部分に使用される新しい高性能ガラス複合エポキシの研究をさらに進めている。防衛用途では、ドイツは装甲車や個人用装甲の弾道保護にもガラス繊維織物の利点を活用している。
- インドインドは航空宇宙・防衛分野の新興国として認識されており、特にガラス繊維織物が民間および軍事用途の両方で使用されている。インド空軍はHALと協力して、航空機やUAVの構造要素にガラス繊維複合材を使用することが増えている。これらの複合材料は、機体の重量を最小限に抑えることで燃費を向上させるために、機体構造に導入されている。インドはまた、防衛におけるガラス繊維織物の使用を拡大するため、地域の弾道防護プログラムに繊維複合材を組み込むことに熱心である。
- 日本日本は技術におけるリーダーとしての地位を確立しており、現在、航空宇宙および防衛分野におけるガラス繊維織物の新たな応用方法を模索している。日本を代表する企業である三菱重工業は、航空機の軽量化と特性向上のためにこの素材を採用している。防衛分野でのガラス繊維織物の使用も増加傾向にあり、軍用車両や防護服への応用が進んでいるのは当然のことである。





Q.1.航空宇宙・防衛市場におけるガラス繊維織物の製品タイプ別(ロービング織物、ノンクリンプ織物、ヤーン織物、 cfm/csm織物)、用途別(航空機内装品、ダクト、ローターブレード、その他)、地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、その他の地域)に、最も有望で高成長の機会にはどのようなものがありますか?





2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題


4.5: ROWの航空宇宙・防衛市場におけるガラス繊維織物

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: 重慶ポリコンプ・インターナショナル・コーポレーション
7.4: 泰山ファイバーグラス
7.5: 台湾ガラスグループ
7.6: 日本電気硝子
7.7: 四川微博
7.8: 3B the Fiber Glass Company ( ゴア・グラスファイバー)
7.9: ジョンズ・マンビル・コーポレーション
7.10: 日東紡績





Glass Fiber Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Trends and Forecast

The future of glass fiber textile in the global aerospace & defense market looks promising with opportunities in the aircraft interior, ducting, and rotor blade markets. Glass fiber textile in the global aerospace & defense market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 7.8% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the increasing demand for advanced composites for aircraft structures and armor applications, growing investments in defense and space exploration programs, and the lightweight and high-strength material requirements for improved fuel efficiency and performance.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product type category, non-crimp is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• Within the application category, aircraft interiors are expected to witness the highest growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in Glass Fiber Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market

The expansion of market absorbent glass fiber textile in the aerospace and defense market also influences the following characteristics in its usage:

• Wide Application of Hybrid Composites: Hybrid composites, where glass fibers are reinforced with materials such as carbon fibers or within resin matrices, are increasingly used in the aerospace and defense industries. These composite materials offer superior performance characteristics, such as increased tensile strength and impact resistance. They are particularly relevant in aircraft structures, where the high-strength-to-weight ratio is crucial. The use of hybrid composites helps manufacturers improve resource utilization efficiency by increasing the performance of structures while reducing their weight.
• Reducing Environmental Impact in Material Manufacturing: The aerospace and defense sector is also placing new emphasis on greener practices. Since glass fiber textiles can be recycled and are more environmentally friendly than traditional metals and plastics, they are preferred. Efforts have been made to introduce bio-based glass fibers and reuse waste composites, enabling manufacturers to meet heightened environmental regulatory requirements. This trend reflects global strides in promoting green manufacturing, with waste management and carbon emissions reduction becoming necessary undertakings.
• 3D Printing and Automation Driving Advancements: 3D printing and automated manufacturing processes are revolutionizing the production and incorporation of glass fiber textiles into aerospace and defense systems. Faster manufacturing expanded design possibilities, and lower material wastage are some of the benefits of these technologies. In aerospace, this is particularly useful for creating lightweight shells for aircraft, while in defense, there are advancements in the rapid prototyping of armor and other equipment. This is driving down costs and enhancing overall manufacturing productivity.
• Increased Use of Lightweight Armor Systems: Glass fiber textiles are commonly used in the manufacture of military armoring systems due to their lightweight and durability. They are increasingly being used in civilian applications such as personal armor, vehicle armor, and ship hulls. The use of glass fiber composites offers better protection against impacts, cuts, thrusts, and compressions without the burden of heavy materials like steel or aluminum. This trend is particularly important in the production of body armor and ballistic shields.
• Improvements in Radar and Communication Technology: Styrene-acrylonitrile composites reinforced with glass fibers are being incorporated into radar and communication systems in the aerospace and defense industries. Due to their high dielectric constant, these materials are used in radomes and antenna enclosures, protecting underlying electronics and minimizing transmission loss. This trend is critical in the creation of next-generation communication systems for military aircraft, drones, and space applications, where secure data transmission is necessary for effective operations.

These changes are driven by the need for new glass fiber textiles to meet the advanced requirements of these aerospace and defense markets. It is believed that practices such as "eco-sphering," the synergy of hybrid materials, and advanced manufacturing technologies will help improve efficiency, lower costs, and increase the operational effectiveness of both commercial and military systems.

Recent Developments in Glass Fiber Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market

The market for glass fiber textiles in the aerospace and defense market is also witnessing immense progress, thanks to the advances in technology, and the rising need for lightweight and strong materials. Among the five highlights are the following.

• Adoption of Glass Fiber Composites in Aircraft Structures: The use of glass fiber composites in aircraft structures continues to grow due to the need for weight reduction and fuel economy by leading players in the aerospace industry. For instance, Boeing and Airbus have started replacing their aircraft parts such as wings, fuselage, and interiors with these materials. This phenomenon has been boosted by developments in manufacturing like automated fiber placement (AFP), which increases accuracy and reduces waste. The adoption of glass fiber composites further assists in environmental regulation compliance by promoting the reduction of emissions and operational shocks on aircraft.
• Military applications of Glass Fibers Roha cell Sandwich Composites: Military uses of glass fiber reinforced materials, including ballistic vests and other types of armoring for personnel and armored vehicles, are on the rise. Both the U. S. Department of Defense as well as NATO forces are chiefly interested in “light but sturdy” body armoring systems and armored vehicles. As a result, regulation is imposed on gear weight without increasing risks. Composite materials based on glass fiber allow soldiers to move more comfortably and freely without sacrificing ballistics protection.
• Obtaining Glass Fiber for Radar Systems: Glass fibers are also being used in the manufacture of various radar systems and randoms for military aircraft, drones, and space applications. Their high strength and good dielectric properties make them suitable for specific applications. The defense industrial base of Japan appears to be the most dynamic in this area, fabricating glass fiber-reinforced plastics for radar housing that are light and shock-resistant.
• New Trends in Glass Fiber Textile Engineering: The improvement of manufacturing technologies, including 3D weaving and automated fiber lay-up systems, has boosted the production of glass fiber composites. Such ways help lower costs in the production of complicated parts such as the wings of the airplane and some defense equipment. The production of easy-to-make and high-quality glass fiber composites is fast-tracking their use in the defense and aerospace industries.
• Efforts toward Sustainable Development in Glass Fiber Manufacturing: Aerospace and defense makers have begun to be concerned about the sustainability of material supply chains. The manufacture of glass fibers that are environmentally friendly as those from recycled and bio-based materials is also catching on. This change is in part due to increased regulation to comply with reduced carbon and waste outputs. The aerospace industry has begun investigating how to introduce recyclable glass fiber fabrics into aircraft production and back into the manufacturing cycle at end-of-life scenarios.

These recent developments have indicated that glass fiber textiles will increasingly be used in the aerospace and defense industries. From improving fuel efficiency in aircraft to better protection of military personnel, turning the transition to advanced radar development, these materials will assist in achieving the performance, sustainability, and cost targets for not only commercial applications but also defense activities.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market

There are several growth opportunities in glass fiber textile in the aerospace and defense market, as well as in the defense area, because, both industries are gradually shifting to composite materials. These are five of those growth opportunities that are the most promising:

• High-End Aircraft Parts: To decrease total fuel production costs, the aircraft industry is now concentrating on lightening the weight of airplane structures without sacrificing their strength. In this regard, the recent inclusions of glass fiber textiles in the manufacture of airframe components such as wings, fuselages, and other structure parts are ideal. Concerning this issue, the need for advanced aircraft that are energy efficient is on the rise and the manufacturers are going full throttle on the use of glass fiber composites for their designs in the new generation of airplanes which include the commercial and military jets.
• Lightweight Military Armor Solutions: Another application area in which glass fiber fabrics can be applied is in the development of lightweight military armor. Armies the world over are faced with the dual problem of trying to lessen the weight of their protective systems while increasing their level of protection. It is possible to acquire high levels of ballistic protection using glass fiber composites without the need for bulky protective armoring materials needed in conventional military consequences which are critical to enhancing the comfort and movement of the combatants in the battlefield.
• Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS): An industrial development that attracts attention in the present days is utilizing glass fiber composite materials and constructing unmanned aerial vehicles. These materials are especially noted in UAS airframes where a high strength-to-weight ratio contributes positively to flight time and available load weight. There is a growing demand for drones in the commercial sector as well as military barriers which makes glass fiber textiles a good piece of opportunity in this market.
• Space Exploration and Satellite Technology: Glass fiber textiles are being used in various applications related to space exploration and satellites because they are light and strong. Satellite housings, antenna systems, and even space vehicles are increasingly being fabricated using glass fiber composites to survive extreme environments and decrease weight.
• Ballistic Protection for Armored Vehicles: Ballistic glass fiber textiles are also being integrated into other portions of military equipment, especially armored vehicles in field combat operations. Glass fiber composite materials are also incorporated in vehicle hulls and componentry where lightweight armor for enhanced maneuverability without compromising protection is desired. Military objectives of increased protection without weighing vehicles down hence the need for light materials, also these materials are not left behind.

These strategic growth opportunities correspond to glass fiber textile development trends for the aerospace and defense markets. The adoption of glass fiber textiles is anticipated to be on the rise from advanced aircraft components, and lightweight armor to UAS and space exploration applications on the demand for the performance, sustainability as well as economic factors.

Glass Fiber Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market Driver and Challenges

Glass fiber textile market in aerospace and defense has been influenced by advancements in technology, commercial forces, and policies. These drivers, along with the challenges mentioned, impact the growth and development of the sector:

The factors responsible for driving glass fiber textile market in aerospace & defense include:
• Technological Advancements in Composite Materials: Innovation is consistently experienced in composite technologies, such as advanced weaving and automated production techniques, which increase the application of glass fiber textiles. More sophisticated techniques lead to increased efficiency in the manufacturing of precise and cost-effective high-performance aerospace and defense components, resulting in less material waste and shorter production periods.
• Need for Lightweight Materials: As the aerospace and defense industries strive for greater efficiency and mobility, glass fiber composites have become increasingly important. The ability to reduce weight while maintaining strength and durability has led to the application of these materials in aircraft, vehicles, and military systems.
• Sustainability Regulations: The aerospace and defense industries are also moving toward sustainability due to various eco-friendly regulations that have been enacted globally. In line with these trends, textiles made of glass fiber composites require less energy, thereby reducing carbon emissions and helping industries meet regulatory requirements.
• Increase in Defense Spending: The increase in defense expenditure in major markets like the U.S., China, and Europe is driving the demand for advanced materials, including glass fiber textiles. The need for improved military technologies, body armor, armored vehicles, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems has accelerated the demand for these materials.
• Growth in Aerospace and Space Exploration: With advancements in commercial aviation and space exploration activities, the demand for lightweight, strong materials for the construction of airplanes and spacecraft is rising. Glass fiber composite materials are being introduced in strategic areas such as airframe structures, satellite protection, and spacecraft protective structures, contributing to the industry’s growth.

Challenges in glass fiber textile market in aerospace & defense include:
• High Production Costs: Advanced manufacturing processes and materials required for aerospace and defense projects involve high costs, especially for smaller enterprises. Although glass fiber textiles can be economical over time, in defense markets where budgets are limited, the initial expenditures may hinder the widespread use of these composites.
• Competition from Alternative Materials: Other materials, especially carbon fiber composites and advanced polymers, are also competing for positions in the aerospace and defense industries. These materials offer lower costs than glass fiber textiles, while carbon fibers, though more expensive, may replace low-cost glass fiber-reinforced plastics due to their excellent strength-to-weight ratio.
• Recycling Challenges: Although it is possible to recycle glass fiber textiles, the practice is less developed compared to other recycling technologies. The recycling of glass fiber composites remains underdeveloped due to a lack of services, which may limit the real growth of the material's benefits and its effective use in the aerospace and defense industries.

The market for glass fiber textiles in aerospace and defense is growing due to various factors such as technological advancements, an increasing need for lightweight materials, sustainability policies, and rising defense budgets. Nonetheless, there are some challenges, such as high production costs, market substitution by other materials, and recycling limitations.

List of Glass Fiber Textile Companies in the Aerospace & Defense Industry

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies glass fiber textile companies in the aerospace & defense industry cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the glass fiber textile companies in the aerospace & defense industry profiled in this report include-

• Owens Corning
• Jushi Group
• Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation
• Taishan Fiberglass
• Taiwan Glass Group
• Nippon Electric Glass
• Sichuan Weibo
• 3B the Fiber Glass Company ( Goa Glass Fiber)
• Johns Manville Corporation
• Nitto Boseki

Glass Fiber Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market by Segment

The study includes a forecast for glass fiber textile in the aerospace & defense market by product type, application, and region.

Glass Fiber Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market by Product Type [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Woven Roving
• Non-Crimp
• Woven Yarn

Glass Fiber Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Aircraft Interior
• Ducting
• Rotor Blades
• Others

Glass Fiber Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for Glass Fiber Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market

The aerospace and defense industry is becoming increasingly committed to materials such as glass fiber textiles because of their strength-to-weight ratio and the durability of the composite material. Recent developments show that more importance is being placed on reducing fuel consumption, and weight, and improving the performance of aircraft and defense systems. Glass fiber textiles are used in the manufacture of various structures, such as airframes, radomes, and ballistic shields.

• United States: Investment in glass fiber textiles is a priority for the aerospace and defense industries in the United States, especially for military and civil aircraft. Lockheed Martin and Boeing are adopting glass fiber composites in aircraft components to reduce weight and improve fuel economy. Additionally, the research and development of advanced materials for military-specific applications, such as body armor and radar systems, which also utilize glass fiber textiles, are supported by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). The United States is also the first country to embrace innovative production methods, such as 3D weaving and structural fabrication in the form of automated lay-up, which have enhanced manufacturing efficiency and material performance.
• China: China has made great strides in developing its aerospace and defense industries, which has, in turn, increased the demand for advanced materials like glass fiber textiles. The state-owned aerospace company, COMAC, seeks to reduce the weight of commercial aircraft using glass fiber composites and compete with other manufacturers, including Boeing and Airbus. Glass fiber textiles have found applications in radar systems, drones, and military vehicle armoring systems.
• Germany: Germany is at the forefront of several industries, including the application of advanced materials in aerospace and defense. Leading firms like Airbus and Rheinmetall are experimenting with a higher proportion of glass fiber textiles. The country is furthering research into new, high-performance glass composite epoxy that will be used in the wings and fuselage parts of aircraft and UAVs. In defense applications, Germany is also utilizing the advantages of glass fiber fabrics in the ballistic protection of armored vehicles and personal armor.
• India: India has been identified as an emerging nation in aerospace and defense, particularly in areas where glass fiber textiles are used for both civilian and military applications. The Indian Air Force, in cooperation with HAL, increasingly uses glass fiber composites in the structural elements of aircraft and UAVs. These composite materials are implemented in airframe structures to enhance fuel economy by minimizing the weight of the airframe. India is also keen on incorporating fiber composites into local ballistic protection programs, expanding the use of glass fiber textiles in defense.
• Japan: Japan has established itself as a leader in technology and is now seeking new ways to apply glass fiber textiles in aerospace and defense. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, a leading Japanese company, has embraced these materials to reduce the weight and improve the characteristics of aircraft. It is no surprise that the use of glass fiber textiles in defense is also on the rise, with applications in military vehicles and personnel armor.

Features of Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market

Market Size Estimates: Glass fiber textile in the aerospace & defense market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Glass fiber textile in the aerospace & defense market size by product type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Glass fiber textile in the aerospace & defense market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product type, application, and regions for the glass fiber textile in the aerospace & defense market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the glass fiber textile in the aerospace & defense market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for glass fiber textile in the aerospace & defense market by product type (woven roving, non-crimp, woven yarn, and cfm/csm), application (aircraft interior, ducting, rotor blades, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Product Type
3.3.1: Woven Roving
3.3.2: Non-Crimp
3.3.3: Woven Yarn
3.3.4: CFM/CSM
3.4: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Application
3.4.1: Aircraft Interior
3.4.2: Ducting
3.4.3: Rotor Blades
3.4.4: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Region
4.2: Glass Fiber Textile in the North American Aerospace & Defense Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Aircraft Interior, Ducting, Rotor Blades, Others, and
4.3: Glass Fiber Textile in the European Aerospace & Defense Market
4.3.1: European Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Aircraft Interior, Ducting, Rotor Blades, Others, and
4.4: Glass Fiber Textile in the APAC Aerospace & Defense Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Aircraft Interior, Ducting, Rotor Blades, Others, and
4.5: Glass Fiber Textile in the ROW Aerospace & Defense Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Aircraft Interior, Ducting, Rotor Blades, Others, and

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Product Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Owens Corning
7.2: Jushi Group
7.3: Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation
7.4: Taishan Fiberglass
7.5: Taiwan Glass Group
7.6: Nippon Electric Glass
7.7: Sichuan Weibo
7.8: 3B the Fiber Glass Company ( Goa Glass Fiber)
7.9: Johns Manville Corporation
7.10: Nitto Boseki







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